Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: stability analysis
PublikacjaSteel trusses have a much greater strength and stiffness in their plane than out of their plane, and therefore should be braced against lateral deflection and twisting. Such elements like purlins apart from bearing vertical load are part of bracing that stabilize roof trusses against distortional buckling. The stability of trusses with elastic bracing was investigated in an experimental research. Braces situated at some angle measured...
Stability analysis of a dike constructed of anthropogenic materials
PublikacjaNumerical analyses of stability are presented for a hypothetical dikes constructed of dredged materials and bottom ash, in varying proportions. The paper is related to the international research project DredgDikes, which focused on the use of anthropogenic materials in dikes construction and flood protection. The aim of this project was to investigate the possibility of using anthropogenic materials from rivers and sea dredging...
Stability analysis of cylindrical composite shells in MSC/Nastran
PublikacjaW pracy badane jest zastosowanie systemu MSC/NASTRAN for Windows do analizy stateczności kompozytowych powłok cylindrycznych. Przeprowadzono obliczenia dla dwóch wybranych przykładów paneli cylindrycznych poddanych równomiernemu ściskaniu w kierunku tworzącej dokonując analizy zarówno w zakresie stateczności początkowej jak i problemu geometrycznie nieliniowego w procesie przyrostowym. Otrzymane wyniki w pełni potwierdziły bogate...
Stability analysis of multilayered composite shells with cut-outs
PublikacjaW pracy analizowana jest stateczność ściskanej osiowo kompozytowej powłoki warstwowej. Badany jest wpływ usytuowanego centralnie w powłoce kwadratowego otworu na stateczność konstrukcji. Obliczenia wykonano w programie NX-Nastran (wersja 6.0). Poziom obciążeń krytycznych wyznaczony został w rozwiązaniu liniowym (liniowy problem własny) oraz na drodze analizy przyrostowej z uwzględnieniem dużych przemieszczeń (statyka nieliniowa)....
Slope Stability Analysis of Zoned Earth Dam with RCC Overtopping Protection
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Stability analysis of a road scarp in the Carpathian Mountains and methods of its protection
PublikacjaThe purpose of the study was to analyse the stability of a road scarp endangered by a landslide and to consider some measures for its stabilization. The potential landslide could unfavourably alter the shape of the slope, thus a religious sanctuary situated above the slope. The present research has resulted in suggestions of possible protection methods, namely, drainage, soil nailing, installation of piles, supporting the scarp...
Reliability-Based Stability Analysis of a Baltic Cliff by the Combined Response Surface Method
PublikacjaA simple, straightforward computational procedure was proposed, incorporating the Response Surface Method (RSM) linked with the standard Monte Carlo (MC) simulation method and the Point Estimate Method (PEM). PEM samples make it possible to analyse the sensitivity of the cliff’s stability to variation in subsoil parameters and to reduce the number of random variables of the problem. The proposed methods were tested in two cases:...
Simplified stability analysis of steel cylindrical silos with corrugated walls and vertical columns
PublikacjaIn the paper a simplified stability analysis of steel cylindrical silos composed of corru¬gated walls and vertical open-sectional columns was proposed. The whole 3D silo was modeled as a single column resting on elastic foundation provided by the silo walls. In proposed formula for the calculation of the foundation stiffness the curvature of the silo walls was taken into account. Three different analyses were carried out using...
Stability analysis of two-step Runge-Kutta methods for delay differential equations
PublikacjaW pracy badana jest własność stabilności dwukrokowej metody Rungego-Kutty względem liniowego równania testowego o zespolonych współczynnikach. Udowodniono, że jeśli pewne warunki są spełnione to każda A-stabilna dwukrokowa metoda Rungego-Kutty zastosowana do równania różniczkowego z opóźnieniem jest P-stabilna.
Implementation of Non-Probabilistic Methods for Stability Analysis of Nonlocal Beam with Structural Uncertainties
PublikacjaIn this study, a non-probabilistic approach based Navier’s Method (NM) and Galerkin Weighted Residual Method (GWRM) in term of double parametric form has been proposed to investigate the buckling behavior of Euler-Bernoulli nonlocal beam under the framework of the Eringen's nonlocal elasticity theory, considering the structural parameters as imprecise or uncertain. The uncertainties in Young’s modulus and diameter of the beam are...
Stability analysis of interconnected discrete-time fractional-order LTI state-space systems
PublikacjaIn this paper, a stability analysis of interconnected discrete-time fractional-order (FO) linear time-invariant (LTI) state-space systems is presented. A new system is formed by interconnecting given FO systems using cascade, feedback, parallel interconnections. The stability requirement for such a system is that all zeros of a non-polynomial characteristic equation must be within the unit circle on the complex z-plane. The obtained...
Stability Analysis of Shunt Active Power Filter with Predictive Closed-Loop Control of Supply Current
PublikacjaThis paper presents a shunt active power filter connected to the grid via an LCL coupling circuit with implemented closed‐loop control. The proposed control system allows selective harmonic currents compensation up to the 50th harmonic with the utilization of a model‐based predictive current controller. As the system is fully predictive, it provides high effectiveness of the harmonic reduction, which is proved by waveforms achieved...
Comparison of classical Winter's bracing requirements of compressedtruss chord with stability analysis of 3D truss-model
PublikacjaMost code requirements concerning bracing are based on principles developed by Winter. The present research is devoted tostudy a lateral buckling of truss with linear elastic side supports. The classical Winter's model of truss chord in the case ofout of the truss plane buckling is compared with nonlinear analysis of 3D truss model. Full bracing condition, that permitsthe truss chord to support load level corresponding to an unbraced...
Stability analysis of the internal cylindrical shell wall of a vertical double shell tank under a water test.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono analizę zagrożenia stateczności lokalnej płaszcza wewnętrznego przy różnicy poziomów wody w zbiorniku wewnętrznym i przestrzeni międzypłaszczowej podczas próby wodnej zbiornika. Podano krytyczne różnice poziomów wody dla typowych zbiorników o pojemności od 10 000 do 100 000 m3.
Stability Analysis of the Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structure of Cell Spar Type During its Installation
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of selected works related to the wider subject of the research conducted at the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology, which concerns design and technology of construction, towing, and settlement on the seabed, or anchoring, of supporting structures for offshore wind farms. As a result of this research, several designs of this type of objects were...
Stability analysis of nanobeams in hygrothermal environment based on a nonlocal strain gradient Timoshenko beam model under nonlinear thermal field
PublikacjaThis article is dedicated to analyzing the buckling behavior of nanobeam subjected to hygrothermal environments based on the principle of the Timoshenko beam theory. The hygroscopic environment has been considered as a linear stress field model, while the thermal environment is assumed to be a nonlinear stress field based on the Murnaghan model. The size-dependent effect of the nanobeam is captured by the nonlocal strain gradient...
Thermal stability analysis of poly(lactic acid)-carbon black-nanodiamond composite
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains thermal stability tests carried out on new 3D printing-dedicated composites with poly-lactic acid (PLA), carbon black (CB) and nanodiamond fillers. Two types of nanodiamonds were studied: detonation nanodiamonds (DND) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (BCNW). The investigated techniques include: thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)...
PublikacjaThe paper is devoted to the numerical and experimental research of stability of a truss with side elastic supports at the top chord. The structure is a model of a real roof truss scaled by factor ¼. The linear buckling analysis and non-linear static analysis were carried out. The buckling length factor for the compressed top chord was calculated and the limit load for the imperfect truss shell model with respect to brace stiffness...
Stability analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes embedded in winkler foundation placed in a thermal environment considering the surface effect using a new refined beam theory
PublikacjaThis article is devoted to investigate the stability of different types of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs) such as zigzag, chiral, and armchair types which are rested in Winkler elastic foundations exposing to both the low and high temperature environments. Also, the Surface effects which include surface energy and surface residual stresses, are taken into consideration in this study. It may be noted that the surface energy...
On FEM analysis of Cosserat-type stiffened shells. Static and stability linear analysis
PublikacjaThe present research investigates the theory and numerical analysis of shells stiffened with beams in the framework based on the geometrically exact theories of shells and beams. Shell’s and beam’s kinematics are described by the Cosserat surface and the Cosserat rod respectively, which are consistent including deformation and strain measures. A FEM approximation of the virtual work principle leads to the conforming shell and beam...
Testing Stability of Digital Filters Using Optimization Methods with Phase Analysis
PublikacjaIn this paper, novel methods for the evaluation of digital-filter stability are investigated. The methods are based on phase analysis of a complex function in the characteristic equation of a digital filter. It allows for evaluating stability when a characteristic equation is not based on a polynomial. The operation of these methods relies on sampling the unit circle on the complex plane and extracting the phase quadrant of a function...
Stability and limit load analysis of a cold-formed channel section column
PublikacjaThe paper presents stability and limit load analysis of a steel column 1440 mm high of a cold-formed channel section, subjected to a combination of compression and bending. Experimental results were compared to the resistance of a code procedure and to the outcome of numerical non-linear analysis. Comparison was made of numerical solutions by means of static (Riks) and dynamic (Explicit and Implicit) methods. Perfectly elastic...
Geotechnical Analysis and Stability Assessment of a Landslide Event in Gera Woreda, Ethiopia
PublikacjaThis study investigates the geotechnical factors influencing a recent landslide event in Gera Woreda, Ethiopia. The primary objective was to identify the soil properties contributing to landslide occurrence and understand the triggering mechanisms. Field investigations, soil sampling from both affected and unaffected areas, and subsequent laboratory characterization were conducted. The analysis revealed a dominance of fine-grained...
Analysis of differences in the stability of proteins encoded in mitochondrial DNA of model organisms
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Reliability Analysis of Sea Cliff Slope Stability by Point Estimate Method
PublikacjaThe paper presents a reliability analysis of a sea cliff slope. The cliff, located in Jastrzębia Góra, is characterised by a complicated geological structure. Although currently stable, it is in fact close to the limit state. The objective of this paper is to present the point estimate method (PEM) of determining the mean value and standard deviation of the safety factor of the slope. Assuming its normal distribution, these statistical...
Reliability Analysis of Sea Cliff Slope Stability by Point Estimate Method
PublikacjaThe paper presents a reliability analysis of a sea cliff slope. The cliff, located in Jastrzębia Góra, is characterised by a complicated geological structure. Although currently stable, it is in fact close to the limit state. The objective of this paper is to present the point estimate method (PEM) of determining the mean value and standard deviation of the safety factor of the slope. Assuming its normal distribution, these statistical...
Large thermo-elastic displacement and stability FEM analysis of multilayered plates and shells
PublikacjaThe paper concerns the load capacity analysis of thermally loaded multilayered plates and shells. The multilayered body is treated as an equivalent single layer whose kinematics is consistent with first order shear deformation theory. The authors focus on the thermo-elastic stability problem of the thin-walled structures. The equilibrium paths are traced with the use of Riks-Wempner-Ramm algorithm. By making use of the Tsai-Wu...
Stability Assessment of Coastal Cliffs Incorporating Laser Scanning Technology and a Numerical Analysis
PublikacjaWe investigated the cli coast in Jastrzebia Gora, Poland. The measurements that were taken between 2014 and 2018 by applying terrestrial, mobile, and airborne laser scanning describe a huge geometric modification involving dislocations in a 2.5 m range. Dierential maps and a volumetric change analysis made it possible to identify the most deformed cli’s location. Part of the monitoring of coastal change involved the measurement...
PublikacjaIn the article a new training and testing method of endoscopic video analysis algorithms is presented. Classical methods take into account only eciency of recognizing objects on single video frames. Proposed method additionally considers stability of classiers output for real video input. The method is simple and can be trained on data sets created for other solutions. Therefore, it is easily applicable to existing endoscopic video...
Analysis of sloping brace stiffness influence on stability and load bearing capacity of a truss
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on the numerical study of stability and load bearing capacity of a truss with side elastic braces. The structure is made in reality. The rotational and sliding brace stiffnesses were taken into account. Linear buckling analysis and non-linear static analysis with geometric and material nonlinearity were performed for the beam and shell model of the truss with respect to the angle of sloping braces. As a result...
Testing Stability of Digital Filters Using Multimodal Particle Swarm Optimization with Phase Analysis
PublikacjaIn this paper, a novel meta-heuristic method for evaluation of digital filter stability is presented. The proposed method is very general because it allows one to evaluate stability of systems whose characteristic equations are not based on polynomials. The method combines an efficient evolutionary algorithm represented by the particle swarm optimization and the phase analysis of a complex function in the characteristic equation....
Stability evaluation of the marine propulsion unit mechanical system bymeans of vibrations measurements and their analysis.
PublikacjaIn paper selected issues concerning vibration diagnosis of the mechanical system within marine propulsion units have been given. The analysis of vibration parameters was carried out on the basis of experimental examinations of a real object in which an exceedance of the allowable vibration's level had been observed. In the beginning, the vibration apparatus being on laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of...
Stability evaluation of the marine propulsion unit's mechanical system by means of vibration measurements and their analysis
PublikacjaIn this paper selected issues concerning vibration diagnosis of the mechanical system within marine propulsion units have been given. The analysis of vibration parameters was carried out on the basis of experimental examinations of a real object in which an exceedance of the allowable vibration's level had been observed. In the beginning, the vibration apparatus being on laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants...
Analysis of the biological stability of tap water on the basis of risk analysis and parameters limiting the secondary growth of microorganisms in water distribution systems
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Amber extract as a bio‐additive to poly(lactic acid) films: Multimethod analysis of crystallinity and stability
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Numerical analysis of influence of intermediate stiffeners setting on the stability behaviour of thin-walled steel tank shell
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Analysis of the internal shell stability of the cylindrical vertical double-shell tank under the condition of the hydrostatic test
PublikacjaUtrata stateczności płaszcza wewnętrznego w pionowym stalowym zbiorniku może wystąpić jeżeli podczas próby wodnej słup wody w przestrzeni międzypłaszczowej będzie miał większą wysokość niż w zbiorniku wewnętrznym. W artykule przeprowadzono analizę jaka różnica poziomów wody podczas próby wodnej może zagrażać stateczności płaszcza wewnętrznego w zbiorniku o pojemności od 10000 m3 do 100000 m3.
Noise Analysis of Continuous GPS Time Series of Selected EPN Stations to Investigate Variations in Stability of Monument Types
PublikacjaThe type of monument that a GPS antenna is placed on plays a significant role in noise estimation for each permanent GPS station. In this research 18 Polish permanent GPS stations that belong to the EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) were analyzed using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). The antennae of Polish EPN stations are placed on roofs of buildings or on concrete pillars. The analyzed data covers a period of 5 years from 2008...
Enhancement of PUR/PIR foam thermal stability after addition of Zostera marina biomass component investigated via thermal analysis and isoconversional kinetics
PublikacjaIn the present work, a thorough thermogravimetric (TG) analysis of bio-based polyurethane–polyisocyanurate (PUR–PIR) foams in both nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere is performed. A sustainable element of the foam is a biopolyol obtained via acid-catalyzed liquefaction of Zostera marina and Enteromorpha Algae biomass. Based on isoconversional analysis and apparent activation energies, several conclusions are obtained. In contradiction...
First report and molecular analysis of population stability of the invasive Gulf wedge clam, Rangia cuneata (G.B. Sowerby I, 1832) in the Pomerian Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)
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Blowing Kinetics, Pressure Resistance, Thermal Stability, and Relaxation of the Amorphous Phase of the PET Container in the SBM Process with Hot and Cold Mold. Part II: Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Tests
PublikacjaThe technology of filling drinks without preservatives (such as fresh juices, iced tea drinks, and vitaminized drinks) is carried out using hot filling. Mainly due to the production costs and lower carbon footprint, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles are increasingly used in this technology. In this paper, the main aim is to describe and interpret the results of statistical analysis of the influence of the temperature of...
Structural Dynamics and Stability of Composite Structures
PublikacjaThis an editorial for a special Issue devoted to the application of dynamic and stability analysis of composite structures. In structural applications, past few decades have seen outstanding advances in the use of composite materials including Functionally Graded Materials (FGM). Most structures, whether they are used in civil, marine, or aerospace engineering, are subjected to dynamic loads during their operation.Therefore, dynamic...
Stability of an imperfect truss loaded by wind
PublikacjaThe present paper is devoted to the numerical research of stability of a truss loaded by wind and stiffened by elastic supports located at the top chord. The lateral braces or lateral and torsional braces were taken into account. In this paper, the linear buckling analysis re- sults for the beam and shell model were presented. Two different shapes of initial geometric imperfections were considered in the non-linear static analysis...
Stability of roof trusses stiffened by corrugated sheets
PublikacjaThe present parametric study is devoted to the stability analysis of a set of trusses stiffened by decking of corrugated steel sheets. For different parameters of corrugated sheets the critical loading of the roof is calculated. In the parametrical analysis the threshold bracing condition of the roof is obtained. Then the geometrically non-linear analysis of trusses braced by corrugated sheets was conducted. As a results of non-linear...
Stability of an Innovative Cold-Formed GEB Section
PublikacjaThis paper is focused on the numerical analysis and experimental test of stability of the cold-formed profile with an innovative GEB cross-section. For the shell model of the axially compressed member, the linear buckling analysis and the nonlinear static analysis were carried out. In the numerical research, the buckling load and the limit load for variable section heights were obtained. Some of the results were compared with the...
Numerical Test for Stability Evaluation of Analog Circuits
PublikacjaIn this contribution, a new numerical test for the stability evaluation of analog circuits is presented. Usually, if an analog circuit is unstable then the roots of its characteristic equation are localized on the right half-plane of the Laplace s- plane. Because this region is unbounded, we employ the bilinear transformation to map it into the unit disc on the complex plane. Hence, the existence of any root inside the unit disc...
Interdependence of Ratios in Banking Stability Pentagon
PublikacjaThe banking sector is one of the key sectors in every economy, therefore, the issue of stability is one of the main interests not only of researchers but also policy-makers. The stability of the banking sector is especially important during a process of transformation. The aim of this article is to present a new tool for estimating the stability of the banking sector as a whole. Although the tool can be used to estimate the level...
PublikacjaThe paper presents the effect of phase shifters as FACTS devices on the possibility of improving the angle stability. Presented results obtained by the dynamic simulation performed on the mathematical model of the three machine system cooperating with the 400 kV network. The generative blocks models include turbine models with their controllers and models of synchronous generators with their excitation systems and voltage regulation....
Chemical and biological stability of polyene macrolides
PublikacjaThe polyene macrolide antibiotics have been used in an-tifungal therapy since first o f them were discovered in 1950's. Up to now, four polyene macrolides are being used in medical practice, namely amphotericin B, nystatin, candi-cidin and pimaricin.The antifungal activity and mode of ac-tion of polyene macrolides is determined by their structure, chemical and physical properties.The main fragment of polyene...
Stability of a truss under upward wind loading
PublikacjaThe present paper is devoted to the numerical investigations of stability of a truss under upward wind load. The truss is braced at its the upper cord. A structural variant including lateral braces, or lateral and torsional braces is considered. The research presents the problems of linear buckling and non-linear static analysis of the truss shell and beam model with geometric and material non-linearity are presented. The initial...