Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: food safety
Food safety of potato processed in the aspect of acrylamide risk
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Italian Journal of Food Safety
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Technological improvements in food production in the context of food quality and health safety.
PublikacjaW rozdziale wykazano sprzeczność pomiędzy szczytnymi celami Prawa Żywnościowego UE mającymi na celu absolutna ochronę zdrowia konsumenta a praktyką i wpływem wielkich organizacji przemysłowych skutkiem działań których, liczba dodatków do żywności z ok. 260 dozwolonych w RP przed wstąpieniem do UE wzrosła do ponad 330 wg aktów prawnych UE. Stosowanie dodatków do żywności ma przede wszystkim na celu przedłużenie okresu "shelf life"...
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Food Quality and Safety
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Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Food and Personal Care Products—What Do We Know about Their Safety?
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Journal fur Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit-Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety
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Protective effect of lysostaphin from Staphylococcus simulans against growth of Staphylococcus aureus in milk and some other food products
PublikacjaZbadano skuteczność hamowania rozwoju Staphylococcus aureus w mleku, mięsie wieprzowym i majonezie lizostafyną uzyskaną przez ekspresję genu enzymu ze Staphylococcus simulans w komórkach Escherichia coli. Przeprowadzone eksperymenty wykazały znaczący wpływ lizostafyny na ograniczenie rozwoju Staphylococcus aureus.
In‐milk inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by the environmental lytic bacteriophage ECPS‐6
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A comprehensive review on current and emerging technologies toward the valorization of bio‐based wastes and by products from foods
PublikacjaIndustries in the agro-food sector are the largest generators of waste in the world. Agro-food wastes and by products originate from the natural process of senescence, pretreatment, handling, and manufacturing processes of food and beverage products. Notably, most of the wastes are produced with the transformation of raw materials (such as fruits, vegetables, plants, tubers, cereals, and dairy products) into different processed...
A Review on the Dietary Flavonoid Tiliroside
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Phages and engineered lysins as an effective tool to combat Gram‐negative foodborne pathogens
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Monitoring of essential and toxic elements in multi-ingredient food supplements produced in European Union
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The effect of pumpkin flour on quality and acoustic properties of extruded corn snacks
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The Role of Proteins in Food
PublikacjaThis chapter describes the effect of proteins on the sensory attributes and the biological value and safety of foods. The role of proteins depends on their amino acid composition and structure, on changes due to storage and processing, as well as on interactions with other food components. The effect on the sensory quality of foods is brought about by hydrophobicity, solubility, water holding capacity, gelling, film formation,...
The effect of processing on the safety and nutritional value
PublikacjaAgricultural crops as well as animal food raw materials are usually somehow processed before being used by humans. Processing should make them more useful, increase their safety and nutritional value, extend the shelf life, and modify the sensory properties. However, changes and interactions of various compounds in the conditions of processing may generate products toxic or otherwise unsafe for the human organism. The food industry...
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is to present the safety and health risks in the production process of bread, supported by research in small bakeries located in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Health safety of bread is one of the features that decide its quality. This article additionally presents other determinants influencing the quality of bread. It also demonstrates opinions showing food safety as a separate attribute of quality. The paper...
Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Compounds in Food
PublikacjaFood is a major environmental human cancer risk factor. One of the reasons for this is that food products contain substances that exhibit mutagenic and carcinogenic potential which may induce the transformation of normal somatic cells into cancerous cells. These compounds occur in food as a result of microbial contaminations (mycotoxins produced by molds), are generated from natural food components upon processing (e.g. heterocyclic...
PublikacjaIn the scientific literature related to the widely understood issue of packaging materials designed to have contact with food (Food Contact Materials – FCM) there is much information on raw materials used for their production, their physiochemical properties, types and parameters. There is also a great number of publications on the management and disposal of used packaging. Unfortunately, not much attention is given to the matters...
Natural sweeteners: Sources, extraction and current uses in foods and food industries
PublikacjaFood producers have leaned towards alternative natural and synthetic sweeteners in food formulations to satisfy market demands. Even so, several synthetic sweeteners (e.g., aspartame, saccharin, sucralose) are becoming less popular due to health-related concerns, lower nutritional values, and controversies around their safety. Conversely, natural sweeteners confer favourable customer perceptions due to their association to a healthier...
PublikacjaIn the scientific literature related to the widely understood issue of packaging materials designed to have contact with food there is much information on raw materials used for their production, their physiochemical properties, types and parameters. There is also a great number of publications on the management and disposal of used packaging. Unfortunately, not much attention is given to the matters concerning migration of toxic...
Metal-Organic Frameworks-Based Sensors for the Detection of Toxins in Food: A Critical Mini-Review on the Applications and Mechanisms
PublikacjaUsing scientific technologies to detect toxins in food is significant to prevent food safety problems and protect people’s health. Recently, the rise of sensors has made rapid, efficient, and safe detection of food toxins possible. One of the key factors impacting the sensor’s performance is the nanomaterials employed. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), with high specific surface area, tunable composition, porous structure, and flexible...
An overview of fermentation in the food industry - looking back from a new perspective
PublikacjaFermentation is thought to be born in the Fertile Crescent, and since then, almost every culture has integrated fermented foods into their dietary habits. Originally used to preserve foods, fermentation is now applied to improve their physicochemical, sensory, nutritional, and safety attributes. Fermented dairy, alcoholic beverages like wine and beer, fermented vegetables, fruits, and meats are all highly valuable due to their...
Edible black ant Smith (Carebara vidua) as human food – A systematic review
PublikacjaMeeting food security is one of the major global challenges to ensure sufficient supply of food for current and future generations, considering increasing population growth and climate change issues. Consequently, the consumption of edible insects as an alternative food source has recently gained global attention for combating global food insecurity. The present review aims to provide information on the recent progress in consumption...
Analytical methodologies for determination of artificial sweeteners in foodstuffs- a review
PublikacjaArtificial high-intensity sweeteners are more and more frequently used for food production. Food industry tends to highlight beneficial aspects of their use, such as tooth-friendliness, rising-up quality of life of those suffering from different forms of diabetes and possibility of weight control without sacrificing favorite unhealthy drinks or snacks. On the other hand some of the consumers are deeply concerned about safety of...
Application of modern sample-preparation techniques to the determination of chloropropanols in food samples
PublikacjaChloropropanols are heat-induced food toxicants that recently caused concern among industrial and scientific experts. World and European organizations related to food safety asked researchers to investigate mitigation strategies regarding these contaminants. The essential objective of this project was development of fast analytical methods enabling reliable determination and quantification of 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol, 2-monochloropropane-1,3-diol...
Current advances in surface wettability in food packaging materials: Strategies, methods and future trends
PublikacjaSurface wettability plays a significant role in the functionality and safety of food packaging materials, influencing factors such as moisture resistance, microbial growth, and the effectiveness of active packaging technologies. The present study provides an in-depth investigation of the fundamental concepts underlying surface wettability, including contact angle theory, surface energy, measurement and characterisation, and how...
Edible dragonflies and damselflies (order Odonata) as human food – A comprehensive review
PublikacjaThe rapid growth of the human population leads to a big concern about the food y and demand worldwide. However, due to the reduction in global arable land area, humans need to find alternative food sources to fulfil their needs. Consequently, edible insects have been identified as a promising solution to ameliorate food security and increase global nutrition. Among more than 2,100 identified edible insect species, dragonflies and...
Accumulation of radioisotopes and heavy metals in selected species of mushrooms
PublikacjaSeven species of forest mushrooms from different regions of Poland (edible: Imleria badia, Cantharellus cibarius, Xerocomus subtomentosus, Suillus luteus and inedible by humans but being food for animals: Paxillus involutus, Tylopilus felleus and Russula emetica) were analyzed for radioisotope activity (Cs-137, K-40, Bi-214 and Pb-210) as well as concentrations of heavy metals (aluminum, chromium, cadmium, manganese, iron, lead,...
Active Polylactide-poly(ethylene glycol) Films Loaded with Olive Leaf Extract for Food Packaging—Antibacterial Activity, Surface, Thermal and Mechanical Evaluation
PublikacjaAs the demand for sustainable and innovative solutions in food packaging continues to grow, this study endeavors to introduce a comprehensive exploration of novel active materials. Specifically, we focus on characterizing polylactide-poly(ethylene glycol) (PLA/PEG) films filled with olive leaf extract (OLE; Olea europaea) obtained via solvent evaporation. Examined properties include surface structure, thermal degradation and mechanical...
Systemy zarządzania i ich certyfikacja w przedsiębiorstwach spożywczych
PublikacjaW opracowaniu ukazano rolę obligatoryjnych systemów jakości odpowiedzialnych za bezpieczeństwo żywności z punktu widzenia przedsiębiorcy. W pracy omówiono wybrane systemy (GMP/GHP, HACCP) oraz certyfikację systemu HACCP obowiązującą normą ISO 22000. Przedstawiono również liczbę certyfikacji Systemu Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem Żywności – Wymagania dla organizacji w całym łańcuchu żywnościowym w latach 2007-2011 w Polsce i na świecie,...
Assessing Acute Toxicity of Selected Packages Internal Layers Extracts using Microtox®
PublikacjaIn the scientific literature related to the widely understood issue of packaging materials designed to have contact with food (food contact materials), there is much information on raw materials used for their production, as well as their physiochemical properties, types and parameters. Unfortunately, not much attention is given to the issues concerning migration of toxic substances from packaging and its actual influence on the...
PublikacjaNew food products and diverse formulations containing the regulated steviol glycoside(s) as well as Stevia extracts or Stevia leaves have been brought on the global market. The upcoming multitude of such food products, but also their falsification and adulteration, does have impact on food analysis. Robust high-throughput methods that cope with different food matrices are required for food control to ensure food safety. The analysis...
Novel analytical method for detection of orange juice adulteration based on ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublikacjaThe food authenticity assessment is an increasingly important issue in food quality and safety. The application of an electronic nose based on ultra-fast gas chromatography technique enables rapid analysis of the volatile compounds from food samples. Due to the fact that this technique provides chemical profiling of natural products, it can be a powerful tool for authentication in combination with chemometrics. In this article,...
Sample Preparation in Foodomics: Miniaturized Solid-Phase Extraction
PublikacjaAnalytical chemists face a challenge to bring comprehensive information on a given food and biological sample by using the best available analytical techniques and meet the requirements of sustainable development and green chemistry at the same time. A key objective of this chapter is to review selected literature data on the utilization of solid-phase extraction techniques with special attention to their miniaturized modes in...
Enhancing the bioconversion rate and end products of black soldier fly (BSF) treatment – A comprehensive review
PublikacjaFood security remains a pressing concern in the face of an increasing world population and environmental challenges. As climate change, biodiversity loss, and water scarcity continue to impact agricultural productivity, traditional livestock farming faces limitations in meeting the growing global demand for meat and dairy products. In this context, black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) have emerged as a promising alternative for sustainable...
Detection of apple in orange juice using ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublikacjaThe determination of authenticity is an increasingly important issue for food quality and safety. The use of an electronic nose based on ultra-fast gas chromatography technique ensures rapid analysis of the volatile compounds from food products. Due to the fact that this technique enables chemical profiling of agricultural products, it can be an effective tool for authentication when combined with chemometrics. In this article...
Dynamics of algae growth and nutrients in experimental enclosures culturing bighead carp and common carp: Phosphorus dynamics
PublikacjaThis is the third paper of the series about “Dynamics of algae growth and nutrients in experimental enclosures culturing bighead carp and common carp”. In this paper, phosphorus dynamics were investigated under the condition of culturing bighead carp and common carp with added fish food (nitrogen dynamics is discussed in the second paper because their behaviors are so different from each other). Nearly fifty days’ observation results...
Fire Protection and Materials Flammability Control by Artificial Intelligence
PublikacjaFire safety has become a major challenge of materials developers because of the massive production of organic materials, often combustibles, and their use for different purposes. In this sense, fire safety is critically considered in the development of engineering materials [1, 2]. The multiplicity of parameters contributing to the development of formulation of flame-retardant materials from one side and the sustainability concerns...
Daily diet containing canned products significantly increases serum concentrations of endocrine disruptor bisphenol A in young women
PublikacjaNowadays, exposure to environmental factors is considered to be one of the possible causes of several lifestyle diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Particularly noteworthy are endocrine‑disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which affect the metabolism of hormones and interact with their receptors, thus exerting adverse health effects. One of the most ubiquitous EDC in daily life is bisphenol A...
Release of Encapsulated Bioactive Compounds from Active Packaging/Coating Materials and Its Modeling: A Systematic Review
PublikacjaThe issue of achieving controlled or targeted release of bioactive compounds with specific functional properties is a complex task that requires addressing several factors, including the type of bioactive, the nature of the delivery system, and the environmental conditions during transportation and storage. This paper deals with extensive reporting for the identification of original articles using Scopus and Google Scholar based...
Smoking: Traditional
PublikacjaSmoking, drying, and salting belong to the oldest methods of food preservation. Meat hung by the fire was preserved by a combination of drying and smoking. Often the raw material was first pickled in brine. In different regions of the world various procedures have been developed, best suited for treating meats and fish for specific purposes. Smoking extended the shelf life and imparted very desirable, new sensory properties to...
Edible Lepidoptera as human foods – a comprehensive review
PublikacjaAs the global population continues to grow, traditional protein sources like meat and fish are becoming increasingly unsustainable due to their environmental impact. Edible insects, on the other hand, are highly nutritious, require minimal resources to produce, and emit significantly fewer greenhouse gases than traditional livestock. Lepidoptera, one of the most diverse insect orders, contains some popular edible species that have...
Small Polymeric Toys Placed in Child-Dedicated Chocolate Food Products—Do They Contain Harmful Chemicals? Examination of Quality by Example of Selected VOCs and SVOCs
PublikacjaThis study was focused on child-dedicated chocolate food products that contain a plastic package with a small toy inside (also known as chocolate eggs). Three types of these products that are commercially available on the Polish market, with different prices, chocolate composition, and main types of polymers used in the toy manufacturing process, were investigated. The polymers were identified using Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR)...
A new method for real-time monitoring of volatiles in frying fumes using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry with time-of-flight analyse
PublikacjaTo safeguard the consumers’ well-being, it is necessary to develop novel methods for determination of carcinogens in food, including volatiles generated during frying. The currently used procedures for analysis of volatile fraction of vegetable oils are not based on real-time measurements and thus do not enable the determination of carcinogenic compounds in frying fumes; instead, only the headspace or liquid fraction is sampled....
PublikacjaThe relationship between the content of bioactive compounds and mutagenic activity of elderberry fruit at different stages of ripeness was investigated. Signifi cant differences in the antioxidant profi les (TLC, HPLC with post-column derivatization) and antioxidant activity (ABTS, DPPH, and FC tests) were observed for studied elderberry extracts. The more ripen the fruit at the time of harvest were, the higher the content of...
Latest Insights on Novel Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) for Sustainable Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Natural Sources
PublikacjaPhenolic compounds have long been of great importance in the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic industries. Unfortunately, conventional extraction procedures have a high cost and are time consuming, and the solvents used can represent a safety risk for operators, consumers, and the environment. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are green alternatives for extraction processes, given their low or non-toxicity, biodegradability, and reusability....
Miniaturized, green salting-out liquid–liquid microextraction coupled with GC–MS used to evaluate biogenic amines in wine samples
PublikacjaMonitoring of the biogenic amines (BAs) content in food products, including wine, is important due to the health and safety of consumers and from the quality control point of view. In a given study, simultaneous derivatization and salting-out liquid–liquid microextraction (SALLME) coupled with GC–MS for BAs determination from wine samples was developed. For the optimization the Box-Behnken design was applied, where three independent...
A Comprehensive Review of Phytonutrients as a Dietary Therapy for Obesity
PublikacjaObesity is a complex medical condition mainly caused by eating habits, genetics, lifestyle, and medicine. The present study deals with traditional diets like the Mediterranean diet, Nordic diet, African Heritage diet, Asian diet, and DASH, as these are considered to be sustainable diets for curing obesity. However, the bioavailability of phytonutrients consumed in the diet may vary, depending on several factors such as digestion...