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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: KULTURA STARTEROWA

  • Individual Characteristics and Cognitions of Students with Different Levels of Entrepreneurial Intensity


    RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The objective of the current paper is to verify in what way university students who declare high individual level of entrepreneurial intensity differ from those who are characterized by its intensity level. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: A statistical analysis of obtained survey results was conducted. The group of research participants included 413 business students. Following statistical methods were used...

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  • Titania Nanofiber Scaffolds with Enhanced Biointegration Activity—Preliminary In Vitro Studies



    The increasing need for novel bone replacement materials has been driving numerous studies on modifying their surface to stimulate osteogenic cells expansion and to accelerate bone tissue regeneration. The goal of the presented study was to optimize the production of titania-based bioactive materials with high porosity and defined nanostructure, which supports the cell viability and growth. We have chosen to our experiments TiO2...

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  • Psychological and physical components in forming preferences on urban greenery management – The case of trees



    Public opinion is increasingly important in managing urban greenery. In this regard, this study demonstrates the importance of sociological (environmental worldviews), psychological (place attachment, perceived benefits of trees), and physical factors (type of building people live in, and urban greenery) in forming residents’ opinions on whether the municipality or landowners should decide about tree removal on private land. Logistic...

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  • Improved Bandwidth of Microstrip Wide-Slot Antenna Using Gielis Curves

    The development of a broadband printed wide-slot antenna based on Gielis curves is presented in this article. The printed wide-slot antenna can be conveniently reshaped to achieve ultra-wideband performance by using superformula. The distinct advantage of employing the superformula in design of wide-slot antenna lies in its ability to define nearly any geometric shape including non-standard, complex and non-intuitive for the wide-slot...

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    In this paper, the application possibilities of the ultra-high strength (UHSS). Domex 960 steel in the underwater welded structures are analyzed. In the research, the investigated material has been tested in bead-on-plate wet welding conditions with the usage of different heat input values, namely 0.63 kJ/mm, 0.72 kJ/mm and 0.93 kJ/mm. Specimens were performed by the manual metal arc (MMA) welding method with the usage of rutile...

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  • Multi-Fidelity Local Surrogate Model for Computationally Efficient Microwave Component Design Optimization


    - SENSORS - Rok 2019

    In order to minimize the number of evaluations of high-fidelity (“fine”) model in the optimization process, to increase the optimization speed, and to improve optimal solution accuracy, a robust and computational-efficient multi-fidelity local surrogate-model optimization method is proposed. Based on the principle of response surface approximation, the proposed method exploits the multi-fidelity coarse models and polynomial interpolation...

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  • Preparation of DNA films for studies under vacuum conditions



    Experiments were carried out to determine the optimum conditions required for the preparation of uniform films of supercoiled plasmid DNA to be used in irradiation experiments under high vacuum conditions. Investigations reveal that significant damage to the DNA molecules occurs due to the evacuation process when films were formed from DNA samples in ultra high purity water only. A variety of bases were tested for their possible...

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  • Wystawa zbiorowa: Hommage à Profesor Kazimierz Ostrowski. Pamięć obrazów.


    - Rok 2022

    Impulsem do stworzenia wystawy, było przekazanie Uczelni przez córkę Profesora Kazimierza Ostrowskiego, Panią Honoratę Pilszyk, podobrazi, jakie pozostawił po sobie Mistrz. Były to płótna zagruntowane przez Artystę osobiście, gotowe do dalszej pracy, niektóre z ledwo zaczętym szkicem lub próbą pozostawionego koloru. Gdy zobaczyłem je w pracowni w Gdyni (a było to w 2015 roku), pomyślałem, że te podkłady mogłyby stać się inspiracją...

  • Perspektywa jakości w szkolnictwie wyższym. O modelu QualHE


    - Rok 2022

    Oddawana do rąk Czytelników monografia wnosi wkład w wypełnianie wspomnianej luki, przede wszystkim poprzez: • przedstawienie szerokiego kontekstu ogólnoświatowego dyskursu dotyczącego kategorii jakości w szkolnictwie wyższym w ujęciu teoriopoznawczym i w wynikach badań empirycznych; • określenie potencjału i uwarunkowań aplikacyjnych dotyczących takich koncepcji jak TQM Lean Management, Six Sigma czy Lean Six Sigma; • przedstawienie...

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  • Zarys chińskiego prawa cywilnego w dobie kodyfikacji


    - Rok 2019

    W ostatnich latach w Chińskiej Republice Ludowej ponownie pojawiły się ożywione dyskusje i zaawansowane prace legislacyjne nad kształtem nowej całościowej chińskiej kodyfikacji prawa cywilnego. Rozpoczęła się doba kodyfikacji, czyli okres przejściowy pomiędzy starym, a nowym porządkiem prawnym. Konfucjańskie zwyczaje, wywodząca się z prawa rzymskiego tradycja i marksistowska spuścizna są obecnie zestawiane...

  • Modernistyczne centrum miasta - ewolucja idei Dzielnicy Reprezentacyjnej Gdyni 1926-2007


    - Rok 2011

    Modernistyczne centrum miasta jako zagadnienie urbanistyczne nieczęsto było w okresie międzywojennym przedmiotem prac realizacynych. W porównaniu bowiem do podejmowanych na wielką skalę zarówno w Polsce jak i w całej Europie zadań mieszkaniowych, budowa nowych zespołów śródmiejskich należała do rzadkości. W tym kontekście ciekawym problemem jest geneza i rozwój idei Dzielnicy Reprezentacyjnej Gdyni. W sensie projektowym w skali...

  • Metody oceny zagrożeń pieszych


    Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem pieszych uczestników ruchu drogowego. Identyfikacja najbardziej niebezpiecznych miejsc dla pieszych na podstawie analizy wypadków. Identyfikacja źródeł zagrożeń w miejscach najbardziej niebezpiecznych na podstawie wyników badań pośrednich miar brd.

  • Schronienie – poszukiwanie formuły dla domu wpisanego w relacje środowiskowe


    - Rok 2018

    Konieczność schronienia i potrzeba zamieszkiwania wymagają przestrzeni, które współcześnie zazwyczaj zabezpieczają obiekty architektoniczne. Jednak często zauważamy niedobory wartości w przestrzeni zamieszkiwania. Pomysłem zaradczym w tej sytuacji jest powrót do punktu wyjścia. Do zapewnienia schronienia. Jeśli będzie ono wpisane w relacje środowiskowe i ukształtowane w zgodzie z potrzebą zachowania ciągłości kulturowej, ma szansę...

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  • Stymulatory ekonomiczne i prawne polityki ekorozwoju dla turystyki


    - Rok 2006

    Pomimo, iż środowisko zawsze stanowiło istotny aspekt podróży podróżujący rzadko odwołują się bezpośrednio do spraw ochrony przyrody. Proekologicznie nastawieni turyści, poszukujący tylko takich form wypoczynku, które można realizować bez naruszenia praw środowiska i wymagający od innych takich samych postaw nadal stanowią klientelę niszową i nie charakteryzują się dostateczną mocą konsumpcyjną aby wprowadzić istotne zmiany na...

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  • Zarządzanie projektami produkcyjnymi i usługowymi


    - Rok 2017

    Opracowanie „Zarządzanie projektami produkcyjnymi i usługowymi” jest obszarem wiedzy wkomponowanym w szerszy obszar jakim jest inżynieria produkcji. Takie umiejscowienie spowodowało, że w opracowaniu skupiono się na problematyce realizacji projektów inżynierskich, tj. na planowaniu i realizacji działań wymaganych do osiągnięcia celów takiego projektu Zmieniające się warunki produkcji, postęp technologiczny spowodowały dynamiczny...

  • The Dream of Black


    - Rok 2022

    The Dream of Black Wystawa Sen o czerni to projekt pedagogów Uniwersytetu w Ostrawie i Fundacji Wyspa Progress a właściwie ich studentów, którzy są również dzisiaj pedagogami. W wielu przypadkach jest to już drugie pokolenie studentów. The Dream of Black oferuje szerokie spektrum form artystycznych. Autorska próbka stanowiąca trzon projektu wystawy (gość: Viktor Frešo i inni artyści związani z Gdańską sceną artystyczną) to tylko...

  • New achievements in the field of extraction of trace analytes from samples characterized by complex composition of the matrix

    Without any doubt, the monitoring of compounds present in samples at trace or ultra-trace level usually requires a preliminary step of isolation and/or enrichment of analytes due to the fact that majority of analytical techniques are not sensitive enough for direct determination of trace compounds. On the other hand, sample preparation is considered as crucial part of whole analytical procedures, in particular in samples characterized...

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  • Problems with modelling the strength properties of sailing vessels rigging ropes

    This article presents the basic parameters of soft ropes: natural fibre ropes, soft wire ropes and synthetic fibre ropes used for running rigging. There are only several materials still used for the production of natural fibre ropes, including cotton, jute, hemp, sisal and manila hemp. The most commonly used soft wire ropes are twisted pair ropes; for smaller diameters there is a 6x19M - FC rope and for larger diameters – 6x37M...

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    Rosnące z każdym rokiem zapotrzebowanie na endoprotezy stawów ortopedycznych przy jednoczesnym dążeniu do zwiększenia ich trwałości i wyeliminowania negatywnych skutków ubocznych produktów zużycia, które mogą wywoływać proces zapalny w tkankach determinuje potrzebę poszukiwania nowych biomateriałów, bądź metody modyfikacji ich powierzchni. Nadrzędnym celem prowadzonych przez nas badań było oszacowanie intensywności zużycia ściernego...

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  • Miniaturized Metal-Mountable U-shaped Inductive-Coupling-Fed UHF RFID Tag Antenna with Defected Microstrip Surface


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2022

    This study presents a novel miniature ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag for metallic objects. Its arrangement includes a U-shaped feeder, which is inductively coupled to two E-type connected patches. Size reduction is achieved by means of utilizing the U-shaped feeder, and introducing a defection in the connection between the two E-type patches. The defection in the connection area between the...

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  • Perfect thermal contact of hyperbolic conduction semispaces with an interfacial heat source

    The problem of thermal contact between two bodies with a heat source at their interface presents great scientific and practical interest. On the time scale of a nanosecond or shorter, heat propagation should be considered in the form of thermal waves of finite speeds. This study investigated the thermal behaviour of hyperbolic conduction semispaces in perfect thermal contact subjected to the action of an interfacial heat source....

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  • Assessment of the Steering Precision of a Hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) along Sounding Profiles Using a Low-Cost Multi-Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receiver Supported Autopilot


    - SENSORS - Rok 2019

    he performance of bathymetric measurements by traditional methods (using manned vessels) in ultra-shallow waters, i.e., lakes, rivers, and sea beaches with a depth of less than 1 m, is often difficult or, in many cases, impossible due to problems related to safe vessel maneuvering. For this reason, the use of shallow draft hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) appears to provide a promising alternative method for performing...

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  • Anisotropy and compaction gradient assessment on rammed earth specimens through sonic tomography approach



    Rammed earth is a traditional construction technique that has recently gained attention because of its benefits from an ecological perspective. The conservation of the existing valuable cultural heritage sites and the quality control of new constructions built with this material require the development and application of practical inspection techniques. This paper explores the application of sonic tests and sonic tomography as...

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  • Processing of Biomass Prior to Hydrogen Fermentation and Post-Fermentative Broth Management

    Using bioconversion and simultaneous value-added product generation requires purifica- tion of the gaseous and the liquid streams before, during, and after the bioconversion process. The effect of diversified process parameters on the efficiency of biohydrogen generation via biological pro- cesses is a broad object of research. Biomass-based raw materials are often applied in investigations regarding biohydrogen generation using...

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  • Using creative approaches for discovering biomorphic forms for appropriate human habitation in natural environments. Case study of Kashubian Lake District


    The research process consisted of studies of natural and cultural conditions of the Kashubian Lake District This is an area of exceptional natural conditions. For centuries, it has seen human habitation with respect to landscape values. Given its extensive forest cover and the lack of heterogeneity of natural conditions, the area has become an interesting inspiration for the author’s original project. The project is aimed at searching...

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  • Whole-genome sequencing and antimicrobial potential of bacteria isolated from Polish honey

    The aim of this study was the whole-genome analysis and assessment of the antimicrobial potential of bacterial isolates from honey harvested in one geographical location—the north of Poland. In total, 132 strains were derived from three honey samples, and the antimicrobial activity of CFAM (cell-free after-culture medium) was used as a criterion for strain selection and detailed genomic investigation. Two of the tested isolates...

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  • Evaluation of adhesion strength, corrosion, and biological properties of the MWCNT/TiO2 coating intended for medical applications


    - RSC Advances - Rok 2023

    Multi-wall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) coatings are gaining increasing interest because of their special properties used in many science fields. The titania coatings are known for their improvement of osteoblast adhesion, thus changing the surface architecture. Bi-layer coatings comprising 0.25 wt% of the MWCNTs and 0.30 wt% of titania (anatase structure) were synthesized in a two-stage procedure using the electrophoretic deposition...

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  • Bodybuilders and high-level meat consumers’ behavior towards rabbit, beef, chicken, turkey, and lamb meat: A comparative review

    • S. A. Siddiqui
    • S. Bhowmik
    • M. Afreen
    • İ. Ucak
    • A. Ikram
    • F. Gerini
    • M. Mehdizadeh
    • R. D. Ayivi
    • R. Castro Munoz

    - NUTRITION - Rok 2024

    In bodybuilders’ diets, protein plays a crucial role in supporting muscle growth and repairing damaged muscle tissue. These individuals meet their protein needs by combining dietary sources with supplements. Animal-based proteins are often preferred over plant-based proteins because they are believed to better support muscle protein synthesis. This review explores the meat consumption patterns of bodybuilders and high-level meat...

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  • Diagnostic PCR assay for Microsporum and Trichophyton infections


    - MYCOSES - Rok 2009

    We have previously described a highly sensitive 5-hour PCR test for the rapid diagnosis of onychomycosis which detects any dermatophyte and species-identify T. rubrum from patient specimens. We have subsequently developed and evaluated new PCR tests for detection of Trichophyton and Microsporum canis/audouinii infections.58 dermatophyte isolates (21) Microsporum spp. (4 different species), 35 Trichophyton spp (10 different species)...

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  • Concept of 'Good Urban Governance' and Its Application in Sustainable Urban Planning

    Contemporary urban theory and practice in the post-industrial era is increasingly often turning towards an approach based on sustainable development. That concept bearing the traits of a paradigm has grown on the ground of broad quest for an alternative to the existing development model of the industrial civilisation. It has gained wide social acceptance and is the basis for many development and environmental programmes at the...

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  • Museums of Gdansk - Tourism Products or Signs of Remembrance?


    Museum buildings constitute a significant element in the composition and functionality of contemporary cities. They are both their attractions and landmarks. The article presents a case study illustrating the relation between museum buildings and their location, as well as the showcased exhibition. The article aims at demonstrating the way in which those elements form a harmonious whole - a cultural tourism product affecting the...

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  • Interspecies distances between propionic acid degraders and methanogens in syntrophic consortia for optimal hydrogen transfer


    - Environmental Biotechnology - Rok 2013

    A mixed culture from an anaerobic biowaste digester was enriched on propionate and used to investigate interspecies hydrogen transfer in dependence of spatial distances between propionate degraders and methanogens. From 20.3 mM propionate, 20.8 mM acetate and 15.5 mM methane were formed. Maximum specific propionate oxidation and methane formation rates were 49 and 23 mmol mg−1day−1, respectively. Propionate oxidation was inhibited by...

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  • The Changing Nature of In‐Between Spaces in the Transformation Process of Cities


    In the in‐between spaces of cities, there are many problems of various nature and scale: functional, spatial, economic, environmental, visual, and social. There are also some hidden potentials that can be activated. The aim of the article is to explore the possibilities of solving existing problems and to show the possibilities of using the potentials of in‐between spaces with regard to the changing nature of a city. The article,...

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  • Istota zamieszkiwania.


    - Rok 2020

    Obiekt architektoniczny wyrasta i wrasta. To kolejno po sobie następujące etapy naturalnego rozwoju procesu zamieszkiwania w aspekcie projektowania i realizacji, a następnie użytkowania obiektu architektonicznego. Wykonane ideowe rzeźby architektoniczne, zgodnie z ich zamysłem ideowym i poprzedzającymi modele grafikami, ujawniają kilka odsłon zagadnienia. Obrazy ukazują podstawową potrzebę i konieczność zapewnienia sobie przez...

  • Forecasting risks and challenges of digital innovations


    - Rok 2020

    Forecasting and assessment of societal risks related to digital innovation systems and services is an urgent problem, because these solutions usually contain artificial intelligence algorithms which learn using data from the environment and modify their behaviour much beyond human control. Digital innovation solutions are increasingly deployed in transport, business and administrative domains, and therefore, if abused by a malicious...

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    - Rok 2017

    The subject of the Authors' analyses is a group of non-physical speed management measures. How effective they are depends primarily on how willing drivers are to accept restrictions. Social and cultural factors play a major role. The effectiveness of these measures is not clear and requires further research. The authors conducted such research and evaluated the effects of nonphysical speed management measures on driver behaviour...

  • Teams tools. Leading high-performance teams with different types of intelligence


    - Rok 2018

    The subject of this paper is the analysis of necessary tools for global teams, image of the team leader, styles of leadership in global teams. The analysis is based on selected examples from high-performance teams with visible results. The purpose of the work is to answer for the following questions: What are the characteristics of the leading global teams? Which style of leadership use the global teams? Is a female leader different...

  • Low-Profile Interdigitated UHF RFID Tag Antenna for Metallic Objects

    • F. Erman
    • D. Mansour
    • M. Kouali
    • A. Shabaneh
    • L. Leifsson
    • S. Kozieł
    • E. Hanafi

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2022

    This article presents a novel miniature interdigitated ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna that can be placed on metallic objects. The tag structure comprises two horizontal strip lines, each loaded with seven identical open stubs, and an integrated circuit (IC) chip connected directly to the feed lines in the middle of the structure. The perfect match to the IC chip’s impedance is realized...

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  • High-Temperature Tensile Behaviour of GTAW Joints of P92 Steel and Alloy 617 for Two Different Fillers

    • A. Kumar
    • S. Sirohi
    • S. M. Pandey
    • P. Kumar
    • D. Fydrych
    • C. Pandey

    - Materials - Rok 2023

    This study explores the high-temperature (HT) tensile rupture characteristics of a dissimilar gas-tungsten-arc-welded (GTAW) joint between P92 steel and Alloy 617, fabricated using ER62SB9 and ERNiCrCoMo-1 fillers. The high-temperature tensile tests were performed at elevated temperatures of 550 ◦C and 650 ◦C. An optical microscope (OM) and a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) were utilized to characterize the...

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  • Ideologia w ogrodzie, przyrodzie i krajobrazie


    autorka podejmuje próbę prześledzenia oddziaływania rozmaitych ideologii na sposób postrzegania przyrody, ogrodów i krajobrazu. dociekania rozpoczyna od xvii wieku, od związku ogrodów geometrycznych z francuskim absolutyzmem (wersal), następnie omawia wpływ brytyjskiej myśli liberalnej na ideę ogrodu swobodnego (j. addison i partia wigów), rozważa zależność pomiędzy ideałem wolności a sposobem rozumienia roli przyrody w czasie...

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  • Ladder-Based Synthesis and Design of Low-Frequency Buffer-Based CMOS Filters

    Buffer-based CMOS filters are maximally simplified circuits containing as few transistors as possible. Their applications, among others, include nano to micro watt biomedical sensors that process physiological signals of frequencies from 0.01 Hz to about 3 kHz. The order of a buffer-based filter is not greater than two. Hence, to obtain higher-order filters, a cascade of second-order filters is constructed. In this paper, a more...

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  • A Novel Trust-Region-Based Algorithm with Flexible Jacobian Updates for Expedited Optimization of High-Frequency Structures

    Simulation-driven design closure is mandatory in the design of contemporary high-frequency components. It aims at improving the selected performance figures through adjustment of the structure’s geometry (and/or material) parameters. The computational cost of this process when employing numerical optimization is often prohibitively high, which is a strong motivation for the development of more efficient methods. This is especially...

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  • Multi-fidelity EM simulations and constrained surrogate modelling for low-cost multi-objective design optimisation of antennas


    In this study, a technique for low-cost multi-objective design optimisation of antenna structures has been proposed. The proposed approach is an enhancement of a recently reported surrogate-assisted technique exploiting variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations and auxiliary kriging interpolation surrogate, the latter utilised to produce the initial approximation of the Pareto set. A bottleneck of the procedure for higher-dimensional...

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  • Effect of selective laser treatment on initiation of fatigue crack in the main part of an undercarriage drag strut


    - Chinese Journal of Aeronautics - Rok 2019

    This paper presents the results of material characterization and a fatigue test conducted for a laser-re-melted drag strut used in an aircraft landing gear. The drag strut was re-melted with a CO2 laser beam. Eight re-melted paths were made in the form of spiral lines along the axis of the drag strut. Next, the drag strut was subjected to variable loads on a testing machine simulating loads occurring when an aircraft lands. The...

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    - Rok 2022

    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja efektów projektu autorskiego realizowanego w oparciu o koncepcję zgodności. Przeprowadzone zostały kilkuletnie studia lokalnych uwarunkowań przyrodniczych skutkujących powstaniem zbioru rysunków i rzeźb oraz fotografii dokumentujących ich aranżację in situ. Badania prowadzono na terenie Pojezierza Kaszubskiego w obszarze południowego brzegu Jeziora Wdzydzkiego. Działania artystyczno-projektowe o...

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  • Tożsamość i przestrzeń. Wokół gdańskich retoryk tożsamościowych

    W długim procesie kształtowania tożsamości Gdańska ważną rolę odgrywają pamięć i przestrzeń. W nowym dyskursie tożsamościowym nie tracą one na znaczeniu, lecz obok stałych fundamentów narracji tożsamościowej (wielokulturowość, architektura, pamięć), pojawiają się nowe opowieści miejskie obejmujące różne wymiary refleksji wskazujące na złożoność: wielowymiarowość i wielowarstwowość gdańskich tożsamości. W pamięci zbiorowej gdańszczan...

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  • Krajowy Program Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego 2005-2007-2013. GAMBIT 2005


    W artykule przedstawiono syntezę Krajowego Programu Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego GAMBIT 2005. Jest to dokument opracowany na zamówienie Krajowej Rady BRD, przyjęty przez Radę Ministrów w dniu 19 kwietnia 2005 jako program dla Polski na lata 2005-2007-2013. Polska wchodząc do Unii Europejskiej w maju 2004 przyjęła cel ustalony w Polityce Transportowej UE ''w ciągu dekady zmniejszyć o połoweę liczbę śmiertelnych ofiar wypadków...



    - Rok 2016

    The location of project is a site of over 1,2 ha, situated on the southern fringes of Gdynia formerly used as an area to host a Circus. Here artists were performing for the public, newcomers were meeting the locals, the temporality of the event was enhancing the experience of exchange. Circus used to be the place where people live, work and create art. Currently the site stays empty but surely not for long. Its potential, attractive...

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  • Appunti di corporate governance


    - Rok 2021

    Il libro pone la proprietà al centro di tutte le scelte rilevanti che l’impresa compie: in particolare affronta il «problema» del governo il tema della corporate governance dalla prospettiva della proprietà e in un’accezione più ampia e articolata rispetto agli studi di matrice anglosassone. In questo contesto, si analizza il tema delle relazioni tra proprietà, governo corporate governance e strategia corporate delle imprese, con...

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  • Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of fermented beverages obtained from fruit pomace


    Fruit pomace should not be considered as a waste product but as a by-product as it contains a lot of valuable components such as dietary fiber, bioactive compounds and a source of nutrients. The reasonable way to utilize these by-products, both fresh or dried, could be the fermentation of its extracts, leading to beverages with functional properties. In our research, we checked the possibility of using chokeberry, apple and...