Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: acridine
2-Ethylphenyl acridine-9-carboxylate and 2,5-dimethylphenyl acridine-9-carboxylate
PublikacjaMetodą rentgenowskiej analizy strukturalnej oznaczono struktury estrów: trójskośnego 2-etylofenylowego oraz jednoskośnego 2,5-dimetylofenylowego kwasu akrydyno-9-karboksylowego. Oba związki w kryształach tworzą układy oddziaływań typu C-H...π oraz oddziaływań dyspersyjnych.
9-(Trichloroacetylimino)acridine monohydrate
PublikacjaThe title compound, alternatively called N-acridin-9(10H)-ylidene-2,2,2-trichloroacetamide monohydrate, C15H9Cl3N2O·H2O, crystallizes in space group P21/c with Z = 4. The acridine moieties are arranged in layers, tilted at an angle of 15.20 (4)° relative to the ac plane, while adjacent molecules pack in a head-to-tail manner. Acridine and water molecules form columns along the b axis held in place by a network of hydrogen...
2,6-dibromophenyl acridine-9-carboxylate
PublikacjaMetodą rentgenowskiej analizy strukturalnej oznaczono strukturę tytułowego związku. Struktura kryształu jest stabilizowana oddziaływaniami π-π oraz Br...Br.
Thermodynamics aspects of interactions between acridine derivatives and DNA
PublikacjaDNA is a molecular target for many anticancer and antiviral drugs. Therefore, a clear understanding of the interaction of small molecules with DNA is important in the rational design of ligands that can bind to DNA with high affinity and selectivity. There are several methods to investigate interactions between drug and DNA. Some of them measure changing into DNA structures, such as lengthening and untwisting of helix of DNA. Other...
Synthesis and structure-activity studies of peptide-acridine/acridone conjugates
PublikacjaW artykule opisano strukturę, syntezę i biologiczną aktywność peptydowych koniugatów akrydyny i akrydonu jako potencjalnych leków o aktywności przeciwnowotworowej i przeciwwirusowej.
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Acridine/Acridone Analogs as Potential Anticancer Agents
PublikacjaAcridine and acridone analogues were prepared by Ullmann condensation and then cyclization reaction. As a result of nucleophilic substitution reaction 1-nitro-9-phenoxyacridine or 1-chloro-4-nitro-9(10H)-acridone with the corresponding peptides, the planned acridine derivatives (10a-c, 12, 17-a-d, 19) have been obtained. The cytotoxic activity of the newly obtained analogs were evaluated against melanotic (Ma) and amelanotic (Ab)...
Electrochemical simulation of enzymatic transformations studied for the selected antitumor acridine derivatives
PublikacjaThe elucidation of the metabolic pathways and the biotransformation mechanisms of potential drugs is a crucial point in drug development. It allows to know the activation routes of the new biologically active compounds, especially in respect to their possible toxicity. Generally, in vivo or in vitro experiments with liver microsomes or hepatocytes are performed. However, these testing schemes are tedious, time consuming and of...
Novel therapeutic compound acridine–retrotuftsin action on biological forms of melanoma and neuroblastoma
PublikacjaPURPOSE: As a continuation of our search for anticancer agents, we have synthesized a new acridine-retrotuftsin analog HClx9-[Arg(NO2)-Pro-Lys-Thr-OCH3]-1-nitroacridine (named ART) and have evaluated its activity against melanoma and neuroblastoma lines. Both tumors develop from cells (melanocytes, neurons) of neuroectodermal origin, and both are tumors with high heterogeneity and unsatisfactory susceptibility to chemotherapies....
Solid phase synthesis of conjugates of tuftsin analogues with 1-nitro-acridine derivatives
PublikacjaZsyntetyzowano na fazie stałej koniugaty 1-nitro-akrydyny z pochodnymi tuftsyny modyfikowanymi na grupie epsilon-aminowej lizyny prostymi aminokwasami, np. alaniną, valiną, beta-alaniną. Końcowe produkty były charakteryzowane za pomocą MS, NMR, analizy elementarnej i przekazane do badań ich aktywności przeciwnowotworowej.
Comparison of the ability to induce apoptosis by acridine derivatives in solid tumor and leukemia cells
PublikacjaW pracy wykazano różną wrażliwość komórek nowotworowych do ulegania apoptozie pod wpływem pochodnych akrydyny.
Synthesis and biological activity of novel mycophenolic acid conjugates containing nitro-acridine/acridone derivatives
PublikacjaOpracowano warunki reakcji kwasu mykofenolowego z aminowymi pochodnymi akrydyn i akrydonów. Tak otrzymane koniugaty zostały scharakteryzowane, a następnie przebadane in vitro pod względem aktywności przeciwbiałaczkowej oraz immunosupresyjnej.
The ability to overcome multidrug resistance of tumor cell lines by novel acridine cytostatics with condensed heterocyclic rings
PublikacjaZbadano aktywność cytotoksyczną, in vitzo dwóch nowych grup cytostatyków akrydynowych zawierających skondensowane pierścienie heterocykliczne w stosunku do komórek nowotworowych linii wrażliwych i opornych. Otrzymane wyniki potwierdziły naszą wcześniejszą hipotezę o istotnej roli pierścieni hetero-cyklicznych w pokonywaniu krzyżowej oporności wielolekowej.
9-(2,6-dichlorophenoxycarbonyl)10-methylacridinium trifluoromethanesulfonate and its precursor 2,6-dichlorophenyl acridine-9-carboxylate
PublikacjaMetodą rentgenowskiej analizy strukturalnej oznaczono struktury obu tytułowych związków. W ich trójskośnych kryształach występują odpowiednio: układy oddziaływań elektrostatycznych, C-H...O i π-π lub C-H...Cl, π-π i oddziaływań dyspersyjnych.
Structure modification of acridine antitumor agents results in changes of enzymatic activity and gene expression of CYP3A4 isoenzyme in HepG2 cells.
PublikacjaEkspresja izoenzymu CYP3A4, który zaangażowany jest w metabolizm ok. 60% leków stosowanych klinicznie, może być modulowana przez takie czynniki jak: polimorfizm, czynniki transkrypcyjne oraz obecność ksenobiotyków. Przykładem induktorów genów kodujących izoenzym CYP3A4 jest fenobarbital i rifampicyna, których obecność w organizmie przyspiesza metabolizm innych leków stosowanych jednocześnie, które są substratami dla CYP3A4. Dlatego...
Pochodne akrydyny/akrydonu - synteza, aktywność biologiczna i zastosowanie kliniczne = Acridine/acridone derivatives - synthesis, biological activity and clinical application
PublikacjaAkrydyny/akrydony stanowią grupę związków o bardzo szerokim spektrum aktywności biologicznej, stosowanych jako leki przeciwbakteryjne, przeciwpasożytnicze, przeciwmalaryczne, anty-HIV oraz przeciw-nowotworowe. Obecnie dużym zainteresowaniem cieszą się aminokwasowe i peptydowe analogi akrydyny/akrydonu, które mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w leczeniu chorób opartych na terapii genowej oraz w nowoczesnych metodach diagnostycznych (np....
Drug-drug interaction potential of antitumor acridine agent C-1748: The substrate of UDP-glucuronosyltransferases 2B7, 2B17 and the inhibitor of 1A9 and 2B7
PublikacjaBackground The compound 9-(2′-hydroxyethylamino)-4-methyl-1-nitroacridine (C-1748), the promising antitumor agent developed in our laboratory was determined to undergo phase I metabolic pathways. The present studies aimed to know its biotransformation with phase II enzymes – UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) and its potential to be engaged in drug-drug interactions arising from the modulation of UGT activity. Methods UGT-mediated...
CYP3A4-dependent cellular response does not relate to CYP3A4-catalysed metabolites of C-1748 and C-1305 acridine antitumor agents in HepG2 cells
PublikacjaHigh CYP3A4 expression sensitizes tumor cells to certain antitumor agents while for others it can lower their therapeutic ef fi cacy. We have elucidated the in fl uence of CYP3A4 overexpression on the cellular response induced by antitumor acridine derivatives, C-1305 and C-1748, in two hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cell lines, Hep3A4 stably transfected with CYP3A4 isoenzyme, and HepC34 expressing empty vector. The compounds...
The overexpression of CPR and P450 3A4 in pancreatic cancer cells changes the metabolic profile and increases the cytotoxicity and pro-apoptotic activity of acridine antitumor agent, C-1748
PublikacjaDrug resistance is one of the major cause of pancreatic cancer treatment failure. Thus, it is still imperative to develop new active compounds and novel approach to improve drug efficacy. Here we present 9-amino-1-nitroacridine antitumor agent, C-1748, developed in our laboratory, as a candidate for pancreatic cancer treatment. We examined (i) the cellular response of pancreatic cancer cell lines: Panc-1, MiaPaCa-2, BxPC-3 and...
A strong preference for the TA/TA dinucleotide step discovered for an acridine-based, potent antitumor dsDNA intercalator, C-1305: NMR-driven structural and sequence-specificity studies
PublikacjaTriazoloacridinone C-1305, a potent antitumor agent recommended for Phase I clinical trials, exhibits high activity towards a wide range of experimental colon carcinomas, in many cases associated with complete tumor regression. C-1305 is a well-established dsDNA intercalator, yet no information on its mode of binding into DNA is available to date. Herein, we present the NMR-driven and MD-refined reconstruction of the 3D structures...
Pregnane X receptor dependent up-regulation of CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 in tumor cells by antitumor acridine agents, C-1748 and C-1305, selectively diminished under hypoxia
PublikacjaInduction of proteins involved in drug metabolism and in drug delivery has a significant impact on drug-drug interactions and on the final therapeutic effects. Two antitumor acridine derivatives selected for present studies, C-1748 (9-(2’-hydroxyethylamino)-4-methyl-1-nitroacridine) and C-1305 (5-dimethylaminopropylamino-8-hydroxy-triazoloacridinone), expressed high and low susceptibility to metabolic transformations with liver...
Human CYP2 family of cytochrome P-450 takes part in metabolism of two acridine antitumor agents, C-1311 and C-1748, selected for I phase of clinical trials
PublikacjaPraca zawiera wyniki badań metabolicznej transformacji przeciwnowotworowych pochodnych akrydyny wobec zestawu 16 prób enzymów mikrosomalnych, pochodzących z wątroby 16 różnych pacjentów. Wykazano, że za metabolizm tych związków u człowieka odpowiedzialne są głównie izoenzymy z rodziny CYP2.
9-(tert-Butylamino)acridine. Acta Cryst. E**2002 vol. 58 s. o458-o460, 2rys. 2 tab. bibliogr. 11 poz. 9(tert-Butyloamino)akrydyna.
PublikacjaTytułowy związek występuje w krysztale w aminowej formie tautomerycznej. Re-szta akrydyny jest lekko zgieta wzdłuż linii C9-N10. Orientacja grupy t-bu-tyloaminowej umożliwia sprzężenie pomiędzy parą elektronową azotu aminowegoi elektronami ă pierścienia akrydynowego. W strukturze krystalicznej wystę-puje wiązanie wodorowe pomiędzy atomem azotu pierścienia akrydynowego i eg-zocykliczną grupą NH.
‘Acridines’ as New Horizons in Antifungal Treatment
PublikacjaFrequent fungal infections in immunocompromised patients and mortality due to invasive mycosis are important clinical problems. Opportunistic pathogenic Candida species remain one of the leading causes of systemic mycosis worldwide. The repertoire of antifungal chemotherapeutic agents is very limited. Although new antifungal drugs such as lanosterol 14α-demethylase and β-glucan synthase inhibitors have been introduced into clinical...
Akrydyny jako związki aktywne przeciwnowotworowo = Acridines as antitumor drugs
PublikacjaAkrydyny należą do grupy policyklicznych związków heteroaromatycznych. Wykazują szeroki zakres aktywności biologicznej obejmujący aktywność przeciwpierwotniakową, przeciwbakteryjną,przeciwwirusową i przeciwnowotworową. Pochodne akrydyny o działaniu przeciwnowotworowym wykazują zróżnicowany mechanizm działania na poziomie molekularnym. Z uzyskanych dotychczas danych wynika, że jednym z podstawowych etapów działania jest tworzenie...
Natural and synthetic acridines/acridones as antitumor agents: their biological activities and methods of synthesis.
PublikacjaPraca stanowi przegląd opisanych w literaturze chemicznej modyfikacji struktur naturalnych i syntetycznych pochodnych akrydyny i akrydonu. Artykuł obejmuje swym zakresem metody syntezy, a także wpływ budowy cząsteczek tych związków na ich aktywność przeciwnowotworową oraz mechanizm działania.
Synthesis and biological activity of ester derivatives of mycophenolic acid and acridines/acridones as potential immunosuppressive agents
PublikacjaImproved derivatives of mycophenolic acid (MPA) are necessary to reduce the frequency of adverse effects, this drug exerts in treated patients. In this study, MPA was coupled with N-(x-hydroxyalkyl)-9-acridone-4-carboxamides or N-(x-hydroxyalkyl)acridine-4-carboxamides to give respective ester conjugates upon Yamaguchi protocol. This esterification required protection of phenol group in MPA. Designed conjugates revealed higher...
The interactions of monomeric acridines and unsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs) with DNA duplexes: an insight provided by NMR and MD studies
PublikacjaMembers of a novel class of anticancer compounds, exhibiting high antitumor activity, i.e. the unsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs), consist of two heteroaromatic ring systems. One of the ring systems is an imidazoacridinone moiety, with the skeleton identical to the structural base of Symadex. The second one is a 1-nitroacridine moiety, hence it may be regarded as Nitracrine’s structural basis. These monoacridine units are connected...
Recent developmentsinthesynthesisand biological activityofacridine/acridoneanalogues
PublikacjaMany people in the world struggle with cancer or bacterial, parasitic, viral, Alzheimer's and other diseases. Therefore, many scientists seek new, more effective, more selective and less toxic drugs. Acridine/acridone derivatives constitute a class of compounds with a broad spectrum of biological activity and are of great interest to scientists. Todate, many acridine/acridone analogues have been obtained,which, inter alia, exhibit...
2-Methylphenyl 2-methoxyacridine-9-carboxylate
PublikacjaThe title compound, C22H17NO3, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/c with four molecules per unit cell. The molecules are arranged in centrosymmetric pairs, joined via the C and attached H atoms in the meta position relative to the methoxy group. These pairs are bonded in the crystalline phase as a result of non-specific dispersive interactions, and through a network of C—H⋯O interactions involving the non-bonded O...
10-Methyl- and 9,10-dimethyl acridinium methyl sulfate
PublikacjaThe title compounds, C(14)H(12)N(+).CH(3)O(4)S(-), (I), and C(15)H(14)N(+).CH(3)O(4)S(-), (II), respectively, crystallize with the planar 10-methylacridinium or 9,10-dimethylacridinium cations arranged in layers, parallel to the twofold axis in (I) and perpendicular to the 2(1) axis in (II). Adjacent cations in both compounds are packed in a 'head-to-tail' manner. The methyl sulfate anion only exhibits planar symmetry in (II)....
Antifungal Activity of Capridine β as a Consequence of Its Biotransformation into Metabolite Affecting Yeast Topoisomerase II Activity
PublikacjaIn the last few years,increasing importance is attached to problems caused by fungal pathogens. Current methods of preventing fungal infections remain unsatisfactory. There are several antifungal compounds whichare highly effective in some cases, however, they have limitations in usage: Nephrotoxicity and other adverse effects. In addition, the frequent use of available fungistatic drugs promotes drug resistance....
Abundance and biomass of bacteria in two Arctic glacial fjords
PublikacjaTotal numbers and biomass of bacterioplankton in water in two glacial fjords off west Spitsbergen have been studied. Samples were collected from different water depth layers - from the surface to 80-90 m. Total bacterial number (TBN), biomass and morphological structure were determined by the acridine orange direct count method. The highest values of TBN and biomass in the water column were found on stations situated adjacent...
A new 1-nitro-9-aminoacridine derivative targeting yeast topoisomerase II able to overcome fluconazole-resistance
PublikacjaFungal resistance remains a significant threat and a leading cause of death worldwide. Thus, overcoming microbial infections have again become a serious clinical problem. Although acridine derivatives are widely analyzed as anticancer agents, only a few reports have demonstrated their antifungal activity. In an effort to develop biologically active antifungals, twelve novel C-857 (9-(2′ -hydroxyethylamino)-1-nitroacridine) and...
The II phase metabolism of endogenous and exogenous compounds, including antitumor chemotherapeutics
PublikacjaThe II phase metabolism, it is a set of metabolism and excretion pathways of endogenous as well as exogenous compounds including xenobiotics. UDP-glucuronyltransferases (UGTs; EC are the most crucial representatives of II phase enzymes, which are responsible for the transformation of bilirubine and bile acids, steroids and thyroid hormones and lipids. Exogenous compounds, including drugs, carcinogens, environmental pollutants...
9-Cyano-10-methylacridinium hydrogen dinitrate
PublikacjaThe title compound, C15H11N2+·HN2O6−, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c with four molecules in the unit cell. The planar 9-cyano-10-methylacridinium cations lie on crystallographic twofold axes and are arranged in layers, almost perpendicular to the ac plane, in such a way that neighbouring molecules are positioned in a `head-to-tail' manner. These cations and the hydrogen dinitrate anions are linked through C—H⋯O...
Molecular modeling and evaluation of novel dibenzopyrrole derivatives as telomerase inhibitors and potential drug for cancer therapy
PublikacjaDuring previous years, many studies on synthesis, as well as on anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activities of the pyrazole derivatives have been described. Certain pyrazole derivatives exhibit important pharmacological activities and have proved to be useful template in drug research. Considering importance of pyrazole template, in current work the series of novel inhibitors were designed by replacing central...
The Effect of Conjugation with Octaarginine, a Cell-Penetrating Peptide on Antifungal Activity of Imidazoacridinone Derivative
PublikacjaAcridine cell-penetrating peptide conjugates are an extremely important family of compounds in antitumor chemotherapy. These conjugates are not so widely analysed in antimicrobial therapy, although bioactive peptides could be used as nanocarriers to smuggle antimicrobial compounds. An octaarginine conjugate of an imidazoacridinone derivative (Compound 1-R8) synthetized by us exhibited high antifungal activity against reference...
Optimization of carbamazepine photodegradation on defective TiO2-based magnetic photocatalyst
PublikacjaIn this work, carbamazepine (CBZ) degradation over defective Fe3O4@SiO2/d-TiO2/Pt photocatalyst was studied. Within the titania structure, Ti vacancies and Pt nanoparticles were introduced to enhance the photocatalyst’s light absorption and influence charge carriers’ mobility. For the carbamazepine degradation, process parameters, e.g., temperature, flux intensity, photocatalyst loading, aeration, pH, and addition of H2O2, were optimized...
Diminshed toxicity of C-1748, 4-methyl-9-hydroxyethylamino-1-nitroacridine, compared with its demethyl analog, C-857, corresponds to its resistance to metabolism in HepG2 cells
PublikacjaThe narrow "therapeutic window" of anti-tumour therapy may be the result of drug metabolism leading to the activation or detoxification of antitumour agents. The aim of this work is to examine (i) whether the diminished toxicity of a potent antitumour drug, C-1748, 9-(2'-hydroxyethylamino)-4-methyl-1-nitroacridine, compared with its 4-demethyl analogue, C-857, results from the differences between the metabolic pathways for the...
Chemiluminogenic acridinium salts: A comparison study. Detection of intermediate entities appearing upon light generation
PublikacjaThe nine derivatives of acridine-9-carboxylic acid (CMADs) capable for chemiluminescence (CL), representing various classes of compounds were isolated in a chemically pure state (assessed by RP-HPLC) and identified using high resolution mass spectrometry (ESI-QTOF) and magnetic resonance (1H NMR) techniques. Among them are aryl acridinium esters, containing certainly selected and located substituents in both aromatic systems, an...
Metabolism of antitumour agent 1-nitroacridine derivative, C-1748 in pancreatic cancer cell lines
PublikacjaPancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers because of limited treatment options. Surgical removal of the tumour is possible only in its early stage, nevertheless the asymptomatic development very often makes unable an accurate diagnose. In the case of metastatic pancreatic cancer only chemotherapy, mainly with gemcitabine, can be offered to patients. However, common resistance towards gemcitabine imposes...
Spectroscopic studies on physicochemical properties of selected unsymmetrical bisacridine derivatives and NMR analysis of their interactions with the model sequence Pu22 aided by molecular dynamics
PublikacjaIn recent years, new promising acridine derivatives have appeared, belonging to the unsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs) family with high anticancer activity. Both their physicochemical properties and their mechanism of action at the molecular level have not been thoroughly analyzed so far. Four derivatives were selected for the study, termed as: C-2028, C-2041, C-2045 and C-2053. The first aim of this work was to determine the protonation...
Kamila Rząd dr inż.
Osoby -
Effect of novel bisacridines (IKE16, IKE18, IKE19, IKE21) and IE10 on the biofilm formation of C. albicans ATCC 10231 cells
Dane BadawczeThe datasets contain the results of the impact of novel bisacridines (IKE16, IKE18, IKE19, IKE21) and IE10 on the biofilm formation of Candida albicans strain ATCC 10231 cells. Photographic documentation prepared with the TECAN Spark 10M titration plate reader.
Solid Phase Synthesis and Biological Activity of Tuftsin Conjugates
PublikacjaNew tuftsin/retro-tuftsin conjugates were designed and synthesized using a classical fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) solid phase procedure. All the peptide conjugates were divided into three series: 1,4-dihydroxyanthraquinone (type A), 1-nitroacridine (type B), and 4-carboxyacridone (type C) derivatives. In type A conjugates, the N-terminal group of the peptide chain is directly connected to the anthraquinone ring at C1 (Scheme...