Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: books
Philosophical Books
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O książkowej miniaturze, czy raczej o miniaturowej książce – recenzja książki „Miniature Books: 4,000 Years of Tiny Treasures”
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Revenues from the sale of books in Poland (2009-2013)
Dane BadawczeAccording to the report "The book market in Poland 2014, the Library of Analysis", nearly 40,000 publishers were registered in Poland until mid-2013, of which it is estimated that only about 2,000-2,500 were active as publishers. According to the estimates of the authors of the Report, the value of the Polish book market in 2013 amounted to PLN 2.68...
Libellarium: journal for the research of writing, books, and cultural heritage institutions
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Quaerendo: A Quarterly Journal from the Low Countries Devoted to Manuscripts and Printed Books
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Oxbow Books
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Books on Demand
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Berghahn Books
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Jednak Książki. Gdańskie Czasopismo Humanistyczne
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Raman spectroscopy in investigation of rheometric processes
PublikacjaPraca porusza problem analizy cienkiej warstwy przyściennej -oleju za pomocą spektroskopii ramanowskiej. Parametry (grubość, struktura chemiczna) cienkiej warstwy przyśniennej są istotną informacją do oceny przebiegu procesu wyciskania past modelowych. Zaprezentowano wyniki pomiarów oraz konstrukcje ramanowskich układów pomiarowych.
Optical monitoring of thin oil film thickness in extrusion processes
PublikacjaPraca porusza problem pomiaru grubości cienkiej warstwy przyściennej -oleju, podczas procesu wyciskania ceramiki modelowej. Szczegółowo opisuje zjawiska fizyczne zachodzące w warstwie przyściennej oraz dynamiczne parametry wykorzystywane do oceny grubości. Autorzy opisują także metodę pomiaru oraz konstrukcję układów pomiarowych.
Słynne wille Polski, wystawa w Bytomiu - październik 2013
PublikacjaWystawa zorganizowana we Wrocławiu w Muzeum Architektury w dniach 28 kwietnia-18 maja 2013 r. przez Foibos Books Praha, na której wystawiono plansze autorstwa Marii Jolanty Sołtysik, oparte na książce Słynne wille Polski, oprac. zbior. R. Nakonieczny, Praha : Foibos Books, 2013, ISBN 978-80-87-073-57-5.
Great Villas of Visegrad Four Countries and Slovenia
PublikacjaWystawa zorganizowana w Parlamencie Europejskim w Brukseli w dniach 27-30 maja 2013 przez Agencję Foibos Books Praha na której wystawiono plansze autorstwa Marii Jolanty Sołtysik opartej na książce Great Villas of Poland, oprac zb. pod red. R. Nakoniecznego, Praha : Foibos Books, 2013, ISBN 978-80-87073-58-2.
Personal Branding in the Knowledge Economy: The Inter-relationship between Corporate and Employee Brands
Zapiski pożeracza ksiąg : o rodzajach i funkcjach marginaliów na podstawie notatek Jana Bernarda Bonifacia = Marginalia of the book devourer : about the kind and functions of marginal notes on the basic of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio's annotations.
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to show the rich variety of marginalia written in the books by the hand of their owner, Giovanni Bernardo Bonifacio (1517—1597)‘, also known as "helluo librorum", a "book devourer". Most of the author’s attention has been focused upon recognizing the types and functions of the hand written comments left in the margins of the books by the Italian humanist. The role of the annotations has been seen as a...
Zapiski pożeracza ksiąg : o rodzajach i funkcjach marginaliów na podstawie notatek Jana Bernarda Bonifacia = Marginalia of the book devourer : about the kind and functions of marginal notes on the basic of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio's annotations.
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to show the rich variety of marginalia written in the books by the hand of their owner, Giovanni Bernardo Bonifacio (1517—1597)‘, also known as "helluo librorum", a "book devourer". Most of the author’s attention has been focused upon recognizing the types and functions of the hand written comments left in the margins of the books by the Italian humanist. The role of the annotations has been seen as...
Average price of a book in Poland (2010-2013)
Dane BadawczeAlthough the Central Statistical Office does not provide detailed data on the growth rate of book prices, the overall comparison, which includes books, newspapers, magazines as well as drawing and painting articles, shows that the average annual price increase in 2011 amounted to 3.3% in this category. Moreover, as noted, the changes to the VAT Act...
Multi-Aspect Quality Assessment Of Mobile Image Classifiers For Companion Applications In The Publishing Sector
PublikacjaThe paper presents the problem of quality assessment of image classifiers used in mobile phones for complimentary companion applications. The advantages of using this kind of applications have been described and a Narrator on Demand (NoD) functionality has been described as one of the examples, where the application plays an audio file related to a book page that is physically in front of the phone's camera. For such a NoD application,...
Słynne wille Polski, wystawa we Wrocławiu 18.05.2013
PublikacjaWystawa zorganizowana w Bytomiu w Muzeum Górnośląskim w październiku 2013 r. przez Foibos Books Praha, na której wystawiono plansze autorstwa Marii Jolanty Sołtysik, oparte na książce Słynne wille Polski, której współautorką jest Maria Jolanta Sołtysik
Automated Classifier Development Process for Recognizing Book Pages from Video Frames
PublikacjaOne of the latest developments made by publishing companies is introducing mixed and augmented reality to their printed media (e.g. to produce augmented books). An important computer vision problem that they are facing is classification of book pages from video frames. The problem is non-trivial, especially considering that typical training data is limited to only one digital original per book page, while the trained classifier...
Włodzimierz Przybylski prof. dr inż.
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Inwentarz księgozbioru Wiktorii z Scheillów Wendorffowej jako przykład spisu biblioteczki ziemiańskiej z pierwszej połowy XIX wieku
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem pracy jest rękopiśmienny inwentarz księgozbioru Wiktorii z Scheillów Wendorffowej, wykonany na podstawie zapisu testamentowego. Stanowi on przykład spisu XIX-wiecznej biblioteczki ziemiańskiej, który znajduje się w aktach notarialnych. Dokonano rekonstrukcji spisu 222 książek oraz poddano go krótkiej analizie. Zapisy z rękopisu uzupełniono opisami bibliograficznymi poszczególnych odnalezionych pozycji; składają się...
La sfida di "Re Cotone". Una nuova storia del capitalismo attraverso la storia delle commodities?
PublikacjaThe article is divided into two parts. In the first one, it highlights the role of commodities in real economy and it observes the coincidence of their price increase after 2003 and their importance as a research topic particularly in the framework of global history. In the second one, it propose a comparative analysis of two recent books on cotton, considering similarities and differences of their approaches, and the difficult...
Marek Kubale prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyDetails concerning: Qualifications, Experiences, Editorial boards, Ph.D. theses supervised, Books, and Recent articles can be found at http://eti.pg.edu.pl/katedra-algorytmow-i-modelowania-systemow/Marek_KubaleGoogle ScholarSylwetka prof. Marka Kubalego Prof. Marek Kubale pracuje na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej nieprzerwanie od roku 1969. W tym czasie napisał ponad 150 prac naukowych, w tym ponad 40 z listy JCR. Ponadto...
Structure of the register of immovable monuments by date of individual objects – comparison of 2017 and 2024
Dane BadawczeThe register of monuments is the primary form of monument protection. The register for monuments in the voivodeship is kept by the voivodeship conservator of monuments in the form of separate books for immovable (book A), movable (book B), and archaeological (book C) monuments. Entries in the register of monuments are made upon application by the owner...
Slavne Vily Polska
PublikacjaWystawa zorganizowana przez Foibos Books i prezentowana w Pradze w Pałacu na Hradczanach i w Instytucie Polskim we wrześniu 2013 r., na której wystawiono plansze autorstwa Marii Jolanty Sołtysik, oparte na książce Slavne vily Polska, oprac zbior. pod red. R. Nakoniecznego, Praha: Foibos Book, 2013, ISBN 978-80-87-073-56-7.
Classification of objects in the register of immovable monuments by chronology and voivodeships – comparison of 2015 and 2024
Dane BadawczeThe following dataset compares objects' classification in the immovable monuments register by chronology and voivodeships for 2015 and 2024. The dataset has been compiled based on the data contained in the Report on the State of the Immovable Monuments in Poland – Monuments entered in the Register of Monuments (Register Books A and C) of 2017 and the...
Classifying the transformation products (TPs) of emerging contaminants (ECs) for prioritizing research into their impact on the environment and human health
PublikacjaOne of the first books to cover transformation products, rather than primary compounds, Transformation Products of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment gathers, specifies, synthesizes, and advances existing knowledge of the most important transformation product (TPs) of the main groups of emerging contaminants with potential concern to human health and the environment. This two-volume set for researchers and professionals covers...
Classification of objects in the register of immovable monuments by primary function – comparison of 2015 and 2024
Dane BadawczeThis dataset compares the classification of objects in the register of immovable monuments by primary function for 2015 and 2024. The dataset has been compiled based on the data contained in the Report on the State of the Immovable Monuments in Poland – Monuments entered in the Register of Monuments (Register Books A and C) of 2017 and the Statement...
Structure of the register of immovable monuments in terms of the number of large-scale monuments by voivodeship - comparison of 2016 and 2024
Dane BadawczeThe following dataset compares the structure of the register of immovable monuments in Poland regarding the number of large-scale monuments by voivodeship for 2016 and 2024. The dataset has been compiled based on the data in the Report on the State of the Immovable Monuments in Poland – Monuments entered in the Register of Monuments (Register Books...
Magdalena Olczyk dr hab.
OsobyMagdalena Olczyk, a PhD and a DSc in Economics, works as a assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics in Gdansk University of Technology. Her research and academic teaching focus on international economics, in particular, on issues related to international competitiveness. She authored and co-authored over 5 books and 60 articles related to competitiveness, international trade and structural changes
O Marcelim Tarnowskim – tłumaczu, redaktorze, księgarzu
PublikacjaThe paper presents the biography of Marceli Tarnowski (1899–1942), a Polish translator of 145 books, bookseller, editor, journalist, creator of the screenplay for the movie “Przybłęda”, and the author of an unfinished book about the Warsaw Ghetto. Tarnowski, who tragically died during World War II, was a member of the Bibliophiles’ Association in Łódź, the Polish Booksellers Association, and a cofounder of the Cooperative Booksellers...
Distance learning trends: introducing new solutions to data analysis courses
PublikacjaNowadays data analysis of any kind becomes a piece of art. The same happens with the teaching processes of statistics, econometrics and other related courses. This is not only because we are facing (and are forced to) teach online or in a hybrid mode. Students expect to see not only the theoretical part of the study and solve some practical examples together with the instructor. They are waiting to see a variety of tools, tutorials,...
Non-existent monuments entered in the register of immovable monuments – comparison of 2003 and 2016
Dane BadawczeThe following dataset compares the structure of immovable monuments register by a number of non-existent monuments for 2003 and 2016. The dataset has been compiled based on the data contained in the Report analysing the state of immovable monuments (the report was prepared in 2004 based on data collected by provincial conservators of historical monuments...
The general state of preservation of immovable monuments in connection with the state of ownership – comparison of 2003 and 2016
Dane BadawczeThe following dataset compares the structure of the register of immovable monuments in Poland regarding the general state of preservation of the objects in connection with the state of ownership for 2003 and 2016. The dataset has been compiled based on the data in the Report analysing the state of immovable monuments (the report was prepared in 2004...
Structure of the register of archeological monuments by date of construction – comparison of 2016 and 2024
Dane BadawczeThe following dataset compares the structure of the register of archeological monuments by date in Poland for 2016 and 2024. The dataset has been compiled based on the data contained in the Report analysing the state of immovable monuments (the report was prepared in 2004 based on data collected by provincial conservators of historical monuments in...
Od Safony do Sibylli : o twórczości kobiet, które miały odwagę zmieniać świat
Publikacja"From Sappho to Sibylla. About the women’s research and literary output preserved in the PAS Gdańsk Library early printed books collection (15th-18th c.)" The main purpose of this study was to present women’s research and literary output preserved in the early printed books collection (15th-18th c.) of the PAS Gdańsk Library (PAN Biblioteka Gdańska). The author mentions the phenomenon of women writing and participation in the...
Zdzisław Kowalczuk prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyW 1978 ukończył studia w zakresie automatyki i informatyki na Wydziale Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej, następnie rozpoczął pracę na macierzystej uczelni. W 1986 obronił pracę doktorską, w 1993 habilitował się na Politechnice Śląskiej na podstawie pracy Dyskretne modele w projektowaniu układów sterowania. W 1996 mianowany profesorem nadzwyczajnym, w 2003 otrzymał tytuł profesora nauk technicznych. W 2006 założył i od tego czasu...
Structure of the register of archeological monuments by voivodeships - comparison of the years 2003, 2016 and 2024
Dane BadawczeThe following dataset compares the structure of the register of archeological monuments by voivodeships in Poland for 2003, 2016 and 2024. The dataset has been compiled based on the data contained in the Report analysing the state of immovable monuments (the report was prepared in 2004 based on data collected by provincial conservators of historical...
Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ assessment of individual elements of education in the completed field of study – years 2015-2016
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from the years 2015-2016 on their assessment of individual elements of education in the completed field of study. The survey was conducted in the period from 2017 to 2018, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included...
Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ assessment of individual elements of education in the completed field of study – years 2017-2018
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from the years 2017-2018 on their assessment of individual elements of education in the completed field of study. The survey was conducted in the period from 2019 to 2020, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included...
Krzysztof Leja dr hab. inż.
OsobyKrzysztof Leja, absolwent Wydziału Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej Politechniki Gdańskiej, doktor habilitowany nauk o zarządzaniu. Obecnie prodziekan ds. nauki Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Zainteresowania badawcze koncentrują się wokół problematyki doskonalenia organizacji i zarządzania współczesną uczelnią. Kierował i uczestniczył w projektach krajowych i międzynarodowych dotyczących badań...
Structure of the register of immovable monuments under the primary function – comparison of 2017 and 2024
Dane BadawczeThis dataset compares the structure of the register of immovable monuments in Poland under the primary function of objects for 2017 and 2024. The statement included the following primary functions of the monuments: urbanism, sacral, defence, industrial, economic, residential, public utilities, communication, cemeteries, greenery, etc. The dataset has...
Structure of the register of immovable monuments in terms of the typological groups of large-scale monuments by voivodeship - comparison of 2016 and 2024
Dane BadawczeThe following dataset compares the structure of the register of immovable monuments in Poland regarding the typological groups of large-scale monuments by voivodeship for 2016 and 2024. The typological groups of large-scale monuments included:
Report of Eurocode 7 application for pile foundation design in Poland
PublikacjaThe EC7 rules of geotechnical design are in use in Poland for several years, even though there is no National annex. With regard to pile foundations, there are valid EC7 recommendations concerning design approaches, load partial coefficients, correlation coefficients and capacity partial coefficients. Polish designers can be quite flexible when it comes to choose a method for static, bearing capacity and settlement calculations....
Adrian Bekasiewicz dr hab. inż.
OsobyAdrian Bekasiewicz received the MSc, PhD, and DSc degrees in electronic engineering from Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, in 2011, 2016, and 2020, respectively. In 2014, he joined Engineering Optimization & Modeling Center at Reykjavik University, Iceland, where he held a Research Associate and a Postdoctoral Fellow positions, respectively. Currently, he is an Associate Professor and the head of Teleinformation Networks...
The general state of preservation of immovable monuments in connection with the primary function – comparison of 2003 and 2016
Dane BadawczeThe following dataset compares the structure of the register of immovable monuments in Poland regarding the general state of preservation of the objects in connection with the primary function for 2003 and 2016. The included types contain the following ones: sacred, defensive, public, parks, residential, farmhouses, industrial, cemeteries and others....
Structure of the register of immovable monuments in terms of the number of large-scale monuments by voivodeship - comparison of 2003 and 2016
Dane BadawczeThe following dataset compares the structure of the register of immovable monuments in Poland regarding the number of large-scale monuments by voivodeship for 2003 and 2016. Although the number of large-scale monuments increased in 2016, their percentage of the total number of registered monuments decreased. The dataset has been compiled based on the...
Structure of the register of immovable monuments in terms of the number of architectural monuments by type - comparison of 2003 and 2016
Dane BadawczeThe following dataset compares the structure of the register of immovable monuments in Poland regarding the number of architectural monuments by type for 2003 and 2016. The included types contain the following ones: sacred, defensive, public, castles, palaces, manors, parks, residential, farmhouses, industrial, cemeteries and others. The dataset has...