Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TURBINA%20PAROWA - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TURBINA%20PAROWA

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TURBINA%20PAROWA

  • Large hydrodynamic thrust bearing: Comparison of the calculations and measurements

    Hydrodynamic thrust bearings, used to carry axial loads in heavily loaded shafts of water power plants hydro turbines, can reach outer diameters even exceeding 5 m. In such large objects scale effect could be observed. According to this, allowable bearing specific load assuring safe operation of the bearings has to be decreased, which increases thrust bearing dimensions. This effect is caused by excessive thermal deflections of...

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  • Research on water lubricated main shaft bearings in conditions of improper lubrication and cooling conducted on high torque real-life scale bush test rig


    Water lubricated polymer bushes find increasingly popular use in the sliding bearings of marine propellers, water turbines and pump shafts. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means relatively affordable price. In addition, properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade. However, in practical experience one may also observe cases of rapid wear...

  • The Urban Mentoring as a New Method of Participatory Urban Planning in Poland

    Twenty-five years after the return of democracy and the beginning of basing the country's economy on neoliberal developmental paradigm, Poland adopted the regulations regarding management of urban policy, which had been wait for over a decade (accession to the EU). The National Urban Policy as well as the Act on revitalization have defined, in a modern manner, the field of cooperation between the local government, the administration...

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  • Dependent self-employed individuals: are they different from paid employees?


    - Employee Relations - Rok 2023

    This study focuses on dependent self-employment, which covers a situation where a person works for the same employer as a typical worker while on a self-employment contractual basis, i.e., without a traditional employment contract and without certain rights granted to "regular" employees. The research exploits the individual-level dataset of 35 European countries extracted from the 2017 edition of the European Labour Force Survey...

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  • Jan Stąsiek prof. dr hab. inż.


  • Concept of 'Good Urban Governance' and Its Application in Sustainable Urban Planning

    Contemporary urban theory and practice in the post-industrial era is increasingly often turning towards an approach based on sustainable development. That concept bearing the traits of a paradigm has grown on the ground of broad quest for an alternative to the existing development model of the industrial civilisation. It has gained wide social acceptance and is the basis for many development and environmental programmes at the...

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  • Nonlinear Control of a Doubly Fed Generator Supplied by a Current Source Inverter


    Nowadays, wind turbines based on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) are a commonly used solution in the wind industry. The standard converter topology used in these systems is the voltage source inverter (VSI). The use of reverse-blocking insulated gate bipolar transistor (RB-IGBT) in the current source inverter topology (CSI), which is an alternative topology, opens new possibilities of control methods. This paper presents...

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  • Cavitacion erosion, influence of electrochemical corrosion on cavitation - a review

    Zjawisko kawitacji polega na narastaniu, a następnie zapadaniu się i implozji pęcherzy wypełnionych gazem lub parami. Zachodzi ono niemalże we wszystkich układach hydrodynamicznych np. w pompach, zaworach, na śrubach okrętowych, turbinach, hydropłatach itp. na skutek lokalnej, gwałtownej zmiany ciśnienia. W większości przypadków jest to zjawisko niepożądane, ponieważ siły generowane podczas implozji pęcherzy kawitacyjnych są tak...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Novel approach to modeling spectral-domain optical coherence tomography with Monte Carlo method

    Numerical modeling Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) systems is needed for optical setup optimization, development of new signal processing methods and assessment of impact of different physical phenomena inside the sample on OCT signal. The Monte Carlo method has been often used for modeling Optical Coherence Tomography, as it is a well established tool for simulating light propagation in scattering media. However, in this method...

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    One of the most promising new applications of remote observation satellite systems (RO) is the near-shore bathymetry estimation based on spaceborn multispectral imageries. In recent years, many experiments aiming to estimate bathymetry in optically shallow water with the use of remote optical observations have been presented. In this paper, optimal models of satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) for relatively turbid waters of the...

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  • Mechanizm odparowania kropel kondensatu w strefie fali uderzeniowej


    - Rok 2014

    Spontaniczna kondensacja pary, zachodząca dla dobrze zaprojektowanych turbin w obrębie ostatniego stopnia części niskoprężnej, jest nierównowagowym przejściem fazowym indukowanym naprężeniowo. Na pierwszy rzut oka wydaje się, że wymiana ciepła, jako taka ma pomijalny udział w mechanizmie napędzającym przemianę. Jednak, jak pokazały prace Bilickiego i Kestina, nierównowaga termodynamiczna uruchamia zjawiska „szybkiej relaksacji”...

  • High speed milling vibration surveillance using modal model of the tool


    - Rok 2004

    Praca poświęcona jest nadzorowaniu drgań wirujących narzędzi w nowoczesnych frezarkach. Przedmiotem rozważań jest proces frezowania szybkościowego smukłym frezem kulistym na 5-osiowym centrum obróbkowym Deckel Maho DMU 50eVolution. Frezowanie smukłymi narzędziami jest często stosowane w przypadku nowoczesnych centrów obróbkowych. Uzasadnienie technologiczne wynika z konieczności dokładnego wykonywania złożonych kształtów geometrycznych...



    Over the last years, the City of Gdańsk suffers twice from flash floods. Both events were caused by intense storms which produced significant surface runoff and caused inundation private and cities properties. The first case of July 2001 flood [3], [9] was the turning point for the city authorities, who decide to look close on the flood management in small urban catchments. The aim of research projects was to establish technical...

  • Smart Knowledge Engineering for Cognitive Systems: A Brief Overview



    Cognition in computer sciences refers to the ability of a system to learn at scale, reason with purpose, and naturally interact with humans and other smart systems, such as humans do. To enhance intelligence, as well as to introduce cognitive functions into machines, recent studies have brought humans into the loop, turning the system into a human–AI hybrid. To effectively integrate and manipulate hybrid knowledge, suitable technologies...

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  • Analiza porównawcza metod obliczeniowych stopnia turbinowego


    - Rok 2020

    Rozwój technologii komputerowych i ciągły wzrost dostępności do odpowiednich zasobów mocy obliczeniowej spowodował popularyzację obliczeń numerycznych. Aktualnie korzysta się na szeroką skalę z numerycznej mechaniki płynów, czyli tak zwanych obliczeń CFD. Właściwie przygotowane modele obliczeniowe pozwalają uzyskać bardzo dokładne wyniki na podstawie przeprowadzonych symulacji trójwymiarowych. Odpowiednio skorelowana symulacja...

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  • Longitudinal Motion Due to Action of Tunnel Thrusters


    Tunnel thrusters are propulsion and active control devises that provide a side force, or transverse thrust, to support mooring operations or position keeping. They shorten the time of manoeuvring, reduce the cost of towage and since inception, manoeuvrability specifically in ports has become a lot easier. Tunnel thrusters can either be operated manually or with the help of Dynamic Positioning systems which makes it even more efficient. Theoretically,...

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  • Mariusz Figurski prof. dr hab. inż.

    Dyrektor Centrum Modelowania Meteorologicznego Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy. Urodził się 27 kwietnia 1964 roku w Łasinie. Egzamin maturalny złożył w 1983 roku po ukończeniu II Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Jana III Sobieskiego w Grudziądzu, Studia wyższe w trybie indywidualnym ukończył w 1989 (10.07.1989) na Wydziałach Elektromechanicznym i Inżynierii Lądowej i Geodezji Wojskowej Akademii...


    In recent years Gdańsk had sustained economic and social losses due to severe flash floods coming down from moraine hills. The first flood occurred in July 2001 and the second in July 2016. Both events were caused by intense and long rainfall characterized by different from each other rain intensity in time. Among other Gdansk’s streams the Oliwski Stream has the most extended flood protection system consist of 15 small retention...

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    - Rok 2016

    The history of energetic use of the rivers of Pomerania (Pomorze) is traced from the late Middle Ages. Their potential due to geographical specificity of the region was still attractive in the era of electricity of the19th and the first half of the 20th century. Configuration of the terrain, geological, and natural restrictions, but mainly energetic potential of particular localization were crucial for economical success of the...



    - Rok 2013

    Nowadays, fossil fuels are the main sources of energy from which electricity is obtained. But these sources will not last forever, so in due course renewable energies will have to replace them in this role. One of these new sources is solar energy. To generate electricity from sunlight, solar (photovoltaic - PV) cells and modules are used. The increasing interest in PV cells and modules worldwide is due mainly to the fact that...