Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: bearing systems
PublikacjaW praktyce eksploatacyjnej turbin wiatrowych o tradycyjnej konstrukcji (przekładniowych) obserwowana jest duża awaryjność przekładni, a zwłaszcza łożysk tocznych szybkoobrotowych wałów przekładni. W Polsce na zlecenie właściciela dużej farmy wiatrowej, firmy Energa Wytwarzanie S.A., Politechnika Gdańska we współpracy z Politechniką Poznańską i Akademią Górniczo Hutniczą podjęły badania mające na celu diagnozowanie przyczyn uszkodzeń...
Ecological bearing systems for water turbines – research and development at Gdansk University of Technology
PublikacjaIncreasing requirements for environmental protection make it necessary to introduce new materials and designs. Hydroelectric power plants operating in direct contact with water reservoirs and rivers are potentially endangering water cleanliness, hence they should also be modernized in the way minimizing the environmental hazards. A lot of progress in this field has been achieved in last decades, but still there is much work to...
Ecological bearing systems for water turbines - two research programs aimed at making water turbines more "eco-friendly".
PublikacjaW pracy opisano próby wyeliminowania ropopochodnych środków smarowych z układów łożyskowania turbin wodnych. Próby dotyczą zastosowania bezsmarowych łożysk kierownic i smarowanych wodą łożysk wałów turbin. Wprowadzanie bezsmarowych łożysk kierownic wymaga stworzenia metod prognozowania ich trwałości w warunkach małych oscylacji. Do stosowania w łożyskach wałów zaproponowano smarowane wodą łożyska ceramiczne o oryginalnej konstrukcji,...
Impact of Spatial Noise Correlation on Bearing Accuracy in DIFAR Systems
PublikacjaDIFAR type underwater passive systems are one of the more commonly used tools for detecting submarines. At the design stage, which usually uses computer simulations, it is necessary to generate acoustic noise of the sea. It has been shown that correlating noise significantly reduces these errors compared to the assumption that noise is uncorrelated. In addition, bearing errors have been shown to be the same in systems with a commonly...
Mathemathical model of radial passive magnetic bearing
PublikacjaIn the article mathematical radial model of passive magnetic bearings to ocean engineering units has been presented. The units application in underwater thrusters should increase propulsion systems durability and gives lower maintenance costs. The rotor of electric motor is hanging in magnetic field taken from radial passive magnetic bearings. However axial direction maintenance must be controlled with electromagnets and their...
Prospects of Decreasing Power Losses in a Hydrostatic Thrust Bearing
PublikacjaIn numerous machines, axial load is carried by tilting pad thrust bearings known since the beginning of 20th century. These bearings are commonly bath lubricated, which is simple, does not require any additional pumps, and, due to this, such systems are highly reliable. In a contemporary technology, however, minimization of friction losses became an important goal of machinery improvement. Calculations based on elementary rules...
Large hydrodynamic thrust bearing: Comparison of the calculations and measurements
PublikacjaHydrodynamic thrust bearings, used to carry axial loads in heavily loaded shafts of water power plants hydro turbines, can reach outer diameters even exceeding 5 m. In such large objects scale effect could be observed. According to this, allowable bearing specific load assuring safe operation of the bearings has to be decreased, which increases thrust bearing dimensions. This effect is caused by excessive thermal deflections of...
Chapter 2: Modelling and analysis of rotor with magnetic bearing system
PublikacjaThe paper is concerned with rotor magnetic bearing system modelling. Such system is a relatively complex electromechanical system and can be considered as typical mechatronic one. The port-based modelling of physical systems has been used to obtain discrete-continuous model of considered system. Proposed approach enables to obtain reduced low-order lumped parameter representation of the system including gyroscopic interactions....
Improving the accuracy of bearing in active sonar with cylindrical array using spectrum estimation.
PublikacjaThe articles presents a method for improving the accuracy of bearing in multibeam sonar with a cylindrical array. Based on a known spatial spectrum estimation technique, the method has been successfully used in linear array systems. Its accuracy of bearing is satisfactory and ensures a relatively low computational effort. The article discusses certain simplifications and assumptions to adapt the spatial spectrum estimation technique...
Effect of Coating Material Properties on Tilting-pad Thrust Bearing Performance
PublikacjaPolymer lined tilting-pad bearings demonstrate many advantages over traditional bearing systems. Bearings with a polymer layer in comparison with a babbitted layer show, for example: lower value of friction coefficient (important during start/stops), higher fatigue strength of the coating, better distribution of the load on individual pads due to lower elasticity of the polymers, wider range of operational temperatures or the ability...
Numerical Determination of the Load-Bearing Capacity of a Perforated Thin-Walled Beam in a Structural System with a Steel Grating
PublikacjaThis article presents the results of numerical simulations of a structural system consisting of steel perforated thin-walled beams and a steel grating. The simulations were conducted using the finite element method. The analysis took into account physical and geometric nonlinearity as well as the contact between the steel grating and the beams. The main goal of the research was to develop load-bearing curves for the main beam in...
Effect of water contamination of an environmentally acceptable lubricant based on synthetic esters on the wear and hydrodynamic properties of stern tube bearing
PublikacjaThe ecological aspects of the lubrication of stern tube bearings on ships represent a critical challenge today. Oil leakages are a typical issue, even for new systems, similarly to water ingress from the environment. One of the options for improving environmental protection is replacing mineral oil with an environmentally adaptable lubricant (EAL). This paper reports experimental investigations of the effect of water content in...
Michał Wasilczuk prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyMichał Wasilczuk, absolwent Wydziału Budowy Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej (1986), a obecnie profesor zwyczajny na Wydziale Mechanicznym PG i kierownik Katedry Konstrukcji Maszyn i Pojazdów od początku swojej działalności naukowej zajmuje się hydrodynamicznymi łożyskami wzdłużnymi oraz, szerzej inżynierią łożyskowania, w ramach zespołu naukowego stworzonego przez doc. Olgierda Olszewskiego. Od kilkunastu lat zespół specjalizuje...
Experimental research on a hydrodynamic thrust bearing with hydrostatic lift pockets: Influence of lubrication modes on bearing performance
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to investigate the performance of a thrust bearing equipped with hydrostatic lift pockets under different lubrication modes. Three types of flat land bearing lubrication modes are studied experimentally: hydrostatic lubrication (HS; forced oil injection to the pockets), hybrid lubrication (HS + HD; hydrostatic lubrication combined with the external forced bearing oil supply) and hydrodynamic lubrication...
Bearing capacity for random subsoil.
PublikacjaW pracy zaproponowano modyfikację metody charakterystyk bazującej na stochastycznej metodzie różnic skończonych. Podejście takie pozwoliło na uwzględnienie przestrzennej zmienności podłoża gruntowego przy ocenie nośności granicznej ławy fundamentowej posadowionej na losowym podłożu. Przeprowadzono analizę wpływu dyskretyzacji ośrodka gruntowego na rozwiązanie oraz rozpatrzono jego zbieżności.
PublikacjaT his study compares the performance of a plain bearing, with a similar structure to a tail shaft stern bearing, lubricated with either mineral oil or an environmentally acceptable lubricant (EAL). The main characteristic of the bearing is its length/diameter ratio of <1. Measurements are carried out with the bearing operating under loads from 0.5 to 1 MPa and seven speeds ranging from 1 to 11 rev/s. The bearing lubricated...
Acoustic journal bearing - A search for adequate configuration
PublikacjaClassical non-contact bearings are already used in a number of specialist applications but there are somespecialist areas where they cannot be used for variety of reasons and acoustic sliding bearings could be an alternative. The paper presents the quest for a configuration of an acoustic journal bearing and shows that the overall shape of the bearing and its geometry are of a vital importance for the load capacity oft he bearing....
Biocompatibility and bioactivity of bearing loaded metallic implants
PublikacjaPresentation of developed titanium alloy base composite materials possessing better biocompatibility, longer lifetime and bioactivity behavior for bearing loaded implants, e.g. hip joint and knee joint endoproshtesis.
PublikacjaOne of the most popular types of foundations in layered subsoil with very differentiated soil shear strengths are precast piles. One of the reasons is a fact that we can well control the driving process during the installation of these piles. The principles of the assessment of bearing capacity and settlements of the piles given by Eurocode 7, concentrate on two main methods, i.e. Static Pile Load Tests (SPLT) and Dynamic Driving...
Bearing capacity of the working platform with kinematic method
PublikacjaBearing capacity of the working platform for heavy tracks was analysed using Distinct Layout Optimization (DLO) method. The platform layer constructed from cohesionless soils is resting on weak cohesive subgrade. Different thickness of the platform, its effective angle of internal friction and undrained shear strength of the soft soil were taken into consideration. Kinematic method permits different failure mechanisms to be analyzed....
Experimental verification of MWO bearing machine
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki weryfikacji doświadczalnej nowego stanowiska przeznaczonego do badań wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej warstwy powierzchniowej łożysk ślizgowych. Badano dwu- i trójwarstwowe cienkościenne panwie ślizgowe. Warstwa nośna wykonana była ze stopu CuPb30. W wariancie trójwarstwowym występowała powłoka ze stopu PbSnCu. Przedstawiono przykłady zaobserwowanych pęknięć zmęczeniowych. Maszyna MWO okazała się w pełni przydatna...
Biocompatibility and Bioactivity of Load-Bearing Metallic Implants
PublikacjaThe main objective of here presented research is to develop the titanium (Ti) alloy base composite materials possessing better biocompatibility, longer lifetime and bioactivity behaviour for load-bearing implants, e.g. hip joint and knee joint endoprosthesis. The development of such materials is performed through: modeling the material behaviour in biological environment in long time and developing of new procedures for such evaluation;...
Modeling lubricant flow between thrust-bearing pads
PublikacjaInlet temperature is one of the main inputs in all models for the analysis of fluid film bearing performance. At the same time, inlettemperature distribution and also oil velocity distribution at the inlet are the result of flow phenomena in the gap between the bearingpads. These phenomena are complex and in many cases further affected by any special arrangements of forced oil supply to the gapbetween pads. The reason for such...
Biocompatibility and bioactivity of load-bearing metallic implants
PublikacjaThe main objective of here presented research is to develop the titanium (Ti) alloy base composite materials possessing better biocompatibility, longer lifetime and bioactivity behaviour for load-bearing implants, e.g. hip joint and knee joint endoprosthesis. The development of such materials is performed through: modeling the material behaviour in biological environment in long time and developing of new procedures for such evaluation;...
Some problems of slide bearing material fatigue evaluation.
PublikacjaA slide bearing alloy resistance against fatigue failures have been investigated for three different lubricants, different heat loadings and different stress ratio κ values. The research methods and data handling procedures for determination of particular parameter effects on fatigue strength have been described and analysed for experiments that were set and performed in laboratory tester SKMR-2. Main and interaction effects of...
Displacement piles - classification and methods for the calculation of bearing capacity.
PublikacjaDisplacement piles belong to a group of technologies whose main idea is to install or make a pile without extracting ground material. According to definition, contained in PN-EN:1997-1:2008, displacement piles should be considered as driven, pressed in using vibrators and made with the use of spread augers. The classification of piles used so far with regard to the technology of execution is modified. An additional element is the...
Motor bearing diagnostics performed by means of laser vibrometer
PublikacjaDamage of bearings is the most common cause of failures in squirrel-cage induction motors. That is why the issues connected with diagnostics of bearings are so important. The equipment employed for bearing diagnostics usually makes use of vibrations as the criterion for technical condition of the bearings. This paper presents exemplary results of the research conducted on bearings with artificially introduced damage. A scanning...
Search for the most useful geometry of an acoustic journal bearing
PublikacjaComputer simulations of a number of journal bearing’s geometries utilising acoustic levitation were carried out. The choice of the best geometry depended on the ability of a deformed shape, created by piezo-electric elements, to facilitate squeeze film ultrasonic levitation, and also to create three evenly distributed diverging aerodynamic gaps. Deformations of analysed variants of the bearing’s shape were generated by numerical...
Novel Fault Identification for Electromechanical Systems via Spectral Technique and Electrical Data Processing
PublikacjaIt is proposed, developed, investigated, and validated by experiments and modelling for the first time in worldwide terms new data processing technologies, higher order spectral multiple correlation technologies for fault identification for electromechanical systems via electrical data processing. Investigation of the higher order spectral triple correlation technology via modelling has shown that the proposed data processing technology...
Hydrodynamic pressure in micro-and nano bearing gap
A ferrocene-templated Pd-bearing molecular reactor
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PublikacjaIn many cases in rotating machinery, axial load is carried by tilting pad thrust bearings which have been developed since the beginning of 20th century. For high reliability and simplicity, most commonly the bearings are bath lubricated. In the times of sustainable development, however, minimization of friction losses becomes an important criterion for machinery assessment, and a strategic goal of their development. Performed calculations,...
Method for improving multibeam sonar bearing accuracy
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono prostą metodę poprawy dokładności namiarów w sonarach wielowiązkowych. Zasada zaproponowanej metoda jest zbliżona do metody monopulsowej stosowanej powszechnie w radarach i sonarach. Nie wymaga jednak ręcznego lub automatycznego obracania wiązek, co wydatnie zmniejsza potrzebne nakłady obliczeniowe procesorów sonaru Stosowanie metody daje znaczne zmniejszenie błędów namiarów przy względnie dużym wyjściowym stosunku...
Bearing testing machine with rotating load vector.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono koncepcję konstrukcyjną i prototyp stanowiska badawczego z wirująca reakcją łożyskową przeznaczonego do testowania wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej warstw ślizgowych w łożyskach poprzecznych. Konstrukcja i przeznaczenie maszyny zbudowanej w laboratorium tribologicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej jest zgodna z zaleceniami normy ISO 7905. Przeanalizowano zalety i wady maszyny badawczej o takim wzorcu obciążenia testującego.
Diagnosis of bearing damage in induction motors by instantaneous power analysis
PublikacjaResearch of the machine with simulated bearing damages has been carried out, where variable load torque, simulating bearing damage, was introduced. The results show that components which can be used for bearings diagnosis appear in the spectrum of the product of current and supply voltage instantaneous values. These components are easier to identify than the components of current spectrum, which have been used so far in diagnostic...
Running performance of an aerodynamic journal bearing with squeeze film effect
PublikacjaResults of theoretical and experimental studies concerning the performance of an aerodynamic journal bearing of which running is assisted by squeeze film ultrasonic levitation (SFUL) are presented in this paper. The SFUL mechanism not only can separate journal from the bearing at the start and stop phases of operation but also can significantly contribute to the dynamic stability of the bearing when it runs at speed. Computer calculations...
Vibration data for 1205 EKTN9 bearings
Dane BadawczeThe data contains measurements of vibration obtained with VIBstand manufactured by EC systems.
Compliance tests of the polymer layers used as hydrodynamic bearing coatings
PublikacjaOperational experience and scientific investigations results showed that polymer lined hydrodynamic bearings can withstand more severe operating conditions compared than white metal bearings. PTFE and PEEK-based coatings are the most frequently used as Babbitt alternatives. Both polymers differ significantly from the each other in material properties. According to catalogue data compression modulus of PTFE, it is about an order...
Influence of an applied bearing system on behaviour of multi-span footbridge
PublikacjaThe cycle overpass in Gdynia is a box structure over 300 metres long, 10-span. It was opened for bicycle traffic in the second half of 2013. At the end of its construction, there was failure due to excessive horizontal displacement of the system. A number of bearings exceeded the range of permissible transverse shifts thus it was necessary to temporarily protect the spans from slipping. The FEM analysis of the original solution...
Experimental research on water lubricated three layer sliding bearing with lubrication grooves in the upper part of the bush and its comparison with a rubber bearing
Publikacjacomposite. Eachofitslayershasanimportantfunction.Speciallypreparedslidingsurfaceensures minimum resistance.Followingrunning-initssmoothnessbecomesveryhighandthebearingmay continue workingunder fluid lubricationregime.NBRlayerensuresbearingelasticity,goodvibration damping propertiesandinsusceptibilitytoshaftaxismisalignment.Theexternalbrasslayermakes fitting thebearingeasier. Experiment resultsoftheconductedresearchwerecomparedwiththoseforarubberbearingof similar...
Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants
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Experimental research on marine oil-lubricated stern tube bearing
PublikacjaBearings of propeller shafts are very crucial elements of the propulsion system of each of the ships. The safety of shipping depends on their durability and reliability. The new legal restrictions mean that today we are looking for environmentally friendly solutions. That is why water-lubricated bearings are becoming more and more popular. So, will oil-lubricated shaft bearings belong to the past? The bearing with a white metal...
Evaluation of the Variability of Vibration Measurement Results in Rolling Bearing Quality Control
PublikacjaThe final result of rolling bearing quality control is influenced by many factors that are not always taken into account. If non-conforming products leave the factory, then the reliability of equipment containing rolling bearings is significantly weakened. The paper presents an analysis of the reasons for the variability of vibration measurement results in rolling bearing quality control. The paper describes the organisation of...
Problems of analytical determination of journal bearing bush fatigue strength estimates
PublikacjaProblems connected with determination of stress distribution in sliding layer of thinwalled bearing bushes, investigated in bearing fatigue test rigs, have been presented. Using an example of plain bearings tested in the fatigue machine SMOK (built at the Gdask University of Technology) problems with obtaining a convergence of iterative procedure for determining the fatigue strength estimators of bearing alloy surface layer are...
Bearing errors passive sonar stationary target location
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono metodę wyznaczania współrzędnych nieruchomego celu na podstawie namiarów wykonywanych w sonarze pasywnym. Określono wymagania odnośnie ruchu sonaru, przy których błędy wyznaczania współrzędnych są minimalne. Podano zależności umożliwiające analityczne wyznaczanie błędów współrzędnych. Poprawność wyników analizy potwierdzono eksperymentami numerycznymi.
Experimental tests of water lubricated marine rubber bearing
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono stosowane obecnie rodzaje łożysk gumowych smarowanych wodą. Omówiono ich zalety i wady.W drugiej części pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymantalnych typowego okrętowego łożyska gumowego. Uzyskane rezultaty porównano z wynikami badań łożysk z polimerową panwią.
Influence of Collar Deformations on Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearing Performance
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Estimation of pile bearing capacity by dynamic and static tests
PublikacjaBadania dynamiczne, szczególnie dla pali wbijanych, w budownictwie hydrotechnicznym stają się coraz bardziej popularne. Badania, poparte formalnie zapisami zawartymi w Eurokodzie 7, wykorzystywane w badaniach ''na wodzie'' i ''na lądzie'' są szybkie i ekonomiczne. Przedstawiono serię badań dla gruntów uwarstwionych dla pali prefabrykowanych żelbetowych, wbijanych stalowych pali rurowych oraz pali Vibro-Fundex. Badania dynamiczne...
Mechanism of the fatigue cracks development in bearing slide layer
PublikacjaNa podstawie literatury przedstawiono wybrane problemy dotyczące powiązania wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej łożysk ślizgowych ze strukturą i charakterystyką materiału tworzącego warstwę ślizgową panwi.W szczególności analizowano mechanizm inicjacji i propagacji pęknięć zmęczeniowych jako zależną nie tylko od wzorca obciążenia dynamicznego, lecz również od geometrii i struktury warstwy ślizgowej.Wyróżniono dwa typy pęknięć: strukturalne...
Bioactive core material for porous load-bearing implants
PublikacjaSo far state of knowledge on biodegradable materials is reviewed. Among a variety of investigated materials, those composed of polymers and ceramics may be considered as only candidates for a core material in porous titanium alloy. The collagen and chitosan among natural polymers, polyhydroxy acids among synthetic polymers, and hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate among ceramics are proposed for further research. Three essential...