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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BORING

  • Problems of varistor quality assessment during exploitation

    Varistors are commonly used elements which protect power supply networks against high-voltage surges or lightning. Therefore, quality and endurance of these elements is important to avoid losses when an expensive laboratory equipment would not be protected from random overvoltages. Additionally, excessive leakage currents generate serious costs due to high energy consumption. The paper presents shortly properties of varistors that...

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  • Simple and low-cost wireless voting system


    This paper presents the concept of a simple and low-cost wireless voting system working on the 868 MHz frequency band. Described system is dedicated to general shareholders assemblies but it can be easily adapted for other applications. The main advantage is its simplicity and mobility as it consists solely of three components - voting modules, base station and a PC application from which the whole system is managed. This architecture...

  • Digital Control System of the Wavemaker in the Towing Tank

    The paper describes a digital control system of the rigid flap wavemaker in a towing tank in CTO S.A. Ship Design and Research Centre. The control system is based on an 8-bit AVR microcontroller and consists of two cascading PID controllers. The digital system replaced the previous analogue system from 1974 and has been integrated with the existing sensors and actuators of the wavemaker. The new control system allows to obtain...

  • Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of the Wavemaker in a Towing Tank

    The paper analyses the problem of experimental identification (frequency response), modelling and optimization of the towing tank wavemaker in the Scilab/Xcos environment. The experimental identification of the objects (the towing tank wavemaker placed in the hydrodynamic laboratory of the CTO S.A. Ship Design and Research Centre (CTO)) and the implementation of the models in the simulation environment, enable to perform: 1. tuning...

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  • Determination of reservoir decision rules during flood


    - Acta Geophysica - Rok 2002

    W artykule opisano zastosowania metody sterowanego przeszukiwania losowego w zadaniu operacyjnego sterowania systemem zbiorników Nysy Kłodzkiej. Celem badań było zwiększenie dokładności uzyskiwanych wyników i efektywności obliczeń. Przetestowano kilka form reguł decyzyjnych i zaproponowano modyfikację analizowanej metody.

  • Flow boiling of R22 and R134 a in enhanced tubes.


    Przedstawiono wyniki badań wrzenia R22 oraz R134a w rurkach gładkich i o rozwiniętej powierzchni: mikrożebrowanej i śrubowo-formowanej. Podano opis stanowiska badawczego, procedury pomiarowej oraz metody obliczania średniego współczynnika przejmowania ciepła. Omówiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych na tle danych cytowanych w literaturze, a także w porównaniu do wybranych korelacji.

  • Modelling of convective heat transfer in flow boiling.


    - Rok 2004

    W pracy przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące modelowania przepływu z wrzeniem w zastosowaniu do kanałów o małej średnicy. Stwierdzono,że stosowanie korelacji obowiązujących dla średnic konwencjonalnych nie sprawdza się z praktyką w przypadku małych średnic.

  • Safeguarding of the cultural heritage during redevelopment projects.


    - Rok 2004

    Zaprezentowano koncepcję zrównoważonej ochrony zabytków budownictwa (ang. sustainable heritage) w ramach przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych obejmujących istniejącą substancję budowlaną o charakterze zabytkowym, tzn. posiadającą wartości kulturowe. Wskazano znaczenie różnorodnej terminologii stosowanej przez różne podmioty procesu inwestycyjnego, co może powodować nieporozumienia lub nieuzasadnione traktowanie pewnych przedsięwzięć jako...

  • Dynamic effects during emptying of large silos.


    - Rok 2004

    Publikacja obejmuje zagadnienie rezonansowych efektów dynamicznych występujących podczas opróżniania silosów zawierających materiały sypkie

  • Change of myocardial impedance during experimental ischemia.


    W pracy omówiono możliwość monitorowania procesu niedotlenienia za pomocą pomiarów immitancyjnych. Przedstawiono skonstruowane stanowisko pomiarowe ze szczególnym uwypukleniem właściwości sondy pomiarowej. Przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentalnego niedotlenienia u świń wywołanego zamknięciem LAD.

  • Determination and pathways of nitrogen during wastewater treatment.


    - Rok 2004

    Ścieki rafineryjne, farmaceutyczne oraz z przemysłu spożywczego charakteryzują się wysoką zawartością azotu amonowego. Biologiczne oczyszczanie ścieków przemysłowych zazwyczaj stwarza poważne problemy technologiczne. Azot zawarty w tego typu ściekach jest zawarty w aminach, amidach, czyli związkach, które wymagają wstępnego oczyszczania w celu zmniejszenia ich stężenia do wartości nie inhibujących reakcji biochemicznych oraz nitryfikacji....

  • Sensitivity study of correlation for flow boiling in tubes.


    W referacie skupiono uwagę na szczegółowym zbadaniu wpływu wybranych typów modeli, opisujących współczynnik oporu przepływu oraz współczynnik przejmowania ciepła dla wrzenia w przepływie na korelację dla wrzenia w przepływie ( wyprowadzoną dla rur o konwencjonalnych wymiarach -półempiryczny model Mikielewicza ). Otrzymane wyniki porównano z danymi eksperymentalnymi.

  • Internal friction in FePd alloy during ordering


    Stwierdzono występowanie wysokiego poziomu tarcia wewnętrznego w zahartowanym stopie FePd (50% at. Pd). Zbadano proces uporządkowania atomowego w korelacji ze zmianami tarcia wewnętrznego defektu modułu i relaksacji magnetycznej stopu porządkującego się podczas nagrzewania do 900 K. Zaobserwowano efekt prędkości nagrzewania na punkt Curie.

  • Nucleate pool boiling on porous metallic coatings

    Przedstawiono wyniki systematycznych badań eksperymentalnych przejmowania ciepła podczas wrzenia pęcherzykowego wody destylowanej w stanie nasycenia od płaskich i cylindrycznych powierzchni o specjalnie przygotowanej powierzchni: gładkiej, chropowatej oraz pokrytej warstwą porowatą.

  • Bearing testing machine with rotating load vector.


    W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję konstrukcyjną i prototyp stanowiska badawczego z wirująca reakcją łożyskową przeznaczonego do testowania wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej warstw ślizgowych w łożyskach poprzecznych. Konstrukcja i przeznaczenie maszyny zbudowanej w laboratorium tribologicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej jest zgodna z zaleceniami normy ISO 7905. Przeanalizowano zalety i wady maszyny badawczej o takim wzorcu obciążenia testującego.

  • The Proposition of an Automated Honing Cell with Advanced Monitoring


    Honing of holes allows for small shape deviation and a low value of a roughness profile parameter, e.g., Ra parameter. The honing process heats the workpiece and raises its temperature. The increase in temperature causes thermal deformations of the honed holes. The article proposes the construction of a honing cell, containing in addition to CNC honing machine: thermographic camera, sound intensity meter, and software for collecting...

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  • Chalcogen bonding interactions in a series of aromatic selenocyanates


    - CRYSTENGCOMM - Rok 2023

    Selenium atoms in aromatic selenocyanates are characterized by the occurrence of two σ-holes, a stronger one in the prolongation of the NC–Se bond and a weaker one in the prolongation of the Ar–Se bond. The crystal structures of several bis(selenocyanato) derivatives, prepared by a method originally developed for ortho bis-substituted derivatives, illustrate very well this difference, with a short NC–Se⋯NC ChB interaction organizing...

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  • Load-settlement characteristics of piles working in a group


    - Rok 2017

    Load-settlement characteristic (Q-s) of an axially loaded pile can be empirically determined from a static pile load test or on the basis of calculations using, e.g. transfer functions or numerical methods (FEM). The transfer functions method usually rely on empirical data, i.e. the function parameters are determined on the basis of numerous pile test results. Thus this method takes into account pile installation technology and...

  • Redundant information encoding in QED during decoherence


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2018

    Broadly understood decoherence processes in quantum electrodynamics, induced by neglecting either the radiation [L. Landau, Z. Phys. 45, 430 (1927)] or the charged matter [N. Bohr and L. Rosenfeld, K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk, Math.-Fys. Medd. XII, 8 (1933)], have been studied from the dawn of the theory. However, what happens in between, when a part of the radiation may be observed, as is the case in many real-life situations, has...

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  • The propagation of the waves in the CTO S.A. towing tank


    The paper presents the results of research focused on the wave propagation in the CTO S.A. deepwater towing tank. In the scope of paper, the wavemaker transfer function was determined for regular waves, based on the Biésel Transfer Function and further for irregular waves, based on Hasselman model of nonlinear energy transfer. The phenomena: wave damping, wave breakdown and wave reflection, were measured, analyzed and mathematically...

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  • Storing Matter’technique in SIMS depth profile analysis

    Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is a very useful technique for the analysis of layered systems. It is based on the primary ion beam sputtering of solids and mass analysis of the emitted secondary ions. A main limitation of this technique results from the direct quantitative analysis, since the ionization efficiency of a given atom is highly influenced by the neighbouring atoms at the surface. This phenomenon is known as...

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  • Living and working beneath the sea – next approach


    The idea of living beneath the sea is very new if compared with millennia of shipping activity. In fact, ocean surface was considered mainly as medium suitable for transport of persons and goods as well as aggression and robbery. More practical attempts to live “on” the water surface are limited to well protected internal waters. The presented concept of “an underwater-above water accommodation, especially for residential purposes”...

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  • Information transfer during the universal gravitational decoherence

    Recently Pikovski et al. (Nat Phys 11:668, 2015) have proposed in an intriguing universal decoherence mechanism, suggesting that gravitation may play a conceptually important role in the quantum-to-classical transition, albeit vanishingly small in everyday situations. Here we analyze information transfer induced by this mechanism. We show that generically on short time-scales, gravitational decoherence leads to a redundant information...

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  • The forming and emission of high power electromagnetic pulses


    An impulse energy source, a power conditioning system and an electromagnetic field emitter are essential to generate an electromagnetic field pulse (EMFP) with a specific frequency bandwidth. Selected simulation results for a power conditioning system consisting of a fuse opening switch and a paraboloidal electromagnetic emitter have been presented in this article. The synthetic system examined in the simulation is powered by an...

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    - TRIBOLOGIA - Rok 2018

    In many cases in rotating machinery, axial load is carried by tilting pad thrust bearings which have been developed since the beginning of 20th century. For high reliability and simplicity, most commonly the bearings are bath lubricated. In the times of sustainable development, however, minimization of friction losses becomes an important criterion for machinery assessment, and a strategic goal of their development. Performed calculations,...

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  • Generation and Propagation of Nonlinear Waves in a Towing Tank

    The paper presents the results of the research focused on linear and nonlinear wave generation and propagation in a deepwater towing tank equipped with a single flap-type wavemaker of variable draft. The problem of wave generation and propagation has been theoretically formulated and solved by applying an analytical method; linear and nonlinear solutions were obtained. The linear solution has been verified experimentally. The...

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  • Firing map of an almost periodic input function


    In mathematical biology and the theory of electric networks the firing map of an integrate-and-fire system is a notion of importance. In order to prove useful properties of this map authors of previous papers assumed that the stimulus function f of the system ẋ = f(t,x) is continuous and usually periodic in the time variable. In this work we show that the required properties of the firing map for the simplified model ẋ = f(t) still...

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  • Fuzzy Control of Waves Generation in a Towing Tank


    This paper presents the results of research related to the transformation of electrical energy into potential and kinetic energy of waves generated on the water surface. The waves are generated to model the environmental conditions for the needs of the model tests. The model tests are performed on model-scale objects to predict the features of full-scale maritime objects. It is done to improve human safety and the survivability...

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  • Nucleation process according to Becker-Dóring scheme


    - Rok 2005

    Praca prezentuje nową wersję rozwiazania na szybkości kondensacji homogenicznej według schematu Beckera-Dóringa. Szybkość kondenasacji określa liczbę kropli krytycznych zdolnych do dalszego wzrostu. Zakładając stacjonarny stan szybkości strumienia kropel krytycznych oraz dwa parametry sterujące procesem (współczynnik dyfuzji i szybkość wzrostu kropli) otrzymano rozwiązania analityczne dla czterech różnych przypadkiów modelownia...

  • Investigations of resonance effects during silo flow.


    Omówiono problem efektów rezonansowych podczas przepływu materiału sypkiego w silosie. Wykonano badania doświadczalne w dużych i małych silosach. Obliczenia MES wykonano dla płaskiego stanu odkształcenia. Zachowanie materiału sypkiego było modelowane mikropolarnym sprężysto-plastycznym prawem wg Mh hausa. W obliczeniach uwzględniono wpływ ścian. Wyniki numeryczne porównano z doświadczeniami w dużych i małych silosach.

  • Ischemia during rest intervals between sets prevents decreases in fatigue during the explosive squat exercise: a randomized, crossover study

    • R. Trybulski
    • J. Jarosz
    • M. Krzysztofik
    • M. Lachowicz
    • G. Trybek
    • A. Zajac
    • M. Wilk
    • M. Krzysztofik

    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2022

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  • Experimental research on water lubricated three layer sliding bearing with lubrication grooves in the upper part of the bush and its comparison with a rubber bearing


    composite. Eachofitslayershasanimportantfunction.Speciallypreparedslidingsurfaceensures minimum resistance.Followingrunning-initssmoothnessbecomesveryhighandthebearingmay continue workingunder fluid lubricationregime.NBRlayerensuresbearingelasticity,goodvibration damping propertiesandinsusceptibilitytoshaftaxismisalignment.Theexternalbrasslayermakes fitting thebearingeasier. Experiment resultsoftheconductedresearchwerecomparedwiththoseforarubberbearingof similar...

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  • Curve Curvature Analysis of a Grain Trajectories in Variable Honing of Cylindrical Holes of Thin Wall Cylinder Liners as a Honing Process Optimization Strategy


    - SpringerPlus - Rok 2020

    The main problem of honing of thin wall cylinder liners is a thermal distortion of honed holes. The higher the value of the temperature of the honed workpiece, the greater its holes deformation. The paper presents a method of reducing the temperature occurring in the honing process as a result of the application of a variable honing kinematics conditions with particular emphasis on the analysis of the effect of the value of the...

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  • Evolution of Animats Following a Moving Target in an Artificial Ecosystem


    - Rok 2014

    Many biological animals, even microscopically small, are able to track moving sources of food. In this paper, we investigate the emergence of such behavior in artificial animals (animats) in a 2-dimensional simulated liquid environment. These "predators" are controlled by evolving artificial gene regulatory networks encoded in linear genomes. The fate of the predators is determined only by their ability to gather food and reproduce—no...

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  • Evaluation of Pavement Temperatures in Poland During Winter Conditions

    The paper presents the analysis of pavement temperatures from meteorological stations located at the Polish national roads during the impact of low winter temperatures. Presented issue is particularly important in view of the problem of low-temperature cracks that occur in the asphalt pavement under the influence of low temperatures. For each location of meteorological station there were analysed measurements of the temperature...

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  • Influence of Collar Deformations on Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearing Performance

    • W. Michal
    • W. Michal

    - Rok 2007

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  • Optimization of working conditions of thick-film LSFO bolometers

    Przedstawiono opracowaną przez autorów metodę wytwarzania bolometrów w technologii LTCC. Jako warstwy aktywne wykorzystano niestechiometryczne tlenki lantanowo-strontowo żelazowe (LSFO). Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów wybranych właściwości bolometrów oraz charakterystyki wykorzystane w procesie doboru punktu pracy bolometru.

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  • The role of time perspectives and impulsivity dimensions in coping styles


    Both time perspectives and impulsivity dimensions are groups of traits that are connected to self-control abilities and might be important for coping styles. However, to date, no study has systematically investigated their utility in predicting coping styles with regard to their multidimensional nature. The current study was correlational and exploratory, aiming to discover what amount of variance in each of the three coping...

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  • Carbon dioxide sequestration during shale gas recovery

    This paper presents literature on theoretical and practical aspects of gas production from shale using carbon dioxide fracturing. Development of technical and environmental aspects of carbon dioxide fracturing technologies is also considered. Patents applicable to carbon dioxide fracturing are reviewed. There were also conducted researches to evaluate possibility of carbon dioxide sequestration in shale gas reservoirs.

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  • Stability and load bearing capacity of a truss with elastic braces


    - Rok 2014

    The present paper is devoted to the numerical and experimental investigations of stability of a truss stiffened by elastic braces. The model of a real roof truss scaled by factor ¼ was investigated. In the research the linear buckling and non-linear static analysis of the truss shell and beam model with geometric and material non-linearity is presented. The initial imperfections were assumed in the form of the first buckling mode....

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  • Kinetics and mechanism of the chemically modified starches during gelatinization.


    - Rok 2013

    Native starch was silicated by means of microwave-assisted reactions with varying doses of reagents. Resulting products were characterized by DSC and HMR-relaxation methods. It was observed that the hydratation of the silicated starches during gelatinization decreases when compared to that of the native potato starch. The amount of unfrozen water for ungelitinizated silicated starches are less than in control samples. At the same...

  • Influence of compaction effectiveness on interlayer bonding of asphalt layers


    - Rok 2014

    The paper presents the results of research on the interlayer bonding of asphalt layers compacted in the laboratory and in the field. To measure the interlayer bonding at a temperature of 20°C the Leutner test apparatus was used and load was applied at a rate of 50 mm/minute. Three types of interlayer interfaces were tested: no tack coat and tack coats made of two types of the pure bitumen emulsions. Four compaction techniques were...

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  • Analyzing the Geometry of the Turnouts and Their Adjustment Basing on the Tacheometer Measurements


    - Rok 2016

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  • Heart laceration during oesophagectomy for the treatment of oesophageal carcinoma

    • J. Zygon
    • J. Skokowski
    • J. Zielinski
    • K. Drucis
    • K. Golabek-Dropiewska

    - Case Reports - Rok 2010

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  • Reliability of quality forecast for hybrid metal-working machinery

    • V. Yu
    • V. Ivancivsky

    - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science - Rok 2018

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  • Manure heaps attract farmland birds during winter

    • M. Šálek
    • M. Żmihorski

    - BIRD STUDY - Rok 2018

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  • The Interrelationships of Coping Styles and Professional Burnout Among Physiotherapists

    • K. Nowakowska-Domagala
    • K. Jablkowska-Górecka
    • L. Kostrzanowska-Jarmakowska
    • M. Mortoń
    • P. Stecz
    • K. Nowakowska-Domagała

    - MEDICINE - Rok 2015

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  • Concept of Vaporized Urea Dosing in Selective Catalytic Reduction


    - Catalysts - Rok 2017

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  • Bioactive core material for porous load-bearing implants

    So far state of knowledge on biodegradable materials is reviewed. Among a variety of investigated materials, those composed of polymers and ceramics may be considered as only candidates for a core material in porous titanium alloy. The collagen and chitosan among natural polymers, polyhydroxy acids among synthetic polymers, and hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate among ceramics are proposed for further research. Three essential...

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  • Liquid-solid interaction during formation of nanocomposite systems


    - Polish Journal of Chemical Technology - Rok 2012

    W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań nad zmianami strukturalnymi w układach ciekłego Bi i małych cząsteczek Ni lub Cu w zakresie temperatur od 615 do 1145K. Zaobserwowano (SEM) mikrostruktury kompozytowe i przeanalizowano dla różnych temperaturach i różnych czasów mieszania. Strukturę układów Bi-Ni oraz Bi-Cu, zarówno w stanie stałym i ciekłym, zbadano za pomocą dyfrakcji rentgenowskich.

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