wszystkich: 176
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: human-feedback
Human Feedback and Knowledge Discovery: Towards Cognitive Systems Optimization
PublikacjaCurrent computer vision systems, especially those using machine learning techniques are data-hungry and frequently only perform well when dealing with patterns they have seen before. As an alternative, cognitive systems have become a focus of attention for applications that involve complex visual scenes, and in which conditions may vary. In theory, cognitive applications uses current machine learning algorithms, such as deep learning,...
Feedback control of water quality
PublikacjaSformułowano problem sterowania jakością wody w sieciach wodociągowych i następnie zaproponowano podejście do projektowania sterowania stężeniem chloru w takich sieciach, bazujący na estymacji parametrów oraz sterowaniu adaptacyjnym. Podejście wykorzystuje założenie, że w sieci wodociągowej istnieją punkty wstrzykiwania chloru. Zależność typu wejście-wyjście pomiędzy stężeniem chloru w węźle dozowania i monitorowania jest modelowana...
Active feedback noise control in the presence of impulsive disturbances
PublikacjaThe problem of active feedback control of a narrowband acoustic noise in the presence of impulsive disturbances is considered. It is shown that, when integrated with appropriately designed outlier detector, the proposed earlier feedback control algorithm called SONIC is capable of isolating and rejecting noise pulses. According to our tests this guarantees stable and reliable operation of the closed-loop noise cancelling...
Semi-adaptive feedback active control of MRI noise
PublikacjaA feedback controller is proposed for cancellation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) noise. The design of the controller takes into account specific features of the MRI noise signal. Simulation results show that a considerable rejection rate of the MRI noise can be obtained.
Robust algorithm for active feedback control of narrowband noise
PublikacjaThe problem of active control of narrowband acoustic noise is considered. It is shown that the proposed earlier feedback control algorithm called SONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller), based on minimization of the L2-norm performance measure, can be re-derived using the L1 approach. The resulting robust SONIC algorithm is more robust to heavy-tailed measurement noise, such as the αlpha-stable noise, than the...
Feedback control system for a miniaturized LMIS robot
PublikacjaReferat przedstawia sposób realizacji mechanizmu sprzężenia zwrotnego dla układu sterowania zestawów Lego Mindstorm Invention Systems. Obiektem sterowania jest układ ''wózek-wahadło''. Przedstawiono model matematyczny, wyniki badań eksperymentalnych dot. identyfikacji parametrów modelu, syntezę wybranych regulatorów oraz wyniki badań symulacyjnych układu sterowania pozycji i kąt wychylenia wahadła. Przedstawiono także sposób wykonania...
Optimal state feedback controller for balancing cube
PublikacjaIn this paper, a nonlinear balancing cube system is considered, the concept for which is based on an inverted pendulum. The main purpose of this work was the modelling and construction of a balancing cube with the synthesis of the control system. The control objectives included swing-up and stabilization of the cube on its vertex at an unstable equilibrium. Execution of the intended purpose required, first, deriving a cognitive...
Synthesis of a state feedback controller for an averaging tank with variable filling
PublikacjaIn paper, a nonlinear averaging tank with variable filling is considered. The main purpose of this research work was the modelling and control system synthesis of an averaging tank. The control objectives included ensuring stability and zero steady-state error of the system and achieving settling time as short as possible, while maintaining a minimal overshoot. In order to achieve the intended purpose, firstly a mathematical model...
The Crowd as a Source of Knowledge - From User Feedback to Fulfilling Requirements
PublikacjaCrowd-based and data-intensive requirements engineering (RE) strategy is an approach for gathering and analyzing information from the general public or the so-called crowd to derive validated user requirements. This study aims to conceptualize the process of analyzing information from a crowd to achieve the fulfillment of user requirements. The created model is based on the ADO framework (Antecedents-Decisions-Outcomes). In the...
A Visual Feedback for Water-Flow Monitoring in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
PublikacjaThe optimal water flow in fish breeding tanks is one of the crucial elements necessary for the well-being and proper growth of fish, such as salmon or trout. Considering the round tanks and the uneven distribution of water-flow velocity, ensuring a nearly optimal flow is an important task that may be performed using various sensors installed to monitor the water flow. Nevertheless, observing the rapid development of video analysis...
Simulation of the Video Feedback for Mobile Robots in Simbad Environment
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PMSM drive with adaptive state feedback speed controller
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CMOS differential pair transconductor with active error feedback.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metodę linearyzacji charakterystyki przejściowej typu
Digital measurements of the feedback signals for observing behaviour of a drive.
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono sposoby badań przebiegu ruchu realizowanego przez napęd, w tym poprzez pomiar sygnałów sprzężeń zwrotnych. Przedstawiono różne typy błędów pomiaru sygnałów sprzężeń zwrotnych i ich oddziaływanie na wyniki.
Feedback Control of Multiphase Induction Machines with Backstepping Technique
PublikacjaThe paper presents the control possibility of five phase induction machines. In the proposed solution the machine model vector form is not transformed to the (dq)-coordinate system, that is connected to rotor flux vector, but utilizes the stationary system ( αβ ). Moreover, the nonlinear model linearization is based on demonstrated nonlinear variables transformation for i-orthogonal ( αβ )(n) planes. By introducing the backstepping...
Hybrid SONIC: joint feedforward–feedback narrowband interference canceler
PublikacjaSONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler) is an acronym of a recently proposed active noise control algorithm with interesting adaptivity and robustness properties. SONIC is a purely feedback controller, capable of rejecting nonstationary sinusoidal disturbances (with time-varying amplitude and/or frequency) in the presence of plant (secondary path) uncertainty. We show that although SONIC can work reliably without...
Exploration of Creativity Techniques in Software Engineering in Training-Application-Feedback Cycle
PublikacjaCreativity research has proposed about a hundred and fifty creativity techniques. The question is whether they can be applied in software engineering for creativity training or directing creativity in software projects. This paper aims at answering this question via a quasi-experiment conducted in Training-Application-Feedback cycle in which participants express their opinions about selected creativity techniques after training...
Design and evaluation of a flow-to-frequency converter circuit with thermal feedback
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Imaging using feedback interferometry with integrated 260 GHz emitter
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Constrained non-stationary state feedback speed control of PMSM
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3.3V CMOS differential pair transconductor with active error feedback.
PublikacjaW pracy opisano nową koncepcję układową różnicowego wzmacniacza transkonduktancyjnego CMOS z aktywnym ujemnym sprzężeniem zwrotnym błędu przeznaczonego do pracy z napięciem zasilania 3.3V. Przeprowadzono badania symulacyjne z wykorzystaniem pakietu SPICE oraz pokazano przykładową implementację układu dolnoprzepustowego filtru Gm-C rzędu czwartego w aproksymacji Butterwortha.
Feedback Control of Doubly-Fed Generator Connected to Current Source Converter
PublikacjaDoubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) system supplied by current source converter (CSC) is considered in this article. The DFIG can work in two independent modes: AC grid connection and stand-alone mode. The DFIG is connected to the ac grid directly through its stator and the CSC links the rotor side. In this mode, the active and reactive powers of the DFIG must be controlled. This article proposes two control system structures...
Representation of magnetic hysteresis in tape wound core using feedback Preisach model
PublikacjaThis paper presents a mathematical model for the hysteresis phenomenon in ferromagnetic tape wound core. The feedback scalar Preisach model of hysteresis is used to simulate magnetic behavior of the grain oriented silicon strip of ET114-27 type. Determination of B-H hysteretic curve is based on measurement of the initial magnetization curve and the main hysteresis loop. The Preisach distribution function (PDF) of ET114-27 material...
Adaptive Feedback Control of Fractional Order Discrete State-Space Systems
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State Feedback Speed Control with Periodic Disturbances Attenuation for PMSM Drive
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Gain-Scheduled State Feedback Speed Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor
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Active vibration reduction with a use of enegry performance index at acceleration feedback
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych i symulacji w trybie Hardware-in-the-loop nowego algorytmu aktywnej redukcji drgań. Algorytm ten bazuje na energetycznym wskaźniku jakości zmodyfikowanym w ten sposób, że wykorzystuje bezpośrednio sygnał sprzężenia zwrotnego przyspieszeń.
Non-Linear Control of Electrical Machines Using Non-Linear Feedback
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono zasady nieliniowego sterowania oraz zastosowanie nielinowego sprzężenia zwrotnego do maszyn elektrycznych. Opisano nieliniowe sterowanie obcowzbudnym silnikiem prądu stałego. Zaprezentowano multiskalarne modele maszyn prądu przemiennego. Maszynę indukcyjną zamodelowano z wykorzystaniem strumienia wirnika oraz z wykorzystaniem strumienia stojana. MMultiskalarne modele maszyny indukcyjnej wykorzystano do nieliniowego...
Design of optimal state feedback controller with observer for multidimensional electrical system
PublikacjaFrom the control point of view, two-input-two-output RC electrical system is a linear and multidimensional system. In this paper, integral control and closed-loop observer are verified whether they can be used and designed. To verify this, Kalman tests are made. These structures are presented and discussed. Integral Control is tested with some base disturbances impact and checked whether it can handle them. The estimated values...
Impact of digital signal processing on FOC current feedback in high-speed PMSM drive
PublikacjaIn applications where size and weight of the electric motor are among major design concerns, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) with wide operational speed-range are commonly preferred. Due to limited inverter switching frequency, high-speed operation of a drive results in a low ratio between the switching frequency and the fundamental frequency of motor voltage. Such operating conditions have been recently identified...
Dynamics of a simplified HPT model in relation to 24h TSH profiles
PublikacjaWe propose a simplified mathematical model of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis in an endocrine system. The considered model is a modification of the model proposed by Mukhopadhyay and Bhattacharyya in [10]. Our system of delay differential equations reconstructs the HPT axis in relation to 24h profiles of human in physiological conditions. Homeostatic control of the thyroid-pituitary axis is considered by using...
Comparison of state feedback and PID control of pressurizer water level in nuclear power plant
PublikacjaThe pressurizer water level control system in nuclear power plant with pressurized water reactor (PWR) is responsible for coolant mass balance. The main control goal is to stabilize the water level at a reference value and to suppress the effect of time-varying disturbances (e.g. coolant leakage in primary circuit pipeline system). In the process of PWR power plant operation incorrect water level may disturb pressure control or...
What matters most to patients? On the Core Determinants of Patient Experience from Free Text Feedback
PublikacjaFree-text feedback from patients is increasingly used for improving the quality of healthcare services and systems. A major reason for the growing interest in harnessing free-text feedback is the belief that it provides richer information about what patients want and care about. The use of computational approaches such as structural topic modelling for analysing large unstructured textual data such as free-text feedback from patients...
Sub-terahertz feedback interferometry and imaging with emitters in 130 nm BiCMOS technology
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Constrained State Feedback Speed Control of PMSM Based on Model Predictive Approach
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State feedback control of the PMSM servo-drive with sinusoidal voltage source inverter
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MRAS-Based Switching Linear Feedback Strategy for Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives
PublikacjaThis paper presents a newly designed switching linear feedback structure of sliding mode control (SLF-SMC) plugged with an model reference adaptive system (MRAS) based sensorless fieldoriented control (SFOC) for induction motor (IM). Indeed, the performance of the MRAS depends mainly on the operating point and the parametric variation of the IM. Hence, the sliding mode control (SMC) could be considered a good control alternative...
Simulation of the Remanence Influence on the Transient States of the Single-Phase Transformer Including Feedback Preisach Model
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of the experimental and simulation investigation concerning the influence of remanence in the core of a single-phase transformer at the no-load transient state. Experimental studies consisted of the discharge of the capacitor through the primary winding at several different values of the residual magnetic flux. The paper presents a model of the transformer test system, taking into account the magnetic...
Adaptive Optimal Discrete-Time Output-Feedback Using an Internal Model Principle and Adaptive Dynamic Programming
PublikacjaIn order to address the output feedback issue for linear discrete-time systems, this work suggests a brand-new adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) technique based on the internal model principle (IMP). The proposed method, termed as IMP-ADP, does not require complete state feedback, merely the measurement of input and output data. More specifically, based on the IMP, the output control problem can first be converted into a stabilization...
Playing the Sprint Retrospective
PublikacjaIn agile software development, where great emphasis is put on effective informal communication, success depends heavily on human and social factors. However, Scrum does not specify any techniques that aid the human side of software development. In this paper we investigate the use of 6 collaborative games for the Sprint Retrospective. Each game was implemented twice in a Scrum team in Intel Technology Poland. The received feedback...
Adaptive state feedback speed controller for PMSM based on Artificial Bee Colony algorithm
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Parallel computing applied to auto-tuning of state feedback speed controller for PMSM drive
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Auto-Tuning Process of State Feedback Speed Controller Applied for Two-Mass System
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Gain‐scheduled constrained state feedback control of DC–DC buck power converter
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Artificial bee colony based auto-tuning of PMSM state feedback speed controller
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PMSM fed by 3-level NPC sinusoidal inverter with discrete state feedback controller
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PMSM servo‐drive control system with a state feedback and a load torque feedforward compensation
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A method of vibration surveillance with a use of the optimal control at energy performance index and the acceleration feedback
PublikacjaDokonano twórczej modyfikacji metody nadzorowania drgań za pomocą sterowania optymalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Zaproponowano oryginalną modyfikację, która polega na bezpośrednim powiązaniu sygnału pomiarowego z akcelerometru i optymalnego sygnału sterującego. Przewidziano obiecujące perspektywy zastosowań praktycznych zmodyfikowanej metody do przypadków frezowania szybkościowego.
Numerical Investigation of Nuclear Reactor Kinetic and Heat Transfer Fractional Model with Temperature Feedback
PublikacjaAbstract—In the paper, the numerical results concerning the kinetics and proposed heat exchange models in nuclear reactor based on fractional calculus are presented for typical inputs. Two fractional models are proposed and compared with the model based on ordinary derivative. The first fractional model is based on one of the generalized Cattaneo equations. The second one is based on replacing the ordinary to fractional order of...
Impact of a CPRMeter feedback device on chest compression quality performer by nurses: A randomized crossover study