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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: POWER ELECTRONIUCS

  • Experimental ORC micro-power plant for CHP application Part A: power plant arrangement


    - Rok 2013

    The co-generative micro-power plant with the HFE7100 applied as a working medium was designed and built for experimental investigations. The heat output of the plant was assumed equal to 20 kW, while the electric output amounted to about 3kW. Examples of the results of the preliminary experimental research on a boiler, heat exchangers, a pump and a turbine-generator set are presented and analysed.

  • Methodology for implementing power plant efficiency standards for power generation: potential emission reduction

    • T. Mahlia
    • J. Lim
    • L. Aditya
    • T. Riayatsyah
    • A. Pg Abas
    • A. Nasruddin

    - Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy - Rok 2018

    Some methods of generating power such as power generation through coal, natural gas, oil result in inevitable emissions of greenhouse gases. While power generation is necessary due to its increasing demand, it is important for power companies to generate their power in an efcient manner to reduce its efect on the environment. One of the most efective ways of tackling inefciency issues is through the implementation of efciency standard....

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  • Hydro Power Plant in the Process of Voltage Control in the Electric Power System and the System Restoration


    - Acta Energetica - Rok 2019

    The article covers selected issues related to the share of hydroelectric power in the process of rebuilding the power system after black-out and voltage control during that process. Selected results of measurements made during the creation of the transmission chain for the need to start a block of a thermal power plant from a hydroelectric power plant were presented.

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  • Electronic structure of TbBa2Cu3O7

    W pracy wykonano obliczenia kwantowomechaniczne struktury elektronowej hipotetycznego materiału TbBa2Cu3O7 (Dy123) metodą FP-LAPW (full potential - linearized augmented plane wave) w ramach formalizmu DFT (density functional theory) stosując przybliżenie GGA (generalized gradient approximation). Ze względu na silne oddziaływania korelacyjne elektronów 4f w atomie Tb zastosowano dodatkowo poprawkę kulombowską U w ramach modelu...

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  • Electronic structure of CeBa2Cu3O7.

    Przeprowadzono obliczenia ab initio struktury elektronowej związku CeBa2Cu3-O7(Ce123) metodą LAPW oraz porównano z analogicznymi strukturami otrzymanymi dla YBa2Cu3O7 (Y123), NdBa2Cu3O7(Nd123) i PrBa2Cu3O7(Pr123). Wszystkie wyliczone struktury pasmowe są zasadniczo podobne. W pracy postawiono hipotezę dotyczącą korelacji pomiędzy silnym rozszczepieniem spinowym w Pr123 i Ce123a niestabilnością strukturalną tych układów.

  • Innowacyjność a Electronic Commerce


    - Rok 2005

    Innowacyjność jest kluczem do konkurencyjności w przemyśle. Przedsiębiorstwa powinny wprowadzać, rozwijać i sprzedawać nowe technologie. Promocja innowacyjności i wspieranie udziału MSP,są ściśle powiązane w tworzonej polityce innowacyjnej UE. Przeanalizowano programy UE wspierania innowacyjności i rozwijania technologi ICT przez MSP.

  • The paradigms of power in the Russian Federation


    - Rok 2011

    This article outlines the position of the Russian Federation in the first decade of the 21th century, seen in its political, economic and military aspects. It attempts to document the fact that Russia, the former world superpower, has turned into a regional power.

  • Diagnosis in the power piston machines


    - Combustion Engines - Rok 2013

    W artykule przedstawiono obecne techniki monitorowania pracy silników i sprężarek dużej mocy. Ze względu na znaczne koszty ewentualnego wyłączenia z ruchu tego typu maszyn są one poddane obserwacji dla przewidywania ewentualnych awarii oraz planowych zatrzymań. Rośnie liczba zaawansowanych systemów pomiarowych z indykowaniem cylindrów. Dawne metody wibroakustyczne zastępowane są pomiarami parametrów procesu termodynamicznego. Słowa...

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  • Active Power Quality Controllers


    - Rok 2008

    Dynamic Static Synchronous Compensator is the most important controller for distribution networks and probably in SEEN. It has been widely used since the 1990s to regulate system voltage precisely, improve voltage profile, reduce voltage harmonics, reduce transient voltage disturbances and load compensation. Rather than using conventional capacitors and inductors combined with fast switches, the D-STATCOM uses a power-electronics...

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  • Computer synchronization of power generators


    - Measurement Automation Monitoring - Rok 2003

    Aktualną staje się kwestia opracowania odpowiednich algorytmów pomiarów i obliczeń, według których będzie możliwe prowadzenie procesu automatycznej synchronizacji bezpośrednio z wykorzystaniem komputera. W artykule przedstawiono komputerową metodę realizacji warunku fazowego podczas synchronizacji oraz podano wyniki jej badań symulacyjnych oraz badań na obiektach rzeczywistych.

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  • A novel approach to energy safety improvement in the marine power plants with active power surge compensator


    - Rok 2016

    Paper raises a point of power surges and theirs adverse effects in the marine power plants. The article explains a source of surges appearance, and presents measurements carried out on a modern ship. It discusses effects of dynamic power transients on the ship’s energy safety. Finally it proposes, a novel approach for power surge elimination, based on medium voltage active conditioner. As well as it propose the topology and control...

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  • Thermodynamic Cycle Concepts for High-Efficiency Power Plans. Part A: Public Power Plants 60+


    - Sustainability - Rok 2019

    An analysis was carried out for different thermodynamic cycles of power plants with air turbines. Variants with regeneration and different cogeneration systems were considered. In the paper, we propose a new modification of a gas turbine cycle with the combustion chamber at the turbine outlet. A special air by-pass system of the combustor was applied and, in this way, the efficiency of the turbine cycle was increased by a few points....

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  • AFM-assisted investigation of conformal coatings in electronics

    Purpose – This paper aims to presents a new method of investigation of local properties of conformal coatings utilized in microelectronics. Design/methodology/approach – It is based on atomic force microscopy (AFM) technique supplemented with the ability of local electrical measurements, which apart from topography acquisition allows recording of local impedance spectra, impedance imaging and dc current mapping. Potentialities...

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  • Fuzzy Based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Control System for Photovoltaic Power Generation System


    - Rok 2021

  • Activity coordination of capacitor banks and power transformer controllers in order to reduce power losses in the MV grid


    One of the main issues related to the optimization of the MV (middle voltage) network is to reduce losses of active and reactive power. Lower losses of active and reactive power give not only economic advantage, but also improvement of energy quality. The object of regulation that can be used for these purposes are transformer with On-Load Tap Changer and capacitor's banks. This paper presents results of analysis of the possibility...

  • Start-up of a power unit of a thermal power plant auxiliary systems with supply from a hydropower plant

    This article discusses the issues related to a power unit of a thermal power plant start-up with the use of a hydropower plant. Hydropower plant can supply and will enable start-up of auxiliary equipment in a power unit of a thermal power plant. Due to high capacity of auxiliary drives, start-up of auxiliaries in a thermal power plant after blackout (and boiler shutdown) is not possible from emergency energy sources in the power...

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    This paper presents characteristics and purposefulness of supporting the renewable energy sources (OZE) by means of energy stores. The main emphasis was placed on analysis of virtual energy stores available for implementation in Polish economy conditions. A role which management of Demand Side Response (DSR) may play in balancing Polish electric power system, is discussed. Implementation of such solutions together with conventional...

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  • Modular power converter with superconducting magnetic energy storage for electric power distribution system — Analysis and simulation


    - Rok 2017

    This paper describes selected issues concerning realization of energy storage system (ESS) designed to operate in power distribution system. This paper presents a modular approach of 300 kVA power converter operating with superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), which gives high dynamics together with high power and suitable capability for instantaneous energy storage. Analysis and simulation studies of selected power converter...

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  • Thermodynamic Cycle Concepts for High-Efficiency Power Plants. Part B: Prosumer and Distributed Power Industry


    - Sustainability - Rok 2019

    An analysis was carried out for different thermodynamic cycles of power plants with air turbines. A new modification of a gas turbine cycle with the combustion chamber at the turbine outlet has been described in the paper. A special air by-pass system of the combustor was applied, and in this way, the efficiency of the turbine cycle was increased by a few points. The proposed cycle equipped with an effective heat exchanger could...

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  • Internet entrepreneurship in electronic business


    - Rok 2008

    Zaproponowano klasyfikację przedsięwzięć Internetowych. Zaprezentowano szereg reprezentatywnych przykładów. Wyszczególniono poszczególne etapy rozwoju działalności gospodarczej w Internecie. Zwrócono uwagę zarówno na aspekty technologiczne, jak i formy pozyskiwania kapitału inwestycyjnego podwyższonego ryzyka. Artykuł może stanowić źródło odniesienia dla przedsiębiorców pragnących otworzyć działalność gospodarczą w Internecie lub...

  • Electronic nose - idea and applications


    - Rok 2011

    Przedstawiono koncepcję nosa elektronicznego, z wykorzystaniem pomiarów i analizy zjawisk fluktuacyjnych w rezystancyjnych czujnikach gazów. Przybliżono problemy pomiarów szumów m.cz. oraz sposoby ich analizy. Opisano szereg przykładowych zastosowań takiego urządzenia.

  • Electronic Noses in Medical Diagnostics

    Electronic nose technology is being developed in order to identify aromas in a way parallel to the biologic olfaction. When applied to the field of medicine, such device should be able to identify and discriminate between different diseases. In recent years this kind of approach finds application in medical diagnostics, and especially in disease screening. Despite the fact that devices utilizing chemical sensor arrays are not routinely...

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  • The laboratory model of wind power generator

    • E. Bogalecka
    • J. Szewczyk
    • J. Sznigir
    • M. Wlas

    - Rok 2005

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  • Small hydro-power in the European Union


    - Rok 2006

    W pracy przedstawiono informacje na temat udziału energii odnawialnej w produkcji energii w świecie oraz udziału odnawialnych źródeł energii (OZE) w 25 krajach Unii Europejskiej w roku 1997 i przewidywany udział w roku 2010. Omówiono historię rozwoju małych elektrowni wodnych (MEW) w Unii Europejskiej i dokonano ogólnego przeglądu MEW w krajach UE i w pozostałych krajach Europy. Przedstawiono możliwy rozwój małej energetyki wodnej...

  • The investment process in the power supply industry


    - Rynek Energii - Rok 2012

    The basis for power supply industry programming in a market economy should be the principle of sustainable development, which must take into account maintaining an adequate level of energy security on the one hand, and the aim to preserve the maximum degree of non-renewable resources on the other hand. Therefore, the overriding aim should be a strive to meet the current and prospective demand for energy and fuel, in conjugation...

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  • Virtual inertia in Electric Power System

    The article presents the idea of introducing virtual inertia system to the electric power systems. The virtual inertia aim is to reduce or eliminate the effect of reducing the inertia of the power system as a result of replacing classic electricity generating units with renewable renergy sources (RES). The considerations are ilustrated by a computational example.

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  • Low voltage photovoltaic power system

    The use of photovoltaics is growing rapidly in the industry as well as households. Therefore, educating the public will help them understand solar cell technology, which is becoming more common in everyday life. This paper proposes a demonstrational set-up of photovoltaic panel for the purpose of science education. It was used in numerous outreach activities such as science fairs. Moreover, it proved to be a great tool for education...

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  • Power equalization of AES FPGA implementation

    This paper briefly introduces side channel attacks on cryptographic hardware with special emphasis on differential power analysis(DPA). Based on existing countermeasures against DPA, design method combining power equalization for synchronous and combinatorialcircuits has been proposed. AES algorithm has been implemented in Xilinx Spartan II-E field programmable gate array (FPGA) deviceusing the standard and power-equalized methods....

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  • A multistage turbine for a micro power plant

    This paper presents results of a design analysis of a multi-stage turbine for the cogeneration micro-power plant working in accordance with Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). The heat power of the plant is assumed equal to 20 kW and the corresponding available electric output is estimated to be of about 3 kW. Different variants of the radial and axial-flow turbines have been considered, while the detailed results of the calculations...

  • On power stream in motor or drive system


    In a motor or in a drive system the quantity of power increases in the direction opposite to the direction of power flow. Energy losses and energy efficiency of a motor or a drive system must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses. Such quantities are speed and load. But the picture of power stream in a motor or in a drive system is presented in the literature in the form of traditional Sankey...

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  • Combined Heat & Power Generating Systems


    - Rok 1988

    Steam cycles in combined heat and power plants. Efficiency of combined heat and power systems. Characteristics of steam-turbine CHP plants. Choice of equipment in CHP generating systems. Economic effects of combined heat and power production. Costs and energy produced CHP generating systems. Future development trends in CHP generating systems.

  • SVC and power transformers controllers coordination


    The use of shunt compensators such as FACTS (for example SVC) in power systems gives possibility of fast and flexible control of voltage or reactive power. An efficient cooperation between a transformer and compensator connected to busbars, or transformer’s tertiary winding, requires a proper coordination of controls. The article contains theoretical considerations and simulation results which indicate that such co-ordination is...

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  • Hydraulic power plant on the Radunia River


    - Rok 2005

    przedstawiono rys historyczny, paramerty techniczne i walory turystyczne elektorwni wodnych.

  • Pumped-storage power plant Żarnowiec.


    - Rok 2004

    Przedstawiono historię budowy, główne zadania i parametry techniczne elektrowni szczytowo-pompowej w Żarnowcu

  • Neural simulator of steam power unit.


    - Rok 2004

    Zbadano możliwości zbudowania neuronowego symulatora turbinowego bloku energetycznego. Zamodelowano ten obieg i sprawdzono konfiguracje sztucznych sieci neuronowych (SSN) zapewniające dużą dokładność symulatora neuronowego. Zwrócono uwagę na problemy dotyczące węzłów siłowni, w których następuje mieszanie się strumieni czynnika o zróżnicowanych parametrach cieplno-przepływowych. Wskazano na zastosowanie takiego symulatora w diagnostyce.

  • Energy losses in hydrostatic drive:Drive investigation method compatible with diagram of power increase opposite to the direction of power flow


    - Rok 2016

    Energy losses and efficiency of drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the driven device, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load decide of the useful power and, in differentiated way, of kinds and values of losses in the motor. But energy losses and efficiency of drive motors are evaluated as functions of...

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  • Analysis of Induced Voltages and Power Losses in High Voltage Power Cables for Selected Methods of Cables Sheaths Bonding

    Power is increasingly supplied to city centres with 110 kV cable lines. This is a convenient way to supply power, and practically the only one possible in areas of dense urban development. A high-voltage cable contains a coaxial metallic sheath, in which in normal operation and in fault conditions (during short-circuits) significant line-to-earth voltages can be induced, which threatens electric shock and/or damage to the cable’s...

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  • A diode rectifier with a Special Coupled Reactor and additional Active Power Filter in the Marine Local Power Network Supply Conditions


    - Rok 2007

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    This paper presents results of investigations dealing with influence of parameters characterizing size of suction hopper dredger as well as type of power system on magnitude of total output of combustion engines installed in dredger power plant.

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  • The forming and emission of high power electromagnetic pulses


    An impulse energy source, a power conditioning system and an electromagnetic field emitter are essential to generate an electromagnetic field pulse (EMFP) with a specific frequency bandwidth. Selected simulation results for a power conditioning system consisting of a fuse opening switch and a paraboloidal electromagnetic emitter have been presented in this article. The synthetic system examined in the simulation is powered by...

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  • The influence of adsorption chillers on CHP power plants

    • K. Sztekler
    • W. Kalawa
    • S. Stefański
    • J. Krzywanski
    • K. Grabowska
    • M. Sosnowski
    • W. Nowak

    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Rok 2018

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  • Integration adsorption chillers with conventional power plant

    • K. Sztekler
    • W. Kalawa
    • S. Stefański
    • Ł. Mika
    • J. Krzywański
    • K. Grabowska
    • W. Nowak

    - E3S Web of Conferences - Rok 2019

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  • Measurement of the muon stopping power in lead tungstate


    - Journal of Instrumentation - Rok 2010

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  • Analysis of reliability of redundant ship power plants


    W referacie przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania teorii procesów semimarkowskich do określania charakterystyk niezawodnościowych złożonych układów napędowych o zadanym stopniu redundancji. Na przykładzie wybranego układu zaproponowano model niezawodnościowy w formie procesu stochastycznego dyskretnego w stanach i ciągłego w czasie. W oparciu o rozkład graniczny procesu wskazano na praktyczne aspekty wykorzystania uzyskanych w...

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  • Wind farms influence on power system stability


    W artykule przedstawiono analizę wpływu elektrowni i farm wiatrowych na stabilność systemu elektroenergetycznego. Pokazano wyniki pomiarów modów kołysań elektromechanicznych wykonanych w rzeczywistym systemie elektroenergetycznym.

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  • Fault detection in measuring systems of power plants


    This paper describes possibility of forming diagnostic relations based on application of the artifical neural networks (ANNs), intended for the identifying of degradation of measuring instruments used in developed power systems. As an example a steam turbine high-power plant was used. And, simulative calculations were applied to forming diagnostic neural relations. Both degradation of the measuring instruments and simultaneously...

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  • Destruction assessment of wind power plastics blade

    • J. Flizikowski
    • I. Piasecka
    • W. Kruszelnicka
    • A. Tomporowski
    • A. Mrozinski
    • A. Mroziński

    - Polimery - Rok 2018

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  • Selected problems of high-power sonar sources


    Specyfika pracy współczesnych sonarów aktywnych wymaga cyklicznego wypełnienia energią szerokiego sektora sondowania. W przypadku użycia płaskich anten nadawczych oznacza to zwykle konieczność skupienia energii akustycznego impulsu nadawczego na stosunkowo małej powierzchni czynnej przetwornika elektroakustycznego (kluczowe znaczenie odgrywa tu częstotliwość pracy systemu). Zjawiska towarzyszące dużym poziomom źródła mogą powodować...

  • Novel Design of an Ocean Wave Power Device


    W artykule przedstawiono nowoczesną boję energetyczną o opatentowanej konstrukcji. Omówiono jej konstrukcję oraz przedstawiono problemy konstrukcyjne i badawcze. W ostatniej części artykułu przedstawiono wyniki badań wykonanych na modelu w basenie modelowym.

  • Power enhancement of the Brayton cycle by steam utilization

    • K. Jesionek
    • A. Chrzczonowski
    • P. Ziółkowski
    • J. Badur

    - Archives of Thermodynamics - Rok 2012

    The paper presents thermodynamic analysis of the gas-steam unit of the 65 MWe combined heat and power station. Numerical analyses of the station was performed for the nominal operation conditions determining the Brayton and combined cycle. Furthermore, steam utilization for the gas turbine propulsion in the Cheng cycle was analysed. In the considered modernization, steam generated in the heat recovery steam generator unit is directed...

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