wszystkich: 29
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: backscattering
On the acoustic backscattering by Baltic herring and sprat
PublikacjaAccurate abundance estimate of Baltic clupeids, herring and sprat, is required for theirsustainable exploitation. The understanding the sound backscattering of individual fish isimportant for employing the acoustical techniques, which are widely used in the estimation.The previous studies demonstrated that the improvement of the understanding is critical forthe Baltic herring and sprat. It was the main...
Backscattering properties of southern Baltic herring
PublikacjaReliable TS(L) relationship is required to improve acoustic algorithms of abundanceestimation of Baltic herring. The relationships, empirically obtained in different parts of theBaltic Sea, produce up to 8 dB – difference in the herring TS. In order to develop an accurateTS(L) relationship, it is important to analyze factors controlling the TS variability. Thepossible impact of the regional difference...
Modelling of acoustic backscattering by southern Baltic herring
PublikacjaAssessment of Baltic herring abundance can be carried out using acoustic techniques. Analysis of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength, TS, and the total fish length, L, important for the acoustic assessment, showed the relationship to be dependent on the location of the study area. This finding motivated a detailed analysis of the relationship for the herring occurring in the southern Baltic...
Measurements of differential cross sections in the backscattering region
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono przegląd technik eksperymentalnych umożliwiających detekcję elektronów rozproszonych w przedziale dużych kątów rozproszenia, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem techniki lokalnego pola magnetycznego. Przedstawione zostały wyniki pomiarów i obliczeń teoretycznych różniczkowych przekrojów czynnych dla dużych kątów rozproszenia elektronów na atomach gazów szlachetnych i małych molekuł.
Seafloor backscattering: numerical simulation vs. filter theory approach.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono model opisujący rozpraszanie sygnału akustycznego na nierównomiernej, regularnie sfalowanej powierzchni dna morskiego jako filtr liniowy z odpowiedzią impulsową o zmieniającej się w czasie chwilowej dominującej częstotliwości. Porównano przewidywania modelu z wynikami otrzymanymi w wyniku złożonych obliczeniowo symulacji numerycznych opartych na fizycznym modelu zjawiska wykorzystującym aproksymację Kirchhoffa. Wstępnie...
The Role of Molecular Structure in Monte Carlo Simulations of the Secondary Electron Yield and Backscattering Coefficient from Methacrylic Acid
PublikacjaIn this paper, we show the influence of the chemical structure of four different conformers on the secondary electron emission and backscattering of an electron beam from a gel of methacrylic acid. The conformers have different permanent dipole moments, which determines the cross sections for elastic collisions with electrons. The cross sections are used in Monte Carlo simulations of an electron beam, which enters the gel of methacrylic...
Comparison of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and near-infrared transillumination-backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) methods
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to compare simultaneously recorded a NIR-T/BSS and NIRS signals from healthy volunteers. NIR-T/BSS is a device which give an ability to non-invasively detect and monitor changes in the subarachnoid space width (SAS). Experiments were performed on a group of 30 healthy volunteers (28 males and 2 females, age 30.8 ± 13.4 years, BMI = 24.5 ± 2.3 kg/m2). We analysed recorded signals using analysis methods based...
Technical foundations for noninvasive assessment of changes in the width of the subarachnoid space with near-infrared transillumination-backscattering sounding (NIR-TBSS)
PublikacjaPraca opisuje metodę transiluminacji w bliskiej podczerwieni umożliwiającą nieinwazyjne monitorowanie zmian szerokości przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej oraz amplitudy tętnienia naczyń powierzchniowych mózgu.
New aspects in assessment of changes in width of subarachnoid space with near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding, part 2: clinical verification in the patient
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono porównanie wyników symulacji propagacji promieniowania z zakresu bliskiej podczerwieni z danymi uzyskanymi na drodze pomiarów wykonanych w warunkach klinicznych. Różnice między nimi nie przekraczały 4 dB, co potwierdziło słuszność przyjętych założeń w procesie symulacji. W pomiarach wykorzystano unikatowy zetstaw nadajników i odbiorników promieniowania podczerwonego, pozwalającego prowadzenie pomiarów transmisji...
New aspects in assessment of changes in width of subarachnoid space with near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding, part 1: Monte Carlo numerical modeling
PublikacjaW pracy wykorzystano zmodyfikowaną metodę Monte Carlo do numerycznego modelowania propagacji promieniowania z zakresu bliskiej podczerwieni w warstwach anatomicznych głowy. Badano efekt zmian szerokości warstwy podpajęczynówkowej pod wpływem tętna na natężenie promieniowania wstecznie rozpraszanego. Przeprowadzone obliczenia pokazały, że możliwe jest monitorowanie zmian tej szerokości na podstawie pomiarów transmisji promieniowania...
Study of swimbladder morphometry of Baltic herring and sprat (development of measurement methodology)
PublikacjaEffective management of Baltic clupeids, which are valuable commercially and ecologically,requires the biomass control. The acoustical techniques are recognized as effective in fishstock assessment. The study of Baltic herring and sprat individual backscatteringcharacteristics is required for the accurate biomass estimation using acoustical techniques.The previous measurements demonstrated significant...
Measurement of Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Angular Dependence at 150 kHz Using a Multibeam Echosounder
PublikacjaAcoustic seafloor measurements with multibeam echosounders (MBESs) are currently often used for submarine habitat mapping, but the MBESs are usually not acoustically calibrated for backscattering strength (BBS) and cannot be used to infer absolute seafloor angular dependence. We present a study outlining the calibration and showing absolute backscattering strength values measured at a frequency of 150 kHz at around 10–20 m water...
Impact of Microphytobenthos Photosynthesis on the Characteristics of the Echo Signal from Baltic Sandy Sediments
PublikacjaThe understanding the influence of biological processes on the characteristics of the signals backscattered by the sea floor is crucial in the development of the hydroacoustical benthic habitat classification techniques. The impact of the microphytobenthos photosynthesis on the acoustical backscattering properties of the Atlantic sandy sediments was previously demonstrated by Holliday et al. (2004) and Wildman and Huettel (2012). To...
Particle size distributions (PSD) and the specific surface area (BET) results for SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains results of particle size distributions (PSD) and BET measuremnt fot SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00 and 1.05). The PSD of the powders were obtained using a Zetasizer Nano dynamic light scattering analyser (Malvern Panalytica). Measurements of the STF70-x solution in ethanol using backscattering mode .
X-ray images of Baltic herring. Data analysis
Dane BadawczeBased on the developed methodology for the: (i) optimal method of catching, (ii) transporting and storing fish, (iii) measuring and (iv) analyzing X-rays images, the existing collection of X-ray images of Baltic herring, caught in October 2002 during the Swedish component of the Baltic International Acoustic Survey (BIAS) in the Baltic proper (ICES...
Effect of Maximal Breath Hold Apnea on Pial Artery Pulsation and Subarachnoid Width in Human
PublikacjaLittle is known about intracranial pressure (ICP)-cerebral hemodynamic interplay during maximal breath-hold apnea. A recently developed method based on near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) noninvasively measures changes in pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) as well as subarachnoid width (sas-TQ) in humans. Changes in sas-TQ correlate with ICP to a considerable extent, whereas cc-TQ reflects the functional...
Methodology of the Morphometry Study on Baltic Herring
PublikacjaAcoustic techniques are used in the estimation of the abundance of Baltic herring. Investigations of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength TS and the total fish length L, significant in the acoustic assessment, demonstrated its de-pendence on the study area location. It motivated the detailed analysis of the relationship between herring from the southern Baltic ICES Subdivisions 24, 25, and 26,...
Computer vision techniques applied for reconstruction of seafloor 3D images from side scan and synthetic aperture sonars data
PublikacjaThe Side Scan Sonar and Synthetic Aperture Sonar are well known echo signal processing technologies that produce 2D images of the seafloor. Both systems combines a number of acoustic pings to form a high resolution image of seafloor. It was shown in numerous papers that 2D images acquired by such systems can be transformed into 3D models of seafloor surface by algorithmic approach using intensity information, contained in a grayscaled...
Human subarachnoid space width oscillations in the resting state
PublikacjaAbnormal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pulsatility has been implicated in patients suffering from various diseases, including multiple sclerosis and hypertension. CSF pulsatility results in subarachnoid space (SAS) width changes, which can be measured with near-infrared transillumination backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS). The aim of this study was to combine NIR-T/BSS and wavelet analysis methods to characterise the dynamics of the...
Seafloor Characterisation and Imaging Using Multibeam Sonar Data
PublikacjaThe approach to seafloor characterisation and imaging is presented. It relies on the combined, concurrent use of several techniques of multibeam sonar data processing. The first one is based on constructing the grey-level sonar images of seabed using the backscattering strength calculated for the echoes received in the consecutive beams. Then, the set of parameters describing the local region of sonar image is calculated. The second...
Subarachnoid Space: New Tricks by an Old Dog
PublikacjaPurpose: The purpose of the study was to: (1) evaluate the subarachnoid space (SAS) width and pial artery pulsation in both hemispheres, and (2) directly compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) measurements of SAS width changes in healthy volunteers.Methods: The study was performed on three separate groups of volunteers, consisting in total of 62 subjects (33...
Effects of consecutive apneas on pial artery pulsation and subarachnoid width in healthy subjects
PublikacjaHypercapnia is known to dilate the pial artery, disrupt cerebral autoregulation and increase pial artery pulsation. The cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) response to hypercapnia is biphasic. Below the threshold for the increase of blood pressure (BP) with carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2), the CBFV measurement reflects vascular reactivity to pCO2 alone at a constant BP. Above this threshold, the CBFV measurement provides...
On the Role of Polarimetric Decomposition and Speckle Filtering Methods for C-Band SAR Wetland Classification Purposes
PublikacjaPrevious wetlands studies have thoroughly verified the usefulness of data from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors in various acquisition modes. However, the effect of the processing parameters in wetland classification remains poorly explored. In this study, we investigated the influence of speckle filters and decomposition methods with different combinations of filter and decomposition windows sizes on classification accuracy....
Pial artery and subarachnoid width response to apnoea in normal humans
PublikacjaBackground: Little is known about intracranial pressure (ICP)-cerebral haemodynamic interplay during repetitive apnoea. A recently developed method based on near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) noninvasively measures changes in pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) as well as subarachnoid width (sas-TQ) in humans. Method: We tested the complex response of the pial artery and subarachnoid width to apnoea...
Increased inspiratory resistance affects the dynamic relationship between blood pressure changes and subarachnoid space width oscillations
PublikacjaBackground and objective Respiration is known to affect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) movement. We hypothesised that increased inspiratory resistance would affect the dynamic relationship between blood pressure (BP) changes and subarachnoid space width (SAS) oscillations. Methods Experiments were performed in a group of 20 healthy volunteers undergoing controlled intermittent Mueller Manoeuvres (the key characteristic of the procedure...
Wavelet transform analysis to assess oscillations in pial artery pulsation at the human cardiac frequency
PublikacjaPial artery adjustments to changes in blood pressure (BP)may last only seconds in humans. Using a novelmethod called near-infrared transillumination backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) that allows for the non-invasive measurement of pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) in humans, we aimed to assess the relationship between spontaneous oscillations in BP and cc-TQ at frequencies between 0.5 Hz and 5 Hz. We hypothesized that analysis of...
Seafloor characterisation using multibeam data: sonar image properties, seabed surface properties and echo properties
PublikacjaIn the paper, the approach to seafloor characterisation is presented. The multibeam sonars, besides their well verified and widely used applications like high resolution bathymetry and underwater object detection and imaging, are also the promising tool in seafloor characterization and classification, having several advantages over conventional single beam echosounders. The proposed approach relies on the combined, concurrent use...
Effect of Maximal Apnoea Easy-Going and Struggle Phases on Subarachnoid Width and Pial Artery Pulsation in Elite Breath-Hold Divers
PublikacjaPurpose: The aim of the study was to assess changes in subarachnoid space width (sas-TQ), the marker of intracranial pressure (ICP), pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) and cardiac contribution to blood pressure (BP), cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) and cc-TQ oscillations throughout the maximal breath hold in elite apnoea divers. Non-invasive assessment of sas-TQ and cc-TQ became possible due to recently developed method based on...
Sympathetic Activation Does Not Affect the Cardiac and Respiratory Contribution to the Relationship between Blood Pressure and Pial Artery Pulsation Oscillations in Healthy Subjects
PublikacjaUsing a novel method called near-infrared transillumination backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) that allows for the non-invasive measurement of pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) and subarachnoid width (sas-TQ) in humans, we assessed the influence of sympathetic activation on the cardiac and respiratory contribution to blood pressure (BP) cc-TQ oscillations in healthy subjects. The pial artery and subarachnoid width response to handgrip...