Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: otec (ocean thermal energy conversion)
Analysis of the selection of low-temperature medium for a turbine power plant using ocean thermal energy (OTEC)
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results and conclusions of numerical calculations modelled in the EES program of a closed OTEC cycle. The following mediums were analysed: ammonia, R32, R41, R404a, R407c, R410a, R423a, R500, R502, R507a and R114, R152a, R234fa, R600, R1234yf, R1234ze. Analogous assumptions were adopted as in the ORC cycle with heat regeneration for dry refrigerants without regeneration for wet refrigerants. Each of them...
Analysis of the selection of low temperature medium for a turbine power plant using ocean thermal energy (OTEC)
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results and conclusions of numerical calculations modelled in the EES program of a closed OTEC cycle. The following mediums were analysed: ammonia, R32, R41, R404a, R407c, R410a, R423a, R500, R502, R507a and R114, R152a, R234fa, R600, R1234yf, R1234ze. Analogous assumptions were adopted as in the ORC cycle with heat regeneration for dry refrigerants without regeneration for wet refrigerants. Each of them...
Thermodynamic Analysis of a Closed-Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Power Plant for Offshore Platforms
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Design analysis of ORC micro-turbines making use of thermal energy of oceans
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of the analysis of energy conversion cycles making use of thermal energy of oceans. The objects of analysis were two cases of closed Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power plants, which were: the cycle in which the vapour of the working medium was produced by warm oceanic water in the circum-equatorial zone, and the so-called “arctic” cycle in which this vapour was produced by non-frozen water in the circumpolar...
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An analysis of solar energy conversion systems based on photon and thermal processes
PublikacjaSolar spectral irradiance covers a fairly broad wavelength range. Solar radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is described by the concept of wave-particle duality. The corpuscular theory of electromagnetic radiation states that energy is transmitted by photons. Photons carry specific amounts of energy which can be used to convert solar energy into other types of energy, in particular electricity. The internal...
Technology and Energy Conversion Machines
Kursy OnlineThe course covers the basics of mechanical, electrical and thermal energy production in industry and maritime transport. Describes installations supporting high-power engines. Particular attention has been paid to the fuel systems of internal combustion engines. The treatment of engine exhaust gases is described.
Thermal Biomass Conversion: A Review
PublikacjaIn this paper, the most important methods of thermal conversion of biomass, such as: hydrothermal carbonization (180–250 °C), torrefaction (200–300 °C), slow pyrolysis (carbonization) (300–450 °C), fast pyrolysis (500–800 °C), gasification (800–1000 °C), supercritical steam gasification, high temperature steam gasification (>1000 °C) and combustion, were gathered, compared and ranked according to increasing temperature. A comprehensive...
Technology and Energy Conversion Machines - Nowy
Kursy OnlineThe course covers the basics of mechanical, electrical and thermal energy production in industry and maritime transport. Describes installations supporting high-power engines. Particular attention has been paid to the fuel systems of internal combustion engines. The treatment of engine exhaust gases is described.
Dariusz Mikielewicz prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyDariusz Mikielewicz – urodził się 6 lutego 1967 roku w Gdańsku, w 1985r. zdał pomyślnie egzaminy wstępne na Wydział Budowy Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej, który ukończył z wynikiem bardzo dobrym w 1990 roku na specjalności Maszyny i Urządzenia Energetyczne. Zainteresowania pracą naukową skłoniły go do podjęcia badań na University of Manchester na wydziale mechanicznym i energetyki jądrowej (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Department)...
Comprehensive thermodynamic analysis of the CAES system coupled with the underground thermal energy storage taking into account global, central and local level of energy conversion
PublikacjaA key aspect of CAES is the optimal configuration of the thermodynamic cycle. In this paper, the situation of cooperation between the current conventional power plants and wind farms is analyzed, and then, based on thermodynamic models, the process of storing thermal and electrical energy in the CAES system coupled with a heat storage and recovery is developed. Therefore, three levels can be distinguished, namely: the global level...
Photocatalysts for Solar Energy Conversion
PublikacjaPhotocatalytic oxidation over suspended solid photocatalysts (e.g., titanium dioxide) has been proposed as a sustainable process for treatment and purification of water and wastewater as well as the process for photoconversion of solar energy to hydrogen, methane, and other low hydrocarbons. Solar radiation could be used to drive heterogeneous electrochemical reactions at the surface of an optically active photocatalyst (e.g.,...
Analysis of the possibility of increasing thermal-electric energy conversion ratio in CHP units based on micro gas turbine
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to analyze the possibility of increasing thermal energy to electricity conversion efficiency in combined heat and power (CHP) units based on micro gas turbine during low heat demand periods. At the beginning sustainable development postulates under power engineering are explained. Next micro CHP as part of distributed generation idea is presented. The main part of the article is based on results of thermodynamic...
Technology and Energy Conversion Machines - Nowy kopiuj 1
Kursy OnlineThe course covers the basics of mechanical, electrical and thermal energy production in industry and maritime transport. Describes installations supporting high-power engines. Particular attention has been paid to the fuel systems of internal combustion engines. The treatment of engine exhaust gases is described.
Jarosław Guziński prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobySTOPNIE NAUKOWE 2021 Tytuł profesora nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych. 2012 Stopień doktora habilitowanego nauk technicznych – Wydział Elektrotechniki i Automatyki PG. Rozprawa habilitacyjna „Układy napędowe z silnikami indukcyjnymi i filtrami wyjściowymi falowników. Zagadnienia wybrane”. Kolokwium i nadanie stopnia doktora habilitowanego 29 maja 2012 r. Monografia uzyskała nagrodę naukową Wydziału IV Nauk Technicznych Polskiej...
Michał Ryms dr hab. inż.
Osobydr hab. inż. Michał Ryms, fizyk, absolwent Politechniki Gdańskiej. Pracę doktorską obronił na Wydziale Chemicznym. Od 2011 roku pracuje w Katedrze Konwersji i Magazynowania Energii Politechniki Gdańskiej, obecnie na stanowisku profesora uczelni. Działalność naukowa obejmuje: zagadnienia związane z poprawą efektywności energetycznej oraz możliwości nowego zastosowania materiałów zmiennofazowych (PCM) głównie w budownictwie energooszczędnym...
Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass and Municipal Waste into Useful Energy Using Advanced HiTAG/HiTSG Technology
PublikacjaAn advanced thermal conversion system involving high-temperature gasification of biomass and municipal waste into biofuel, syngas or hydrogen-rich gas is presented in this paper. The decomposition of solid biomass and wastes by gasification is carried out experimentally with a modern and innovative regenerator and updraft continuous gasifier, among others. A ceramic high-cycle regenerator provides extra energy for the thermal conversion...
Investigations of Energy Conversion and Surface Effect for Laser-Illuminated Gold Nanorod Platforms
PublikacjaAchieving a quick temperature increase is a burning issue for biophysical applications, like germ inactivation and tumor ablation, and for energy performances, like solar collectors and steam generators. Based on the plasmon resonance phenomenon, noble metallic nanoparticles have emerged as promising weapons due to their very high biocompatibility, optical properties, and high surface-to-volume ratio, increasing energy conversion...
PublikacjaThis study investigates the optimization of light-to-heat conversion in gold nanoparticles under irradiation by continuous- and pulsed-wave laser sources. The conversion process relies on the absorption of electromagnetic energy and the subsequent generation of heat, a phenomenon that is integral to a variety of applications. The photothermal conversion model is based on the Rayleigh-Drude approximation, facilitating predictions...
Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(zwitterionic) Structures for Energy Conversion and Storage
PublikacjaZwitterions are unique class of molecules that possess two functional groups bearing electric charges, one positive and second negative. This setup results in peculiar properties such as high water retention and anti-fouling capability. Therefore, zwitterionic coatings and gels are commonly applied in e.g. biosensing and bioelectronic devices. Despite those applications, there are other perspectives for zwitterionic materials....
A Wind Energy Conversion System Based on a Generator with Modulated Magnetic Flux
PublikacjaIn this work, the concept of an energy conversion system for wind turbines based on the modified permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is presented. In the generator, a pair of three-phase windings is used, one of which is connected in a “star” and the second in a “delta” configuration. At the outputs of both windings, two six-pulse uncontrolled (diode) rectifiers are included. These rectifiers are mutually coupled by a...
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Materials for energy storage and conversion devices
Kursy Onlinelecture course (Eng) 15h
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Enhanced energy conversion as a result of fluid-solid interaction in micro- and nanoscale
PublikacjaIt is known that nano- and micromechanics require new approaches to right describing of surface-like phenomena which lead to an enhanced energy conversion. In this work, a general form of surface forces that consist of a contribution from both the friction and mobility components has been extended to collect the effects of bulk and surface motion of a fluid. Quite similar impact can be observed for a solid-fluid mixture, where...
Logistical Aspects of Energy Conversion Efficiency in Marine Steam Power Plants in Off-Design Conditions
PublikacjaThe paper presents logistical aspects of energy conversion efficiency in off-design conditions. The main part of the article is based on results of thermodynamic calculation for large propulsion steam turbine under partial loads. Calculations are made on extended mathematical model of two proposed steam turbine thermodynamic cycles using Stodola’s cone law. The conclusion based on calculation re-sults contains importance of off-design...
Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska prof. dr hab.
OsobyEwa Klugmann-Radziemska ukończyła studia wyższe na kierunku fizyka na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim. Od roku 1996 związana jest z Politechniką Gdańską, kiedy to rozpoczęła studia doktoranckie. Obecnie jest profesorem na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej, od roku 2006 kierownikiem Katedry Konwersji i Magazynowania Energii. W latach 2008–2016 pełniła funkcję Prodziekana ds. współpracy i rozwoju, w latach 2016-2019 była Pełnomocnikiem...
Thermodynamic analysis of the Compressed Air Energy Storage system coupled with the Underground Thermal Energy Storage
PublikacjaImprovement of flexibility is one of the key challenges for the transformation of the Polish Power System aiming at a high share of renewable energy in electricity generation. Flexible and dispatchable power plants will contribute to this ongoing transformation process as they compensate for fluctuations in electricity generation from renewable energy sources such as wind and photovoltaics. In this context, CAES storage tanks are...
Materials for energy storage and conversion devices 22_23
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Nanomaterials for Environmental Purification and Energy Conversion
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International Journal on Energy Conversion
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Energy Conversion and Management: X
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Materials for energy storage and conversion devices 2022/2023
Kursy OnlineElectrodes: Metals as electrodes in aqueous and non-aqueous systems, metal nanoparticles. Collectors current. 3D, 2D, 1 D carbons, carbon nanomaterials. Organic semiconductors "Synthetic metals" - p-type, n-type. Inorganic semiconductors: oxides, selenides, sulfides, others. Intercalated electrodes. Mixed conductors (MIEC). Photo-active semiconductor materials. Electrolytes. Water electrolytes in commercial products. Electroactive...
Thermal energy storage using stearic acid as PCM material
PublikacjaThis work presents an experimental study of thermal energy storage by use of PCM. The aim of the study was to establish the influence of different inlet temperature of heat transfer fluid (HTF) and different Reynolds number of HTF on intensity of charging process. The PCM used in this study was stearic acid and water was used as HTF. A copper helical coil mounted in cylindrical container served as a heat transfer surface.
Phase change thermal energy storage – the experience of the materials preparation for the specific applications.
PublikacjaThermal energy storage and temperature stabilization is very important in many engineering applications. There are three kinds of thermal energy storage: sensible heat, latent heat and reversible chemical reaction heat. Phase change materials (PCM) absorb, store and release large amounts of energy in the form of latent heat, at constant temperature, called the transition temperature. Many innovative applications could be found...
Modelling, thermography and digital processing of energy conversion processes
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia modelowania fizycznego i numerycznego procesów wymiany ciepła i konwersji energii. Do analizy wymiany ciepła w przestrzeni wypełnionej płynem zastosowano termografie krystaliczne i komputerowy system analizy otrzymanych laserowych obrazów. Wykonano również termogramy powierzchni pokrytych także ciekłokrystaliczniei jako przykład przeanalizowano rozkład temperatury na powierzchniach ciał stałych...
Thermoelectric energy conversion: How good can silicon be?
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Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage – The Experience of the Materials Preparation for the Specific Applications.
PublikacjaThermal energy storage and temperature stabilization is very important in many engineering applications. There are three kinds of thermal energy storage: sensible heat storage, latent heat storage and reversible chemical reaction heat storage. Phase change materials (PCM) absorb, store and release large amounts of energy in the form of latent heat, at constant temperature, called the transition temperature. The amount of heat...
Journal of Ocean and Wind Energy
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Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
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International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion
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Annual variations in the solar energy conversion efficiency in will coppice stand.
PublikacjaMonitorowano produkcyjność plantacji wiklinowych w Uppsali w Szwecji w latach 1985-1994. Okazało się, że największa sprawność przetwarzania energii słonecznej w biomasę ma miejsce w drugim i trzecim roku uprawy wiklinowej (około 1%), natomiast w pierwszym i w czwartym roku sprawność ta jest 2 razy niższa i wynosi około 0,5%. Dyskutuje się przyczyny takiej sytuacji.
Thermal Energy Development in Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Utilizing Titanium Dioxide, Copper Oxide and Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles: Thermal Dispersion and Heat Generating Formularization
PublikacjaThe main aim of this article heat transfer in thermal engineering deals with the production, use, transformation, and transfer of thermal energy. Engineering and industrial fields including food packaging, the production of food additives, electronic cooling, microturbines, etc. heavily rely on heat transmission. Due to its intriguing potential in industries like the production of polymers, paper, crystal glass, etc., scientists...
A Model of Thermal Energy Storage According to the Convention of Bond Graphs (BG) and State Equations (SE)
PublikacjaThe main advantage of the use of the Bond Graphs method and State Equations for modeling energy systems with a complex structure (marine power plants, hybrid vehicles, etc.) is the ability to model the system components of different physical nature using identical theoretical basis. The paper presents a method of modeling thermal energy storage, which is in line with basic BG theory. Critical comments have been put forward concerning...
Energy conversion in systems-contained laser irradiated metallic nanoparticles - comparison of results from analytical solutions and numerical methods
PublikacjaThis work introduces the theoretical method of metallic nanoparticles’ (NPs’) heat and mass transfer where the particles are coated on a surface (base), together with considering the case wherein nanoparticles move freely in a pipe. In order to simulate the heat transfer, energy and radiative transfer equations are adjusted to the considered issue. NPs’ properties are determined following the nanofluidic theories, whereas absorption...
Energy conversion in small water plants with variable speed PM generator
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Energy conversion in 7-(Diethylamino)coumarin doped PMMA fluorescent fibre
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PublikacjaThe development and growing availability of modern technologies, along with more and more severe environment protection standards which frequently take a form of legal regulations, are the reason why attempts are made to find a quiet and economical propulsion system not only for newly built watercraft units, but also for modernised ones. Correct selection of the propulsion and supply system for a given vessel affects significantly...
The Thermal State of the North Atlantic Ocean and Hydrological Droughts in the Warta River Catchment in Poland during 1951–2020