wszystkich: 4859
wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
An effective Hamiltonian for sulfur adsorption at Au(100) surface
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On effective surface elastic moduli for microstructured strongly anisotropic coatings
PublikacjaThe determination of surface elastic moduli is discussed in the context of a recently proposed strongly anisotropic surface elasticity model. The aim of the model was to describe deformations of solids with thin elastic coatings associated with so-called hyperbolic metasurfaces. These metasurfaces can exhibit a quite unusual behaviour and concurrently a very promising wave propagation behaviour. In the model of strongly anisotropic...
On Effective Bending Stiffness of a Laminate Nanoplate Considering Steigmann–Ogden Surface Elasticity
PublikacjaAs at the nanoscale the surface-to-volume ratio may be comparable with any characteristic length, while the material properties may essentially depend on surface/interface energy properties. In order to get effective material properties at the nanoscale, one can use various generalized models of continuum. In particular, within the framework of continuum mechanics, the surface elasticity is applied to the modelling of surface-related...
Identifying Surface Runoff Pathways for Cost-Effective Mitigation of Pollutant Inputs to Drinking Water Reservoir
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DEIS evaluation of the relative effective surface area of AISI 304 stainless steel dissolution process in conditions of intergranular corrosion
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DEIS evaluation of the relative effective surface area of AISI 304 stainless steel dissolution process in conditions of intergranulatar corrosion
PublikacjaWyniki przedstawione w tej pracy stanowią dalszą część badań dotyczących procesu roztwarzania wysokostopowej stali AISI 304 w warunkach zachodzenia korozji międzykrystalicznej z wykorzystaniem techniki dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjnej (DEIS). Po raz pierwszy zaprezentowano zmiany względnej powierzchni efektywnej procesu roztwarzania stali AISI 304 w warunkach zachodzenia korozji międzykrystalicznej w funkcji...
Characterizing surface and air temperature in the Baltic Sea coastal area using remote sensing techniques and GIS
PublikacjaEstimation of surface temperature using multispectral imagery retrieved from satellite sensors constitutes several problems in terms of accuracy, accessibility, quality and evaluation. In order to obtain accurate results, currently utilized methods rely on removing atmospheric fluctuations in separate spectral windows, applying atmospheric corrections or utilizing additional information related to atmosphere or surface characteristics...
Optimized AVHRR land surface temperature downscaling method for local scale observations: case study for the coastal area of the Gulf of Gdańsk
PublikacjaSatellite imaging systems have known limitations regarding their spatial and temporal resolution. The approaches based on subpixel mapping of the Earth’s environment, which rely on combining the data retrieved from sensors of higher temporal and lower spatial resolution with the data characterized by lower temporal but higher spatial resolution, are of considerable interest. The paper presents the downscaling process of the land...
Empirical Relationship Describing Total Convective and Radiative Heat Loss in Buildings
PublikacjaOn the basis of theoretical considerations of convective-radiative heat transfer, a relationship was developed enabling the total convective and radiative heat flux QC+R emitted from any object at tw and its surroundings at t∞ to be calculated from known values of the surface temperature of such an object, i.e., the known temperature difference Δt=tw - t∞ and average air temperature Tav. This relationship is applied to thermal...
Marcin Wekwejt dr inż.
OsobyMarcin Wekwejt, absolwent studiów inżynierskich w inż. biomedycznej (2016; Politechnika Bydgoska im. J. i J. Śniadeckich & Collegium Medicum im. L. Rydygiera), studiów magisterskich w inż. mechaniczno-medycznej (2018; Politechnika Gdańska & Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny) oraz studiów doktoranckich w dyscyplinie inż. materiałowej (2021, Politechnika Gdańska). Uzyskał z wyróżnieniem stopień naukowy doktora nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych...
Assessment of the Feasibility of Energy Transformation Processes in European Union Member States
PublikacjaThe energy transition is now treated in most countries as a necessary condition for their long-term development. The process of energy transformation assumes the simultaneous implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, which are a major challenge for modern economies and introduce significant restrictions in their functioning. Our study aims to group EU member states according to their ability to achieve energy transition...
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Estimation of Vehicle Energy Consumption at Intersections Using Microscopic Traffic Models
PublikacjaThis paper addresses issues related to modeling energy consumption and emissions using microscopic traffic simulations. This paper develops a method in which a traffic model is used to calculate the energy needed to travel through selected types of intersections. This paper focuses on energy consumption and derived values of calculated energy, which can be, for example, carbon dioxide emissions. The authors present a review of...
Badania stabilności biologicznej wody w wybranych systemach wodociągowych
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań mikrobiologicznych wody powierzchniowej i wód podziemnych z rejonu Trójmiasta, które zasilają systemy dystrybucji charakteryzujące się nikim stosunkiem powierzchni kontaktu do objętości przesyłanej wody (≈0,65) w aspekcie ich stabilności biologicznej. Dokonano oceny skuteczności zastosowanych procesów uzdatniania w usuwaniu ogólnej liczby bakterii (OLB), a w badaniach laboratoryjnych określono...
Surface Science - 2021/2022
Kursy OnlineThe goal of the subject is the presentation of basic problems resulting from he existence of interfacebetween material objects and its surroundings. Discussion of the consequences arising from the existenceof surface energy. Analysis of possible applications of surface phenomena in technology. Understanding ofproblems and benefits resulting from decreasing dimensions of objects with the special emphasis on thesemiconductor band...
Surface Science - 2023/2024
Kursy OnlineThe course is not a full time lecture but on the consultation/handouts. The consulations are held every two weeks. The course is based on the Springer textbook: Surface Science An Introduction Downloadable at: (PG network or vpn access) The goal of the subject is the presentation of basic problems resulting from he existence of interfacebetween material objects...
PublikacjaW komercyjnych systemach dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku, pomimo znacznego wzrostu poziomu automatyzacji, wykorzystywane jest nadal sterowanie typu PID. Poprawę jakości procesu pozycjonowania może umożliwić wykorzystanie bardziej efektywnych algorytmów, oferujących zaawansowane nieliniowe techniki sterowania. W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie projektowania regulatora pozycji i kursu dla układu dynamicznego pozycjonowania...
Emissivity Measurements on Shape Memory Alloys
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Non contact multiband method for emissivity measurment.
PublikacjaW pracy omówiona została metoda bezkontaktowego wielopasmowgo pomiaru emisyjności. W oparciu o opracowany algorytm zbadany został wpływ poszczególnych elementów systemu i czynników zakłócających na dokładność wyznaczania emisyjności. Wyniki modelowania umożliwiają także ocenę dokładności całego systemu pomiarowego.
Emissivity of LSCO and LSFO films for bolometer applications.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono sposób pomiaru oraz wyniki pomiarów emisyjności warstw LSCO i LSFO przeznaczonych na bolometry.
Emissivity of the one-plate lapping machine tool
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań własnych emisyjności docieraka żeliwnego docierarki jednotarczowej. Omówiono konstrukcje produkowanych docierarek jednotarczowych wyposażonych w system kontroli temperatury lub chłodzenia tarczy docierającej. Podano warunki pomiarów temperatury przy użyciu kamery termowizyjnej typu V-20II firmy VIGO System S.A.
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Projektowanie, synteza i charakterystyka fotokatalizatorów nowej generacji na bazie związku Ti3C2Tx do usuwania aktywnych substancji farmaceutycznych
PublikacjaCelem niniejszej pracy było zastosowanie materiałów nowej generacji na bazie związku Ti3C2Tx w procesach fotokatalitycznej degradacji aktywnych substancji farmaceutycznych: karbamazepiny, acetaminofenu i ibuprofenu. Zakres prac badawczych obejmował syntezę fotokatalizatorów, charakterystykę ich właściwości fizykochemicznych, oraz ocenę aktywności fotokatalitycznej. Przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania węglika tytanu jako kokatalizatora...
Synteza układu sterowania statkiem morskim dynamicznie pozycjonowanym w warunkach niepewności
PublikacjaNiniejsza monografia obejmuje zagadnienia związane z syntezą układu dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku w środowisku morskim z zastosowaniem wybranych nieliniowych metod sterowania. W ramach pracy autorka rozważała struktury sterowania z zastosowaniem wektorowej adaptacyjnej metody backstep oraz metod jej pokrewnych, takich jak regulatory MSS (ang. multiple surface sliding), DSC (ang. dynamic surface control), NB (ang. neural backstepping)....
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Verification of multiband system for non-contact emissivity measurements
PublikacjaW pracy przeprowadzono weryfikację wielopasmowej pasywnej metody pomiaru emisyjności obiektu na drodze eksperymentalnej. W oparciu o zrealizowane stanowisko pomiarowe dokonano pomiarów emisyjności wybranych obiektów. Uzyskano dobrą zgodność wyników pomiarów z wynikami wcześniejszej komputerowej analizy systemu. Potwierdziło to przydatność wielopasmowej metody do pomiaru emisyjności w warunkach roboczych.
Effective Project Management, DaPE, sem 1 sem 3, 2022/2023 - Nowy
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with modern methods of effective project management, to present principles, methods and tools supporting decision-making and control processes with particular emphasis on individualized approach to the specifics of the project and its surroundings.
PublikacjaThe article briefly describes the problem of air pollution caused by sea-going ships and the resulting restrictions on the emission of toxic and harmful chemical compounds in the exhaust of marine engines, introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) under the International Convention for the Prevention of Sea Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78). Such emissions provide a significant metrological problem, not only...
Plasma models, contribution matrix for detector setup and generated projections for plasma emissivity reconstruction in fusion devices
Dane BadawczeThe original plasma models for fusion devices, together with the complementary detector setup in the form of a contribution matrix and generated projections. Samples are packed inside a Plasma Tomography Format (PTF) files which is a part of the Plasma Tomography in Fusion Devices Python package, and inside the general JSON format. The constructed dataset...
Non contact multiband emissivity measurment. bibliogr.Optoelectronic and Electronic Sensors.
PublikacjaW pracy zaproponowano i opisano wielopasmowa pasywną metodę pomiaru emisyjności obiektu. W oparciu o opracowany model matematyczny przeprowadzona została analiza systemu pomiarowego. Wyniki modelowania umożliwiają ocenę dokładności projektowanego systemu.
PublikacjaThe article describes the methodology of engine tests on new types of low-sulphur marine fuels in laboratory conditions in order to conduct a comprehensive assessment of their suitability for powering full-size marine engines. The innovativeness of the proposed solution consists of adapting the laboratory Diesel Engine Test Bed to carry out experimental tests using residual and alternative fuels so that it is possible to imitate...
Sudden death of effective entanglement
PublikacjaSudden death of entanglement is a well-known effect resulting from the finite volume of separable states. We study the case when the observer has a limited measurement capability and analyze the effective entanglement (i.e., entanglement minimized over the output data). We show that in the well-defined system of two quantum dots monitored by single-electron transistors, one may observe a sudden death of effective entanglement when...
Surface Chemistry & Experimental Techniques
Kursy Onlinewykłady prowadzone przez prof. G. Jerkiewicza
Applicability of an effective conductivity approach in modeling thoracic impedance changes
PublikacjaThis paper describes numerical simulations of the influence of conductivity changes inside a volume conductor on impedance changes measured on its surface. A simple model based on the finite element method has been developed to estimate an applicability of the effective conductivity theory in human chest modeling. The model consisted of a cylinder with two concentric spheres inside. Simulations were performed for two cases: first...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
OsobyDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) Publikacje z listy MNiSW (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis...
Determination of the effective concentration of ketoprofen against the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) seeds
Dane BadawczeResearch data includes an attempt to determine the effective concentration of ketoprofen that inhibits germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) seeds.
Transverse surface waves on a cylindrical surface with coating
PublikacjaWe discuss the propagation of transverse surface waves that are so-called whispering-gallery waves along a surface of an elastic cylinder with coating. The coating is modelled in the framework of linearized Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity. Other interpretations of the surface shear modulus are given and relations to so-called stiff interface and stiff skin model are discussed. The dispersion relations are obtained and analyzed.
On the Bending of Multilayered Plates Considering Surface Viscoelasticity
PublikacjaWe discuss the bending resistance of multilayered plates taking into account surface/interfacial viscoelasticity. Within the linear surface viscoelasticity we introduce the surface/interfacial stresses linearly dependent on the history of surface strains. In order to underline the surface viscoelasticity contribution to the bending response we restrict ourselves to the elastic behaviour in the bulk. Using the correspondence principle...
Surface finite viscoelasticity and surface anti-plane waves
PublikacjaWe introduce the surface viscoelasticity under finite deformations. The theory is straightforward generalization of the Gurtin–Murdoch model to materials with fading memory. Surface viscoelasticity may reflect some surface related creep/stress relaxation phenomena observed at small scales. Discussed model could also describe thin inelastic coatings or thin interfacial layers. The constitutive equations for surface stresses are...
Strongly anisotropic surface elasticity and antiplane surface waves
PublikacjaWithin the new model of surface elasticity, the propagation of anti-plane surface waves is discussed. For the proposed model, the surface strain energy depends on surface stretching and on changing of curvature along a preferred direction. From the continuum mechanics point of view, the model describes finite deformations of an elastic solid with an elastic membrane attached on its boundary reinforced by a family of aligned elastic...
Highly effective asphaltene-derived adsorbents for gas phase removal of volatile organic compounds
PublikacjaA novel nitrated asphaltene-derived adsorbent (Asf-Nitro) was prepared using facile isolation and modification procedures. The successful modification was confirmed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The nitrated adsorbent was evaluated in terms of dispersive and specific interactions, Lewis acid-base properties and adsorption isotherms by means of inverse gas chromatography (IGC). Nitration was found to be extremely...
Surface effects of network materials based on strain gradient homogenized media
PublikacjaThe asymptotic homogenization of periodic network materials modeled as beam networks is pursued in this contribution, accounting for surface effects arising from the presence of a thin coating on the surface of the structural beam elements of the network. Cauchy and second gradient effective continua are considered and enhanced by the consideration of surface effects. The asymptotic homogenization technique is here extended to...
Surface Innovations
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Ocular Surface
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Surface Technology
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Effective density of airborne wear particles from car brake materials
PublikacjaPeople living in urban environments are subject to high health risks due to various anthropogenic sources of airborne particulate matter, including wear of transport vehicle brakes. Studies of airborne particles often require an estimate of the effective particle density, a property that allows correct matching of mass and size characteristics measured by different aerosol instruments. In this study we investigated the effective...
On the effective properties of foams in the framework of the couple stress theory
PublikacjaIn the framework of the couple stress theory, we discuss the effective elastic properties of a metal open-cell foam. In this theory, we have the couple stress tensor, but the microrotations are fully described by displacements. To this end, we performed calculations for a representative volume element which give the matrices of elastic moduli relating stress and stress tensors with strain and microcurvature tensors.
Effective Formula for Impact Damping Ratio for Simulation of Earthquake-induced Structural Pounding
PublikacjaStructural pounding during earthquakes may cause substantial damage to colliding structures. The phenomenon is numerically studied using different models of collisions. The aim of the present paper is to propose an effective formula for the impact damping ratio, as a parameter of the impact force model used to study different problems of structural pounding under seismic excitations. Its accuracy has been verified by four various...
Surface and interfacial anti-plane waves in micropolar solids with surface energy
PublikacjaIn this work, the propagation behaviour of a surface wave in a micropolar elastic half-space with surface strain and kinetic energies localized at the surface and the propagation behaviour of an interfacial anti-plane wave between two micropolar elastic half-spaces with interfacial strain and kinetic energies localized at the interface have been studied. The Gurtin–Murdoch model has been adopted for surface and interfacial elasticity....