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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WTRYSK PARY

  • Wyznaczenie charakterystyk eksploatacyjnych przy użyciu programu numerycznego dla siłowni turbinowej z przegrzewem międzystopniowym z klasycznym reaktorem w zmiennych warunkach pracy dla parametrów 28 MPa/550/580 °C.

    Opisano badania obiegu w zmiennych warunkach pracy. Przebieg charakterystyk o mocy projektowej 600 MW i ciśnieniu w skraplaczu 4 kPa w warunkach pozaprojektowych otrzymano poprzez zmianę wartości ciśnienia w skraplaczu i strumienia masy pary świeżej. Zaobserwowano, że zostały uzyskane niewielkie zmiany względne jednostkowego zużycia ciepła oraz mocy. Wystąpienie tych zmian spowodowane zostało zmiennymi warunkami pracy skraplacza...

  • Analiza siłowni nadkrytycznych oraz ultranadkrytycznych


    - Rok 2019

    Niniejszy artykuł zawiera przegląd istniejących rozwiązań siłowni nadkrytycznych oraz ultra nadkrytycznych. Przedstawiono historię rozwoju bloków na parametry nadkrytyczne. Obecny stan technologii został zaprezentowany – są to następujące parametry pary świeżej: 650°C oraz 330 bar. W Polsce istnieje 8 bloków pracujących na parametry nadkrytyczne. Ich parametry pracy zostały przedstawione w tekście. Z kolei elektrownią parową posiadającą...

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  • DNA adduct formation by C-1748, a potent antitumor 4-methyl-1-nitroacridine of lowered toxicity.


    - Rok 2004

    4-podstawione 1-nitroakrydyny reprezentują nową grupę pochodnych zsyntetyzowanych na Politechnice Gdańskiej. W porównaniu do macierzystych 1-nitroakrydyn związki te wykazują obniżoną toksyczność i podwyższoną aktywność przeciwnowotworową. Wiodąca pochodna 4-metylo-1-nitroakrydyna o symbolu C-1748 jest obecnie w przygotowaniu do I fazy badań klinicznych w leczeniu raka okrężnicy. Wprowadzenie elektrodonorowej grupy metylowej w...

  • Concentration of bioactive compounds in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis as an indicator of pollution

    • J. Namieśnik
    • S. Moncheva
    • Y. Park
    • K. Ham
    • B. Heo
    • Z. Tashma
    • E. Katrich
    • S. Gorinstein

    - CHEMOSPHERE - Rok 2008

    Oznaczano zawartość związków cynoorganicznych oraz ksenobiotyków z grupy PCB i WWA w tkankach małży pochodzących z obszarów zanieczyszczonych i niezanieczyszczonych z regionu Mokpo Bay (Korea).Wyżej wymienione związki mogą być traktowane jako wskaźniki antropopresji.

  • Comparison of the contents of bioactive compounds and the level of antioxidant activity in different kiwifruit cultivars

    • Y. Park
    • H. Leontowicz
    • M. Leontowicz
    • J. Namieśnik
    • M. Suhaj
    • M. Cvikrova
    • O. Martncova
    • M. Weisz
    • S. Gorinstein


    Głównym celem prowadzonych badań było stwierdzenie która z odmian owoców kiwi (''Hayward'', ''Daeheuhg'', ''Haenam'' oraz ''Bidan'') jest najbardziej odpowiednią z punktu widzenia konsumpcji przez człowieka. Z tego powodu w odpowiednio przygotowanych próbkach ekstraktów z owoców kiwi oznaczono:- profile związków bioaktywnych;- poziomy aktywności przeciwutleniającej. Wyniki pomiarów zawartości polifenoli (flawonoidy oraz kwasy fenolowe)...

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  • Characterization of metabolites in different kiwifruit varieties by NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy

    • N. Abdul
    • A. Mediani
    • M. Maulidiani
    • F. Abas
    • Y. Park
    • H. Leontowicz
    • M. Leontowicz
    • J. Namieśnik
    • S. Gorinstein


    It is known from our previous studies that kiwifruits, which are used in common human diet, have preventive properties of coronary artery disease. This study describes a combination of 1H NMR spectroscopy, multivariate data analyses and fluorescence measurements in differentiating of some kiwifruit varieties, their quenching and antioxidant properties. A total of 41 metabolites were identified by comparing with literature data...

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  • Bioactive compounds and the antioxidant capacity in new kiwi fruit cultivars

    • Y. Park
    • J. Namieśnik
    • K. Vearasilp
    • H. Leontowicz
    • M. Leontowicz
    • D. Barasch
    • A. Nemirovski
    • S. Trakhtenberg
    • S. Gorinstein

    - FOOD CHEMISTRY - Rok 2014

    The aim of this investigation was to find the best among seven different kiwi fruit cultivars (‘Hayward’, ‘Daheung’, ‘Haenam’, ‘Bidan’, ‘Hort16A’, ‘Hwamei’ and ‘SKK12’) for human consumption and to classify them as groups. Therefore, the contents of bioactive compounds and the level of antioxidant capacities of these cultivars were determined in four different extracts and compared. It was found that the contents of the bioactive...

  • Bioactive and bioavailability of minerals in rats loaded with cholesterol and kiwi fruit

    • M. Leontowicz
    • I. Jesion
    • H. Leontowicz
    • Y. S. Park
    • J. Namieśnik
    • Z. Jastrzebski
    • E. Katrich
    • Z. Tashma
    • S. Gorinstein


    The aim of this study was to compare the content of polyphenols (TP), minerals, ascorbic acid (AA) and total antioxidant capacities (TAC) of conventional and organic kiwifruit ‘Hayward’ treated with ethylene after harvest and to determine their influence on plasma TAC, mineral content in the liver and bioavailability (RBV — relative bioavailability value) in rats fed diet containing cholesterol. Organic and conventionally grown...

  • Abuse or contamination? Ratio determination of clenbuterol enantiomers to distinguish between doping use and meat contamination

    • M. Thijs
    • M. K. Parr
    • M. Blokland
    • F. Liebetrau
    • A. Schmidt
    • M. Stanic
    • E. Waraksa
    • D. Kwiatkowska
    • S. Sterk

    - Rok 2016

    Clenbuterol has been detected in urine of several athletes during routine doping control in the past years. Athletes claimed that the clenbuterol was ingested by eating contaminated meat. Providing analytical prove for this claim is difficult. clenbuterol consists of two enantiomers, R(-) and S(+)-clenbuterol. Currently available human and veterinary preparations were found to consist of a racemic mixture of both enantiomers. When...

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  • Distinction of clenbuterol intake from drug or contaminated food of animal origin in a controlled administration trial – the potential of enantiomeric separation for doping control analysis

    • M. K. Parr
    • M. Blokland
    • F. Liebetrau
    • A. Schmidt
    • T. Meijer
    • M. Stanic
    • D. Kwiatkowska
    • E. Waraksa
    • S. Sterk

    - Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure& Risk Assessment - Rok 2017

    The differentiation of clenbuterol abuse and unintentional ingestion by contaminated meat is crucial with respect to the valuation of an adverse analytical finding in human sports doping control. The proportion of the two enantiomers of clenbuterol may serve as potential discriminating parameter. For the determination of the individual enantiomers, specific methods were developed and validated for the different matrices under investigation...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Partial characterization of proteins from mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis as a biomarker of contamination

    • S. Gorinstein
    • S. Jung
    • S. Moncheva
    • P. Arancibia-Avila
    • Y. Park
    • S. Kang
    • I. Goshev
    • S. Trakhtenberg
    • J. Namieśnik

    - Rok 2005

    Przedmiotem zainteresowania były:- funkcjonalne i przeciwutleniające właściwości białek małża Mytilus galloprovincialis,- poziom zawartości metali ciężkich (ołów i kadm) w tkankach.Badania przeprowadzono dla małży zebranych zarówno w zanieczyszczonych, jak i w czystych obszarach strefy brzegowej Morza Czarnego w regionie Warny (Bułgaria). W badaniach wykorzystano takie techniki analityczne jak: spektroskopia FTIR, fluorescencja,...

  • Supplementation of garlic lowers lipids and increases antioxidant capacity in plasma of rats

    • S. Gorinstein
    • M. Leontowicz
    • H. Leontowicz
    • K. Najman
    • J. Namieśnik
    • Y. Park
    • S. Jung
    • S. Kang


    Zbadano bioaktywność surowego i gotowanego czosnku (Allium sativium L.). Stwierdzono, że gotowanie czosnku w temperaturze 100 °C przez 20 minut nie wpływa na jego bioaktywność.Samcom szczurów (z badanej populacji) podzielonym losowo na 10 grup, podawano żywność z różnym dodatkiem czosnku. Natomiast grupa kontrolna była karmiona dietą podstawową złożoną ze skrobi pszenicznej, oleju sojowego, celulozy, minerałów i mieszaniny witamin....

  • Experimental tests of lintel hybrid beams

    The results of experimental tests of lintel hybrid beams made of air concrete and prestressed concrete were presented in paper. Blocks of air concrete was a protective element for the construction one. The length of hybrid beams was 3.0 m, while total height 27 cm. It was assumed that hybrid beams will work in the simply-supported scheme (with a 10 cm support) loaded uniformly over the entire length. The object of the tests were...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Impact of the Artificial Strait in the Vistula Spit on the Hydrodynamics of the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea)


    In the Vistula Lagoon, storm surges are induced by variable sea levels in the Gulf of Gdańsk and wind action. The rising of the water level in the southern part of the basin, exceeding 1.0 m above mean sea level, can be dangerous for the lowland area of Żuławy Elbląskie, causing the inundation of the polders adjacent to the lagoon. One of the potential possibilities to limit the flood risk is to decrease the water level in the...

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  • Seafloor Characterisation Using Underwater Acoustic Devices

    The problem of seafloor characterisation is important in the context of management as well as investigation and protection of the marine environment. In the first part of the paper, a review of underwater acoustic technology and methodology used in seafloor characterisation is presented. It consists of the techniques based on the use of singlebeam echosounders and seismic sources, along with those developed for the use of sidescan...

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  • General grants and development – a relationship without a future? The effects of the structure of general grants on the development of local government units in Poland

    The purpose of this paper is to attempt to identify the reasons for the lack of relationship between general grant revenue and investment expenditure of local government units. The author formulated the hypothesis that there is no link between general grants and investment expenditure and that the reason for this are the current spending on education, absorbing the entire amount of general grants received by local government units....

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  • Virtual tour as an innovative tool for architectural education - from understanding heritage to creativity stimulation


    The article presents the potential of the virtual tour in architectural education as an innovative tool to better understand heritage and stimulate creativity. A methodology for creating a virtual tour based on a point cloud obtained from a survey based on 360° camera images is presented. Two different purposes for the use of point clouds are presented from reliable indicators of heritage documentation useful for digital twin modelling...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Experimental economics in business education: Using simple games to achieve multifaceted effects


    - Rok 2014

    Economics differs from other sciences not only because of its normative part, but also because of very limited use of experiments. In this way, economics is often perceived as being methodologically more similar to astronomy or meteorology rather than physics or chemistry. Over last decades, however, experimental economics has been significantly developed. This chapter presents some of the possibilities for academic teachers to...

  • Detection and Mitigation of GPS Spoofing Based on Antenna Array Processing

    In this article authors present an application of spatial processing methods for GPS spoofing detection and mitigation. In the first part of this article, a spoofing detection method, based on phase delay measurements, is proposed. Accuracy and precision of phase delay estimation is assessed for various qualities of received signal. Spoofing detection thresholds are determined. Efficiency of this method is evaluated in terms of...

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  • An approach for estimation of water wall degradation within pulverized-coal boilers

    • J. Badur
    • P. Ziółkowski
    • D. Sławiński
    • S. Kornet

    - ENERGY - Rok 2015

    The main aim of this paper is to estimate the lifetime of water walls of pulverized-coal boilers at nominal conditions as well as after degradation of water tubes. An approach for a pulverized-coal chamber degradation process has been formulated based on operational and experimental data. This model was formulated using on-line state monitoring of a pulverized coal burner with aim of preventing the fireplace screens from high degradation...

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    - Ekonomika - Rok 2016

    This article aims to present the significance and prevalence of the phenomenon of undeclared work. First, we discuss the definitional issues of this phenomenon. Then, we present previous estimates on shadow economy and undeclared work in Poland, based on statistics provided by Central Statistical Office and other research entities. Our analysis covers the years 2000–2014. In the last part of the article, we use data from the Labour...

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  • High-density Polyethylene - Expanded Perlite Composites: Structural Oriented Analysis of Mechanical and Thermomechanical Properties



    As part of this work, research was carried out on the effect of the addition of expanded perlite (PR) on the mechanical and thermomechanical properties of high-density polyethylene (PE) composites. Composites containing from 1 to 10 wt% of the inorganic filler were produced. Polyethylene-based composites manufactured by twin-screw extrusion and formed in the compression molding process were subjected to mechanical, thermomechanical,...

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  • Evaluation of the potential of Microwave Plasma–Atomic Emission Spectrometry for trace elements leaching assessment from the concrete matrix with sewage sludge ash additives

    The management of ash generated during the thermal utilization of sewage sludge is a significant environmental problem requiring an effective technological solution. One alternative way to dispose of sewage sludge is to bind it in concrete as a substitute for part of the aggregate. The properties of the C-S-H phase enable effective immobilization of harmful substances that sewage sludge contains. The amount of individual compounds...

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  • Study on CPU and RAM Resource Consumption of Mobile Devices using Streaming Services


    Streaming multimedia services have become very popular in recent years, due to the development of wireless networks. With the growing number of mobile devices worldwide, service providers offer dedicated applications that allow to deliver on-demand audio and video content anytime and everywhere. The aim of this study was to compare different streaming services and investigate their impact on the CPU and RAM resources, with respect...

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  • Hybrid Expert System for Computer-Aided Design of Ship Thruster Subsystems


    The article presents an expert system supporting the design of ship's power subsystems, in particular the thruster subsystem. The proposed hybrid expert system uses the results of simulation tests as the additional source of knowledge. The results of system operation are collated in a report which can be used as part of ship design description. The work oriented on developing the expert system is the continuation of the research...

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  • Verification of GNSS Measurements of the Railway Track Using Standard Techniques for Determining Coordinates


    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2020

    The problem of the reproduction of the railway geometric layout in the global spatial system is currently solved in the form of measurements that use geodetic railway networks and also, in recent years, efficient methods of mobile positioning (mainly satellite and inert). The team of authors from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia as part of the research project InnoSatTrack is looking for...

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  • Verification of agent system for it project management support


    This article is a continuation of article series telling about research about possibility of using agent system to information technology evaluation. Following article presents full conception of exploiting agent system and shows how it can support some managers works, especially in taking correct management method and information tool for project management. In this article the agent system that based on knowledge and can process...

  • Analytical progress on symmetric geometric discord: Measurement-based upper bounds


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2012

    Quantum correlations may be measured by means of the distance of the state to the subclass ofstates having well defined classical properties. In particular, a geometric measure of asymmetricdiscord [Daki´c et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 190502 (2010)] was recently defined as the Hilbert-Schmidt distance of a given two-qubit state to the closest classical-quantum (CQ) correlated state.We analyze a geometric measure of symmetric...

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  • The Third Sector in the Universities’ Third Mission


    - Rok 2017

    The interactions between the today’s university and its environment, as part of the university’s social responsibility, have been subject to many scientific papers. Their authors typically focus on interdependencies between universities, the state and the market. What is lacking are publications related to the interactions between universities and third sector organisations, and more broadly – a civil society, that may play an...

  • Pealizacija inicjatiw wostocznogo partnerstwa w Azerbajdżane

    Azerbaijan established political relations with the EU during the implementation of TACIS Programme projects and signed the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the EU in 1996. It joined the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2004 and the Eastern Partnership programme in 2009. Despite the sceptical attitude taken by Azerbaijan's government towards the Eastern Partnership initiative, the EU earmarked further funds for Azerbaijan for 2011 – 2014 as part of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. During the third Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius in November 2013, Azerbaijan signed only an agreement concerning visa facilitations and readmission. However, it also undertook certain measures as part of the five Eastern Partnership initiatives. In the framework of the Integrated Border Management Programme, Azerbaijan implemented projects connected with improving the access of resettled people to the judicial system, creation of electronic border control systems, social protection, increasing public awareness to eliminate domestic violence, improving assimilation of asylum - seekers and immigrants, and supporting occupational health organisations. Activities aimed at supporting SMEs included training for entrepreneurs, promotional conferences and loans to the SME sector. Recommendations of the initiative promoting the creation of regional electrical and renewable energy markets were implemented by Azerbaijan in the form of 33 projects as part of the INOGATE Programme. With respect to environmental management, Azerbaijan developed a digital regional atlas of natural disasters, and with respect to natural disaster mitigation it planned population protection measures. Azerbaijan was ranked last but one in the evaluation presented in the annual report prepared by the EU. The transformation process in this country has been slow and illusory in certain aspects. Nevertheless, the EU has continued its Eastern Partnership initiative activities, allocating between EUR 252,000 and 308,000 for transformations in Azerbaijan

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  • Sound velocity and parameter of nonlinearity in the two-component relaxing mixtures


    Rozpatruje się własności akustyczne mieszanki dwuskładnikowej zawierającej gaz doskonały i parę cieczy bądź pył ciała stałego. Dokładne obliczenia pozwoliły na wyprowadzenie prędkości dźwięku i parametru nieliniowości jako funkcji koncentracji jednej ze składowych mieszaniny przy zadanych warunkach równowagowych. Przedstawiono wzory ogólne oraz symulacje numeryczne.

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  • Comparison of non-linear statical analysis of truss with linear and rotational side supports and 3d roof model


    - Rok 2008

    In the paper geometrically non-linear analysis of example truss with linear and rotational elastic side supports is compared with geometrically non-linear analysis of part of the roof construction with purlins and truss-bracing. For different stiffness of side-supports a non linear relation between normal force in compressed chord due to out of truss plane displacement has been calculated.

  • Dempster-shafer theory-based trust and selfishness evaluation in mobile ad hoc networks


    - Rok 2009

    The paper addresses the problem of selfishness detec-tion in mobile ad hoc networks. It describes an approach based on Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Special attention is paid to trust evaluation and using it as a metric for coping with (weighted) recommendations from third-party nodes. Efficiency and robustness of the pre-sented solution is discussed with an emphasis on resil-iency to false recommendations.

  • Modernizm gdyński - modernizm europejski. Inspiracje i analogie


    - Rok 2009

    Modernizm gdyński znajduje swe wyraźne korzenie w nurtach architektury europejskiej okresu międzywojennego.Głównymi ośrodkami kształtowanie się tych nurtów były artystyczne stolice europejskie, takie jak Paryż, Berlin, Wiedeń, Amsterdam, Rotterdam,Bruksela, Stuttgard i Hamburg. Artykuł wskazuje na analogie między wybitnymi realizacjami europejskimi a architekturą gdyńskiego moderizmu.

  • New method of IEEE 802.15.4a UWB Impulse Radio Spectrum Shaping


    This paper presents a new technique of IEEE 802.15.4a ultra-wideband signal spectrum control, based on changes in sequences of transmitted pulses with very short duration time. Basic parameters of UWB signal and outline of proposed spectrum shaping methods are briefly described. The main part of the paper presents influence of signal and algorithms parameters on the results of spectrum shaping.

  • Promocja elektrycznego transportu miejskiego : Projekt Trolley

    Artykuł poświęcono programowi Trolley. Jest to program mający na celu popularyzację komunikacji trolejbusowej, finansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej. Biorą w nim udział instytucje i firmy związane z komunikacją trolejbusową z Gdyni, Salzburga (Austria), Szegedu (Węgry), Brna (Republika Czeska), Parmy (Włochy), Eberswalde i Lipska (Niemcy)

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    Using computers for grading can simplify work for teachers. However it is a sensitive part of their work and must be performed carefully. More information is required on students' reception and opinions about e-grading. This paper is a case study of e-grading used in Informatics course and discusses results obtained from surveying the students after being graded by a teacher and a computer.

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the changes in the share of labour in the domestic income in the years 1995-2010 in the Visegrád Group states, taking into account the level of development of the domestic labour markets. The study involves a review of the literature relating to the labour market issues, collecting sources and their use in the empirical part. The study used the induction method, the elements of descriptive...

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  • The analysis of soil resistance during screw displacement pile installation

    The analysis of soil resistances during screw displacement pile installation based on model and field tests. The investigations were carried out as a part of research project, financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. A proposal of empirical method for prediction of rotation resistance (torque) during screw auger penetration in non-cohesive subsoil based on CPT result.

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  • Wideband Radio Direction Finder Implemented in Software Defined Radio Technology

    In the paper a wideband radio direction finder (RDF) implemented in software defined radio (SDR) technology and the results of hardware layer research, including developed antenna switching unit (ASU), are presented. The results of tests of the devices, which are the part of the software defined radio platform (SDRP), and antenna switching unit, confirmed the possibility of using selected components in the final solution.



    This article raises the issue of designing and adapting correctional facilities to the new perception of prisoners as well as comprehension of punishment. For research purposes, several European prisons which came into service over recent years were selected. A study of such facilities revealed design solutions that may significantly affect the process of rehabilitation for inmates and make such buildings an accepted part of society.

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  • Opinia o innowacyjności nowej technologii wykorzystania ciepła odpadowego w małej elektrowni wodnej KLONÓWKA na rzece Wieżyca


    - Rok 2012

    Opinia dotyczy nowej technologi wykorzystania ciepła odpadowego w małych elektrowniach wodnych. Ciepło to generowane w przekładni, generatorze oraz w strumieniu wody przepływającej przez turbinę do tej pory zwykle tracone jest w znacznym stopniu odzyskiwane np do ogrzewania pomieszczeń, co w znacznym stopniu podnosi efektywność elektrowni.

  • International trade and containerization - certain trends after the financial crisis of 2007-2008


    - Rok 2018

    The following article presents the situation on international trade and the global maritime container transport market after the financial crisis of 2007-2008. In the first part the author focuses on describing the specifics of containerization in global trade. The following parts include characteristic of container terminal operators and shipping lines. Finally, significant changes in the global container handling market after...

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    - Rok 2017

    The following article presents the situation on the maritime container transport market in the Baltic Sea Region. In the first part the author focuses on describing the specifics of the economic and geopolitical area of the Baltic Sea. The following parts include the market container shipping description along with its individual participants, such as carriers or seaports. Finally, the dynamic development of Polish container ports...

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  • Prospects of ionic liquids application in electronic and bioelectronic nose instruments



    This paper addresses the problem of application of ionic liquids to chemical sensors and biosensors being an integral part of the electronic and bioelectronic-type instruments. The design and principle of operation of the electronic and bioelectronic noses are compared. Both the benefits and shortcomings of the application of ionic liquids in these type of instruments are described. The prospects of the development and application...

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  • Experience Visualizaton


    Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) has proved its capability of storing substantial part of experience at a particular decision point. The management of SOEKS record is also proposed in many papers for example referring to concepts of Decisional DNA knowledge representation, that is a collection of a number of SOEKS. The aim of this paper is to focus on visualization and practical aspects of presenting gathered knowledge...

  • Bilateral Multi-Issue Negotiation Between Active Documents and Execution Devices


    Mobile document-agents are often in conflict with execution devices when attempting to perform activities of the business process they implement, since preferences of device owners may change depending on their current location and the actual class of the device in use. The paper proposes a bilateral negotiation mechanism based on a simple bargaining game that can effectively resolve such conflicts without any third party support.

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  • Fast clutter cancellation for noise radars via waveform design

    Canceling clutter is an important, but very expensive part of signal processing in noise radars. It is shown that considerable improvements can be made to a simple least squares canceler if minor constraints are imposed onto noise waveform. Using a combination of FPGA and CPU, the proposed scheme is capable of canceling both stationary clutter and moving targets in real-time, even for high sampling rates.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Investigation on thermal changes of mechanical properties of textile fabric of National Stadium in Warsaw roof


    - Rok 2013

    Subject of the research is investigation of mechanical properties of technical fabric Précontraint 1202 S2 used for construction of the mobile part of roof of National Stadium in Warsaw. The research has been focused on fabric behavior in low temperature conditions. The main question which had to be answer has been: is it save to open and close the roof or keep the roof in the close position in winter conditions?



    Fuel tanks are designed with regard to standard actions and operating conditions. The work analyses the impact of corrosion and other means to variation of stresses and deformation of a horizontal underground tank shell. The computations are preliminary. Due to the long computational time of the entire tank the analysis is restricted to its part only. The full analysis is bound to assess structural reliability, further allowing...

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