Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: quantum modelling
Quantum chemical modelling of the process of lithium insertion into WO3 films
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Jan Kozicki dr hab. inż. arch.
OsobyW roku 2002 po uzyskaniu dyplomu magistra inżyniera w zakresie konstrukcji budowlanych podjął pracę na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska PG. W 2004 roku uzyskał dyplom magistra architekta na Wydziale Architektury za projekt stacji badawczej na Marsie. Doktorat obronił w 2007 roku w zakresie modelowania numerycznego w dynamice klasycznej. W 2013 roku uzyskał licencjat z zakresu fizyki teoretycznej na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim....
Marek Czachor prof. dr hab.
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Quantum structure in competing lizard communities
PublikacjaAlmost two decades of research on applications of the mathematical formalism of quantum theory as a modeling tool in domains different from the micro-world has given rise to many successful applications in situations related to human behavior and thought, more specifically in cognitive processes of decision-making and the ways concepts are combined into sentences. In this article, we extend this approach to animal behavior, showing...
Raman Scattering versus Strain Engineering in Phosphorene Nanostructures: An Ab Initio Studies
PublikacjaThe one-dimensional nanoribbons made from phosphorene are novel structures with great applicability potential in material science. The significant carrier mobility combined with intrinsic semiconductor properties makes them ideal for application in electronics, and they are excellent candidates for sensing material. The lack of a well–established multiscale modelling strategy for phosphorene nano optoelectronic devices is one of...
Workshop on Quantum Information Processing
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International Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography
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ERATO Conference on Quantum Information Science
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International Conference on Experimental Implementation of Quantum Computation
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Modelling charge transfer processes in C2+ -tetrahydrofuran collision for ion-induced radiation damage in DNA building blocks
PublikacjaInvestigations of collision-induced processes involving carbon ions and molecules of biological interest in particular DNA building blocks, are crucial to model the effect of radiation on cells in order to improve medical treatments for cancer therapy. Using carbon ions appears to be one of the most efficient ways to increase biological effectiveness to damage cancerous cells by irradiating deep-seated tumors. Therefore, interest...
H2O˙+ and OH+ reactivity versus furan: experimental low energy absolute cross sections for modeling radiation damage
PublikacjaRadiotherapy is one of the most widespread and efficient strategies to fight malignant tumors. Despite its broad application, the mechanisms of radiation-DNA interaction are still under investigation. Theoretical models to predict the effects of a particular delivered dose are still in their infancy due to the difficulty of simulating a real cell environment, as well as the inclusion of a large variety of secondary processes. This...
Toward Mechanosynthesis of diamondoid structures: III. Quantum-chemical study of silylene molecule and silicon atom transfer mechanism from caped SWCNT tip to the reaction center on a hydrogenated Si(111) surface
PublikacjaOpublikowana wcześniej (Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., Vol. 7, 1999, pp. 43-58) strategia mechanosyntezy struktur krzemu na uwodornionej płaszczyźnie Si(111) została poszerzona poprzez uwzględnienie ostrza w postaci zamkniętej SWCNT jako urządzenia kontrolującego położenie cząsteczki sililenu oraz atomu krzemu.
Justyna Szostak dr inż.
OsobyI Gdańsk University of Technology: Chair of the Rector’s Internationalization Committee (October 2020 - Present) Erasmus + Coordinator for students and staff members, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (Mar 2017 - Present) Dean's Proxy for Internationalization, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (October 2020 - Present) Coordinator of the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Applied Physics and...
Jerzy Konorski dr hab. inż.
OsobyJerzy Konorski otrzymał tytuł mgr inż. telekomunikacji na Poitechnice Gdańskiej, zaś stopień doktora n.t. w dyscyplinie informatyka w Instytucie Podstaw Informatyki PAN. W r. 2007 obronił rozprawę habilitacyjną na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomnikacji i Informatyki PG. Jest autorem ponad 150 publikacji naukowych, prowadził projekty naukowo-badawcze finansowane ze środków Komitetu Badań Naukowych, UE, US Air Force Office of Scientific...
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy data of PDA-modified TiO2 nanotubes
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy data of the samples from TiO2 nanotubes modified with polydopamine. The studies were presented as a part of the research on "Band Gap Engineering toward Semimetallic Character of Quinone-Rich Polydopamine" (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c08804).
Paweł Możejko dr hab.