Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: control synthesis
Computational Model of Time for Stiff Hybrid Systems Applied to Control Synthesis
PublikacjaComputational representation.
Synthesis of autonomous underwater vehicle control system.
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy parametrycznej identyfikacji systemu sterowania autonomicznego pojazdu podwodnego.Badania opierają sie na modelu pojazdu o 4 stopniach swobody, zrealizowanym w środowisku programowym Matlab/Simulink. Zastosowano wielowymiarowy nieliniowy regulator PID. Przedstawiono wyniki symulacji zaprojektowanego układu sterowania.
Application of Reversible Logic in Synthesis of Traffic Control Systems
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Morphology control through the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks
PublikacjaDesignable morphology and predictable properties are the most challenging goals in material engineering. Features such as shape, size, porosity, agglomeration ratio significantly affect the final properties of metal- organic frameworks (MOFs) and can be regulated throughout synthesis parameters but require a deep under- standing of the mechanisms of MOFs formation. Herein, we systematically summarize the effects of the indi- vidual...
On the synthesis of coupled-lossy resonator filters with unloaded quality factor control
PublikacjaA technique for fast synthesis of coupling matrix low-pass prototypes of generalized Chebyshev bandpass filters with lossy resonators is presented in this paper. The coupling matrix is found by solving a nonlinear least squares problem based on zeros and poles of filter's transfer functions. Additional constraints are introduced that allow one to control the level of unloaded quality factor of resonators.
Size control mechanism of ZnO nanoparticles obtained in microwave solvothermal synthesis
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Size Control of Cobalt-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles Obtained in Microwave Solvothermal Synthesis
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Modifications of silicate bioglass synthesis and composition for in vitro dissolution control: Static and dynamic assessment
PublikacjaA set of fifteen calcium-phosphate-silicate glass samples, varying in alkali, magnesium, silicon, and nitrogen content, was prepared, and their structural, thermal, and in vitro dissolution properties were analyzed. Infrared spectroscopy showed a high degree of depolymerization of the silicate network consisting mainly of Q2 and Q3 units. Thermal analysis showed that the silicon content primarily affects both the glass transition...
A reliable synthesis of discrete-time H-inf control. Part I: basic theorems and J-lossless conjugators
PublikacjaThe paper gives a basis for solving many problems of numerically reliable synthesis of sub-optimal discrete-time control in H-inf. The approach is based on J-lossless factorisation of the delta-domain chain-scattering description of continuous-time plants being controlled. Relevant properties of poles and zeroes of chain-scattering models are given. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of stabilising J-lossless...
A case study of robust sliding mode control applied to inverted pendulum on a cart
PublikacjaA control problem of an inverted pendulum on a cart has been addressed in this paper. In particular, a synthesis of alternative sliding mode control for stabilisation of an inverted pendulum at an upper equilibrium point has been investigated. Hence, the feasibility of implementing the developed control system, taking into account primarily the friction of the cart against the gantry and the limited length of the gantry, in a real...
Synthesis of a state feedback controller for an averaging tank with variable filling
PublikacjaIn paper, a nonlinear averaging tank with variable filling is considered. The main purpose of this research work was the modelling and control system synthesis of an averaging tank. The control objectives included ensuring stability and zero steady-state error of the system and achieving settling time as short as possible, while maintaining a minimal overshoot. In order to achieve the intended purpose, firstly a mathematical model...
Implementation of Hierarchical Control of Drinking Water Supply System
PublikacjaThe paper presents the outline of the didactical project of a complex computer controlled system realized by the first degree students of the Automatics and Robotics on the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (FoEaCE) in Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). The synthesis, implementation and analysis of a multilayer hierarchical control system for drinking water supply system (DWSS) are main topics of that project. The...
Control design for slow speed positioning
PublikacjaThe problem under study is a synthesis of position and heading control system for low frequency model of surface vessel described by 3 DOF mathematical model. The recursive vectorial backstepping control design was used to keep fixed position and heading in presence of wave disturbances. The controller has been simulated on computer model of scaled supply vessel. It has been assumed that the actuators produce generalized forces...
Control System Design for Dynamic Positioning using Vectorial Backstepping
PublikacjaThe problem of synthesis a dynamic positioning system for low frequency model of surface vessel was considered in this paper. The recursive vectorial backstepping control design was used to keep a fixed position and heading in presence of wave disturbances. The passive observer was introduced to smooth the measurements and to estimate the velocities needed for the control algorithm. The computer simulation results were given to...
Methods of ZnO nanoparticles synthesis
PublikacjaZinc oxide nanostructures are interesting nanomaterials with a wide range of applications. Since the physical and chemical properties of ZnO nanoparticles are influenced both by their shape and size, a control of morphology of ZnO structures is needed for their commercial usage. Different chemical, physical, and biological methods used to produce ZnO nanostructures can be found in the literature. The production of ZnO nanoparticles...
Supervised model predictive control of wastewater treatment plant
PublikacjaAn optimizing control of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), allowing for cost savings over long time period and fulfilling effluent discharge limits at the same time, requires application of advanced control techniques. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a very suitable control technology for a synthesis of such a truly multivariable controller that can handle constraints and accommodate model-based knowledge combined with hard...
An Automatic Self-Tuning Control System Design for an Inverted Pendulum
PublikacjaA control problem of an inverted pendulum in the presence of parametric uncertainty has been investigated in this paper. In particular, synthesis and implementation of an automatic self-tuning regulator for a real inverted pendulum have been given. The main cores of the control system are a swing-up control method and a stabilisation regulator. The first one is based on the energy of an inverted pendulum, whereas the second one...
Balal Yousaf Dr.
OsobyBalal Yousaf currently works as a Professor at the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland. He has an academic background in Environmental Geochemistry & Pollution. His research interests include Soil and Water Remediation, Transformation Mechanism and Fate of Environmental Contaminants, Minerals Interaction with Environmental Contaminants, Green Synthesis, Biowaste Conversion, Bioenergy and Environmental Pollution...
Neurocontrolled Car Speed System
PublikacjaThe features of the synthesis of neural controllers for the car speed control system are considered in this article. The task of synthesis is to determine the weight coefficients of neural networks that provide the implementation of proportional and proportional-integralderivative control laws. The synthesis of controllers is based on an approach that uses a reversed model of the standard. A model of the car speed control system with...
Autonomous Control of the Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle in Collision Situation with Stationary Obstacle
PublikacjaThe article considers the problem of autonomous control of the underwater remotely operated vehicle mini Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) in a collision situation with a stationary obstacle. The control of the collision avoidance process is presented as a synthesis of fuzzy proportional-differential controllers for the control of distance and orientation concerning the detected stationary obstacle. The control of the submergence...
Design of three control algorithms for an averaging tank with variable filing
PublikacjaAn averaging tank with variable filling is a nonlinear multidimensional system and can thus be considered a complex control sys-tem. General control objectives of such object include ensuring stability, zero steady state error and achieving simultaneously shortest possible settling time and minimal overshoot. The main purpose of this research work was the modelling and synthesis of three control systems for an averaging tank. In...
Tailoring the Size and Shape—New Path for Ammonium Metavanadate Synthesis
PublikacjaAmmonium metavanadate, NH4VO3, plays an important role in the preparation of vanadium oxides and other ammonium compounds, such as NH4V3O8, (NH4)2V3O8, and NH4V4O10, which were found to possess interesting electrochemical properties. In this work, a new route for the synthesis of NH4VO3 is proposed by mixing an organic ammonium salt and V2O5 in a suitable solvent. The one-step procedure is carried out at room temperature. Additionally,...
Advanced Control Structures of Turbo Generator System of Nuclear Power Plant
PublikacjaIn the paper a synthesis of advanced control structures of turbine and synchronous generator for nuclear power plant working under changing operating conditions (supplied power level) is presented. It is based on the nonlinear models of the steam turbine and synchronous generator cooperating with the power system. Considered control structure consists of multi-regional fuzzy control systems with local linear controllers, including...
Advanced Control Structures of Turbo Generator System of Nuclear Power Plant
PublikacjaIn the paper a synthesis of advanced control structures of turbine and synchronous generator for nuclear power plant working under changing operating conditions (supplied power level) is presented. It is based on the nonlinear models of the steam turbine and synchronous generator cooperating with the power system. Considered control structure consists of multi-regional fuzzy control systems with local linear controllers, including...
A selection of PID type controller settings via LQR approach for two-wheeled balancing robot
PublikacjaThe problem of PID type controller tuning has been addressed in this paper. In particular, a method of selection of PD settings based on the solution of linear–quadratic optimisation problem using the energy criterion has been investigated. Thus, the possibility of transforming optimal settings of the linear–quadratic regulator into the settings of the controller in the classical control system has been given. The presented methodology...
Broken rotor bar impact on sensorless control of induction machine
PublikacjaThe aim of the research is analysis of the sensorless control system of induction machine with broken rotor for diagnostic purposes. Increasing popularity of sensorless controlled variable speed drives requires research in area of reliability, range of stable operation, fault symptoms and application of diagnosis methods. T transformation (Cunha et al.,2003) used for conversion of instantaneous rotor currents electrical circuit...
Mechatronics design, modelling and controlling of the Stewart-Gough platform
PublikacjaThis paper presents a mechatronics design of a low cost Stewart-Gough platform (SGP) with rotary actuators. The designed SGP is supposed to be applied in a ball & plate control system. The synthesis of the ball & plate control system is also within the subject of the paper. A mechatronics design process of the SGP was conducted with computer-aided design (CAD) software. Unique analytical solutions of an inverse kinematics problem...
Implementation of the FOPID Algorithm in the PLC Controller - PWR Thermal Power Control Case Study
PublikacjaIn the paper authors describe proposition of design and verification procedures of the discrete Fractional Order PID (FOPID) algorithm for control of the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) thermal power near its nominal operating point. The FOPID algorithm synthesis consists of: off-line optimal tunning of its parameters in continuous time-domain with LQ (Linear Quadratic) performance index and simplified models of nuclear reactor...
Nonlinear control of five phase induction motor with synchronized third harmonic flux injection
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the novel control system for five phase induction motor (IM) that enables the injection of the rotor flux 3rd harmonic component. Two multiscalar models are transformed from the 1-1 and 2-2 vector models developed in the 1st and 3rd harmonic planes. Based on the obtained multiscalar models the synthesis of dual multiscalar control is established. The obtained two multiscalar control systems can independently...
Nodal models of Pressurized Water Reactor core for control purposes – A comparison study
PublikacjaThe paper focuses on the presentation and comparison of basic nodal and expanded multi-nodal models of the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) core, which includes neutron kinetics, heat transfer between fuel and coolant, and internal and external reactivity feedback processes. In the expanded multi-nodal model, the authors introduce a novel approach to the implementation of thermal power distribution phenomena into the multi-node...
Survey on fuzzy logic methods in control systems of electromechanical plants
PublikacjaРассмотрены алгоритмы управления электромеханическими системами с использованием теории нечеткой логики, приводятся основные положения их синтеза, рассматриваются методы анализа их устойчивости на основе нечетких функций Ляпунова. Эти алгоритмы чаще всего реализуются в виде различных регуляторов, применение которых целесообразно в системах, математическая модель которых не известна, не детерминирована или является строго нелинейной,...
Recurrent Neural Network Based Adaptive Variable-Order Fractional PID Controller for Small Modular Reactor Thermal Power Control
PublikacjaThis paper presents the synthesis of an adaptive PID type controller in which the variable-order fractional operators are used. Due to the implementation difficulties of fractional order operators, both with a fixed and variable order, on digital control platforms caused by the requirement of infinite memory resources, the fractional operators that are part of the discussed controller were approximated by recurrent neural networks...
Wieloobszarowa regulacja systemu turbogeneratora elektrowni jądrowej =Multiregional control of nuclear power plant turbogenerator system
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono propozycję zaawansowanej struktury sterowania układem turbogeneratora w szerokim zakresie zmian zapotrzebowania na moc czynną. Dla potrzeb syntezy tej struktury wykorzystano nieliniowe, dynamiczne modele turbiny parowej i generatora synchronicznego współpracującego z systemem elektroenergetycznym. Zaproponowane algorytmy sterowania oparte są odpowiednio o wieloobszarowe regulatory rozmyte, z lokalnymi regulatorami...
Morphology Regulation Mechanism and Enhancement of Photocatalytic Performance of BiOX (X = Cl, Br, I) via Mannitol-Assisted Synthesis
PublikacjaBiOX (X = Cl, Br, I) photocatalysts with dominant (110) facets were synthesized via a mannitol-assisted solvothermal method. This is the first report on the exposed (110) facets-, size-, and defects-controlled synthesis of BiOX achieved by solvothermal synthesis with mannitol. This polyol alcohol acted simultaneously as a solvent, capping agent, and/or soft template. The mannitol concentration on the new photocatalysts morphology...
Analytical procedures for quality control of pharmaceuticals in terms of residual solvents content: Challenges and recent developments
PublikacjaResidual solvents play an important role in the synthesis of drugs and in product formulations. In addition, they pose a serious problem, that is toxicity, as many of them exhibit toxic or environmentally hazardous properties. Therefore, constant monitoring of quality control is needed. In this study, we present an overview of regulatory and general methods described by various pharmacopoeias. Then, the most commonly used methodologies...
Research of electric drive systems with real time software configurable control
PublikacjaПредмет исследования. Представлен учебно-лабораторный стенд для исследования систем управления элек- троприводами. Стенд используется для обучения студентов системам управления электроприводами и предна- значен для повышения эффективности усвоения материала. Метод. В основу предлагаемого решения положен метод взаимного нагружения электрических машин, питаемых от силовых преобразователей с общим звеном постоянного тока. Это позволяет...
Thermgravimetric analysis (TGA) data of cement pastes containing pristine and silica-coated bismuth oxide and gadolinium oxide particles
Dane BadawczeThermogravimetric (TGA) data of cement pastes after 2, 7 and 28 days. Samples designations: Control, BG, BG-A and BG-B are associated with the specimen names in the associated publication.
Photoluminescence of partially reduced Eu2+/Eu3+ active centers in a NaF–Al2O3–P2O5 glassy matrix with tunable smooth spectra
PublikacjaIn this work, a series of photoluminescent materials have been synthesized based on optically transparent and chemically stable glasses of the nominal composition Na3Al2(PO4)2F3 (NaF–Al2O3–P2O5 system) doped with 1 wt% of europium. It has been shown that the synthesis conditions (mainly the temperature and duration of the melting stage under reducing conditions) strongly affected the photoluminescence spectra of the material. This...
Dynamic Positioning System with Vectorial Backstepping Controller
PublikacjaThe problem of synthesis a dynamic positioning system for low frequency model of surface vessel was considered in this paper. The recursive vectorial backstepping control design was used to keep a fixed position and heading in presence of wave disturbances. The passive observer was introduced to smooth the measurements and to estimate the velocities needed for the control algorithm. Some parameters of observer were optimized off-line...
Optimal state feedback controller for balancing cube
PublikacjaIn this paper, a nonlinear balancing cube system is considered, the concept for which is based on an inverted pendulum. The main purpose of this work was the modelling and construction of a balancing cube with the synthesis of the control system. The control objectives included swing-up and stabilization of the cube on its vertex at an unstable equilibrium. Execution of the intended purpose required, first, deriving a cognitive...
Synteza bezczujnikowego sterowania maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu
PublikacjaSynteza bezczujnikowego sterowania maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu stanowi cel niniejszej monografii. Praca zawiera podstawowe informacje na temat modelowania układu napędowego z maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu. Przedstawiono informacje na temat linearyzacji nieliniowych obiektów. Na pod-stawie metody syntezy strukturalnej opracowano nowe transformacje do postaci zmien-nych multiskalarnych,...
A stochastic approach for the solution of single and multi – objective optimisation problems of biological processes in sequencing batch reactor
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the impact of implementing single and multi-optimisation solutions on the biological treatment process in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). The research is based on a case study of the water resource recovery facility (WRRF) in Swarzewo, Northern Poland. The paper introduces the adaptive extremum seeking control (ESC) method for dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration control and places it in a layered control structure....
PublikacjaW komercyjnych systemach dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku, pomimo znacznego wzrostu poziomu automatyzacji, wykorzystywane jest nadal sterowanie typu PID. Poprawę jakości procesu pozycjonowania może umożliwić wykorzystanie bardziej efektywnych algorytmów, oferujących zaawansowane nieliniowe techniki sterowania. W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie projektowania regulatora pozycji i kursu dla układu dynamicznego pozycjonowania...
Rigid polyurethane foams modified with selected flame retardants
PublikacjaThe flame retardants: expandable graphite, triethylphosphatehas been used in rigid polyurethane foams (PUFs). The influence of fillers amounts on processing parameters, physical-mechanical properties (compression strength, density, water absorption, brittleness)and thermal properties (thermal stability) of such foams has been analyzed.The gel, cram and rise time for PUFs modified with flame retardant has been observed during synthesis...
Effectiveness of the robust PSS design
PublikacjaThe paper discusses optimal PSS of synchronous generator synthesis. The optimal controller is an Hinf controller, what means that minimises Hinf norm of transfer function between the exogenous signals such as reference inputs and disturbances, and the error signals which are to be minimised to meet the control objective. The dynamic properties of the plant are shaped by choosing appropriate weighting function applied to the plant...
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki wstępnej analizy możliwości zastosowania sterowania predykcyjnego MPC turbiną parową elektrowni jądrowej. Tradycyjnie przyjmuje się, że turbina pracuje w jednym punkcie pracy odpowiadającym jej mocy nominalnej, co pozwala na stosowanie klasycznych regulatorów PID. Synteza sterowania dla warunków zmiennego punktu pracy wymaga uwzględnienia nieliniowego charakteru procesów turbiny oraz możliwości naruszania...
Ferrofluids based analytical extractions and evaluation of their greenness
PublikacjaFerrofluids are stable dispersions of magnetic nanoparticles in a carrier liquid. They have attracted considerable attention in analytical extractions as they combine fluid-like properties with magnetic character, providing magnetic control over the extraction process. The synthesis of ferrofluids is very straightforward, and it generally involves the preparation of magnetic nanoparticles, their coating, and then mixing in a suitable...
A comprehensive approach to double inverted pendulum modelling
PublikacjaThe problem of mathematical modelling and indication of properties of a DIP has been investigated in this paper. The aim of this work is to aggregate the knowledge on a DIP modelling using the Euler-Lagrange formalism in the presence of external forces and friction. To indicate the main properties important for simulation, model parameters identification and control system synthesis, analytical and numerical tools have been used....
Multi-nodal PWR reactor model — Methodology proposition for power distribution coefficients calculation
PublikacjaIn the paper the multi-nodal Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) model called Mann’s model is presented. This models is used for modelling purposes of the heat transfer from fuel to coolant in reactor core. The authors expand widely used in literature approach by defining additional coefficients for the heat transfer model. These parameters approximate the power generation distribution in the PWR reactor core according to the to the...
Wieloobszarowa rozmyta regulacja PID mocy reaktora jądrowego
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wieloobszarowy regulator rozmyty z lokalnymi regulatorami PID dla sterowania mocą reaktora jądrowego typu PWR. Wykorzystano model matematyczny o parametrach skupionych reaktora PWR obejmujący procesy generacji i wymiany ciepła oraz efektów reaktywnościowych. Nastawy lokalnych regulatorów PID zostały dobrane w sposób optymalny, minimalizując całkowy wskaźnik jakości ISE. Na przykładzie pokazano że zastosowane...