Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: POWER DISTRIBUTION
Modular power converter topologies for energy storage and electric power distribution systems
PublikacjaThis paper describes selected issues concerning realization of energy storage system (ESS) designed to operate in power distribution system. In order to achieve scalability of the system a modular approach is proposed. In addition to this different configuration of the system are analyzed, where depending on requirements and application a scalability in power, in energy capacity of energy storage resource and both in power and...
Modular power converter with superconducting magnetic energy storage for electric power distribution system — Analysis and simulation
PublikacjaThis paper describes selected issues concerning realization of energy storage system (ESS) designed to operate in power distribution system. This paper presents a modular approach of 300 kVA power converter operating with superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), which gives high dynamics together with high power and suitable capability for instantaneous energy storage. Analysis and simulation studies of selected power converter...
Multi-nodal PWR reactor model — Methodology proposition for power distribution coefficients calculation
PublikacjaIn the paper the multi-nodal Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) model called Mann’s model is presented. This models is used for modelling purposes of the heat transfer from fuel to coolant in reactor core. The authors expand widely used in literature approach by defining additional coefficients for the heat transfer model. These parameters approximate the power generation distribution in the PWR reactor core according to the to the...
Evaluation of quality of electric power distribution network elements in order to maintain functional and technical safety
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy wieloatrybutowego systemu oceny elementów sieci elektroenergetycznej do celów zapewnienia jej bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego i technicznego. Rozważana sieć składa się z dużej liczby elementów, ocenianych jakościowo i ilościowo. Zaproponowana metoda składa się z dwóch etapów: (i)wstępnego wyboru niewielkiej liczby elementów niebezpiecznych w oparciu o małą liczbę informacji (ii) wykonaniu uszeregowania wybranych elementów...
Measurements of reactive power distribution in a ship power station with two generators working in parallel
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing a reactive...
Measurements of active power distribution in a ship power station with two generators working in parallel
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data expressing an active...
Measurements of apparent power distribution in a ship power station with two generators working in parallel
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing an apparent...
Measurements of the coefficients of active power distribution between two generators operating in parallel in a ship power station
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing coefficients...
Delivery of Ancillary Services in Distribution Power Systems
PublikacjaOne of the technical and organizational challenges the power system faces in deregulated market conditions is to organize an ancillary services market. The growing share of distributed generation of variable (intermittent) energy sources and a change in the market position of consumers, causes the demand for distributed delivery of ancillary services. For this purpose, it is sought to use the ability of the regulatory measures:...
Shear-Jamming in Two-Dimensional Granular Materials with Power-Law Grain-Size Distribution
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Complementary studies of residual stress distribution of repaired power plant steam turbine casing
PublikacjaRozkład i poziom naprężeń własnych w korpusach turbin badano za pomocą efektu Barkhausena oraz metodą nawiercania otworów. Badano również twardość. Korpusy były reperowane metodą zaspawania. Wykazano, iż zastosowana technologia nie wprowadza naprężeń o poziomie zagrażającym dalszej ekploatacji korpusu.
Selection of optimal location and rated power of capacitor banks in distribution network using genetic algorithm
PublikacjaIn this paper, the problem of placement and rated power of capacitor banks in the Distribution Network (DN) is considered. We try to suggest the best places for installing capacitor banks and define their reactive power. The considered formulation requires the optimization of the cost of two different objectives. Therefore the use of properly multiobjective heuristic optimization methods is desirable. To solve this problem we use...
The impact of the distribution network reconfiguration on active power losses: Selected issues of UPGRID project realization
PublikacjaThe dynamic development of smart grids allows the use of remote controllable switches to change the configuration of the distribution network. The paper discusses the impact of the distribution system reconfiguration on active power losses, taking into account the typical daily load profiles. Based on modified IEEE 33-bus test distribution system the article presents the method of selection the appropriate sensitivity factor and...
Power Electronics Building Blocks for implementing Smart MV/LV Distribution Transformers for Smart Grid
PublikacjaWith an observed increase in the involvement of active consumers in activities aimed at improving energy efficiency and increasing interest in producing energy from renewable sources, there is a need for the development of new technologies enabling the distribution network operators to offer new services and functionalities. Smart MV/LV distribution transformers are characterized by a compact three-stage design, including an...
A model of combined heat and power generating plant with urban heat distribution network for production scheduling
PublikacjaPoruszono zagadnienie związane z pracowaniem harmonogramu produkcji elektrociepłowni. Uwzględniony został wpływ zachowania się miejskiej sieci ciepłowniczej na pracę elektrociepłowni. Możliwe jest również modelowanie współpracy ze zbiornikiem ciepła.
Anomalous diffraction approximation to the light scattering coefficient spectra of marine particles with power-law size distribution
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The stress and strain distribution in X10CrMoVNb9-1 power engineering steel after long time degradation studied by the ESPI system
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Measurements of the coefficients of current distribution between two generators operating in parallel in a ship power station
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing the coefficients...
Limiting distribution of the three-state semi-Markov model of technical state transitions of ship power plant machines and its applicability in operational decision-making.
PublikacjaThe article presents the three-state semi-Markov model of the process {W(t): t 0} of state transitions of a ship power plant machine, with the following interpretation of these states: s1 – state of full serviceability, s2 – state of partial serviceability, and s3 – state of unserviceability. These states are precisely defined for the ship main engine (ME). A hypothesis is proposed which explains the possibility of application...
A Paradigm for HV, MV, LV Distribution Grid Development Planning
PublikacjaIn the literature, including that relating to businesses in the energy (and power) sector, the concept of these organizations’ operating paradigm may be found. The paper discusses the concept of the paradigm, with a focus on the power grid development planning paradigm. Against this background, issues related to energy security and power systems development trends and problems are presented. A new paradigm is proposed for distribution...
Distribution Transformer with Multi-Zone Voltage Regulation for Smart Grid System Application
PublikacjaThe article presents four concepts of the multi-zone voltage regulation (MZVR) system. It is a combination of a distribution transformer with an on-load tap-changer, for step voltage regulation, and a power electronic converter, dimensioned for a fraction of MZVR power, realizing continuous voltage regulation, supplemented by a special switch, the so-called bypass. This allows voltage regulation at high resolution, wide range and...
Impact of R/X ratio of distribution network on selection and control of energy storage units
PublikacjaThe interest in energy storage is still increasing. Energy storage units are installed in high voltage networks, medium voltage networks and low voltage distribution networks as well. These units are often used to improve power quality. One of the criteria for improving power quality is reducing voltage deviations. Depending on the type of network and specifying its R/X ratio, this criterion can be fulfilled by control of active...
Modern power-electronics installations in the Polish electrical power network
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the most important areas of application of power electronics arrangements in the Polish electrical power system; especially in the distribution system. The examples presented demonstrate both the need for and the purpose of further research and its applications in these fields, as well as indicating the direction of future research, with special consideration given to the research required in Poland. The proposed...
Voltage Harmonic Distortion Measurement Issue in Smart-Grid Distribution System
PublikacjaThis paper presents the investigation results ofvoltage harmonic transfer accuracy problems through voltagetransformers which are widely used in power quality monitoringsystems in medium and high voltage grids. A simplified lumpedparameters circuit model of the voltage transformer is presentedand verified by simulation and experimental investigations. Anumber voltage transformers typically used in medium voltagegrid has been tested...
Power Hardware-In-the-Loop Approach for Autonomous Power Generation System Analysis
PublikacjaThe article presents the Power Hardware-In-the-Loop (PHIL) dynamic model of a synchronous generator of 125 kVA for autonomous power generation system analysis. This type of system is typically composed of electrical energy sources in the form of several diesel generator units with synchronous machines, the main distribution switchboard and different loads. In modern power distribution systems, the proposed power management strategies...
Active Power Quality Controllers
PublikacjaDynamic Static Synchronous Compensator is the most important controller for distribution networks and probably in SEEN. It has been widely used since the 1990s to regulate system voltage precisely, improve voltage profile, reduce voltage harmonics, reduce transient voltage disturbances and load compensation. Rather than using conventional capacitors and inductors combined with fast switches, the D-STATCOM uses a power-electronics...
Nodal models of Pressurized Water Reactor core for control purposes – A comparison study
PublikacjaThe paper focuses on the presentation and comparison of basic nodal and expanded multi-nodal models of the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) core, which includes neutron kinetics, heat transfer between fuel and coolant, and internal and external reactivity feedback processes. In the expanded multi-nodal model, the authors introduce a novel approach to the implementation of thermal power distribution phenomena into the multi-node...
Marek Adamowicz dr hab. inż.
OsobyStopień naukowy doktora uzyskał w 2008 r. na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. W latach 2005 – 2011 pracował na Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni. W 2010 r. jako laureat programu NCBR LIDER wybrał Wydział Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej jako jednostkę realizującą swój projekt z zakresu szerokopasmowych przyrządów półprzewodnikowych i ich zastosowań w elektrowniach wiatrowych. Od 2011 roku...
Effect of asymmetric fluid flow distribution on flow boiling in a microchannel heat sink – An experimental investigation
PublikacjaFlow boiling in microchannels is emerging as an exclusive cooling solution for miniaturized high-power electronic devices alongside having other high heat flux applications. Size miniaturization at microscale strangely increases heat transfer performance as well as flow boiling instabilities. Many flow boiling instabilities are interrelated and result from imperfect hydrodynamic conditions. One of such problems is flow maldistribution among...
Integrated algorithm for selecting the location and control of energy storage units to improve the voltage level in distribution grids
PublikacjaThis paper refers to the issue that mainly appears in distribution grids, where renewable energy sources (RES) are widely installed. In such grids, one of the main problems is the coordination of energy production time with demand time, especially if photovoltaic energy sources are present. To face this problem, battery energy storage units (ESU) can be installed. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to optimizing...
Hybrid stepless distribution transformer with four-quadrant AC/DC/AC converter at low voltage side - simulation tests
PublikacjaThe article presents the work of the stepless hybrid distribution transformer (HT), as an alternative to the so far applied Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) solutions, used to control the voltage in the power system in terms of the fundamental harmonic. The HT is a combination of a conventional distribution transformer and an AC/DC/AC converter connected in series with the transformers secondary winding. In the work the basic...
A novel method based on adaptive cuckoo search for optimal network reconfiguration and distributed generation allocation in distribution network
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Solutions of Power Electronics Converter for the Shore - to - Ship Power Systems
PublikacjaW artykule poruszono tematykę zasilania statków zacumowanych w porcie z lądowej sieci elektroenergetycznej poprzez wykorzystanie nowoczesnych konstrukcji przekształtników energoelektronicznych. Zaproponowano budowę sieci dystrybucyjnej prądu stałego, przewoźnej platformy zasilającej oraz zastosowanie zasobników energii
Jerzy Kowalski dr hab. inż.
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Solutions of inverter systems in Shore-to-Ship Power supply systems
PublikacjaThe article presents a clearly formulated need for installing S2SP (Shore to Ship Power) systems, in particular Medium Voltage (MV) systems, along with certain solutions of modern inverter systems used in those systems. Requirements and basic configurations of S2SP systems are discussed, focusing in particular on capabilities of the S2SP system with DC distribution busbar. Moreover, on the background of the executing assumptions...
Identifying and Mitigating the Negative Effects of Power in Organizations
PublikacjaThis article investigates the possible negative effects of power in organizations. It demonstrates how holding power may affect an individual’s perception of others, actions, and cognition. Ways in which power may have a detrimental effect on different aspects of a manager’s functioning within an organization, including building relationships, communication, and performance are analyzed. It is argued that individuals are unaware...
Power Converter Solutions for Industrial PV Applications—A Review
Publikacja: As the use of photovoltaics becomes more widespread, new technologies for more efficient energy generation, transmission, and distribution based on power electronics converters are being developed. The most common applications are grid-on, energy storage, hybrid, and high voltage gain applications. These applications impose several additional requirements in the design of power converters associated with the solar battery’s maximum...
Nicole Nawrot dr inż.
OsobyDr inż. Nicole Nawrot jest zatrudniona w Katedrze Inżynierii Sanitarnej od 2016 roku. W 2021 uzyskała stopień naukowy doktora z wyróżnieniem w dziedzinie nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych w dyscyplinie inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka. Pracę doktorską pt. „Heavy metals in urban retention tanks bottom sediments: distribution, source tracking, and evaluation of phytostabilisation adaptability and performance of P. australis...
Voltage profiles improvement in a power network with PV energy sources – results of a voltage regulator implementation
PublikacjaThe constant increase in the number of photovoltaic (PV) energy sources in distribution networks is the cause of serious voltage problems. The networks built at least a dozen years ago are not provided for the installation of a large number of micro-sources. It happens that the previously properly functioning power networks are not able to provide to consumers power with the required parameters, after installing many PV sources....
Power Surge Compensator based on a Four Level Diode Clamped Inverter for ship application. Average model
PublikacjaPaper presents continuous average value model of Power Surge Compensator based on a Four Level Diode Clamped Inverter with super capacitor as a energy storage device. This conditioner is design for power surge or fluctuation elimination, by compensating it with energy stored in ESD. Continuous average value model of multilevel S-PWM has been presented also. Summary of raised problem is a simulation model made in PowerSim Psim 8...
Models of Brushless Synchronous Generator for Studying Autonomous Electrical Power System
PublikacjaThis is a PhD dissertation. The work presented in this monograph was carried out at the Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Machines, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdansk University of Technology. Developed during the research models of brushless synchronous generator ware verified using FEM based simulations and measurements conducted on the prototype generator. The main focus of the research...
Risk of power cables insulation failure due to the thermal effect of solar radiation
PublikacjaLow-voltage, as well as high-voltage power cable lines, are usually buried in the ground. The ampacity of the power cables in the ground mainly depends on the thermal resistivity of the soil, which may vary in a wide range. A common practice in power cable systems performance is to supply them from a pole of an overhead line. If so, a section of the line is located in free air and can be directly exposed to solar radiation. In...
Static Shunt PE Voltage-Quality Controllers
PublikacjaThis chapter focuses on power electronics (PE)-based solutions used in distribution networks for reduction of supply-voltage-quality deterioration, from long interruptions to the harmonics. Various PE devices and their combinations are addressed for particular or a range of voltage disturbances. A particular solution is applied taking into account demands for voltage quality and network configuration. In general, there are three...
Propagation Characteristics of Partial Discharges in an Oil-Filled Power Transformer
PublikacjaPower transformers are among the most important assets in the power transmission and distribution grid. However, they suffer from degradation and possible faults causing major electrical and financial losses. Partial discharges (PDs) are used to identify the insulation health status and their degradation level. PDs are incipient, low-magnitude faults caused by localized dielectric breakdown. Those activities emit signals in many...
Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in the Casing Pipe
PublikacjaThe current carrying capacity of a power cable determines its ability to carry a specific current and is related to the efficiency of dissipation of heat generated in the cable laid in a specific environment. The studies were conducted in order to determine how the characteristics of the medium around the cable affected its temperature, and thus the ability of the cable to transmit electricity. The experimentation in the lab and...
Experiment-Based Study of Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in a Casing Pipe
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the important challenges in terms of electricity transmission by means of underground cable lines. The power cable’s performance is characterized by an ampacity that represents its maximum electric current-carrying capacity. The ampacity of power cables depends on their ability to diffuse the heat generated by the current flow into the environment. In the performed research, the analysis of the efficiency of...
Research of Emergency Modes of Wind Power Plants Using Computer Simulation
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to investigate changes in the wind power plant energy production parameters under the conditions of sudden wind changes and voltage drop. To achieve these goals, a simulation of operation of wind power plants was performed. Twelve wind turbines with variable rotational speed equipped with a Fuhrländer FL 2500/104 asynchronous double-fed induction generator (DFIG) were used, each with an installed capacity...
Silicon Oxycarbide-Graphite Electrodes for High-Power Energy Storage Devices
PublikacjaHerein we present a study on polymer-derived silicon oxycarbide (SiOC)/graphite composites for a potential application as an electrode in high power energy storage devices, such as Lithium-Ion Capacitor (LIC). The composites were processed using high power ultrasound-assisted sol-gel synthesis followed by pyrolysis. The intensive sonication enhances gelation and drying process, improving the homogenous distribution of the graphitic...
5G Millimeter Wave Network Optimization: Dual Connectivity and Power Allocation Strategy
PublikacjaThe fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks utilizing millimeter Wave (mmWave) bands can be considered the leading player in meeting the continuously increasing hunger of the end user demands in the near future. However, 5G networks are characterized by high power consumption, which poses a significant challenge to the efficient management of base stations (BSs) and user association. Implementing new power consumption and user...
Length distribution of fuzzy-end segments
PublikacjaObliczono analitycznie rozkłady gęstości prawdopodobieństwa dla długości odcinków o rozmytych końcach, tzn. takich, których końce mogą przyjmować losowe położenia, zgodnie z zadanym rozkładem prawdopodobieństwa. Rozważono przypadki jedno-, dwu- i trójwymiarowych obszarów, w których mogą znajdować się końce odcinków. Podano przykłady potencjalnych zastosowań uzyskanych wyników.