


  • Different aspects of women’s participation in self-employment with particular reference to the costs


    - Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług - Rok 2018

    Over the last twenty years a growing number of researchers have been interested in female entrepreneurship. It is wort noting that being a self-employed person, for certain women, is the only chance to participate actively in social and economic life. Women choose self-employment because of flexibility of schedule and family-related reasons. This study aims to increase knowledge about self-employment as one of multiple labor market...

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  • Małgorzata Gawrycka dr hab.

    Małgorzata Gawrycka, absolwentka Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, doktor habilitowana nauk ekonomicznych. W latach 2012-2020 prodziekan ds. dydaktyki Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Obecnie dziekan Wydziału. Zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się na zagadnieniach związanych z polityka makroekonomiczną państwa. W szczególności problematyka sytuacji na runku pracy, zmian demograficznych, kwalifikacji...

  • Female entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan


    - Rok 2021

    Women constitute the majority of the Kazakh population and, even though they live almost 10 years longer than men on average, they are far less economically active. Less than half of the female population take up employment. Women’s wages are often as much as 30% lower than men’s. The subjective reasons for undertaking economic activity as mentioned by women included: independence from the husband, low earnings of the husband and...

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  • The Self-employment of Women in Azerbaijan


    Azerbaijan has a population of more than 10 million, of which women accounted for 50% in 2020. At the same time, 93% of Azerbaijan’s citizens describe themselves as Muslims. Since the beginning of independence, Azerbaijan has been a secular state by virtue of Article 48 of the Constitution, which guarantees the freedom of worship, choice, or non-practice of religion and the freedom of...

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  • Self-employment of women: an opportunity or the last resort?


    - Rok 2021

    It is believed that automatization and technological changes will be the main drivers of work in the future. At the same time, there is a growing discussion about new forms of employment, such as self-employment. It may be either perceived as a chance for empowerment, through creating new job opportunities, that were not reachable previously, or as precarious work, with less stability, higher risk, and uncertain income. The main...

  • The Determinants of False Self-Employment: A Survey of Polish Enterprises


    The main goal of this article is to advance the emergent research on tax evasion in Poland in the form of false self-employment (FSE), in particular to identify its causes. The dependent character of some self-employed workers is a big problem in the Polish economy, which has been completely unexplored because of the lack of available data. In this article, we use data from a survey of Polish companies. Our empirical results show...

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  • Female entrepreneurship in transitional economies: the case of Poland

    Polska przeszła skomplikowaną drogę przemian gospodarczych by ostatecznie wstąpić do UE. Jednę z sił, pomocnych na tej drodze była i jest przedsiębiorczość. Autorzy podjęli się charakterystyki przedsiębiorczości kobiet w okresie transformacji, porównując ją z przedsiębiorczością w pozostałych 15 krajach UE (przed akcesją Polski). Wykorzystano do tego badania przeprowadzone w 1992, 1999 i 2004 wśród przedsiębiorców regionu gdańskiego....

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  • Female entrepreneurship - on the nexus of person and context - merging pigeonholes


    - Rok 2009

    Poprzez opisową analizę przypadku, autor proponuje połączenie osobowego podejścia do przedsiębiorczości kobiet, które wywodzi się z psychologii z podejściem kontekstualnym, pochodzącym z ujęcia socjologicznego. Praca kończy się wnioskiem, iż przedsiębiorczość jest zjawiskiem zbyt złożonym, aby analizować je jedynie w kategoriach nauk ekonomicznych.

  • Nascent entrepreneurship and the role of self-efficacy


    Celem artykułu jest opisanie roli, jaką w tworzeniu nowej firmy pełni poczucie własnej skuteczności. W pierwszej części artykułu opisane są źródła poczucia samoskuteczności oraz jego następstwa w oparciu o teorię Bandury. W drugiej części artykułu opisane jest rozróżnienie pomiędzy ogólnym poczuciem samoskuteczności a poczuciem samoskuteczności w kontekście przedsiębiorczości (ESE). Autorzy przedstawiają teoretyczne i metodologiczne...

  • Przemysław Banasik dr hab.

    e-mail:  Przemyslaw.Banasik@zie.pg.edu.pl,  pba@zie.pg.gda.pl         tel.: +48 58 347 28 75, pok. 510dr hab. Przemysław Banasik, prof. PG –  autor ponad 140 publikacji z prawa, zarządzania i ekonomii. W pracy naukowej podejmuje badania nad organizacją wymiaru sprawiedliwości oraz przedsiębiorczością w jej ujęciu prawnym, ekonomicznym i zarządczym. Od 2017 r. Sędzia Sądu Apelacyjnego w Gdańsku. W latach 2013 – 2017 Prezes Sądu...

  • Marta Kuc-Czarnecka dr

    Marta Kuc-Czarnecka jest zastępczynią kierownika Katedry Statystyki i Ekonomii na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Pełni również funkcję pełnomocniczki Dziekana ds. akredytacji AMBA. Jest współzałożycielką Rethinking Economics Gdańsk oraz członkinią Fundacji im. Edwarda Lipińskiego na rzecz promocji pluralizmu w naukach ekonomicznych. W latach 2018-2022 była ekspertką Europejskiej Fundacji na Rzecz Poprawy...

  • Dagmara Nikulin dr

    Dagmara Nikulin jest zatrudniona na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii na stanowisku adiunkta badawczo-dydaktycznego od 2014 roku. Początkowo pracowała w Katedrze Nauk Ekonomicznych, a obecnie w Katedrze Statystyki i Ekonometrii. Jest absolwentką Wydziału Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu (2009) oraz Wydziału Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (2010). W latach 2006-2007 studiowała na uniwersytecie...

  • Personal Entrepreneurial Potential in the Opinion of Young Women Entering the Labor Market


    - Rok 2014

    In the current economic situation in Europe the need to stimulate entrepreneurship, with the special attention to develop the entrepreneurship among women, is clearly emphasized. The action is mostly taken to encourage the use of internal potential of possible future entrepreneurs. Do we know what the potential really is ? The presented article deals with the issues of women's entrepreneurship, demonstrating results of self assessment...

  • Entrepreneurship Vulnerability to Business Cycle. A New Methodology for Identification Pro-cyclical and Counter-cyclical Patterns of Entrepreneurial Activity


    - Rok 2016

    In literature, there is ongoing discussion whether entrepreneurial activity, approximated by, for instance, changes in self-employment, tends to behave pro-cyclically, counter-cyclically or rather is a-cyclical. Thus far, both theoretical and empirical evidence, where various multiple methodological approaches are used, does not provide clear answer to the latter; while widely offered explanations are scattered and lack robustness....

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  • Personal payroll fund divided by organizational units in 2017-2019 in a housing cooperative/association (given example)

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The following figures show the amount of payroll costs with a breakdown for organizational units from three years.In the analyzed period, according to the HR and payroll documentation, the average number of employees under an employment contract in 2017 was seventeen, in the following year there were sixteen employees, and in 2019 also sixteen employees.

  • Dependent self-employed individuals: are they different from paid employees?


    - Employee Relations - Rok 2023

    This study focuses on dependent self-employment, which covers a situation where a person works for the same employer as a typical worker while on a self-employment contractual basis, i.e., without a traditional employment contract and without certain rights granted to "regular" employees. The research exploits the individual-level dataset of 35 European countries extracted from the 2017 edition of the European Labour Force Survey...

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  • Employee benefits in comparision to the personal payroll fund in 2017-2019 on given example

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    In modern employee relations, employers offer employees a whole range of benefits, which usually are required by the relevant regulations on the part of the employer, which serve to create appropriate working conditions.

  • Women's Entrepreneurship in Poland- Opportunities and Barriers According to Young Women Entering the Labour Market


    - Rok 2013

    Women entrepreneurship is an important issue for both economic and social reasons. However cultural factors have an additional impact. In Poland women represent more than 50% of the population, nonetheless only 35% of people who run their own business are women. Main research questions in the current study were: What are the determinants of the above mentioned imparity? Do young women evaluate themselves as entrepreneurial? Do...

  • Entrepreneurial Education and Attitude among Young Generations in a Gender perspective: the Case of Polish Education System


    This article is an attempt to analyze the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions of young people: male and female students of Polish high schools and universities. The author makes an effort to verify the impact of the exposure to the business education and entrepreneurs on the decision to start-up. Special emphasis will be placed on the gender differences when discussing a respective factors’...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Entrepreneurial education and attitudes among young generations in a gender perspective: the case of Polish educational system

    This paper is an attempt to analyze the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions of young people: male and female students of Polish high schools and universities. The author makes an effort to verify the impact of the exposure to the business education and entrepreneurs on the decision to start-up. Special emphasis will be placed on the gender differences when discussing a respective factors’...

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