Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY

  • Sustainable Knowledge Sharing Model for IT Agile Projects


    - Rok 2022

    In order to overcome work environment challenges and remain competitive in the market, organisations must adapt. An organisation's competitiveness can be improved through knowledge sharing; however, improvement without responsibility can have a negative impact on the sociotechnical environment which people cannot fully comprehend. According to researchers, business involvement in sustainable development goals remains minimal [51]....

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  • Insights into baby disposable diapers sustainable application

    The sustainable use of baby disposable diapers is one of the issues currently being discussed to reduce the undesirable impact on the environment and improve the public's understanding of the proper use of diapers. This issue is a step toward promoting a cleaner, greener, and waste-less environment. In this article, the authors discuss options for a viable future for both people and the planet. We believe that it inspire others...

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  • Logistical Aspects of Energy Conversion Efficiency in Marine Steam Power Plants in Off-Design Conditions


    - Logistyka - Rok 2014

    The paper presents logistical aspects of energy conversion efficiency in off-design conditions. The main part of the article is based on results of thermodynamic calculation for large propulsion steam turbine under partial loads. Calculations are made on extended mathematical model of two proposed steam turbine thermodynamic cycles using Stodola’s cone law. The conclusion based on calculation re-sults contains importance of off-design...

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  • The role of clusters as collective actors in the energy transformation: the case of Mazovia Cluster ICT


    - Competitiveness Review - Rok 2023

    Purpose – In our paper we aim to show the possibilities of implementing the idea of sustainability in the context of energy transformation using the concept of an industrial cluster. The implementation of the idea of sustainability is of particular importance from the perspective of the functioning of the meta-organisations involved in the implementation and promotion of decarbonisation processes. Industrial clusters, as collective...

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  • Instruments shaping sustainable mobility of urban residents


    - Torun Business Review - Rok 2016

    Urban development increases the demand for efficient, fast, safe ecological transport. Extensive development of urban transport system, in particular transport infrastructure, changed the point of view about transport needs. Research on the effectiveness of transport systems for years accompanied the study of mobility. The development of modern technology, the need to increase efficiency of transport and increase environmental...

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  • Architects and urban planners in the face of energy transition - smart cities energy aspects in shaping building structures and cities


    Contemporary architects and urban planners are facing steadily increasing challenges. The growing problems around environmental issues, shrinking natural resources and climate action are just some of them. Currently, planning should also include balancing with all the aspects of sustainable development such as not only the environmental issues, but also social and economic ones. How to meet them in the era of energy transition...

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  • Locality in a sustainable urban housing development


    - Rok 2007

    Ewolucja koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju miasta charakteryzuje się odejściem od uniwersalnego modelu na rzecz wielu modeli rownoważenia ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ich społecznych aspektów. W modelach tych kluczowego znaczenia nabiera skala lokalna. Idea miasta zwartego oznacza w skali lokalnej dążenie do intensyfikacji zabudowy i wielofunkcyjności środowiska mieszkaniowego oraz do realizacji wspólnotowego modelu życia.

  • T-House in Shaping Sustainable Housing


    - Rok 2020

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  • Ethical aspects of the sustainable architectural design


    - Architectus - Rok 2011

    Wobec wyzwań rozwoju zrównoważonego praktyka architektoniczna ulega przeobrażeniu. Coraz wyraźniej akcentowane są kwestie społeczne i ekologiczne. Etyka środowiskowa, której przedmiotem refleksji jest człowiek i środowisko, stanowi podstawę filozoficzną koncepcji zrównoważonego projektowania architektonicznego. W kształtowaniu przestrzeni pojawia się podstawowe pytanie - co jest dobre dla środowiska? Problemem projektowania rodzącym...

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  • The Sustainable Link - the Haze of the Past in the Future


    - Rok 2018

    The aim of the topic is to explore the site by focusing on historical elements and life cycle thinking. The history and sustainability will thereby be the core approach and method during the ongoing design process. These themes will encourage the interdisciplinary and iterative design process.

  • Sustainable monument preservation in architectural education

    The aim of this article is both to present the need for changes in architectural and conservation education in a modern, rapidly changing world, as well as to outline solutions to this problem. In the modern world, the field of objects that one intends to protect is expanding. It is necessary to adapt the architectural education to these changes. Due to the current pace of social, political...

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  • Building materials in context for sustainable development


    - Rok 2003

    Interpretacja pojęcia ''budownictwo zrównoważone''. Zadania, cele i przykłady interpretacji realizacji budownictwa w kontekście zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju. Wskaźniki zrównoważenia stosowane w budownictwie.

  • How to teach sustainable structural engineering.


    - Rok 2004

    Na podstawie analizy toretycznej i doświadczeń praktycznych - autora jako profesora politechniki, badacza i praktykującego inżyniera - uzyskanych w niniejszym pięćdziesięcioleciu, przedstawiono ogólny stan obecny zrównoważonej inżynierii i jej akcentowanie w Politechnice Gdańskiej.

  • Market Regeneration in Line with Sustainable Urban Development

    This article presents the study of the optimal design solutions for regeneration of marketplaces. It examines the design variants for the revitalisation of the marketplace, in particular, investment in their modernisation in order to find the most optimal model for transforming these public spaces to have a significant impact on the city’s development. The research is a comparative analysis of the implementation of regeneration...

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  • The Role of Catholicism in Shaping a Culture of Sustainable Consumption


    - Religions - Rok 2021

    The paper presents the potential of religions, in particular Christianity, in shaping a culture of sustainable consumption (a culture of moderation). It focuses on the contribution of the Catholic tradition, which is, to some extent, complemented by statements representing other Christian denominations. Based on an analysis of relevant sources, it identifies risks arising from the prevalence of a consumer culture, which results...

  • Optimization of Train Energy Cooperation Using Scheduled Service Time Reserve


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The main aim of the paper was to develop an innovative approach to the preliminary estimation possibility of train energy cooperation based on data from timetables, without traction calculations. The article points out the need to strive for sustainable and environmentally friendly transport. It was pointed out that rail transport using electric traction is one of the more ecological branches of transport. It also offers a number...

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  • Coffee Wastes as Sustainable Flame Retardants for Polymer Materials

    • H. Vahabi
    • M. Jouyandeh
    • T. Parpaite
    • M. Saeb
    • S. Ramakrishna

    - Coatings - Rok 2021

    Development of green flame retardants has become a core part of the attention of material scientists and technologists in a paradigm shift from general purpose to specific sustainable products. This work is the first report on the use of coffee biowastes as sustainable flame retardants for epoxy, as a typical highly flammable polymer. We used spent coffee grounds (SCG) as well as SCG chemically modified with phosphorus (P-SCG)...

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  • Buenos Aires – Toward Comprehensive Development and Sustainable Mobility

    This paper is introducing Buenos Aires’ achievements and challenges in implementing comprehensive development and integrating efficient and sustainable transport system within its urban structure. There are several important steps in this process starting from urban regeneration of Puerto Madero, the introduction and then implementation of a strategic plan Modelo territorial (2010) and of Buenos Aires' Plan de Movilidad Sustentable...

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  • Spatial differences in sustainable development components in Nordic regions


    - Rok 2017

    Geographical proximity, common historical roots and collaboration within the Nordic Council make the Nordic countries, often wrongly treated as monoliths. How ever, in reality, Nordic regions differ in terms of broadly defined socio - economic development. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatial differences in sustainable development components in Nordic NUTS - 3 regions in the period 2006 - 2014....

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  • Sustainable Fashion in Poland—Too Early or Too Late?


    This article presents an analysis of the concept of sustainable fashion from the Polish consumer’s perspective. The aim of this research is to investigate how Polish fashion consumers approach the concepts of sustainability, such as organic, fair-trade, and carbon emissions. Exploring the experience of the Polish consumption context provides a richer understanding of the evolution of fashion sustainability concepts in this and...

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  • Integrated spatial and energy planning – importance of a problem for contemporary architects and urban planners with focus on environmental factors

    Along with respecting basic sustainable development goals, planners will also be obliged to meet more stringent provisions related to energy efficiency in the coming years. In Poland, a crucial year will be 2021, when the EU directive on the energy efficiency of buildings comes into force. In this matter, not only the characteristics of individual objects are of great importance, but their whole complexes and the overall approach...

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  • Sustainable development on the background of a general theory of regional development


    - Rok 2012

    The article focuses on a presentation and discussion of the concept of "sustainable de-velopment" (SD). It contains an analysis of the concept, its characteristics, objectives and principles of implementation. Particular emphasis has been placed on presentation of the unique features of sustainable development that distinguish it from other theories of regional development. Therefore, the discussion has been preceded by a discussion...

  • Community Road Safety Strategies in the Context of Sustainable Mobility


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents an overview on the road safety strategies and action plans implemented in the framework of the “SOL - Save our lives: Comprehensive road safety strategy for Central Europe” project. It contains summarization of learned knowledge regarding the efficiency of measures applied and highlights examples of good practices. The purpose of the paper is to provide recommendations for effective and successful planning, formulation...

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  • Digital Government as Implementation Means for Sustainable Development Goals


    - International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age - Rok 2019

    One of the challenges for implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the measurement of indicators that represent progress towards such goals. Measuring such progress enables data-driven decision-making and management of SDG-relevant projects and strategies. The premise of this research is that measuring such indicators depends on measuring so-called means of implementation, i.e. activities that directly contribute to...

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  • Chapter 9. Sustainable development and heterogeneous photocatalysis


    Tlenek tytanu(IV) jest efektywnym fotokatalizatorem w procesach usuwania zanieczyszczeń z fazy wodnej i gazowej, fotokonwersji CO2 oraz generowania H2. TiO2 wykazuje wysoką stabilność i reaktywność pod wpływem promieniowania UV, którego energia jest wyższa od szerokości pasma wzbronionego anatazu (3,3 eV). W artykule omówiono mechanizm reakcji w obecności TiO2, obecne oraz potencjalne możliwości zastosowania.

  • Water resources security and management for sustainable communities


    - Rok 2021

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  • Sustainable Development and Innovations- How They Work Together?

    • I. Bak
    • K. Cheba
    • I. Lacka

    - European Research Studies Journal - Rok 2020

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  • The idea of sustainable development in the landscape contemporary cities

    • P. Szumigała
    • P. Urbański
    • P. Tomczak
    • M. Walerzak
    • S. Sosnowska
    • K. Szumigała


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  • Stakeholder identification as a determinant of sustainable project management


    - Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series - Rok 2022

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  • Planning documents and sustainable development of a commune in Poland

    • A. Stacherzak
    • M. Hełdak
    • B. Raszka

    - Rok 2012

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  • Sustainable Soil Remediation Using Organic Amendments


    - Rok 2021

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  • Building Sustainable Cities. Challenges for professional education


    - Rok 2010

    W artykule zawarto rozważania na temat problemu dostosowania profilu i charakteru edukacji planistycznej i urbanistycznej do potrzeb zmianiającego się świata. W szczególności okreslone zostały przyczyny koniecznych zmian wtym zakresie oraz kierunki działania.

  • The principles of arturbain.fr for teaching sustainable urban design

    The article is an attempt to show how important it is in the contemporary education of architecture students to use an ordered repertoire of principles and concepts of a universal nature, at the same time, pointing to the new directions of solutions and answers to the problems of the 21st century. This task is implemented by the French Association L'Arturbain dans les Territoires. It is accompanied by an idea consisting in observing...

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  • Customizing nano-chitosan for sustainable drug delivery

    • M. Saeedi
    • O. Vahidi
    • M. R. Moghbeli
    • S. Ahmadi
    • M. Asadnia
    • O. Akhavan
    • F. Seidi
    • M. Rabiee
    • M. Saeb
    • T. J. Webster... i 4 innych


    Chitosan is a natural polymer with acceptable biocompatibility, biodegradability, and mechanical stability; hence, it has been widely appraised for drug and gene delivery applications. However, there has been no comprehensive assessment to tailor-make chitosan cross-linkers of various types and functionalities as well as complex chitosan-based semi- and full-interpenetrating networks for drug delivery systems (DDSs). Herein, various...

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  • Sustainable Investing. Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds


    - Rok 2023

    Sustainable Investing: Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds examines the social and economic effects of sustainable investing ETFs and their impacts on the global financial system. The book presents the key issues with regard to sustainable investing, discussing exchange-traded funds mechanisms and categories in comparison to competing investment funds. The book outlines the theoretical determinants of ETF markets development...

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  • Sustainable investing exchange-traded funds: US and European market

    The key aim of the paper is to examine the diffusion of the sustainable investing exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on the European and US ETFs markets, with the special focus on the market shares of sustainable investing and conventional funds. The model of diffusion of innovation (logistic growth model) is applied. Monthly data on the assets of ETFs in the time period of 2006-2017 are used. Increasing assets of sustainable investing...

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  • A Review on Metal–Organic Framework as a Promising Catalyst for Biodiesel Production ENERGY & FUELS

    • G. V. Nguyen
    • P. Sharma
    • M. Dzida
    • V. H. Bui
    • H. S. Le
    • A. S. El-Shafay
    • H. C. Le
    • D. T. N. Le
    • V. D. Tran

    - ENERGY & FUELS - Rok 2024

    The rapid depletion of fossil-derived fuels along with rising environmental pollution have motivated academics and manufacturers to pursue more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy options in today’s globe. Biodiesel has developed as an ecologically favorable alternative. However, the mass manufacturing of biodiesel on an industrial scale confronts substantial cost and pricing challenges. To address this issue, high-efficiency...

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  • Green analytical chemistry as an integral part of sustainable education development


    - Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry - Rok 2021

    Green chemistry is an important way of thinking in the field of chemistry and aims to conduct processes in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. It is the application of a wide range of principles that minimize the impact of both chemical processes and products on the environment. And what about analytical chemistry? Without a doubt, analytical chemistry plays an important role in the sustainable development...

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  • Sustainable polymers targeted at the surgical and otolaryngological applications: Circularity and future

    The ongoing climate changes, high air and noise pollution have significant impact on humans’ health. This influence is especially visible in otolaryngology, which focuses on respiratory and hearing systems disfunctions. However, even though surgeries are done in response to diseases related to climate changes, they also have a negative impact on the environment, mostly connected with the inherence of single-use fossil fuel derived...

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  • The New Chinese Civil Code and its contribution to Sustainable Development

    The first civil code of the People’s Republic of China in the history was adopted by the 13th National People’s Congress in Beijing on 28 May 2020 and will enter into effect on 1 January 2021. The new civil code puts much more emphasis on the sustainable development and protection of the environment and because of that, the Chinese private law has begun to respond to ecological problems as well. The...

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  • Smart and resilient cities- new challanges for Polish cities in terms of 2020 energy efficiency and climate action


    - Rok 2018

    Global climate change action along with energy efficiency optimizations are becoming increasingly pressing principles in terms of moving towards sustainable development. As a member of EU and UN Poland is also obliged to follow restricted rules concerning energy efficiency of buildings which come to force in 2020. To meet new goals, innovative approaches - like moving towards smart and resilient cities -may be required. Through...

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  • EIA in teaching sustainable development and environmental protection in engineering education

    A multifaceted approach in teaching the environmental impact assessment (EIA) as a way to stress the role of environmental education in technical sciences is the focus of this article. The EIA is an example of an effective tool that supports spatial planning in implementing sustainable development. The aim is to present the idea and benefits of a facilitative and collaborative approach in teaching the EIA, stressing the role of...

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  • Sustainable urban planning in the context of studentification of the inner city areas


    - Rok 2018

    The social dimension of urban planning as well as the importance of local communities and civic participation are often underlined in contemporary urban renewal and revitalisation programmes based on the principles of sustainable development. British Urban Renaissance is one the most far-reaching and widely discussed urban regeneration strategies which aims at repopulation and social diversification of inner city areas and land...

  • Property sustainable value versus highest and best use analyzes

    • M. Walacik
    • M. Renigier‐Biłozor
    • A. Chmielewska
    • A. Janowski


    This article proposes the possibility of applying fuzzy logic theory to perform the tasks of determining the market value of agricultural lands. These tasks are of a multi‐criteria character, as multiple factors are taken into consideration during the land value valuation process. The market value of agricultural land plots, calculated using fuzzy logic methods, can provide a basis for further use in the processes that are directly...

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  • Review of International Standards and Policy Guidelines for Smart Sustainable Cities


    - Rok 2021

    Smart cities are often criticized for preoccupation with technology, for ignoring the negative effects of technology, for irrelevance to the needs of the poor, and for ubiquitous data collection creating perfect conditions for surveillance societies and autocratic states. In response, cities pursue smartness and sustainability simultaneously, becoming global (by participation in global digital networks) and local (by addressing...

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  • Sustainable development model for measuring and managing sustainability in the automotive sector



    A growing number of organizations across a variety of industries are now pursuing sustainable management business goals to improve business efficiency, manage stakeholder expectations, or for legislative compliance. This is also the case for automotive manufacturing organizations who are under pressure from their stakeholders to manage and improve sustainability performance. This requires the development of credible measurement...

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  • Management Strategy for Seaports Aspiring to Green Logistical Goals of IMO: Technology and Policy Solutions

    • T. T. Le
    • H. P. Nguyen
    • K. Rudzki
    • L. Rowiński
    • V. D. Bui
    • T. H. Truong
    • H. C. Le
    • N. D. K. Pham

    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2023

    Recently, because of serious global challenges including the consumption of energy and climate change, there has been an increase in interest in the environmental effect of port operations and expansion. More interestingly, a strategic tendency in seaport advancement has been to manage the seaport system using a model which balances environmental volatility and economic development demands. An energy efficient management system...

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    As cities and urban population continue to grow, causing serious threats to public health, the development of health-affirming urban landscapes becomes even more important topic than ever before. The purpose of this paper is to answer the question which qualities of urban landscape make it the health-affirming landscape. In the first part of the paper, a concept of health-affirming landscapes and a modern approach to sustainable...

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    As cities and urban population continue to grow, causing serious threats to public health, the development of health-affirming urban landscapes becomes even more important topic than ever before. The purpose of this paper is to answer the question which qualities of urban landscape make it the health-affirming landscape. In the first part of the paper, a concept of health-affirming landscapes and a modern approach to sustainable...

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  • Rural Landscape Planning for Sustainable Development. The Case of Poland


    - Rok 2014

    This text results from theoretical study on the possibilities of rural landscape renovation in Poland. The introduction marks new spatial phenomena and the scope of their influence. It indicates social and cultural reasons of the changes, and states the need of their renewed interpretation. The second part of the article contains a description of the degrading cultural landscape of the country and presents its features. It then...

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