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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: REGIONAL CLUSTERS

  • Determination of long-chain aldehydes using a novel quartz crystal microbalance sensor based on a biomimetic peptide



    There is an increasingly popular trend aimed at improvement of fundamental metrological parameters of sensors via implementation of materials mimicking biological olfactory systems. This study presents investigation on usefulness of the peptide mimicking HarmOBP7 region as a receptor element of the piezoelectric sensor for selective analysis of long-chain aldehydes. Identification of odorant binding proteins creates new possibilities...

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  • Edukacja architektoniczna w kontekście regionalnego wzornictwa kaszubskiego


    - Rok 2017

    Edukacja architektoniczna dokonuje się w przestrzeni szczególnej obejmującej zarówno materialne obiektów jak i niematerialnych doświadczeń. Poznaniu i zrozumieniu sprzyjają działania projektowe wzbogacające tożsamość osobistą mieszkańców regionu. Projekty edukacyjne, skierowane szczególnie do dzieci (które wymagają szczególnych form przekazu i działań praktycznych dla zrozumienia złożonych zagadnień i abstrakcyjnych pojęć), służą...

  • Energy Consumption Modeling in SPMD and DAC Applications


    - Rok 2016

    In this chapter, we show a study of energy consumption during execution of SPMD and DAC application – the same applications which time of execution we modeled in the previous two chapters. We measured an average power usage at a single node of the GALERA+ cluster during application execution and then we modeled the total energy consumption by the application. Next we simulated the applications using MERPSYS and we compared the...

  • Sea surface temperature distribution during upwelling along the Polish Baltic coast


    - OCEANOLOGIA - Rok 2005

    Among over 150 maps of sea surface temperature in the Polish Baltic coastal region derived from satellite data during the warm period of the year (April-October) in 2000-2002, 41 cases were noted where its distribution showed characteristic features indicating the occurrence of coastal upwelling. The fundamental parameters of range, probability of occurrence and temperature modification caused by water from deeper sea layers...

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  • Metoda prognozowania mocy skrawania przy przecinaniu piłami polskiego drewna sosnowego z uwzględnieniem wiązkości materiału obrabianego


    - Rok 2016

    W pracy zostały przedstawione wartości właściwości materiałowych tj.: wiązkość R oraz naprężenia tnące w strefie skrawania τy, dla drewna sosnowego (Pinus sylvestris L.). Badane próbki drewna pochodziły z czterech Krain Przyrodniczo - Leśnych Polski: Bałtyckiej Krainy Przyrodniczo - Leśnej (kraina A), Karpackiej Krainy Przyrodniczo - Leśnej (kraina B), Małopolskiej Krainy Przyrodniczo - Leśnej (kraina C) oraz Wielkopolsko - Pomorskiej...

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  • Electrical Stimulation Modulates High Gamma Activity and Human Memory Performance


    - eNeuro - Rok 2018

    Direct electrical stimulation of the brain has emerged as a powerful treatment for multiple neurological diseases, and as a potential technique to enhance human cognition. Despite its application in a range of brain disorders, it remains unclear how stimulation of discrete brain areas affects memory performance and the underlying electrophysiological activities. Here, we investigated the effect of direct electrical stimulation...

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  • Wyzwania i problemy aktywizacji peryferyjnych niskorozwiniętych obszarów Unii Europejskiej


    Są duże dysproporcje w poziomie rozwoju między obszarami metropolitalnymi a pozostałymi, zwanymi tu peryferyjnymi. Dysproporcje dotyczą też badań – wiele z nich dotyczy obszarów metropolitalnych. Dlatego autor podjął w 2009 r. badania dotyczące problemów aktywizacji obszarów peryferyjnych. Głównym problemem jest w nich niedostatek endogenicznych czynników stanowiący barierę samodzielnego zainicjowania wzrostu. Potrzeba rozwoju...

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    Mentor&Student Research Lab is a common initiative of the members of Gdańsk University of Technology student research club, Urban Revolution Laboratory LEM-ur and International Society of City and Regional Planners ISOCARP. The aim of the event was to promote collaboration of professionals and the student in the area of research on the city and the region. During three months' Workshop five groups leaded by ISOCARP Mentors performed...

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  • Mentor&Student Research Lab – Urban Transformations – Introduction


    Mentor&Student Research Lab - "Urban Transformations" is a common initiative of the members of Gdańsk University of Technology student research club, Urban Revolution Laboratory and the International Society of City and Regional Planners ISOCARP. The aim of the event was to promote collaboration of professionals and the students in the area of research on the city and the region. During three months’ Workshop five groups leaded...

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  • Determination of selected parameters/ analytes in surface water samples collected in the surroundings of the capital of Spitsbergen (Longyearbyen)


    - AIP Conference Proceedings - Rok 2019

    Polar regions are extremely sensitive to pollution such as harmful gases, particles or toxic substances which affect the Arctic climate and ecosystems. Spitsbergen, as well as all Arctic region, because of its geographically distant location and lack of industry sector, should be free of chemical pollution. Despite this, many pollutants could be found in the Polar environment, for example in freshwaters. Their occurrence is related...

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  • Increasing K-Means Clustering Algorithm Effectivity for Using in Source Code Plagiarism Detection

    • P. Hrkút
    • M. Ďuračík
    • M. Mikušová
    • M. Callejas-cuervo
    • J. Żukowska

    - Rok 2019

    The problem of plagiarism is becoming increasingly more significant with the growth of Internet technologies and the availability of information resources. Many tools have been successfully developed to detect plagiarisms in textual documents, but the situation is more complicated in the field of plagiarism of source codes, where the problem is equally serious. At present, there are no complex tools available to detect plagiarism...

  • Efficient Usage of Dense GNSS Networks in Central Europe for the Visualization and Investigation of Ionospheric TEC Variations


    - SENSORS - Rok 2017

    The technique of the orthogonal projection of ionosphere electronic content variations for mapping total electron content (TEC) allows us to visualize ionospheric irregularities. For the reconstruction of global ionospheric characteristics, numerous global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers located in different regions of the Earth are used as sensors. We used dense GNSS networks in central Europe to detect and investigate...

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  • Rewitalizacja dróg wodnych delty Wisły jako podstawa nowej perspektywy osiedleńczej

    W artykule opisano badania dotyczące rewitalizacji dróg wodnych Delty Wisły. Problematyka badawcza dotyczy rozwoju obszaru na styku lądu i wody. Wpływ lokalizacji nadmorskiej, i związana z nią problematyka wynikająca z położenia poniżej poziomu morza są dostrzegalne nawet do stu kilometrów od wybrzeża. Dodatkowym aspektem, który ujemnie wpływa na rozwój obszaru delty po II wojnie światowej jest utrata tożsamości regionalnej. Dlatego...

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  • Handlowo-techniczne bilansowanie energii w obszarach sieci dystrybucyjnej


    W artykule omówiono problemy wywołane przez rosnący udział generacji rozproszonej we współczesnych systemach elektroenergetycznych. Przedstawiono nową koncepcję rozwiązywania zagadnienia bilansowania mocy czynnej w obszarach sieci dystrybucyjnych, opartą o wykorzystanie nowych struktur organizacyjnych takich jak: klastry energii, wydzielone systemy dystrybucyjne, spółdzielnie energetyczne, wirtualne elektrownie i grupy bilansujące.

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  • Public Perception of Intangible Benefits and Costs in the Valuation of Mega Sports Events: The Case of Euro 2012 in Poland


    This article estimates the intangible benefits and costs of Euro 2012 in Poland. Using the contingent valuation method (CVM), a study was conducted among residents of all four host regions of the event and one nonhost region. This provided the basis for determining the net intangible benefit arising from Poland’s hosting of the European football championships (Euro 2012), which was estimated at 5.3 billion PLN2012. The aggregate...

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  • Smart Approach for Glioma Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Modified Convolutional Network Architecture (U-NET)



    Segmentation of a brain tumor from magnetic resonance multimodal images is a challenging task in the field of medical imaging. The vast diversity in potential target regions, appearance and multifarious intensity threshold levels of various tumor types are few of the major factors that affect segmentation results. An accurate diagnosis and its treatment demand strict delineation of the tumor affected tissues. Herein, we focus on...

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  • Model of Volunteer Based Systems.


    - Rok 2013

    There are two main approaches to processing tasks requiring high amounts of computational power. One approach is using clusters of mostly identical hardware, placed in dedicated locations. The other approach is outsourcing computing resources from large numbers of volunteers connected to the Internet. This chapter attempts to formulate a mathematical model of the volunteer based approach to distributed computations and apply it...

  • Why are trees still such a major hazard to drivers in Poland?

    Roadside trees are one of Poland's most serious road safety issues. Since 2009 more than 2800 people have been killed as a result of tree collisions; this represents about 15% of all of Poland's accident fatalities between 2009 and 2013. In some of the country's regions striking a tree caused more than 30% of all road accident fatalities. With no proper regulations, guidelines or examples of good practice, roadside environments...

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  • Application of multivariate statistics in assessment of green analytical chemistry parameters of analytical methodologies


    - GREEN CHEMISTRY - Rok 2013

    The study offers a multivariate statistical analysis of a dataset, including the major metrological, “greenness” and methodological parameters of 43 analytical methodologies applied for aldrin determination (a frequently analyzed organic compound) in water samples. The variables (parameters) chosen were as follows: metrological (LOD, recovery, RSD), describing the “greenness” (amount of the solvent used, amount of waste generated)...

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  • Ferromagnetic nanocrystallites in the SiO2 - PbO - Fe2O3 glass system

    The structure of 50% SiO2 - 35% PbO - 15% Fe2O3, 50% SiO2 - 30% PbO - 20% Fe2O3 and 50% SiO2 - 25% PbO - 25% Fe2O3 (in mol%) glass was investigated by the means of AFM microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Observation by the atomic force microscopy shows that each of prepared iron oxide glass doesn't have homogeneous structure and some nanocrystallites were detected. Next, test with neodymium magnet found out strong magnetic properties...

  • Are Pair Trading Strategies Profitable During COVID-19 Period?

    • M. K. Sohail
    • A. Raheman
    • J. Iqbal
    • M. I. Sindhu
    • A. Staar
    • M. Mushafiq
    • H. Afzal

    - Journal of Information & Knowledge Management - Rok 2022

    Pair trading strategy is a well-known profitable strategy in stock, forex, and commodity markets. As most of the world stock markets declined during COVID-19 period, therefore this study is going to observe whether this strategy is still profitable after COVID-19 pandemic. One of the powerful algorithms of DBSCAN under the umbrella of unsupervised machine learning is applied and three clusters were formed by using market and accounting...

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  • Aggregation properties of some zirconium phosphate loaded with dirhenium(III) complexes


    - Vaprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii - Rok 2018

    One of the important areas of modern science is the selection of the right forms of drug delivery. Layered inorganic nanoparticles, such as zirconium phosphate, have proven themselves well in this area. The study of the properties of these systems and methods of their preparation makes it possible to determine a rational technology of their manufacture, storage conditions as well as suggest a possible mechanism of therapeutic action....

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  • Reversible Video Stream Anonymization for Video Surveillance Systems Based on Pixels Relocation and Watermarking


    A method of reversible video image regions of interest anonymization for applications in video surveillance systems is described. A short introduction to theanonymization procedures is presented together with the explanation of its relation to visual surveillance. A short review of state of the art of sensitive data protection in media is included. An approach to reversible Region of Interest (ROI) hiding in video is presented,...

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  • Convergence or divergence in the European Union


    The disparities in economic prosperity revealed both from inter-country and inter-region perspective are one of the main problem in the modern economy. They consist of the dispersion in the real values such as incomes, GDP or productivity, but also nominal values such as prices and costs. The European Union is aware of this problem hence the role of the regional and structural policy aiming enhancing the cohesion between member...


    Smart City Concept in the Context of Enterpreneurship Development in Suburban Areas. Supporting innovation and knowledge within economic development, these are the goals of public managers, enthusiasts of the Smart City concept. It is questioned whether this concept is the best solution for regional development and efficient support to local entrepreneurship based on SMEs (small and medium enterprises). Moreover, the results of...

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  • Horizontal velocity field derived from EPN and ASG-EUPOS satellite data on the example of south-western part of Poland


    - Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia - Rok 2012

    Presently the determination of the velocity field in the global reference frame is possible by using different space techniques and dense terrestrial networks from global to local and regional scales. However, the reliability of such determinations is strongly limited by the restricted number of unmodeled effects. Some of them are periodic (atmospheric or hydrological effects), some instantaneous (natural or man-made seismicity)...

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  • Wzrost bakterii redukujących siarczany, wyizolowanych z wód podziemnych rejonu Gdańska na różnych źródłach węgla organicznego


    W regionie gdańskim większa część wód przeznaczonych do spożycia, rozprowadzanych w sieci wodociągowej, pochodzi z ujęć wód podziemnych. W surowych wodach podziemnych pochodzących z utworów kredowych oraz czwartorzędowych, eksploatowanych w tym rejonie, stwierdzono występowanie bakterii redukujących siarczany. W pracy zbadano właściwości BRS wyizolowanych z wód podziemnych piętra kredowego regionu gdańskiego. Z wód tych wyodrębniono...



    - Rok 2021

    Plener tematycznie dotyczył wysmakowanej architektury kaszubskiej na ziemi zaborskiej: domu kaszubskiego, zagrody i szerzej krajobrazu w kontekście tytułowych ‘smaków dziedzictwa’. Przedogródek, sad, ogród warzywny, pole, łąka, las i jezioro nadają smak życiu w kaszubskim domu. Ale rozumiejąc ‘smak dziedzictwa’ bardziej konceptualnie, karmimy zmysłu urokiem regionu, harmonią krajobrazu kulturowego i przyrodniczego oraz unikalną...

  • Shoreline Extraction Based on LiDAR Data Obtained Using an USV


    This article explores the use of Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) derived point clouds to extract the shoreline of the Lake Kłodno (Poland), based on their geometry properties. The data collection was performed using the Velodyne VLP‐16 laser scanner, which was mounted on the HydroDron Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV). A modified version of the shoreline extraction method proposed by Xu et al. was employed, comprising of the following...

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    TiO2 was surface modified with silver, gold, palladium and platinum ion clusters to improve its photocatalytic activity. The effect of metal content, the kind of dopant used during preparation procedure on the photoactivity were investigated. in toluene removal which was used as a model volatile organic compound. Toluene, at the concentration of about 100 ppm, was irradiated over noble metal modified TiO2 using light-emitting diodes...

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  • Modeling Volunteer Based Systems


    - Rok 2016

    There are two main approaches to processing tasks requiring high amounts of computational power. One approach is using clusters of mostly identical hardware, placed in dedicated locations [1, 2, 3]. The other approach is outsourcing computing resources from large numbers of volunteers connected to the Internet [7]. This chapter presents an application of a mathematical model of the volunteer computing presented in Volume 1 of this...

  • Vernacular and neovernacular architecture without a user. Wooden catholic churches in the vicinity of brody in Ukraine.


    One of the basic theoretical postulates for the protection of monuments is to preserve them in the place of their creation. However, such action is not always possible to implement. The great historical processes of the 20th century led to significant national, political, religious and cultural changes in the border areas between Poland and Ukraine. As a result of those changes, a large number of wooden churches have lost their...

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  • Hybrid Method Analysis of Unshielded Guiding Structures


    A combination of mode matching, finite element methods and generalized impedance matrix is presented in a context of propagation problems for open guiding structures. The computational domain is divided into two regions: the first one is a circular cylinder containing whole guiding structure and the second one surrounds this artificial cylinder. The impedance matrix is calculated with the use of finite element method in the first...

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  • Management of Textual Data at Conceptual Level


    - Rok 2011

    The article presents the approach to the management of a large repository of documents at conceptual level. We describe our approach to representing Wikipedia articles using their categories. The representation has been used to construct groups of similar articles. Proposed approach has been implemented in prototype system that allows to organize articles that are search results for a given query. Constructed clusters allow to...

  • Usługi ośrodków podregionalnych w Polsce

    Ośrodki podregionalne definiowane są jako miasta, w których skoncentrowane są takie usługi, które w Polsce mogą być w kilku miastach województwa, ale nie w każdym mieście powiatowym. Usługi zawsze miały tendencję do koncentracji, tworząc ośrodki różnych poziomów w hierarchicznej sieci osadniczej. Celem prezentowanych badań było: (1) określenie usług typowych dla poziomu podregionalnego; (2) rozpoznanie koncentracji tych usług,...

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  • Informal employment in Poland: an empirical spatial analysis

    The main goal of our article is to bridge the gap in the regional analysis of informal employment in Poland and in particular to indicate the propensity for informal work in the working-age population, to test if informal activities are typical for marginalized people (less educated, unemployed, older) and to identify the regional and spatial heterogeneity in the propensity. We use data from the ‘Human Capital Balance 2010–2014’...

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  • Maszyny Hydrotechniczne Kanału Elblaskiego cz. 2.

    Pierwszy projekt kanału z 1827 roku, autorstwa Tajnego Radcy Budowlanego Severina z Kwidzyna, zakładał wyrównanie poziomów luster wody w jeziorach. Jezioro Jeziorak, koło Iławy, było największym jeziorem regionu, liczyło ponad 30 km długości, zatem uznano, że jego poziom wody będzie bazowym dla pozostałych jezior. Uznano również, że Miejscowość Miłomłyn, będzie głównym węzłem komunikacyjnym na kanale, stąd bowiem będą rozchodziły...

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  • Benzene-induced hydro(solvo)thermal synthesis of Cu2+ and Zn2+ coordination polymers based on 1,3-benzenedicarboxylate



    Hydro(solvo)thermal reactions of Cu(NO3)2·2.5H2O or Zn(NO3)2·6H2O with 1,3-H2bdc provided two structurally different coordination polymers; a 2D network “metallacalixarene” based on the paddlewheel-type cluster with the formula [Cu(1,3-bdc)·H2O]·H2O (1) and a 3D framework [Zn(1,3-bdc)] (2), respectively. The use of a base was unnecessary in this synthesis; however, the presence of benzene played a crucial role in the crystallization...

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  • NVRAM as Main Storage of Parallel File System

    Modern cluster environments' main trouble used to be lack of computational power provided by CPUs and GPUs, but recently they suffer more and more from insufficient performance of input and output operations. Apart from better network infrastructure and more sophisticated processing algorithms, a lot of solutions base on emerging memory technologies. This paper presents evaluation of using non-volatile random-access memory as a...

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  • Changes in evaporation patterns and their impact on Climatic Water Balance and river discharges in central Poland, 1961–2020


    - Regional Environmental Change - Rok 2024

    This study investigates the changes in precipitation and evaporation patterns and their impact on Climatic Water Balance and river discharges in central Poland from 1961 to 2020. The analysis focuses on two “normal” periods, 1961–1990 and 1991–2020 (according to the World Meteorological Organization). Bartlett’s test and the Kruskal–Wallis rank sum test were used to assess the homogeneity of variances and compare distributions...

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  • Sea to air transport of trace gases in the coastal zone: a literature review


    W pracy przedstawiono informacje i dane liczbowe dotyczące zjawiska wymiany składników śladowych (CO2, N2O, CH4, DMS, COS, NH3, metyloaminy, lotne związki halogenoorganiczne, CO) pomiędzy powierzchnią morza i powietrzem atmosferycznym w strefie przybrzeżnej. Dokonano oceny ogólnej emisji tych związków oraz podano informacje o stężeniach i o strumieniach (w skali rocznej).

  • Method for Assessing Rail Transport Competitiveness in Poland and the United Kingdom


    - Rok 2015

    Both in Poland and United Kingdom, as well as worldwide, railways have to compete with other modes of transport, and the rail industry seeks for possibilities of achieving a competitive advantage over them. Thus, there is a need for methods for assessment of rail transport competitiveness and detection of areas for improvement. This paper presents a method developed for the Polish regional transport market and verified according...

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    - Rok 2015

    W opracowaniu zawarto wraz z przykładami niektóre możliwości programu R Cran w zakresie wizualizacji danych przestrzennych. Analizie poddano nakłady inwestycyjne w poszczególnych województwach w Polsce. Wykazano, że województwa charakteryzujące się wyższym poziomem nakładów inwestycyjnych niż średnia krajowa to województwa: dolnośląskie, łódzkie, mazowieckie, pomorskie i śląskie. Natomiast województwa, w których co roku, obserwuje...

  • Implementation of DEIS for reliable fault monitoring and detection in PEMFC single cells and stacks

    Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (DEIS) was presented as novel method for diagnostic and monitoring of PEMFC stack and single cells operation. Impedance characteristics were obtained simultaneously with current - voltage characteristics for stack and each individual cell. Impedance measurements were performed in galvanodynamic mode. It allowed to compare performance of each cell and identification of faulty cell operation...

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  • A simple modification to improve the accuracy of methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme quantitative polymerase chain reaction



    DNA digestion with endonucleases sensitive to CpG methylation such as HpaII followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) quantitation is commonly used in molecular studies as a simple and inexpensive solution for assessment of region-specific DNA methylation. We observed that the results of such analyses were highly overestimated if mock-digested samples were applied as the reference.We determined DNA methylation levels in several...

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  • Generalization of Phylogenetic Matching Metrics with Experimental Tests of Practical Advantages



    The ability to quantify a dissimilarity of different phylogenetic trees is required in various types of phylogenetic studies, for example, such metrics are used to assess the quality of phylogeny construction methods and to define optimization criteria in supertree building algorithms. In this article, starting from the already described concept of matching metrics, we define three new metrics for rooted phylogenetic trees. One...

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  • Intercomparison of TEC obtained from the IRI model to the one derived from GPS measurements



    IRI (International Reference Ionosphere) is a well-known standard of the ionosphere, but nowadays GPS permanent observations are also the base of the regional and global ionosphere models. In this paper, comparison of TEC (Total Electron Content) derived from the IRI model to the global TEC parameters derived from GPS measurements is presented. Global TEC maps show, that GPS derived ionosphere models, in opposition to the IRI,...

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  • Smart Specializations as Innovative Ecosystems


    - Rok 2018

    In the article it is showed that regional smart specializations that are currently the most important tool of the European innovation policy may be perceived, and if effective should constitute, innovative ecosystems. The article presents the concepts of smart specializations and innovative ecosystems. The concept of innovative ecosystem is, in the article, presented from the perspective of its foundation and relations to other...

  • Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie rynków pracy z punktu widzenia popytu na pracę

    Rynek pracy nie jest kategorią jednrodną. Jego zróżnicowanie wynika ze specyfiki regionu, jego struktury oraz poziomu rozwoju. W celu zbadania przewag konkurencyjnych lokalnych rynków pracy, z punktu widzenia warunków związanych z funkcjonowaniem podmiotów gospodarczych, można dokonać charakterystyki cech determinujących potencjał pracy tkwiący w danym regione. Mnogość cech zmusza do dokonywania trudnego wyboru miar oddających...

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  • Przekop przez Mierzeję Wiślaną - szansą czy zagrożeniem dla rozwoju turystyki?


    - Rok 2010

    Artykuł omawia problemy związane z zagrożeniami krajobrazu Mierzei Wiślanej, a w konsekwencji ze skutkami dla rozwoju turystyki w całym regionie, w związku z planowanym Przekopem przez Mierzeję Wiślaną. Dla udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytania, czy inwestycja jest potrzebna, jakie może wywołać skutki środowiskowe, oraz co z nich wyniknie dla rozwoju turystyki w regionie, wykorzystano procedurę ocen oddziaływania na środowisko - prawny...