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  • Supporting High-Tech Crime Investigation through Dynamic Service Integration


    - Rok 2009

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  • Integrating web site services into application through user interface

    The issue of integrating applications which are only accessible through visual user interface is not thoroughly researched. Integration of web applications running remotely and controlled by separate organizations becomes even more complicated, as their user interface can display differently in different browsers or change without prior notification as a result of application maintenance. While possible, it is generally not common...

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  • Human-computer interaction approach applied to the multimedia system of polysensory integration


    - Rok 2009

    In the paper an approach of utilizing an interaction between the human and computer in a therapy of dyslexia and other sensory disorders is presented. Bakker's neuropsychological concept of dyslexia along with therapy methods are reviewed in the context of the Multimedia System of Polysensory Integration, proposed at the Multimedia Systems Department of Gdansk Univ. of Technology. The system is presented along with the training...

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  • Tackling microplastics pollution in global environment through integration of applied technology, policy instruments, and legislation

    • T. A. Kurniawan
    • A. Haider
    • A. Mohyuddin
    • R. Fatima
    • M. Salman
    • A. Shaheen
    • H. M. Ahmad
    • H. Al-Hazmi
    • M. H. D. Othman
    • F. Aziz... i 2 innych


    Microplastic pollution is a serious environmental problem that affects both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Small particles with size of less than 5 mm, known as microplastics (MPs), persist in the environment and pose serious threats to various species from micro-organisms to humans. However, terrestrial environment has received less attention than the aquatic environment, despite being a major source of MPs that eventually...

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  • Shaping Place Identity through Interaction on the Example of the European Solidarity Centre in Gdansk


    - Rok 2017

    The article presents process of shaping place identity on the example of an important for Pomerania region investment - European Solidarity Centre. The realization of the European Solidarity Centre aims to be one of the essential elements of shaping Gdańsk’s identity of space. The article is an attempt to analyse how the presence of realization gradually affects the formation of the place identity of new urban space. Analysis...

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  • Integration of the Eurasian Economic Union in Comparison to European Union Integration


    - Rok 2018

    The aim of the article is to show the specificity of the integration of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) on the example of the integration of the European Union (EU). The EEU is a relatively young grouping that was established in 2015 by Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation. Its creators try to give the Eurasian integration process a different...

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  • Integration of Services into Workflow Applications


    - Rok 2015

    Describing state-of-the-art solutions in distributed system architectures, Integration of Services into Workflow Applications presents a concise approach to the integration of loosely coupled services into workflow applications. It discusses key challenges related to the integration of distributed systems and proposes solutions, both in terms of theoretical aspects such as models and workflow scheduling algorithms, and technical...

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  • Integration in Multichannel Emotion Recognition


    - Rok 2018

    The paper concerns integration of results provided by automatic emotion recognition algorithms. It presents both the challenges and the approaches to solve them. Paper shows experimental results of integration. The paper might be of interest to researchers and practitioners who deal with automatic emotion recognition and use more than one solution or multichannel observation.

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  • Security ontology construction and integration


    - Rok 2011

    There are many different levels on which we can examine security. Each one is different from others, all of them are dependent on the context. Hence the need to bear additional knowledge enabling efficient utilization of the knowledge by the computers. Such information can be provided by ontologies. The paper presentsgathered requirements needed to be taken into account when creating an ontology. The method of ontology creation...

  • Gender Through the Lens of Culture


    - Rok 2015

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  • Gender Through the Lens of Culture


    - Rok 2015

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  • APIS – Agent Platform for Integration of Services

    The paper presents an approach to creating the platform for development and evaluation of complex tasks execution algorithms. Proposed solution is based on an agent paradigm where independent peers can cooperate and negotiate in order to execute specified tasks which are defined only by the final output description. Tasks are realized by the means of services exposed by different peers. In case when there is no single service fulfilling...

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  • Integration of Production Steps on a Single Equipment

    • S. Vadim
    • P. Valery
    • E. Ivan
    • K. Dmitry


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  • Dynamically configurable platform for service integration

    W artykule opisano architekturę konfigurowalnego dynamicznie środowiska dla aplikacji zorientowanych na usługi, w szczególnosci na usługi webowe. Środowisko szkieletowe bazujace na specyfikacji OSGi dostarcza interfejsu, dzięki któremu zarzadzanie logika aplikacji nie wymaga jej ponownego uruchomienia. Opisano kluczowe problemy, które muszą być rozwiązane podczas wytwarzania tego typu rozwiązań. zaprezentowano sposób współpracy...

  • Integration of speech enhancement and coding techniques


    - Rok 1999

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  • Is reduced integration just a numerical trick


    - Computers & Structures - Rok 1988

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  • Collaborative approach to WordNet and Wikipedia integration


    In this article we present a collaborative approach tocreating mappings between WordNet and Wikipedia. Wikipediaarticles have been first matched with WordNet synsets in anautomatic way. Then such associations have been evaluated andcomplemented in a collaborative way using a web application.We describe algorithms used for creating automatic mappingsas well as a system for their collaborative development. Theoutcome enables further...

  • Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Recognition Systems



    Computer perception of real-life situations is performed using a variety of recognition techniques, including video-based computer vision, biometric systems, RFID devices and others. The proliferation of recognition modules enables development of complex systems by integration of existing components, analogously to the Service Oriented Architecture technology. In the paper, we propose a method that enables integration of information...

  • Integration of brood units in game universe


    - Rok 2011

    An access to a great number of various services allows for decomposition of complex problems Developing a game universe usually involves creation of various units which can be encountered by a player. Those can be lonely or organized in broods animals and monsters wandering around the game world. In order to provide natural gaming experience those units should behave variously depending on the world situation. Those behaviours...

  • Intelligent integration for autonomous manufacturing systems

    W artykule zaproponowano inteligentną platformę integracyjną dla autonomicznych systemów produkcyjnych. Autonomie zdefiniowano w pracy jako samowystarczalne zamkniecie informacyjne. Inteligencje natomiast zdefiniowana jako umiejętność podejmowania właściwych decyzji w zmiennym otoczenie. Platformę integracyjną oparto na technice systemów ekspertowych.

  • Information Based Integration for Complex Systems


    - Rok 2003

    W rozdziale zaproponowano strukturę inteligentnego systemu wspomagania procesu integracji dla złożonych systemów wytwarzania. System wspomagania oparto na bazie wiedzy w której wiedza modelowana jest regułami produkcji. Zbudowano również iteracyjny algorytm integracji. Samą ideę integracji oparto na przepływach informacyjnych.

  • The implementation of green transformation through clusters



    The paper addresses a poorly documented issue in the literature, namely the role of clusters in green transformation, including processes related to green, low-carbon, and circular economies. The purpose was to identify and understand the practices of clusters in this area. The adopted mixed research strategy consisted of both qualitative and quantitative research. Both research phases were conducted in a group of Polish Key National...

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  • Internationalization through franchising : selected issues


    - Rok 2007

    Rozwój teorii franchisingowych w znacznym stopniu bazuje na kontekście krajowym, podczas gdy w coraz większym stopniu franchising staje się narzędziem ekspansji na rynki innych krajów. Teoretyczne aspekty takiej ekspansji są głównym przedmiotem przeprowadzonej analizy. W zakończeniu zwrócono uwagę na szereg kwestii związanych z międzynarodową ekspansją sieci franchisingowych, którym wciąż nie poświęca się należytej uwagi.

  • Through the looking-glass of the grazing bifurcation

    • S. Kryzhevich
    • J. Ing
    • M. Wiercigroch

    - Rok 2012

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  • Media architecture: participation through the senses


    - Rok 2012

    Pervasive media and interactive technologies have become inseparable not only from our everyday life but also from architecture and city spaces. However, the generic use of new technologies in the design process and material production that affects contemporary architecture, results in buildings that become mere visual objects losing their hapticity and non-visual qualities. Despite the substantial advancement in the research studies...

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  • Amber imitations through the eyes of a chemist


    - Rok 2013

    Baltic amber imitations division was proposed. Main types of succinite imitations were presented and characterized. Different methods of identification of Baltic amber imitations were presented.

  • The wastewater flow through trickling filters.


    - Rok 2004

    Filtry zraszane projektowane są głównie w oparciu o wytyczne techniczne. W pracy zaproponowano metodę o charakterze strukturalnym. Pokazano sposób określania miarodajnego czasu przebywania cieczy w układzie i powiązania go z kinetyczną charakterystyką procesu oczyszczania ścieków.

  • Integration of antifouling properties into epoxy coatings: a review


    - Journal of Coatings Technology and Research - Rok 2022

    he need for nontoxic antifouling coatings has encouraged material scientists to develop a class of organic coatings for diverse applications. As a versatile thermosetting resin and well known for coating application, antifouling characteristics have been integrated into epoxy along with anticorrosion and adhesive functions. Accordingly, both micro- and macro-biofoulings have been successfully controlled by using epoxy-based antifouling...

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  • Exact-match Based Wikipedia-WordNet Integration


    - Rok 2019

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  • Dependable Integration of Medical Image Recognition Components

    Computer driven medical image recognition may support medical doctors in the diagnosis process, but requires high dependability considering potential consequences of incorrect results. The paper presentsa system that improves dependability of medical image recognition by integration of results from redundant components. The components implement alternative recognition algorithms of diseases in thefield of gastrointestinal endoscopy....

  • Transport system integration - a challenge of our times

    Każdego dnia w systemie transportowym na świecie ginie ponad 3 tys. osób, z czego większość w wypadkach drogowych. W Polsce, podobnie jak w innych krajach UE, obserwuje się podobne dysproporcje pomiędzy skalą wypadków drogowych i wypadków w innych rodzajach transportu. Z punktu widzenia zarządzania bezpieczeństwem, każdy z systemów gałęziowych jest zorganizowany w inny sposób. Dotyczy to baz danych, instytucji zarządzających infrastrukturą...

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  • Inverse Integration of the Open Channel Flow Equations


    W artykule przedstawiono metodę obliczeń umożliwiającą całkowanie równań przepływu nieustalonego w kanałach otwartych (równań de Saint Venanta) wstecz. Dyskutowano także przydatność równania retencji w zagadnieniu sterowania przepływem.

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  • Integration adsorption chillers with conventional power plant

    • K. Sztekler
    • W. Kalawa
    • S. Stefański
    • Ł. Mika
    • J. Krzywański
    • K. Grabowska
    • W. Nowak

    - E3S Web of Conferences - Rok 2019

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  • Cluster Integration for the Cluster-Based Instance Selection


    - Rok 2010

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  • Integration of heterogeneous web services in exceptional situations

    Web services are intended to enable interoperability between heterogeneous distributed systems. Although the technology has been widely adopted and accepted, there are still differences between runtime platforms in exception structure and handling. This results in difficulties in effective handling of exceptions during Web services invocation. The paper presents a solution that enables coordinated exception handling between different...

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  • Integration of natural and artificial intelligence in production systems


    - Rok 2011

    Integration processes play an increasingly important role in modern economy, and seriously co-decide about the effectiveness of the company. Integration phase occurs in the system life cycle by preceding the final stages of its implementation and activation. In turn, used in software engineering (SE) iteration-evolutionary models, such as spiral model make that the integration activities can occur in varying degrees in all phases...

  • Exact-match Based Wikipedia-WordNet Integration


    Ability to link between WordNet synsets and Wikipedia articles allows usage of those resources by computers during natural language processing. A lot of work was done in this field, however most of the approaches focus on similarity between Wikipedia articles and WordNet synsets rather than creation of perfect matches. In this paper we proposed a set of methods for automatic perfect matching generation. The proposed methods were...

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  • Integration of thermographic data with the 3D object model


    - Rok 2014

    The aim of the paper is to present new method for merging the 3D model data of the measured object with thermograms. Our technique is based on the combination of visual 3D imaging technique and thermal imaging technique, which maps the 2D thermograms on to 3D anatomical mesh model. The combination of these imaging modalities allows the generation of combined 3D and thermal data from which thermal signatures can be verified and...

  • Numerical integration of a coupled Korteweg-deVries system



    Metoda numeryczna została wprowadzona do rozwiązania ogólnych układów równańKorteweg´a- de Vries´a. Zastosowana do równania Hirota-Satsuma.

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  • CFFT columns in road through railroad crossings


    There were 12801 road through railroad one-level crossings in Poland in 2018. 215 accidents happened at them in 2018. In order to increase safety in rail and road traffic two-level crossings should be used. They are definitely safer and make the traffic more smooth. In the design and construction of two-level intersections of railway and road or path columns of circular cross-section are often used. They can be successfully replaced...

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  • Teaching architectural history through virtual reality

    The impact of implementing 3D models and virtual reality in teaching the theory of architecture and architectural history is the theme of this article. Virtual reality and easy-to-use 3D tools allow a whole historic object to be visualised. As a result, there is social and economic pressure to modernise present educational methods using this technology. Therefore, the authors have focused their research on an issue of significance...

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  • Technological capability dynamics through cluster organizations


    - Baltic Journal of Management - Rok 2020

    Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to portrait how members of cluster organizations (COs) perceive the role of COs in enabling them to accumulate technological capability (TC) significant for their innovation. Design/methodology/approach – The authors report the findings from their qualitative study based on an analysis of four COs. The organizational inertia and absorptive capacity (AC) theories are the theoretical underpinning...

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  • Distributed Data Reduction through Agent Collaboration


    - Rok 2009

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  • Microphone placement through meta-heuristic algorithms


    - Rok 2019

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  • Social Entrepreneurship through Cooperatives: Founder Insights

    • B. Huybrechts
    • T. Nelson
    • D. Nelson
    • G. Trasiani
    • K. Harris
    • R. Pashov
    • M. Starnawska
    • G. Esposito
    • A. Carobolante
    • F. Dufays
    • N. O’Shea

    - Rok 2013

    In this research we are interested in how social entrepreneurs think about their organizational creation process in the context of cooperatives, and how cooperatives conceptualize and actualize their ‘care for community’ social principles. In this interface of organizational purpose and form, we find a variety of interesting issues presented by our interview sample of founders of young, global organizations from six nations. Discussing...

  • The Ethernet POWERLINK Protocol for smart grids elements integration

    • M. Wlas
    • M. Gackowski
    • W. Kolbusz

    - Rok 2011

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  • Algorithms for query processing in a distributed knowledge integration system


    Głównym celem artykułu jest wprowadzenie modelu systemu integracji wiedzy. Przedstawiony model jest oparty na modelu Calvanese i rozszerza go o wielowarstwowy model integracji. W artykule pokazano również użycie Kartograficznej Reprezentacji Wiedzy do przechowywania i przetwarzania ontologii w źródłach wiedzy oraz do budowania odwzorowań pomiędzy ontologiami. Odwzorowania pomiędzy ontologiami budowane w oparciu o odwzorowywanie...

  • Smart systems integration: toward overcoming the problem of complexity


    W pracy omówiono modelowa propozycję integracji systemu opartą na zastosowaniu sztucznej inteligencji w celu rozwiązania problemu złożoności systemowej.

  • Wikipedia and WordNet integration based on words co-occurrences


    - Rok 2009

    The article presents a method for automatic integration of two lexical resources: semantic dictionary WordNet and electronic encyclopaedia Wikipedia. Our goal is to add automatically an semantic tags - a WordNet synset identifier to the title of the Wikipedia article. We've analyze several different ap-proaches to these problem and implement our own solution, based on word occurrences in synsets descriptions and the article body....

  • Integration of compute-intensive tasks into scientific workflows in BeesyCluster


    - Rok 2006

    Artykuł prezentuje szczegóły projektowe i implementacyjne jak również symulacje naukowych scenariuszy z wymagającymi zadaniami na klastrach i komputerach PC. Autor wdrożył wsparcie dla scenariuszy naukowych do wcześniej opracowanego systemu BeesyCluster wdrożonego w Akademickim Centrum Komputerowym sieci TASK w Gdańsku na klastrze holk z 288 procesorami Itanium2. BeesyCluster pozwala użytkownikom na zarządzanie różnymi kontami...