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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: START-STOP REGIME
Carbon dioxide potential reduction using Start-Stop system in a car
PublikacjaOperating fuel consumption increases significantly when the vehicle stops frequently while driving or when the engine is idling during braking. In such cases, the internal combustion engine consumes the fuel but the mechanical energy is not used by the drive system. The amount of fuel that is consumed in this time by the engine can potentially be saved if the car is equipped with a Stop-Start system. Start-Stop system automatically...
Stanowisko do badania łożysk foliowych w cyklu start-stop
PublikacjaStreszczenie: W artykule przedstawiono stanowisko do badań typu Start-Stop, które zostało zaprojektowane do testów przydatności materiałów i rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych aerodynamicznych łożysk foliowych. Jest to jeden z modułów stanowiska badawczego wykorzystywanego w badaniach łożysk maszyn szybkoobrotowych opracowywanych w ramach projektu POIG.01.03.01-00-027/08 pt. "Wykorzystanie materiałów i konstrukcji inteligentnych do opracowania...
Stanowisko do badania łożysk foliowych w cyklu start-stop
Publikacjastreszczenie: w artykule przedstawiono stanowisko do badań typu start-stop, które zostało zaprojektowane do testów przydatności materiałów i rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych aerodynamicznych łożysk foliowych. jest to jeden z modułów stanowiska badawczego wykorzystywanego w badaniach łożysk maszyn szybkoobrotowych opracowywanych w ramach projektu poig.01.03.01-00-027/08 pt. "wykorzystanie materiałów i konstrukcji inteligentnych do opracowania...
Experimental study on the feasibility of alternative materials for tilting pad thrust bearings operating in transition to mixed friction
PublikacjaIn hydrodynamic bearings traditional bearing alloys: Babbitts and bronzes are most frequently utilized. Polymer sliding layers are sometimes applied as a valuable alternative. Hard diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings, which are also considered for certain applications may show some advantages, as well. Although material selection is of secondary importance in a full film lubrication regime it becomes important in mixed friction...
Dynamic impedance spectra of programmable dynamically changing RC model based on digital potentiometers
Dane BadawczeThe dataset presents non-stationary impedance spectra of the RC model presented in the figure below. This model contains two digital potentiometers controlled digitally by the microcontroller. This solution allows to programmably control the value of the model impedance. Thanks to this, the model can be used as a test engine for evaluation of the dynamic...
Influence of local bush wear on water lubricated sliding bearing load carrying capacity
PublikacjaOne of main problems concerning water-lubricated bearings is their durability. There are known cases of bearings with life time measured in decades, and some, whose refurbishment was necessary just days after start-up. Obtaining stable fluid film friction plays key role in the durability of these bearings. Unfortunately, their load-carrying capacity is limited due to water's low-viscosity. The conducted experimental...
Running performance of an aerodynamic journal bearing with squeeze film effect
PublikacjaResults of theoretical and experimental studies concerning the performance of an aerodynamic journal bearing of which running is assisted by squeeze film ultrasonic levitation (SFUL) are presented in this paper. The SFUL mechanism not only can separate journal from the bearing at the start and stop phases of operation but also can significantly contribute to the dynamic stability of the bearing when it runs at speed. Computer calculations...
Tilting pad thrust bearing with novel material selection - experimental comparison of low and medium speed operation
PublikacjaThe advances in material engineering led to the development of hard carbon based coatings applied in numerous applications in order to prevent or minimize wear of the parts in contact. With Triondur® coatings, the bearing company Schaeffler has succeeded in halving the friction losses in the valve trains of passenger cars. The coatings are optimized for high abrasive wear protection and low sliding friction moments. Altogether...
Planar Microwave Bragg Reflector Resonant Dielectric Sensor
PublikacjaIn this paper, a periodic structure is used to design a microwave Bragg reflector with the help of hexagonal lattice, which provides a 5 GHz wide stopband between the low-pass band with cut-off frequency 2.6 GHz and the bandpass response with start and stop frequency 7.8 GHz and 10.5 GHz, respectively. A defect in lattice allows passing a narrowband signal at 6 GHz which is found, from the dispersion relation, to be in the region...
PublikacjaThe location of project is a site of over 1,2 ha, situated on the southern fringes of Gdynia formerly used as an area to host a Circus. Here artists were performing for the public, newcomers were meeting the locals, the temporality of the event was enhancing the experience of exchange. Circus used to be the place where people live, work and create art. Currently the site stays empty but surely not for long. Its potential, attractive...
L’indistricabile intreccio. Imprese, imprenditori e regime fascista. (An Inextricable Intertwining. Companies, Entrepreneurs, and the Fascist Regime)
PublikacjaThe papers of this section analyse the relationships between the economic and business community and the fascist regime. Their aim is to refresh the interpretations that were established in the 1960s-1970s and remained undisputed in the decades thereafter, becoming a sort of mantra among Italian contemporary historians. The article presents the most relevant contributions of that historiographical season, explaining the reasons...
Software development methodologies and practices in start-ups
PublikacjaSoftware start-ups are aiming to develop cutting-edge software products under highly uncertain conditions, overcoming fast-growing markets under multiple influences. This study aims to identify and analyse the existing scientific literature regarding software development methodologies and practices in software start-ups published between January 2006 and December 2017 using the systematic mapping study. The results identified 37...
An Empirical Study of a Dynamic Stop Loss Strategy with Deep Reinforcement Learning on the NASDAQ Stock Market
PublikacjaThe objective of this paper is to empirically investigate the efficacy of using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to maximize investment returns by incorporating expected optimal closing prices of long positions into a daily strategy. This paper extends existing research on the impact of stop-loss orders on investment strategy results and brings contribution of these orders to trading strategies into a completely new perspective....
Voiceless Stop Consonant Modelling and Synthesis Framework Based on MISO Dynamic System
PublikacjaA voiceless stop consonant phoneme modelling and synthesis framework based on a phoneme modelling in low-frequency range and high-frequency range separately is proposed. The phoneme signal is decomposed into the sums of simpler basic components and described as the output of a linear multiple-input and single-output (MISO) system. The impulse response of each channel is a third order quasi-polynomial. Using this framework, the...
Improved selectivity compact band-stop filter with gosper fractal-shaped defected ground structures
PublikacjaA novel band-stop filter using Gosper fractal-shaped defected ground structures has been designed and manufactured. The improvement in the filter selectivity has been achieved by introducing a multiresonance fractal-shaped defect leading to a higher filter order, simultaneously maintaining its compact size. The experimental results prove the validity of proposed solution and its utility in novel miniaturized and severe requirement...
A Concept for Safe and Less Expensive Acceleration of a Marine Steam Turbine Start-up
PublikacjaThis paper analyses the issue of accelerated start-up of a marine steam turbine, which is an important problem because the start-up of a steam machine involves the combustion of fuel that is not transformed into useful energy. To find novel technologies that offer improvements in this aspect is essential due to restrictions on reducing ship emissions. Thus, the shorter the start-up time, the better for the environment and economy....
AI Tech start 2021
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AI Tech start 2022
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Analysis of start energy of Stirling engine type alpha
PublikacjaThe Stirling engine type alpha is composed of two cylinders (expansion space E and compression space C), regenerator that forms the space between the cylinders and the buffer space (under the pistons). Before the start-up and as a result of long-term operation, the average pressure in the working space (above the pistons) and in the buffer space is the same. However, in the initial phase of operation, the average pressure in the...
Slowly-closing valve behaviour during steam machine accelerated start-up
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the state of stress in a slowly-closing valve during accelerated start-up of a steam turbine. The valve is one of the first components affected by high temperature gradients and is a key element on which the power, efficiency and safety of the steam system depend. The authors calibrated the valve model based on experimental data and then performed extended Thermal-FSI analyses relative to experiment. The issue...
Beyond Finance: Enhancing Support for New Technology Start-up Founders
PublikacjaThe article addresses a gap in the literature by examining the stressors and challenges specific to new technology start-up founders, an under-researched group of entrepreneurs operating at the intersection of innovation and business. The study’s novelty lies in applying the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model to the venture capitalist-founder relationship, highlighting the importance of balancing high job demands with adequate...
Simulation of large thrust-bearing performance at transient states, warm and cold start-up
PublikacjaThe start-up of a large hydrodynamic thrust bearing of a vertical hydrogenerator is one of the most critical situations during the lifetime of a bearing. Hydrodynamic load capacity is low due to low speed and higher thermal deformations of the pad. A new approach to the simulation of a hydrodynamic bearing is shown in this article. A combination of finite elements method and computational fluid dynamics is used to perform the transient...
Diagnostic tolerances' evaluation method of the start-up exhaust temperature of a naval gas turbine
PublikacjaThe conducted investigations aimed to elaborate the method of marking diagnostic tolerances of the exhaust temperature of a gas turbine observed during engine's start-up process. The diagnostic tolerances were determined by means of statistical inference by creating the hypothesis about a normal distribution of the start-up exhaust temperature's dispersion in the initial operation moment, which was subsequently verified applying...
Start-up of a power unit of a thermal power plant auxiliary systems with supply from a hydropower plant
PublikacjaThis article discusses the issues related to a power unit of a thermal power plant start-up with the use of a hydropower plant. Hydropower plant can supply and will enable start-up of auxiliary equipment in a power unit of a thermal power plant. Due to high capacity of auxiliary drives, start-up of auxiliaries in a thermal power plant after blackout (and boiler shutdown) is not possible from emergency energy sources in the power...
Influence of the low ambient temperature on the start-up process of hydraulic pumps
PublikacjaStarting hydraulic pumps in low ambient temperatures may cause: decreased hydraulic-mechanical efficiency, larger vibration of hydraulic installation, faster wear and more frequent damage to the elements of pumps, change of material properties of elements, increase of pressure drop. As a result of pressure drop in the suction pipe, large underpressure may be experienced, causing incomplete filling of pump working chambers with...
Study of the Operation of Synchronous Generator Voltage Regulator During the Creation of Post Blackout Start-up Path
PublikacjaThis paper presents the influence of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) of synchronous generator on the process of creation of post black-out start-up path. Two elements of AVR have a significant impact on this process: underexcitation limiter (UEL) and load compensation (LC). The authors present a theoretical investigation and simulation results that illustrate how the mentioned elements of AVR affect voltage levels in a power...
Smooth start for strategry game development supported by XNA framework
PublikacjaTo attract young and casual game developers, Microsoft created a set of libraries oriented towards easier game development and end-product management. The aim of XNA Framework is to provide a unified software development environment for creating games for both PC's and dedicated platforms like XBOX consoles or mobile phones capable of 3D acceleration. The use of modern, object oriented languages available for the .NET platform...
An overview of the strategies for the deammonification process start-up and recovery after accidental operational failures
PublikacjaThe deammonification process has been universally acknowledged as an energy-efficient technology for sewage disposal. In contrast with traditional biological nitrogen removal technology, the deammonification process is able to remove ammonia from wastewater with the simplest nitrogen removal process because of its advantages of lower operating expenses, no organic carbon consumption, lower biomass production, lower carbon dioxide...
Brownian Motion in Optical Tweezers, a Comparison between MD Simulations and Experimental Data in the Ballistic Regime
PublikacjaThe four most popular water models in molecular dynamics were studied in large-scale simulations of Brownian motion of colloidal particles in optical tweezers and then compared with experimental measurements in the same time scale. We present the most direct comparison of colloidal polystyrene particle diffusion in molecular dynamics simulations and experimental data on the same time scales in the ballistic regime. The four most...
Teaching management skills to software develop- ment teams through the lean start-up methodology
PublikacjaIn order for development teams to understand the impact of software development on value delivery it is important that all team members, including software engineers, possess adequate management skills which not always have been acquired during university education. The lean start-up methodology techniques enable new ventures to test hypothesis, gather customer feed- back and create a minimum viable product. The obtained information...
PublikacjaStarting hydraulic pumps in low ambient temperatures may cause: decreased hydraulic-mechanical efficiency, larger vibration of hydraulic installation, faster wear and more frequent damage to the elements of pumps, change of material properties of elements, increase of pressure drop. As a result of increase of resistance of cold oil flow in the suction pipe, large underpressure may be experienced, causing incomplete filling of pump...
Business angels jako alternatywne źródło finansowania start-upów
PublikacjaPodmioty gospodarcze jako element każdego modelu gospodarki są bardzo istotne z punktu widzenia funkcjonowania każdego systemu ekonomicznego na świecie. Stan gospodarki jest bowiem silnie zależny od dynamicznego rozwoju sektora przedsiębiorczości. Zależność ta zachodzi na wszystkich etapach rozwoju gospodarczego, może ona jednak przybierać różne nasilenie i charakter. W Polsce, podobnie jak na całym świecie, powstaje wiele nowych...
How to stop salami science: promotion of healthy trends in publishing behavior
PublikacjaThe career of scientists often depends on the number of their published works. This fact leads to the overproduction of low quality papers burying the important articles and making the knowledge less accessible. One of the methods to counteract these negative aspects might lie in the promotion of healthy trends in publishing behavior. In the present work, the theoretical analysis of a new bibliometric measure is presented, and...
Ocena rozwoju cech przedsiębiorczych uczestników projektu "Biznes na Start 8"
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje wyniki projektu realizowanego przez Gdańską Fundację Przedsiębiorczości, którego celem było przygotowanie beneficjentów do prowadzenia własnej działalności gospodarczej. Na trzech etapach projektu: preinkubacji, inkubacji i na zakończenie projektu. Badanie opierało sie na testach osobowości dotyczących między innymi takich cech jak: poczucie kontroli wewnętrznej, ekstrawersja, otwartość na doświadczenie, asertywność,...
Analysis of the Heating Process of Hydraulic Motors during Start-Up in Thermal Shock Conditions
PublikacjaConditions that prevail during harsh winters and hot summers pose a serious challenge for machine designers building devices suitable for operation in extreme weather. It is essential for the designers and the users to define the principles and conditions for the safe operation of machines and devices with hydraulic drive in low ambient temperatures. Bearing in mind the above, the author tested the hydraulic motors in thermal shock...
Volumetric and torque efficiency of pumps during start-up in low ambient temperatures
PublikacjaThe volumetric, torque and total efficiency of hydraulic pumps change during start-up in low ambient temperatures, as well as in thermal shock conditions, un-til they reach the set conditions. The time to reach steady-state conditions de-pends on many parameters: ambient temperature, flow rate, fluid temperature, design of hydraulic units. The author carried out tests of hydraulic pumps in the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Faculty...
A fast start-up of the organotrophic anammox process inoculated with constructed wetland sediment
PublikacjaOrganotrophic anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacteria can utilize small volatile fatty acids with nitrate as electron acceptors with less energy consumption and no biomass production. To achieve a faster and stable start-up of organotrophic anammox process, in this study, the growth of organotrophic anammox bacteria seeded from hybrid constructed wetland (CW) sediment under different TOC/TN ratios and different chloramphenicol...
Monitoring the gas turbine start-up phase on the platform using a hierarchical model based on Multi-Layer Perceptron networks
PublikacjaVery often, the operation of diagnostic systems is related to the evaluation of process functionality, where the diagnostics is carried out using reference models prepared on the basis of the process description in the nominal state. The main goal of the work is to develop a hierarchical gas turbine reference model for the estimation of start-up parameters based on multi-layer perceptron neural networks. A functional decomposition...
Political Regime Type and Regional Cooperation – a Case Study of Arab States
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AlGaN/GaN heterostructures for plasma wave detection and emission in THz regime
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A New Method of the Load Compensation Use During Creation of Post Blackout Start-up Path in Power System
PublikacjaIn the paper a new method of effective use of load compensation during creation of post blackout start-up path is proposed. Theoretical assumptions and simulation results of an investigation are presented. An experiment performed in the Polish Power System is also described. This experiment proved that the method proposed by the authors is advisable. The method may be utilized by power system operators for power system restoration...
Marek Dzida dr hab. inż.
OsobyUrodził się 6 sierpnia 1953 r. w Bielsku-Białej. Absolwent Instytutu Okrętowego Politechniki Gdańskiej, od 1978 r. pracuje na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa PG. W 1983 r. uzyskał tytuł doktora nauk technicznych, w 2001 r. – doktora habilitowanego. Aktualnie zatrudniony na stanowisku profesora nadzwyczajnego na PG. Pełnił funkcję prodziekana ds. kształcenia WOiO (1996–2002) oraz dziekana (2005–2012). Od 2010 r. jest kierownikiem...
The selective salinity and hydrazine parameters for the start-up of non-anammox-specific biomass SBR
PublikacjaThe presence of ammonium (NH 4+ ) in wastewater above the permissible limits leads to undesirable ecological impact and public health concerns. In this study, the anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (anammox) bacteria-mediated nitrogen removal was investigated using a sequential batch reactor (SBR). Effects of different salinity levels were evaluated on the bacterial activity at: mild (below 0.2 g NaCl/L), elevated (18.2 g NaCl/L) and...
LaTeX Lab: Szybki Start w Świecie Formatowania Tekstu
Kursy OnlineCzołem! Naukowe Koło Chemików SPG wita na stronie kursu obsługi programu LaTeX, który (uwierzcie nam na słowo) jest wspaniałym narzędziem do formatowania i tworzenia dokumentów.
Links between Teleconnection Patterns and Water Level Regime of Selected Polish Lakes
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Comparison of hydrochemistry and organic compound transport in two non-glaciated high Arctic catchments with a permafrost regime (Bellsund Fjord, Spitsbergen)
PublikacjaAn increase in air temperature related to climate change results in the retreat of glaciers, the degradation of permafrost, and the expansion of glacier-free areas in the polar regions. All these processes lead to changes in the Arctic landscape. They influence the hydrochemistry of streams and rivers fed by glaciers and thawing permafrost. In this study, we examine eighty two water samples from two non-glaciated catchments with...
A set of data constituting the basis for the publication entitled "Mitochondria dysfunction is one of the causes of diclofenac toxicity in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii"
Dane BadawczeNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as diclofenac (DCF), form a significant group of environmental contaminants. When the toxic effects of DCF on plants are analyzed, authors often focus on photosynthesis, whilemitochondrial respiration is usually overlooked. Therefore, an in vivo investigation of plant mitochondria functioning under...
From Darcy to Turbulent Flow: Investigating Flow Characteristics and Regime Transitions in Porous Media
PublikacjaThis research addresses the flow characteristics within a porous medium composed of a monolayer of closely packed spheres, spanning from viscous-dominated to turbulent flow regimes. In the first part of this paper, the turbulent flow characteristics at a 30 MPa pressure drop within the domain are presented. The results are averaged across different cross-sections between the inlet and outlet. In the second part of the study, simulations...
Combining tight-binding and molecular dynamics methods to model the behaviour of metals in the plastic regime
PublikacjaOpisujemy zastosowanie metody dwuskalowej (kwantowo-klasycznej) w zastosowaniu do metali. Region energetycznie najważniejszy jest traktowany kwantowo, podczas gdy reszta układu jest traktowana klasycznie. Wprowadzamy własną implementację metody oraz przedstawiamy uzyskane wyniki dla metali.