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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: INDOOR AIRFLOW
Influence of User Mobility on System Loss and Depolarization in a BAN Indoor Scenario
PublikacjaIn this article, an analysis of system loss and depolarization in body area networks (BANs) for body-toinfrastructure (B2I) communications based on a measurement campaign in the 5.8 GHz band in an indoor environment is performed. Measurements were performed with an off-body antenna transmitting linearly polarized signals and dual-polarized receiving antennas carried by the user on the body. A normal distribution with a mean of...
Tailoring the Transport Layer Interface for Relative Indoor and Outdoor Photovoltaic Performance
PublikacjaThe ability to achieve notable indoor power conversion efficiency (PCE) makes organic photovoltaics (OPV) a potential technology for indoor applications. Currently, ongoing research in indoor OPVs focuses on improving both their indoor PCE and their stability. However, little attention has been given to investigating the fabrication yield of indoor OPVs, a pivotal determinant of their potential commercial viability. In this study,...
Properties of an innovative multi-functional finish for the improvement of indoor air quality
PublikacjaDue to lifestyle changes, people spend most of their time indoors at present; thus, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a matter of utmost importance. Multi-functional and innovative finishes can help to passively improve the IAQ, benefitting the health and comfort of occupants. For this study, reference and pre-mixed commercial mortars are compared to a new multi-functional hydraulic lime mortar for indoor finishes, in which conventional...
System Loss Model for Body-to-Body Networks in Indoor and Outdoor Environments
PublikacjaA system loss model for body-to-body networks in indoor and outdoor environments is proposed in this paper, based on measurements taken at 2.45 GHz. The influence of the type of environment, antenna visibility and user mobility on model parameters has been investigated. A significant impact of mutual antennas’ placement and their visibility is shown. The proposed model fits well to empirical data, with the average root mean square...
Indoor allergens in settled dust from kindergartens in city of Łódź, Poland
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Visual Detection of People Movement Rules Violation in Crowded Indoor Scenes
PublikacjaThe paper presents a camera-independent framework for detecting violations of two typical people movement rules that are in force in many public transit terminals: moving in the wrong direction or across designated lanes. Low-level image processing is based on object detection with Gaussian Mixture Models and employs Kalman filters with conflict resolving extensions for the object tracking. In order to allow an effective event...
Indoor atmospheric degradation of historical metal objects studied by spectroscopic techniques
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An Off-Body Channel Model for Body Area Networks in Indoor Environments
PublikacjaThis paper presents an off-body channel model for body area networks (BANs) in indoor environments. The proposed model, which is based on both simulations and measurements in a realistic environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. Seven scenarios in a realistic indoor office environment containing typical scatterers have been measured: five were static (three standing and two...
Fading Characteristics for Dynamic Body-to-Body Channels in Indoor and Outdoor Environments
PublikacjaThis paper presents an analysis of the fading characteristics in dynamic body-to-body channels, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in indoor and outdoor environments. The statistical analysis of the small- and large-scale fading shows that the Nakagami Distribution is the best model for the former and the Log-Normal one for the latter. An important influence of body shadowing...
Research of Accuracy of RSSI Fingerprint-Based Indoor Positioning BLE System
PublikacjaRadio localization in indoor environment is still a challenging task due to environment volatility. In the paper are compared achieved localization accuracies for RSSI-Fingerprinting method utilizing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for two different environments: large empty hall and narrow corridor. Measurements were done by 6 different smartphones of 3 different producers, which makes those measurements unique as accuracies achieved...
Research of Accuracy of RSSI Fingerprint-Based Indoor Positioning BLE System
PublikacjaRadio localization in indoor environment is still a challenging task due to environment volatility. In the paper are compared achieved localization accuracies for RSSI-Fingerprinting method utilizing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for two different environments: large empty hall and narrow corridor. Measurements were done by 6 different smartphones of 3 different producers, which makes those measurements unique as accuracies achieved...
‘Personas for lighting’. Three methods to develop personas for the indoor lighting environment
PublikacjaThe objective of this research is to describe and compare three different methods of generating ‘persona for lighting’ to envision users’ behaviour within the lighting environment. ‘Personas’ are used to represent typical users, highlighting their needs, perspectives, and expectations to aid user-centric design approaches. The researchers looked for the most useful method of shaping ‘personas for lighting’ to learn about users’...
Calibration-Free Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Using an ESPAR Antenna
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a novel, low-cost approach to indoor localization that is capable of performing localization processes in real indoor environments and does not require calibration or recalibration procedures. To this end, we propose a single-anchor architecture and design based on an electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna and Nordic Semiconductor nRF52840 utilizing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)...
Automated Detection of Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Events Based on Robust Airflow Envelope Tracking in the Presence of Breathing Artifacts. - [IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS]
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new approach to detection of apnea/hypopnea events, in the presence of artifacts and breathing irregularities, from a single channel airflow record. The proposed algorithm, based on a robust envelope detector , identifies segments of signal affected by a high amplitude mo d- ulation corresponding to apnea/hypopnea events. It is show n that a robust airflow envelope - free of breathing artifacts - improves effectiveness...
Problems and challenges associated with estimating the emissions of organic compounds from indoor materials
PublikacjaFor several years intensive research has been carried out with the aim of developing a database of the types and amounts of pollutants released from indoor materials to the indoor environment. The paper discusses in detail basic problems and challenges encountered when estimating the emissions of chemical compounds released from of indoor materials. Factors affecting the validity of data obtained by using two different types of...
Indoor air quality of everyday use spaces dedicated to specific purposes—a review
PublikacjaAccording to literature data, some of the main factors which significantly affect the quality of the indoor environment in residential households or apartments are human activities such as cooking, smoking, cleaning, and indoor exercising. The paper presents a literature overview related to air quality in everyday use spaces dedicated to specific purposes which are integral parts of residential buildings, such as kitchens, basements,...
Enhanced switched parasitic antenna with switched active monopoles for indoor positioning systems
PublikacjaThis paper presents the concept of enhanced reduced-size steerable antenna array with two rows of switched active and passive elements. Designed array is similar to ESPAR antenna but it has a set of switched monopoles instead of central one. It is intended for 2.4 GHz ISM applications with emphasis on indoor positioning systems (IPS). Proposed antenna provides improved radiation parameters and reduced dimensions in comparison to...
Electrospun Fibers from Biobased and Recycled Materials for Indoor Air Quality Enhancement
PublikacjaAir filters are crucial components of building ventilation systems. Compared to conventional air filter media like glass fibers and melt-blown fibers, electrospinning membranes are more efficient for capturing various pollutants due to the smaller pores present on the structure. In this paper, activated carbon filters were prepared with eco-friendly polylactic acid (PLA) and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) using electrospinning...
LOS and NLOS identification in real indoor environment using deep learning approach
PublikacjaVisibility conditions between antennas, i.e. Line-of-Sight (LOS) and Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) can be crucial in the context of indoor localization, for which detecting the NLOS condition and further correcting constant position estimation errors or allocating resources can reduce the negative influence of multipath propagation on wireless communication and positioning. In this paper a deep learning (DL) model to classify LOS/NLOS...
Methods of improving accuracy of indoor localization systems based on 802.11 standard infrastructure
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy różnorodnych metod zwiększania dokładności istniejących już algorytmów lokalizacji, implementowanych w standardzie WLAN 802.11. W pracy przedstawiono nowatorskie rozwiązanie wykorzystujące elementy poprawiające dokładność, takie jak: algorytmy, adaptacja środowiska, filtrowanie sygnałów.
A preliminary study on antifungal effect of TiO2-based paints in natural indoor light
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Measurement and Analysis of the Radio Wave Polarisation in Off-Body Communications in Indoor Environment
PublikacjaThe paper describes an analysis of the radio wave polarisation in off-body communications in indoor environment. The measurement stand for polarisation measurements has been shortly described. Five investigated scenarios with different body postures and different antenna placements have been characterize. The vertical and horizontal components of received radio signal have been analysed. The measure used in analysis is a ratio...
Tracking body movement for radio channel measurements in BAN with indoor positioning system
PublikacjaThis paper presents indoor positioning system based on inertial navigation with additional distance measurements using UWB modems and map matching to increase accuracy and eliminate position drift. Such system may be used to track position of human body during radio channel measurements for body area networks. Performance of proposed system and limitations caused by inertial navigation are briefly described.
Fast Fading Characterization for Body Area Networks in Circular Metallic Indoor Environments
PublikacjaWith the increasing development of 5G and Body Area Network based systems being implemented in unusual environments, propagation inside metallic structures is a key aspect to characterize propagation effects inside ships and other similar environments, mostly composed of metallic walls. In this paper, indoor propagation inside circular metallic structures is addressed and fast fading statistical distributions parameters are obtained...
A Wideband Channel Model for Body Area Networks in Circular Metallic Indoor Environments
PublikacjaIn this paper, the wideband characterization of the propagation channel in circular metallic indoor environments is addressed, regarding Body Area Networks and 5G small cells, an analytical model for the dependence of the mean delay and the average delay spread on the circle radius, the working frequency and the distance between the transmitter and the receiver being proposed. The derivation of the model is initially done analytically,...
Indoor accelerated controlled corrosion degradation test of small- and large-scale specimens
PublikacjaThe work presented here is a part of a long-term project analysing the structural behaviour of ageing marine structures. An accelerated corrosion degradation set-up was developed to reproduce corroded marine structural specimens of different degrees of degradation, controlling various natural factors, i.e., temperature, oxygen content, salinity, and flow velocity. The nine stiffened plates of 1.2 m length and 30 small scale specimens...
Numerical investigations of effect of indoor air quality on thermal comfort in residential buildings.
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki numeryczne MES odnośnie wpływu koncentracji CO2 w lokalnej strefie powietrza w budynkach mieszkalnych naturalnie wentylowanych na zachowanie mieszkańców. Obliczenia wykonano w 2 wymiarach. Zbadano wpływ położenia mieszkańców i prędkości wchodzącego powietrza.
Investigation on air quality of specific indoor environments—spa salons located in Gdynia, Poland
PublikacjaDue to excessive application of essential oils and scented products in spa salons during aromatherapy and massage sessions, the elevated concentration of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), particularly terpenes, which are known as secondary organic aerosol (SOA) precursors, is expected there. This study was aimed at determination of VOCs with a particular regard to terpenes in air samples collected in selected spa salons...
Implementation of the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Model for the Assessment of a Retrofitted Historical Masonry Building
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Proof of Concept of Indoor Location System Using Long RFID Readers and Passive Tags
PublikacjaThe paper proposes a system for persons and objects location with the use of long radio-frequency identifications (RFIDs) readers. In order to investigate all aspects of the proposed location system, several key elements had to be analyzed, including the distance from which the tagged objects and the possibility of using more than one tag within one RFID range at the same time. When designing the system, it is also necessary to...
UWB-Based Indoor Navigation in a Flexible Manufacturing System Using a Custom Quadrotor UAV
PublikacjaA novel solution for indoor navigation of a transportation drone in flexible manufacturing is presented in this paper. To address the challenges of accurate and robust drone navigation in occluded environments, an ultra-wideband (UWB) navigation system has been integrated with a commercially available open source control platform. The system offers high accuracy (± 20 mm), low power consumption, resistance to electronic interference,...
Health impacts of indoor air pollution from household solid fuel on children and women
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Testing and sampling devices for monitoring volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in indoor air
PublikacjaAdults spend most of their time in enclosed spaces (e.g., apartment, office and public buildings). According to research conducted by scientists, air quality indoors is much worse than the ambient air quality outdoors. Hazardous chemicals found in air indoors can adversely affect the functioning of the human body and cause many respiratory and circulatory diseases. Harmful chemical compounds (mainly volatile organic compounds and...
Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort in Naturally Ventilated Low-Energy Residential Houses
PublikacjaRozdział omawia jakość powietrza i termiczny komfort w naturalnie wentylowanych energooszczędnych budynkach mieszkalnych. Obliczenia wykonano metoda elementów skończonych dla wentylacji naturalnej. Uwzględniono 2 różne położenia wlotów powietrza oraz system grzewczy kaloryferowy i podłogowy. Wyniki MES porównano z doświadczeniami.
A hybrid approach to optimization of radial inflow turbine with principal component analysis
PublikacjaEnergy conversion efficiency is one of the most important features of power systems as it greatly influences the economic balance. The efficiency can be increased in many ways. One of them is to optimize individual components of the power plant. In most Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems the power is created in the turbine and these systems can benefit from effective turbine optimization. The paper presents the use of two kinds...
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air in the Gdansk Area Using Permeation Passive Samplers
PublikacjaPassive dosimetry — known for over a hundred years — is still a useful tool in monitoring air pollutants. In this work, permeation passive samplers were used to determine indoor air quality in 22 apartments located in the Gdansk area in the northern part of Poland. The results obtained by the passive sampling technique were compared to those obtained by dynamic sampling. Attempts were also made to identify indoor sources of...
Investigating the potential of CuSCN as hole transport layer for perovskite solar cells for applications in indoor photovoltaics
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Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in indoor air in the Gdansk area using permeation passive samplers.
PublikacjaDozymetria pasywna, znana od wielu lat, jest użytecznym narzędziem w monitoringu poziomu zanieczyszczeń. Do określenia jakości powietrza wewnętrznego w 22 pomieszczeniach mieszkalnych, zlakoalizowanych na terenie Gdańska, wykorzystano dozymetry pasywne typu permeacyjnego na etapie pobierania próbek analitów. Uzyskane wyniki porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi przy wykorzystaniu matedy dynamicznej. Podjęto również próbę identyfikacji...
Position Estimation in Mixed Indoor-Outdoor Environment Using Signals of Opportunity and Deep Learning Approach
PublikacjaTo improve the user's localization estimation in indoor and outdoor environment a novel radiolocalization system using deep learning dedicated to work both in indoor and outdoor environment is proposed. It is based on the radio signatures using radio signals of opportunity from LTE an WiFi networks. The measurements of channel state estimators from LTE network and from WiFi network are taken by using the developed application....
Assessment of extraneous water inflow in separate sewerage system by different quantitative methods
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LED Light Sources and Their Complex Set-Up for Visually and Biologically Effective Illumination for Ornamental Indoor Plants
PublikacjaOrnamental plants are often used in indoor environments as part of biophilic design to improve the health and wellbeing of occupants, and to support sustainable, green architecture. Unfortunately, many plants do not thrive and need to be continuously replaced, which is economically unsustainable. The wavelengths and spectrum ratio of commonly used light sources such as light emitting diode (LED), and the lack of an appropriate...
Utilization of a Non-Linear Error Function in a Positioning Algorithm for Distance Measurement Systems Designed for Indoor Environments
PublikacjaA new positioning algorithm for distance measurement systems is outlined herein. This algorithm utilizes a non-linear error function which allows us to improve the positioning accuracy in highly difficult indoor environments. The non-linear error function also allows us to adjust the performance of the algorithm to the particular environmental conditions. The well-known positioning algorithms have limitations, mentioned by their...
Currently Commercially Available Chemical Sensors Employed for Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds in Outdoor and Indoor Air
PublikacjaThe paper presents principle of operation and design of the most popular chemical sensors for measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in outdoor and indoor air. It describes the sensors for evaluation of explosion risk including pellistors and IR-absorption sensors as well as the sensors for detection of toxic compounds such as electrochemical (amperometric), photoionization and semiconductor with solid electrolyte ones....
Employment of passive sampling in monitoring indoor air quality in selected residences in a Tri-city area in Poland
PublikacjaTime-weighted average concentrations of selected volatile compounds were measured in chosen residences in a Tri-City area of Poland by means of passive sampling. The results were compared to those obtained by dynamic technique – sorption tubes filled with Tenax TA sorbent. Results obtained by employing the two techniques were similar. Total volatile organic compound (TVOC) parameters were also determined. An attempt was also...
Employment of passive sampling in monitoring indoor air quality in selected residences in a Tri-city area in Poland
PublikacjaNa etapie pobierania próbek analitów zastosowano dwie techniki: pasywną - wykorzystującą permeacyjne dozymetry pasywne oraz technikę klasyczną - wykorzystującą rurki sorpcyjne. Wyznaczono sumaryczną zawartość TVOC lotnych związków organicznych.
Comparison of Muscle Activity During 200 m Indoor Curve and Straight Sprinting in Elite Female Sprinters
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Characterization of slow and fast fading in off-body communication at 2.45 GHz with space diversity scheme in indoor environment
PublikacjaThe characterization of slow and fast fading in Wireless Body Area Networks with space diversity scheme has been presented. The analysis, based on the measurements at 2.45 GHz in indoor environment, has shown that for all investigated configurations of receiving wearable antennas the correlation coefficient values of received signals’ parameters are below the assumed value of 0.5, being close to zero for the vast majority of cases. It...
Influence of Binders and Lightweight Aggregates on the Properties of Cementitious Mortars: From Traditional Requirements to Indoor Air Quality Improvement
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Embedded device for indoor positioning of mobile terminals in ISM 2.4 GHz frequency band integrated with ESPAR antenna
PublikacjaIn the era of multifunctional mobile phones, wireless positioning is one of the most important branches of telecommunications development. This functionality is possible thanks to global positioning systems such as GPS, whose services are available to every average user. Global systems, however, suffer from their low accuracy in confined environments such as forests and building interiors. A popular...
Fast Calibration-Free Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Based on Limited Number of ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns
Publikacja— In this article, we investigate how the calibrationfree single-anchor indoor localization algorithm developed for base stations equipped with electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas can further be improved. By reducing the total number of ESPAR antenna radiation patterns used in localization process, one can significantly reduce the time needed for an object localization. Performed localization measurements...