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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: bariery geosyntetyczne

  • Modeling of Cardiac Component of Subarachnoid Space Changes in Apnoea Resulting as a Function of Blood Pressure and Blood Flow Parameters - Two Mechanizm of Regulation


    - Rok 2017

    Experiments were performed in a group of 19 healthy, non-smoking volunteers. The experiment consisted of three apnoeas, sequentially: 30 s apnoea, 60 s apnoea and maximal, that could be done, apnoea. The breath-hold was separated for 5 minutes rest. The following parameters were measured and obtained for further analysis: blood parameters, artery diameter of the internal carotid artery, end-tidal CO2 in expired air, the cardiac...

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  • A demand for innovation support in samll and medium-sized enterprises in the baltic sea region


    - Rok 2012

    the aim of the expertise is to analyze the actual demand of smes from the baltic sea region for innovation support. the results of the conducted study can help formulate recommendations designed to increase innovation and competitiveness of smes in the baltic sea region in the future. research activities of this study include: the evaluation of innovation level of the baltic sea region enterprises (type and intensity of implemented...

  • Extremophile Deinococcus geothermalis as potential source of proteolytic enzymes

    Among many extremozymes, thermophilic enzymes have attracted most attention during the past four decades. Such enzymes are of considerable industrial and biotechnological interest due to the fact that the enzymes are better suited for harsh industrial processes. There are many advantages of conducting industrial processes at high temperature, such as the increased solubility of many polymeric substrates, resulting in decreased...

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  • Theoretical Organic Rankine Cycle efficiency depending on different thermodynamic work variables.


    - Rok 2010

    One of promising technologies of utilizing low- temperature waste heat is through ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) system implementation. A primary objective in designing in-stallations based on such systems is to maximize the installation's work efficiency. On the other hand, ecological factors are commonly considered a natural barrier in introducing new, often very expensive technologies. Ecological effect of a potential modernization...

  • Fundamentals of Communication Networks Resilience to Disasters and Massive Disruptions

    • J. Rak
    • D. Hutchison
    • J. Tapolcai
    • R. Bruzgiene
    • M. Tornatore
    • C. Mas-Machuca
    • M. Furdek
    • P. Smith

    - Rok 2020

    Communication networks are exposed to a variety of massive failure events following from activities of nature, weather-induced disruptions, technology-implied problems, and malicious human activities. In this chapter, we first highlight the characteristics of these scenarios and discuss example failure events reported during the last three decades. Next, we explain the concept of network resilience and present an overview of major...

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  • Dissociative photo-double-ionization of the isoxazole molecules


    - Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science - Rok 2020

    The five-membered heterocyclic rings are incorporated into a wide variety of structures that play a vital role in many biochemical processes. In particular, the isoxazole molecule appears in many bioactive compounds due to its unique ring structure that consists of one oxygen atom and one nitrogen atom at adjacent positions. The unique atomic composition and bond arrangement of isoxazole imply its specific electronic properties...

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  • Saccharides


    - Rok 2023

    Saccharides are widely distributed in nature as the major component of fruits and vegetables (primarily monosaccharides), milk and malt (mainly disaccharides), and grains (mostly polysaccharides). They are an important source of energy, structural material, as well as flavor and taste factors. Molecules of this class of compounds contain mainly carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms; however, most natural saccha- rides do not have...

  • A Conception of Pairwise Comparisons Model for Selection of Appropriate Body Surface Area Calculation Formula


    Body surface area (BSA) may be computed using a variety of formulas, but the computed BSA differs from real BSA values for particular subjects. This is presented in the paper by computing BSA values for selected subject and comparing them to the real BSA value obtained with the use of a 3D body scanner. The results show inequalities in the relevant BSA computing formulas. Hence, there is a need to determine a method that will allow...

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  • Public spaces connecting cities. Green and Blue Infrastructures potential.


    A city fragmentation causes a lot of negative effects in urban environment such as: disconnecting the environmental, functional and compositional relations, a loss of urban compactness, chaotic development, visual chaos, a domination of technical landscape, reduction of security. This is why one of main challenges for urban planners is to connect the fragmented structures by creating friendly, attractive and safe public space....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    Out-of-pocket expenditures are a significant barrier in accessing health services. This paper aims to analyse the structure of financing system in the context of the performance indicators of healthcare systems. The study was conducted for the 28 countries of the former Eastern bloc in the years 2000 and 2013, based on data from the World Health Organization. In the DEA-CCR input-oriented model, inputs are the percentage share...

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  • Probe signal processing for channel estimation in underwater acoustic communication system


    Underwater acoustic communication channels are characterized by a large variety of propagation conditions. Designing a reliable communication system requires knowledge of the transmission parameters of the channel, namely multipath delay spread, Doppler spread, coherence time, and coherence bandwidth. However, the possibilities of its estimation in a realtime underwater communication system are limited, mainly due to the computational...

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  • Comparison of selected electroencephalographic signal classification methods

    A variety of methods exists for electroencephalographic (EEG) signals classification. In this paper, we briefly review selected methods developed for such a purpose. First, a short description of the EEG signal characteristics is shown. Then, a comparison between the selected EEG signal classification methods, based on the overview of research studies on this topic, is presented. Examples of methods included in the study are: Artificial...

  • Methodological challenges in social entrepreneurship – on the nexus of economics and management area

    In this paper we make an attempt distinguishing challenges in SE research agenda in Polish and beyond. We identify what can impede the development of this area in Polish discourse These challenges vary in scope. They involve the dilemma between either economics or management as disciplinary settings. Also the understanding of social economy as such determines the chaos. Additionally, divergences in paradigms where researchers situate...

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  • Functional phase bistability in a nanocrystalline RbMn[Fe(CN)6] thin film fabricated by matrix-assisted laser evaporation

    • D. Maskowicz
    • M. Sawczak
    • R. Jendrzejewski
    • M. Gazda
    • H. Tokoro
    • S. Ohkoshi
    • Y. Garcia
    • G. Śliwiński


    One of the main barriers hindering applications of Prussian blue metal assemblies is their poor processability, which makes the fabrication of intact thin films very difficult. In this work, a nanocrystalline RbMn[Fe(CN)6]·xH2O film on silicon substrate was obtained for the first time via laser-stimulated deposition and investigated. Temperature-induced phase transition and bistability within broad hysteresis loop (120 K), along...

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    The article presents a brief overview of hybrid energy systems used on ships. The area of their application is outlined. The benefits of using such systems are also indicated. Then, the classic ship power plant is defined. The most important part of the article is a proposal how to modify a classic engine room by using a hybrid energy system. The idea is: to accumulate a part of electricity in areas where it is allowed to burn...

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  • Accelerator of the entrepreneurship: suburbs in the coastal metropolis of GOM


    - Rok 2014

    Polish model of suburban structure is made of variety types of enterprises in different scales, and a range of housing. However this mass of unordered structure with its urban development problems, often leads to the establishment of business and also the development of local entrepreneurship. This article investigates SME sector located in the suburban area of costal metropolis GOM to prove the thesis that the positive effect...

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  • Multi-objective optimization of microextraction procedures

    Optimization of extraction process requiresfinding acceptable conditions for many analytes and goodperformance in terms of process time or solvent consumption. These optimization criteria are oftencontradictory to each other, the performance of the system in given conditions is good for some criteriabut poor for others. Therefore, such problems require special assessment tools that allow to combinethese contradictory criteria into...

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  • 3D Scanning of Semitransparent Amber with and without Inclusions


    - Rok 2021

    This paper is concerned with making 3D scans of semitransparent ambers with and without inclusions. The paper presents results of using a variety of devices applied for this purpose. Equipment used in the experiments includes a 3D laser scanner, a structured light scanner, a stereo camera, a camera array and a tomograph. The main object used in the experiment was an amber with a fossil of a lizard. The paper shows possibilities...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    Zarządzanie zespołami zróżnicowanymi powinno przejawiać się aktywnym i świadomym działaniem prowadzącym do pełnego wykorzystania potencjału zespołu. To, czy potencjał ten zostanie wykorzystany, zależy od wielu czynników. Wydaje się, że jednym z najważniejszych jest nie tyle rzeczywiste,obiektywne zróżnicowanie członków zespołu, ile to, w jaki sposób różnorodność ta jest subiektywnie postrzegana. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań...

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  • Mechanizmy bezpieczeństwa w strefie C systemu netBaltic

    W artykule zaprezentowano rozwiązania zaimplementowane do zabezpieczania komunikacji w warunkach sporadycznej i nieciągłej łączności (Delay Tolerant Networking – DTN) w systemie netBaltic - charakterystycznej dla strefy C tego systemu. Ze względu na dużą różnorodność rozważanych mechanizmów komunikacyjnych, architektura bezpieczeństwa całego systemu została podzielona na kilka elementów – infrastrukturę klucza publicznego (PKI),...

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  • Whither the need and motivation for open government data (OGD) promotional strategies?

    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • S. Saxena
    • M. Janssen
    • N. Rizun

    - Digital Policy Regulation and Governance - Rok 2023

    Purpose It has been underscored in the extant literature that open government data (OGD) has not percolated across the length and breadth of any country, let alone the awareness of the OGD among the stakeholders themselves. In this vein, this study aims to underline the reasons as to why OGD promotion merits consideration apart from underlining the manner in which OGD promotion may be done. Design/methodology/approach Based on...

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  • Estimation of the Regenerative Braking Process Efficiency in Electric Vehicles


    In electric and hybrid vehicles, it is possible to recover energy from the braking process and reuse it to drive the vehicle using the batteries installed on-board. In the conditions of city traffic, the energy dissipated in the braking process constitutes a very large share of the total resistance to vehicle motion. Efficient use of the energy from the braking process enables a significant reduction of fuel and electricity consumption...

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  • Rainwater chemistry composition in Bellsund: Sources of elements and deposition discrepancies in the coastal area (SW Spitsbergen, Svalbard)


    - CHEMOSPHERE - Rok 2023

    Discrepancies in rainfall chemistry in Bellsund were found to be influenced by the orographic barrier and related to the variability in the inflow of air masses as well as to the distance of sampling sites from the sea and thus the extent of sea spray impact. This study covers measurements of rainfall (P) and air temperature (T), physicochemical parameters (pH, specific electrolytic conductivity (SEC), major ions (Cl , NO3 , SO4...

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  • Webquest- dobra praktyka w e-Learningu

    W dobie informatyzacji i pokonywania barier wdrażania e-technologii na uczelniach wyższych uważa się, że jedną z najczęściej stosowanych aktywizujących technik nauczania wśród nauczycieli akademickich jest metoda projektu (ang. project-based learning). W niniejszym opracowaniu proponuje się zastosowanie w procesie edukacji na wyższej uczelni, metody webquest. Jest ona dużo rzadziej stosowana w praktyce. Opracowano ją w oparciu...

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  • Wpływ rozwoju Internetu i Electronic Commerce na małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa w Polsce.


    - Rok 2004

    Problem badawczy: zbadanie stanu świadomości oraz próba przedstawienia stanu obecnego wykorzystania nowych technologii, perspektyw rozwoju rynku oraz wzajemnego wpływu na siebie przemian technologicznych związanych z wprowadzeniem w sektorze MSP technologii internetowych oraz wejściem firm sektora MSP na nowo tworzony rynek Electronic Commerce. Cele pracy: zbadanie wpływu, jaki Electronic Commerce oraz Internet wywiera na działalność...

  • Smart platforms for collaborative urban design and peer-to-peer sharing of resources


    - Rok 2021


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  • Helicity Discrimination in Diaryl Dichalcogenides Generateded by Inclusion Complexation with Chiral Hosts


    - ORGANIC LETTERS - Rok 2012

    Niektóre z molekuł pozbawione centrum stereogenicznego mogą przyjmować chiralną konformację na skutek wewnętrznej rotacji wzdłuż odpowiedniego wiązania. Do grupy tej należą badane przez nas diarylodichalogenki; diarylodisiarczki, diarylodiselenki i diaryloditellurki. Niska bariera rotacji wokół wiązania chalogen-chalogen skutkuje szybką racemizacją molekuł tych związków w roztworze i uniemożliwia badanie czynności optycznej. Wykazaliśmy,...

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  • Application of Passive Samplers in Monitoring of Organic Constituents of Air

    The principles of passive dosimetry, which has been known for over 100 years, are finding an ever increasing use in analytical practice and are being used as a convenient technique for isolation and enrichment of analytes from various environmental media. Due to its simplicity, a variety of designs, as well as the possibility of using a number of different final determination techniques, passive dosimetry has been applied in...

  • Helicity discrimination in N,N'-dibenzoyl-1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10-octahydro-1,10-phenanthrolines and their thiono- and selenocarbonyl analogues by inclusion complexation with chiral diols

    X-ray crystallographic analysis of the title compounds revealed that they assume a folded helical con- formation of an approximate C2 symmetry in the solid state. Dithioamide, diselenoamide and monoselenoamide were resolved to enantiomers by inclusion crystallization with optically active diols (TADDOLs). The absolute configuration of the guest molecules in the complexes was assigned as P. The optical activity of the resolved compounds...

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  • Excitation-independent constant conductance isfet driver


    - Metrology and Measurement Systems - Rok 2009

    A new constant conductance driver for ISFETs sensors has been developed. The proposed circuit maintains the sensor operating point at constant drain-source conductance. The combination of a simple, self-balancing resistance bridge and the subtraction half (or similar fraction) of source-drain voltage from the gate-source voltage provides the independence of output signal from current and voltage drivers instability. The use of...

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  • Determination of Sodium Ion Diffusion Coefficient in Tin Sulfide@Carbon Anode Material Using GITT and EIS Techniques

    The electroanalytical behavior of SnSx (x = 1, 2) encapsulated into a carbon phase was studied using the galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). These techniques are widely utilized in battery systems to investigate the diffusion of alkali metal cations in anode and cathode materials depending on the concentration of ions in the host material. Here, we report different...

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  • The difficulties in polybrominated diphenyl ethers identification by GC-EI-MS technique


    Awareness about the harmful effects of brominated flame retardants on living organisms increases mainly due to link their presence in the human environment with health disorders. Therefore is a need to conduct research aimed at content control of these chemicals in the environment. Recent improvements in injection techniques and mass spectrometer ionization methods have led to a variety of options to determine PBDEs in environmental...

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  • Robust identification of quadrocopter model for control purposes


    The paper addresses a problem of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (so-called X4-flyer or quadrocopter) utility model identification for control design purposes. To that goal the quadrotor model is assumed to be composed of two abstracted subsystems, namely a rigid body (plant) and four motors equipped with blades (actuators). The model of the former is acquired based on a well-established dynamic equations of motion while the...

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  • Comparison of the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of white, red and black currants (Ribes sp.) extracts

    The aim of this study was to compare the content of antioxidant compounds and the antioxidant activity of extracts from white, red and black currants (Ribes sp.). The chemical properties verified included determinations of anthocyanins and other phenols by HPLC-DAD-MS, total antioxidant activity by standard spectrophotometric tests (ABTS, DPPH and FCR), and profiles of antioxidants by TLC with visualization reagents (ABTS, DPPH,...

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  • Detection Range of Intercept Sonar for CWFM Signals


    Stealth in military sonars applications may be ensured through the use of low power signals making them difficult to intercept by the enemy. In recent years, silent sonar design has been investigated by the Department of Marine Electronic Systems of the Gdansk University of Technology. This article provides an analysis of how an intercept sonar operated by the enemy can detect silent sonar signals. To that end a theoretical intercept...

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  • Can we rely on the pulse transit time - pressure relationship - models comparison

    An unobtrusive, noninvasive and continuous pressure measurement is invaluable however, still being under research and development. There are many attempts proposing an appropriate relationship between pulse pressure velocity and pressure. Fifteen different formulas, both theoretical and experimental, describing relation between blood pressure and crosssectional area of the vessel were examined. Using these formulas the relation...

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  • Magazynowanie energii elektrycznej i gospodarka wodorowa

    • M. Bartosik
    • W. Kamrat
    • M. Każmierkowski
    • W. Lewandowski
    • P. Maciej
    • T. Peryt
    • T. Skoczkowski
    • A. Strupczewski
    • S. Adam

    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Rok 2016

    W artykule dokonano przegl ą du aktualnych technologii magazynowania energii elektrycznej oraz zestawiono uzyskiwane parametry w aspekcie zastosowa ń w zasobnikach systemowych. Przedstawiono studium mo ż liwo ś ci magazynowania energii z odnawialnych ź róde ł energii (O Ź E) w zasobnikach akumulatorowych i elektrowniach szczytowo-pompowych w Polsce. Omówiono tak ż e mo ż liwo ś ci wykorzystania...

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    - Rok 2017

    Metropolia trójmiejska ma wyjątkowo negatywne uwarunkowania terenowe dla funkcjonowania i rozwoju sieci komunikacji publicWyznej. Dzielnice położone w tzw. dolnym tarasie są dobrze skomunikowane za pomocą linii SKM i tramwajowych. Jedynie te środki komunikacji szynowej, przy częstotliwości połączeń nie większej niż co 10 minut, są konkurencyjne dla indywidualnych dojazdów samochodami osobowymi. Natomiast autobusy i trolejbusy utykające...

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  • Fluid structure interaction study of non-Newtonian Casson fluid in a bifurcated channel having stenosis with elastic walls


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2022

    Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) gained a huge attention of scientists and researchers due to its applications in biomedical and mechanical engineering. One of the most important applications of FSI is to study the elastic wall behavior of stenotic arteries. Blood is the suspension of various cells characterized by shear thinning, yield stress, and viscoelastic qualities that can be assessed by using non-Newtonian models. In this...

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  • NADPH Oxidase Gene Polymorphism is Associated with Mortality and Cardiovascular Events in 7-Year Follow-Up

    • M. Racis
    • W. Sobiczewski
    • A. Stanisławska-Sachadyn
    • M. Wirtwein
    • E. Bluj
    • M. Nedoszytko
    • J. Borzyszkowska
    • J. Limon
    • A. Rynkiewicz
    • M. Gruchała

    - Journal of Clinical Medicine - Rok 2020

    The CYBA gene encodes the regulatory subunit of NADPH oxidase, which maintains the redox state within cells and in the blood vessels. That led us to investigate the course of coronary artery disease (CAD) with regards to CYBA polymorphisms. Thus, we recruited 1197 subjects with coronary atherosclerosis and observed them during 7-year follow-up. Three CYBA polymorphisms: c.214C>T (rs4673), c.-932G>A (rs9932581), and c.*24G>A (1049255)...

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  • Kategoria doskonałości w szkolnictwie wyższym


    Cel: Zaakcentowanie miejsca i znaczenia kategorii doskonałości w zarządzaniu instytucjami szkolnictwa wyższego oraz określenie uwarunkowań towarzyszących jej zastosowaniom. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Wykorzystano metodę studium literatury wg koncepcji zaproponowanej przez J. Creswella. Wnioski i rekomendacje płynące z rozważań oparto, przede wszystkim, na podejściu indukcyjnym. Wyniki/wnioski: Przedstawiono czynniki...

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  • Inwestycje i metody badania ich efektywności


    - Rok 2014

    W czasach dynamicznego postępu technologicznego i ekonomicznego pojęcie "inwestycji" w obszarze funkcjonowania każdego z przedsiębiorstw nabrało szczególnego znaczenia. Aby firma mogła przetrwać i rozwijać się na rynku, poza sprawnością bieżącego działania powinna realizować czynności określone przedsięwzięciami inwestycyjnymi, które wykazywać powinny wysoką efektywnością. To właśnie one mogą prowadzić do zmian z nadwyżek w papiery...



    - Rok 2013

    Dithiocarbamates (DTCs) are important organosulfur compounds, which act as inhibitors of metal dependant and sulphydryl enzymes and have a serious consequence on biological systems. They possess variety of applications in agriculture as fungicides, as well as, in the rubber industry as vulcanization accelerators and antioxidants. In this way, DTCs are the main group of fungicides used to control approximately 400 pathogens of more...

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  • Safety assurance strategies for autonomous vehicles


    - Rok 2008

    Assuring safety of autonomous vehicles requires that the vehicle control system can perceive the situation in the environment and react to actions of other entities. One approach to vehicle safety assurance is based on the assumption that hazardous sequences of events should be identified during hazard analysis and then some means of hazard avoidance and mitigation, like barriers, should be designed and implemented. Another approach...

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  • Task Scheduling – Review of Algorithms and Analysis of Potential Use in a Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant


    The idea of task scheduling is to increase the efficiency of a system by minimising wasted time, evenly loading machines, or maximising the throughput of machines. Moreover, the use of appropriate scheduling algorithms often leads to a reduction in the energy costs of the process. Task scheduling problems are found in a variety of industrial areas, and their scale changes significantly depending on the problem. This review shows...

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  • Professional prospects of polish logisticians in the light of the higher education: students’ opinion research.


    - Research in Logistics & Production - Rok 2016

    The paper focuses on a topic concerning the students’ professional future. Students more often and more are prepared to leave the labor market. In addition to the ongoing higher education they get their education at a variety of courses and trainings; they increase their skills in workshops or attend internships and practices to become attractive candidates for the job in the eyes of a potential employer. At this point a number...

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  • Solid road environment and its hazards


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Rok 2017

    Accidents that involve vehicles departing the road tend to have very high severity, as they often result in the vehicle hitting a permanent obstacle (which can be a ree, a pole, facility pillar, front wall of a culvert or a barrier). In recent years, this type of accident caused approx. 19% of all road deaths in Poland. A particularly high risk can be observed on roads located in northern and western...

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  • Lean Six Sigma in French and Polish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - The Pilot Research Results


    - Key Engineering Materials - Rok 2015

    The article presents results of the research conducted in Polish and French small and medium-sized enterprises referring to the context of the implementation and application of the concept of Lean Six Sigma. The research was conducted in the form of case studies, observations and individual interviews. The pilot studies led to the identification of the needs, expectations, concerns and experiences of these companies. At the same...

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  • Simulation of the Dynamics of Renewable Energy Sources with Energy Storage Systems

    The intermittency of renewable energy sources (RES) constitutes a challenge for effective power system control. Fossil-fuel-based units offering ancillary power services to meet the short-term power imbalance are a financial and environmental burden for the society. Energy storage systems (ESS) can be the solution in view of the electricity market development and growing environmental concern. The major questions are, in what circumstances...

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  • Safety Assessment of the Regional Warmia and Mazury Road Network Using Time-Series Analysis


    - Rok 2017

    Warmia and Mazury still belongs to the areas with the smallest transport accessibility in Europe. Unsatisfactory state of road infrastructure is a major barrier to the development of the regional economy, impacting negatively on the life conditions of the population. Also in terms of road safety Warmia and Mazury is one of the most endangered regions in Poland. The Police statistics show that beside a high pedestrian risk observed...

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