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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: hybryda


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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: hybryda

  • Symbioza kolektorów słonecznych i ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Hybryda na dachu

    • M. Górski

    - Rok 2012

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  • Regulacje prawne dotyczące wykorzystywania komórek macierzystych oraz hybryd cytoplazmatycznych w wybranych krajach europejskich. Legal Regulations for the Use of Stem Cells and Cytoplasmic Hybrids in Selected European Countrie.

    • M. Szczepaniec
    • M. Grotowska
    • Ł. Rosiak
    • A. Miśkiewicz
    • D. Szwedziak

    - Zeszyty Prawnicze - Rok 2019

    "Przedmiotem publikacji jest analiza rozwiązań regulacji prawnych w wybranych państwach europejskich w zakresie badań przeprowadzanych przy użyciu komórek macierzystych o różnym pochodzeniu: z embrionów, hybryd cytoplazmatycznych oraz indukowanych pluripotencjalnych komórek macierzystych. Artykuł przedstawia obecną sytuację na gruncie polskiego ustawodawstwa, a następnie omawia zastosowane rozwiązania prawne we Włoszech, Hiszpanii,...

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  • Hybrid RFID system


    - Rok 2010

    Opis koncepcji zintegrowanego systemu RFID w połączeniu z innymi technologiami sensorów tworzących hybrydowy system RFID.

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  • Hybrid Obfuscation of Encryption

    • A. Al-Hakimi
    • A. Bakar

    - Rok 2023

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  • A new hybrid method for analysis of scattering from arbitrary configuration of cylindrical objects

    Artykuł opisuje nową hybrydową metodę analizy rozpraszania fali elektromagnetycznej od obiektów cylindrycznych o dowolnym przekroju poprzecznym. W prezentowanym podejściu każdy obiekt jest traktowany jako efektywny cylinder o przekroju kołowym, opisany przez macierz impedancyjną. W celu uzyskania owej macierzy zastosowano połączenie metod różnic skończonych w dziedzinie częstotliwości (FDFD) i dopasowania rodzajów (MM). W celu...


    In the paper, the authors describe the method of model reduction of a rotor system. The proposed approach enables to obtain a low order model including e.g. nonproportional damping or the gyroscopic effect. This method is illustrated using the example of a rotor system. First, a model of the system was built without gyroscopic and damping effects by using the rigid finite element method. Next, this model was reduced. Finally, two...

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  • Hybrid no-signaling-quantum correlations



    Fundamental investigations in non-locality have shown that while the no-signaling principle alone is not sufficient to single out the set of quantum non-local correlations, local quantum mechanics and no-signaling together exactly reproduce the set of quantum correlations in the two-party Bell scenario. Here, we introduce and study an intermediate hybrid no-signaling quantum set of non-local correlations that we term HNSQ in the...

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  • Obróbka hybrydowa drewna toczeniem i nagniataniem


    - Rok 2011

    Opisano wyniki badań procesu nagniatania tocznego powierzchni drewna jaworowego po toczeniu z obracającymi płytkami skrawającymi, które wykazały, iż pomimo zauważalnego efektu reologicznego powierzchni drewna, obserwowana jest zdecydowana poprawa gładkości powierzchni obrobionej.

  • A Comparison of Gaseous Emissions from a Hybrid Vehicle and a Non-Hybrid Vehicle under Real Driving Conditions


    - Rok 2018

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  • Appraisal of a hybrid air cleaning process



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  • The reliability of ring, star and hybrid networks


    - Rok 2007

    Jednym z parametrów charakteryzującym jakość sieci jest jej niezawodność. Rozważono sieci o topologiach drzewiastych, gwiaździstych, pętlowych, wielo-pętlowych oraz mieszanych. Przyjęto następujący model uszkodzeń. Węzły oraz kanały sieci ulegają uszkodzeniom z określonym prawdopodobieństwem, uszkodzenia elementów sieci są od siebie statystycznie niezależne. Jako oceny niezawodności sieci przyjęto: średnią liczbę sprawnych par...

  • Hybrid Reduced Model of Continuous System

    The paper introduces an alternative method of modelling and modal reduction of continuous systems. Presented method is a hybrid one. It combines the advantages of modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. In the proposed method continuous structure is divided into one-dimensional continuous elements. For each 1D element modal decomposition and reduction is applied. Interactions between substructures are...

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  • Hybrid model of moving or rotating continua


    - Rok 2009

    The paper introduces the method of the model reduction of systems that experience a Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect component. In such causes that corresponding system equations are non-self-adjoined. Modal reduced model is built up for the system without Coriolis or gyroscopic effect terms. These phenomena are next included by application of any lumping technique. Hence, the final reduced model is a hybrid one, obtained...

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  • Hybrid approach to ontology specification and development


    In this chapter a first draft of a hybrid ontology development approach is presented. The context of this method encompasses the multi-agent system equipped with knowledge bases and inferring engine. The process of ontology engineering appears as a complex issue, as it addresses different point-views of both, a client and a modeler with a requirements/system analyst. Regarding this, an approach based on the knowledge preprocessing...

  • Hybrid Model of Axially Moving Continua


    - Rok 2009

    The paper introduces the method of the model reduction of systems that experience a Coriolis acceleration component. It causes that system equations are non-self-adjoined. To avoid such problem modal, reduced model is built up for the system without Coriolis acceleration terms which are next included by application of any lumping technique. Hence, the final reduced model is a hybrid one, obtained by both lumping and modal methods...

  • Modern Hybrid Excited Electric Machines

    • M. Wardach
    • R. Palka
    • P. Paplicki
    • P. Prajzendanc
    • T. Zarebski

    - ENERGIES - Rok 2020

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  • Experimental tests of lintel hybrid beams

    The results of experimental tests of lintel hybrid beams made of air concrete and prestressed concrete were presented in paper. Blocks of air concrete was a protective element for the construction one. The length of hybrid beams was 3.0 m, while total height 27 cm. It was assumed that hybrid beams will work in the simply-supported scheme (with a 10 cm support) loaded uniformly over the entire length. The object of the tests were...

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  • Selected Issues of Hybrid Outboard Motors


    The aim of the research reported in the article was designing a hybrid drive system based on an outboard internal combustion engine offered by a selected producer and testing its operating characteristics. The article presents different designs of this type of drive which can be found in the literature and are available in the market. The designed hybrid outboard drive system was tested both on the laboratory test rig and in real...

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  • Hybrid Approach to Networked Control System


    - Rok 2013

    Effcient control of Networked Control System (NCS) is a challenge, as the control methods need to deal with non-deterministic variable delays and data loss. This paper presents a novel hybrid approach to NCS where Model Predictive Control (MPC) is applied as a main controller and implicit switching MPC is used for data transmission control in event-driven shared communication medium, leading to complex control system with active...

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  • Dynamic soil improvement by hybrid technologies


    - Rok 2015

    Hybrid method of subsoil improvement for road embankment foundation is described. This method is composed of two wellknown methods: dynamic replacement (DR) and microblasting (DDC) one (Deep Dynamic Compaction). The method was used for both the strengthening of the fully saturated organic subsoil as well as for acceleration of the consolidation of the organic layers. The practice ensures the expected results. A proper example on...

  • Hybrid model of geared rotor system


    In the paper a hybrid model of a geared multirotor system has been developed. The model is obtained by application of both the modal decomposition methodology and the spatial discretization method. Reduced modal model was constructed for the system without gyroscopic and damping effects. The gyroscopic interaction, damping and other phenomena which are difficult to include in the modal approach were modeled by application of simply...

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  • Hybrid hydrophilic polymer/montmorillonite systems

    • T. SPYCHAJ

    - Polimery - Rok 2008

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  • Parametric optimization of hybrid metalworking machinery quality

    • V. Skeeba

    - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science - Rok 2019

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  • Numerical simulations of S700MC laser and hybrid welding


    - Rok 2018

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  • PVT - hybrid photovoltaic - thermal solar systems


    PVT - to urządzenia, łączące ze sobą funkcje modułu fotowoltaicznego i kolektora słonecznego, w którym rolę absorbera pełni moduł ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Umożliwia to otrzymywanie z tej samej powierzchni pokrycia dachu lub fasady budynku uzyskiwanie jednocześnie energii elektrycznej i cieplnej. Uzyskiwane ciepło jest ciepłem niskotemperaturowym. Poszczególne rozwiązania systemów PVT można scharakteryzować ze względu na: różną liczbę...

  • Hybrid, Approximate Models of Distributed-Parameter Systems


    - Rok 2010

    The paper introduces the method of distributed-parameter systems modelling. It enables to obtain low order modal model of the system that experiences Coriolis acceleration component and gyroscopic effect. In such cases, corresponding system equations are non-self-adjoined. To solve this problem modal reduced model is built up for the system without Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect terms. These phenomena are next included...

  • Raman investigation of hybrid polymer thin films


    - Rok 2005

    Przestawiono problemy diagnostyki ramanowskiej transparentnych struktur cienkowarstwowych wykonanych metodą zol-żel z polimerów hybrydowych. Analizowano możliwości badania struktury molekularnej i grubości, a także określania jakości wykonania struktur falowodowych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań wykonanych mikroskopem ramanowskim dla polimerowych struktur cienkowarstwowych osadzonych na podłożach szklanych i krzemowych.

  • A study on performance of planing-wing hybrid craft


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2012

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  • The chitosan – Porphyrazine hybrid materials and their photochemical properties

    • D. Chełminiak-Dudkiewicz
    • M. Ziegler-Borowska
    • M. Stolarska
    • L. Sobotta
    • M. Falkowski
    • J. Mielcarek
    • T. Goslinski
    • J. Kowalonek
    • K. Węgrzynowska-Drzymalska
    • H. Kaczmarek

    - Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology - Rok 2018

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  • Research on Innovative Hybrid Excited Synchronous Machine

    • R. Palka
    • K. Cierzniewski
    • M. Wardach
    • P. Prajzendanc

    - ENERGIES - Rok 2023

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  • Purification of oily wastewater by hybrid UF/MD


    - WATER RESEARCH - Rok 2001

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  • Hybrid Obfuscation Technique for Reverse Engineering Problems

    • A. Mahfoud
    • A. Md.
    • A. Azim
    • N. Mohd
    • N. Admodisastro

    - Journal of Computer Science & Computational Mathematics - Rok 2020

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  • Hybrid dynamically balanced saw frame drive

    W pilarkach ramowych, w których rama piłowa jest napędzana poprzez mechanizm korbowy, generowana przez ramę piłową siła bezwładności oddziaływuje na fundament pilarki oraz na jej układ napędowy. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono sposób eliminacji tych niekorzystnych zjawisk. Autorzy zaprezentowali dynamicznie wyrównoważony hybrydowy układ napędu ramy piłowej, w którym występuje akumulator energii kinetycznej przyłączony równolegle...

  • Hybrid Method Analysis of Unshielded Guiding Structures


    A combination of mode matching, finite element methods and generalized impedance matrix is presented in a context of propagation problems for open guiding structures. The computational domain is divided into two regions: the first one is a circular cylinder containing whole guiding structure and the second one surrounds this artificial cylinder. The impedance matrix is calculated with the use of finite element method in the first...

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  • Doubly miniaturized rat-race hybrid coupler

    Two complementary miniaturization techniques have beenapplied to reduce the size of a rat-race hybrid coupler: (i) conventional microstrip sections have been replaced with their diminished lowimpedance counterparts as the first step of size reduction and (ii) novel fractal-shaped compact microstrip resonant cells dedicated to efficiently shorten low-impedance transmission line segments have been implemented as the second step of...

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  • Hybrid System for Ship-Aided Design Automation


    - Rok 2011

    A hybrid support system for ship design based on the methodology of CBR with some artificial intelligence tools such as expert system Exsys Developer along with fuzzy logic, relational Access database and artificial neural network with backward propagation of errors.

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  • Hybrid Processing by Turning and Burnishing of Machine Components


    The paper presents a method of hybrid manufacturing process of long 5 shafts and deep holes by simultaneous turning and burnishing method. The tech- 6 nological results of the research focus on the influence of the basic technological 7 parameters of this process on the surface roughness of piston rods of hydraulic 8 cylinders. Research results are presented in the graphs as well as mathematical 9 formula. Set of samples were made...

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  • Performance of a hybrid microjet – microchannel cooling module


    The paper presents the experimental investigation of a microjet- microchannel cooling module. In which microjets of water are impinging into the microchannels and forming a liquid film on the impingement surface. Applied technology takes benefits from two very attractive heat removal techniques. When lminar jets are impinging on the surface have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point, also in microchannels boundary...

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  • Hybrid electrode materials for fast performance devices

    Energy storage devices such as Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors and other types of the electrochemical capacitors require chemically stable, non-soluble, electrochemically active electrode materials compatible with appropriate electrolytes. Factors which determine their applicability are derived from so called electrochemical window of electroltes, nature of charge accumulation and their kinetics. On the other hand technological...

  • Suitability study of hybrid model of electrodynamic actuator


    - Rok 2014

    This paper presents the proposal of the hybrid circuit-field model of an electrodynamic actuator. The field model uses the inductor current as the input data which is obtained from the circuit model or experimentally. The field model implemented using the FLUX program makes it possible to easily determine the pressure distribution acting on the disc. The results have been verified experimentally.



    Low Emission Vehicles that are hybrid and electric cars may benefit from specially designed tires that are optimized for driving conditions typical for such vehicles. It is possible that in the future Low Emission Vehicles, especially passenger cars, will substitute conventional vehicles in all applications, however for the time being they are mostly used in urban and suburban areas. Urban traffic has a rather low demand for grip...

  • Innovative design of hybrid powered inland vessel


    - Rok 2013

    One of the most demanding task for European countries is rational transportation system taking into account fuel efficient and ecological propulsion. The paper presents innovative design of hybrid powered inland vessel. The most important aspects regarding new design and technical solutions are being presented, including numerical and experimental research on hull form. Combined diesel-electric propulsion supported by solar panel...

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  • Testbed for development and verification of hybrid localization systems


    - Rok 2011

    In this paper a testbed for development and verification of hybrid localization systems is presented. It allows for systematic analysis of hybrid localization methods and speed up the development of new schemes. The proposed testbed platform is composed of subsystem for sequential data collection and testing infrastructure that can be used for investigating the localization mechanisms in controllable environment.

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  • Pathways of Nitrogen Removal in Hybrid Treatment Wetlands

    Hybrid Treatment Wetlands (HTWs) are composed of two or more filters with different modes of flow, allowing the benefits of both types of bed to be combined, resulting in better effluent quality (nitrogen and organic compounds removal). Such a heterogeneous environment creates possibilities for different mechanisms of nitrogen removal. The objective of the present study was to investigate the removal of nitrogen versus a range...

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  • Suitability study of hybrid model of electrodynamic actuator

    The paper presents the proposal of the hybrid circumferential model of an electrodynamic actuator. The field model uses the inductor current as the input data which is obtained from the circumferential model or experimentally.

  • Hybrid system of safe ship steering at sea

    • A. Łebkowski
    • R. Smierzchalski

    - Rok 2003

    Przedstawiony hybrydowy system sterowania statkiem w sytuacji kolizyjnej na morzu, ma umożliwić nawigatorowi podjęcie decyzji pozwalającej na bezpieczne przejście przez dany akwen z uwzględnieniem warunków pogodowych, i spotkanych ograniczeń nawigacyjnych o charakterze statycznym i dynamicznym. System ten łączy pracę dwóch technik komputerowych, algorytmów ewolucyjnych do wyznaczania optymalnej ścieżki przejścia i sterowania rozmytego...

  • Hybrid all-cellulose reinforcement in polypropylene matrix biocomposites for injection moulding - influence of particle geometry and volume fraction on hybrid effect



    The presented study is focused on evaluation of influence of reinforcement volume fraction and geometry on the occurrence of positive hybrid effect by the hybridisation of man-made cellulose fibres (rayon viscose) with cellulose microparticle fillers applied in polypropylene matrix. Four volume fractions of reinforcement were used at 1:1 combination of short man-made cellulose fibres with cellulose microfillers of different aspect...

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  • N6-methyladenosine regulates the stability of RNA:DNA hybrids in human cells

    • A. Abakir
    • T. Giles
    • A. Cristini
    • J. Foster
    • N. Dai
    • M. Starczak
    • A. Rubio-Roldan
    • M. Li
    • M. Eleftheriou
    • J. Crutchley... i 12 innych

    - NATURE GENETICS - Rok 2020

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  • Hybrydowa technologia wzmacniania gruntu w renowacji wałów przeciwpowodziowych

    W artykule przedstawiono propozycję kompleksowego podejścia do renowacji wałów przeciwpowodziowych z zastosowaniem tzw. technologii hybrydowych. Autorzy prezentują technologię, opracowaną z udziałem Katedry Geotechniki, Geologii i Budownictwa Morskiego Politechniki Gdańskiej, łączącą znane metody dynamicznego wzmacniania podłoża gruntowego. Technologia, w swej hybrydowej formule, zapewnia odpowiednie wzmocnienie podłoża zalegającego...

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