Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: emotion recognition - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: emotion recognition

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: emotion recognition

  • Affect aware video games


    - Rok 2022

    In this chapter a problem of affect aware video games is described, including such issue as: emotional model of the player, design, development and UX testing of affect-aware video games, multimodal emotion recognition and a featured review of affect-aware video games.

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  • AffecTube — Chrome extension for YouTube video affective annotations


    The shortage of emotion-annotated video datasets suitable for training and validating machine learning models for facial expression-based emotion recognition stems primarily from the significant effort and cost required for manual annotation. In this paper, we present AffecTube as a comprehensive solution that leverages crowdsourcing to annotate videos directly on the YouTube platform, resulting in ready-to-use emotion-annotated...

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  • Recognition of Emotions in Speech Using Convolutional Neural Networks on Different Datasets

    Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), were applied to extract emotions based on spectrograms and mel-spectrograms. This study uses spectrograms and mel-spectrograms to investigate which feature extraction method better represents emotions and how big the differences in efficiency are in this context. The conducted studies demonstrated that mel-spectrograms are a better-suited...

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  • Robot Eye Perspective in Perceiving Facial Expressions in Interaction with Children with Autism

    The paper concerns automatic facial expression analysis applied in a study of natural “in the wild” interaction between children with autism and a social robot. The paper reports a study that analyzed the recordings captured via a camera located in the eye of a robot. Children with autism exhibit a diverse level of deficits, including ones in social interaction and emotional expression. The aim of the study was to explore the possibility...

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  • Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics

    • Z. Michalopoulou
    • P. Gerstoft
    • B. Kostek
    • M. A. Roch

    - Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Rok 2021

    When we started our Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Machine Learning in Acoustics” in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, our ambition was to invite papers in which machine learning was applied to all acoustics areas. They were listed, but not limited to, as follows: • Music and synthesis analysis • Music sentiment analysis • Music perception • Intelligent music recognition • Musical source separation • Singing...

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  • Design Elements of Affect Aware Video Games


    - Rok 2015

    In this paper issues of design and development process of affect-aware video games are presented. Several important design aspects of such games are pointed out. A concept of a middleware framework is proposed that separates the development of affect-aware video games from emotion recognition algorithms and support from input sensors. Finally, two prototype affect-aware video games are presented that conform to the presented architecture...

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  • Affective Learning Manifesto – 10 Years Later


    - Rok 2014

    In 2004 a group of affective computing researchers proclaimed a manifesto of affective learning that outlined the prospects and white spots of research at that time. Ten years passed by and affective computing developed many methods and tools for tracking human emotional states as well as models for affective systems construction. There are multiple examples of affective methods applications in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)....

  • Using Different Information Channels for Affect-Aware Video Games - A Case Study


    - Rok 2018

    This paper presents the problem of creating affect-aware video games that use different information channels, such as image, video, physiological signals, input devices, and player’s behaviour, for emotion recognition. Presented case studies of three affect-aware games show certain conditions and limitations for using specific signals to recognize emotions and lead to interesting conclusions.

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  • Recognizing emotions on the basis of keystroke dynamics


    - Rok 2015

    The article describes a research on recognizing emotional states on the basis of keystroke dynamics. An overview of various studies and applications of emotion recognition based on data coming from keyboard is presented. Then, the idea of an experiment is presented, i.e. the way of collecting and labeling training data, extracting features and finally training classifiers. Different classification approaches are proposed to be...

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  • Affective reactions to playing digital games


    The paper presents a study of emotional states during a gameplay. An experiment of two-player Tetris game is reported, followed by the analysis of the results - self-reported emotional states as well as physiological signals measurements interpretation. The study reveals the diversity of emotional reactions and concludes, that a representative player's emotional model is hard to define. Instead, an adaptive approach to emotion...

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  • Automatic recognition of males and females among web browser users based on behavioural patterns of peripherals usage


    - Internet Research - Rok 2016

    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to answer the question whether it is possible to recognise the gender of a web browser user on the basis of keystroke dynamics and mouse movements. Design/methodology/approach An experiment was organised in order to track mouse and keyboard usage using a special web browser plug-in. After collecting the data, a number of parameters describing the users’ keystrokes, mouse movements and clicks...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    • A. Kastrau
    • M. Koronowski
    • M. Liksza
    • P. Jasik

    - Rok 2021

    This study examined the machine learning-based approach allowing the recognition of human emotional states with the use of EEG signals. After a short introduction to the fundamentals of electroencephalography and neural oscillations, the two-dimensional valence-arousal Russell’s model of emotion was described. Next, we present the assumptions of the performed EEG experiment. Detail aspects of the data sanitization including preprocessing,...



    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono analizę rozwiązań do rozpoznawania emocji opartych na mowie i możliwości ich wykorzystania w syntezie mowy z emocjami, wykorzystując do tego celu sieci neuronowe. Przedstawiono aktualne rozwiązania dotyczące rozpoznawania emocji w mowie i metod syntezy mowy za pomocą sieci neuronowych. Obecnie obserwuje się znaczny wzrost zainteresowania i wykorzystania uczenia głębokiego w aplikacjach związanych...

  • Analysis of human behavioral patterns


    - Rok 2022

    Widespread usage of Internet and mobile devices entailed growing requirements concerning security which in turn brought about development of biometric methods. However, a specially designed biometric system may infer more about users than just verifying their identity. Proper analysis of users’ characteristics may also tell much about their skills, preferences, feelings. This chapter presents biometric methods applied in several...

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  • Discovering Rule-Based Learning Systems for the Purpose of Music Analysis


    Music analysis and processing aims at understanding information retrieved from music (Music Information Retrieval). For the purpose of music data mining, machine learning (ML) methods or statistical approach are employed. Their primary task is recognition of musical instrument sounds, music genre or emotion contained in music, identification of audio, assessment of audio content, etc. In terms of computational approach, music databases...

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  • EMBOA - affective loop in Socially Assistive Robotics as an intervention tool for children with autism

    Kursy Online
    • M. Wróbel
    • A. Landowska

    The aim of the training course "Intensive programmes for higher education learner" within the EMBOA project is to familiarise participants with the use of social robots as an intervention tool for children with autism, emotion recognition and the combination of both methods. Students will be informed about the guidelines and results of the project.

  • Affect-awareness framework for intelligent tutoring systems


    - Rok 2013

    The paper proposes a framework for construction of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), that take into consideration student emotional states and make affective interventions. The paper provides definitions of `affect-aware systems' and `affective interventions' and describes the concept of the affect-awareness framework. The proposed framework separates emotion recognition from its definition, processing and making decisions on...

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  • Music Mood Visualization Using Self-Organizing Maps

    Due to an increasing amount of music being made available in digital form in the Internet, an automatic organization of music is sought. The paper presents an approach to graphical representation of mood of songs based on Self-Organizing Maps. Parameters describing mood of music are proposed and calculated and then analyzed employing correlation with mood dimensions based on the Multidimensional Scaling. A map is created in which...

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  • Methodology of Affective Intervention Design for Intelligent Systems

    This paper concerns how intelligent systems should be designed to make adequate, valuable and natural affective interventions. The article proposes a process for choosing an affective intervention model for an intelligent system. The process consists of 10 activities that allow for step-by-step design of an affective feedback loop and takes into account the following factors: expected and desired emotional states, characteristics...

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  • Robot-Based Intervention for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review

    • K. D. Bartl-Pokorny
    • P. Uluer
    • D. E. Barkana
    • A. Baird
    • H. Kose
    • T. Zorcec
    • B. Robins
    • B. Schuller
    • A. Landowska
    • M. Pykała

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2021

    Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have deficits in the socio-communicative domain and frequently face severe difficulties in the recognition and expression of emotions. Existing literature suggested that children with ASD benefit from robot-based interventions. However, studies varied considerably in participant characteristics, applied robots, and trained skills. Here, we reviewed robot-based interventions targeting...

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