wszystkich: 1995
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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: exhaust gas toxicity
Analysis of diagnostic informativeness of the exhaust temperature of a naval gas turbine
PublikacjaThe conducted investigations aimed to carry out an analysis of the possibility that the failures identification in the automatic control system of a gas turbine engine could be worked out on the basis of measurements of the exhaust stream temperature behind the gas generator. The exhaust temperature represents a basic control parameter, enabling technical state evaluation of the engine within the operation process, which is observed...
Signal filtering method of the fast-varying diesel exhaust gas temperature
PublikacjaThe paper presents the problem of the impact of external distortions originating on laboratory test stands on the results of measurements of fast-varying diesel exhaust gas temperature. It has been stressed how significant the aspect of the test stand adaptation is during an experiment to ensure the smallest possible impact. This paper, however, focuses on the methods of mathematical processing of a signal recorded during experimental...
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part II. Unsteady processes
PublikacjaThe second part of the article presents the results of operating diagnostic tests of a two- and three-shaft engine with a separate power turbine during the start-up and acceleration of the rotor units. Attention was paid to key importance of the correctness of operation of the automatic engine load control system, the input for which, among other signals, is the rate of increase of the exhaust gas flow temperature. The article...
Concept of the multidimensional diagnostic tool based on exhaust gas composition for marine engines
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Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part III. Diagnostic and operating tolerances
PublikacjaThe third part of the article presents a method for detecting failures of the automatic engine control system with the aid of an exhaust gas temperature setter, specially designed and machined for this purpose. It also presents a procedure of identifying the operating tolerances and determining the diagnostic tolerances for the exhaust gas temperature recorded in the naval turbine engine during the start-up and acceleration processes....
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part I: Steady-state processes
PublikacjaThe article presents a possible method of detecting failures in the flow section and supply system of a naval gas turbine engine based on the exhaust gas temperature measured behind the gas generator. This temperature is a basic diagnostic parameter use for evaluating the technical state of the turbine engine in operation, and is monitored during engine start-ups, accelerations and decelerations of rotor units, and steady-load...
A comparative study of pentanol (C5 alcohol) and kerosene blends in terms of gas turbine engine performance and exhaust gas emission
PublikacjaThe growing demand for sustainable and clean energy sources provides the incentive for the development of alternative fuels. Simultaneously, the development of gas turbine technologies with flexible fuel supply systems enables the use of alternative non-fossil fuels that can play key roles in contributing to global efforts in meeting emissions targets. This paper presents the current state of knowledge on the production and potential...
Diagnostic tolerances' evaluation method of the start-up exhaust temperature of a naval gas turbine
PublikacjaThe conducted investigations aimed to elaborate the method of marking diagnostic tolerances of the exhaust temperature of a gas turbine observed during engine's start-up process. The diagnostic tolerances were determined by means of statistical inference by creating the hypothesis about a normal distribution of the start-up exhaust temperature's dispersion in the initial operation moment, which was subsequently verified applying...
Identification of damages in the inlet air duct of a diesel engine based on exhaust gas temperature measurements
PublikacjaThe temperature of the exhaust gas of a diesel piston engine, measured in the characteristic control sections of its thermo-flow system, can be a valuable source of diagnostic information about the technical condition of the elements limiting the working spaces thus separated, including the turbocharging system, but also its fuel supply system and replacement of the medium. In standard marine engine measurement systems equipped...
ANN based evaluation of the NOx concentration in the exhaust gas of a marine two-stroke diesel engine
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Laboratory station for research of the innovative dry method of exhaust gas desulfurization for an engine powered with residual fuel
PublikacjaContemporary methods of exhaust gas desulfurization in marine engines are all expensive methods (4-5 million euro). This is, among other reasons, due to the limited market audience, but primarily due to the monop-olized position of manufacturers offering fabrication and assembly of this type of marine ship installations. Proposed as part of a research project financed by the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Maritime...
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostics of turbocharged marine internal combustion engines. Part I. Standard measurements.
PublikacjaThe article discusses the problem of diagnostic informativeness of exhaust gas temperature measurements in turbocharged marine internal combustion engines. Theoretical principles of the process of exhaust gas flow in turbocharger inlet channels are analysed in its dynamic and energetic aspects. Diagnostic parameters are defined which enable to formulate general evaluation of technical condition of the engine based on standard...
PublikacjaThe second part of the article describes the technology of marine engine diagnostics making use of dynamic measurements of the exhaust gas temperature. Little-known achievements of Prof. S. Rutkowski of the Naval College in Gdynia (now: Polish Naval Academy) in this area are presented. A novel approach is proposed which consists in the use of the measured exhaust gas temperature dynamics for qualitative and quantitative assessment...
The influence of the fuel spray nozzle geometry on the exhaust gas composition from the marine 4-stroke diesel engine
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental research on a 4-stroke, 3-cylinder, turbocharged AL25/30 Diesel engine. Research consisted in investigating the effect of the geometry of the fuel injectors on the exhaust gas composition from the engine. During measurements, the engine was operated with a regulator characteristic of a load range from 40 kW to 280 kW, made by electric water resistance. The engine was mechanically coupled to the electric...
Performance of cryogenic oxygen production unit with exhaust gas bleed for sewage sludge gasification and different oxygen purities
PublikacjaThe paper presents a thermodynamic analysis of the integration of a cryogenic air separation unit into a negative CO2 emission gas power plant. The power cycle utilizes sewage sludge as fuel so this system fits into the innovative idea of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage. A cryogenic air separation unit integrated with the power plant was simulated in professional plant engineering and thermodynamic process analysis software....
Technical State Assessment of Charge Exchange System of Self-Ignition Engine, Based On the Exhaust Gas Composition Testing
PublikacjaThis paper presents possible use of results of exhaust gas composition testing of self - ignition engine for technical state assessment of its charge exchange system under assumption that there is strong correlation between considered structure parameters and output signals in the form of concentration of toxic compounds (ZT) as well as unambiguous character of their changes. Concentration of the analyzed ZT may be hence considered...
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A probabilistic concept of assessment of amount of noxious substances contained in exhaust gas emitted from self-ignition engines
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono probabilistyczną koncepcję oceny toksyczności spalin silników o zapłonie samoczynnym. Ocena taka jest istotna, ponieważ bez niej nie jest możliwe określenie walorów proekologicznych różnych środków transportowych z napędem spalinowym, w tym śródlądowych statków pasażerskich. W koncepcji tej uwzględniony został model procesu rozruchu silników o zapłonie samoczynnym. Model ten przedstawiono w formie procesu semimarkowskiego,...
Comparison of methods for diagnosing marine IC engines based on working medium parameters including exhaust gas specific enthalpy
PublikacjaArticle points out methods currently used to diagnose marine engines in operation. The development of tools and programs for implementing these methods was pointed out. The problem of unsatisfactory measurement susceptibility of marine engines was highlighted. Three methods of parametric diagnosis are presented: measurement of in-cylinder parameters and in exhaust gas duct, numerical simulation due to computer software and calculations...
The CFD analysis of influence the start of fuel injection (SOI) on combustion parameters and exhaust gas composition of the marine 4-stroke engine
PublikacjaThe paper presents a theoretical analysis of the impact of injection timing on the parameters of the combustion process and the composition of exhaust gas from a 4-stroke engine designed to shipbuilding. The analysis was carried out based on a three-dimensional multi-zone model of the combustion process. This model has been prepared on the basis of properties of the research facility. The input data to the model were obtained through...
Diagnostic Analysis of Exhaust Gas with A Quick-Changing Temperature from a Marine Diesel Engine Part II / Two Factor Analysis
PublikacjaThe article presents a continuation of research carried out to determine the effect of input parameters (changes in engine structure parameters) on selected output parameters (diagnostic measures), based on quickly changing exhaust gas temperature. A method of determining the simultaneous influence of two input factors (the structure parameter and the engine load) on one output factor was presented, as well as an evaluation...
PublikacjaIn this paper, attention was paid to the problem of low controllability of marine medium- and high-speed engines during operation, which significantly limits the parametric diagnosis. The measurement of quickly changing temperature of engine exhaust gas was proposed, the courses of which can be a source of diagnostic information. The F statistic of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution was chosen as a statistical tool. Laboratory tests...
Impacts of Using Exhaust Gas Recirculation and Various Amount of Dimethyl Ether Premixed Ratios on Combustion and Emissions on a Dual-Fuel Compression Ignition Engine
PublikacjaIn the presented research, the authors dealt with the specific properties of the combustion process of dimethyl ether (DME) in a combustion car (Volkswagen Golf IV) engine AJM 1.9 TDI PDE made by Volkswagen factory. Dimethyl ether is an alternative fuel produced most often from natural gas, which can be used in compression ignition engines as a single fuel or co-burned with diesel oil. This work describes the impacts of using exhaust...
Diagnosis of marine internal combustion engines by means of rapidly variable temperature and composition of exhaust gas as an alternative or support for currently used diagnostic methods
PublikacjaThe article points out relevance of parametric diagnostics of ship engines and analyzes the state of research in this field. A method is proposed for diagnosing engine systems on the basis of rapidly variable exhaust temperature while measuring its composition. A method for determining diagnoser tools from the signal within one engine cycle and mathematical and statistical treatment of test results is presented. The products of...
Gas corrosion influence on the exhaust valve face of the marine engine = Wpływ korozji gazowej na stan przylgni zaworów wylotowych silnika okrętowego
PublikacjaIstotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na poprawność funkcjonowania silnika okrętowego jest szczelność zaworów. Szczególnie w odniesieniu do zaworów wylotowych brak szczelności prowadzi do pogorszenie warunków spalania a przede wszystkim do przyspieszonego zniszczenia zawory poprzez uszkodzenia przylgni.Przylgnia grzybka zaworowego współpracuje z przylgnią gniazda zaworowego tworząc cykliczny szczelny kontakt stykowy w trakcie pracy silnika....
Application of the F-statistic of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution to analyze the significance of the effect of changes in the compression ratio of a diesel engine on the value of the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas flow
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the impact of changes in the compression ratio on the operating parameters of a diesel engine, e.g. on the temperature of exhaust gases. It presents the construction of the laboratory test stand, on which experimental measurements were realized. It is characterized how the actual changes of the compression ratio were introduced to the existing engine. The program of experimental investigations taking into account...
Evaluation of the significance of the effect of the active cross-sectional area of the inlet air channel on the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas of a diesel engine using statistics F of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution
PublikacjaThis paper presents the application of Fisher-Snedecor distribution F statistics to assess the significance of the influence of changes in the active cross-sectional area of the inlet air channel (Adol) flow in a diesel engine on the observed diagnostic parameter determined on the basis of measurements of the quick changing exhaust gas temperature in the outlet channel, which is the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas stream within...
Adoption of the F-statistic of Fisher-Snedecor distribution to analyze importance of impact of modifications of injector opening pressure of a compression ignition engine on specific enthalpy value of exhaust gas flow
PublikacjaThis article analyzes the effect of modifications of injector opening pressure on the operating values of a compression ignition engine, including the temperature of the fumes. A program of experimental investigation is described, considering the available test stand and measurement capabilities. The structure of the test stand on which the experimental measurements were conducted is presented. The method of introducing real modifications...
Analysis of catalitic reactors usefulness to reduce pollution generated by piston combustion engines with regard to ship main engines
PublikacjaThe article presents results which indicate that the use of catalytic reactors to reduce emissions of harmful compunds contained in the exhaust gas is important in the operation of vehicle motors operation. Efforts of the shipbuilding industry to reduce the toxicity of exhaust gas emitted by the main engines have been indicated and pointed to the desirability of the use of these catalysts in maritime transport. It has been pointed...
Jerzy Kowalski dr hab. inż.
Osoby -
Patrycja Puzdrowska dr inż.
OsobyW październiku 2005 r. – rozpoczęcie nauki na Wydziale Mechanicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej, kierunek Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn, studia stacjonarne, jednolite magisterskie. W lipcu 2010 r. – ukończenie studiów o specjalności Urządzenia i Systemy Chłodnicze i Klimatyzacyjne, uzyskanie tytułu magistra inżyniera. W 2012 r. – rozpoczęcie studiów III stopnia w Środowiskowym Studium Doktoranckim, na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa,...
Change of exhaust gases concentration for SOFC fueled by H2 and biogas mixture at 750 C
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the Change of exhaust gases concentration for SOFC fueled by H2 (for 12h) and biogas mixture at 750 C (60:40 CH4:CO2). The outlet concentration of the gases from SOFC were measured using novel FTIR-based unit.
Complete input data to CFD 3D model of combustion in the large marine 4-stroke engine
Dane BadawczeInput data to CFD and 3D model of combustion process for large marine 4-stroke diesel engine.
Analiza przepływu gazu w kanałowych reduktorach ciśnienia podczas zwarć łukowych w rozdzielnicach SN
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono metodę obliczania ciśnienia i temperatury gazów podczas zwarcia łukowego wewnątrz przedziału wyłącznika rozdzielnicy średniego napięcia z wykorzystaniem modelu termodynamicznego procesów towarzyszących zwarciom łukowym wewnątrz rozdzielnic z izolacją powietrzną. Następnie, w oparciu o mechanikę płynów lepkich, przedstawiono metodę obliczania rozkładu prędkości i ciśnienia gazu w kanałowych reduktorach ciśnienia...
Energy Systems Stations, W, ET, sem.7, zimowy 22/23 (PG_00042106)
Kursy OnlineInternal combustion engines - principle of operation and classification. Heat balance of the engine. Uniform and combined propulsion systems.The main comonents of the propulsion system. Power plant efficiency and waste heat utilization. Cooling water system, lubricating oil system, fuel oil systeml, gaseos fuel system (LNG), compressed air system, exhaust gas system. Fittings and accessories of pipeline systems in the power plant....
PublikacjaRozwój wiedzy i technologii związanej z procesami spalania paliwa w silniku i prowadzeniem kontrolowanego procesu spalania, skutkuje wzrostem sprawności silników i lepszą ochroną środowiska. Ciekawym rozwiązaniem technicznym jest silnik z zapłonem samoczynnym pracujący z bardzo wysokim ciśnieniem wtrysku paliwa i często z recyrkulacją spalin – silnik z układem Common Rail. Do sterowania silnika stosowane są złożone układy mechatroniczne...
Nowe substancje psychoaktywne Cz. III. Syntetyczne katynony-charakterystyka, metody oznaczania i wyzwania analitycznje
PublikacjaSyntetyczne katynony to druga co do liczebności (po syntetycznych kannabinoidach) grupa nowych substancji psychoaktywnych będących składnikiem dopalaczy zabezpieczanych przez policję w nielegalnym handlu. Substancje te po raz pierwszy wykryto w Europie w 2004 r., a do końca roku 2015 zidentyfikowano aż 103 nowe związki z tej grupy. Możliwość wprowadzania dodatkowych grup funkcyjnych w strukturę katynonu pozwala na niezwykle wiele...
Simplified method of water cooled exhaust system design.
PublikacjaThe water cooled exhaust systems are not often used onboard ships. Prime goal is to lower temperature of exhaust gas from main propulsion and auxiliary engines to the defined limit. The design of such systems require detailed analysis of propulsion system operational parameters to meet designer expectations. The paper outlines the cooled exhaust system design problems in specific application. The simplified method of evaluation...
The Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Marine Diesel Engine with Extreme Throttled of Air or Exhaust Ducts
PublikacjaPresented paper shows the results of the laboratory tests on the relationship between the extreme throttling of both air intake duct and exhaust gas duct and gaseous emission from the marine engine. The object of research is a laboratory, 4-stroke, DI diesel engine, operated at loads from 50 kW to 250 kW at a constant speed equal to 750 rpm. During the laboratory tests the thermodynamic and exhaust gas emission characteristics...
Steam and Gas Turbines lato 24_5
Kursy OnlineSteam and Gas Turbines, Studium Stacjonarne, wykład i seminarium, środa 9.00-11.00
Fundamentals of Steam and Gas Turbines OASIV
Kursy OnlineApplication of turbines in industry and sea power plants. Basic thermodynamics and fluid flow mechanics in turbomachinery. Steam turbine power cycle and plants. Gas turbine power cycle and plants. Turbine blading systems operation.
PublikacjaThe article briefly describes the problem of air pollution caused by sea-going ships and the resulting restrictions on the emission of toxic and harmful chemical compounds in the exhaust of marine engines, introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) under the International Convention for the Prevention of Sea Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78). Such emissions provide a significant metrological problem, not only...
Mitigating metal-organic framework (MOF) toxicity for biomedical applications
PublikacjaMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a novel class of crystalline porous materials, consisting of metal ions and organic linkers. These hybrid materials are highly porous and have a large specific surface area, making them of great interest for applications in gas separation, energy storage, biomedical imaging, and drug delivery. As MOFs are being explored for biomedical applications, it is essential to comprehensively assess their...
Application of Thermo-chemical Technologies for Conversion of Associated Gas in Diesel-Gas Turbine Installations for Oil and Gas Floating Units
PublikacjaThe paper considers the issue of thermo-chemical recovery of engine’s waste heat and its further use for steam conversion of the associated gas for oil and gas floating units. The characteristics of the associated gas are presented, and problems of its application in dual-fuel medium-speed internal combustion engines are discussed. Various variants of combined diesel-gas turbine power plant with thermo-chemical heat recovery are...
PublikacjaThe article presents the selected metrology issues concerning the exhaust temperature of the turbocharged marine engines during operation. The special concern has been paid on existing disturbances as well as thermodynamical interpretation of the recorded measurement signal. A diagnostic informativeness of the standard exhaust temperature’s measurements has worked out while the engine runs in steady states has been also considered...
On Accuracy Modeling of Gas Turbine Cycles by the In-house COM-GAS Code
PublikacjaIn this paper, a comparison of accuracy modeling of gas turbine cycles between the basic (classical) model and the in-house COM-GAS code has been presented. The basic model uses a semi-perfect gas and well known projecting assumption. On the other hand, the computational flow mechanics (CFM) basis on a real gas by using thermodynamic tables. The thermodynamic analysis of thermal cycles, simply gas cycle GT8C and gas turbine cycle...
Numerical analysis of the flow rig for UWS spray examination in exhaust system-relevant conditions
PublikacjaIn the present study, a flow rig with optical access intended for spray investigations in exhaust system-relevant conditions was analysed in terms of flow and temperature in the spray area using numerical simulations. The operation of the rig was examined for a wide range of exhaust mass flow rates, temperatures and various forms of UWS (urea-water solution) spray plumes. The locations of the injector and thermocouple were verified....
Testing of DES toxicity towards Candida subhashii
Dane BadawczeDataset presents results of testing toxicity of selected DES solutions in mineral salt medium towards Candida subhashii.
Failure analysis of the exhaust valve face in diesel marine engine
PublikacjaThe exhaust valve from marine diesel engine which was damaged after 2000 hours of service was investigated. In order to prolong the service time the valve face was cladded with cobalt base alloy using laser technique. After failure microstructural and chemical analyses reviled that cladding process was conducted improperly. The chemical composition of the clad layer was far from the designed one and what more completely inhomogeneous....
Molecular Umbrellas Modulate the Selective Toxicity of Polyene Macrolide Antifungals
PublikacjaAntifungal polyene macrolide antibiotics Amphotericin B (AmB) and Nystatin (NYS) were conjugated through the ω-amino acid linkers with diwalled “molecular umbrellas” composed of spermidine-linked deoxycholic or cholic acids. The presence of “umbrella” substituents modulated biological properties of the antibiotics, especially their selective toxicity. Some of the AmB-umbrella conjugates demonstrated antifungal in vitro activity...