


  • Commercial function as a treat to the monument - 25 years of experience in the commercialization of monuments in Gdansk, Poland


    The principles of the market economy adopted in Poland in the nineties have significantly touched the resources of immovable monuments. As a result, monuments have become a product of culture subject to the rules of the free market; and state ownership, patronage and decision-making practice has now been replaced by private interest. Practical monument use has also changed with the shift in ownership of objects after privatization...

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  • Educational and cognitive aspects of adaptation of nonuse spaces in monumental sacral objects.


    - Rok 2018

    The area of attics and towers in historic churches in Europe are yet quite inaccessible places for visitors, shrouded in the atmosphere of mysticism, hiding many secrets. Introduction of the new public function into the non-used zones of the monumental sacral objects has many aspects including educational and cognitive ones which are discussed in the following article. The article indicates items that can be found in the zone above...

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  • Cultural Heritage in Spatial Planning


    - Rok 2016

    The cultural heritage objects of each country should have a major impact on the development of space. Unfortunately, most often the investment needs prevail and only the most precious historical objects are protected. Thus often a monument is preserved, but its surroundings (which put it in context) are lost forever. This article addressed the issues of cultural heritage in relation to the spatial planning system in Poland. The...

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  • Analysis of Investments in RES Based on the Example of Photovoltaic Panels in Conditions of Uncertainty and Risk—A Case Study


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2023

    The aim of this study is to examine the profitability of investment in a photovoltaic microinstallation, to analyze the impact of legal changes on its profitability, and to perform a sensitivity analysis of the investment profitability to energy price changes. The novelty of the research applies to the financial analysis of two legal systems of discount called net-metering and net-billing. The two systems and the change in energy...

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  • Technical and Economic Analysis of an Intermediate Size Photovoltaic Power Plant. Case Study


    - Acta Energetica - Rok 2014

    The article presents an analysis of the construction of a photovoltaic power plant with an installed capacity of about 30 kW. The principles of selecting the basic elements of the plant are shown. The impact of a high constant price on the profitability of the project is highlighted. The article also describes the existing mechanisms for subsidizing the investment.

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  • How to fund an additional secular function in the monumental church?


    - Rok 2018

    The implementation of a new public function into the non-used church spaces like attics or cellars in context of revitalizing a lawfully protected historical city areas have diversified aspects. The article describes the financial aspect of adaptation of omitted spaces of monumental sacral buildings by presenting funding possibilities in the European Union countries available in period of 2017-2018 and the funds planned for the...

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  • Marcin Potrykus dr inż.

    Absolwent Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Od 2008 zatrudniony jako Asystent w Katedrze Finansów na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 2015 roku obronił (w dyscyplinie ekonomia) rozprawę doktorską zatytułowaną „Inwestycje alternatywne – opłacalność a ryzyko”. Od 2016 zatrudniony jako adiunkt w Katedrze Analizy Ekonomicznej i Finansów na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Jego zainteresowania naukowe...

  • Museum Institutions in Monuments - Positive and Negative Aspects of Adaptation: The New Amber Museum and Museum of Science in Gdansk, Poland

    The issue of the creation and location of new museums is a current topic. The decision of where and how to create new museum facilities will impact successful function in the future. Museums are either located in newly designed buildings or in existing buildings. In general, existing buildings adapted for museum use are either formally under conservational protection or not. With regard to museum location in preserved monuments,...

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  • Swarm-Assisted Investment Planning of a Bioethanol Plant


    Bioethanol is a liquid fuel for which a significant increase in the share of energy sources has been observed in the economies of many countries. The most significant factor in popularizing bioethanol is the profitability of investments in construction of facilities producing this energy source, as well as the profitability of its supply chain. With the market filled with a large amount of equipment used in the bioethanol production...

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  • Technical Limitations in Merging Secular and Sacred Functions in Monumental Churches


    - Rok 2017

    The abandonment of churches and their adaptation for secular purposes is a current subject in Europe and worldwide. Most cases involve objects that were desacralized and then rebuilt as a whole object for alternative functions. Thus far, the merging of secular and sacred functions in one monumental Catholic church has not raised any issues. The paper describes the case of St. Catherine’s Church in Gdansk, Poland, where sacred function...

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  • Can Historic Interiors with Large Cubature be Turned Acoustically Correct?


    - Archives of Acoustics - Rok 2016

    Historic interiors with large cubature, such as reception, theatrical, and concert halls, need to be renovated periodically if they are to be preserved as cultural heritage for future generations. In such cases it is necessary to maintain appropriate balance between requirements imposed by heritage conservation authorities office which are usually being given a higher priority, applicable safety regulations, and the comfort of...

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  • Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska

    Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska jest kierownikiem Sekcji Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej na Politechnice Gdańskiej oraz Liderem Centrum Kompetencji Otwartej Nauki przy Bibliotece Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jej główne zainteresowania badawcze koncentrują się w obszarze komunikacji naukowej oraz otwartych danych badawczych, a także motywacji i produktywności naukowej. Jest odpowiedzialna między innymi za prowadzenie szkoleń dla pracowników...

  • Functional Components Enhancing Clients Attractiveness and Commercial Profitability of Internet Tourist-oriented Commercial Websites


    - Rok 2012

    Tourism constitutes an important branch of economy in Mediterranean countries. Great number of people spend or are planning to spend their free time in the Mediterranean area. Extensive rentals of private apartments or houses for individual persons and their families as well as all kinds of services provided for tourists, in result, generate substantial economical incomes. Variety and diversity of offers of private accommodations...

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  • Maritime heritage of small port towns of the Polish coast


    - PORTUSPlus - Rok 2019

    The article describes problems of the gradual disappearance of real maritime heritage in small Polish port cities. The maritime heritage of small port cities was shaped by coastal processes and urban historical conditions what has led to creation of specific types of landscapes. Special architectural objects of the post-port heritage of small ports of the Polish coast are hydrotechnical constructions (i.e. breakwaters, quays),...

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  • Porównawcza analiza kondycji finansowej polskich uczelni publicznych i niepublicznych


    Celem artykułu jest dokonanie oceny oraz porównanie kondycji finansowej krajowych uczelni publicznych i niepublicznych. Wywód składa się z analizy literatury przedmiotu, dotyczącej warunków i sposobu funkcjonowania polskich uczelni publicznych i prywatnych. W części empirycznej artykułu użyta została analiza wskaźnikowa, stanowiąca jedną z najpopularniejszych metod analizy finansowej. Badaniu zostały poddane łącznie 23 wskaźniki...

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  • Pozwolić odejść, czyli... Granice interwencji


    Celem tekstu jest zwrócenie uwagi na problem ostatecznej granicy interwencji konserwatorskich wobec zabytków architektury w kontekście holistycznej koncepcji ochrony dziedzictwa. Tekst adresowany jest do polskich czytelników ze względu na szczególne odniesienia do sytuacji polskiego systemu ochrony dziedzictwa. Choć architektura należy do sfery sztuk użytkowych, większość budynków nie powstawała...

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    Rewitalizacja terenów poprzemysłowych i obiektów poprzemysłowych jest procesem długoterminowym i wieloetapowym. W pierwszym etapie rewitalizacji ważna jest ocena materialnej, emocjonalnej i użytkowej wartości zachowanego dziedzictwa kulturowego. Na przykładzie projektu rewitalizacyjnego, który trwa od 1996 r., Na dawnych obszarach Stoczni Gdańskiej, w których znajdują się pozostałości Stoczni Cesarskiej i Stoczni Schichau, przedstawiono...

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  • Rewitalizacja zespołow fortyfikacji nowożytnych - ograniczenia i możliwości

    Fortyfikacjenowożytne stanowią w Polsce liczną grupę zabytków, trudną do utrzymywania i zarządzania co powoduję ich postępującą degradację. Wskutek zmian polityczno-ekonomicznych w ostatnich dekadach, powstał problem chaotycznych i agresywnych działań inwestycyjnych, zagrażających zabytkowym fortyfikacjom. Tekst omawia fortyfikacje jako część dziedzictwa kulturowego, sprzecznośći pomiędzy pojęciami "rewitalizacji" i "rewaloryzacji"...

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  • Interdisciplinary research as a form of monument protection and preparation for the investment process on the example of the former Gdańsk Shipyard complex


    - Architectus - Rok 2022

    The multi-layered heritage of many industrial plants operating until the end of the 20th century creates a particular challenge for conservators, designers and investors. In the process of protecting its values, displaying qualities and managing the property, it is necessary to recognize a wider transformation of technology of the entire plant and the individual functions of its buildings, as well as the context of intangible...

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  • Use of LIDAR Data in the 3D/4D Analyses of the Krakow Fortress Objects

    • E. Głowienka
    • K. Michałowska
    • P. Opaliński
    • B. Hejmanowska
    • S. Mikrut
    • P. Kramarczyk

    - Rok 2017

    The article presents partial results of studies within the framework of the international project "Cultural Heritage Through Time" (CHT2). The subject of the study were forts of the Krakow Fortress, which had been built by the Austrians between 1849-1914 in order to provide defence against the Russians. Research works were aimed at identifying architectural changes occurring in different time periods in relation to selected...