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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FIGURE OF MERIT

  • Implementation of an Interdisciplinary Educational Path Within "Glassworks in Pomerania Region, Crafts and Industry" Project


    Teaching practical skills for work in field during academic lessons for students of geodesy and cartography and students of archaeology is crucial to prepare young students of the profession to participate in apprenticeships, professional realizations excavations and carry out their geodetic services. Another aspect of teaching of future archaeologists and surveyors working with them, is the ability to mutual understanding between...

  • In search of a common ground for the space sciences


    - Rok 2019

    The paper discusses the relations between various aspects of human activities performed in space, taking into consideration the past, present and future contexts. Interdisciplinarity and integrity of technological issues combined with legal and management issues were emphasized. Consequently, it was recognized that it is necessary to build a network of universities, research-and-development companies and engineering companies....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym



    The main aim of the proposed study is therefore recognition of the phenomena accompanying nucleate boiling crisis of selected nanofluids during boiling on horizontal tubes of various outside diameters. Of particular interest is impact of contact angle and tube diameter on the value of critical heat flux. The results obtained should give more light on the nature of nucleate boiling crisis and will serve as a basis for future theoretical...

  • Ochrona powietrza - europejskie standardy

    Current regulations in EU oblige every member country to cover the protection of the air as well as determine, in a bright and clear way, the responsibilities of the governments to monitor the condition and introduce ways of protection of the air from pollution. If the responsibilities imposed by the directive on evaluation and management of the air quality are obeyed by the respective organs of member countries of EU, then the...

  • Novel Family of Single-Phase Modified Impedance-Source Buck-Boost Multilevel Inverters With Reduced Switch Count



    his paper describes novel single-phase solutions with increased inverter voltage levels derived by means of a nonstandard inverter configuration and impedance source networks. Operation principles based on special modulation techniques are presented. Detailed component design guidelines along with simulation and experimental verification are also provided. Possible application fields are discussed, as well as advantages and disadvantages....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Three-dimensional conceptual model for service-oriented simulation


    n this letter, we propose a novel three-dimensional conceptual model for an emerging service-oriented simulation paradigm. The model can be used as a guideline or an analytic means to find the potential and possible future directions of the current simulation frameworks. In particular, the model inspects the crossover between the disciplines of modeling and simulation, service-orientation, and software/systems engineering. Finally,...

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  • Investigations of size effect in concrete at aggregate level - experiments and calculations results using discrete element method


    - Rok 2019

    Size effect is a fundamental phenomenon in concrete. It is characterised by decreasing strength and increasing brittleness of concrete with increasing size. The thesis includes experimental and theoretical elements. The main goal of the thesis were investigations of a size effect at the aggregate level by taking fracture into account with the discrete element method (DEM) for various failure modes. Comprehensive experiments on...

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  • Urban regeneration in urban functional areas in Poland as an instrument of implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy

    This study examines the role of urban regeneration policies in planning and governance within urban functional areas (UFAs) in Poland, in the context of the EU Cohesion Policy (CP). The empirical part of this study is based on comparing the approaches adopted in two Polish regions: Pomerania and Silesia. We describe the first successes but also the bottlenecks of the process, from negotiations and programming up to the implementation...

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  • Corrugated Sheeting as a Member of a Shear Panel Under Repeated Load—Experimental Test


    In stressed-skin design, the cladding stiffening effect on structures is taken into account. However, the “traditional” design is more usual, wherein this effect is neglected. Even if the diaphragm actions are not regarded, in particular cases such as big sheds (and others), the parasitic (unwanted) stressed-skin action may occur with the result of leakage or even failure. The structures of this kind have already been built. Thus,...

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  • Car-sharing: The Impact on Metropolitan Spatial Structures


    Many examples from the past show that new technologies designed to solve particular problems can also create side effects generating new problems. Some unforeseen or unwanted results may influence space use and spatial structures. Car-sharing is an invention to compete with car ownership. It drastically rise efficiency of car use, reducing the number of vehicles per users. Diffusion of car-sharing is going to accelerate in the...

  • High-Efficacy Global Optimization of Antenna Structures by Means of Simplex-Based Predictors

    Design of modern antenna systems has become highly dependent on computational tools, especially full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. EM analysis is capable of yielding accurate representation of antenna characteristics at the expense of considerable evaluation time. Consequently, execution of simulation-driven design procedures (optimization, statistical analysis, multi-criterial design) is severely hindered by the...

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    Graphene has a range of unique physical properties which could be exploited in gas sensing. Every atom of graphene may be considered as a surface atom, able to interact even with single molecule of the target gas or vapour species resulting in the ultrasensitive sensor response. In this paper the potential of graphene as a nanomaterial for fabricating chemiresistors was described. Recent development in graphene sensors was considered...

  • Working in harmony with nature. Green office buildings in a present-day city


    - GeoScape - Rok 2010

    Metropolis - as main point of people's migration, mostly because of work, have to face sustainable development as a strategy for the near future. This article describes possible ways leading to the best office building concepts in the design process. Searching for a workspace in harmony with nature is one of the aspects of a balanced development. The challenge is to create functional, compact, environmentally friendly and healthy...

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  • A Formal Approach to Model the Expansion of Natural Events: The Case of Infectious Diseases

    • M. Teresa Signes-Pont
    • J. Boters Pitarch
    • J. Szymański
    • H. Mora-Mora

    - Parallel Processing Letters - Rok 2023

    A formal approach to modeling the expansion of natural events is presented in this paper. Since the mathematical, statistical or computational methods used are not relevant for development, a modular framework is carried out that guides from the external observation down to the innermost level of the variables that have to appear in the future mathematical-computational formalization. As an example we analyze the expansion of Covid-19....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Monitoring of a historic sacral building on an example Basilica St. Nicholas in Gdańsk

    he paper describes the case of monitoring the technical condition of a historic sacral building after a failure and during renovation works. In order to monitor the condition of the building, safely conduct diagnostic work, identify the causes of failures andsafely carry out renovation works, a detailed Facility Monitoring Program has been developed, which has been implemented, is operational and is a source of valuable data used...

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  • Resilient Routing in Communication Networks


    - Rok 2015

    This important text/reference addresses the latest issues in end-to-end resilient routing in communication networks. The work highlights the main causes of failures of network nodes and links, and presents an overview of resilient routing mechanisms, covering issues related to the Future Internet (FI), wireless mesh networks (WMNs), and vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). For each of these network architectures, a selection of...

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  • Smart Cities Concept: Smart Mobility Indicator



    This work attempts to analyze problems resulting from the lack of possibility to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of “Smart Mobility” solutions, which represent one of the cornerstones of Smart Cities, from the point of view of city hall offices. The work presents existing Smart Mobility evaluation solutions, discusses their drawbacks, and then proposes a new indicator. The final part of the work presents assumptions...

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  • Zarządzanie wiedzą w małych przedsiębiorstwach oferujących wiedzochłonne usługi biznesowe

    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie praktyk zarządzania wiedzą oraz czynników wpływających na sukces, bądź porażkę w ich wdrażaniu na podstawie badania jakościowego przeprowadzonego w trzech firmach działających na terenie województwa pomorskiego. Firmy te należą do sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw oraz oferują wiedzochłonne usługi biznesowe (knowledge-intensive business services – KIBS). W artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi...

  • Teledetekcyjne badanie konstrukcyjnych elementów żelbetowych z użyciem naziemnego skaningu laserowego

    Współczesna technologia naziemnego skaningu laserowego (TLS) z użyciem skanerów geodezyjnych o zasięgu większym niż 50 metrów pozwala na pomiar geometrii elementów konstrukcyjnych z dokładnością bliską 1 mm. Autorzy, w oparciu o badania laboratoryjne i doświadczenia własne, prezentują rozwiązanie pozwalające na wstępną ocenę belek żelbetowych jako podstawowych elementów konstrukcyjnych budowli typu mosty, wiadukty, budynki wielkopowierzchniowe. Przedmiotem...

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    Od momentu pojawienia się koncepcji marketingu usług przechodzi ona nieustającą ewolucję. Pojawiające się nowe trendy (m.in. Service-Dominant Logic, Service Logic, New Service Marketing) i obszary badań marketingu usług (np. Transformative Service Research) skłaniają do dokonywania podsumowań pewnego etapu rozwoju i stawiania pytań, w którym kierunku powinny podążać badania marketingu usług w przyszłości. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie...

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  • Żegluga towarowa na Wiśle


    Koncepcje rozwoju drogi wodnej WISŁY.Bariery utrudniaące rozwój transportu wodnego i przesłanki przemawiające za aktywizacją dróg wodnychb w Polsce.Propozycja drogi wodnej na Wiśle jako elementu łańcucha transportowego z terminalami kontenerowymi w porcie Gdańskim, Bydgoszczy,Warszawie oraz docelowo w rejonie Krakowa jako elementu przyszłego kanału Śląskiego. Koncepcja centrum logistycznego w Bydgoszczy

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  • Improving the Survivability of Carrier Networks to Large-Scale Disasters

    • A. de Sousa
    • J. Rak
    • F. Barbosa
    • D. Santos
    • D. Mehta

    - Rok 2020

    This chapter is dedicated to the description of methods aiming to improve the survivability of carrier networks to large-scale disasters. First, a disaster classification and associated risk analysis is described, and the disaster-aware submarine fibre-optic cable deployment is addressed aiming to minimize the expected costs in case of natural disasters. Then, the chapter addresses the improvement of the network connectivity resilience...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Sensitivity analysis of free torsional vibration frequencies of thin-walled laminated beams under axial load

    The paper addresses sensitivity analysis of free torsional vibration frequencies of thin-walled beams of bisymmetric open cross-section made of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. The warping effect and the axial end load are taken into account. The consideration is based upon the classical theory of thin-walled beams of non-deformable cross-section. The first-order sensitivity variation of the frequencies is derived with...

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  • Con l’introduzione


    - Rok 2022

    Nata nel 1953 con l’obiettivo di portare l’Italia tra le nazioni avanzate anche in campo energetico, Eni rappresenta una delle principali imprese ad aver influenzato l’innovazione economica del Paese. La sua storia, legata a doppio filo alla figura di Enrico Mattei, consente di seguirne le traiettorie di sviluppo e le strategie di internazionalizzazione, nel quadro di un contesto in continua evoluzione. Questo volume ripercorre...

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  • Awarie mostu Cłowego w Szczecinie

    W artykule przedstawiono historię budowy i eksploatacji mostu Cłowego w Szczecinie. W ciągu 56 lat eksploatacji obiektu wykonano wiele ekspertyz, napraw i remontów. Ostatecznie most został zamknięty z powodu awarii stalowych kabli sprężenia zewnętrznego. Przedstawiono główne przyczyny degradacji obiektu i awarii. Opisano również obliczenia statyczne i wytrzymałościowe wykonane do koncepcji rozbiórki przęseł mostu.

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  • Most Cłowy w Szczecinie. Historia i przyszłość


    W referacie przedstawiono historię budowy i cykl życia kablobetonu mostu Cłowego w Szczecinie. W trakcie 56-letniego życia obiektu kilka prac eksperckich i naprawy zostało wykonanych. Ostatecznie most został zamknięty po poważnej awarii strukturalnej zewnętrznego kabla sprężenia. Wyjaśniono główne przyczyny degradacji oraz przedstawiono koncepcję projektową remontu.

  • Oszczędność jako cnota w kształtowaniu wspólnotowego środowiska mieszkaniowego


    The principle of conservation (saving) the resources - present in designing - applies to the style and quality of living of the future tenants. But by approving restrictions, they may realize themselves on a different from consumption basis - in a community life, with respect to nature. The element of social participation cannot be absent - the understanding between tenants, adjusting eco-friendly solutions to needs and possibilities...

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  • Service and service decomposition model - theoretical foundation of it service management

    The publication contains different definitions of Service - one of the fundamental IT Service Management term. It describes types of Service attributes nad introduces so-called ''distinguish functions'' in order to propose different categories of Services. It proposes both general model of Service decomposition and practical model based on CMDB implementation limitations. In summarizes obtained results and gives some remarks about...

  • Nonlinear FEM analysis of irregular shells composed of fiber metal laminates

    The paper deals with the analysis of failure initiation in shells made of Fiber Metal Laminates (FML). The elas-tic material law for orthotropic lamina is stated accounting for asymmetric in-plane stress and strain measures. The asymmetry results from the employed general nonlinear 6-field shell theory where the generalized dis-placements involve the translation and the proper rotation field. The novelty of the presented results...

  • Hertzian Crack Propagation in Ceramic Rolling Elements


    The properties of ceramics are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. The influence of ring crack size on rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such crack are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculations are based on a three dimensional model for the ring crack propagation. The stress intensity factors along crack...

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  • Assessing Word Difficulty for Quiz-Like Game


    Mappings verification is a laborious task. Our research aims at providing a framework for manual verification of mappings using crowdsourcing approach. For this purpose we plan on implementing a quiz like game. For this purpose the mappings have to be evaluated in terms of difficulty to better present texts in respect of game levels. In this paper we present an algorithm for assessing word difficulty. Three approaches...

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  • Effect of bending-torsion on fracture and fatigue life for 18Ni300 steel specimens produced by SLM

    • W. Macek
    • R. Masoudi Nejad
    • S. Zhu
    • J. Trembacz
    • R. Branco
    • J. D. Costa
    • J. Fereira
    • C. Capela


    In this study, different fracture surfaces caused by fatigue failure were generated from 18Ni300 steel produced by selective laser melting (SLM). Hollow round bars with a transverse hole were tested under bending-torsion to investigate the crack initiation mechanisms and fatigue life. Next, the post-failure fracture surfaces were examined by optical profilometer and scanning electron microscope. The focus is placed on the relationship...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • How pesticides affect neonates? - Exposure, health implications and determination of metabolites



    This review covers key information related to the effects of pesticides on fetal and child health. All humans are exposed to environmental toxicants, however child's health, due to their high vulnerability, should be of special concern. They are continuously exposed to environmental xenobiotics including a wide variety of pesticides, and other pollutants. These compounds can enter the child's body through various routes, both during...

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  • The use of LiFePO4 technology in autonomous PV systems


    - Rok 2014

    Battery manufacturing based on the flow of lithium ions is currently the fastest growing and the most promising technology. It is used in many applications - from the smallest electronic devices to the large-scale energy trays. However, in the PV systems lead-acid batteries are still the most commonly used. As they are much cheaper they also come with a number of significant disadvantages. It is anticipated that they will be replaced...

  • Behaviour of deformed steel columns exposed to impact load during earthquakes - experimental study

    It has been observed during major earthquakes that the so called soft-storey failure of an upper floor of a structure results in large impact load acting on structural members of the lower storeys. It may further lead to progressive collapse of the whole structure substantially intensifying human and material losses. The aim of this paper is to investigate experimentally the behaviour of horizontally deformed columns (deformation...

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  • Machine learning for the management of biochar yield and properties of biomass sources for sustainable energy

    • G. V. Nguyen
    • P. Sharma
    • Ü. Ağbulut
    • H. S. Le
    • T. H. Truong
    • M. Dzida
    • M. H. Tran
    • H. C. Le
    • V. D. Tran

    - Biofuels Bioproducts & Biorefining-Biofpr - Rok 2024

    Biochar is emerging as a potential solution for biomass conversion to meet the ever increasing demand for sustainable energy. Efficient management systems are needed in order to exploit fully the potential of biochar. Modern machine learning (ML) techniques, and in particular ensemble approaches and explainable AI methods, are valuable for forecasting the properties and efficiency of biochar properly. Machine-learning-based forecasts,...

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  • Security of Cryptocurrencies: A View on the State-of-the-Art Research and Current Developments


    - SENSORS - Rok 2023

    [Context] The goal of security is to protect digital assets, devices, and services from being disrupted, exploited or stolen by unauthorized users. It is also about having reliable information available at the right time. [Motivation] Since the inception in 2009 of the first cryptocurrency, few studies have been undertaken to analyze and review the state-of-the-art research and current developments with respect to the security...

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  • Accuracy improvement of the prestressed concrete structures precise geometry assessment by use of bubble micro-sampling algorithm

    Prestressed concrete structures are well-known technology for a vast period, but nevertheless, this very technology is a leading solution, currently used in construction industry. Prestressed concrete structures have a huge advantage over conventional methods because it uses the properties of concrete in a very efficient way. The main idea behind this technology is to introduce into the cross-section of the structure, the internal...

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  • Contemporary bottom-up tools for public spaces activation. Współczesne oddolne narzędzia aktywizacji przestrzeni publicznych

    This article attempts to figure out the current understanding of public spaces and the contemporary tools for bottom-up activation of public spaces to make them more friendly and functional. The paper investigates contemporary public spaces' challenges and what tools can be used to improve them. In this research, the main issue will be the question: what kind of tools and actions can be offered to maintain the quality of public...

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  • Game with a Purpose for Verification of Mappings Between Wikipedia and WordNet


    - Rok 2017

    The paper presents a Game with a Purpose for verification of automatically generated mappings focusing on mappings between WordNet synsets and Wikipedia articles. General description of idea standing behind the games with the purpose is given. Description of TGame system, a 2D platform mobile game with verification process included in the game-play, is provided. Additional mechanisms for anti-cheating, increasing player’s motivation...

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  • Współczesne trendy i strategie rozwoju Mieszkalnych Obiektów Pływających w Polsce


    - Rok 2023

    Podjęty w rozprawie temat Współczesne trendy i strategie rozwoju Mieszkalnych Obiektów Pływających w Polsce miał na celu zebranie i usystematyzowanie wiedzy z zakresu budownictwa nawodnego oraz określenie potencjalnej wizji przyszłości w celu opracowania strategii rozwoju Mieszkalnych Obiektów Pływających uwzględniającej wszystkie sfery otoczenia zewnętrznego. W pracy przedstawiono złożoność problemu budownictwa nawodnego, dokonano...

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  • Ocena możliwości wykorzystania metody punktu wewnętrznego do optymalizacji rozpływu mocy biernej w systemie elektroenergetycznym – referat konferencyjny.

    W referacie poddano weryfikacji metodę punktu wewnętrznego pod kątem jej wykorzystania do optymalizacji rozpływu mocy biernej w systemie elektroenergetycznym. Rozważania przeprowadzono na 28 węzłowym systemie CIGRE, z wykorzystaniem zaimplementowanej metody punktu wewnętrznego w programie PowerFactory firmy DIgSILENT.

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  • Preliminary Results of a System-theoretic Assessment of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships' Safety

    While a system‐theoretic approach to the safety analysis of innovative socio‐technical systems gains a growing acceptance among academia, safety issues of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) remain largely unexplored. Therefore, we applied a System‐Theoretic Process Analysis to develop and analyze a preliminary model of the unmanned shipping system in order to elaborate safety recommendations for...

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  • Representing and Managing Experiential Knowledge with Decisional DNA and its Drimos® Extension


    - Rok 2022

    The Semantic Web concept is proposing a future concept of the WorldWideWeb (WWW) where both humans and man-made systems are able to interconnect and exchange knowledge. One of the challenges of Semantic Web is smart and trusted accommodation of knowledge in artificial systems so it can be unified, enhanced, reused, shared, communicated and distributed with added aptitude. Our research represents an important component of addressing...

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    - Rok 2014

    In the paper, new trends in development of micropower generation of heat and electricity are presented. New type of CHP for domestic usage is developed in the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery PAS and methods of its design are presented. The most promising trends in equipment of ORC cycle for this purpose were discussed. Main attention was focused on micro-heat exchangers design based on micro-channels and micro-jets. In our opinion...

  • Modeling of Human Tissue for Medical Purposes

    The paper describes the possibilities offered for medicine by modeling of human tissue using virtual and augmented reality. It also presents three proposals of breast modeling for the use in clinical practice. These proposals are the result of arrangements of medical and computer scientists team (the authors) and will be pursued and implemented in the near future. There is included also a brief description of the most popular methods...

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  • Collaboration within the Automotive Value Chain

    • A. Szerenos
    • A. Maciocha

    - Rok 2007

    The paper describes new approach to supply chain management in the North American automotive industry, in part influenced by the Japanese model. To survive and prosper all automotive suppliers must face major challenges in supporting their customers including delivering innovative ideas, technology and quality with increasing speed, participating in every aspect of product development and producing entire systems. The authors describe...

  • Biomechanics of the front abdominal wall as a potential factorleading to recurrence with laparoscopic ventral hernia repair

    This study investigated the front abdominal wallto describe its elasticity in vivo and searched for elongationsthat possibly stretched an implanted mesh, therebycausing fixation failure and subsequent recurrence.To measure front abdominal wall elongations, amodel of fascia movements was created. Eight healthyvolunteers were measured during exercise to determine theextent of elongations in their front abdominal wall. Videoswere...

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  • Mobile Systems (Portable, Handheld, Transportable) for Monitoring Air Pollution

    The monitoring and analysis of atmospheric air pollutants is a rapidly developing branch of analytical chemistry. The in situ analysis of atmospheric air quality using mobile instrumentation is becoming routine. The article provides information on devices used in various kinds of mobile laboratories. It reviews the portable gas chromatographs and handheld devices used for detecting and determining specific harmful substances in...

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  • Analizator do weryfikacji składu mieszanin gazowych dla nurków


    W artykule przedstawiono własną konstrukcję prostego i niezawodnego w działaniu analizatora do pomiaru stężeń helu i tlenu (w mieszaninach typu helioks), dwóch istotnych podstawowych parametrów gwarantujących bezpieczeństwo nurkowania. Zawartość helu mierzona jest czujnikiem termokonduktometrycznym własnej konstrukcji a tlenu za pomocą handlowej celki elektrochemicznej firmy Figaro. Maksymalny błąd względny dla obu składników nie...

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