Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: titanium alloy ti13nb13zr
Preparation of nano-tubular oxide layers on titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublikacjaThe article presents results of oxidation tests and corrosion investigations of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr preformed at different conditions. The oxide layers have been formed using electrochemical method in 2M H3PO4 + 0,3% HF solution for 30 min. and 1h at 20V constant voltage. The corrosion tests heve been made with poteniodynamic method in Ringer's solution at pH ranged 3 and 7. It has been shown that the nano-oxide films, which...
Nanotubular oxide layers and hydroxyapatite coatings on porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublikacjaThe surface condition of an implant has a significant impact on response occurring at the implant-biosystem border. The knowledge of physical-chemical and biological processes allows for targeted modification of biomaterials to induce a specified response of a tissue. The present research was aimed at development of technology composing of obtaining the nanotube oxide layers on a porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr, followed by the...
Mechanical Properties and Wear Susceptibility Determined by Nanoindentation Technique of Ti13Nb13Zr Titanium Alloy after “Direct Laser Writing”
PublikacjaLaser treatment has often been applied to rebuild the surface layer of titanium and its alloys destined for long-term implants. Such treatment has always been associated with forming melted and re-solidified thin surface layers. The process parameters of such laser treatment can be different, including the patterning of a surface by so-called direct writing. In this research, pulse laser treatment was performed on the Ti13Nb13Zr...
Effect of hybrid modification by ceramic layer formation in MAO process and laser remelting on the structure of titanium bio-alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublikacjaTo improve the biological properties of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr, hybrid modifications involving micro-arc oxidation (MAO) and Nd: YAG laser remelting were carried out in two combinations. The first consisted of laser modification before the production of the ceramic layer by the micro-arc oxidation process, and the second combination involved Nd: YAG laser modification after the MAO process. The creation of developed surface...
Elctrochemical oxidation and corrosion resistance of the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of oxidation and corrosion tests carried out on titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr. The oxide film was prepared by electrochemical environment 2M H3PO4 for 30 min and 1 h, at a constant voltage 40V. The tests of corrosion resistance were performed by potentiostatic method in Ringer's solution at different pH values: 7, 5 and 3. The change in an appearance of surface and the increase in corrosion resistance...
Properties of Composite Oxide Layers on The Ti13Nb13Zr Alloy
PublikacjaThe development of composite oxide layers on the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy, their structure and properties have been demonstrated. Two subsequent methods were applied to prepare the composite layers. During the first stage gas oxidation produced a solid oxide layer, and subsequently oxide nanotubes were produced by using an electrochemical method. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), chemical analysis, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy...
Hydroxyapatite deposition on the laser modified Ti13Nb13Zr alloy
PublikacjaThe Ti13Nb13Zr alloy was subjected to laser modification with the Nd:YAG laser provided that such treatment would increase the surface roughness followed improved adhesion of hydroxyapatite (HAp) coatings The hydroxyapatite was deposited by electrophoretic method in suspension of 0.5 g HA powder and 100 ml ethyl alcohol. The deposition was carried out for 10 min at 10 V voltage followed by drying at room temperature for 24 h and...
Surface treatment of porous Ti13Nb13Zr alloy for biomedical applications
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono badania materiału porowatego, przeznaczonego na implanty ortopedyczne, wytworzonego metodą metalurgii proszków ze stopu Ti13Nb13Zr. Proszki z badanego stopu uzyskano metodą rozpylania plazmowego. Otrzymano próbki o otwartej porowatej strukturze, stopniu porowatości do 68% i średniej wielkości porów w przedziale 30-150 mikrometrów. Obróbka próbek porowatych - utlenianie termiczne, chemiczne i/lub elektrochemiczne...
Enhanced bioactivity and mechanical properties of silicon-infused titanium oxide coatings formed by micro-arc oxidation on selective laser melted Ti13Nb13Zr alloy
PublikacjaThe titanium scaffolds and surface-porous implants are manufactured by fast and cheap additive methods such as selective laser melting (SLM). The obtained irregularity and relative biological inertness of the titanium need proper surface modification. This research is aimed at forming bioactive multicomponent oxide coatings by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) at different process parameters on the selective laser-melted Ti13Zr13Nb...
Environmental degradation of titanium alloy in artificial saliva
PublikacjaThe titanium and its alloys are potentially prone to hydrogen embrittlement, including those proposed for dental implants. The research has been aimed to assess a susceptibility to environment-enhanced degradation of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy in artificial saliva with or without hydrofluoric acid, subject or not to cathodic polarisation. The results have shown that even if artificial saliva is safe environment, both cathodic polarization...
Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Laser Surface-Treated Ti13Nb13Zr Alloy with MWCNTs Coatings
Publikacja: Titanium and its alloys is the main group of materials used in prosthetics and implantology. Despite their popularity and many advantages associated with their biocompatibility, these materials have a few significant disadvantages. These include low biologic activity—which reduces the growth of fibrous tissue and allows loosening of the prosthesis—the possibility of metallosis and related inflammation or other allergic reactions,...
Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser surface-treated Ti13nb13zr alloy with MWCNTs coatings
PublikacjaLaser surface modification of titanium alloys is one of the main methods of improving the properties of titanium alloys used in implantology. This study investigates the microstructural morphology of a laser-modified surface layer on a Ti13Nb13Zr alloy with and without a carbon nanotube coating deposited by electrophoretic deposition. Laser modification was performed for samples with and without carbon nanotube coating for two...
Porous biomaterial for orthopaedic implants based on titanium alloy
PublikacjaTytan i jego stopy są szeroko stosowane jako biomateriały dla zastosowań ortopedycznych. Badania związane z ich najlepszą odpornością na korozję i ścieranie, biozgodnością i bioaktywnością są stale prowadzone. Obecne badania koncentrują się również na projektowaniu i produkcji materiałów porowatych w oparciu o stopy np. Ti-13Nb-13Zr, które mogą być stosowane do wytwarzania implantów. Jedną z najbardziej efektywnych metod wytwarzania...
Mechanical Behavior of Bi-Layer and Dispersion Coatings Composed of Several Nanostructures on Ti13Nb13Zr Alloy
PublikacjaTitanium implants are commonly used because of several advantages, but their surface modification is necessary to enhance bioactivity. Recently, their surface coatings were developed to induce local antibacterial properties. The aim of this research was to investigate and compare me-chanical properties of three coatings: multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), bi-layer composed of an inner MWCNTs layer and an outer TiO2 layer, and...
Preparation of the porous biomaterial based on titanium alloy for orthopaedic implants
PublikacjaObecnie tytan i jego stopy (Ti-6Al-4V lub Ti-13Nb-13Zr) są szeroko stosowane jako biomateriały dla implantów ortopedycznych. Stale prowadzone są badania nad ich najlepszą odpornością na korozję i zużycie ścierne oraz biozgodnością i bioaktywnością. Obecne badania również skoncentrowane są na projektowaniu, wytwarzaniu i właściwościach materiałów porowatych na podstawie na przykład stopu tytanu (Ti-13Nb-13Zr), które mogą być stosowane...
Effect of ultrasound on the physicochemical, mechanical and adhesive properties of micro-arc oxidized coatings on Ti13Nb13Zr bio-alloy
PublikacjaImplant surgeries are increasingly challenging due to their rising number. Achieving the desired biomaterial surface properties to ensure a strong bond with human tissue is a significant issue. This study investigates the influence of ultrasound (US) during the micro-arc oxidation (MAO) process on Ti13Zr13Nb bio-alloy, an area not previously explored, to enhance titanium alloy coatings’ properties for biomedical applications. Porous...
Influence of laser melting on surface layer properties of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V
PublikacjaIn time of rapid technology and medicine progress, implants are becoming more widely used in the human body, ranging from dental implants, stabilizing plates, screws, orthopaedic prostheses. For example, there are many types of hip prostheses used for hip replacement as well as various types of materials used for these orthopaedic prostheses. Properties of titanium alloys used in hip prostheses combined with good strength properties,...
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Biological Properties of Surface-Modified Titanium Alloy Implants
PublikacjaAn increasing interest in the fabrication of implants made of titanium and its alloys results from their capacity to be integrated into the bone system. This integration is facilitated by different modifications of the implant surface. Here, we assessed the bioactivity of amorphous titania nanoporous and nanotubular coatings (TNTs), produced by electrochemical oxidation of Ti6Al4V orthopedic implants’ surface. The chemical composition...
The Influence of ZnO Oxide Layer on the Physicochemical Behavior of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy
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PublikacjaZ uwagi na potrzeby społeczne, a zwłaszcza rosnące zapotrzebowanie na endoprotezy stawów biodrowego i kolanowego oraz uwzględniając fakt, że procesy tribologiczne odgrywają wiodącą rolę w procesie utraty stabilności endoprotez ortopedycznych i decydują o ich trwałości, uznano za celowe przeprowadzenie oceny wpływu implantacji jonowej na zużycie ścierne biostopu Ti13Nb13Zr. Do badań wykorzystano pary trące: nieimplantowany stop...
Selective Laser Sintering And Melting Of Pristine Titanium And Titanium Ti6Al4V Alloy Powders And Selection Of Chemical Environment For Etching Of Such Materials
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The influence of chitosan's molecular weight, concentration, and dissolution method on the properties of electrophoretically deposited coatings on the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy surface
PublikacjaIn this study, the effects of molecular weight (high, medium, and low), concentration (0.1 and 0.5 %) and dissolution method (in a rarely used hydroxyacetic acid and utilizing a novel CO2 saturation) of chitosan on the microstructure, chemical composition, wettability, surface roughness, adhesion, corrosion resistance and antibacterial activity of chitosan coatings electrophoretically deposited (10 V, 1 min) on β titanium alloy...
Properties of surface layers of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V after laser melting processes
PublikacjaThe article presents the investigation results of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V surface layer after laser melting process. The process of laser melting was performed using Nd-YAG laser. The evaluation of structure of the alloy as well as hardness and chemical composition was performed. It was shown that laser melting changes the structure and properties of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V and process parameters as scanning speed affects the thickness...
Surface Characteristics of Plasma Treated and Titanium Nitride (TiN) Deposited Aluminum Alloy
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PublikacjaPorous structures made of metal or biopolymers with a structure similar in shape and mechanical properties to human bone can easily be produced by stereolithographic techniques, e.g. selective laser melting (SLM). Numerical methods, like Finite Element Method (FEM) have great potential in testing new scaffold designs, according to their mechanical properties before manufacturing, i.e. strength or stiffness. An example of such designs...
Nanoindentation tests titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V after interference laser treatment
PublikacjaThe study aimed was to assess selected mechanical properties of surface layers obtained after interference laser treatment – DLIL of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V used for implants. The samples were melted in still air at room temperature, for this purpose Nd:YAG laser was used, the number of laser shots was variable. Next, nanoindentation tests were performed, based on which Young’s modulus and nanohardness in the obtained surface...
Effects of rapid heating on non-equilibrium microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanisms of titanium alloy
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Studies on Silver Ions Releasing Processes and Mechanical Properties of Surface-Modified Titanium Alloy Implants
PublikacjaDispersed silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the surface of titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) and titanium alloy modified by titania nanotube layer (Ti6Al4V/TNT) substrates were produced by the chemical vapor deposition method (CVD) using a novel precursor of the formula [Ag5(O2CC2F5)5(H2O)3]. The structure and volatile properties of this compound were determined using single crystal X-ray diffractometry, variable temperature IR spectrophotometry...
Fatigue of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V with diamond structure obtained by Laser Power Bed Fusion method
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of fatigue tests conducted on Ti6Al4V titanium alloy with diamond structure obtained by the Laser Power Bed Fusion method. Samples used in tests were printed with porosities: 81%, 73%, 50%, 34% and near-zero porosity. Samples were subjected to cyclic tests with a constant stress amplitude. The number of cycles until sample failure was registered. Obtained fatigue test results made it possible to...
Osteoblast and bacterial cell response on RGD peptide‐functionalized chitosan coatings electrophoretically deposited from different suspensions on Ti13Nb13Zr alloy
PublikacjaMetallic materials for long-term load-bearing implants still do not provide high antimicrobial activity while maintaining strong compatibility with bone cells. This study aimed to modify the surface of Ti13Nb13Zr alloy by electrophoretic deposition of a chitosan coating with a covalently attached Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) peptide. The suspensions for coating deposition were prepared in two different ways either using hydroxyacetic acid...
In Vitro and Ex Vivo Chemical Stability Studies of Layers on Substrates and Implants Made of Titanium Alloy
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Synthesis and characterization of mechanically alloyed nanostructured ternary titanium based alloy for bio-medical applications
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A study of cavitation erosion resistance of an ion nitrided titanium alloy by means of the vibration and rotating disk methods
PublikacjaIn this work, a comparative analysis of the cavitation erosion resistance of the Ti– 6.7Al–2.5Mo–1.8Cr–0.5Fe–0.25Si alloy (known as brand VT3-1) before and after lowtemperature ion nitriding is carried out. Two test methods were applied, using vibrative (ASTM G-32) and rotating disk rigs, respectively. The kinetic dependences of the erosive destruction of samples of titanium alloy VT3-1 in the initial state, after ion nitriding...
Biological and antibacterial properties of chitosan-based coatings with AgNPs and CuNPs obtained on oxidized Ti13Zr13Nb titanium alloy
PublikacjaDespite numerous studies, the antibacterial efficiency and cytotoxicity of chitosan-based coatings with nanometals need further studies. The purpose of this research was to determine the biological properties of chitosan coatings implemented with either silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) or copper nanoparticles (CuNPs), that were electrophoretically deposited on electrochemically oxidized Ti13Zr13Nb alloy. The SEM tests were used to...
Experimental Research on the Use of a Selected Multi-Criteria Method for the Cutting of Titanium Alloy with an Abrasive Water Jet
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Experimental and theoretical study on high-temperature creep of VT6 titanium alloy under multi-axial loading conditions
PublikacjaIn the framework of damage mechanics, we discuss a new mathematical model that describes the kinetics of the stress–strain state and damage accumulation during material degradation by the mechanism of long-term strength under complex multiaxial stress state. An experimental and theoretical technique is proposed for determination of material parameters and scalar constitutive functions for damaged media based on specially set experiments...
Effect of pulse laser treatment at different process variables on mechanical behavior of carbon nanotubes electrophoretically deposited on titanium alloy
PublikacjaPurpose: Titanium and its alloys are widely used as biomaterials for long-term implants, but they are usually surface-modified due to their weak bioactivity and wear resistance. Laser processing was used to modify the surface layer, and elemental carbon was a component of the deposited coatings. This research aims to use a combination of both methods based on preliminary electrophoretic deposition of multi-wall carbon nanotubes...
Integration of Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS Methods for Wire Electric Discharge Machining of Titanium (Ti6Al4V) Alloy Using RSM
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PublikacjaMetal – polymer sliding contacts are a typical combination in industry and medicine. For decades such a set of materials has been the primary choice in human joints endoprosthetic technology. In this paper tribological issues of are presented from a research on the potential for practical use of Ti-13Nb-13Zr/UHMW-PE couple for orthopedic endoprosthesis. In tests on simplified models it is critically important to carefully...
Microstructure of cross-sections of samples after laser treatment for the article entitled "Mechanical and corrosive properties of Ti13Nb13Zr alloy subjected to laser treatment with MWCNTs coatings"
Dane Badawcze -
Formation of High Corrosion Resistant Nanotubular Layers on TitaniumAlloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of oxidation tests and corrosion investigations of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr performed at different conditions. The oxide layers have been formed by electrochemical method in 2M H3PO4 + 0.3% HF solution for 30 min. and 1 h at 20 V constantvoltage. The corrosion tests have been made by potentiodynamic method in Ringer`s solution at pH ranged between 3 and 7. It has been shown that the nano-oxide films,...
Formation of High Corrosion Resistant Nanotubular Layers on TitaniumAlloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of oxidation tests and corrosion investigations of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr performed at different conditions. The oxide layers have been formed by electrochemical method in 2M H3PO4 + 0.3% HF solution for 30 min. and 1 h at 20 V constantvoltage. The corrosion tests have been made by potentiodynamic method in Ringer`s solution at pH ranged between 3 and 7. It has been shown that the nano-oxide films,...
Influence of Surface Laser Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Residual Stresses of Titanium and its Alloys
PublikacjaSurface modification of the titanium and its alloys used in implantology with a long-pulse laser can change the surface topography, but it also leads to changes in the stress sign and magnitude in the resulting subsurface layer. The presented research was aimed at evaluating the state of stress after laser remelting with the Nd:YAG laser of pre-etched titanium alloys Ti6Al4V and Ti13Nb13Zr and pure titanium. The obtained surface...
Powłoki na osnowie pierwiastkowego węgla przeznaczone na implanty tytanowe
PublikacjaRozprawa miała na celu modyfikację podłoża z tytanu II oraz stopu Ti13Nb13Zr poprzez osadzenie elektroforetyczne (EPD) powłok na bazie wielościennych nanorurek węglowych (MWCNTs) z dodatkami wielkości nanometrycznej, przeznaczonych na pokrycia trzpieni endoprotez stawu biodrowego. Przygotowano trzy rodzaje powłok MWCNTs: z dodatkiem nanomiedzi (MWCNTs/Cu), nanosrebra (MWCNTs/Ag) oraz tlenku tytanu (MWCNTs/TiO2), osadzone w procesie...
Wpływ stopowania laserowego z użyciem nanorurek węglowych stopu Ti13Nb13Zr do zastosowań biomedycznych na jego wybrane własności mechaniczne
PublikacjaDo eksperymentu użyto stopu tytanu Ti13Nb13Zr, który ze względu na swój skład chemiczny i właściwości mechaniczne stanowi materiał do zastosowań w inżynierii medycznej. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu stopowania laserowego stopu Ti13Nb13Zr z powłoką z wielościennych nanorurek węglowych na jego właściwości mechaniczne (chropowatość, nanotwardość, moduł Younga). Do wytworzenia powłoki węglowej wykorzystano metodę osadzania elektroforetycznego (EDP)....
Ocena odporności na zużycie ścierne stopów Ti na elementy pary trącej endoprotez stawu kolanowego
PublikacjaNajczęściej stosowanym biomateriałem tytanowym na elementy endoprotez stawu kolanowego jest stop Ti6Al4V. Z uwagi na zawartość wanadu, zaliczanego do pierwiastków o dużej toksyczności podejmowane są działania w kierunku zastąpienia wskazanego stopu - stopami bezwanadowymi. Jednym z najbardziej obiecujących jest stop Ti13Nb13Zr zawierający w swoim składzie jedynie pierwiastki witalne, niewywołujące stanów zapalnych i odczynów...
Evaluation of Wear Resistance of Ti alloys used for elements friction of knee endoprosthesis
PublikacjaThe paper presents research results of resistance to abrasive wear of titanium alloys: Ti6Al4V (commonly used) and Til3Nb13Zr (alloy of new generation) in association with polyethylene (UHMW-PE) predisposed for elements on pair of the knee endoprosthesis. The results were analysed from the point of possibility of an use of new generation titanium alloys as components of such implants. The tests of resistance to abrasive wear of...
Formation of Porous Structure of the Metallic Materials Used on Bone Implants
PublikacjaResearch on improvement of structure and fabrication methods of the bone implants are carried out for many years. Research are aimed to shape the structures, that will have a Young's modulus value similar to the value of the human bones Young's modulus. Depending on theporosity, Young's moduli can even be tailored to match the modulus of bone closer than solid metals can, thus reducing the problems associated with stress shielding...
PublikacjaThe key requirement for the modern endoprosthesis is high durability of the friction components, which results in long and trouble-free operation in the human body. The durability of currently used endoprosthesis is often limited by tribological wear processes of friction components (e.g. between the head and the acetabular component in a hip joint endoprosthesis) [8, 19, 23, 24]. In order to compare the tribological wear, tribological...
Characteristics of silver-dopped carbon nanotube coating destined for medical applications
PublikacjaCarbon nanotubes are materials demonstrating outstanding mechanical, chemical, and physical properties and are considered coatings of titanium implants. The present research is aimed to characterize the microstructure and properties of the multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) layer decorated with silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) on the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy destined for long-term implants. The electrophoretic deposition of coatings...