wszystkich: 128
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TION
Effect of modified soybeen oil amount on rheological characteriza-tion of polyurethane pre-polymers
PublikacjaPolyurethanes (Pu’s) are the polymeric materials which have got urethane groups in the structure. The properties of Pu’s depend both on the method of preparation and monomers used. Polyurethanes are produced by two methods known as one step or two step method called as “pre-polymers method”, especially for the case of segmented polyurethanes (SPU’s). These materials are thermoplastic block copolymers of the (AB)n type consisting...
Apparent molar volumes of multicharged cations in dimethyl sulfoxide solu-tions at 25 C
PublikacjaWyznaczono gęstości oraz pozorne objętości molowe nadchloranów żelaza(III),berylu(II) i magnezu(II), azotanu srebra, nadchloranu i azotanu tetraetylo-amoniowego oraz nadchloranu i tetrafenyloboranu tetrabutyloamoniowego w roztworach w DMSO. Dokonano rozdziału granicznych wartości na udziały jonowe. Przedstawiono i przeanalizowano zmienności cząstkowe molowych objętości kationów metali solwatowanych DMSO.
Conformation Properties, Chiroptical Spectra, and Molecular Self-Assembly of 2,3-Piperazinodiones and Their Dithiono Analogues
PublikacjaRodzina chiralnych cyklicznych oksamidów została otrzymana przez kondensację optycznie czynnych 1,2-diamin ze szczawianem dietylu. Tionowanie produktów odczynnikiem Lawessona doprowadziło do chiralnych 2,3-dipiperazynodionów. Geometrie cząsteczkowe badano z użyciem obliczeń kwantowo-mechanicznych DFT i porównano z wynikami analizy krystalograficznej. Sześcioczłonowy pierścień heterocykliczny przyjmuje konformację półkrzesłową,...
Lawesson's reagent (LR) for direct thionation of hydroxamic acids. Substituent effect on LR reactivity
PublikacjaOkreślono zakres stosowalności i ogranicznia metody bezpośredniej tionacji kwasów hydroksamowych (HAA) za pomocą odczynnika Lawessona (LR). Przedmiotem badań było 35 HAA o wzorze ogólnym R1CON(R2)OH gdzie: R1 = alkil, aryl, benzyl, etoksykarbonylometylen, cynamyl, heteroaryl, a R2 = alkil, aryl. Ustalono, że wydajności kwasów tiohydroksamowych są niskie, gdy wyjściowy HAA posiada w swojej strukturze duże objętościowo reszty R1...
Sanctions and their role in preventing the appropriation of the creditor’s property rights in bankruptcy proceedings–the case of Poland
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to fill the cognitive gap regarding the role of sanc-tions in the protection of a creditor’s property rights in the event of an entrepreneur insolvency. The impact of sanctions on transaction costs, including their identifica-tion and types, as well as the impact on the protection of creditor rights, has been poorly recognized in the subject literature to date. This article investigates...
Virtual Engineering Factory: Creating Experience Base for Industry 4.0
PublikacjaABSTRACT In recent times, traditional manufacturing is upgrading and adopting Industry 4.0, which supports computerization of manufacturing by round-the-clock connection and communica- tion of engineering objects. Consequently, Decisional DNA- based knowledge representation of manufacturing objects, processes, and system is achieved by virtual engineering objects (VEO), virtual engineering processes (VEP), and virtual engineering...
Optimal shape design of multi-element trawl-doors using local surrogate models
PublikacjaTrawl-doors have a large influence on the fuel consumption of fishing vessels. Design and optimiza-tion of trawl-doors using computational models are a key factor in minimizing the fuel consump-tion. This paper presents an optimization algorithm for the shape design of trawl-door shapes using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models. Accurate CFD models are computationally expensive. Therefore, the direct use of traditional optimization...
Positive Management of Universities: A Model of Motivation to Strive for Scientific Excellence
PublikacjaObjective: The aim of the article is to conceptualise a model of work motivation in the management of universities striving for scientific excellence. Research Design & Methods: The most relevant for our aim is the self-determina tion theory that is applied to the work and organisational domain. We used a nar rative literature review. Findings: The proposed model is derived from the self-determination theory. It includes three...
The finite difference methods of computation of X-rays propagation through a system of many lenses
PublikacjaThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many beryllium X-ray refrac- tive lenses is considered. In order to calculate the propagation of electromagnetic in the optical sys- tem, two differential equations are considered. First equation for an electric field of a monochromatic wave and the second equation derived for complex phase of the same electric The propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system...
Dempster-shafer theory-based trust and selfishness evaluation in mobile ad hoc networks
PublikacjaThe paper addresses the problem of selfishness detec-tion in mobile ad hoc networks. It describes an approach based on Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Special attention is paid to trust evaluation and using it as a metric for coping with (weighted) recommendations from third-party nodes. Efficiency and robustness of the pre-sented solution is discussed with an emphasis on resil-iency to false recommendations.
Overview of cooperative communication methods
PublikacjaThe paper presents issues related to the cooperative communication in wireless networks. Cooperative com-munication involves the use of mobile terminals as relay stations to improve the transmission quality, improve network performance and reduce energy consumption. It is also possible to use several different data transmission standards. The paper presents the methods used to implement cooperative communication. The types of cooperative...
Composite sandwich footbridge - measured dynamic response vs. FEA
PublikacjaThe paper describes a process of in situ dynamic tests of a composite sandwich footbridge before its accepta-tion for exploitation in real traffic conditions. It is only a part of a big research task that includes design, manufacture and introduce practical application of the bridge. The in situ measured natural modes and fre-quencies are compared with numerically determined ones. Finite element analysis is established to estimate...
Fast Basis Function Estimators for Identification of Nonstationary Stochastic Processes
PublikacjaThe problem of identification of a linear nonsta-tionary stochastic process is considered and solved using theapproach based on functional series approximation of time-varying parameter trajectories. The proposed fast basis func-tion estimators are computationally attractive and yield resultsthat are better than those provided by the local least squaresalgorithms. It is shown that two...
Analyzing the Impact of Simulated Multispectral Images on Water Classification Accuracy by Means of Spectral Characteristics
PublikacjaRemote sensing is widely applied in examining the parameters of the state and quality of water. Spectral characteristics of water are strictly connected with the dispersion of electromagnetic radiation by suspended matter and the absorp-tion of radiation by water and chlorophyll a and b.Multispectral sensor ALI has bands within the ranges of electromagnetic radia-tion: blue and infrared, absent in sensors such as Landsat, SPOT,...
Adaptive Expectation Maximization Smoothing (AEMS) inverse technique forindirect fish target strenght estimation. W: [CD-ROM] Full Papers. 6th ICES Symposium on Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology. Montpellier, 10-14 June 2002. [Montpellier: Ifremer]**2002, [6 s.] 5 rys. bibliogr. 5 poz. Zastosowanie adaptacyjnej metody EMS do pośredniej estymacji siły celu ryb.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono modyfikację statystycznej metody EMS (ang. Expecta-tion, Maximization, Smoothing) stosowanej w zagadnienia odwrotnych, polega-jącą na iteracyjnym rozwiązaniu równania Fredholma. Pokazano jej zastosowa-nie do pośredniej estymacji siły celu ryb stosowanej dla danych pozyskanychprzez hydroakustyczne systemy jednowiązkowe wykorzystywane w przeszukiwa-niach akustycznych. Wyniki porównano z rezultatami uzyskanymi...
Enhanced aging resistance of poly(ε-caprolactone)/brewers’ spent grain composites
PublikacjaThe presented paper investigated the influence of brewers’ spent grain (BSG) extrusion pa-rameters on the photo-oxidative resistance of poly(ε-caprolactone)-based wood polymer composites. Filler samples characterized by the higher melanoidin content were more efficient in hindering of poly-mer degradation, inhibiting the decomposition of the polymer amorphous phase. As aresult, deteriora-tion of mechanical performance was limited,...
Modelling of the viscoelastic properties of the technical fabric VALMEX
PublikacjaThe analysis of the Burgers model used for the constitutive description of the technical fabric VALMEX vis-coelastic behavior is presented. It has revealed that the correctness of the identification depends strongly on the level of the immediate strain taken for calculations. Moreover, it has been proven that the Burgers model can be used for modelling of the viscoelastic properties of the polyester reinforced PVC coated VALMEX...
Self diagnostics using smart glasses - preliminary study
Publikacjan this preliminary study we analyzed the possibility of the reliable measurement of biomedical signals with some potential hardware extensions of smart glasses. Using specially designed experimental prototypes four category of biomedical signals were measured: electrocardiograms, electromyograms, electroencephalograms and respiration waveforms. Experi- ments with volunteers proved that using even simple construc- tion of sensors...
PublikacjaThe method for determining the suboptimal route of sailing vessels operating in a restricted area of the sea are proposed in the paper. The dynamics of the environment including weather conditions and speed characteristics of ships sailing are considered. As optimiza-tion criterion, measure sailing time T, and the number of maneuvers performed ω, are taken into account. An heuristic algorithm, and the appropriate application routing...
Potential applicability of ontologies for the evaluation of information technology
PublikacjaIn this article we present the possibilities of using ontologies as a part of a multi-agent system (MAS) designed for the evaluation of information technologies. This is a part of a broader idea devel-oped by the team of researchers at Gdańsk University of Technology. The article deals with defining ontologies, presenting main technologies for their design and implementation and proposes, initially, domains of the ontologies' interest...
Exploring synergistic effects in physical-chemical activation of Acorus calamus for water treatment solutions
PublikacjaThe research proposed a novel method of obtaining sorption material from readily available Acorus calamus bio- mass through a combination of physical and chemical activation processes. The material with the highest specific surface area (1652 m2 g−1) was obtained by physical activation with CO2, followed by chemical activation with KOH. Reversing the order of activation methods resulted in a lower specific surface area (1014 m2...
Construction and investigation of SO2 amperometric sensor with a solid polymer electrolyte membrane
Publikacjan this paper a sensor for detection of the sulphur dioxide based on three electrode cell configuration with a liquid electrolyte, a mercury sulphate reference electrode and a solid polymer electrolyte working electrode is presented. Working elec- trode was obtained by using Takenaka-Torikai chemical deposi- tion method by precipitation of Au particles into the pores of the Nafion membrane. Sensors characteristics measurements were...
Diagnostyka analogowych filtrów wielosekcyjnych oparta na magistrali testującej IEEE1149.1
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono nową koncepcję testera JTAG BIST do samo-testowania torów analogowych opartych na wielosekcyjnych filtrach wyższego rzędu w mieszanych sygnałowo mikrosystemach elektronicznych sterowanych mikrokontrolerami i wyposażonych w magistralę testującą IEEE1149.1 (JTAG). Bazuje ona na metodzie diagnostycznej opartej na przekształce-niu transformującym próbki odpowiedzi czasowych kolejnych sekcji filtra pobudzonego impulsem...
Reactive Processing and Functionalization of Ground Tire Rubber
PublikacjaThe dynamic development of the automotive industry resulted in a sig- nificant increase in rubber wastes, especially end-of-life tires, which are a serious threat to the natural environment and human health. This situation has enforced the industry and academic research groups to search new and cost-effective methods for recycling waste tires. In this field of research, reactive processing and functionaliza- tion seem to be a...
The analysis of temperature changes of the saliva traces left on the fur during laboratory rats social contacts
PublikacjaAutomatic analysis of complex rodent social be- havior, especially aggressive ones, is of important scientific interest. In this paper we analyze the properties of the data created as a result of aggressive rodent social behavior. Detec- tion of specific aggressive behaviors is based on the event of leaving traces of saliva on the fur of the attacked individual, which are clearly visible in the thermal imaging. The traces change...
Signatures and acoustic images of objects moving in water
PublikacjaObservation of underwater space is part of a generaltrend, which primary purpose is to protect and increasesafety in the selected area. The basic aim of the paper ispresentation of designated acoustic characteristics typicalfor objects moving on the water surface and under water,which represent some knowledge about detection of theseobjects. Create a catalog of acoustic signature and not onlyacoustic, as well as acoustic images...
CSR in Polish SMEs- from perception to infatuation. Examples of socially engaged firms from Pomeranian Region
PublikacjaDespite the increasing worldwide awareness of the importance of social issues in con-temporary business management, Polish small and medium-sized enterprises seem to re-main in the group of followers, certainly not leaders, of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement, and this despite important dissemination efforts by numerous institu-tions. The aim of this paper is to present the bumpy road to the (still incomplete)...
Źródła generacji rozproszonej w systemie elektroenergetycznym
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono podstawy elementów systemu rozproszonej generacji. Wskazano na budowę systemu elektroenergetycznego wyposażonego w sterowane odbiory, źródła rozproszone, magazyny energii i układy kontroli napięcia FACTS. Renesans tych źródeł "pozasystemowych" (ang. non-utility genera-tion - NUG) jest wynikiem głębokich przemian w sferach techno-logii, organizacji i finansowania, zarządzania i nowego spojrzenia na ochronę...
Dynamic Charging of Electric Buses as a Way to Reduce Investment Risks of Urban Transport System Electrification
PublikacjaNight charging and fast charging are currently the two most common systems for charging electric buses. Despite the fact that numerous trial installations were started, neither of these two systems has obtained unqualified approval of the users. The alternative is to charge vehicles in motion - dynamic charging which combines the advantages of trolleybus transport and of electric buses. One of the advantages is the reduction of...
Music Data Processing and Mining in Large Databases for Active Media
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper was to investigate the problem of music data processing and mining in large databases. Tests were performed on a large data-base that included approximately 30000 audio files divided into 11 classes cor-responding to music genres with different cardinalities. Every audio file was de-scribed by a 173-element feature vector. To reduce the dimensionality of data the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with variable...
A derivatisation agent selection guide
PublikacjaThe development of new tools for providing high quality information in a cost-effective and expeditious way is one of the main aims of analytical chemistry. Remarkably, the introduc- tion of the 12 principles of green chemistry paved the way forward for the development of analytical methodologies that are, ideally, inherently safe for the operator and the environ- ment, with the least possible consumption of energy and chemicals,...
PublikacjaW większości krajów o rozwiniętej gospodarce rynkowej, udział pracy w dochodzie narodowym stale obniża się. W literaturze światowej wskazuje się różne przyczyny występowania tego zjawiska. Jedną z przy-czyn obserwowanej tendencji są nasilające się procesy globalizacji. Mają one wpływ na poziom dochodów osiąganych z tytułu świadczenia pracy, tym samym wpływają na udział pracy w dochodzie narodowym. Poza tym wśród czynników determinujących...
A Multifunctional Microwave Filter/Sensor Component Using a Split Ring Resonator Loaded Transmission Line
PublikacjaThis research is focused on the design and realiza2 tion of a microwave component with multifunctional filter/sensor 3 operation using a resonator-loaded transmission line (TL). It is 4 shown that while the structure acts as a bandstop filter, the 5 phase of the reflection coefficient from the loading resonator(s) 6 on a movable layer can be used for displacement sensing, thus 7 allowing for combining filtering with sensing in...
Performance Models of a Multidomain IMS/NGN Service Stratum
PublikacjaThis paper quantifies call processing performance (CPP) of a multidomain IMS/NGN architecture, which was proposed to deliver current and future telecommunication services with strict quality requirements, independently of the transport network technologies. A realistic simulation model is used as a reference for evaluation of the analytical results, in which vari-ous types of queuing systems are applied to model the opera-tion...
Measurements of Dispersed Phase Velocity in Two-Phase Flows in Pipelines Using Gamma-Absorption Technique and Phase of the Cross-Spectral Density Function
PublikacjaThis paper concerns the application of the gamma radiation absorption method in the measurements of dispersed phase velocity in two-phase flows: liquid–gas flow in a horizontal pipe- line and liquid–solid particles in a vertical pipe. Radiometric sets containing two linear 241Am gamma radiation sources and two NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors were used in the research. Due to the stochastic nature of the signals obtained from the...
PublikacjaThe main objective of this paper is to show the comparison of two models of infinite ab- sorbing layer with increasing damping in numerical investigations of elastic wave prop- agation in unbounded structures. This has been achieved by the Authors by a careful in- vestigation of two different engineering structures characterised by gradually increasing geometrical and mathematical description complexities. The analysis included...
The idea of a robotic single-sided lapping system
PublikacjaThis paper reviews the idea of a robotic lapping system. Robot’s assistance automates the lap-ping process and supports the development of a flexible lapping system. However, the main aim behind the idea of a robotic lapping system is to provide improved means for controlling the posi-tion of conditioning rings on a lapping plate. Due to the kinematics of lapping process, the profile wear of the tool is not constant along the radius....
Integrating modelling, simulation and data management tools to create a planning support system for the improvement of air quality by urban planning solutions
PublikacjaThe urbanization pressure requires urban planners, designers, and policy makers to be more responsive to the challenges related to improving the quality of the urban environment and the living conditions of the inhabitants. One of the many environmental issues that need to be taken into account is urban air pollution. As the process of urban ventilation and air pollution dis-persion is significantly affected by the urban layout,...
The value of less Light – Sustainable architectural lighting design
PublikacjaSince its beginning, the art of external illumination has substantially influ-enced the creation and the perception of architecture and the night-time urban environment. In her lecture, the author examines and defines the significant interdisciplinary conditions related to architectural lighting design that have evolved over the years, starting from the first simple exterior lighting projects to the more modern, complex concepts...
Virulence of Clinical Candida Isolates
PublikacjaThe factors enablingCandidaspp. infections are secretion of hydrolytic enzymes, adher-ence to surfaces, biofilm formation or morphological transition, and fitness attributes. The aim of thisstudy was to investigate the correlation between known extracellular virulence factors and survivalofGalleria mellonellalarvae infected with clinicalCandida. The 25 isolates were tested and the activityof proteinases among 24/24, phospholipases...
PublikacjaModel has been developed for calculating theoretical mass of hydrogen produced from textile wastes by mean of dark fermentation. As vegetable fibres wastes were chosen two mostly used — cotton and linen (flax). As the synthethic carbohydrate rich fiber was chosen viscose. In the background there were introduced: problems of dark fermentation, characteristics of textile material structure. Additionally pathways of the process...
Barriers to inter-company cooperation in clusters
PublikacjaClusters have proved to be an important source of competitiveness for the economic development of regions within the European Union. One of the main goals of cluster development is to stimulate cooperation between companies in one or a few related sectors. The stakeholders of a cluster, as well as the local economy, can derive many benefits from such cooperation. However, there are numerous barriers, which make it difficult for...
Zastosowanie Systemu Informacji Geograficznej (GIS) w identyfikacji potencjalnych klastrów
PublikacjaPolityka klastrowania znajduje się w strategicznych dokumentach rozwoju gospodarczego Polski i nastawiona jest na promowanie współpracy regionalnej ponadregionalnej. Budowa klastra na szczeblu regionalnym wymaga jednak w pierwszym etapie jego identyfikacji a w kolejnym selekcji potencjalnych uczestników. Dotychczas stosowane jakościowe i ilościowe metody identyfikacji klastrów, nie są do takich zadań przystosowane lub ich stopień...
Application of advanced spectroscopic methods in the assessment of the leachability degree of hazardous elements from the matrix of cellular concretea
PublikacjaDue to its structure, autoclaved cellular concrete exhibits good insulating properties with relatively high compressive strength values. It is increasingly used in construction because of its economic attractiveness. Autoclaved cellular concrete is mainly used in interior structure layers, and therefore its potential exposure to heavy metal leaching from the matrix may be related to the presence of a high pH medium from other materials...
MgPd2Sb : A Mg-based Heusler-type superconductor
PublikacjaWe report the synthesis and physical properties of a full Heusler compound, MgPd2Sb, which we found toshow superconductivity belowTc=2.2K. MgPd2Sb was obtained by a two-step solid-state reaction methodand its purity and cubic crystal structure [Fm-3m,a=6.4523(1) Å] were confirmed by powder x-ray diffrac-tion. Normal and superconducting states were studied by electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, andheat...
Unusual dynamics and nonlinear thermal self-focusing of initially focused magnetoacoustic beams in a plasma
PublikacjaUnusual thermal self-focusing of two-dimensional beams in plasma which axis is parallel to the equilibrium straight magnetic field is considered. The equi- librium parameters of plasma determine scenario of a beam divergence (usual or unusual) which is stronger as compared with a flow without magnetic field. Nonlinear thermal self-action of a magnetosonic beam behaves differently in the ordinary and unusual cases. Damping of wave...
A Mesh Deformation Technique Based on Solid Mechanics for Parametric Analysis of High-Frequency Devices With 3-D FEM
PublikacjaIn this paper, a versatile technique for mesh defor- mation is discussed, targeted at the electromagnetic (EM) field simulation of high-frequency devices using the 3-D finite element method (FEM). The approach proposed applies a linear elasticity model to compute the displacements of the internal mesh nodes in 3-D when the structure geometry is changed. The technique is compared with an alternative approach...
Improvement of derivatized amino acid detection sensitivity in micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography by means of acid-induced pH-mediated stacking technique
PublikacjaDerivatization is a frequently used sample prepara-tion procedure applicable to the enhancement of analyte de-tection sensitivity. Amino acids mostly require derivatization prior to electrophoretic or chromatographic analysis, especial-ly if spectrophotometric detection is used. This study presents an on-line preconcentration technique for derivatized amino acids. The sensitivity of the method was improved by the utilization of...
A Multi-Fidelity Surrogate-Model-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for Computationally Expensive Optimization Problems
PublikacjaIntegrating data-driven surrogate models and simulation models of different accuracies (or fideli-ties) in a single algorithm to address computationally expensive global optimization problems has recently attracted considerable attention. However, handling discrepancies between simulation models with multiple fidelities in global optimization is a major challenge. To address it, the two major contributions of this paper include:...
Real-Time Gastrointestinal Tract Video Analysis on a Cluster Supercomputer
PublikacjaThe article presents a novel approach to medical video data analysis and recognition. Emphasis has been put on adapting existing algorithms detecting le- sions and bleedings for real time usage in a medical doctor's office during an en- doscopic examination. A system for diagnosis recommendation and disease detec- tion has been designed taking into account the limited mobility of the endoscope and the doctor's requirements. The...