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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOUND PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION
Sound intensity distribution around organ pipe
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper was to compare acoustic field around the open and stopped organ pipes. The wooden organ pipe was located in the anechoic chamber and activated with a constant air flow, produced by an external air-compressor. Thus, long-term steady state response was possible to obtain. Multichannel acoustic vector sensor was used to measure the sound intensity distribution of radiated acoustic energy. Measurements have been...
Measurements and visualization of sound field distribution around organ pipe
PublikacjaMeasurements and visualization of acoustic field around an organ pipe are presented. Sound intensity technique was applied for this purpose. Measurements were performed in free field. The organ pipe was activated with a constant air flow, produced by an external compressor, aimed at obtaining long-term steady state responses of generated acoustic signal. Sound energy distribution was measured in a defined fixed grid of points...
Measurement and visualization of sound intensity vector distribution in proximity of acoustic diffusers
PublikacjaIn this work, we would like to present analyses and visualizations of sound intensity distribution measured in proximity of an acoustic diffuser. Such distribution may be used for estimation of basic acoustic parameters of a diffuser. Measurement is performed with the use of a logarithmic sine sweep which allows for the analysis of waves scattered by the diffuser and rejecting the direct sound signal component. Pressure and sound...
Model of pressure distribution in vortex flow controls
PublikacjaThe paper is devoted to the vortex valve. Existing devices are described by CFD-methods, or by means of simple empirical relations. A rational method of the considered object design is proposed, on the base of the input and dissipation energy balance., what gives a simple algebraic equation. Conformity between calcul;ated and measured parameters of the vortex valve allows for acceptation of the proposed concept.
Investigation of the vertical distribution of the sound speed of the Gulf of Gdansk in the years 2000-2010
PublikacjaThe conditions of the acoustic wave propagation in the southern Baltic are much more complex than in other shallow waters. In the typical shallow water, seasonal changes in acoustical conditions in the upper layer, of the depth of about 60-70 m, are observed. They are caused by variation of the annual meteorological conditions. Most often, in the deep water layer, acoustical conditions are stable throughout the year. However, in...
Dependence of harmonic generation on primary wave pressure distribution
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy numerycznego badania zagadnienia wytwarzania harmonicznych ciśnienia podczas rozchodzenia się fal o skończonej amplitudzie, promieniowanych przez źródła kołowe o różnych rozkładach. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Do numerycznego rozwiązania problemu zastosowano metodę bilansu harmonicznych i metodę różnic skończonych. Analizowano zmiany składowych harmonicznych ciśnienia w obrębie wiązki akustycznej....
Pressure distribution and beam pattern of the parametric acoustic arrays.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono model matematyczny i wyniki badań teoretycznych zjawiska oddziaływań fal dla źródeł parametrycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Badano zmiany ciśnienia fal wybranych częstotliwości w obrębie wiązki akustycznej oraz charakterystyki kierunkowe dla kołowych źródeł parametrycznych generujących fale różnych częstotliwości.
The pressure distribution for biharmonic transmitting array: theoterical study.
PublikacjaRozważano zagadnienie oddziaływań fal o skończonej amplitudzie dla biharmonicznej anteny nadawczej. Przedstawiono model matematyczny i wyniki badań teoretycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK dla źródeł bez osiowej symetrii. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Badano zmiany ciśnienia fal różnych częstotliwości w obrębie wiązki akustycznej.
Application of neural networks for description of pressure distribution in slide bearing.
PublikacjaBadano rozkład ciśnienia hydrodynamicznego w łożysku ślizgowym dla wybranych wariantów łożyska. Wykazano, że zastosowanie sieci neuronowych umożliwia opis rozkładu ciśnienia hydrodynamicznego z uwzględnieniem zmian geometrycznych (bezwymiarowa długość - L) i mechanicznych (mimośrodowość względem H) łożyska.
Pressure distribution for different types of the finite amplitude waves sources
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki badań numerycznych zjawiska oddziaływań fal o skończonej amplitudzie w wodzie. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Zagadnienie różniczkowe rozwiązano stosując metodę różnic skończonych. Rozważono różne rozkłady ciśnienia na źródle kołowym i bez osiowej symetrii.
The influence of oscillatory low pressure on bacteria number in groundwater supplied to distribution system
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań laboratoryjnych nad wpływem stałego podwyższonego ciśnienia oraz częstych i gwałtownych jego zmian na liczbę bakterii w wodzie podziemnej. Określono zmiany liczby bakterii heterotroficznych (na agarze R2A) oraz całkowitej liczby bakterii (DAPI) w wodzie podziemnej (w temperaturze 20 st.C w okresie 96 h) poddawanej ciągłemu ciśnieniu 0,6 MPa i porównano z uzyskanymi w wodzie poddanej gwałtownym...
Experimental investigation of the flow pattern and wall pressure distribution in a silo with double-cone insert
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje przeprowadzone badania przepływów silosowych i naporu materiałów sypkich podczas napełniania i opróżniania silosu o średnicy 2.5 m wyposażonego we wkładkę "podwójny stożek". Badania przeprowadzane były w Instytucie Badawczym Tel-Tek w Norwegii. Materiałem użytym był suchy piasek. Napór na ścianę mierzony był bezpośrednio za pomocą 10 czujników wbudowanych w ścianę. Badania eksperymentalne pokazały duży wpływ wkładki...
Analysis of energy recovery from surplus water pressure of municipal heat distribution network
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Distribution of plantar pressure during jogging barefoot or in minimalistic shoes in people who used to run in cushioned shoes
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Badania teoretyczne rozkładu pola ciśnienia anteny wieloelementowej. Teoretical investigations of the pressure distribution for biharmonic transmitting array.
PublikacjaOmówiono zagadnienie oddziaływań fal dla hydroakustycznej anteny wieloelementowej bez osiowej symetrii. Przedstawiono model matematyczny i wyniki badań teoretycznych. Rozpatrzono dwie konfiguracje anteny. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK.
Wytwarzanie harmonicznych w zależności od rozkładu ciśnienia fali pierwotnej = Dependence of harmonic generation on primary wave pressure distribution
PublikacjaRozważano zagadnienie wytwarzania składowych harmonicznych podczas rozchodzenia się w wodzie fal promieniowanych przez źródła kołowe o różnych rozkładach ciśnienia. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Do rozwiązania problemu zastosowano metodę bilansu harmonicznych. Analizowano zmiany składowych harmonicznych ciśnienia w obrębie wiązki akustycznej.
Application of neural networks for identification of forcedness having effect on magnitude of turbine rotor vibration using pressure distribution in blade tip clearance.
PublikacjaW pracy sprawdzono, czy zastosowanie sieci neuronowych umożliwia identyfikację wymuszeń powstających w wyniku funkcjonowania maszyny jak i zależnych od jej stanu mechanicznego przy zastosowaniu rozkładu ciśnienia w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym. Przeprowadzono pomiary rozkładu ciśnienia dla różnych warunków pracy, uwzględniając zmianę mimośrodu oraz zmianę skośnego ustawienia osi wirnika względem osi korpusu. Dokonano analiz przy...
State-of-the-Art Review on Determining One-Dimensional Consolidation Parameters Based on Compression and Distribution of Pore Water Pressure: Coefficient of Consolidation (cv), End of Primary (EOP) Consolidation
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Adoption of the F-statistic of Fisher-Snedecor distribution to analyze importance of impact of modifications of injector opening pressure of a compression ignition engine on specific enthalpy value of exhaust gas flow
PublikacjaThis article analyzes the effect of modifications of injector opening pressure on the operating values of a compression ignition engine, including the temperature of the fumes. A program of experimental investigation is described, considering the available test stand and measurement capabilities. The structure of the test stand on which the experimental measurements were conducted is presented. The method of introducing real modifications...
Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results of impedance of porous Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 oxygen electrode (sintered at 1000 °C) as a function of oxygen partial pressure at 800 °C
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains results of Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis (DRT) of impedance of porous Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 oxygen electrode as a function of oxygen partial pressure at 800 °C. Electrode was sintered at 1000 °C and measured at different oxygen partial pressures (10% pO2, 1% pO2, 0.1% pO2).
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 800 °C and 15% oxygen partial pressure
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 800 °C and 15% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included....
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 700 °C and 100% oxygen partial pressure
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C and 100% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included....
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 700 °C and 20% oxygen partial pressure
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C and 20% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included....
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 700 °C and 5% oxygen partial pressure
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C and 5% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included. Results...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 600 °C and 15% oxygen partial pressure
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 600 °C and 15% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included. Results converted...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 700 °C and 15% oxygen partial pressure
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C and 15% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included....
PublikacjaThe main goal of this paper is to find sound pressure distribution radiated by the circular piezoelectric disc that vibrates with the finite amplitude. There has been presented the pressure distribution close to the radiating surface. Also it is shown the sound pressure distribution in the 3D form. The mathematic modeling was carried out on the base of the nonlinear acoustic equation with the proper boundary condition. The axial...
Standing Waves in a Rectangular Resonator Containing Acoustically Active Gases
PublikacjaThe distribution of perturbations of pressure and velocity in a rectangular resonator is considered. A resonator contains a gas where thermodynamic processes take place, such as exothermic chemical reaction or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. These processes make the gas acoustically active under some conditions. We conclude that the incident and reflected compounds of a sound beam do not interact in the...
Sound Field Intensity Measurements and Visualization around the Human Head Model . Rozkłąd natężenia pola akustycznego w komorze bezechowej obecności sztucznej głowy i w przypadku braku jej obecności
PublikacjaThe main goal of this research study was to measure and visualize sound field intensity distribution in and without presence of the human head model. Measurements were performed in the anechoic chamber with the 5 cm grid. Experimental setup consisted of a multitone generator, two loudspeakers, human head model, intensimetric probe, the Cartesian robot applied for precise positioning of the acoustic sensor, and an analyzer. Based...
Shipping Low Frequency Noise and Its Propagation in Shallow Water
PublikacjaOne of the most significant factor influencing acoustical climate of the sea is underwater noise generated by moving ships. If the considered sea area has features of the shallow water, namely the wave frequency fulfils relation f < 10c/h, where c denotes phase speed of sound, and h is depths of the sea, then in certain distance from the wave source specific image of sound pressure distribution in the mean of wave modes appears....
Detection and localization of selected acoustic events in acoustic field for smart surveillance applications
PublikacjaA method for automatic determination of position of chosen sound events such as speech signals and impulse sounds in 3-dimensional space is presented. The evens are localized in the presence of sound reflections employing acoustic vector sensors. Human voice and impulsive sounds are detected using adaptive detectors based on modified peak-valley difference (PVD) parameter and sound pressure level. Localization based on signals...
Detection and localization of selected acoustic events in 3D acoustic field for smart surveillance applications
PublikacjaA method for automatic determination of position of chosen sound events such as speech signals and impulse sounds in 3-dimensional space is presented. The events are localized in the presence of sound reflections employing acoustic vector sensors. Human voice and impulsive sounds are detected using adaptive detectors based on modified peak-valley difference (PVD) parameter and sound pressure level. Localization based on signals...
PublikacjaThe paper deals mainly with investigation of underwater noise that propagation is in shallow water. In this paper has been presented the experimental investigation results concerning the distribution of the sound field pressure generated by moving ships in the shallow water at the small distance from the ship. The main acoustical characteristics describing features of the field are spectrograms in pseudo 3D system – distance and frequency...
Jerzy Kowalski dr hab. inż.
Osoby -
Numerical modeling of sound intensity distributions around acoustic transducer
PublikacjaThe aim of this research study is to measure, simulate and compare sound intensity distribution generated by the acoustic transducers of the loudspeaker. The comparison of the gathered data allows for validating the numerical model of the acoustic radiation. An accurate model of a sound source is necessary in mathematical modeling of the sound field distribution near the scattering obstacles. An example of such obstacle is a human...
Theoretical Model of Acoustic Wave Propagation in Shallow Water
PublikacjaThe work is devoted to the propagation of low frequency waves in a shallow sea. As a source of acoustic waves, underwater disturbances generated by ships were adopted. A specific feature of the propagation of acoustic waves in shallow water is the proximity of boundaries of the limiting media characterised by different impedance properties, which affects the acoustic field coming from a source situated in the water layer “ deformed”...
Propagation of Acoustic Disturbances in Shallow Sea
PublikacjaPropagation of acoustic waves in shallow sea differs fundamentally from the same phenomenon occurring in deep sea in view of non-negligible distance from the sea bottom in the first case, where presence of two regions limiting the water layer results in the acoustic pressure distribution induced by a harmonic source has an interferential nature as a result of multi-path propagation of the acoustic signal. These interferential properties...
Studies of Nonlinear Sound Dynamics in Fluids Based on the Caloric Equation of State
PublikacjaThe sound speed and parameters of nonlinearity B/A, C/A in a fluid are expressed in terms of coefficients in the Taylor series expansion of an excess internal energy, in powers of excess pressure and density. That allows to conclude about features of the sound propagation in fluids, the internal energy of which is known as a function of pressure and density. The sound speed and parameters of nonlinearity in the mixture consisting...
3D Sound Intensity Measurement Around Organ Pipes Using Acoustic Vector Sensors
PublikacjaThe aim of the presented paper was to obtain and visualize sound intensity distribution of radiated acoustic energy around the organ pipes. The experimental setup consisted of the multichannel acoustic vector sensor and the specialized Cartesian robot. Measurements were performed in free field with spatial resolution of 0.1 [m]. Two organ pipes, i.e. wooden and metal were measured during the ex-periment. The organ pipes were activated...
Application of passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking and classification of sound sources
PublikacjaA concept, practical realization and applications of the passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking and classification of sound sources were presented in the paper. The device consists of a new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. Contrary to active radars, it does not emit the scanning beam but after receiving surrounding sounds it provides...
Multiple sound sources localization in free field using acoustic vector sensor
PublikacjaMethod and preliminary results of multiple sound sources localization in free field using the acoustic vector sensor were presented in this study. Direction of arrival (DOA) for considered source was determined based on sound intensity method supported by Fourier analysis. Obtained spectrum components for considered signal allowed to determine the DOA value for the particular frequency independently. The accuracy of the developed...
Multiple sound sources localization in real time using acoustic vector sensor
PublikacjaMethod and preliminary results of multiple sound sources localization in real time using the acoustic vector sensor were presented in this study. Direction of arrival (DOA) for considered source was determined based on sound intensity method supported by Fourier analysis. Obtained spectrum components for considered signal allowed to determine the DOA value for the particular frequency independently. The accuracy of the developed...
Measurements and Visualization of Sound Intensity Around the Human Head in Free Field Using Acoustic Vector Sensor
PublikacjaThis paper presents measurements and visualization of sound intensity around the human head simulator in a free field. A Cartesian robot, applied for precise positioning of the acoustic vector sensor, was used to measure sound intensity. Measurements were performed in a free field using a head and torso simulator and the setup consisting of four different loudspeaker configurations. The acoustic vector sensor was positioned around...
Detection of the Incoming Sound Direction Employing MEMS Microphones and the DSP
PublikacjaA 3D acoustic vector sensor based on MEMS microphones and its application to road traffic monitoring is presented in the paper. The sensor is constructed from three pairs of digital MEMS microphones, mounted on the orthogonal axes. Signals obtained from the microphones are used to compute sound intensity vectors in each direction. With this data, it is possible to compute the horizontal and vertical angle of an incoming sound....
Nonlinear phenomena of small-scale sound in a gas with exponential stratification
PublikacjaThe nonlinear dynamics of perturbations, quickly varying in space, with comparatively large characteristic wavenumbers k: k>1/H, is considered. H is the scale of density and pressure reduction in unperturbed gas, as the coordinate (H is the so-called height of the uniform equilibrium gas). Coupling nonlinear equations which govern the sound and the entropy mode in a weakly nonlinear flow are derived. They describe the dynamics...
The nonlinear effects of sound in a liquid with relaxation losses
PublikacjaThe nonlinear effects of sound in electrolyte with a chemical reaction are examined. The dynamic equations that govern non-wave modes in the field of intense sound are derived, and acoustic forces of vortex, entropy, and relaxation modes are determined in the cases of low-frequency sound and high-frequency sound. The difference in the nonlinear effects of sound in electrolyte and in a gas with excited vibrational degrees of molecules,...
generation of the vorticity mode by sound in a bingham plastic
PublikacjaThis study investigates interaction between acoustic and non-acoustic modes, such as vorticity mode,in some class of a non-newtonian fluid called Bingham plastic. The instantaneous equations describinginteraction between different modes are derived. The attention is paid to the nonlinear effects in the fieldof intense sound. The resulting equations which describe dynamics of both sound and the vorticity modeapply to both periodic...
Sound engineering as our commitment to its creators in Poland
PublikacjaSound engineering is an interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding domain. It covers many aspects, such as sound perception, studio and sound mastering technology, music information retrieval including content-based search systems and automatic music transcription frameworks, sound synthesis, sound restoration, electroacoustics, and other ones constituting multimedia technology. Moreover, machine learning methods applied to the topics...
Czasopisma -
Curves of thermodynamic states in some fluids with dispersion
Publikacjavariations in the thermodynamic state of a dispersive medium, caused by sound, are studied. A bubbly liquid and a Maxwell fluid are considered as examples. Curves in the plane of thermodynamic states are plotted. They are in fact pictorial images of linear relations of excess pressure and excess density in the acoustic wave which reflect irreversible attenuation of the sound energy. The curves account for the nonlinear generation...