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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TITSCHMARSCH’S THEOREM

  • Virtual Engineering Object / Virtual Engineering Process: A specialized form of Cyber Physical System for Industrie 4.0


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2015

    This paper reviews the theories, parallels and variances between Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) / Virtual Engineering Process (VEP) and Cyber Physical System (CPS). VEO and VEP is an experience based knowledge representation of engineering objects and processes respectively. Cyber–physical systems (CPSs) are the next generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control technologies are tightly integrated....

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  • Strahlungslose Übertragung von Elektronenanregungsenergie bei zweidimensionalen lumineszierenden Systemen

    • C. Bojarski
    • J. Kuśba

    - Rok 1975

    An expression for the photoluminescence (PhL) quantum yield of donors in two-dimensional systems as depending on the concentration ratio nD'/nA' of donors and acceptors has been obtained. In the particular case nD' ⪡ nA' the expression reduces to the form given by other authors. The obtained formula can also be applied to the description of the concentrational quenching of PhL when dimers act as acceptors. The theory has been...

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  • Selecting the optimum location for logistics facilities using Solver


    Siting logistics facilities strategically in the most costeffective geographic location is one of the key decisions a contemporary company will make. The aim of the paper is to present a solution to this problem using the Solver add-on. In the case study discussed in the paper, the company’s central warehouse location was selected based on the classic location theory, which addresses the need to minimize the cost of transport....

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  • In-plane shear nonlinearity in failure behavior of angle-ply laminated shells


    The paper concerns the progressive failure analysis of laminates with the in-plane shear nonlinearity accounted for.The nonlinear shear response of the layer is described by the constitutive relation treating the stresses as a function of strains. Thus it can be easily incorporated into the displacement-based FEM codes. The brittle failure mechanisms of the fibers and the matrix of the layer are recognized with the use of the Hashin...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • On exact two-dimensional kinematics for the branching shells


    - Rok 2010

    We construct the two-dimensional (2D) kinematics which is work-conjugate to the exact 2D local equilibrium conditions of the non-linear theory of branching shells. It is shown that the compatible shell displacements consist of the translation vector and rotation tensor fields defined on the regular parts of the shell base surface as well as independently on the singular surface curve modelling the shell branching. Several characteristic...

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  • Advances in macromodeling technique


    The paper discuses recent advances in the finite differencetime domain method employing macromodels. New techniquesfor creating irregularly shaped macromodels, grouping ofmacromodels and advanced macromodel cloning are introduced.The last technique is particularly important for efficient analysisof the structures based on Photonic Crystals (PhC). The methodallows one to shorten considerably the preprocessing time, theRAM usage...

  • Efficient quadrature for fast oscillating integralof paraxial optics


    The study concerns the determination of quadrature for the integral solutionof the paraxial wave equation. The difficulty in computation of the integral isassociated with the rapid change of the integrand phase. The developed quadraturetakes into account the fast oscillating character of the integrand. The presentedmethod is an alternative to the commonly used methods based on the use of theFourier transform. The determination...

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  • Digitalization Process and Its Impact on Economic Growth A Panel Data Study for Developing Countries


    - Rok 2022

    This book analyses the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on economic development. It contains theoretical and empirical studies, including panel studies on various issues facing developing countries, such as education, corruption, economic growth, government expenditure, financial inclusion, foreign direct investment, infrastructure, economic and social welfare, and inequality. Each chapter offers a well-conceived...

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  • Ellipticity of gradient poroelasticity

    We discuss the ellipticity properties of an enhanced model of poroelastic continua called dilatational strain gradient elasticity. Within the theory there exists a deformation energy density given as a function of strains and gradient of dilatation. We show that the equilibrium equations are elliptic in the sense of Douglis–Nirenberg. These conditions are more general than the ordinary and strong ellipticity but keep almost all...

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  • A spline-based FE approach to modelling of high frequency dynamics of 1-D structures

    In this paper a computational methodology leading to the development of a new class of FEs, based on the application of continuous and smooth approximation polynomials, being splines, has been presented. Application of the splines as appropriately defined piecewise elemental shape functions led the authors to the formulation of a new approach for FEM, named as spFEM, where contrary to the well-known NURBS approach, the boundaries...

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    - Rok 2013

    The paper refers to the possibilities of making operational decisions that would enable to ensure safety to a ship in the event of application of the statistical decision theory with consideration of an expected value of consequences as a criterion for making such a decision. General description includes conditions for carrying out transportation tasks by ships and it has been shown that following this description it is possible...

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  • Identification of Parameters Influencing the Accuracy of the Solution of the Nonlinear Muskingum Equation

    Two nonlinear versions of the Muskingum equation are considered. The difference between both equations relates to the exponent parameter. In the first version, commonly used in hydrology, this parameter is considered as free, while in the second version, it takes a value resulting from the kinematic wave theory. Consequently, the first version of the equation is dimensionally inconsistent, whereas the proposed second one is consistent. It...

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  • Non-linear static stability of bi-layer carbon nanosheets resting on an elastic matrix under various types of in-plane shearing loads in thermo-elasticity using nonlocal continuum

    In this research, the shear and thermal buckling of bi-layer rectangular orthotropic carbon nanosheets embedded on an elastic matrix using the nonlocal elasticity theory and non-linear strains of Von-Karman was studied. The bi-layer carbon sheets were modeled as a double-layered plate, and van der Waals forces between layers were considered. The governing equations and boundary conditions were obtained using the first order shear...

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  • Social learning in cluster initiatives


    - Competitiveness Review - Rok 2022

    Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to portray social learning in cluster initiatives (CIs), namely: 1) to explore, with the lens of the communities of practice (CoPs) theory, in what ways social learning occurs in CIs; 2) to discover how various CoPs emerge and evolve in CIs to facilitate a collective journey in their learning process. Subsequently, the authors address the research questions: In what ways does social learning...

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  • Context Search Algorithm for Lexical Knowledge Acquisition



    A Context Search algorithm used for lexical knowledge acquisition is presented. Knowledge representation based on psycholinguistic theories of cognitive processes allows for implementation of a computational model of semantic memory in the form of semantic network. A knowledge acquisition using supervised dialog templates have been performed in a word game designed to guess the concept a human user is thinking about. The game,...

  • Towards the participant observation of emotions in software development teams

    Emotions, moods and temperament influence our behaviour in every aspect of life. Until now plenty of research has been conducted and many theories have been proposed to explain the role of emotions within the working environment. However, in the field of software engineering, interest in the role of human factors in the process of software development is relatively new. In the paper the research design process that has been proposed...

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  • On the problem of optimised allocation of water quality sensors and actuators in DWDS


    The problems of water quality sensors and actuators placement in drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) are addressed as separate, primarily. However, against the background of control systems theory, the nature of DWDSs dynamics indicates that these both problems are interdependent and impact the design of related water quality monitoring and control structures and algorithms. The research work presented in this paper is...

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  • Generalized Dold sequences on partially-ordered sets



    Dold sequences constitute an important class of integer sequences that play an important role in combinatorics, number theory, topology and dynamical systems. We generalize the notion of Dold sequence for the case of partially ordered sets and describe their properties. In particular we give two alternative descriptions of generalized Dold sequences: by some class of elementary sequences as well as by different...

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  • Real and imaginary motion classification based on rough set analysis of EEG signals for multimedia applications

    Rough set-based approach to the classification of EEG signals of real and imaginary motion is presented. The pre-processing and signal parametrization procedures are described, the rough set theory is briefly introduced, and several classification scenarios and parameters selection methods are proposed. Classification results are provided and discussed with their potential utilization for multimedia applications controlled by the...

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  • Acceleration waves in the nonlinear micromorphic continuum



    Within the framework of the nonlinear elastic theory of micromorphic continua we derive the conditions for propagation of acceleration waves. An acceleration wave, also called a wave of weak discontinuity of order two, can be treated as a propagating nonmaterial surface across which the second derivatives of the placement vector and micro-distortion tensor may undergo jump discontinuities. Here we obtain the acoustic tensor for...

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  • Analysis of higher recombination orders in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells


    - Rok 2014

    Recently, it has been experimentally demonstrated that an order of nongeminate recombination exceeds two in some types of organic bulk heterojunction donor-acceptor structures. This result is different than for the case of bimolecular recombination described by Langevin theory. Although several theoretical explanations of this effect have been presented, the origin of higher recombination orders is still questionable. In this work,...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Study of the Flow Dynamics of Surface Water Masses in the Area of the Coastal Gulf of Gdansk


    - Rok 2017

    The paper describes two methods of predicting the movement of small objects with surface water masses. One of the methods uses graph theory to describe the motion of water masses in port docks. The results of this study were compared to a simulation using the hydrodynamic numerical model M3D. The results obtained in a virtual environment were related to the experiments in the real world. In the coastal area of the Gulf of Gdansk,...

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  • Measurement of the Development of a Learning IT Organization Supported by a Model of Knowledge Acquisition and Processing

    The paper presents a model of knowledge acquisition and processing for the development of learning organizations. The theory of a learning organization provides neither metrics nor tools to measure its development The authors' studies in this field are based on their experience gathered after projects realized in real IT organizations. The authors have described the construction of the model and the methods of its verification...

  • Sampling Strategies: Statistics of Sampling


    Each step of the analytical procedure has a significant influence on the final result of the analysis. In the majority of cases the analytical procedure encompasses sampling because the analysis of the entire object (material) is usually not possible. Thus it is necessary to include the uncertainty related to sampling procedure in the uncertainty budget calculations. In the paper: the most important properties of the analysed...

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  • Koncepcja i analiza sensora/aktuatora piezoelektrycznego do pomiaru procesu starzenia się ludzkiej skóry

    Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia nową koncepcję piezoelektrycznego sensora/aktuatora przeznaczonego do pomiaru właściwości mechanicznych tkanek miękkich a w szczególności skóry ludzkiej. Wyjaśnione jest analityczne podejście z wykorzystaniem schematu zastępczego Mason’a określającego aktuator w stanie rezonansu oraz opis metody impedancji elektromechanicznej wykorzystanej w systemie pomiarowym. Analiza z użyciem metody elementów...

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  • Wykorzystanie technik chemometrycznych w badaniach analitycznych środowiska


    Omówiono teorię planowania pomiarów, rozkładów empirycznych, procedur przy-gotowania danych a także najczęściej wykorzystywane techniki analizy danych.Wspomniano równiez o nowoczesnych technikach analizy danych, zaliczanych dogrupy technik opartych na wykorzystaniu sztucznej inteligencji. Opis teore-tyczny w każdym przypadku wzbogacono o przykłady zastosowań w konkretnychproblemach analitycznych.

  • Limiting distribution of the three-state semi-Markov model of technical state transitions of ship power plant machines and its applicability in operational decision-making.


    The article presents the three-state semi-Markov model of the process {W(t): t 0} of state transitions of a ship power plant machine, with the following interpretation of these states: s1 – state of full serviceability, s2 – state of partial serviceability, and s3 – state of unserviceability. These states are precisely defined for the ship main engine (ME). A hypothesis is proposed which explains the possibility of application...

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  • Cooperative control in production and logistics

    • L. Monostori
    • P. Valckenaers
    • A. Dolgui
    • H. Panetto
    • M. Brdyś
    • B. Csáji


    Classical applications of control engineering and information and communication technology (ICT) in production and logistics are often done in a rigid, centralized and hierarchical way. These inflexible approaches are typically not able to cope with the complexities of the manufacturing environment, such as the instabilities, uncertainties and abrupt changes caused by internal and external disturbances, or a large number and variety...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Generalization of Kramers-Krönig relations for evaluation of causality in power-law media

    Classical Kramers-Krönig (K–K) relations connect real and imaginary parts of the frequency-domain response of a system. The K–K relations also hold between the logarithm of modulus and the argument of the response, e.g. between the attenuation and the phase shift of a solution to a wave-propagation problem. For square-integrable functions of frequency, the satisfaction of classical K–K relations implies causality in the time domain....

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  • The energy concept of money

    Purpose: This paper aims to provide the literature review seeking an answer whether energy can be used as a universal equivalent instead of money. Methodology: The author conducted a review of available literature and data sources related to the money theory and energy concept of money. Findings: It was found that the definition of energy as a general equivalent has a contextual and dynamic nature, and this field’s consolidation...

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  • Rethinking non-governmental organizations – at the crossroad of economics and civil society


    The article aims to close the existing knowledge gaps, show why non‑governmental organizations are founded and maintained, and elaborate and systematize the existing knowledge through an analysis of the existing subdisciplines within economics, laying the groundwork for the economics of non‑governmental organizations. The article was written based on a structured literature review with an approach similar to the grounded theory...

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  • Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk mediated by financial performance and goodwill


    In today’s business environment, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly significant factor for firms. This study is driven by the motivation to add to the current literature by investigating the mediating elements that explain the relationship between CSR and forward default risk. In this paper, we attempt to identify the important mediators and give a more comprehensive explanation of this connection...

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  • Development of an asymmetric cellulose acetate-ionic liquid P6,6,6,14[PHOS] gel membrane for the perstraction of succinic acid from a model fermentation solution of yarrovia lipolytica

    • E. Zurob
    • E. Quijada-Maldonado
    • R. Castro Munoz
    • J. Romero
    • A. Plaza
    • R. Cabezas


    This study introduces a novel approach to separate succinic acid (SA) from fermentation mixtures using an asymmetric membrane based on the gelation of the ionic liquid [P6,6,6,14][PHOS] coated with two layers of cellulose acetate. The membrane was designed to explore the synergistic effect of polymer-ionic liquid interfaces according to the solution-diffusion theory. The gelation of the ionic liquid was achieved using 12-hydroxystearic...

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  • Sustainable monument preservation in architectural education

    The aim of this article is both to present the need for changes in architectural and conservation education in a modern, rapidly changing world, as well as to outline solutions to this problem. In the modern world, the field of objects that one intends to protect is expanding. It is necessary to adapt the architectural education to these changes. Due to the current pace of social, political...

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  • Topological invariants for equivariant flows: Conley index and degree


    - Rok 2010

    About forty years have passed since Charles Conley defined the homotopy index. Thereby, he generalized the ideas that go back to the calculus of variations work of Marston Morse. Within this long time the Conley index has proved to be a valuable tool in nonlinear analysis and dynamical systems. A significant development of applied methods has been observed. Later, the index theory has evolved to cover such areas as discrete dynamical...

  • Experimental study on the seepage flow through the ice jam


    In light of the observed climate change, there is a need for better understanding of river ice processes for managing water resources in the cold regions. Ice jams produce significant resistance which may cause rise of water level and flooding. The jam resistance is only referred to the roughness of its underside, and this approach lead to exceptional roughness coefficients which has no physical explanation. Number of evidences...

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  • Ab-initio study of electrical and optical properties of allylamine


    - Rok 2018

    The Density functional theory is one of most promising methodology in fast and accurate calculations of electrical and optical properties from the atomic basis. In this paper, we calculate electrical and optical properties of allylamine (2-propen 1- amine) in terms of accuracy and speed of calculations obtained by selection of DFT-1/2 method with ultrasoft Vanderbilt pseudopotentials. Comparison of density of states between...

  • Description of the Dataset Hanow – Praecepta de Arte Disputandi – Transcription and Photographs


    - Rok 2022

    This article briefly characterises the “Hanow – Praecepta de arte disputandi – transcription and photographs” research dataset. The dataset was created based on photographs and transcriptions of the manuscript of the Latin lectures on the rules of effective discussion (the title of the manuscript: Praecepta de arte disputandi) by Michael Chris-toph Hanow (1695–1773), professor of Gdańsk Academic Gymnasium. The original document...

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  • Design of horizontal axis wind and water turbines


    - Rok 2016

    The basic hydrodynamic principles of horizontal axis turbines are presented. Computational methods based on vortex theory for design of such turbines and for calculation of their hydro or aerodynamic characteristics are described in detail. These methods are applicable both to wind and water turbines. The influence of detailed turbine geometry on its characteristics is presented. Several practical computational examples of different...

  • Antiferromagnetic Order in the Rare-Earth Halide Perovskites CsEuBr3 and CsEuCl3



    Bulk CsEuBr3 and CsEuCl3 are experimentally shown to be magnetic semiconductors that order antiferromagnetically at Néel temperatures of 2.0 K and 1.0 K, respectively. Given that nanoparticles and thin films of CsEuCl3 have been reported to order ferromagnetically at a similar temperature, our observation of antiferromagnetic ordering in CsEuBr3 and CsEuCl3 expands the possible applications of halide perovskites to now include...

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  • FEM simulation of laminate failure in the three point bending


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents a FEM simulation of failure of laminate subjected to the three point bending. The numeri-cal model is based on the equivalent single layer approach with 6-paramater non-linear shell theory kinematics. It is implemented in the non-commercial FEM code. The failure initiation is detected with the use of Tsai-Wu criterion. After the failure onset the progressive failure process is modelled through the appropriate...

  • Inequivalence of entanglement, steering, and Bell nonlocality for general measurements

    • M. Quintino
    • T. Vértesi
    • D. Cavalcanti
    • R. Augusiak
    • M. Demianowicz
    • A. Acín
    • N. Brunner

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2015

    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering is a form of inseparability in quantum theory commonly acknowledged to be intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. However, this statement has so far only been proven for a restricted class of measurements, namely, projective measurements. Here we prove that entanglement, one-way steering, two-way steering, and nonlocality are genuinely different considering general measurements,...

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  • Observation on red blood cells fluctuations by diffraction phase microscopy


    Nowadays there is quite huge need for more and more precise and effective fast diagnostics methods in hematology diseases. One of the most important blood components are erythrocytes – Red Blood Cells (RBCs). Due to their size they are easy to observe using microscopy. It is commonly known that the shape and lifetime of RBCs allows for early disease identification. Authors present special measurement system for RBCs fluctuations...

  • Two-dimensional hydrogen-like atom in a weak magnetic field

    We consider a non-relativistic two-dimensional (2D) hydrogen-like atom in a weak, static, uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the atomic plane. Within the framework of the Rayleigh-Schr¨odinger perturbation theory, using the Sturmian expansion of the generalized radial Coulomb Green function, we derive explicit analytical expressions for corrections to an arbitrary planar hydrogenic bound-state energy level, up to the fourth...

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  • On the material symmetry group for micromorphic media with applications to granular materials

    Within the framework of the theory of nonlinear elastic micromorphic continua we introduce the new definition of the local material symmetry group. The group consists of ordered triples of second- and third-order tensors describing such changes of a reference placement that cannot be recognized with any experiment. Using the definition we characterize the micromorphic isotropic media, micromorphic fluids, solids and special intermediate...

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  • Ab-initio study of electrical and optical properties of allylamine

    The Density functional theory is one of most promising methodology in fast and accurate calculations of electrical and optical properties from the atomic basis. In this paper, we calculate electrical and optical properties of allylamine (2-propen 1- amine) in terms of accuracy and speed of calculations obtained by selection of DFT-1/2 method with ultrasoft Vanderbilt pseudopotentials. Comparison of density of states between molecule...

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  • Quantum corrections to phi^4 model solutions and applications to Heisenberg chain dynamics

    The Heisenberg spin chain is considered in φ^4 model approximation. Quantum corrections to classical solutions of the one-dimensional φ^4 model within the correspondent physics are evaluated with account of rest d−1 dimensions of a d-dimensional theory. A quantization of the model is considered in terms of spacetime functional integral. The generalized zeta-function formalism is used to renormalize and evaluate the functional integral...

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  • Quantum corrections to 4 model solutions and applications to Heisenberg chain dynamics

    The Heisenberg spin chain is considered in φ^4 model approximation. Quantum corrections to classical solutions of the one-dimensional φ^4 model within the correspondent physics are valuated with account of rest d − 1 dimensions of a d-dimensional theory. A quantization of the model is considered in terms of space- time functional integral. The generalized zeta-function formalism is used to renormalize and evaluate the functional...

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  • Progress on Roman and Weakly Connected Roman Graphs


    - Mathematics - Rok 2021

    A graph G for which γR(G)=2γ(G) is the Roman graph, and if γwcR(G)=2γwc(G), then G is the weakly connected Roman graph. In this paper, we show that the decision problem of whether a bipartite graph is Roman is a co-NP-hard problem. Next, we prove similar results for weakly connected Roman graphs. We also study Roman trees improving the result of M.A. Henning’s A characterization of Roman trees, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 22 (2002)....

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    - International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - Rok 2023

    Low-grade gliomas (LGGs) are primary brain tumours which evolve very slowly in time, but inevitably cause patient death. In this paper, we consider a PDE version of the previously proposed ODE model that describes the changes in the densities of functionally alive LGGs cells and cells that are irreversibly damaged by chemotherapy treatment. Besides the basic mathematical properties of the model, we study the possibility of the...

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