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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BAKTERIE OPORTUNISTYCZNE
Nanoparticle-assisted biohydrogen production from pretreated food industry wastewater sludge: Microbial community shifts in batch and continuous processes
PublikacjaBiohydrogen production from industrial waste has gained a significant attention as a sustainable energy source. In this study, the enrichment of biohydrogen production from pretreated dissolved air flotation (DAF) sludge, generated from food industry wastewater treatment plants, was investigated using SiO2@Cu-Ag dendrites cor- e–shell nanostructure (NS). The effect of NS on the changes of the microbial community and biohydrogen...
RecA Proteins from Deinococcus geothermalis and Deinococcus murrayi - Cloning, Purification and Biochemical Characterisation
PublikacjaEscherichia coli RecA plays a crucial role in recombinational processes, the induction of SOS response and mutagenic lesion bypasses. It has also been demonstrated that RecA protein is indispensable when it comes to the reassembly of shattered chromosomes in gamma-irradiated Deinococcus radiodurans, one of the most radiation-resistant organisms known. Moreover, some functional differences between E. coli and D. radiodurans RecA...
Environmental characteristics of a tundra river system in Svalbard. Part 1: Bacterial abundance, community structure and nutrient levels
PublikacjaThe Arctic hosts a set of unique ecosystems, characterised by extreme environmental conditions and undergoing a rapid change resulting from the average temperature rising. We present a study on an aquatic ecosystem of the Revelva catchment (Spitsbergen), based on samples collected from the lake, river and their tributaries, in the summer of 2016. The landscape variety of the study site and the seasonal change in the hydrological...
Coupling transformation of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in a long-term operated full-scale constructed wetland
PublikacjaThe coupling transformation of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur compounds has been studied in lab-scale and pilot-scale constructed wetlands (CWs), but few studies investigated full-scale CW. In this study, we used batch experiments to investigate the potentials of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur transformation in a long-term operated, full-scale horizontal subsurface flow wetland. The sediments collected from the HSFW were incubated for...
Polyurethane based hybrid ciprofloxacin-releasing wound dressings designed for skin engineering purpose
PublikacjaPurpose Even in the 21st century, chronic wounds still pose a major challenge due to potentially inappropriate treatment options, so the latest wound dressings are hybrid systems that enable clinical management, such as a hybrid of hydrogels, antibiotics and polymers. These wound dressings are mainly used for chronic and complex wounds, which can easily be infected by bacteria. Materials and methods Six Composite Porous Matrices...
Electrochemical oxidation of landfill leachate using boron-doped diamond anodes: pollution degradation rate, energy efficiency and toxicity assessment
PublikacjaElectrochemical oxidation (EO), due to high efficiency and small carbon footprint, is regarded as an attractive option for on-site treatment of highly contaminated wastewater. This work shows the effectiveness of EO using three boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDDs) in sustainable management of landfill leachate (LL). The effect of the applied current density (25–100 mA cm−2) and boron doping concentration (B/C ratio: 500 ppm, 10,000...
Combined partial denitrification/anammox process for nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment
PublikacjaRecently, the combined partial denitrification and anammox (PD/anammox) has received special attention as a viable alternative for N removal using organic matter present in municipal wastewater. In comparison with conventional nitrification-denitrification, PD/anammox provides enormous opportunities to achieve sustainable wastewater treatment due to the lack of dissolved oxygen (DO) demand, a smaller amount of organic carbon (C)...
Zasilanie pojazdów elektrycznych za pośrednictwem cewek powietrznych sprzężonych magnetycznie
PublikacjaZasilanie odbiorników ruchomych energią elektryczną odbywa się, w dominującej liczbie przypadków, za pośrednictwem giętkich przewodów łączących, bądź innych zestyko-wych układów pośredniczących typu komutatory, odbieraki prądu, itp. Atrakcyjną alternaty-wą staje się dla rozwiązań klasycznych bezstykowe zasilanie energią elektryczną BSPEE (Bezstykowy System Przesyłu Energii Elektrycznej) z wykorzystaniem cewek magnetycznie sprzężonych...
Bezstykowe zasilanie pojazdu elektrycznego w warunkach zmiennego sprzężenia magnetycznego
PublikacjaBezstykowe zasilanie energią elektryczną poprzez dużą szczelinę powietrzną staje się atrakcyjną alternatywą dla rozwiązań klasycznych, zwłaszcza w przypadku budowy bezobsługowych (automatycznych) stacji doładowujących baterie akumulatorów (superkondensatorów) pojazdu oraz dla zasilania odbiornika ruchomego, na drodze indukcyjnej, w trakcie jego ruchu. Współczesne społeczeństwo spodziewa się znacznej poprawy warunków środowiskowych,...
Przydatność wybranych kruszyw mineralnych do sorpcji fosforu podczas doczyszczania ścieków bytowych
PublikacjaBadania przeprowadzono na specjalnym stanowisku z trzema parami kolumn wypełnionych złożami filtracyjnymi poszczególnych materiałów, stosując dla każdego z nich po dwa nominalne obciążenia hydrauliczne: 20 i 40 dm3/d. W trakcie badań wykluczono z dalszych prób materiał nr 2, stwierdzając jego nieprzydatność do praktycznego wykorzystania, ze względu na jego intensywne ługowanie i wypłukiwanie, skutkujące narastającą kolmatacją złóż...
Ocena ekotoksyczności próbek osadów portowych z Morskiego Portu Gdańsk i Morskiego Portu Gdynia
PublikacjaPogłębianie basenów portowych jest powszechnie stosowanym procesem we wszystkich krajach świata. Jest to proces przynoszący zyski ekonomiczne oraz stanowi rozwiązanie problemów związanych z odmulaniem kanałów. Niemniej powinniśmy być świadomi negatywnych skutków tego procesu, jakim jest zakłócenie naturalnej flory i fauny a także skażenie terenu składowania wydobytego urobku. Wiele krajów wprowadziło wytyczne dotyczące zagospodarowaniem...
Hierarchiczne sterowanie predykcyjne stężeniem tlenu w reaktorze biologicznej oczyszczalni ścieków
PublikacjaOczyszczalnia ścieków jest złożonym systemem sterowania z powodu nieliniowej dynamiki, niepewności i braku wystarczającej liczby pomiarów, wielu skal czasu i wielowymiarowości. Napowietrzanie spełnia bardzo ważną rolę w oczyszczalni ścieków. Powietrze dostarczane do reaktorów biologicznych z jednej strony służy jako pokarm dla bakterii "pracujących" przy oczyszczaniu ścieków, z drugiej strony pomaga w procesach mieszania ścieków....
Badania świeżości mleka UHT przechowywanego w warunkach chłodniczych po codziennym otwieraniu opakowania
PublikacjaMleko, jako codziennie spożywany produkt o wysokiej wartości spożywczej i dietetycznej, powinno charakteryzować się dobrą jakością. Z praktycznego punktu widzenia ważne jest czy mleko nadaje się jeszcze do spożycia po okresie czasu podanym przez producenta na opakowaniu.Badano zmiany trwałości mleka UHT w okresie od 0 do 430 godz. po otwarciu opakowania. Serie badań dotyczyły mleka o różnej zawartości tłuszczu (2%, 3,2%) przechowywanego...
Wpływ zmiany parametrów geometrycznych na wydajność i efektywność protezy zastawki aortalnej Human Aortic Bioprosthesis
PublikacjaW pracy wykazano na podstawie rezultatów badań in vitro, że konstrukcja wykonana z nanocelulozy bakteryjnej, posiada wszelkie cechy protezy zastawki aortalnej możliwe do wykazania na drodze ww. badań oraz że określone cechy geometrii protezy wpływają na jej efektywność i funkcjonalność. W szczególności, w pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań in vitro trzech modeli konstrukcji protezy zastawki aortalnej, oznaczonych M2, M4’ i M4. Badania...
Hydrothermal synthesis of vanadium ammonium compounds – the crucial role of the pressure
PublikacjaDue to the structural diversity and chemical activity, vanadium oxides and their derivatives are continuingly in the great interest of scientist. In a large family of vanadium compounds, one of the most interesting are ammonium vanadates (with the general formula (NH4)xVyOz). They have received much attention because of their promising application as cathode material in mono- and multivalent-ion batteries [1]. Hydrothermal synthesis...
PublikacjaThis study investigates the optimization of light-to-heat conversion in gold nanoparticles under irradiation by continuous- and pulsed-wave laser sources. The conversion process relies on the absorption of electromagnetic energy and the subsequent generation of heat, a phenomenon that is integral to a variety of applications. The photothermal conversion model is based on the Rayleigh-Drude approximation, facilitating predictions...
Deep eutectic solvent enhances antibacterial activity of a modular lytic enzyme against Acinetobacter baumannii
PublikacjaIn this study, we evaluated the combined effect between MLE-15, a modular lytic enzyme composed of four building blocks, and reline, a natural deep eutectic solvent. The bioinformatic analysis allowed us to determine the spatial architecture of MLE-15, whose components were bactericidal peptide cecropin A connected via a flexible linker to the cell wall binding domain (CBD) of mesophilic 201ϕ2 − 1 endolysin and catalytic domain...
PublikacjaSince the COVID-19 pandemic, protection against pathogenic germs and surface disinfection have become critical issues. Most effective bacteria/virus inactivation methods are either power-consuming or require using caustic chemical substances. Herein, thermal inactivation appears to be an affordable and effective technique as long as high temperatures are reached quickly and long-termly maintained. Therefore, the preparation of...
Electrode-based floating treatment wetlands: Insights into design operation factors influencing bioenergy generation and treatment performance
PublikacjaExponential increases in energy consumption and wastewater have often irreversible environmental impacts. As a result, bio-electrochemical devices like microbial fuel cells (MFCs), which convert chemical energy in organic matter to electricity using exoelectrogenic bacteria, have gained interest. However, operational factors affecting efficiency and energy output need further study. This research investigated bioenergy production...
Diving boldly into COVID‐19 contaminated wastewater: Eyes at nanotechnology‐assisted solutions
PublikacjaSeveral studies have been directed to find scalable, swift, accurate, and cost-effective strategies for detecting, monitoring, and treating coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Indeed, the lack of a fast and practical method for detecting the infected regions makes decision-making challenging to combat the critical pandemic-struck situations. The probable ‘wrong’, or rather inadequate, decisions not only have a boomerang effect...
White light thermoplasmonic activated gold nanorod arrays enable the photo-thermal disinfection of medical tools from bacterial contamination
PublikacjaThe outspread of bacterial pathogens causing severe infections and spreading rapidly, especially among hospitalized patients, is worrying and represents a global public health issue. Current disinfection techniques are becoming insufficient to counteract the spread of these pathogens because they carry multiple antibiotic-resistance genes. For this reason, a constant need exists for new technological solutions that rely on physical...
PublikacjaINTRODUCTION: β-Galactosidase is an enzyme which catalyzes the hydrolysis of O glycosidic bond in β-galactosides. Another activity of β galactosidase is a transglycosylation activity. The main industrial use of this protein is the hydrolysis of lactose in milk in a cooling conditions. Synthesis of galactooligosaccharides, which are mostly used as a prebiotics added to some foods or available as dietary supplements, is only one...
Desensitization of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase to inhibition by UDP-GlcNAc
PublikacjaGlucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P) synthase, known also as L-Glutamine: D-fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase, catalyzes the first committed step in the pathway leading to the ultimate formation of UDP-GlcNAc. The final product of this pathway is an activated precursor of numerous macromolecules containing amino sugars, including chitin and mannproteins in fungi, peptidoglycan and lipopolysaccharides in bacteria, and glycoproteins...
Nitrogen removal via the nitrite pathway during wastewater co-treatment with ammonia-rich landfill leachates in a sequencing batch reactor
PublikacjaThe biological treatment of ammonia-rich landfill leachates due to an inadequate C to N ratio requires expensive supplementation of carbon from an external carbon source. In an effort to reduce treatment costs, the objective of the study was to determine the feasibility of nitrogen removal via the nitrite pathway during landfill leachate co-treatment with municipal wastewater. Initially, the laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor...
Tetracycline and ampicillin resistance of Escherichia coli strains of surface water origin: the potential for horizontal transfer of resistance genes = Oporność na tetracyklinę i ampicylinę szczepów Escherichia Coli wyizolowanych z wody powierzchniowej : możliwość horyzontalnego przenoszenia genów oporności
PublikacjaThe aim of this preliminary study was to assess the occurrence and molecular diversity of tetracycline and ampicillin resistance genes carried by Escherichia coli present in surface water. Bacterial strains were isolated from two watercourses (the Reda River and the Oliwski Stream) that influence the quality of coastal waters in the Gdańsk Bay (Northern Poland) by direct discharge. The bacterial drug susceptibility, tested against...
Glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase with an oligoHis insert
PublikacjaGlucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P) synthase known also as L-Glutamine: D-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (EC, catalyzes the first committed step in the amino sugar biosynthetic pathway in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. The final product of this pathway is an activated precursor of numerous macromolecules containing amino sugars, including chitin and mannproteins in fungi, peptydoglican and lipopolysaccharides...
Insights into the microbial community of treated wastewater, its year-round variability and impact on the receiver, using cultivation, microscopy and amplicon-based methods
PublikacjaApart from chemical constituents, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents also release microorganisms that can be important to the receiving water bodies either from a sanitary point of view, or taking to the account the biogeochemical potential of the recipients. However, little is known about the treated wastewater microbial community, its composition, seasonal changes, functions and fate in the waters of the receiver. Thus,...
Diversity and distribution of Tardigrada in Arctic cryoconite holes
PublikacjaDespite the fact that glaciers and ice sheets have been monitored for more than a century, knowledge on the glacial biota remains poor. Cryoconite holes are water-filled reservoirs on a glacier’s surface and one of the most extreme ecosystems for microinvertebrates. Tardigrada, also known as water bears, are a common inhabitant of cryoconite holes. In this paper we present novel data on the morphology, diversity, distribution and...
Molecular identification and genotyping of Staphylococci: genus, species, strains, colnes, lineages, and interspecies exchanges
PublikacjaStaphylococci are increasingly recognized as etiological agents of many opportunistic human and animal infections, emphasizing the need for a rapid and accurate identification, even to a genotypical level of these bacteria. In the recent years, there has been a significant progress in typing and phylogenetic study of Staphylococcus species. Here, we describe molecular methods used in taxonomy as well as staphylococci characterization....
An Easy and Ecological Method of Obtaining Hydrated and Non-Crystalline WO3−x for Application in Supercapacitors
PublikacjaIn this work, we report the synthesis of hydrated and non-crystalline WO3 flakes (WO3−x) via an environmentally friendly and facile water-based strategy. This method is described, in the literature, as exfoliation, however, based on the results obtained, we cannot say unequivocally that we have obtained an exfoliated material. Nevertheless, the proposed modification procedure clearly affects the morphology of WO3 and leads to loss...
Identification of novel halogenated naturally occurring compounds in marine biota by high-resolution mass spectrometry and combined screening approaches
PublikacjaMarine animals, plants or bacteria are a source of bioactive naturally-occurring halogenated compounds (NHCs) such as bromophenols (BPs), bromoanisoles (BAs) and hydroxylated or methoxylated analogues of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (HO-PBDEs, MeO-PBDEs) and bromobiphenyls (HO-BBs, MeO-BBs). This study applied a comprehensive screening approach using liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry and combining target,...
Bezstykowe zasilanie pojazdu elektrycznego w warunkach zmiennego sprzężenia magnetycznego
PublikacjaBezstykowe zasilanie energią elektryczną poprzez dużą szczelinę powietrzną staje się atrakcyjną alternatywą dla rozwiązań klasycznych, zwłaszcza w przypadku budowy bezobsługowych (automatycznych) stacji doładowujących baterie akumulatorów (superkondensatorów) pojazdu oraz dla zasilania odbiornika ruchomego, na drodze indukcyjnej, w trakcie jego ruchu. Współczesne społeczeństwo spodziewa się znacznej poprawy warunków środowiskowych,...
The microbial community, its biochemical potential, and the antimicrobial resistance of Enterococcus spp. in Arctic lakes under natural and anthropogenic impact (West Spitsbergen)
PublikacjaThe sustainable management of small human communities in the Arctic is challenging. In this study, both a water supply system (Lake 1) under the natural impact of a bird-nesting area, and a wastewater receiver (Lake 2) were analysed in the vicinity of the Polish Polar Station on West Spitsbergen. Microbial community composition, abundance and activity were assessed in samples of the treated wastewater, lake water and sediments...
Comparing the permeability of human and porcine small intestinal mucus for particle transport studies
PublikacjaThe gastrointestinal mucus layer represents the last barrier between ingested food or orally administered pharmaceuticals and the mucosal epithelium. This complex gel structure plays an important role in the process of small intestinal absorption. It provides protection against hazardous particles such as bacteria but allows the passage of nutrients and drug molecules towards the intestinal epithelium. In scientific research, mucus...
Removal of nitrogen from wastewater: Unsolved problems and possible solutions with partial denitrification/anammox systems
PublikacjaAbstract Nitrate (NO3−) is more stable than ammonia (NH4+) and nitrite (NO2−) among the majority of emerging pollutants in wastewater that can harm the ecosystem by depleting oxygen and water quality, thereby posing environmental and human health risks. Despite anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) being a common method for nitrogen (N) removal from wastewater, it leaves behind residual NO3− of around 11 %. Maintaining the stability...
A novel approach to enhance high optically active L-lactate production from food waste by landfill leachate
PublikacjaThe recycling of food waste (FW) through anaerobic fermentation into lactic acid (LA), with two isomers L-LA and D-LA, aligns with the principles of a bio-based circular economy. However, FW fermentation is often limited by competing pathways, acidification inhibition, and trace metals deficiency. This study investigates the introduction of landfill leachate, containing buffering agents (ammonia) and trace metals, into FW fermentation....
A Perspective on Missing Aspects in Ongoing Purification Research towards Melissa officinalis
PublikacjaMelissa officinalis L. is a medicinal plant used worldwide for ethno-medical purposes. Today, it is grown everywhere; while it is known to originate from Southern Europe, it is now found around the world, from North America to New Zealand. The biological properties of this medicinal plant are mainly related to its high content of phytochemical (bioactive) compounds, such as flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds, aldehydes, glycosides...
Possibility of Using Tea Fungus for Fermentation of Beetroot and Carrot Pomace Beverages
PublikacjaFermented beverages obtained from plant-based raw materials are becoming more popular due to their beneficial effects on human health. These include kombucha beverages, which are obtained by fermenting tea brew using the so-called tea fungus, which includes acetic acid bacteria and osmophilic yeast. A consortium of these microorganisms could also be used to prepare functional fermented beverages obtained from extracts of vegetable...
Modeling external carbon addition in combined N-P activated sludge systems with an extension of the IWA Activated Sludge Models
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to expand the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to account for a newly defined readily biodegradable substrate that can be consumed by polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) under anoxic and aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. The model change was to add a new substrate component and process terms for its use by PAOs and other heterotrophic bacteria under anoxic and aerobic...
Modeling external carbon addition in combined N-P activated sludge systems with an extension of the IWA Activated Sludge Models
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to expand the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to account for a newly defined readily biodegradable substrate that can be consumed by polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) under anoxic and aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. The model change was to add a new substrate component and process terms for its use by PAOs and other heterotrophic bacteria under anoxic and aerobic...
Photosensitization of TiO2 and SnO2 by Artificial Self-Assembling Mimics of the Natural Chlorosomal Bacteriochlorophylls
PublikacjaOf all known photosynthetic organisms, the green sulfur bacteria are able to survive under the lowest illumination conditions due to highly efficient photon management and exciton transport enabled by their special organelles, the chlorosomes, which consist mainly of self-assembled bacteriochlorophyll c, d, or e molecules. A challenging task is to mimic the principle of self-assembling chromophores in artificial light-harvesting...
Antimicrobial resistance of fecal indicators in muncipal wastewater treatment plant
PublikacjaAntimicrobial resistance of fecal coliforms (n = 153) and enterococci (n = 199) isolates was investigated in municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) based on activated sludge system. The number of fecal indicators (in influent and effluent as well as in the aeration chamber and in return activated sludge mixture) was determined using selective media. Susceptibility of selected strains was tested against 19 (aminoglycosides,...
Practical Approach to Large-Scale Electronic Structure Calculations in Electrolyte Solutions via Continuum-Embedded Linear-Scaling Density Functional Theory
PublikacjaWe present the implementation of a hybrid continuum-atomistic model for including the effects of a surrounding electrolyte in large-scale density functional theory (DFT) calculations within the Order-N Electronic Total Energy Package (ONETEP) linear-scaling DFT code, which allows the simulation of large complex systems such as electrochemical interfaces. The model represents the electrolyte ions as a scalar field and the solvent...
Systemic analysis of a manufacturing process based on a small scale bakery
PublikacjaThe main aim of the article is to present two new innovative concepts of reliability of a functioning manufacturing system in the process of making bread in small-scale bakeries. Reliability is understood as one of the representations of an operator acting on specifc streams in time to - t. One of these represents the global reliability of a system as a function of parallel action of all the streams of the system in time to to...
Antibiotic resistance, virulence, and phylogenetic analysis of Escherichia coli strains isolated from free-living birds in human habitats
PublikacjaWild birds can be colonized by bacteria, which are often resistant to antibiotics and have various virulence profiles. The aim of this study was to analyze antibiotic resistance mechanisms and virulence profiles in relation to the phylogenetic group of E. coli strains that were isolated from the GI tract of wildfowl. Out of 241 faecal samples, presence of E. coli resistant to a cephalosporin (ESBL/AmpC) was estimated for 33 isolates...
Baktericyna o aktywności gronkowcobójczej wytwarzana przez Staphylococcus xylosus - identyfikacja, oczyszczanie oraz wstępna charakterystyka
PublikacjaCelem badań prowadzonych w ramach realizacji niniejszej pracy była identyfikacja szczepów bakterii z rodzaju Staphylococcus produkujących substancje o działaniu przeciwbakteryjnym, w tym szczególnie bakteriocyny. W trakcie badań przesiewowych, których przedmiotem było 206 szczepów z kolekcji Katedry Technologii Leków i Biochemii Politechniki Gdaoskiej z gatunków Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis oraz Staphylococcus...
An Overview of Bidirectional EV Chargers: Empowering Traction Grid-Powered Chargers
PublikacjaIn recent years, the number of electric vehicles has been at least doubling year after year. As a result, today electric vehicles already account for approximately 10% of the global automotive market, which positively affects environment in urbanized areas. However, to take full advantage of the EV integration it is necessary to use renewable sources for their charging; optimally place charging stations/terminals; optimally manage...
Molecular transformation of dissolved organic matter in manganese ore-mediated constructed wetlands for fresh leachate treatment
PublikacjaThe organic matter (OM) and nitrogen in Fresh leachate (FL) from waste compression sites pose environmental and health risks. Even though the constructed wetland (CW) can efficiently remove these pollutants, the molecular-level transformations of dissolved OM (DOM) in FL remain uncertain. This study reports the molecular dynamics of DOM and nitrogen removal during FL treatment in CWs. Two lab-scale vertical-flow CW systems were...
SimLE Stardust: How an experiment evolved from student tinkering to a stratospheric research platform
PublikacjaStratospheric balloons are one of the most accessible methods of near space exploration. Their applications include capturing of extreme living organisms whose existence in the stratosphere has been suggested in the literature. These potential microorganisms would have evolved to survive the unique environment of low temperature, low pressure and high solar radiation. This makes the development of...
MutS3: a MutS homologue of unknown biological function
PublikacjaThe homologues of MutS proteins are widespread among both Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. MutS designated as MutS1 is a part of MMR (mismatch repair) system which is responsible for removal of mispaired bases and small insertion/deletion loops in DNA. Initially, the only MutS homologues known were those engaged in mismatch repair and these were later designated as MutS1. Subsequently, the MutS2 homologue was distinguished. MutS2 does...