Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WIND FLOW
PublikacjaIn recent years, there has been a surge in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) research into how urban morphology affects ventilation in cities. However, studies are scattered, with varying parameter definitions, limiting their application in architectural and urban design. This article aims to review and assess the relevance of geometric parameters studied in aerodynamics field to urban planning and architectural design in polish...
Modeling of the Two-Dimensional Flow Caused by Sea Conditions and Wind Stresses on the Example of Dead Vistula
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of two-dimensional modeling of flows caused by the sea conditions and wind stresses on the example of Dead Vistula. Based on the available bathymetric data, a numerical model of the river section was created, which was supplemented with data on the position of the water table depending on hydrometeorological conditions. To describe the flow field in steady conditions, a simplified model of two-dimensional...
The Impact of Wind Generation on the Transmission System
PublikacjaThis article has been published to investigate the im-pact of the wind power on the power system- this is a system dependent issue that requires to perform sys-tem specific impact study. This paper discusses the impact of power flow, short circuit current, power quali-ty, voltage stability and the power system during the connection of a wind farm into transmission system. W referacie omówiono wpływ farm wiatrowych na pracę systemu...
Estimation of wind pressure acting on the new palm house in Gdansk
PublikacjaThis paper deals with the problem of numerical simulations of wind loads acting on a Palm House with complex geometry. Flow simulations with aid of computational fluid dynamics procedures have been performed to check if the pressure distributions for the structure are greater than those calculated using the standard design codes with assumption that the Palm House horizontal cross sections are described by smooth cylinders.
Computational Fluid Dynamic study on the wind characteristics of a multifunctional building system model in developed coastal cities
PublikacjaThis paper presents an approach for providing innovative technology by applying fluid mechanics to the field of architectural design. The aim is to make a building’s shape profitable and strengthen environmental protection by using the wind force to create an integrated wind absorption definition for a multifunctional building system model. Furthermore, taking control of the wind flow over an object can have an impact on not only...
Numerical Simulation of two dimensional flow past a bridge cross section
PublikacjaThis work presents some numerical results concerning application of CFD in civil engineering problems. Selected theoretical aspects of fluid mechanics are elucidated. In the second part of the paper a cross section of upper footbridge of the Bella Sky Hotel in Copenhagen is analysed numerically in the field of wind action.
PublikacjaThis paper introduces the innovative modification of the Savonius wind turbine being able to significantly increase efficiency in comparison with the classic design. This innovative design is equipped with a stator directing the flow. The presence of the stator increases the active surface area and generates higher torques acting on a shaft. Additionally, it makes it possible to take better advantage of wind energy and compensate...
PublikacjaEnsuring the safety of ship crews at sea is of the utmost importance. Life rafts are one of the basic components of any seagoing vessel and ensuring their stability is an important component of maritime research. This study concerns the determination of the aerodynamic drag coefficients of pneumatic life rafts in a full range of wind speed and directions. The drag coefficients are based on full-scale experimental studies and numerical...
Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska prof. dr hab.
OsobyEwa Klugmann-Radziemska ukończyła studia wyższe na kierunku fizyka na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim. Od roku 1996 związana jest z Politechniką Gdańską, kiedy to rozpoczęła studia doktoranckie. Obecnie jest profesorem na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej, od roku 2006 kierownikiem Katedry Konwersji i Magazynowania Energii. W latach 2008–2016 pełniła funkcję Prodziekana ds. współpracy i rozwoju, w latach 2016-2019 była Pełnomocnikiem...
PublikacjaAerodynamic phenomena that occurs around building developments exert a significant impact on the quality of climate in cities. Environmental wind engineering is a dynamically developing field of knowledge that offers a chance to study and, in consequence, regulates the air flow around buildings and complexes of building developments. The following paper discusses the issue of wind conditions that may be experienced on pedestrian...
RANS-based design optimization of dual-rotor wind turbines
PublikacjaPurpose An improvement in the energy efficiency of wind turbines can be achieved using dual rotors. Because of complex flow physics, the design of dual-rotor wind turbines (DRWTs) requires repetitive evaluations of computationally expensive partial differential equation (PDE) simulation models. Approaches for solving design optimization of DRWTs constrained by PDE simulations are investigated. The purpose of this study is to determine...
AeroSense Measurements: Wind Tunnel EPFL
Dane BadawczeData from wind tunnel tests of Aerosesne measurement system installed on NACA63418 at EPFL wind tunnel.
Variable-fidelity shape optimization of dual-rotor wind turbines
PublikacjaPurpose Dual-rotor wind turbines (DRWTs) are a novel type of wind turbines that can capture more power than their single-rotor counterparts. Because their surrounding flow fields are complex, evaluating a DRWT design requires accurate predictive simulations, which incur high computational costs. Currently, there does not exist a design optimization framework for DRWTs. Since the design optimization of DRWTs requires numerous model...
Flow visualization and heat transfer investigations on the flat plate with streamwise pressure gradient
PublikacjaPaper presents experimental investigations results for film cooling on a flat plate. The main objective of the design is the streamwise pressure distribution on the flat plate as in the blade cascade. The transient and steady-state technique with liquid crystals for the surface temperature distribution with film cooling has been used in experiments in a low speed wind tunnel.
Investigation of the Aerodynamics of an Innovative Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of an experimental investigation and a three dimensional numerical analysis of the transient aerodynamic phenomena occurring in the innovative modification of classic Savonius wind turbine. An attempt to explain the increased efficiency of the innovative design a comparison with the traditional solution is undertaken. A vorticity measure based on the integral of the velocity gradient tensor second...
Evolution of electrohydrodynamic flow of sduspended particles in a needle-to-plate negative DC corona discharge in air
PublikacjaCorona discharges are used for collecting dust in electrostatic precipitators (ESPs). The dust collection is mainlyrealized by the electric forces which move the ionized dust particles to the collecting electrodes. However, the presence of coronadischarge in the space between the charging and collecting electrodes in ESPs causes also the so-called ionic wind which set the gasmolecules and dust...
Analiza porównawcza sposobów wyznaczania obciążeń wiatrem na podstawie norm projektowych i analizy przepływu CFD
PublikacjaW pracy poruszono tematykę wykorzystania analizy przepływu CFD do wyznaczania obciążeń wiatru na konstrukcje. Przedstawiono analizę trzech modeli budynków o dachu dwuspadowym o różnych kątach nachylenia, dla których dokonano porównania wielkości współczynników parcia z wynikami dostępnymi w literaurze. Obliczenia analityczne wykonano zgodnie z normą z PN-EN 1991-1-4, natomiast obliczenia numeryczne wykonano w programie R-Wind Simulation....
Analiza drgań kładki kompozytowej wywołanych działaniem wiatru
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono sposób przeprowadzenia uproszczonej, numerycznej analizy drgań kładki kompozytowej wywołanych działaniem wiatru. Rozważaniom poddano swobodnie podpartą konstrukcję o rozpiętości 16 m i przekroju w kształcie litery U. W pierwszej kolejności przeprowadzono dwuwymiarową analizę opływu niepodatnego kształtu przekroju kładki w poziomym strumieniu wiatru o prędkości 10 m/s. Obliczenia numeryczne przeprowadzono programem...
AeroSense Measurements: Wind Tunnel Ecole Centrale Lyon
Dane BadawczeData from wind tunnel tests of Aerosesne measurement system installed on NACA 63418 aerfoil in the anechoic wind tunnel at the Ecole Centrale Lyon.
Modeling of Ice Passage Through Reservoirs System on the Vistula River
PublikacjaNumerical model was used to assess ice passage through proposed reservoir on the lower Vistula River. Model results were compared with observation on the Vistula River, but because the dam is not constructed yet, the direct comparison was not possible. The study focused on ice movement and accumulation in the reservoir for variety of low flow condition with and without wind effect. Bridge’s piers in the upper part of the reservoir...
Hydrodynamic Model of the New Waterway through the Vistula Spit
PublikacjaThe decision to build a new waterway (strait) in the Polish part of the Vistula Spit was made in 2017. The new connection between the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Vistula Lagoon is planned as an artificial navigable channel with a lock and a small port. During storm surges and wind tides in the gulf or in the lagoon, sluicing will be re-quired for vessels to tackle the Vistula Spit. This procedure does not require significant water flow...
Analysis of the Water Level Variation in the Polish Part of the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea) and Estimation of Water Inflow and Outflow Transport through the Strait of Baltiysk in the Years 2008–2017
PublikacjaThe Vistula Lagoon is located in both Poland and Russia along the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. It is connected to the Baltic Sea in the Russian part by the Strait of Baltiysk. The purpose of the paper is to identify the dominant factors underlying the water level variation mechanism at Tolkmicko in the Vistula Lagoon, revealed by a statistical analysis of the measured data and a discussion on the inflow and outflow transport...
Suitableness of SLM Manufactured Turbine Blade for Aerodynamical Tests
PublikacjasettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle Suitableness of SLM Manufactured Turbine Blade for Aerodynamical Tests by Janusz Telega 1,*ORCID,Piotr Kaczynski 1ORCID,Małgorzata A. Śmiałek 2ORCID,Piotr Pawlowski 3ORCID andRyszard Szwaba 1ORCID 1 Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN), Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdansk, Poland 2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, Institute of Naval...
Influence of external climate on natural ventilation performance in buildings
PublikacjaNatural ventilation is driven by either buoyancy forces or wind pressure forces or their combinations that inherit stochastic variation into ventilation rates [ CITATION Hun99 \l 1045 ]. We now that these factors have influence on air flow speed and thermal comfort inside building. This work examines the relationship between external climate and natural ventilation including thermal comfort. The work tries in the first instance...
Enhancement of lift and drag performances of a NACA0012 airfoil by multi-DBD plasma actuator with additional floating interelectrodes
PublikacjaIt is clear that the improvement of aircraft aerodynamic performances is currently and will continue to be a significant area of research for the aeronautical industry. The current study is focused on theenhancement of aerodynamic airfoil performances by using a multi-DBD plasma actuator mounted around the model leading-edge. Experiments have been conducted at the University of Orleans, in the 2 m x 2 m test section of a large...
VSC converters control for offshore wind farms HVDC grid connection
PublikacjaThe paper proposes a voltage sourced converter (VSC) new control method. A well-known in the electric power systems correlation between voltage angle and active power and correlation between voltage and reactive power is used instead of feedforward control. This allows for a fast and almost independent control of active and reactive power flow.
PublikacjaKacza river is located in northern Poland in the neighborhood of the Gulf of Gdansk and the Baltic Sea. A Kacza having length of 15 km and catchment area of 53 km2 collects the water into the Gulf mostly from inhabited and forested areas within the administrative boundaries of the city of Gdynia. On the 14th and 15th of July 2016 in northern Poland on the large area of Tri-City agglomeration (Gdynia, Gdansk and Sopot) total daily...
PublikacjaIn the paper, the authors discuss the construction of a model of an exemplary urban layout. Numerical simulation has been performed by means of a commercial software Fluent using two different turbulence models: the popular k-ε realizable one, and the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM), which is still being developed. The former is a 2-equations model, while the latter – is a RSM model – that consists of 7 equations. The studies have...
Dynamic analysis of the impact of the wind spectrum according to the theory of Davenport for lightweight structures of the roof in sports hall Czyzyna in Cracow.
PublikacjaThe main aim of this analysis is to characterize numerical simulations connected with modeling dynamic influence of wind on the lightweight structures of the roof in sports hall – “Czyżyna”. This hall is built in Cracow. The article also involves the proposals of the solutions connected with dynamic influence of the wind – Davenport’s method has been used. These proposals have not been taken into consideration at the detailed engineering...
Aerodynamic Shape Optimization for Delaying Dynamic Stall of Airfoils by Regression Kriging
PublikacjaThe phenomenon of dynamic stall produce adverse aerodynamic loading which can adversely affect the structural strength and life of aerodynamic systems. Aerodynamic shape optimization (ASO) provides an effective approach for delaying and mitigating dynamic stall characteristics without the addition of auxiliary system. ASO, however, requires multiple evaluations time-consuming computational fluid dynamics models. Metamodel-based...
A framework for Air Quality Management Zones - Useful GIS-based tool for urban planning: Case studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk
PublikacjaThere is a growing recognition of the importance of proper urban design in the improvement of air flow and pollution dispersion and in reducing human exposure to air pollution. However, a limited number of studies have been published so far focusing on the development of standard procedures which could be applied by urban planners to effectively evaluate urban conditions with respect to air quality. To fill this gap, a new approach...
Wind speed, wind direction and solar radiation datasets; wind and solar energy resources analysis
Dane BadawczeDataset contain the results of wind speed, wind direction and solar radiation for wind and solar energy resources analysis performed in years 2008 and 2009. Application for efficiency and profitability of solar and wind power plants anaylsis and for energy generation forecasting algorithms design and anaysis. Datasets used in doctoral dissertations,...
Effective Short -term Forecasting of Wind Farms Power
PublikacjaForecasting a specific wind farm's generation capacity within a 24 hour perpective requires both a reliable forecast of wind, as well as supporting tools. This tool is a dedicated model of wind farm power. This model should include not only general rules of wind to mechanical energy conversion, but also the farm's specific features. This paper present analytical, statistical, and neuron models of wind farm power. The study is based...
AeroSense Measurements: Aventa AV-7 Taggenberg Winter 2022-2023 Campaign
Dane BadawczeData from field tests of Aerosesne measurement system installed on Avneta AV-7 wind turbine, located in Taggenberg (ZH), Switzerland. Dataset contains intermittent 10 minute long measurement sessions from 40 barometers, and IMU system installed on the wind turbine blade at r/R = 0.740625. The measurement campaign was performed between 01.DEC.2022 and...
Real-time hybrid model of a wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator
PublikacjaIn recent years renewable sources have been dominating power system. The share of wind power in energy production increases year by year, which meets the need to protect the environment. Possibility of conducting, not only computer simulation, but also laboratory studies of wind turbine operation and impact on the power system and other power devices in laboratory conditions would be very useful. This article presents a method...
Eulerian motion magnification applied to structural health monitoring of wind turbines
PublikacjaSeveral types of defects may occur in wind turbines, as physical damage of blades or gearbox malfunction. A wind farm monitoring and damage prediction system is built to observe abnormal vibrations of elements of wind turbine: blades, nacelle, and tower. Contactless methods are developed which do not require turbine stopping. In this work, structural health monitoring of a wind turbine is evaluated using a conversion from the captured...
Wind Speed Probabilistic Forecast Based Wind Turbine Selection and Siting for Urban Environment
PublikacjaWind energy being a free source of energy is becoming popular over the past decades and is being studied extensively. Integration of wind turbines is now being expanded to urban and offshore settings in contrast to the conventional wind farms in relatively open areas. The direct installation of wind turbines poses a potential risk, as it may result in financial losses in scenarios characterized by inadequate wind resource availability....
Wind resource assessment and energy yield prediction for the small wind turbine on the Szubieniczne Hill
PublikacjaThe goal of this study is to preliminary assess the wind resources on the Szubieniczne Hill in order to predict the annual energy production for planned small wind turbine. The analyzed site is located close to the Gdańsk University of Technology campus, in complex urban environment additionally surrendered by forested hills. The assessment is based on Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations which allow to evaluate the wind energy potential...
The Finite Elements Method application to assesment the impact of turbulence generated by wind turbines on their lacation inclose proximity of overhead high voltage power transmissionlines
PublikacjaThe paper presents selected aspects of construction of wind turbines location concerning aerodynamic impact on power lines. Reaserch is based on the source data concerning the aerodynamic impact of a wind farm consisting of 8 turbines and 400 kV power line, an analysis of the possibility of wind farm locating in the immediate vicinity of the line was carried out. There are serious problems with locating higher capacity wind farms...
Research of Emergency Modes of Wind Power Plants Using Computer Simulation
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to investigate changes in the wind power plant energy production parameters under the conditions of sudden wind changes and voltage drop. To achieve these goals, a simulation of operation of wind power plants was performed. Twelve wind turbines with variable rotational speed equipped with a Fuhrländer FL 2500/104 asynchronous double-fed induction generator (DFIG) were used, each with an installed capacity...
Control of the wind turbine generator
PublikacjaWind power system consists of two main parts: wind turbine and electrical generator. Wind turbine converts the energy of the flowing air into mechanical energy, next generator converts this energy into electrical energy that is sent to the power system. These two processes should be realized with maximum efficiency and the following requirements for the control system can be formulated: opti-mal wind power conversion, compensation...
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 2/2
PublikacjaThe process of conversion of wind kinetic energy into electricity in innovative wind power plant emits practically no harmful substances into the environment. However, the production stage of its components requires a lot of energy and materials. The biggest problem during production plan-ning process of an innovative wind power plant is selection of materials and technologies and, consequently, the waste generated at this stage....
Design of horizontal axis wind and water turbines
PublikacjaThe basic hydrodynamic principles of horizontal axis turbines are presented. Computational methods based on vortex theory for design of such turbines and for calculation of their hydro or aerodynamic characteristics are described in detail. These methods are applicable both to wind and water turbines. The influence of detailed turbine geometry on its characteristics is presented. Several practical computational examples of different...
Calculation of an ultimate load value of a silo with geometric imperfections in the shape of eigenforms
PublikacjaThe ultimate load value of a silo with initial geometric imperfections was measured. The structure was loaded with wind. Imperfections were assumed as translations of the shell nodes from perfect geometry taken from eigenforms and their combinations. Two variants of the maximum deflection placement with respect to the direction of wind pressure were proposed. The first consists in applying the maximum wind pressure to the element...
Scrutiny of power grids by penetrating PV energy in wind farms: a case study of the wind corridor of Jhampir, Pakistan
PublikacjaThis study examines the problems caused by intermittent renewable energy sources, especially wind farms, and suggests a different solar energy penetration strategy to improve their loading capacity. The study uses real-time data from a wind farm in Jhampir, Pakistan, to analyse and assess various aspects of grid stations connected to wind farms. Electrical Transient Analyzer Program is used to validate the results by linking these...
Scrutiny of power grids by penetrating PV energy in wind farms: a case study of the wind corridor of Jhampir, Pakistan
PublikacjaThis study examines the problems caused by intermittent renewable energy sources, especially wind farms, and suggests a different solar energy penetration strategy to improve their loading capacity. The study uses real-time data from a wind farm in Jhampir, Pakistan, to analyse and assess various aspects of grid stations connected to wind farms. Electrical Transient Analyzer Program is used to validate the results by linking...
PublikacjaSome problems of the foundations of offshore wind turbines are considered in this paper. A short review is presented on the two basic types of foundations, i.e. monopiles and gravity foundations, including their basic features and applications as well as general design considerations. Also, some issues regarding analysis are discussed, including geotechnical problems and modelling techniques. A numerical model of offshores turbine...
Analysis of electricity generation variability in 2019 with special consideration of electrical energy generation from wind sources.
PublikacjaThis article presents issues related to the broadly understood development of wind energy. The state of the art of wind energy in the world has been discussed. This paper also shows issues related to factors affecting the development of renewable energy sources and their impact on the natural environment on the basis of available research. The focus is, however, on the critical analysis of phenomena in the data of the Transmission...
Analyzing Wind Energy Potential Using Efficient Global Optimization: A Case Study for the City Gdańsk in Poland
PublikacjaWind energy (WE), which is one of the renewable energy (RE) sources for generating electricity, has been making a significant contribution to obtaining clean and green energy in recent years. Fitting an appropriate statistical distribution to the wind speed (WS) data is crucial in analyzing and estimating WE potential. Once the best suitable statistical distribution for WS data is determined, WE potential and potential yield could...
The Fuzzy Analysis of Western Windfarm Transportation Safety
PublikacjaThe previously completed route planning research of Navigational Transportation Safety in the Taiwan Western wind farm analyzed delves into the expansion of sustainable wind energy and navigation safety together along the Taiwan Western for confronting the challenge of balancing resource coexistence and displacement. Previous studies primarily focused on route planning and vessel traffic density which developed the necessary comprehensive...