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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: informal education

  • Two-photon microperimetry with picosecond pulses


    - Biomedical Optics Express - Rok 2021

    Two-photon vision is a phenomenon associated with the perception of short pulsesof near-infrared radiation (900-1200 nm) as a visible light. It is caused by the nonlinear processof two-photon absorption by visual pigments. Here we present results showing the influence ofpulse duration and repetition rate of short pulsed lasers on the visual threshold. We comparedtwo-photon sensitivity maps of the retina obtained for subjects with...

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  • Foucault's pendulum. Uncomplicated tool in the study of geodesy and cartography


    Modern education methods often refer to the sophisticated and technologically advanced methods. In the process of education the latest technologies and inventions should be presented. Modern research achievements becomes an indispensable part of the technical studies. However the learning process of an engineer should refer to the standard methods of measurement and well known fundamental instruments. One of the simplest devices...

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  • E-learning in tourism and hospitality: A map


    The impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on tourism and hospitality industries has been widely recognized and investigated as a one of the major changes within the domains in the last decade: new ways of communicating with prospective tourists and new ways of purchasing products arisen are now part of the industries’ everyday life. Poor attention has been paid so far to the role played by new media in education...

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  • Rzeczywistość rozszerzona – potencjał w kształceniu (przyszłych) pomorskich inżynierów

    Edukacja młodzieży w zakresie nauk eksperymentalnych – takich jak chemia i fizyka – stanowi obecnie w obliczu ograniczeń zaplecza dydaktycznego w szkołach ogromne wyzwanie. Placówki edukacyjne nie posiadają często odpowiednich laboratoriów, lecz dysponują pracowniami komputerowymi. W ramach Projektu EDUAR, współfinansowanego przez NCBiR, przeprowadzono badania w 20 szkołach – po 10 z obszarów wiejskich i miejskich, podczas których...

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    The article looks into the employment of Russian citizens in Poland in 2004– 2018. It presents the legal basis for Russians’ entering Poland and taking up work without having to seek a work permit, and specifies who must apply for such a permit. Russian citizens can obtain refugee status under the Geneva Convention, which grants them the right to move freely, choose their place of residence and undertake paid employment, while...

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  • Selecting cost-effective risk control option for advanced maritime operations; Integration of STPA-BN-Influence diagram

    • S. Basnet
    • A. BahooToroody
    • J. Montewka
    • M. Chaal
    • O. Valdez Banda

    - OCEAN ENGINEERING - Rok 2023

    Advanced maritime operations, such as remote pilotage, are vulnerable to new emergent risks due to increased system complexity and a multitude of interactions. Thus, maritime researchers this decade have combined Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) and Bayesian Network (BN) to effectively manage these risks. Although these methods are effective in identifying hazards and analyzing risk levels, none of the STPA-BN studies...

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  • A solution of non-linear differential problem with application to selected geotechnical problems


    A certain non-linear differential equation containing a power of unknown function being the solution is considered with application to selected geotechnical problems. The equation can be derived to a linear differential equation by a proper substitution and properties of the operations G and S.

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  • Przygotowanie informatyczne nauczycieli do nauczania zintegrowanego


    - Rok 2002

    W referacie przedstawiono problematykę kształcenia nauczycieli w zakresieinformatyki i technologii informacyjnej na studiach podyplomowych. Omówionoprogram i organizację Studium Podyplomowego ''Zintegrowana Edukacja Informa-tyczna w Szkole Podstawowej i Gimnazjum'' powołanego w ramach III edycjigrantów MEN. Przeprowadzono klasyfikację prac dyplomowych słuchaczy Studiumze względu na cel oraz metody i środki informatyki...

  • Optymalizacja zasobów chmury obliczeniowej z wykorzystaniem inteligentnych agentów w zdalnym nauczaniu


    - Rok 2023

    Rozprawa dotyczy optymalizacji zasobów chmury obliczeniowej, w której zastosowano inteligentne agenty w zdalnym nauczaniu. Zagadnienie jest istotne w edukacji, gdzie wykorzystuje się nowoczesne technologie, takie jak Internet Rzeczy, rozszerzoną i wirtualną rzeczywistość oraz deep learning w środowisku chmury obliczeniowej. Zagadnienie jest istotne również w sytuacji, gdy pandemia wymusza stosowanie zdalnego nauczania na dużą skalę...

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  • Evaluating architecture students' knowledge of the history of architecture by tests and by drawings: a comparative analysis

    The methods of evaluating students’ knowledge in architectural education, and in particular in education on history of architecture, are specific in many respects. Apart from checking the general knowledge of history concerning chronology, artistic trends, styles, main objects and architects, it should also check students’ ability to analyse the historic architecture in a drawing form. Such a form of presenting architecture has...

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  • Labour resources in Azerbeijan


    - Rok 2021

    The article aims to assess the changes of the Azerbaijani labour resources through deductive analysis of historical data and observation of changes in the structure of resources based on generally available macroeconomic data. Analysis shows that, during the period considered, the population of Azerbaijan increased, with a majority living in cities. Universal access to education enabled a growing group of Azerbaijanis to complete...

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  • A sense of security and freedom in a residential environment

    The article is based on the results of a survey carried out among students of architecture faculties in several countries, which examined the students’ knowledge of shaping the housing environment in such a way as to enable them to fulfil two basic and, at the same time, seemingly mutually exclusive psychological needs of a person: a sense of security and a sense of freedom. In examining these issues, particular emphasis was placed...

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  • Landscape perception and the teaching of it in Poland

    A preliminary assessment of the state of knowledge of landscape perception is contained in this article. A survey was carried out of students of architecture and urban planning during the rural design course in the academic year 2017/2018. The pilot project involved the initial establishment of categories of the countryside image. It was assumed that the results represented students’ knowledge of the landscape characteristics and...

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  • An Efficient Framework For Fast Computer Aided Design of Microwave Circuits Based on the Higher-Order 3D Finite-Element Method

    In this paper, an efficient computational framework for the full-wave design by optimization of complex microwave passive devices, such as antennas, filters, and multiplexers, is described. The framework consists of a computational engine, a 3D object modeler, and a graphical user interface. The computational engine, which is based on a finite element method with curvilinear higher-order tetrahedral elements, is coupled with built-in...

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  • Combination of air-dispersion cathode with sacrificial iron anode generating Fe2+Fe3+2O4 nanostructures to degrade paracetamol under ultrasonic irradiation



    In the present study, ultrasound (US) was coupled with an electrochemical process (ECP) consisting of a novel cathode of carbon cloth (CC)-carbon black (CB) as the nano-composite air-dispersion cathode (NADC) for the degradation of paracetamol (APAP) in an aquatic medium. The NADC favored in situ production of H2O2 by the cathodic reduction. The implementation of iron sacrificial anode instead of dimensionally stable anodes resulted...

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    The CDIO system implementation in Poland meets problems and Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) is still a single higher education institution in Poland accepted as the member of CDIO Initiative. The paper detects and characterizes the existing problems to be solved. In particular, the different groups of people are considered as supporters or fighters against CDIO idea, their attitudes being considered and applied strategy demonstrated. The...

  • Social Convergence in Nordic NUTS-3 Regions


    - Rok 2017

    Geographical proximity, common historical roots and collaboration within the Nordic Council make the Nordic countries, often wrongly treated as monoliths. However, in reality, Nordic regions differ in terms of broadly defined social and economic development. Issues concerning the standard of living are one of the priorities of the Helsinki Treaty signed by Nordic countries. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the existence...

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  • Can popular films instil carcinophobia? Images of cancer in popular Polish cinema


    Introduction: Although cancer is currently considered a serious socio-medical challenge and health education in Poland has been positioned as a public health priority, the impact of popular culture on people’s ideas about cancer has been neglected. This study therefore aims to analyse the way popular Polish films portray cancer and the experience of cancer.Material and Methods: Seven popular Polish films featuring cancer...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu


    Thinking about architectural education, one must face the challenges of the ever-changing and digital world and bear in mind the figure of the architect of the future - the curator of digital data. Nowadays the aim is to train specialists who know how to manage the production of digital products and are able to face the challenges of digital change in the field of architecture and architectural heritage management. Virtual Reality...

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  • Mulimedia manuals for descriptive geometry and engineering graphics

    The article discusses issues connected with ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) implementation in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics Education. The presentation of the issues is supported by the author's multimedia manuals made in Multimedia Flash MX technology and published on the Gdańsk University of Technology net.

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  • Five strategies for the uncertain future


    - Rok 2011

    The paper focuses on strategies of architectural education the in an era of increasing mobility, emerging alternative energy solutions and prevailing tone of uncertainty concerning future development of cities. Five strategies implemented at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology have been presented.

  • Modeling Object Oriented Systems via Controlled English Verbalization of Description Logic


    - Rok 2010

    The need for formal methods for Object Oriented (OO) systems resulted in methods like UML and Lepus3 that are de-facto graphical languages equipped with formal tools that are able to handle the design of OO systems. However, they lack precise semantics which might lead to problems, such as inconsistencies or redundancies. On the other hand, to our knowledge, there is no approach that allows one to understand and follow the requirements...

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  • Multibody models for gait analysis


    - Rok 2019

    The aim of this study was to create multibody biomechanical models to analyze a normal gait of the human. Proposed models can be used to identify joint moments of the lower limbs during normal gait in the single and double support phases. Applying Newton-Euler formulation, following planar models were developed: 1) a mathematical 6DOF model describing a gait in the sagittal plane of the body for single support phase and double...

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  • Flood Routing by the Non-Linear Muskingum Model: Conservation of Mass and Momentum

    In this paper, the conservative properties of the Muskingum equation, commonly applied to solve river flood routing, are analysed. The aim of this analysis is to explain the causes ofthe mass balance error, which is observed in the numerical solutions of its non-linear form. The linear Muskingum model has been considered as a semi-discrete form of the kinematic wave equation and therefore it was possible to derive its two non-linear...

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  • Numerical analysis of open channel steady gradually varied flow using the simplified saint-venant equations


    For one-dimensional open-channel flow modeling, the energy equation is usually used. There exist numerous approaches using the energy equation for open-channel flow computations, which resulted in the development of several very efficient methods for solving this problem applied to channel networks. However, the dynamic equation can be used for this purpose as well. This paper introduces a method for solving a system of non-linear...

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  • Inverse Flood Routing Using Simplified Flow Equations



    The paper considers the problem of inverse flood routing in reservoir operation strategy. The aim of the work is to investigate the possibility of determining the hydrograph at the upstream end based on the hydrograph required at the downstream end using simplified open channel flow models. To accomplish this, the linear kinematic wave equation, the diffusive wave equation and the linear Muskingum equation are considered. To achieve...

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  • Gender, equality, science and information systems


    - Rok 2008

    In the entire Europe more women than men graduate from tertiary education institutes1. However, they are underrepresented in scientific and engineering disciplines. Women researchers still constitute a minority in the Government and Higher Education Sectors that both are related to power. A number of industry reports highlight a low number of women in IT occupations2. The EU Member States have, on political levels, committed themselves...

  • Child-Robot Interaction Studies During COVID-19 Pandemic

    • P. Uluer
    • H. Kose
    • A. Landowska
    • T. Zorcec
    • B. Robins
    • D. Erol Barkana

    - Rok 2020

    The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic affected our lives deeply, just like everyone else, the children also suffered from the restrictions due to COVID-19 affecting their education and social interactions with others, being restricted from play areas and schools for a long time. Although social robots provide a promising solution to support children in their education, healthcare, and social interaction with others, the precautions...

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  • Machine Learning and Text Analysis in an Artificial Intelligent System for the Training of Air Traffic Controllers

    • T. Shmelova
    • Y. Sikirda
    • N. Rizun
    • V. Lazorenko
    • V. Kharchenko

    - Rok 2020

    This chapter presents the application of new information technology in education for the training of air traffic controllers (ATCs). Machine learning, multi-criteria decision analysis, and text analysis as the methods of artificial intelligence for ATCs training have been described. The authors have made an analysis of the International Civil Aviation Organization documents for modern principles of ATCs education. The prototype...

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  • Anomalous Behavior of Hyaluronan Crosslinking Due to the Presence of Excess Phospholipids in the Articular Cartilage System of Osteoarthritis

    • P. Bełdowski
    • P. Weber
    • T. Andrysiak
    • W. Auge
    • D. Ledziński
    • T. DeLeon
    • A. Gadomski


    Lubrication of articular cartilage is a complex multiscale phenomenon in synovial joint organ systems. In these systems, synovial fluid properties result from synergistic interactions between a variety of molecular constituent. Two molecular classes in particular are of importance in understanding lubrication mechanisms: hyaluronic acid and phospholipids. The purpose of this study is to evaluate interactions between hyaluronic acid...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu


    The article presents an algorithm for calculating the distribution of flow in a junction of open channel network under steady flow conditions. The article presents a simplified calculation algorithm used to estimate the distribution of flow in a network of channels under steady flow conditions. The presented algorithm is based on the continuity equation and a simplified energy equation. To describe the relationship between the...

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    - Rok 2024

    This study utilizes CFD technique to simulate the inactivation of E. coli bacteria within a microfluidic chamber, employing gold nanoparticles irradiated by a laser beam. Employing a single-phase model, the presence of bacteria is considered by treating thermal properties in the governing equations as effective, combining those of water and bacteria using established correlations from scientific literature. The conversion of light...

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  • Acceleration of Electromagnetic Simulations on Reconfigurable FPGA Card


    - Rok 2023

    In this contribution, the hardware acceleration of electromagnetic simulations on the reconfigurable field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) card is presented. In the developed implementation of scientific computations, the matrix-assembly phase of the method of moments (MoM) is accelerated on the Xilinx Alveo U200 card. The computational method involves discretization of the frequency-domain mixed potential integral equation using...

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  • Dissemination.


    - Rok 2005

    Artykuł opisuje doświadczenia związane z realizacją projektu Leonardo da Vinci EMDEL European Model for Distance Education (2001-2005), w szczególności z działaniami dotyczącymi etapu partnerskiej wymiany kursów (sub-project "Exchange of products") oraz rozpowszechniania wyników projektu ("Dissemination").

  • Flood Modelling and Risk Analysis of Cinan Feizuo Flood Protection Area, Huaihe River Basin

    • U. Farooq
    • A. Taha Bakheit Taha
    • F. Tian
    • X. Yuan
    • M. Ajmal
    • I. Ullah
    • M. Ahmad

    - Atmosphere - Rok 2023

    This study evaluated multiple aspects of flood risks and effects on the Cinan Feizuo flood protection area in the Huaihe River basin. Flooding remains a leading problem for infrastructure, especially in urban, residential areas of the region. Effective flood modeling for urbanized floodplains is challenging, but MIKE (ID-2D) is paramount for analyzing and quantifying the risk in the vulnerable region. The Saint-Venant equation...

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  • Reduced-order models in the finite element analysis


    A novel technique of incorporating macromodels into finite element electromagnetic analysis of waveguide components is presented. Macromodels are generated by using a model order reduction algorithm (ENOR), which results in significant decrease of the number of variables, that describe the computational region. Proposed technique allows for using a few independent macromodels as well as to duplicating one macromodel in many subregions...

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  • Współpracować i konkurować w szkolnictwie wyższym – czy to ma sens? Analiza wybranych związków statystycznych


    Cel: Celem głównym artykułu jest wykazanie, że współpraca i pozycja konkurencyjna uczelni są ze sobą powiązane. Celem szczegółowym jest wykazanie, że sukces, jakim jest uzyskanie finansowania projektu badawczego jest powiązany z poziomem współpracy międzynarodowej konkurujących uczelni, a także z relacją liczby studentów do liczby nauczycieli akademickich. Materiał i metoda: W artykule przyjęto metodę ilościową, której elementem...

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  • Activity and discrimination against women in the labour market in the countries of Baltic Sea Region


    An increasing participation of women in the labour market seem to be a key to overcome the problems of the EU labour market and to achieve the objectives of Strategy Europe 2020. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to identify differences in the situation of women in the labour market in selected countries such as those in the Baltic Sea region and to attempt to verify the hypothesis of the existence of discrimination against...

  • Skills Mismatch in the Context of Technological Change


    - Rok 2022

    This dissertation examines the impact of technological change (TC) on skills and competences and how higher education’s role has changed along the way. Quantitative research was conducted to reveal the perceptions of students and employers in Poland on the relevance of particular skills in an ICT based economy. The results of this research show that there is generally a rather insignificant discrepancy in these perceptions....

  • Quantitative Assessment of Operation of Ship Main Diesel Engine


    - Rok 2011

    Operation of ship propulsion system is associated with realization of definite operational goals. If to elements of the system the operational reliability strategy could be applied, the situation would be very simple as existing conditions would unambiguously determine application of means being on hand. However decision to reject application of the strategy (even if hypothetical) becomes obvious with a view of necessity of ensuring...

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  • The Impact of Drying Conditions on the Surface Color Changes of Pine Wood


    - BIORESOURCES - Rok 2024

    The article presents the impact of drying process and selected parameters on the color changes on the surface of pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.). Three predetermined process conditions (modes), mild, normal, and intensive, were investigated. The experiments were conducted using a semi-industrial scale dryer designed at the Gdańsk University of Technology with a loading capacity of 0.55 m3. The drying process was applied to pine...

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  • Diagnostic tolerances' evaluation method of the start-up exhaust temperature of a naval gas turbine


    The conducted investigations aimed to elaborate the method of marking diagnostic tolerances of the exhaust temperature of a gas turbine observed during engine's start-up process. The diagnostic tolerances were determined by means of statistical inference by creating the hypothesis about a normal distribution of the start-up exhaust temperature's dispersion in the initial operation moment, which was subsequently verified applying...

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  • GVC involvement and the gender wage gap: Micro -evidence on European countries

    We examine linkages between involvement in global value chains (GVCs) and gender wage inequalities. We use merged data from Structure of Earnings Survey and the World Input Output Database covering 18 European countries. We employ information on employees’ personal and company characteristics and a sectoral involvement in GVCs. In general, the wages of workers from sectors more involved in GVCs are lower. However, the relationship...

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  • Freelance technical writing application for a job which I did not get.


    - Rok 2019

    In this essay I am going to explore the different ways in which developments in engineering technology and materials science have improved the quality of learning and at the same time somewhat diminished students innate intellectual ability which came as the result of what we know as A.I.   According to wikipedia.org the word "education" comes from the conjunction of a Latin words "I lead" or "duco" meaning "I...

  • Does the carbon emissions trading system reduce carbon emissions by promoting two-way FDI in developing countries? Evidence from Chinese listed companies and cities


    - Rok 2023

    How developing countries can effectively promote cities’ carbon emission reduction through the carbon emission trading system (ETS) is a topic worthy of attention in the global carbon reduction campaign. Policy changes in China's ETS provide a unique opportunity to measure whether ETS impacts carbon emissions through two-way FDI. Hence, this paper employs difference-in-differences (DID) method to test the causal impact of ETS...

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  • Adaptacyjny algorytm filtracji sygnału fonokardiograficznego wykorzystujący sztuczną sieć neuronową

    Podstawowym problemem podczas projektowania systemu autodiagnostyki chorób serca, bazującego na analizie sygnału fonokardiograficznego (PCG), jest konieczność zapewnienia, niezależnie od warunków zewnętrznych, sygnału o wysokiej jakości. W artykule, bazując na zdolności Sztucznej Sieci Neuronowej (SSN) do predykcji sygnałów periodycznych oraz quasi-periodycznych, został opracowany adaptacyjny algorytm filtracji dźwięków serca....

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  • Wybrane aspekty prawne projakościowej reorientacji w polskim szkolnictwie wyższym a paradygmat zarządzania jakością

    W artykule zaprezentowano diagnozę stanu obecnego polskich regulacji prawnych dotyczących jakości w szkolnictwie wyższym. Wskazano mankamenty wynikające z aktualnej postaci tych regulacji. Przedstawiano też propozycje działań umożliwiających poprawę sytuacji oraz model działań na rzecz jakości w naszych uczelniach.

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  • High frequency oscillations are associated with cognitive processing in human recognition memory

    • M. T. Kucewicz
    • J. Cymbalnik
    • J. Matsumoto
    • B. H. Brinkmann
    • M. R. Bower
    • V. Vasoli
    • V. Sulc
    • F. Meyer
    • W. Marsh
    • S. M. Stead
    • G. A. Worrell

    - Brain: A Journal of Neurology - Rok 2014

    High frequency oscillations are associated with normal brain function, but also increasingly recognized as potential biomarkers of the epileptogenic brain. Their role in human cognition has been predominantly studied in classical gamma frequencies (30-100 Hz), which reflect neuronal network coordination involved in attention, learning and memory. Invasive brain recordings in animals and humans demonstrate that physiological oscillations...

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  • Switching off direct current with contactors: A laboratory exercise

    • T. Daszczyński
    • W. Chmielak
    • Z. Pochanke


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  • Improvements to the STEAM-based teaching of architectural drawing

    The author of this article presents a systemic approach to improving the teaching of architectural drawing courses for engineers in the 21st Century. In this era of rapid development of digital technologies, the traditional teaching structure should be redefined to a purpose-oriented dynamic model. The existing, generally accepted teaching models have already proved successfully based on the practice-oriented STEAM programme, which...

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