Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: decision-making problem - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: decision-making problem

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: decision-making problem

  • Diagnostyka Systemów 2021

    Kursy Online
    • M. Domżalski

    The aim of the course is to familiarize students with modern methods of systems diagnostics. As part of the project, each student solves one problem, prepares a report and finally a project presentation.     Celem kursu jest zapoznanie studentów ze współczesnymi metodami diagnostyki systemów. W ramach projektu każdy student rozwiązuje samodzielnie jeden problem, przygotowuje sprawozdanie oraz prezentację projektu.  

  • Koncepcja doskonalenia marketingu nowych technologii w Politechnice Gdańskiej

    W rozdziale podjęto problem doskonalenia wykorzystania dorobku współczesnego marketingu w przygotowaniu i oferowaniu nowych technologii, oparte na doświadczeniach Politechniki Gdańskiej (PG). Omówiono pojęcia, cechy, korzyści i uwarunkowania współczesnego marketingu, jak też istoty nowych technologii i sposobów transferu z jednostek naukowo-badawczych do gospodarki. Przedstawiono dotychczasowe doświadczenia transferu i komercjalizacji...

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  • Projekt, budowa i eksploatacja prowizorycznego wodociągu miejskiego w Gdyni (1926 – 1930)

    Projekt, proces budowy i eksploatacji prowizorycznego wodociągu miejskiego w Gdyni w latach 1926-1930. Konstrukcja i funkcjonowanie stacji wodnej. Wodociąg dla Ochotniczej Straży Pożarnej. Problemy decyzyjne komisarycznych władz miasta w zakresie zaopatrzenia w wodę. Identyfikacja nieścisłości faktograficznych.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Comparison of AHP and Numerical Taxonomy Methods Based on Biogas Plant Location Analysis


    The paper presents a comparison of the multi-criteria Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and numerical taxonomy in biogas plant location selection. Biogas plants are sources that will significantly contribute to the implementation of the provisions of the energy and climate package for Poland by 2030. Increasing the share of energy produced from renewable sources, e.g. biogas plants, will increase the country’s energy security....

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  • Automatic Singing Voice Recognition EmployingNeural Networks and Rough Sets


    Celem badań jest automatyczne rozpoznawanie głosów śpiewaczych w kategorii rodzaju i jakości technicznej śpiewu. W artykule opisano stworzoną bazę danych głosów, która zawiera próbki głosu śpiewaków profesjonalnych i amatorskich. W dalszej części opisano parametry zdefiniowane w oparciu o zjawiska biomechaniczne w narządzie głosu podczas śpiewania. W oparciu o stworzone macierze parametrów wytrenowano i porównano automatyczne klasyfikatory...

  • Aleksander Orłowski dr hab. inż.

    Dr hab. inż. Aleksander Orłowski, profesor PG w Katedrze Zarządzania Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej, v-ce prezes Forum Rozwoju Aglomeracji Gdańskiej. Zawodowo zajmuje się badaniem i rozwojem koncepcji Smart Cities, współautor (2016-2017) badań gotowości do Smart City dziesięciu czołowych polskich urzędów miejskich, autor książki: Model gotowości procesowej urzędu miejskiego dojścia do Smart City (2019)....

  • Zrównoważona rewitalizacja „modelowego” terenu zdegradowanego z wykorzystaniem rozwiązań projektu Unii Europejskiej Hombre


    - Rok 2015

    Rosnąca liczba terenów zdegradowanych stanowi rosnący problem wielu krajów w Europie i na świecie. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie koncepcji zrównowazonej rewitalizacji modelowego terenu zdegradowanego w oparciu o narzędzia opracowane w ramach projektu HOMBRE (VII EU PR). Koncepcja koncentruje się na osiągnięciu najwyższych możliwych zysków ekonomicznych uwzgledniając zasady zrównowazonego rozwoju i potrzeby lokalnej społeczności....

  • A simple way of increasing estimation accuracy of generalized adaptive notch filters

    Generalized adaptive notch filters are used for identification/tracking of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems and can be considered an extension, to the system case, of classical adaptive notch filters. It is shown that frequency biases, which arisein generalized adaptive notch filtering algorithms, can be significantly reduced by incorporating in the adaptive loop an appropriately chosen decision delay. The resulting performance...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Distributed state estimation using a network of asynchronous processing nodes


    We consider the problem of distributed state estimation of continuous-time stochastic processes using a~network of processing nodes. Each node performs measurement and estimation using the Kalman filtering technique, communicates its results to other nodes in the network, and utilizes similar results from the other nodes in its own computations. We assume that the connection graph of the network is not complete, i.e. not all nodes...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    Efektywność działalności badawczo-rozwojowej powinna być w centrum zainteresowania decydentów we wszystkich krajach. Kluczowe jest stworzenie możliwości pomiaru efektywności działań w tym obszarze. Celem artykułu jest porównanie efektywności realizacji polityki działalności badawczo-rozwojowej w krajach OECD, wykorzystując metodę Data Envelopment Analysis. Podkreślono problem heterogeniczności grupy porównywanych krajów. Zastosowano...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Empirical analysis of tree-based classification models for customer churn prediction

    • F. E. Usman-Hamza
    • A. O. Balogun
    • S. K. Nasiru
    • L. F. Capretz
    • H. A. Mojeed
    • S. A. Salihu
    • A. G. Akintola
    • M. A. Mabayoje
    • J. B. Awotunde

    - Scientific African - Rok 2023

    Customer churn is a vital and reoccurring problem facing most business industries, particularly the telecommunications industry. Considering the fierce competition among telecommunications firms and the high expenses of attracting and gaining new subscribers, keeping existing loyal subscribers becomes crucial. Early prediction of disgruntled subscribers can assist telecommunications firms in identifying the reasons for churn and...

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  • Próba filozoficznej systematyzacji problemu czasu

    Filozofia traktuje problem czasu jako fundamentalny problem filozofii, wyznaczający sam kształt filozofii, albo jako problem szczegółowy, który może być rozważany obiektywistycznie (z perspektywy nauk ścisłych) lub subiektywistycznie w odniesieniu do ludzkiej subiektywności. Może ona rozumieć problem czasu ujmując go od strony tego co jest - bytu, albo rozświetla problem bytu wychodząc od czasowości bycia.

  • DiSTFAG method robust to gross errors in monitoring displacements and strains in unstable reference systems


    The DiSTFA method (Displacements and Strains using Transformation and Free Adjustment) was presented in Kamiński (2009). The method has been developed for the determination of displacements and strains of engineering objects in unstable reference systems, as well as for examining the stability of reference points. The DiSTFAG (Gross errors) method presented in the paper is the extension of the DiSTFA method making it robust to...

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    - Rok 2015

    Оттокар Уль считается одним из самых влиятельных архитекторов Австрии второй половины ХХ века. Он внес значительный вклад в развитие партисипативных методов проектирования и пост-соборной реформы сакральной архитектуры. Статья освещает его биографию, идеи и проекты, а также и публикации. Кажется, что стоит, чтобы данный архитектор присутствовал в нашей памяти.

  • Intelligent Knowledge-Base Model for IT Support Organization Evolution


    - Rok 2010

    The goal of the paper is building the knowledge-based model for predicting the state of the IT support organization. These organizations, critical for development of various business sectors, are facing the problem of their transformation. It is the result of the fundamental change in the role of the IT organizations in the current economy. The complexity of the processes, the difficulty adjusting the operations and limited ability...

  • Discrete-time estimation of nonlinear continuous-time stochastic systems


    In this paper we consider the problem of state estimation of a dynamic system whose evolution is described by a nonlinear continuous-time stochastic model. We also assume that the system is observed by a sensor in discrete-time moments. To perform state estimation using uncertain discrete-time data, the system model needs to be discretized. We compare two methods of discretization. The first method uses the classical forward Euler...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • III Debata podatkowa – problemy bezpieczeństwa podatkowego


    18-06-2019 17:00 - 18-06-2019 19:00

    Otwarte trzecie spotkanie z cyklu „Debat podatkowych” na WZiE PG nt. praktycznych aspektów związanych z problemami bezpieczeństwa podatkowego przedsiębiorców.

  • Influence of preprocessing techniques on pulse pressure velocity determination

    Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) is measured and utilized in many clinical applications. Recently, a wide research has been led to develop a cuff-less and continuous blood pressure method basing on PWV. However, in this application a decision on choosing an appropriate fiducial point of pulse wave (PW) waveform is necessary and substantial. It would allow to measure time parameters necessary to determine PWV. An influence of sampling...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Optimizing the parameters of a small standalone hybrid power system


    A hybrid power plant consists of renewable energy resources, an energy storage, a discharge load and an emergency power supply. Power plant parameters are tailored to meet the requirements of continuity of supply, cost minimization, return on investment period and system capacity utilization. The papaer presents the methodology for selecting power plant parameters with a larger number of decision criteria. The task is solved...

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  • Toward Smart Innovation Engineering: Decisional DNA-Based Conceptual Approach



    ABSTRACT Knowledge and experience are essential requirements for product innovation. The presented paper proposes a systematic approach for product innovation support using a Smart Knowledge Management System comprising a Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA). This proposed system is dynamic in nature because it updates itself every time a new decision related to innovation is made. Through this...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • An analytical four-layer horizontal electric current dipole model for analysing underwater electric potential in shallow seawater


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2022

    The paper presents a new analytical four‑layer (air–water–bottom–non‑conductive layer) horizontal electric dipole model which allows an accurate approximation of ship’s Underwater Electric Potential (UEP) from a sufficient depth in shallow coastal marine waters. The numerical methods, usually Finite Element Method (FEM) or Boundary Elements Method (BEM), are typically used to estimate the electric field and the distribution of...

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  • Tourism for older and disabled people


    - Rok 2008

    Tourist offer for the older and disabled is getting wider. Many hotels and cities are adjusted to disabled people's needs, but there are not enough safe places for leisure, where they could be surrounded by nature. In comparison with cities - villages and small towns have very little to offer as far as tourism is concerned. This problem is noticed by small local communities that threat it as a chance for their economical development....

  • Instrumental techniques used in the analysis of exhaled air

    Exhaled air composition changes depending on the health status of the patient, making it possible to use breath analysis for diagnosis and monitoring purposes. Despite the fact that it is not yet used in every day medical practice, it potential application could facilitate the diagnostics of various diseases such as metabolic disorders, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal diseases. Described in this paper are different application...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply-connected manifolds

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The problem of finding the minimal number of periodic points in a given class of self-maps of a space is one of the central questions in periodic point theory. We consider a closed smooth connected and simply-connected manifold of dimension at least 4 and its self-map f. The topological invariant D_r[f] is equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points...

  • A comparative analysis of methods and tools for low impact development (LID) site selection


    The site selection for Low Impact Development (LID) practices is a significant process. It affects the effectiveness of LID in controlling stormwater surface runoff, volume, flow rate, and infiltration. This research paper presents a comprehensive review of various methods used for LID site selection. It starts by introducing different methods and tools. Three main methods: index-based methods, GIS-based multi-criteria decision...

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  • Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska

    Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska jest kierownikiem Sekcji Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej na Politechnice Gdańskiej oraz Liderem Centrum Kompetencji Otwartej Nauki przy Bibliotece Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jej główne zainteresowania badawcze koncentrują się w obszarze komunikacji naukowej oraz otwartych danych badawczych, a także motywacji i produktywności naukowej. Jest odpowiedzialna między innymi za prowadzenie szkoleń dla pracowników...

  • Pre‐exascale HPC approaches for molecular dynamics simulations. Covid‐19 research: A use case

    • M. Wieczór
    • V. Genna
    • J. Aranda
    • R. M. Badia
    • J. L. Gelpí
    • V. Gapsys
    • B. L. de Groot
    • E. Lindahl
    • M. Municoy
    • A. Hospital
    • M. Orozco

    - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Computational Molecular Science - Rok 2023

    Exascale computing has been a dream for ages and is close to becoming a reality that will impact how molecular simulations are being performed, as well as the quantity and quality of the information derived for them. We review how the biomolecular simulations field is anticipating these new architectures, making emphasis on recent work from groups in the BioExcel Center of Excellence for High Performance Computing. We exemplified...

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  • Evaluation of Six Degrees of Freedom 3D Audio Orchestra Recording and Playback using multi-point Ambisonic interpolation

    • T. Ciotucha
    • A. Rumiński
    • T. Żernicki
    • B. Mróz

    - Scopus - Rok 2021

    This paper describes a strategy for recording sound and enabling six-degrees-of-freedom playback, making use of multiple simultaneous and synchronized Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) recordings. Such a strategy enables users to navigate in a simulated 3D space and listen to the six-degrees-of-freedom recordings from different perspectives. For the evaluation of the proposed approach, an Unreal Engine-based navigable 3D audiovisual...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Analytical method of modelling the geometric system of communication route

    The paper presents a new analytical approach to modelling the curvature of a communication route by making use of differential equations. The method makes it possible to identify both linear and nonlinear curvature. It enables us to join curves of the same or opposite signs of curvature. Solutions of problems for linear change of curvature and selected variants of nonlinear curvature in polynomial and trigonometric form were analyzed....

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  • Klasyfikacja wyrobów tytoniowych z wykorzystaniem elektronicznych nosów

    Zapobieganie nielegalnej dystrybucji wyrobów tytoniowych w Polsce stanowi poważny problem. Wyroby tytoniowe przemycane do Polski mogą charakteryzować się niższą jakością, wynikającą z wykorzystania surowców gorszego gatunku. Jednym z rozwiązań zmniejszających skalę tego problemu mogą być działania ograniczające przemyt przez granice państwa. Autorzy pracy uważają, że wykorzystanie elektronicznych nosów do rutynowych kontroli przewożonych...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • On Adaptive Spectrum Estimation of Multivariate Autoregressive Locally Stationary Processes


    Autoregressive modeling is a widespread parametricspectrum estimation method. It is well known that, in the caseof stationary processes with unknown order, its accuracy canbe improved by averaging models of different complexity usingsuitably chosen weights. The paper proposes an extension of thistechnique to the case of multivariate locally stationary processes.The proposed solution is based on local autoregressive...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Adaptive Algorithm for Interactive Question-based Search


    - Rok 2012

    Popular web search engines tend to improve the relevanceof their result pages, but the search is still keyword-oriented and far from "understanding" the queries' meaning. In the article we propose an interactive question-based search algorithm that might come up helpful for identifying users' intents. We describe the algorithm implemented in a form of a questions game. The stress is put mainly on the most critical aspect of this...

  • Thresholding Strategies for Large Scale Multi-Label Text Classifier


    This article presents an overview of thresholding methods for labeling objects given a list of candidate classes’ scores. These methods are essential to multi-label classification tasks, especially when there are a lot of classes which are organized in a hierarchy. Presented techniques are evaluated using the state-of-the-art dedicated classifier on medium scale text corpora extracted from Wikipedia. Obtained results show that the...

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  • Interference aware Bluetooth scatternet (Re)configuration algorithm IBLUEREA

    The paper presents a new algorithm IBLUEREA, which enables reconfiguration of Bluetooth (BT) scatternet to reduce mutual interferences between BT and Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) networks operating on the same area. IBLUEREA makes use of proposed procedure for modelling ISM environment around a given BT scatternet. The mechanism is based on estimation of the probabilities of successful (unsuccessful) frame transmissions. This determination...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Verification of algorithms determining wave loads on support structure of wind turbine


    The offshore wind turbines require determination of wave loads on their support structure. This structure is fixed and, therefore, this problem is reduced to solving only the diffraction problem, which is determined by Laplace equation and conditions on the following boundaries: on the support structure, on the sea free surface and on its bottom, and at infinity on free surface. The linear problem was applied to determine the wave...

  • Evaluating the mobile robot positions using accelerometer data


    - Rok 2015

    This paper analyzes the problem of determining the position of a robot using an accelerometer, which is an essential part of inertial measurement units (IMU). The information gained from such a gauge, however, requires double integration of sensor data. To assure an expected effect, a mathematical model of a low-cost accelerometer of the MEMS type is derived. Moreover, in order to improve the performance of positioning based on...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Image Classification Based on Video Segments


    - Rok 2018

    In the dissertation a new method for improving the quality of classifications of images in video streams has been proposed and analyzed. In multiple fields concerning such a classification, the proposed algorithms focus on the analysis of single frames. This class of algorithms has been named OFA (One Frame Analyzed).In the dissertation, small segments of the video are considered and each image is analyzed in the context of its...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Reinforced concrete thin wall dome after eighty years of operation in maritime climate environment

    The paper presents a description of the construction elements of the Gdynia Seaport main hall dome. Firstly, it provides information about the technical condition of the dome’s structure. Secondly, it examines the strength analysis of the thin-walled reinforced concrete dome covering. Throughout the last 80 years the building has been exposed to an unfavourable marine climate. The analysis of the state of stress and deformations...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Shared processor scheduling



    We study the shared processor scheduling problem with a single shared processor to maximize total weighted overlap, where an overlap for a job is the amount of time it is processed on its private and shared processor in parallel. A polynomial-time optimization algorithm has been given for the problem with equal weights in the literature. This paper extends that result by showing an (log)-time optimization algorithm for a class...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Cartographic Representation of Route Reconstruction Results in Video Surveillance System


    The video streams available in a surveillance system distributed on the wide area may be accompanied by metadata are obtained as a result of video processing. Many algorithms applied to surveillance systems, e.g. event detection or object tracking, are strictly connected with localization of the object and reconstruction of its route. Drawing related information on a plan of a building or on a map of the city can facilitate the...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Poroelastic Road Surfaces - State of The Art


    Poroelastic Road Surfaces (PERS) constitute a specific group of pavements containing a great amount of crumbled rubber. In most cases rubber aggregate constitutes about 20% of the mixture (by weight) and a polyurethane resin is used as a binder. As a result, PERS is characterized by a much higher elasticity than asphalt and a high porosity typical for drainage pavements. Due to this, tire/road noise is greatly reduced and on top...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu


    W pracy przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania problemu bezczujnikowego sterowania wolnoobrotową maszyną synchroniczną z magnesami trwałymi PMSM. Przedstawiono silnik PMSM, który zastosowano w stanowisku badawczym. Omówiono problem występowania tętnień momentu napędowego wynikający głównie ze znacznego momentu zaczepowego. Pokazano rozwiązanie kompensujące tętnienia momentu napędowego w silniku PMSM. Przygotowano procedurę startową...

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  • Management and economic of engineer projects

    Kursy Online
    • A. Ossowska

    Lectures  - 05 October-30 November, 2023 1. Project management: Engineers, projects, management, planning and scheduling, personnel and organizational, team building, project control, estimating and ordering. 2. Team building: personality types, team effectiveness. 3. Project management: WBS, Gantt, Earned Value Method, critical path, risk management. 4. Economic Engineering: Establishing economic equivalence, Interest: cost...

  • Praktyczne aspekty stosowania wodomierzy


    - Rok 2009

    Wodomierz skrzydełkowy - wodomierz domowy, wodomierz mieszkaniowy. Problem dokładności pomiaru, dobór urządzenia, montaż. Błędy, problem normy



    Do nielegalnego obrotu co roku trafiają nowe związki o działaniu psychoaktywnym. Dostęp do takich substancji nie jest trudny, gdyż są one łatwo dostępne w wielu krajach, głównie w sklepach internetowych. Ponadto, organy ścigania i wymiar sprawiedliwości nie nadążają z wprowadzaniem tych substancji na listy substancji zakazanych przez co ich kontrola jest bardzo utrudniona. Syntetyczne kannabinoidy to grupa związków chemicznych,...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Knowledge sharing and knowledge hiding in light of the mistakes acceptance component of learning culture- knowledge culture and human capital implications


    - The Learning Organization - Rok 2022

    Purpose: This study examines the micromechanisms of how knowledge culture fosters human capital development. Method: An empirical model was developed using the structural equation modeling method (SEM) based on a sample of 321 Polish knowledge workers employed in different industries. Findings: This study provides direct empirical evidence that tacit knowledge sharing supports human capital, whereas tacit knowledge hiding does...

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  • Qualitative evaluation of distributed clinical systems supporting research teams working on large-scale data


    Inthispaper,fivecontemporaryscalablesystemstosupportmedicalresearchteams are presented. Their functionalities extend from heterogeneous unstructured data acquisition through large-scale data storing, to on-the-fly analyzing by using robust methods. Such kinds of systems can be useful in the development of new medical procedures and recommendation rules for decision support systems. A short description of each of them is provided....

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  • Application of non-classical operational calculus to indicate hazards in numerical solutions of engineering problems

    The article addresses the application of non- classical operational calculus to approximative solutions of engineering problems. The engineering-sound examples show that a continuous–discrete problem transformation from differential unequivocal problem to a differential wildcard problem, triggering a change in solution quality. A number of approximative methods are capable to alter both quantitative and qualitative...

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  • Identification of continuous systems - Practical issues of insensitivity to perturbations


    In this paper the issue of continuous systems estimation, insensitive to certain perturbations, is discussed. Such an approach has rational advantages, especially when robust schemes are used to assist a target system responsible for industrial diagnostics. This requires that estimated model parameters are generated on-line, and their values are reliable and to a great extent accurate. Practical hints are suggested to challenge...

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  • Identification of Continuous Systems - Practical Issues of Insensitivity to Perturbations

    In this paper the issue of continuous systems estimation, insensitive to certain perturbations, is discussed. Such an approach has rational advantages, especially when robust schemes are used to assist a target system responsible for industrial diagnostics. This requires that estimated model parameters are generated on-line, and their values are reliable and to a great extent accurate. Practical hints are suggested to challenge...

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