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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MULTI-HOP

  • Modeling a Traffic Remapping Attack Game in a Multi-hop Ad Hoc Network


    - Rok 2017

    In multi-hop ad hoc networks, selfish nodes may unduly acquire high quality of service (QoS) by assigning higher priority to source packets and lower priority to transit packets. Such traffic remapping attacks (TRAs) are cheap to launch, impossible to prevent, hard to detect, and harmful to non-selfish nodes. While studied mostly in single-hop wireless network settings, TRAs have resisted analysis in multi-hop settings. In this paper...

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  • Nodal cooperation equilibrium analysis in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks with a reputation system


    Motivated by the concerns of cooperation security, this work examines selected principles of state-of-the-art reputation systems for multi-hop ad hoc networks and their impact upon optimal strategies for rational nodes. An analytic framework is proposed and used for identification of effective cooperation-enforcement schemes. It is pointed out that optimum rather than high reputation can be expected to be sought by rational nodes.

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  • Mitigating Traffic Remapping Attacks in Autonomous Multi-hop Wireless Networks


    Multihop wireless networks with autonomous nodes are susceptible to selfish traffic remapping attacks (TRAs). Nodes launching TRAs leverage the underlying channel access function to receive an unduly high Quality of Service (QoS) for packet flows traversing source-to-destination routes. TRAs are easy to execute, impossible to prevent, difficult to detect, and harmful to the QoS of honest nodes. Recognizing the need for providing...

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  • Resilience through multicast – An optimization model for multi-hop wireless sensor networks


    - Ad Hoc Networks - Rok 2020

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  • Maximization of multicast periodic traffic throughput in multi-hop wireless networks with broadcast transmissions


    - Ad Hoc Networks - Rok 2018

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  • Throughput vs. Resilience in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks with Periodic Packet Traffic


    - Rok 2020

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  • Distributed protection against non-cooperative node behavior in multi-hop wireless networks


    An important security problem in today's distributed data networks is the prevention of non-cooperative behavior i.e., attacks consisting in the modification of standard node operation to gain unfair advantage over other system nodes. Such a behavior is currently feasible in many types of computer networks whose communication protocols are designed to maximize the network performance assuming full node cooperation. Moreover, it...

  • Enforsing cooperative behaviour in multi wireless ad-hoc network.


    - Rok 2003

    Mechanizmy kontroli przekazywania pakietów tranzytowych w rozległych sieciach had-hoc wykorzystują nasłuchiwanie pakietów transmitowanych przez stacje sąsiednie i ich porównywanie z zachowanymi kopiami. W pracy pokazuje się możliwość egoistycznych zachowań stacji podlegających na niekontrolowanej admisji pakietów źródłowych, a następnie odmowie przyjmowania pakietów tranzytowych z powodu przepełnienia lokalnej pamięci buforowej.

  • Ad Hoc Multi-WLAN: A Game-Theoretic Model of Correlated Play


    - Rok 2009

    Zakładając pewien rozkład prawdopodobieństwa długości sesji danych, scharakteryzowano punkt równowagi korelowanej w przypadku wielodostępu w sieci bezprzewodowej z wieloma sieciami lokalnymi i dokonano porównania wydajności z punktem równowagi mieszanej dla różnych liczb terminali.

  • How should we teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Randomized multi-center study

    • B. Katipoglu
    • M. Madziala
    • T. Evrin
    • P. Gawlowski
    • A. Szarpak
    • A. Dabrowska
    • S. Bialka
    • J. Ladny
    • L. Szarpak
    • A. Konert... i 2 innych

    - Cardiology Journal - Rok 2021

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  • How the toxicity of nanomaterials towards different species could be simultaneously evaluated: a novel multi-nano-read-across approach

    • N. Sizochenko
    • A. Mikolajczyk
    • K. Jagiello
    • T. Puzyn
    • J. Leszczynski
    • B. Rasulev

    - NANOSCALE - Rok 2018

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  • Analysis of the reliability of any-hop star network


    - Rok 2005

    Założono, że sieć ma wielostopniową strukturę gwiaździstą. Jako oceny niezawodności tych sieci przyjęto: 1) średnią liczbę sprawnych par węzłów, które mogą komunikować się wzajemnie; 2) średnią liczbę sprawnych par węzłów, które mogą komunikować się poprzez węzeł centralny; 3) średnią liczbę sprawnych par węzłów, które mogą komunikować się z węzłem centralnym; 4) prawdopodobieństwo zdarzenia, że sprawne węzły mogą komunikować...



    - Metrology and Measurement Systems - Rok 2019

    New measurement technologies, e.g. Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR), generate very large datasets. In many cases, it is reasonable to reduce the number of measuring points, but in such a way that the datasets after reduction satisfy specific optimization criteria. For this purpose the Optimum Dataset (OptD) method proposed in [1] and [2] can be applied. The OptD method with the use of several optimization criteria is called...

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  • Selfishness Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: How Dissemination of Indirect Information Turns into Strategic Issue

    Dla środowiska sieci mobilnej ad hoc przedyskutowano wymienność pomiędzy wydatkiem energetycznym węzła egoistycznego a obniżaniem jego metryki reputacyjnej. Badania symulacyjne wskazują, że atakom polegającym na selektywnym usuwaniu pakietów można przeciwdziałać poprzez datacentryczny system reputacyjny bazujący na potwierdzeniach końcowych, który nakazuje jednakowo uaktualniać metryki reputacyjne dla wszystkich węzłów na źle zachowującej...

  • Analysis of the reliability 0f any-hop star network.


    - Rok 2004

    Założono, że sieć ma wielostopniową strukturę gwiaździstą. Jako oceny niezawodności tych sieci przyjęto: 1) średnią liczbę sprawnych par węzłów, które mogą komunikować się wzajemnie; 2)średnią liczbę sprawnych par węzłów, które mogą komunikować się poprzez węzeł centralny; 3) średnią liczbę sprawnych par węzłów, które mogą komunikować się z węzłem centralnym; 4) prawdopodobieństwo zdarzenia, że sprawne węzły mogą komunikować się...

  • Multi Queue Approach for Network Services Implemented for Multi Core CPUs

    Multiple core processors have already became the dominant design for general purpose CPUs. Incarnations of this technology are present in solutions dedicated to such areas like computer graphics, signal processing and also computer networking. Since the key functionality of network core components is fast package servicing, multicore technology, due to multi tasking ability, seems useful to support packet processing. Dedicated...

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  • Robust Object Detection with Multi-input Multi-output Faster R-CNN


    Recent years have seen impressive progress in visual recognition on many benchmarks, however, generalization to the out-of-distribution setting remains a significant challenge. A state-of-the-art method for robust visual recognition is model ensembling. However, recently it was shown that similarly competitive results could be achieved with a much smaller cost, by using multi-input multi-output architecture (MIMO). In this work,...

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  • Robust Object Detection with Multi-input Multi-output Faster R-CNN


    Recent years have seen impressive progress in visual recognition on many benchmarks, however, generalization to the out-of-distribution setting remains a significant challenge. A state-of-the-art method for robust visual recognition is model ensembling. However, recently it was shown that similarly competitive results could be achieved with a much smaller cost, by using multi-input multi-output architecture (MIMO). In this work,...

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  • EM-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization of Antenna Structures in Multi-Dimensional Design Spaces


    - Rok 2014

    Feasible multi-objective optimization of antenna structures is presented. An initial set of Pareto optimal solutions is found using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) working with a fast surrogate antenna model obtained by kriging interpolation of coarse-discretization EM simulation data. To make the surrogate construction computationally feasible in multi-dimensional design space, the space subset containing non-dominated...

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  • The convergence of gender wage differences - myth or fact - multi country multi sector analysis


    The Becker’s theory of discrimination predicts that in the long run the gender wage differences should disappear. In our empirical analysis we verify the testable implications of this mode considering the hypothesis of gender wage gap convergence. The study takes into account 31 sectors in 13 European countries for the period between 1970 and 2005. We distinguish between wages paid to different groups of workers classified according...

  • Multi agent grid systems


    - Rok 2012

    This chapter presents an idea of merging grid and volunteer systemswith multi agent systems. It gives some basics concerning multi agentsystem and the most followed standard. Some deliberations concerningsuch an existing systems were made in order to finally present possibilities of introducing agents into the Comcute system.

  • Connectivity in Multi-Interface Networks


    - Rok 2009

    Rozważano zagadnienie minimalizacji energii w sieciach bezprzewodowych bez infrastruktury, w których niektóre węzły są wyposażone w więcej, niż jeden interfejs. W przyjętym modelu sieci podano nowe algorytmy przybliżone oraz wyniki dotyczące złożoności obliczeniowej dla problemu najtańszej spójnej podsieci spinającej.

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  • Shared multi-processor scheduling


    We study shared multi-processor scheduling problem where each job can be executed on its private processor and simultaneously on one of many processors shared by all jobs in order to reduce the job’s completion time due to processing time overlap. The total weighted overlap of all jobs is to be maximized. The problem models subcontracting scheduling in supply chains and divisible load scheduling in computing. We show that synchronized...

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  • The Workshop on Multi-Phase Flows


    - Rok 2005

    Przedstawiono ideę warsztatów ''Modelowanie przepływów wielofazowych w układach termochemicznych'' - organizowanych corocznie - od 2000 roku, przez Podsekcję Przepływów Wielofazowych Komitetu Mechaniki PAN. Omówiono tematykę VI Warsztatów, które były poświęcone głównie metodom eksperymentalnym.

  • The reliability of any-hop star networks with respect to failures of communication nodes.


    - Rok 2009

    This paper investigated the reliability of any-hop star networks. The any-hop star topology is used in centralized computer networks. We will assume that the all nodes fail independently, links are failure-free. Following measures of network reliability are assumed: the expected number of nodes, which can communicate with the central node; the expected number of node pairs, which are connected by a path through the central node;...

  • Low-Cost Multi-Objective Optimization Yagi-Uda Antenna in Multi-Dimensional Parameter Space


    A surrogate-based technique for fast multi-objective optimization of a multi-parameter planar Yagi-Uda antenna structure is presented. The proposed method utilizes response surface approximation (RSA) models constructed using training samples obtained from evaluation of the low-fidelity antenna model. Utilization of the RSA models allowsfor fast determination of the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives in multi-objective...

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  • Multi-state multi-reference Møller-Plesset second-order perturbation theory for molecular calculations

    This work presents multi‐state multi‐reference Møller–Plesset second‐order perturbation theory as a variant of multi‐reference perturbation theory to treat electron correlation in molecules. An effective Hamiltonian is constructed from the first‐order wave operator to treat several strongly interacting electronic states simultaneously. The wave operator is obtained by solving the generalized Bloch equation within the first‐order...

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  • Design and multi-objective optimization of combinational digital circuits using evolutionaty algorithm with multi-layer chromosomes


    - Rok 2008

    W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie algorytmów ewolucyjnych z wielowarstwowymi chromosomami do projektowania i optymalizacji wielokryterialnej kombinatorycznych układów cyfrowych. Kryteriami optymalizacji były: liczba bramek, liczba tranzystorów w układzie i czas propagacji sygnałów. Proponowaną metodą zaprojektowano i optymalizowano cztery układy wzięte z literatury. Uzyskane rezultaty porównano z wynikami otrzymanymi innymi...

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  • Employees 50+: How They Are Assessed and How They Assess Themselves

    In Poland, the older workers are valued for their knowledge and professional experience. Many of them, during transition period, actively participated in the creation of today’ s businesses and now occupy exposed managerial positions, being aware of their own value. On the other hand, old age is one of the main reasons for the limited access to work. The seniors are assigned stereotypical characteristics, such as low levels of...

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  • Proximity and Innovation in Clusters: How Close, How Far?

    The concept of proximity, whilst attractive cognitively, is still a poorly explored area in management sciences. The earliest publications on proximity were published at the end of the twentieth century and the development of this concept was strongly influenced by The French School of Proximity (Kirat & Lung, 1999; Rallet & Torre, 1999; Torre & Gilly, 2000; Carrincazeaux et al., 2001; Torre & Rallet, 2005). However, the most influential...

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  • Selfish Attacks in Two-Hop IEEE 802.11 Relay Networks: Impact and Countermeasures


    In IEEE 802.11 networks, selfish stations can pursue a better quality of service through selfish MAC-layer attacks. Such attacks are easy to perform, secure routing protocols do not prevent them, and their detection may be complex. Two-hop relay topologies allow a new angle of attack: a selfish relay can tamper with either source traffic, transit traffic, or both. We consider the applicability of selfish attacks and their variants...

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  • Multi-Stage Video Analysis Framework

    • A. Czyewski
    • G. Szwoch
    • P. Dalka
    • P. Szczuko
    • A. Ciarkowski
    • D. Ellwart
    • T. Merta
    • K. opatka
    • u. Kulasek
    • J. Wolski

    - Rok 2011

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  • Multi-objective optimization of microextraction procedures

    Optimization of extraction process requiresfinding acceptable conditions for many analytes and goodperformance in terms of process time or solvent consumption. These optimization criteria are oftencontradictory to each other, the performance of the system in given conditions is good for some criteriabut poor for others. Therefore, such problems require special assessment tools that allow to combinethese contradictory criteria into...

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  • Multi-Stage Video Analysis Framework

    The chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the general structure of the proposed framework and a method of data exchange between system elements. Section 3 is describing the low-level analysis modules for detection and tracking of moving objects. In Section 4 we present the object classification module. Sections 5 and 6 describe specialized modules for detection and recognition of faces and license plates, respectively....

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  • Modelling of Geared Multi-Rotor System


    In the paper the method of modelling a speed-varying geared rotor system is presented. The proposed approach enables us to obtain an accurate low-order lumped parameter representation of the investigated system. The final model consists of reduced modal models of an undamped beam/torsional shaft system as well as a spatially lumped model of other linear and nonlinear phenomena including gear mesh interaction.

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  • The OptD-multi method in LiDAR processing



    New and constantly developing technology for acquiring spatial data, such as LiDAR (light detection and ranging), is a source for large volume of data. However, such amount of data is not always needed for developing the most popular LiDAR products: digital terrain model (DTM) or digital surface model. Therefore, in many cases, the number of contained points are reduced in the pre-processing stage. The degree of reduction is determined...

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  • Gaze tracking in multi-display environment


    - Rok 2013

    This paper presents the basic ideas of eye and gaze tracking in multiple-display environment. The algorithm for display detection and identification is described as well as the rules for gaze interaction in multi display environment. The core of the method is to use special LED markers and eye and scene tracking glasses. Scene tracking camera registers markers position which is then represented as a cloud of points. Analyzing the...

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  • Cost minimisation in multi-interface networks


    - Rok 2007

    Praca dotyczy problemu minimalizacji energii poprzez selektywne odłączanie urządzeń komunikacyjnych w wielointerfejsowych sieciach bezprzewodowych w taki sposób, by zapewnić realizację wymaganego grafu połączeń. Sformułowano problem optymalizacyjny, podano wyniki dotyczące jego trudności i zaproponowano algorytmy optymalizacyjne.

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  • Multi-criteria selection of hydraulic gates


    - Rok 2008

    Selekcja doboru zamknięcia wodnego stanowi podstawowy element w jego projektowaniu. Projektowanie zamknięć można rozważać jako problem krótkoterminowy (zamknięcie natychmiastowe wysokiej wody) jak i problem długoterminowy uwzględniający problemy rolnicze, ekologiczne i zmiany klimatu. W doborze rodzaju zamknięć wodnych należy uwzględnić wiele kryteriów w tym ekonomicznych, wykonawczych, ekologicznych i innych. W pracy przedstawiono...

  • Ad hoc


    - Pismo PG - Rok 2003

    Artykuł jest przyczynkiem do krytyki tzw. ''rozmówek''.

  • Multi-fidelity EM simulations and constrained surrogate modelling for low-cost multi-objective design optimisation of antennas


    In this study, a technique for low-cost multi-objective design optimisation of antenna structures has been proposed. The proposed approach is an enhancement of a recently reported surrogate-assisted technique exploiting variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations and auxiliary kriging interpolation surrogate, the latter utilised to produce the initial approximation of the Pareto set. A bottleneck of the procedure for higher-dimensional...

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  • A Reputation Scheme to Discourage Selfish QoS Manipulation in Two-Hop Wireless Relay Networks


    - Rok 2018

    In wireless networks, stations can improve their received quality of service (QoS) by handling packets of source flows with higher priority. Additionally, in cooperative relay networks, the relays can handle transit flows with lower priority. We use game theory to model a two-hop relay network where each of the two involved stations can commit such selfish QoS manipulation. We design and evaluate a reputation-based incentive scheme...

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  • Multi-armed jets: A subset of the blooming jets


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  • Ferrite posts in multi-port waveguide junctions

    Metodę dopasowania rodzajów zastosowano do połączenia zastępczego pola rozproszonego od dowolnej konfiguracji jedno i dwuwarstwowych prętów ferrytowych i dielektrycznych z pobudzeniem z falowodu prostokątnego. Zaprezentowano częstotliwościowe charakterystyki macierzy rozproszenia dla rodzaju podstawowego. Zaobserwowano przełączające (czterowrotnik zawierający dwa pręty ferrytowe) własności badanych układów.

  • Daylight evaluation for multi-family housing in Poland


    - Rok 2019

    This PhD dissertation focuses on methods of daylight appraisal useful in the design of the contemporary multifamily housing. The theoretical part of the thesis offers a review of daylight indicators, evaluations methods and tools within the built environment. It covers a review of daylight recommendations found in building standards and other normative documents affecting the design of the residential spaces. A pilot work survey...

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  • Temperature distribution in laser-clad multi-layers

    • R. Jendrzejewski
    • I. Kreja
    • G. Śliwiński
    • I. Kreja

    - Materials Science and Engineering: A - Rok 2004

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  • Multi-agent graph searching and exploration algorithms


    - Rok 2020

    A team of mobile entities, which we refer to as agents or searchers interchangeably, starting from homebases needs to complete a given task in a graph.The goal is to build a strategy, which allows agents to accomplish their task. We analyze strategies for their effectiveness (e.g., the number of used agents, the total number of performed moves by the agents or the completion time).Currently, the fields of on-line (i.e., agents...

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    The paper presents a multi-objective method, which optimises the route of a sailboat. The presented method makes use of an evolutionary multi-objective (EMO) algorithm, which performs the optimisation according to three objective functions: total passage time, a sum of all course alterations made during the voyage and the average angle of heel. The last two of the objective functions reflect the navigator’s and passenger’s comfort,...

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  • Wireless Multihoming Modeled as a Multi-WLAN Game


    - Rok 2009

    Zbadano strategie wieloetapowe dostępu do medium transmisyjnego oparte na tzw. wypłatach wirtualnych, biorąc pod uwagę wybór sieci lokalnej oraz stopień agresji konfiguracji protokołu MAC. Zakładano obecność stacji-agresora o idealnie predykcyjnej strategii dostępu. Wykazano możliwość zniechęcania takiego agresora za cenę niewielkiego spadku wydajności sieci.

  • Cost minimisation in unbounded multi-interface networks


    - Rok 2008

    W pracy badano problem odłączania niektórych urządzeń komunikacyjnych w wielointerfejsowych sieciach bezprzewodowych w taki sposób, by zapewnić realizację wymaganego grafu połączeń przy jednoczesnej minimalizacji zużycia energii. Sformułowano problem optymalizacyjny, podano wyniki dotyczące jego trudności i zaproponowano algorytmy optymalizacyjne dla wariantu, w którym liczba interfejsów komunikacyjnych jest potencjalnie nieograniczona...

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