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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: feller boundary condition
Publikacja -
Applying of thin plate boundary condition in analysis of ship’s magnetic field
PublikacjaThis paper presents computer simulations of ship’s magnetic signatures using a new thin plate boundary condition implemented in the Opera-3d 18R2 program. The paper aims to check the magnetic signatures’ numerical calculations precision of objects using the thin plate boundary conditions and analysis of the magnetic signature of ship with a degaussing system and with and without inner devices.
Exact modal absorbing boundary condition for waveguide simulations - discrete Green's function approach
PublikacjaA modal absorbing boundary condition (ABC) based on the discrete Green's function (DGF) is introduced and applied for termination of waveguides simulated by means of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The differences between the developed approach and implementations already demonstrated in the literature are presented. By applying DGF, a consistent theoretical approach to modal ABC in the FDTD method is obtained....
Building wall boundary condition in mathematical modelling of built-up area rapid inundation
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki modelowania powodzi miejskiej przy pomocy dwuwymiarowych równań de Saint-Venanta. Równania rozwiązano metodą objętości skończonych. Przebadano wpływ rodzaju warunku brzegowego zadawanego na brzegach zamkniętych na wyniki obliczeń. Wyniki obliczeń porównano z pomiarami laboratoryjnymi, wykonanymi w Laboratorium hydraulicznym WILiŚ Politechniki Gdańskiej.
A new conformal radiation boundary condition for high accuracy finite difference analysis of open waveguides
PublikacjaW publikacji zaprezentowano nowe warunki brzegowe przeznaczone dla precyzyjnej analizy otwartych prowadnic falowych metodą różnic skończonych. Praca zawiera również liczne przykłady zastosowania proponowanej techniki oraz porównanie otrzymanych rezultatów numerycznych z wynikami otrzymywanymi przy użyciu innych metod.
Method of identification of the slide tribological system top layer condition by assessment of the t-02 four-ball tester friction node operation
Publikacjaa method is proposed of the assessment of t-02 four-ball tester friction node operation during extreme unit loads on the tribological system for identification of the top layer condition in that system lubricated with the tested lubricating oil. by identification of the friction node with a thermodynamic system, that operation is treated as an energy generating process of the created servo-layer structure. the friction node operation...
Strong ellipticity within the Toupin–Mindlin first strain gradient elasticity theory
PublikacjaWe discuss the strong ellipticity (SE) condition within the Toupin–Mindlin first strain gradient elasticity theory. SE condition is closely related to certain material instabilities and describes mathematical properties of corresponding boundary-value problems. For isotropic solids, SE condition transforms into two inequalities in terms of five gradient-elastic moduli.
Numerical single-phase modeling of turbulent flow and heat transfer of nanofluids
PublikacjaIn this work, Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated numerically for turbulent pipe flow (6 000< Re < 12 000) with constant heat flux boundary condition using nanofluids. The nanofluid is modelled with the single-phase approach and the simulation results are compared with published experimental data.
Steady magnetohydrodynamic flow in a diverging channel with suction or blowing
PublikacjaAn analysis is made of steady two-dimensional divergent flow of an electrically conducting incompressible viscous fluid in a channel formed by two non-parallel walls, the flow being caused by a source of fluid volume at the intersection of the walls. The fluid is permeated by a magnetic field produced by an electric current along the line of intersection of the channel walls. The walls are porous and subjected to either suction...
Analysis of ship's magnetic field with consideration of inner ferromagnetic devices
PublikacjaThis paper presents computer simulations of ship’s magnetic signatures. The influence of ship’s inner ferromagnetic devices on the signature was presented. The magnetic fields of the ship’s model were calculated in Opera 3D 18R2. The model was built from thin plates. The new, thin plate boundary condition was introduced on all ship’s surfaces.
Bernstein-type theorem for ϕ-Laplacian
PublikacjaIn this paper we obtain a solution to the second-order boundary value problem of the form \frac{d}{dt}\varPhi'(\dot{u})=f(t,u,\dot{u}), t\in [0,1], u\colon \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} with Sturm–Liouville boundary conditions, where \varPhi\colon \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} is a strictly convex, differentiable function and f\colon[0,1]\times \mathbb {R}\times \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} is continuous and satisfies a suitable growth...
Verification of algorithms determining wave loads on support structure of wind turbine
PublikacjaThe offshore wind turbines require determination of wave loads on their support structure. This structure is fixed and, therefore, this problem is reduced to solving only the diffraction problem, which is determined by Laplace equation and conditions on the following boundaries: on the support structure, on the sea free surface and on its bottom, and at infinity on free surface. The linear problem was applied to determine the wave...
Propagation of Acoustic Disturbances in Shallow Sea
PublikacjaPropagation of acoustic waves in shallow sea differs fundamentally from the same phenomenon occurring in deep sea in view of non-negligible distance from the sea bottom in the first case, where presence of two regions limiting the water layer results in the acoustic pressure distribution induced by a harmonic source has an interferential nature as a result of multi-path propagation of the acoustic signal. These interferential properties...
Simulations of flows in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea
Dane BadawczeThe study area is located in the Southern Baltic, within Polish Marine Areas, adjacent to the coastline in the vicinity of Lubiatowo village, where The Coastal Research Station (CRS) – a field laboratory of the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBW PAN) –is situated. The numerical reconstruction of the coastal flow was...
Structured populations with diffusion and Feller conditions
PublikacjaWe prove a weak maximum principle for structured population models with dynamic boundary conditions. We establish existence and positivity of solutions of these models and investigate the asymptotic behaviour of solutions. In particular, we analyse so called size profile.
Blade Section Prpfile Array Lifting Surface Design Method for Marine Screw Propeller Blade
PublikacjaThe lifting surface model is widely used in screw propeller design and analysis applications. It serves as a reliable tool for determination of the propeller blade mean line and pitch distribution. The main idea of this application was to determine the blade shape that would satisfy the kinematic boundary condition on its surface with the prescribed bound circulation distribution over it. In this paper a simplified lifting surface...
GPR investigation of the strengthening system of a historic masonry tower
PublikacjaIn this paper the condition assessment of the strengthening system of a masonry tower was carried out by the GPR method. The study provided unique experimental data acquired during measurements of the reinforced concrete frame embedded in masonry walls. Conducted numerical and experimental investigations were focused on the phenomenon of the diffraction-refraction scattering of the electromagnetic energy. A hyperbola resulting...
PublikacjaThe main goal of this paper is to find sound pressure distribution radiated by the circular piezoelectric disc that vibrates with the finite amplitude. There has been presented the pressure distribution close to the radiating surface. Also it is shown the sound pressure distribution in the 3D form. The mathematic modeling was carried out on the base of the nonlinear acoustic equation with the proper boundary condition. The axial...
Analysis of hydrodynamic pressure fields of motorboats and pontoons in shallow water
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of calculations of the pressure fields generated by a motorboat at the bottom of a shallow sea. Calculations were made using the boundary elements method (BEM), arranged on the surface of the boat and the bottom of the sea. This method is described in [3], and applied on a free surface linearized boundary condition. Results for four different lengths of motorboats, from 2.85 m to 9.5 m, sea depth...
Modelling of some stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage - part II
PublikacjaIn the paper a few problems associated with modelling the basic stealth features for a small ship at the concept design stage are introduced. One problem concerns the modification of the immersed ship hull using the rapid change of the ship loading condition. The second is associated with the modification of the ship boundary layer by the hull skin cover. The other stealth features of the ship are not presented in this paper. The...
Discussion of “Development of an Accurate Time integration Technique for the Assessment of Q-Based versus h-Based Formulations of the Diffusion Wave Equation for Flow Routing” by K. Hasanvand, M.R. Hashemi and M.J. Abedini
PublikacjaThe discusser read the original with great interest. It seems, however, that some aspects of the original paper need additional comments. The authors of the original paper discuss the accuracy of a numerical solution of the diffusion wave equation formulated with respect to different state variables. The analysis focuses on nonlinear equations in the form of a single transport equation with the discharge Q (volumetric flow rate)...
Wave propagation in damage assessment of ground anchors
PublikacjaThe inspection possibilities of ground anchors are limited to destructive test such as pull-out test. Guided wave propagation gives an opportunity to develop an inspection system dedicated to determine the condition of inspected element without violation of their integrity. In this paper the experimental study on wave propagation in laboratory models of ground anchors are presented. Experiments were conducted for different bonding...
Modelling of some stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage.
PublikacjaIn this paper the basic research problems associated with modelling the basic stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage are introduced. Amongst the major stealth features considered are: the modification of the immersed ship hull form by a rapid change of the ship loading condition, and modification of the ship boundary layer by the hull skin cover. The other stealth features of the ship are not presented...
Shape Optimisation of Kaplan Turbine Blades Using Genetic Algorithms
PublikacjaThis monograph is a comprehensive guide to a method of blade profile optimisation for Kaplan-type turbines. This method is based on modelling the interaction between rotor and stator blades. Additionally, the shape of the draft tube is investigated. The influence of the periodic boundary condition vs. full geometry is also discussed. Evolutionary algorithms (EA) are used as an optimisation method together with artificial neural...
PublikacjaIn our work, a further development of the authors model of thermo-chemical flow of fuel, air, oxygen, steam water, species, ionic and electron currents within nano channels and nano-structures of novel devices is presented. Different transport enhancement models are taken into account -among them the most important are: the velocity slip connected with complex external friction, the Darcy mobility and the Reynolds transpiration....
Estimation of groundwater recharge in a shallow sandy aquifer using unsaturated zone modeling and water table fluctuation method
PublikacjaQuantification of groundwater recharge is one of the most important issues in hydrogeology, especially in view of the ongoing changes in climate and land use. In this study, we use numerical models of 1D vertical flow in the vadose zone and the water table fluctuation (WTF) analysis to investigate local-scale recharge of a shallow sandy aquifer in the Brda outwash plain in northern Poland. We show that these two methods can be...
Dynamic soil improvement by hybrid technologies
PublikacjaHybrid method of subsoil improvement for road embankment foundation is described. This method is composed of two wellknown methods: dynamic replacement (DR) and microblasting (DDC) one (Deep Dynamic Compaction). The method was used for both the strengthening of the fully saturated organic subsoil as well as for acceleration of the consolidation of the organic layers. The practice ensures the expected results. A proper example on...
Billiard in a rotating half-plane
PublikacjaThe main objective of this research is to study the properties of a billiard system in an unbounded domain with moving boundary. We consider a system consisting of an infinite rod (a straight line) and a ball (a massless point) on the plane. The rod rotates uniformly around one of its points and experiences elastic collisions with the ball. We define a mathematical model for the dynamics of such a system and write down asymptotic...
Numerical analysis of vacuum drying of a porous body in the integrated domain
Publikacjan the present study, the vacuum drying process of an apple slice is numerically modeled based on a control volume method. Transient two-dimensional Navier– Stokes, energy, moisture, and Luikov equations are solved by numerical coding (Fortran) to simulate the simultaneous heat and mass transfer in the ambient and apple slice, respectively. The privilege of using Luikov's model is that the capillary forces are considered, and a...
Numerical Study of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in Pipes
PublikacjaIn this work, Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated numerically for turbulent pipe flow (Reynolds number between 6000 and 12000) with constant heat flux boundary condition using nanofluids. The nanofluid is modelled with the single-phase approach and the simulation results are compared with experimental data. Ethylene glycol and water, 60:40 EG/W mass ratio, as base fluid and SiO2 nanoparticles are used as nanofluid...
Implementation of Hermite-Ritz method and Navier’s Technique for Vibration of Functionally Graded Porous Nanobeam Embedded in Winkler-Pasternak Elastic Foundation Using bi-Helmholtz type of nonlocal elasticity
PublikacjaPresent study is devoted to investigating the vibration characteristics of Functionally Graded (FG) porous nanobeam embedded in an elastic substrate of Winkler-Pasternak type. Classical beam theory (CBT) or Euler-Bernoulli beam theory (EBT) has been incorporated to address the displacement of the FG nanobeam. Bi-Helmholtz type of nonlocal elasticity is being used to capture the small scale effect of the FG nanobeam. Further, the...
Multiscale model for blood flow after a bileaflet artificial aortic valve implantation
PublikacjaCardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality in the world, mainly due to atherosclerosis and its consequences. The article presents the numerical model of the blood flow through artificial aortic valve. The overset mesh approach was applied to simulate the valve leaflets motion and to realize the moving mesh, in the aortic arch and the main branches of cardiovascular system. To capture the cardiac system’s response...
Turbulence model evaluation for numerical modelling of turbulent flow and heat transfer of nanofluids
PublikacjaIn this work, Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated numerically for turbulent pipe flow (Reynolds number between 6000 and 12000) with constant heat flux boundary condition using nanofluids. The nanofluid is modelled with the single-phase approach and the simulation results are compared with experimental data. Ethylene glycol and water, 60:40 EG/W mass ratio, as base fluid and SiO2 nanoparticles are used as nanofluid...
Numerical study of turbulent flow and heat transfer of nanofluids in pipes
PublikacjaIn this work, Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated numerically for turbulent pipe flow (6 000 < Re < 12 000) with constant heat flux boundary condition using nanofluids. The nanofluid is modelled with the single-phase approach and the simulation results are compared with experimental data of Vajjha et al. [1]. Ethylene glycol and water, 60:40 EG/W mass ratio, as base fluid and SiO2 nanoparticles are used as nanofluid...
Nonlocalized thermal behavior of rotating micromachined beams under dynamic and thermodynamic loads
PublikacjaRotating micromachined beams are one of the most practical devices with several applications from power generation to aerospace industries. Moreover, recent advances in micromachining technology have led to huge interests in fabricating miniature turbines, gyroscopes and microsensors thanks to their high quality/reliability performances. To this end, this article is organized to examine the axial dynamic reaction of a rotating...
Stability analysis of nanobeams in hygrothermal environment based on a nonlocal strain gradient Timoshenko beam model under nonlinear thermal field
PublikacjaThis article is dedicated to analyzing the buckling behavior of nanobeam subjected to hygrothermal environments based on the principle of the Timoshenko beam theory. The hygroscopic environment has been considered as a linear stress field model, while the thermal environment is assumed to be a nonlinear stress field based on the Murnaghan model. The size-dependent effect of the nanobeam is captured by the nonlocal strain gradient...
Numerical Analysis of Recharge Rates and Contaminant Travel Time in Layered Unsaturated Soils
PublikacjaThis study focused on the estimation of groundwater recharge rates and travel time of conservative contaminants between ground surface and aquifer. Numerical simulations of transient water flow and solute transport were performed using the SWAP computer program for 10 layered soil profiles, composed of materials ranging from gravel to clay. In particular, sensitivity of the results to the thickness and position of weakly permeable...
Stability analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes embedded in winkler foundation placed in a thermal environment considering the surface effect using a new refined beam theory
PublikacjaThis article is devoted to investigate the stability of different types of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs) such as zigzag, chiral, and armchair types which are rested in Winkler elastic foundations exposing to both the low and high temperature environments. Also, the Surface effects which include surface energy and surface residual stresses, are taken into consideration in this study. It may be noted that the surface energy...
Updating the Coupling Algorithm between HYDRUS and MODFLOW in the HYDRUS Package for MODFLOW
PublikacjaThe HYDRUS-based flow package for MODFLOW (the HPM or the HYDRUS package) is an existing unsaturated zone flow package for MODFLOW. In MODFLOW with the HPM, the groundwater modeling domain is discretized into regular grids that can be combined into multiple zones based on similarities in soil hydrology, topographical characteristics, and the depth to the groundwater. Each of these zones is assigned one unsaturated soil profile...
Modeling of lapping plate wear and conditioning in single-sided lapping
PublikacjaIn order to achieve higher quality on worked surfaces with lower roughness, very high accuracy of shape and dimensions it is crucial to improve conventional finishing technologies and to develop new working principles. Single-sided lapping is one of the most effective planarization technologies and it is determined by a number of factors and boundary conditions. The most significant influence over a dimensional and profile accuracy,...
Coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations in optic fibers theory
PublikacjaIn this paper a detailed derivation and numerical solutions of CoupledNonlinear Schr¨odinger Equations for pulses of polarized electromagnetic wavesin cylindrical fibers has been reviewed. Our recent work has been compared withsome previous ones and the advantage of our new approach over other methods hasbeen assessed. The novelty of our approach lies is an attempt to proceed withoutloss of information within the frame of basic...
On iterates of strong Feller operators on ordered phase spaces.
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy asymptotycznych własności iteracji operatorów Markowa. Udowodniono, że operatory Lasoty i ich wielowymiarowe uogólnienia są asymptotycznie stabilne. Wyniki mają zastosowanie w modelowaniu rozwoju komórki.
Hyperelastic Microcantilever AFM: Efficient Detection Mechanism Based on Principal Parametric Resonance
PublikacjaThe impetus of writing this paper is to propose an efficient detection mechanism to scan the surface profile of a micro-sample using cantilever-based atomic force microscopy (AFM), operating in non-contact mode. In order to implement this scheme, the principal parametric resonance characteristics of the resonator are employed, benefiting from the bifurcation-based sensing mechanism. It is assumed that the microcantilever is made...
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Czasopisma -
Positive solutions to second-order differential equations with dependence on the first-order derivative and nonlocal boundary conditions
PublikacjaIn this paper, we consider the existence of positive solutions for second-order differential equations with deviating arguments and nonlocal boundary conditions. By the fixed point theorem due to Avery and Peterson, we provide sufficient conditions under which such boundary value problems have at least three positive solutions. We discuss our problem both for delayed and advanced arguments α and also in the case when α(t)=t, t∈[0,1]....
Impact of climate change on groundwater recharge in shallow young glacial aquifers in northern Poland
PublikacjaWe investigated the influence of climate change in the period 1951–2020 on shallow aquifers in the Brda and Wda outwash plains (Pomeranian Region, Northern Poland). There was a significant temperature rise (0.3 °C/10 years), which accelerated after 1980 (0.66 °C/10 years). Precipitation became increasingly irregular – extremely rainy years occurred right after or before extremely dry years, and intensive rainfall events became...
PublikacjaIn this study, vibration analysis of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) has been carried out by using a refined beam theory, namely one variable shear deformation beam theory. This approach has one variable lesser than a contractual shear deformation theory such as first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and acts like classical beam approach but with considering shear deformations. The SWCNT has been placed in an axial or...
Condition monitoring of energy installations IDESII
Kursy OnlineMeasurement errors and uncertainties. Industrial measurements in the energy industry. Measuring devices. The basics of control in industry. Measurement characteristics in complex energy systems. Distributed Control System (DCS) (KSR).
Long-term hindcast simulation of sea level in the Baltic Sea
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of sea level fluctuations over a period of 50 years (1958-2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). The hydrodynamic model...
Emergency condition of the ceramic facade of a residential building
PublikacjaThe paper presents a description of the technical condition of the ceramic cladding of a residential building, the technical condition of which deteriorated significantly after only a few years of operation. The analysis of the influence of the applied design and working solutions on the façade failure frequency was analyzed. The article presents a conceptual solution to bring the building to the proper technical condition in terms...