Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: itc
Self-assembly and interactions of short antimicrobial cationic lipopeptides with membrane lipids: ITC, FTIR and molecular dynamics studies
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Probing the binding selected metal ions and biologically active substances to the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 using DSC, ITC measurements and calculations
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Copper(II) coordination properties of GxG peptides: Key role of side chains of central residues on coordination of formed systems; combined potentiometric and ITC studies
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Journal of ITC Sangeet Research Academy
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Aspekty techniczno-ekonomiczne postulowanego rozwoju zastosowania turbin gazowych w polskiej elektroenergetyce. Prace IMiUE i ITC P. Śl.**2002 s. 167-177, 3 rys. bibliogr. 12 poz. II Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna 2002 ENERGETYKA GAZOWA [Szczyrk].
PublikacjaRozważając możliwość zastosowania turbin gazowych w polskiej elektroenerge-tyce, zwrócono uwagę na wpływ aktualnej struktury wytwarzania energii elek-trycznejna perspektywy zastosowania turbin gazowych. Pod tym względem, pod-dano analizie z jednej strony elektrownie zawodowe, z drugiej strony, elek-trownie komunalne i przemysłowe.
Soft computing based automatic recognition of musical instrument classes.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentów dotyczących automatycznego rozpoznawania klas instrumentów muzycznych. Proces klasyfikacji zrealizowano w oparciu o sztuczne sieci neuronowe, zaś wektor cch został oparty o parametry obliczane w wyniku analizy falkowej dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych.
ITCom Kompetencja IT i satysfakcja z pracy. Jak wpływają na dzielenie się wiedzą i wyniki w różnych branżach?
ProjektyProjekt realizowany w Politechnika Gdańska zgodnie z porozumieniem NAWA PPN/BEK/2020/1/00232/U/00001/A/00001 z dnia 2021-05-07
Opracowanie nowych metodyk oznaczeń ilościowych i jakościowych izotiocyjanianów oraz związków indolowych w próbkach roślin z rodziny Brassicaceae
PublikacjaIzotiocyjaniany (ITC) i indole powstające w wyniku hydrolizy glukozynolanów obecnych w roślinach z rodziny Brassicaceae wykazują wysoką aktywność biobójczą w stosunku do fitofagów stanowiąc alternatywę dla syntetycznych pestycydów. Zaliczane są także do najważniejszych żywieniowych substancji przeciwzapalnych i przeciwrakotwórczych. Pomimo wielu zastosowań dotychczas brakowało metod analitycznych umożliwiających ich rutynowe oznaczanie....
Problem of aggregation in dye-DNA interaction, calorimetry studies
PublikacjaNucleic acids are the biological target for many antimicrobial, antitumor and antiviral drugs. Ligand-DNA interactions can be classified into two major categories: 1. covalent binding, which can provide to intermolecular adducts, 2. physico-chemical interactions, which can be divided into intercalation (e.g. adriamycin) or groove binding (e.g. dystamycin). There are several methods to investigate interactions between drug and DNA....
Characterization of white cabbages from different cultivations by isothiocynates content and antioxidant activities
PublikacjaBadania epidemiologiczne wskazują, że wraz z zwiększeniem spożywania kapusty maleje ryzyko zachorowania na niektóre nowotwory. Mechanizmy przeciwrakotwórczego działania nie są do końca wyjaśnione, jednak wiele badań przeprowadzonych z wykorzystaniem zwierząt i ludzi sugeruje, że substancje występujące w tych roślinach, szczególnie izotiocyjaniany (ITC) modulują aktywność enzymów I i II fazy. Aktywność przeciwutleniająca jest innym...
Analytical methods for exhaustive characterization of Brassica plants and dietary products based on them
PublikacjaGlucosinolates (GLs), and particularly two classes of their degradation products - isothiocyanates (ITC) and indoles - released upon myrosinase catalyzed hydrolysis, belong to the most promising chemopreventive dietary components. Despite their wide use in plant research, studies on chemopreventive mechanisms and industrial utilization in the production of e.g. dietary supplements, the methods of reliable characterization of myrosinase-GLs...
The influence of reactions conditions on aggregation of dyes used in biochemistry
PublikacjaSelf-association of dyes and related substances is a very important phenomenon in many fields of applied chemistry. It is also fundamental model reaction of many kinds of molecular interactions such as the micelle formation of amphiphilic substances and the binding of small organic molecules to macromolecules. In spite of many studies concerning the dimerization equilibria of dyes and related substances, the mechanism seems not...
Chemical Aspects of Biological Activity of Isothiocyanates and Indoles, the Products of Glucosinolate Decomposition
PublikacjaThere is growing evidence that cancer chemoprevention employing natural, bioactive compounds may halt or at least slow down the different stages of carcinogenesis. A particularly advantageous effect is attributed to derivatives of sulfur-organic phytochemicals, such as glucosinolates (GLs) synthesized mainly in Brassicaceae plant family. GLs are hydrolysed enzymatically to bioactive isothiocyanates (ITC) and indoles, which exhibit strong...
Thermodynamics aspects of interactions between acridine derivatives and DNA
PublikacjaDNA is a molecular target for many anticancer and antiviral drugs. Therefore, a clear understanding of the interaction of small molecules with DNA is important in the rational design of ligands that can bind to DNA with high affinity and selectivity. There are several methods to investigate interactions between drug and DNA. Some of them measure changing into DNA structures, such as lengthening and untwisting of helix of DNA. Other...
Relationship between conversion rate of glucosinolates to isothiocyanates/indoles and genotoxicity of individual parts of Brassica vegetables
PublikacjaThe studies on the characterisation of glucosinolates (GLs) and their breakdown products in Brassicaceae species focus mainly on the edible parts. However, other products, e.g., dietary supplements, may be produced also from non-edible parts such as roots or early forms of growth: seeds or sprouts. Biological activity of these products depends on quantitative and qualitative GL composition, but is also strictly determined by GL...
Genotoxic properties of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates present in Brassica vegetables
PublikacjaThe bioactive phytochemicals found in Brassica vegetables, in this number glucosinolates (GLS), as well as products of their degradation such as isothiocyanates (ITC) and indoles, are regarded as the most promising chemopreventive compounds. These secondary metabolites display stron antibiological activity and constitute defence system preventing the development of agrophages attacking Brassica plants. Such properties suggest...
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Rise of Urban Social Movements in Poland
PublikacjaThe chapter examines the relationship between the use of Information and Communications Technology (ITC) and the emergence of social movements focused on urban agenda in Poland. The aim is to investigate how and to what extent a growing body of smaller activist groups use opportunities provided by the ITC to achieve their political objectives. The research results indicate that Web-based media have helped to raise the profile...
The Impact of Information and Communications Technology on the Rise of Urban Social Movements in Poland
PublikacjaThe chapter examines the relationship between the use of Information and Communications Technology (ITC) and the emergence of social movements focused on urban agenda in Poland. The aim is to investigate how and to what extent a growing body of smaller activist groups use opportunities provided by the ITC to achieve their political objectives. The research results indicate that Web-based media have helped to raise the profile of...
Isothiocyanates may chemically detoxify mutagenic amines formed in heat processed meat
PublikacjaMeat consumption represents a dietary risk factor increasing the incidence of common cancers, probably due to carcinogenic amines (HAAs) formed upon meat heating. Interestingly, cancers whose incidence is increased by meat consumption, are decreased in populations consuming brassica vegetables regularly. This inverse correlation is attributed to brassica anticarcinogenic components, especially isothiocyanates (ITCs) that stimulate...
The influence of selenium addition during germination of Brassica seeds on health-promoting potential of sprouts
PublikacjaThe correlation among selenium uptake, the content of bioactive compounds in sprouts, and biological activities triggered in cultured human cells by sprout extracts was investigated. Seeds of Brassica crops and rye were treated with SeO2 water solution. The selenium levels in sprouts increased from 1.0-4.1 to 53.3-382 μg/g dw with no influence on plant physiology according to the indices used. Neither the composition of glucosinolates...
The comparison of cytotoxic and genotoxic activities of glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, and indoles
PublikacjaChemopreventive properties of Brassica vegetables are attributed mainly to their characteristic compounds—glucosinolates (GLs) and their main hydrolysis products—isothiocyanates (ITCs) and indoles. In this study, we compared antiproliferative activity (MTT test in HT29 cells) and genotoxic effects (comet assay in HT29 cells and restriction analysis in a cell-free system) of three GLs (sinigrin (SIN), glucotropaeolin (GTL), and...
Badania agregacji imidazoliowych cieczy jonowych w wodzie w odniesieniu do zastosowań w technologii chemicznej
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem pracy była charakterystyka agregacji imidazoliowych cieczy jonowych w środowisku wodnym, tworzonych struktur oraz wpływu wybranych czynników na agregację. Badania objęły zróżnicowane strukturalnie związki, będące kombinacją kationu 1-alkilo-3-metyloimidazoliowego (n = 4-18) oraz różnych anionów. W badaniach wykorzystano metody badawcze fizykochemii powierzchni, pozwalające na oszacowanie oddziaływań powierzchniowych...
Covalent DNA modification by products of myrosinase catalysed glucosinolate degradation in cell-free system
PublikacjaThe bioactive phytochemicals found in Brassica vegetables belonging to glucosinolates (GLS) and especially the products of their degradation isothiocyanates (ITC) and indoles are regarded as the most promising cancer chemopreventive compounds. These secondary metabolites constitute defence system repelling or preventing the development of agrophages attacking brassica plants. The antibiological properties of these compounds suggest...
Thermodynamic Studies of Interactions between Sertraline Hydrochloride and Randomly Methylated β-Cyclodextrin Molecules Supported by Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy and Molecular Docking Results
PublikacjaThe interaction between sertraline hydrochloride (SRT) and randomly methylated β-cyclodextrin (RM β CD) molecules have been investigated at 298.15 K under atmospheric pressure. The method used—Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) enabled to determine values of the thermodynamic functions like the enthalpy (DH), the entropy (DS) and the Gibbs free energy (DG) of binding for the examined system. Moreover, the stoichiometry coefficient...
Thermodynamics of micellization of imidazolium ionic liquids in aqueous solutions
PublikacjaPodobieństwo pomiędzy strukturami niektórych cieczy jonowych, a surfaktamtami jonowymi wskazuje na możliwość wykazywania, przez te związki, tendencji do agregacji i adsorpcji na powierzchniach międzyfazowych. Mierząc w różnych temperaturach przewodnictwo elektryczne w funkcji stężenia oznaczono temperaturę Kraffta i zależność temperaturową krytycznego stężenia micelizacji (CMC) dla czterech, różniących się długościami łańcucha,...
Aggregation of imidazoacridinones - spectroscopic and microcalorimetric approach
PublikacjaImidazoacridinones (IA) belong to a group of polycyclic heteroaromatic antitumor compounds. IA create the aggregated form in water solution. Self-association of substances is a very important phenomenon in many fields of applied chemistry. It is also fundamental model reaction of many kinds of molecular interactions such as the micelle formation of amphiphilic substances and the binding of small organic molecules to macromolecules....
The influence of pre- and postharvest treatments on selected biological and epigenetic activities of Brassica sprouts
PublikacjaIntroduction The Brassica vegetables are rich in glucosinolates (GLs), which are enzymatically hydrolysed to bioactive isothiocynates (ITC) and indoles, regarded as the most promising chemopreventing agents. However, in the majority of brassica sprouts the GL conversion into these beneficial derivatives occurs at the level of about 1 %, while in cabbage leaves exceeds 70%. Since sprouts represent plant material, which is frequently...
Contactless hearing aid designed for infants
PublikacjaIt is a well known fact that language development through home intervention for a hearing-impaired infant should start in the early months of a newborn baby's life. The aim of this paper is to present a concept of a contactless digital hearing aid designed especially for infants. In contrast to all typical wearable hearing aid solutions (ITC, ITE, BTE), the proposed device is mounted in the infant's bed with any parts of its set-up...
Surface active fatty acid ILs: Influence of the hydrophobic tail and/or theimidazolium hydroxyl functionalization on aggregates formation
PublikacjaNine structurally-related fatty acid ionic liquids have been prepared and their thermal behavior as well as their ability to self-assemble in water has been investigated. The thermal properties were studied by thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), while the aggregation behavior was analyzed by tensiometry, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), conductometry, dynamic light scattering (DLS),...
The Product of Matrix Metalloproteinase Cleavage of Doxorubicin Conjugate for Anticancer Drug Delivery: Calorimetric, Spectroscopic, and Molecular Dynamics Studies on Peptide–Doxorubicin Binding to DNA
PublikacjaMatrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are extracellular matrix degradation factors, promoting cancer progression. Hence, they could provide an enzyme-assisted delivery of doxorubicin (DOX) in cancer treatment. In the current study, the intercalation process of DOX and tetrapeptide-DOX, the product of the MMPs' cleavage of carrier-linked DOX, into dsDNA was investigated using stationary and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, UV-Vis...
The Interaction of Heptakis (2,6-di-O-Methyl)-β-Cyclodextrin with Mianserin Hydrochloride and Its Influence on the Drug Toxicity
PublikacjaOne tetracyclic antidepressant, mianserin hydrochloride (MIA), has quite significant side effects on a patients’ health. Cyclodextrins, which are most commonly used to reduce the undesirable features of contained drugs within their hydrophobic interior, also have the potential to alter the toxic behavior of the drug. The present paper contains investigations and the characteristics of interaction mechanisms for MIA and the heptakis...
Potential for ITS/ICT Solutions in Urban Freight Management
PublikacjaThe article presents a study on applying ITS solutions in planning and management of urban freight transport in Gdynia. The traffic management system Tristar which is under implementation and its related systems show a potential to assist in development of freight transport measures. Recommendations for urban freight policy development supplementing Gdynia's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan were used as a basis for identification...
The influence of fresh cabbage and sauerkraut juices on the activity of protective enzymes in human cell lines
PublikacjaMechanizmami przeciwrakotwórczego działania związków zawartych w kapuście jest m.in. metaboliczna aktywacja enzymów II fazy detoksykacji, indukcja enzymów naprawczych DNA oraz aktywnośc przeciwutleniająca. Do enzymów II fazy odtruwania należą m.in. S-transferazy glutationowe (GST) oraz oksydoreduktaza chinonowa NQO1 zwana też DT-diaforazą. GST katalizują reakcję sprzęgania glutationu z wieloma różnymi typami ksenobiotyków, ułatwiając...