wszystkich: 485
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PA9, ALUMINIUM, WELDING
Induction Assisted Hybrid Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Materials AA5052 Aluminium Alloy and X12Cr13 Stainless Steel
PublikacjaThis research aimed to study the induction in-situ heated hybrid friction stir welding (IAFSW) method to join AA5052 aluminium alloy with X12Cr13 stainless steel (SS) to enhance joint strength. The potency of this method on the mechanical properties and microstructural characterizations were also investigated. The results show that the transverse tensile strength gained was 94% of the AA5052 base metal that is 229.5 MPa. This superior...
Tytanowa międzywarstwa w łącznikach do spawania Al i stopów AlMg ze stalą=Titanium interlayer in transition joints to welding aluminium and aluminium alloys AlMg with steel
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono idee stosowania łączników i ich wytwarzanie oraz własności i niedostatki obecnie stosowanych łączników. Zaprezentowano wyniki prób technologicznych wytwarzania oraz wyniki badań mechanicznych i strukturalnych trójwarstwowego łącznika stal-tytan-aluminium.
Zgrzewanie tarciowe z mieszaniem wewnętrznym zgrzeiny stopów aluminium AW7075-T651 i AW6082-T6 = Friction stir welding of aluminium alloys AW-7075-t651 and AW-6082-t6
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawione są wyniki badań nad złączami doczołowymi zgrzewanymi przy użyciu technologii Friction Stir Welding (FSW), wykonanymi z wysokowytrzymałego stopu Al-Zn (AW-7075-T651) oraz stopu Al-Mg2Si (AW-6082-T6) o wysokiej odporności na korozję. Stop AW-7075-T651 okazał się bardziej podatny na obniżenie własności mechanicznych w odniesieniu do materiału rodzimego. Złącza ze stopu AW-6082-T6 wykazały się lepszą plastycznością....
Wpływ warunków zgrzewania metodą Friction Stir Welding na własności mechaniczne i jakość złączy ze stopu aluminium
PublikacjaW prezentacji przedstawiono wyniki badań nad wpływem warunków zgrzewania metodą FSW na jakość połączeń ze stopów aluminium.
Wpływ warunków zgrzewania metodą Friction Stir Welding na własności mechaniczne i jakość złączy ze stopu aluminium
PublikacjaCelem niniejszych badań było porównanie wpływu kształtu narzędzia na złącze oraz uzyskanie wartości parametrów zgrzewania tarciowego z przemieszaniem (FSW) zapewniających najlepszą możliwą jakość złącza. Zastosowanym materiałem był stop aluminium EN AW-3004 (AlMn1Mg1). Według najlepszej wiedzy autorów dotychczas nie przedstawiono żadnych badań tego stopu w kwestii zgrzewania FSW. Złącza pięcioczołowe wykonano samodzielnie opracowanym...
The Influence of Tool Shape and Process Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of AW-3004 Aluminium Alloy Friction Stir Welded Joints
PublikacjaThe purpose of the following study was to compare the effect of the shape of a tool onthe joint and to obtain the values of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) parameters that provide the bestpossible joint quality. The material used was an aluminium alloy, EN AW-3004 (AlMn1Mg1). To theauthors’ best knowledge, no investigations of this alloy during FSW have been presented earlier. Fivebutt joints were made with a self-developed, cylindrical,...
Corrosion Properties of Dissimilar AA6082/AA6060 Friction Stir Welded Butt Joints in Different NaCl Concentrations
PublikacjaA solid-state friction stir welding method which is increasingly used in the marine and shipbuilding industry, has been developed to produce welds with high mechanical properties. In seawater, the oxide layer of aluminium is attacked by Cl− ions resulting in its disruption and formation of pitting corrosion. It is particularly important to determine the electrochemical properties of the produced welds and to evaluate the efect...
Effect of underwater friction stir welding parameters on AA5754 alloy joints: experimental studies
PublikacjaThe water as a welding environment may generate serious technological and metallurgical problems but in certain cases, the physicochemical properties of water can be used effectively, e.g., to impart the specific properties of welded materials. The purpose of the work was verification of effectiveness of the water cooling of aluminium alloy AA5754 for various sets of technological parameters of underwater friction stir welding...
The Influence of Selected Parameters of Numerical Modelling on Strains and Stresses at Weld Toe Notch
PublikacjaLatest development in the field of welding technology and prefabrication enabled massive production of thin-walled sandwich structures. Multi-layered sandwich structures are fabricated with the use of high-power CO2 lasers, friction welding, arc welding, hybrid welding, or other technique designed for the special purpose. Steel or aluminium alloy plates with thickness between 1 and 5 mm are connected by internal stiffeners. Strength...
Effect of processing parameters on the cyclic behaviour of aluminium friction stir welded to spark plasma sintered aluminium matrix composites with bimodal micro-and nano-sized reinforcing alumina particles
PublikacjaUnderstanding the cyclic behaviour of Alumina reinforced Aluminium composites (Al-A2O3) was of critical importance, for their further application in the different industrial sectors. The present study is focussing on the cyclic behaviour of the Al-Alumina nanocomposite produced through the combination of spark plasma sintering (SPS) method and friction stir welding (FSW). The added Alumina with total content of 10% is the combination...
The Influence of Modelling Material Zones on Strains and Stresses at Weld Toe Notch
PublikacjaThe latest development in the field of welding technology enabled prefabrication of thin-walled sandwich structures in an industrial scale. Sandwich structures fabricated of steel, or aluminium alloy plates and stiffeners are welded with the use of hi-power CO2 lasers. Strength analysis of such structures with the use of finite element method needs proper material modelling.In this paper the material model of steel sandwich panel...
The effect of tensile stresses on aluminium passive layer durability
PublikacjaW niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań DEIS dotyczących wpływu naprężeń rozciągających na trwałość warstwy pasywnej aluminium A91050, prowadzonych w środowisku chlorków w temperaturze pokojowej.Zastosowana technika pozwoliła na wyznaczenie krytycznej wartości wydłużenia, przy której doszło do pęknięcia warstwy pasywnej na badanym stopie.
Creation and properties of the (Mn-N-O) layers on aluminium
Publikacjaprzedstawiono metodę wytwarzania warstw powierzchniowych zawierających mangan, azot i tlen na stopie Al-Si-Mg-Cu-Ni. Określono ich mikrostrukturę, mikrotwardość, wlaściwości tribologiczne oraz korozyjne w roztworze 0,01M H2SO4. Stwierdzono wielokrotny wzrost odporności na ścieranie stopu aluminium z wytworzoną warstwą wierzchnią we współpracy ciernej z żeliwem szarym perlitycznym.
Friction stir welds (FSW) of aluminium alloy AW6082-T6
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania właściwości mechanicznych złącz stopu aluminium AW6082-T6 wykonanych metodą tarciowego zgrzewania z wymieszaniem zgrzeiny. Złącza wykonano z różnymi parametrami procesu technologicznego. Wykazano, że wytrzymałość złącz jest proporcjonalna do prędkości zgrzewania oraz, że spadek twardości SWC jest większy po stronie ''advancing'' złącz.
Impedance analysis of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect on aluminium alloy
PublikacjaW niniejszej pracy przeprowadzono badania elektrochemiczne powierzchniowego efektu PLC, związanego z nierównomiernym procesem płynięcia plastycznego stopów aluminium zawierających magnez. Występujący efekt PLC w postaci serration wywołuje niehomogeniczny proces zmian zewnętrznej powierzchni rozciąganej próbki. Wykonano badania metodą Dynamicznej Spektroskopii Impedancyjnej w warunkach dynamicznych prowadzenia procesu rozciągania....
Characteristics of the (Mn-N-O-P) type layers created on the cast aluminium alloys
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono skład chemiczny i fazowy, a także właściwości korozyjne i tribologiczne warstw powierzchniowych typu (Mn-N-O-P) wytworzonych na odlewniczych stopach aluminium. Warstwy typu (Mn-N-O-P) wielokrotnie podnoszą zarówno właściwości tribologiczne jak i korozyjne odlewniczych stopów aluminium z krzemem.
Microstructure and corrosion properties of the (Mn-N-O-P) type layers created on aluminium alloys
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono mikrostrukturę i właściwości korozyjne warstw powierzchniowych typu (Mn-N-O-P) wytworzonych na stopach aluminium. Wykazano, iż warstwy (Mn-N-O-P) podwyższają wielokrotnie odporność korozyjną stopów aluminium i mogą być stosowane jako warstwy ochronne na tych materiałach.
Welding International
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Temper bead welding of S460N steel in wet welding conditions
PublikacjaWet welding is the most common method of welding in water environment. It is most often used for repairing of underwater parts of offshore structures. However, the water as a welding environment causes an increase of susceptibility of steels to cold cracking. For underwater constructions high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel are widely used. In wet welding condition a HSLA steel is characterized by high susceptibility to cold cracking....
Badanie wpływu zmian natężenia prądu na spawanie stopu aluminium
PublikacjaStop aluminium AW-7075 zyskuje coraz większą popularność w zastosowaniach komercyjnych ze względu na jego wyjątkowe właściwości fizyczne i mechaniczne: małą gęstość, wysoką wytrzymałość, udarność i plastyczność, bardzo dużą odporność na zmęczenie i zadowalającą na korozję, łatwą obrabialność i przetwarzalność. Ze względu na te właściwości, stop ten (AlZn5,5MgCu), zwany też FORTAL-em, używany jest dla części narażonych na wysokie...
Effect of shielded electrode wet welding conditions on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublikacjaWet welding is the most popular method of joining in water enviroment. During underwater welding, the weldability of steel is limited by the higher cooling rates and hydrogen content in weld metal. Article presents results of preliminary tests on the effects of wet welding conditions on diffusible hydrogen amount. Seven parameters were optimized using a Plackett-Burman plan to get the most relevant variables. These parameters were:...
Effect of underwater local cavity welding method conditions on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublikacjaOne of the methods with great potential for applications in underwater repairs is local cavity welding. In local cavity method, cooling conditions and diffusible hydrogen amount in weld metal are nearly the same as those existed during welding in the air. This paper presents the results of literature survey and preliminary tests of the effect of local cavity welding conditions on diffusible hydrogen amount in a deposited metal....
Angular welding distortion - one sided fillet weld
Dane BadawczeWelding is the basic method of joining ship hull elements during its construction. However, this method of joining structural elements generates shrinks. Shrinks causes deformation of the entire welded structure, both linear and angular. In the shipbuilding industry, there is a tendency to oversize fillet welds, at the design as well as manufacturing...
Creation and characteristics of the (Mn-N-O) surface layers on aluminium alloy
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcję tworzenia warstw powierzchniowych zawierających mangan, azot i tlen. Warstwy wykazują twardość powierzchniową 358 HV0,01, zwiększoną odporność na korozję w kwasie siarkowym oraz odporność na zużycie ścierne w skojarzeniu z żeliwem szarym.
Jacek Tomków dr hab. inż.
OsobyWykształcenie:1. 2018 r.Doktor inżynier - Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Mechaniczny, Inżynieria Materiałowa,rozprawa doktorska: Wpływ warunków spawania pod wodą na skłonność do tworzenia pęknięć zimnych w stalach o podwyższonej wytrzymałości 2. 2012 r.Magister inżynier - Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Mechaniczny, Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn, specjalność: Technologia Maszyn i Komputerowe Wspomaganie Produkcji,praca magisterska: Badania...
Advantages of the Application of the Temper Bead Welding Technique During Wet Welding
PublikacjaThermo-mechanically rolled S460ML steel was chosen for welding in underwater wet welding conditions by covered electrodes. The main aim of this study was to check the weldability for fillet welds in a water environment by controlled thermal severity (CTS) tests and to check the influence of temper bead welding (TBW) on the weldability of the investigated steel. Non-destructive and destructive tests showed that S460ML steel has...
Review of titanium and steel welding methods
PublikacjaThe paper presents review of methods of titanium and steel welding. On basis of professional literature it was stated that titanium can be joined with steel by means of explosive welding or brazing.Joining titanium with steel by TIG welding and friction welding methods is possible with the use of copper and tantalum or vanadium interlayer.
Przegląd Spawalnictwa
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Application and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys
PublikacjaThe paper presents a short survey of the application and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys. This area of scientific research is still developing, the authors restricted it to about 30 papers. Numerical simulations of the aluminium bracket are also investigated. The authors propose a solution to increase the load capacity of aluminium brackets with application of the additional cover plates. This study is proposed as an...
Underwater Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel
PublikacjaThe present work was conducted to assess the weldability of duplex stainless steel at underwater conditions. Interest of underwater welding of this steel grade is connected with necessity of preparing welding repair technologies for subsea pipelines widely used in offshore oil and gas industry. The GMA local cavity welding method was used in the investigations. Welded beads were performed underwater at 0.5 m depth and in the air....
Role of bead sequence in underwater welding
PublikacjaThis paper presents examinations of the role of the bead sequence in underwater welding. Two specimens of wet welded layers made by covered electrodes with the use of normalized S355G10+N steel were welded by a reasonable bead sequence. For each specimen, metallographic macro- and micro-scopic tests were done. Then, Vickers HV10 hardness measurements were conducted for each pad weld in the welded layer. The results show that welding...
Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Aluminium Bracket Strengthening
PublikacjaThis paper focuses on an analytical and numerical investigation of aluminium brackets used to fasten light-weight curtain walls to building facilities. The authors propose a solution to increase the load capacity of aluminium brackets by means of additional cover plates (straps). This paper also includes a short survey of literature and material properties concerning the EN AW-6060 T6 aluminium alloy. This paper suggests an initiation...
Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Bracket Strengthening
PublikacjaThe aim of the research is laboratory investigation of aluminium brackets employed to fasten lightweight curtain walls to building facilities. Tensile loads perpendicular to end plates (vertical) were applied here. The author focused on the solutions intended to increase the load-carrying capacity of aluminium brackets applying the plain washer form A (DIN 125; ISO 7089), plain washer with an outer diameter about 3d (DIN 9021;...
Technology of welding hard wearing plates
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Comparison of Welding Deformation Characteristics by Circumferential Welding for Austenitic and Duplex Stainless Steel Pipe : Experimental Study
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Multicomponent layers for aluminium alloys surface consolidation
PublikacjaThe main reason of the surface modification of the components such as pistons and cylinder blocks made of cast aluminium alloys is to obtain high hardness, wear and corrosion resistance of the working surface for larger lifetime of the motor-car and aircraft engines. In that aspect, the new conception of development - by hybrid method - of surface layers containing manganese, nitrogen, sulphur (Mn-N-S) and manganese, nitrogen,...
The Effect of Welding Conditions on Diffusible Hydrogen Content in Deposited Metal
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of a literature survey and preliminary tests which set out effects of welding conditions on the amount of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal. Experiments were conducted by using rutile coated electrodes which generate high contents of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal. The amount of diffusible hydrogen was determined by a glycerin test.Eleven factors were considered: the electrode angle,...
Development of a Friction Welding System for CNC Lathes
PublikacjaDedicated friction welding machines are sturdy in order to handle large process forces but expensive. Thus, it is proposed to equip two axis CNC lathes with an add-on direct drive friction welding system as an affordable solution for occasional use. The first part to be welded is clamped on the lathe chuck, whilst the second part is clamped on a dedicated chuck on the tailstock. The latter is programmed to follow three phases:...
Dissimilar underwater wet welding of HSLA steels
PublikacjaThe high-strength low-alloy S460ML and S460N steels were chosen for underwater wet welding of dissimilar T-joints using covered electrodes. For improving the quality of joints, the temper bead welding (TBW) method was used. The application of TBW in pad welding conditions has been investigated earlier but the possibility of usage of this technique in welded joints was not analyzed. The main aim of the study was to check the influence...
Weldability of high strength steels in wet welding conditions
PublikacjaIn this paper are characterized problems of high strength steel weldability in underwater wet welding conditions. Water as a welding environment intensifies action of unfavourable factors which influence susceptibility to cold cracking of welded steel joints. The susceptibility to cold cracking of S355J2G3 steel and S500M steel in wet conditions was experimentally estimated (by using Tekken test). It was concluded that the steels...
Underwater Local Cavity Welding of S460N Steel
PublikacjaIn this paper, a comparison of the mechanical properties of high-strength low-alloy S460Nsteel welded joints is presented. The welded joints were made by the gas metal arc welding (GMAW)process in the air environment and water, by the local cavity welding method. Welded joints were testedfollowing the EN ISO 15614-1:2017 standard. After welding, the non-destructive—visual, penetrant,radiographic, and ultrasonic (phased array) tests...
Application of Multivariate Analysis Methods in Welding Engineering
PublikacjaPhenomena and processes taking place during welding are usually very complex and, for this reason, should be described using multivariate methods. The article discusses the methodological basis and selected application areas as regards the solving of welding problems using statistical multivariate methods. In addition, the article presents exemplary applications of the design of experiment, multiple regression analysis, cluster...
An experimental study of high-hydrogen welding processes
PublikacjaThis paper presents investigation results of determination of the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal obtained by means of two most often used methods-the glycerin method and the mercury method. Relation has been defined between results of those methods in the area characteristic of low-hydrogen as well as high-hydrogen welding processes. Relations available in the literature do not include the diffusible hydrogen content...
Electrochemical analysis of aluminium passive layer
PublikacjaZbadano proces pękania warstwy pasywnej na aluminium dla liniowo narastających naprężeń rozciągających oraz różnych warunków elektrochemicznych. Badania prowadzono w 0.1M NaCl metodą dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjnej przy różnych poziomach polaryzacji anodowej. Określono progową wartość naprężeń, przy której następowało zniszczenie warstwy pasywnej wskutek działania sił rozciągających.
Electrochemical analysis of the passive layer cracking process on A95052 aluminium alloy performed by means of DC and AC techniques
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy porównania zastosowania technik stało- i zmiennoprądowych do badania pękania warstwy pasywnej na różnych stopach aluminum podczas testów rozciągania mechanicznego w warunkach polaryzacji anodowej.
Temper bead welding of S420G2+M steel in water environment
PublikacjaThe article presents the idea of the use of Temper Bead Welding (TBW) technique to improve the weldability of high strength steel at underwater wet welding conditions. Wet welding method with the use of covered electrodes is described. This work shows results of metallographic examinations and hardness measurements of samples of S420G2+M steel with weld beads performed under water. It has been shown that Temper Bead Welding technique...
Investigation of Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Welded Specimens of AA6061-T6 Alloy with Friction Stir Welding and Parallel Friction Stir Welding Methods
PublikacjaThe present study investigates the effect of two parameters of process type and tool offset on tensile, microhardness, and microstructure properties of AA6061-T6 aluminum alloy joints. Three methods of Friction Stir Welding (FSW), Advancing Parallel-Friction Stir Welding (AP-FSW), and Retreating Parallel-Friction Stir Welding (RP-FSW) were used. In addition, four modes of 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 mm of tool offset were used in two welding...
Diffusible Hydrogen Control in Flux Cored Arc Welding Process
PublikacjaOne of the types of hydrogen degradation of steel welded joints is cold cracking. The direct cause of the formation of cold cracks is simultaneous presence of hydrogen, residual stresses and brittle structure. The way of preventing the occurring of degradation is to eliminate at least one of these factors. Practice has shown that the best solution is to control the amount of hydrogen in deposited metal. In this paper an experimental...
Some aspects of laser surface remelting of aluminium alloys
PublikacjaPodano podstawy procesu przetapiania laserowego stopów aluminium. Opisano rezultaty elektrochemicznych badań korozyjnych dla stopu AlSi13Mg1CuNi i porównano je ze stanem wyjściowym stopu.
Modelling of the Heat Flux Density Distribution for Laser Beam Welding
PublikacjaGreat interest of the laser beam welding in industry is a new theoretical task, making planning the welding procedure specification and the quality control of welded joints easier. Estimating and calculating the dimensions of a weld pool and temperature distribution near weld mainly concern heat source modelling. In the presented work calculations of welding pool shape and thermal field for cylindrical-powered-normally model of...