Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: OER/ HER reactions - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: OER/ HER reactions

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: OER/ HER reactions

  • Physical Chemistry_GTM_20_21_winter

    Kursy Online
    • A. Kloskowski
    • Ł. Nierzwicki
    • M. Śmiechowski
    • W. Chrzanowski
    • Ł. Marcinkowski

    The aim of the subject is to familarize the student with fundamental physico-chemical laws in chemical thermodynamics, phase equilibria and chemical equilibria together with ability of solving relevant text problems involving calculations, as well as teachnig him/her effective and safe carrying out simple experiments/measurements of physico-chemical quantities and proper presentation and interpretation of their results. LECTURES Chemical...

  • Chemistry and Nanochemistry 2024

    Kursy Online
    • M. Prześniak-Welenc
    • M. Bobrowski

    We start from General Chemistry, including: calculus in chemistry, bonds, balancing the chemical reactions, redox reactions, electrochemistry, pH, acids, bases, salts, oxides, organic molecules, and many informations about synthesis, analysis and applications in nanochemistry.

  • Chemistry and Nanochemistry 2023

    Kursy Online
    • M. Prześniak-Welenc
    • M. Bobrowski

    We start from General Chemistry, including: calculus in chemistry, bonds, balancing the chemical reactions, redox reactions, electrochemistry, pH, acids, bases, salts, oxides, organic molecules, and many informations about synthesis, analysis and applications in nanochemistry.

  • Materials science. Quantum particle approach. 2023.

    Kursy Online
    • M. Bobrowski

    Quantum ideas applied for particle systems and for chemical reactions.

  • History of urban planning I

    Kursy Online
    • R. Ruczyński
    • M. Kostrzewska

    The course is aimed to the Erasmus students in the summer term. During he course students learn the principles and conditions of development of urban settlements in the time periods from ancient times to the 18th century (ancient Greece, Rome, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism). The students prepare 3 excercises: Task 1 - Cities of ancient Greece and Rome; Task 2 - Medieval Cities; Task 3 - Cities of Renaissance,...

  • Inter Applied Chemistry Programme 5 Intorduction to hazard assessment of chemicals Marta Markiewicz

    Kursy Online
    • A. Głowacz-Różyńska
    • M. Tobiszewski
    • C. Jungnickel
    • P. Filipkowski

    Inter Applied Chemistry Programme 5 Intorduction to hazard assessment of chemicals Marta Markiewicz Marta Markiewicz obtained a Master’s degree in Biotechnological Engineering in 2007 from Koszalin University of Technology with the thesis focusing on recovery of native proteins from industrial waste streams using preparative ion-exchange chromatography. Subsequently she obtained a PhD in Technical Science (2012) from Gdańsk...

  • Chemistry and Nanochemistry 2022.

    Kursy Online
    • M. Prześniak-Welenc
    • M. Bobrowski

    The course consists of lectures (15 x 2 hours) and laboratories (5 x 3 hours).The goal of this course is to teach general chemistry and adequately apply it to nano-size systems, their synthesis and analysis. An emphasis is laid on an analysis of electronic structure of molecules and prediction of  resulting properties and reasons of consequent behaviour in chemical reactions. The course also encloses laboratory classes, where the...

  • 2022_Elective Design II_S_Hudnik_K_Zyczkowska_There is no Planet B

    Kursy Online
    • K. Życzkowska

    There is no Planet B The studio will use practical interventions to explore how climate change is affecting transformations in urban / non-urban space in Gdansk. Through the identification of problems and the importance of reading the consequences in space and architecture, students will learn about the method of opening a critical public debate. Through a variety of topics and actions – micro interventions, they will record their...

  • Public relations w organizacji - Nowy

    Kursy Online
    • E. Hope

  • Vehicle Dynamics - L-15/C-15/L-15/P-15, Design and Production Engineering, WIMiO, undergraduate studies, engineering studies, full-time (stationary) studies, 2021/2022, se06, (M:320383W0), summer semester 2023/2024

    Kursy Online
    • G. Ronowski
    • R. Woźniak

    Moduł przedmiotów wybieralnych, MiBM, I stopień, specjalność w j. angielskim: Design and Production Engineering (DaPE), semestr 6?, (przedmiot dla Chińczyków), Lecture: Throttle by tyred wheel: slip rolling, rolling with tyre strain, vertical and lateral surface reactions, traction, energetic looses, forces in contact path. Drugs of movement: rolling, air, gradient, inertia, cornering and towing. Forces ant torques acting to vehicle...

  • World Politics

    Kursy Online
    • L. Segreto

    The course aims to familiarize stdnets with the most important theories of the international relations. This instrument will enable them to understand a series of case studies that will be presented starting with the first wordl war and going until today. The case studies will include the main aspects of the Cold War period, the role of USA and Soviet Union in shaping the international relations according to a political and ideological...

  • CAD. Introduction (2022/2023)

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski

    Conducting unit: Faculty of ArchitectureField of the study: ArchitectureAcademic year: 2022/2023 Winter TermDuration:  15 weeks (30 hours laboratory per term) Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural drawings and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations...

  • CAD. 3D modelling (2022/2023) BSc Arch, sem 2

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski

    Conducting unit: Faculty of ArchitectureField of the study: ArchitectureAcademic year: 2022/2023 Summer TermDuration:  15 weeks (30 hours laboratory per term) Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural 3D models and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations...

  • CAD. 3D modelling (2023/24)

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski

    Conducting unit: Faculty of ArchitectureField of the study: ArchitectureAcademic year: 2023/2024 Summer TermDuration:  15 weeks (30 hours laboratory per term) Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural 3D models and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations...

  • Data Mining 2022/2023

    Kursy Online
    • W. Waloszek

    This is a web page for our course in Data Mining.

  • Data Mining 2021/2022

    Kursy Online
    • W. Waloszek

    This is a web page for our course in Data Mining.

  • Complex Concrete Structures (CE) - 2021/2022

    Kursy Online
    • P. Ziółkowski

    The following issues in the field of concrete structures will be discussed in the lecture part: Mechanical properties of concrete and reinforcing steel; Calculation of reinforced concrete cross-sections bending; Calculation of reinforced concrete cross-sections shear; Serviceability limit state in reinforced concrete structures; Reinforced concrete slabs, one-way and cross-reinforced; Reinforced concrete stairs; Reinforced...

  • Complex Concrete Structures (CE) - 2023/2024

    Kursy Online
    • P. Ziółkowski
    • R. Ossowski

    The following issues in the field of concrete structures will be discussed in the lecture part: Mechanical properties of concrete and reinforcing steel; Calculation of reinforced concrete cross-sections bending; Calculation of reinforced concrete cross-sections shear; Serviceability limit state in reinforced concrete structures; Reinforced concrete slabs, one-way and cross-reinforced; Reinforced concrete stairs; Reinforced...

  • Basics of Ship Structures (OE)

    Kursy Online
    • K. Wołoszyk

  • HR Management (Bachelor)

    Kursy Online
    • Ł. Sienkiewicz

  • Advances in Functional Materials 2024

    Kursy Online
    • I. Frąckiewicz
    • P. Jasiński
    • B. Bochentyn
    • M. Rycewicz
    • M. Pierpaoli
    • J. Szostak
    • J. Ryl
    • M. Sobaszek
    • K. Cysewska
    • Ł. Pawłowski... i 8 innych

    Our summer school on Advances in Functional Materials 2024 aims to bring together young scientists (Ph.D. and MSc students) with specialists in materials engineering. You will be able to follow our lectures, and laboratory classes so you can practice what you have learned. This course consists of 40 hours of direct contact classes - 30 hours of lectures and 10 hours of laboratory classes delivered by our specialists from the Advanced...

  • Knowledge Management

    Kursy Online
    • W. Kucharska

    Brand knowledge, customer knowledge, relations knowledge, market knowledge, „know how” etc., are intangible assets with great value to the organization today, and to leave these assets unmanaged would seem to be foolish in the extreme. The aim of the course is to explain: who/ why/ how to manage knowledge effectively. Welcome & GOOD LUCK :) Wioleta Kucharska

  • Architectural Project I 2022

    Kursy Online
    • J. Krenz
    • M. Wojtkiewicz
    • M. Wojtkiewicz

    The classes are held on Fridays in 304 from 10:15 - 14:00 Our course aims to teach you how to design architecture. The process of creating architecture is not just about function and construction. It is about creating an original form with individual features and beauty that will become a meaningful part of our environment. Therefore we base our course in architectural design on the connection with art. We continue a tradition...

  • Technologie cyfrowe w HR

    Kursy Online
    • M. T. Tomczak

    Szanowni Państwo! Witam na stronie kursu "Technologie cyfrowe w HR" w ramach studiów podyplomowych Menadżer HR.  Poniżej znajdą Państwo materiały z poprzednich zajęć (prezentacje oraz karty pracy).  Do zobaczenia 29 maja 2020! pozdrawiam, Michał Tomczak

  • HR management - Bachelor in management

    Kursy Online
    • Ł. Sienkiewicz

  • Microbiology

    Kursy Online
    • R. Kotlowski

    Microbiology interactive lectures are dedicated to those who are interested in the role of microorganisms on our planet and their interaction with other living organisms and inorganic elements as well as more complex chemical compounds.

  • HR Management BiM 2024/2025

    Kursy Online
    • Ł. Sienkiewicz

  • Ekonomia i przedsiębiorczość_2024

    Kursy Online
    • A. Kristowski
    • A. Siemaszko

    Kurs przeznaczony jest dla studentów kierunków: Budownictwo oraz Inżynieria Środowiska (studia stacjonarne i niestacjonarne) z przedmiotów:  - HES, - Ekonomia,  - Przedsiębiorczość i ekonomia.  Prowadzący: dr inż. Adam Kristowski, profesor uczelni Prowadzący ćwiczenia: mgr inż. Agata Siemaszko

  • Architectural project I 2021/22 - Grupa1

    Kursy Online
    • J. Krenz
    • K. Życzkowska
    • M. Wojtkiewicz

    The aim of our course is to teach you how to design architecture. The process of creation architecture is not just about function and construction. It is more, it is about creation of original, form with individual features and beauty that will become a meaningful part of our environment. Therefore we base our course of architectural design on the connection with art. We continue a tradition of the famous Bauhaus school were...

  • Production Management 2022

    Kursy Online
    • M. Muchlado
    • J. Czerska
    • E. Marjańska

    This course is an integral component of the Production Management course for 3rd semester BIM students.The Production Management course will introduce you to the world of manufacturing and its challenges. During our adventure together you will have a chance to get to know, feel and experience it.

  • Theory of Organisation and Management and System's Theory

    Kursy Online
    • E. Wojnicka-Sycz

    We will have our lectures and classes in Theory of Organisation and Management and System's Theory on Wednesday Since 9:15 till 12:00. We will meet on MsTeams and here is the link: https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Ameeting_MTBjMTg4ZWYtY2Q2NS00YjlkLWFmZTItMWUzYTcwM2ZmNzU0%40thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522b2b950ec-1ee3-4d9d-ac5e-4dd9db5e0b73%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%252233f97504-8676-4b87-96ad-a9394d16b3b2%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=ce188d79-726a-418e-ab34-eb9f59172f62&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true  

  • Technologie cyfrowe w HR - III Edycja

    Kursy Online
    • M. T. Tomczak

  • Historia budownictwa

    Kursy Online
    • M. Abramski

    Kurs przedmiotu z dziedziny HES (humanistyczno-społeczno-ekonomicznych), obieralnego, dostępnego w ofercie dla wielu różnych kierunków studiów magisterskich. Celem przedmiotu jest przedstawienie budownictwa rozumianego jako dziedzina techniki w kontekście historycznym i kulturowym. Nacisk położony jest na konstrukcje budowlane. Ukazane są społeczne walory dbałości o zabytkowe obiekty budowlane. Przedstawione są współczesne techniki...

  • 2021 Construction management, PG_00042225

    Kursy Online
    • M. Pawelska-Mazur

    The course consists of several topics in the field of construction management: Construction projects, Project management, Risk management, Quality management, Financial Issues and Cash Flow, HR issues and motivation theories, etc.

  • Logistics management 2022_Joanna Czerska

    Kursy Online
    • J. Czerska

    This course is an integral component of the Logistics Management course for 3rd semester BIM students.The Logistics Management course will introduce you to the world of supply chain and its challenges. During our adventure together you will have a chance to know, feel and experience it.

  • Logistics management summer 2023_Joanna Czerska

    Kursy Online
    • J. Czerska

    This course is an integral component of the Logistics Management course for 3rd semester BIM students.The Logistics Management course will introduce you to the world of supply chain and its challenges. During our adventure together you will have a chance to know, feel and experience it.

  • Logistics management summer 2025_BIM2_Joanna Czerska

    Kursy Online
    • N. K. Gietka
    • J. Czerska
    • A. Wendt

    This course is an integral component of the Logistics Management course for 3rd semester BIM students.The Logistics Management course will introduce you to the world of supply chain and its challenges. During our adventure together you will have a chance to know, feel and experience it.

  • Logistics management summer 2024_BIM2_Joanna Czerska

    Kursy Online
    • N. K. Gietka
    • J. Czerska
    • A. Wendt

    This course is an integral component of the Logistics Management course for 3rd semester BIM students.The Logistics Management course will introduce you to the world of supply chain and its challenges. During our adventure together you will have a chance to know, feel and experience it.

  • Logistics management summer 2024_BIM2_Joanna Czerska

    Kursy Online
    • J. Czerska

    This course is an integral component of the Logistics Management course for 3rd semester BIM students.The Logistics Management course will introduce you to the world of supply chain and its challenges. During our adventure together you will have a chance to know, feel and experience it.

  • Logistics management summer 2024_BIM6_Joanna Czerska

    Kursy Online
    • E. Brodnicka
    • J. Czerska
    • A. Wendt

    This course is an integral component of the Logistics Management course for 3rd semester BIM students.The Logistics Management course will introduce you to the world of supply chain and its challenges. During our adventure together you will have a chance to know, feel and experience it.

  • Podstawy chemii fizycznej i biofizycznej -- ćwiczenia

    Kursy Online
    • J. Czub
    • J. Słabońska
    • A. Brillowska-Dąbrowska
    • M. Badocha
    • J. Stangret
    • P. Chodnicki
    • C. Kleist

    Celem przedmiotu jest dostarczenie formalizmu służącego do opisu i przewidywania przebiegu reakcji biochemicznych oraz innych procesów biomolekularnych. Plan kursu: 1. Oddziaływania międzycząsteczkowe (elektrostatyka, oddziały-wania van der Waalsa, wiązania wodorowe, oddziaływania hydro-fobowe) 2. Podstawy termodynamiki z elementami teorii statystycznej (zasady termodynamiki, entropia i jej interpretacja statystyczna, rozkład...

  • Podstawy chemii fizycznej i biofizycznej -- wykład

    Kursy Online
    • J. Czub
    • J. Słabońska
    • A. Brillowska-Dąbrowska
    • M. Badocha
    • J. Stangret
    • P. Chodnicki
    • C. Kleist

    Celem przedmiotu jest dostarczenie formalizmu służącego do opisu i przewidywania przebiegu reakcji biochemicznych oraz innych procesów biomolekularnych. Plan kursu: 1. Oddziaływania międzycząsteczkowe (elektrostatyka, oddziały-wania van der Waalsa, wiązania wodorowe, oddziaływania hydro-fobowe) 2. Podstawy termodynamiki z elementami teorii statystycznej (zasady termodynamiki, entropia i jej interpretacja statystyczna, rozkład...


    Kursy Online
    • K. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • M. Gawdzik

    As part of the elective seminar, students working in groups of 3will prepare architectural and lighting concept for aninternational competition: "COWORKING SPACE” – a place forpeople who appreciate working in a creative atmosphere.The competition is organized by the Polish Association ofLighting Industry in cooperation with the Agencja SOMA – theorganizer of the International Trade Show Light, and the Silesianstudios: Goczołowie...

  • Numerical Methods

    Kursy Online
    • P. Sypek
    • M. Rewieński

    Numerical Methods: for Electronics and Telecommunications students, Master's level, semester 1 Instructor: Michał Rewieński, Piotr Sypek Course description: This course provides an introduction to computational techniques for the simulation and modeling of a broad range of engineering and physical systems. Concepts and methods discussed are widely illustrated by various applications including modeling of integrated circuits,...

  • Philosophy and Aesthetics

    Kursy Online
    • P. Czyż

    Hello, welcome to our classes page. We will be working via MS Teams. Link below: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjE4NmI0M2QtM2UzYi00MTM1LWFkYjEtZTA3MWY0MjZlZDYx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2286760356-0022-486f-b793-a2d470bba5a5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22744d498a-011e-4d0b-8a3d-08b49c9156ff%22%7d

  • Placement Test – język angielski dla pracowników projekt IDUB (HR)

    Kursy Online
    • M. Gackowska-Janeczko
    • B. Bagniuk
    • U. Kamińska
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska
    • J. Wielgus
    • E. Wawoczna

  • Advanced Mechanics of Marine Structures I, MSc, Summer 2022-2023, [L,T], PG_00051723

    Kursy Online
    • B. Rozmarynowski

    1.  Literature overview,  definition of marine and offshore structures, ocean engineering technologies and mechanical aspects, structural systems applied, jack-up drilling platforms and structural elements. 2. Tensor algebra fundamentals,  stress and small strain states of a solid, constitutive relations. 3. SDOF and MDOF dynamic systems, damping and added masses in offshore vibrations,  generalised eigenvalue problem, forced vibrations...

  • Fizyka II 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • D. Głowienka
    • E. Erdmann
    • M. Franz

    Kurs FIZYKA II jest przeznaczony dla studentów WILiŚ kierunku Inżynieria środowiska sem. 2. Kurs zawiera materiały do wykładu oraz ćwiczeń rachunkowych. 

  • Fizyka II 2023/24

    Kursy Online
    • E. Erdmann
    • M. Franz

    Kurs FIZYKA II jest przeznaczony dla studentów WILiŚ kierunku Inżynieria środowiska sem. 2. Kurs zawiera materiały do wykładu oraz ćwiczeń rachunkowych. 

  • Polityka Rozwoju/Development Policy 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • G. Rembarz

    Course address the challenges of achieving the 11th goal of the Global Sustainable Development Policy (17 Sustainable Development Goals)_ Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Lectures are held in a remote formula in the layout of classes blocked according to an individual plan. Starting point TUE the 28th Feb 2023  8.30 am join here! https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTY2ZWNkMmItMWY1Yi00Y2NjLWEwMTQtNjY5ZjExYmExYjk4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2286760356-0022-486f-b793-a2d470bba5a5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2247795e6d-82a8-484f-89a6-1d30ab1df5c5%22%7d teacher:...