Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: marine diesel enginemarine diesel engine injector
An Experimental Study of Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Marine Diesel Engine with Fuel Injector Malfunctions
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The experimental results of diesel fuel spray with marine engine injector
Dane BadawczeThe data set presents the measurement of the diesel fuel spray from with marine engine injector. The main target presents results is a study of the time course of macro parameters (spray tip penetration, spray cone angle) of fuel spray in the cylinder of marine diesel engine. The impact of ambient conditions and the geometrical parameters of the injector...
Analysis of the structure of the atomized fuel spray with marine diesel engine injector in the early stage of injection
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of the experimental research of the atomized fuel spray with the marine diesel engine injector in the constant volume chamber. The specificity of the phenomena occurring in the marine engine cylinder was the reason to use the optical visualisation method in the studies – the Mie scattering technique. This work presents an analysis of the influence of different geometry of outlet orifice and opening...
Failure analysis of the exhaust valve face in diesel marine engine
PublikacjaThe exhaust valve from marine diesel engine which was damaged after 2000 hours of service was investigated. In order to prolong the service time the valve face was cladded with cobalt base alloy using laser technique. After failure microstructural and chemical analyses reviled that cladding process was conducted improperly. The chemical composition of the clad layer was far from the designed one and what more completely inhomogeneous....
Model of the combustion process in the marine 4-stroke diesel engine
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Planning of structure and range of preventive maintenance of marine diesel engine
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono sposób wyznaczania zasobów godzin pracy elementów złożonego obiektu technicznego na przykładzie okrętowego silnika spalinowego oraz planowania struktury i zakresu jego obsługi profilaktycznej.
Evaluation of the influence of the opening pressure of a marine Diesel engine injector on the results of numerical simulation of the working cycle and their comparison with the results of the laboratory experiment
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of a numerical simulation of the working process carried out in a diesel engine. In the applied utility program DIESEL-RK, the laboratory engine Farymann Diesel type D10 was implemented. A selected inoperability of its functional fuel supply system - reduced opening pressure of the injector pinj - was introduced. The values of adequate diagnostic parameters were determined: working gas temperature...
Technical evaluation of marine auxiliary diesel engine on the basis of parameters synchronous generator
PublikacjaThe article presents a method for evaluating the technical condition of selected structural elements of the reciprocating internal combustion engine driving a synchronous generator. Th results of measurements of the electric generator parameters are the diagnostic information source. On this basis it is possible to determine the instantaneous angular speed marine engine crankshaft which, in turn, is the basis for reasoning about...
PublikacjaThe article briefly describes the problem of air pollution caused by sea-going ships and the resulting restrictions on the emission of toxic and harmful chemical compounds in the exhaust of marine engines, introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) under the International Convention for the Prevention of Sea Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78). Such emissions provide a significant metrological problem, not only...
Fault Tree Analysis and Failure Diagnosis of Marine Diesel Engine Turbocharger System
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A new model of fuel spray shape at early stage of injection in a marine Diesel engine
PublikacjaIn the cylinders of a marine diesel engine, self-ignition occurs in very shortly time after the fuel injection into the combustion chamber. Therefore, the paper present was to develop a model of diesel fuel spray for the early stage of fuel spray for in marine diesel engine. There were taken into consideration the main aspects technical such as nozzle diameter of marine engine injector and backpressure in combustion chamber. In...
Evaluation of working spaces' technical condition of marine diesel engine on the basis of operation research
PublikacjaThe paper presents the method of evaluation of the technical state of working spaces of a marine diesel engine at the reduced control susceptibility. The method foresees making diagnosis on the basis of the measurements of exhaust gas pressure in the channels connecting engine cylinders with turbocharger's turbine. In the beginning of the article the research objects are characterized i.e. ZVIEZDA main engine of M401 type and the...
The Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Marine Diesel Engine with Extreme Throttled of Air or Exhaust Ducts
PublikacjaPresented paper shows the results of the laboratory tests on the relationship between the extreme throttling of both air intake duct and exhaust gas duct and gaseous emission from the marine engine. The object of research is a laboratory, 4-stroke, DI diesel engine, operated at loads from 50 kW to 250 kW at a constant speed equal to 750 rpm. During the laboratory tests the thermodynamic and exhaust gas emission characteristics...
An experimental study of emission and combustion characteristics of marine diesel engine with fuel pump malfunctions
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Performance and Emission Modelling and Simulation of Marine Diesel Engines using Publicly Available Engine Data
PublikacjaTo analyse the behaviour of marine diesel engines in unsteady states for different purposes, for example to determine the fuel consumption or emissions level, to adjust the control strategy, to manage the maintenance, etc., a goal-based mathematical model that can be easily implemented for simulation is necessary. Such a model usually requires a wide range of operating data, measured on a test stand. This is a time-consuming process...
ANN based evaluation of the NOx concentration in the exhaust gas of a marine two-stroke diesel engine
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An Experimental Study of Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Marine Diesel Engine in Case of Cylinder Valves Leakage
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The system combined of low-speed marine diesel engine and steam turbine in ship propulsion applications
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcje okrętowego układu kombinowanego silnik wolnoobrotowy tłokowy- turbina parowa, wykorzystującego ciepło zawarte w spalinach wylotowych.Porównano układ kombinowany dużej mocy dla dwóch silników tłokowych porównywalnych mocy z punktu widzenia termodynamicznego.
Thermal efficiency investigations on the self-ignition test engine fed with marine low sulfur diesel fuels
PublikacjaWithin the article an issues of implementing the new kinds of marine diesel fuels into ships’ operation was described taking into ac-count restrictions on the permissible sulphur content introduced by the International Maritime Organization. This is a new situation for ship owners and fuel producers, which forces the necessity to carry out laboratory research tests on especially adapted engine stands. How to elaborate the method...
PublikacjaThe article deals with one of the scientific issue solved within frames of the research project financed by Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk, namely, in particular, the method of energy investigations of the self-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard (modified) marine fuel. The representative results of engine tests worked out on the especially built laboratory...
PublikacjaThe article presents experimental research that has been carried out on a marine, 4-stroke, 3-cylinder, turbocharged engine. During testing, the engine operated at a constant rotational speed of 750 rpm and a load from 0 kW to 280 kW. The engine was fuelled by diesel oil of known specification and loaded by electric generator with water resistance. The fuel consumption was measured during the engine operation with fuel nozzles...
PublikacjaTransient states are an important part of the spectrum of engine loads, especially the traction engines. In the case of marine diesel engines, transient states are of particular importance in reducing the analysis of motion units for special areas and maneuvering in port, the participation of transient states in the load spectrum significantly increases, also, the emission of toxic compounds from this period increases proportionally....
The influence of the fuel spray nozzle geometry on the exhaust gas composition from the marine 4-stroke diesel engine
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental research on a 4-stroke, 3-cylinder, turbocharged AL25/30 Diesel engine. Research consisted in investigating the effect of the geometry of the fuel injectors on the exhaust gas composition from the engine. During measurements, the engine was operated with a regulator characteristic of a load range from 40 kW to 280 kW, made by electric water resistance. The engine was mechanically coupled to the electric...
Possible efficiency increasing of ship propulsion and marine power plant with the system combined of marine diesel engine, gas turbine and steam turbine
PublikacjaW rozdziale przedstawiono koncepcję układu kombinowanego okrętowego lub morskiej pływającej elektrowni dużej mocy złożonego z silnika głównego tłokowego oraz skojarzonych z nim turbiny gazowej mocy i układu turbiny parowej, wykorzystujących energię zawartą w spalinach wylotowych silnika głównego tłokowego. Rozpatrywano możliwości zastosowania takich układów w układach okrętowych z punktu widzenia sprawnościowego. Podano możliwości...
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Diagnostic Analysis of Exhaust Gas with A Quick-Changing Temperature from a Marine Diesel Engine Part II / Two Factor Analysis
PublikacjaThe article presents a continuation of research carried out to determine the effect of input parameters (changes in engine structure parameters) on selected output parameters (diagnostic measures), based on quickly changing exhaust gas temperature. A method of determining the simultaneous influence of two input factors (the structure parameter and the engine load) on one output factor was presented, as well as an evaluation...
PublikacjaIn this paper, attention was paid to the problem of low controllability of marine medium- and high-speed engines during operation, which significantly limits the parametric diagnosis. The measurement of quickly changing temperature of engine exhaust gas was proposed, the courses of which can be a source of diagnostic information. The F statistic of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution was chosen as a statistical tool. Laboratory tests...
On the possible increasing of efficiency of ship power plant with the system combined of marine diesel engine, gas turbine and steam turbine at the main engine - steam turbine mode of cooperation
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono koncepcję układu kombinowanego okrętowego dużej mocy złożonego z silnika głównego tłokowego oraz skojarzonych z nim turbiny gazowej mocy i układu turbiny parowej, wykorzystujących energię zawartą w spalinach wylotowych silnika głównego tłokowego. Rozpatrywano układ kombinowany układ złożony z silnika spalinowego tłokowego skojarzony z układem turbiny parowej. Podano algorytm i obliczenia poszczególnych podukładów:...
On the possible increasing of efficiency of ship power plant with the system combined of marine diesel engine, gas turbine and steam turbine in case of main engine cooperation with the gas turbine fed in parallel and the steam turbine
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono koncepcję układu kombinowanego okrętowego dużej mocy złożonego z wiodącego silnika głównego spalinowego silnika tłokowego i skojarzonych z nim turbiny gazowej mocy i układu turbiny parowej, wykorzystujących energię zawartą w spalinach wylotowych głównego silnika spalinowego. Rozpatrzono wariant układu kombinowanego, w którym główny jest silnik tłokowy skojarzony z turbiną gazową mocy i układem turbiny parowej,...
On the possible increasing of efficiency of ship power plant with the system combined of marine diesel engine, gas turbine and steam turbine in case of main engine cooperation with the gas turbine fed in series and the steam turbine
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono koncepcję układu kombinowanego okrętowego dużej mocy złożonego z wiodącego silnika głównego silnika spalinowego tłokowego oraz skojarzonych z nim turbiny gazowej mocy i układu turbiny parowej, wykorzystujących energię zawartą w spalinach wylotowych silnika spalinowego. Rozpatrywano wariant układu kombinowanego, którym turbina mocy jest zasilana szeregowo spalinami wylotowymi. Podano algorytm i obliczenia...
Jerzy Kowalski dr hab. inż.
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Complete input data to CFD 3D model of combustion in the large marine 4-stroke engine
Dane BadawczeInput data to CFD and 3D model of combustion process for large marine 4-stroke diesel engine.
Alternative diagnostic method applied on marine diesel engines having limited monitoring susceptibility
PublikacjaThe paper presents a method of technical state evaluation of working spaces of a marine diesel engine at the limited control susceptibility. The method foresees making a diagnosis of the engine's working spaces on the basis of measurements of the exhaust gas pressure in the channels connecting engine cylinders with the turbocharger's turbine. Diagnostic measurements are carried out at representative (comparative) steady loads depending...
Alternative diagnostic method applied on marine diesel engines having limited monitoring susceptibility
PublikacjaThe paper presents a method of technical state evaluation of working spaces of a marine diesel engine at the limited control susceptibility. The method foresees making a diagnosis of the engine's working spaces on the basis of measurements of the exhaust gas pressure in the channels connecting engine cylinders with the turbocharger's turbine. Diagnostic measurements are carried out at representative (comparative) steady loads depending...
A model of fuel combustion process in the marine reciprocating engine work space taking into account load and wear of crankshaft-piston assembly and the theory of semi-Markov processes
PublikacjaThe ar ticle analyses the operation of reciprocal internal combu stion engines, with mar ine engines u sed a s an example. The analysis takes into account types of energy conversion in the work spaces (cylinders) of these engines, loads of their crankshaft-piston assemblies, and types of fuel combustion which can take place in these spaces during engine operation. It is highlighted that the analysed time-dependent loads of marine...
Identification of damages in the inlet air duct of a diesel engine based on exhaust gas temperature measurements
PublikacjaThe temperature of the exhaust gas of a diesel piston engine, measured in the characteristic control sections of its thermo-flow system, can be a valuable source of diagnostic information about the technical condition of the elements limiting the working spaces thus separated, including the turbocharging system, but also its fuel supply system and replacement of the medium. In standard marine engine measurement systems equipped...
Research on the effect of low-sulphur marine fuels on the dynamic characteristics of a CI engine
PublikacjaThe implementation of low-sulphur, so-called modified marine fuels into operation requires prior labora- tory engine tests to assess the energy, emission and structural effects of their usage. This type of research are carried out on the test bed of a diesel engine as a small-scale physical model that reproduces the adequate design and process (parametric) features of a full-size marine engine. Their key stage is to determine the energy...
Entropy function application within the selection process of diagnostic parameters of marine diesel and gas turbine engines
PublikacjaThe paper presents the method of conducting an analysis of the diagnostic informativeness among the parameters characterizing the observed gas dynamic processes carried out within working spaces of marine diesel and gas turbine engines. An entropy function, as the measure of uncertainty of the identified states' set of the engine unfitness was applied. Having evaluated the diagnostic information the most adequate parameters were...
PublikacjaThis article characterises the methodology for the endoscopic testing of a laboratory diesel engine used for testing marine fuels. The ‘Shadow’ measurement method used in the XLG3 type EVEREST digital endoscope, for quantitative and qualitative identification of detected surface defects, was approximated. Representative endoscopic images of the elements limiting the working space of the research engine are demonstrated, having...
Wpływ parametrów strugi paliwa wtryskiwanego do cylindra silnika okrętowego na początkową fazę rozpylania
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem rozprawy jest analiza procesu wtrysku oleju napędowego do cylindra silnika okrętowego z zapłonem samoczynnym i bezpośrednim wtryskiem paliwa. Analiza tego zagadnienia została przeprowadzona w aspekcie wpływu makro parametrów strugi na początkową fazę rozpylania oleju napędowego. Celem niniejszej pracy jest określenie wpływu współczynnika L/D (długość otworu/średnica) otworu wylotowego wtryskiwacza na zmianę charakterystyki...
Regeneration of marine engine valves using laser surfacing
PublikacjaThis article presents an analysis of the applicability of laser surfacing of the exhaust valve face of a marine diesel engine using cobalt-based powder. After preparation by machining, the selected valves were subjected to laser surfacing using a high-power ROFIN DL020 laser. The EuTroLoy 16012 powder was used in the surfacing process. One of the valves was cut and subjected to metallographic examination and hardness measurements,...
Fault diagnosis of marine 4-stroke diesel engines using a one-vs-one extreme learning ensemble
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a novel approach for intelligent fault diagnosis for stroke Diesel marine engines, which are commonly used in on-road and marine transportation. The safety and reliability of a ship's work rely strongly on the performance of such an engine; therefore, early detection of any type of failure that affects the engine is of crucial importance. Automatic diagnostic systems are of special importance because they can...
Komparacja układów kombinowanych turbina gazowa - turbina parowa oraz silnik o zapłonie samoczynnym - turbina parowa w pływających elektrowniach morskich
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono porównania układów kombinowanych w pływających elektrowniach morskich. Do rozważań przyjęto układ kombinowany turbina gazowa - turbina parowa i porównano go z układem kombinowanych silnik o zapłonie samoczynnym (Marine Diesel Engine). Porównano uzyskane dodatkowe moce, sprawności z wykorzystaniem ciepłą zawartego w spalinach wylotowych z silnika tłokowego lub turbiny gazowej. Przyjęto kilka typów turbin gazowych oraz...
The Analysis of Overall Ship Fuel Consumption in Acceleration Manoeuvre using Hull-Propeller-Engine Interaction Principles and Governor Features
PublikacjaThe problem of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in shipping is currently addressed by many research works and related industries. There are many existing and visionary technologies and ideas, which are conceptually defined or practically realised. This goal can be achieved in different ways, and reducing fuel consumption is one of the major methods. In these circumstances, the aim of this study is to analyse the possibility...
Methodology for determining the elemental composition, as well as energy and ignition properties of the low-sulfur marine fuels
PublikacjaThe key metrological issue of substance and energy balance in research engines is the precise determination of the elemental composition of the applied fuel and its net calorific value. This makes it possible to calculate the amount of heat brought with the fuel into the combustion chamber, as well as the amount and gas composition of the exhaust. However, to fully assess the energy quality of the fuel used, its ignition properties...
PublikacjaThe article describes the methodology of engine tests on new types of low-sulphur marine fuels in laboratory conditions in order to conduct a comprehensive assessment of their suitability for powering full-size marine engines. The innovativeness of the proposed solution consists of adapting the laboratory Diesel Engine Test Bed to carry out experimental tests using residual and alternative fuels so that it is possible to imitate...
Preliminary analysis of diesel electric ships propulsion solution
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera opis wytwarzania i transmisji mocy układów disel-elektrycznych. Referat zwraca uwagę na problemy dotyczące zastosowania tych układów na statkach oraz pokazuje rozwój napędów disel-elektrycznych w ostatnim czasie.
Analysis and Evaluation of the Working Cycle of the Diesel Engine
PublikacjaThe paper presents a proposal to apply a quantitative evaluation of the diesel engine with regard to the phenomena occurring during of a working cycle. The proposed procedure when analyzing test results from diesel engine is an attempt to transfer an engine activity evaluation methods in the operational time scale (exploit time), eg. in hours, to the micro-scale (dynamic time) relating only to the execution time of one (several)...
Analysis of the macrostructure of the fuel spray atomized with marine engine injector
PublikacjaOne of the main problem influencing the combustion process in the cylinder of the marine engine is an fuel spray phenomena. The parameters describing the shape of the fuel spray are named macro parameters. This article presents the research results of the macrostructure parameters of the fuel spray atomized with the marine engine injector. The research were carried out by optical visualization measurement method of Mie scattering....