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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EDGE MULTISUBDIVISION

  • Scene Segmentation Basing on Color and Depth Images for Kinect Sensor


    In this paper we propose a method for segmenting single images from Kinect sensor by considering both color and depth information. The algorithm is based on a series of edge detection procedures designed for particular features of the scene objects. RGB and HSV color planes are separately analyzed in the first step with Canny edge detector, resulting in overall color edges mask. In depth images both clear boundaries and smooth...

  • Searching by heterogeneous agents

    In this work we introduce and study a pursuit-evasion game in which the search is performed by heterogeneous entities. We incorporate heterogeneity into the classical edge search problem by considering edge-labeled graphs: once a search strategy initially assigns labels to the searchers, each searcher can be only present on an edge of its own label. We prove that this problem is not monotone even for trees and we give instances...

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  • Three-fast-searchable graphs



    In the edge searching problem, searchers move from vertex to vertex in a graph to capture an invisible, fast intruder that may occupy either vertices or edges. Fast searching is a monotonic internal model in which, at every move, a new edge of the graph G must be guaranteed to be free of the intruder. That is, once all searchers are placed the graph G is cleared in exactly |E(G)| moves. Such a restriction obviously necessitates...

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  • Tool Wear Monitoring Using Improved Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm and Deep Belief Network

    • L. Gertrude David
    • R. Kumar Patra
    • P. Falkowski-Gilski
    • P. Bidare Divakarachari
    • L. J. Antony Marcilin

    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2022

    In recent decades, tool wear monitoring has played a crucial role in the improvement of industrial production quality and efficiency. In the machining process, it is important to predict both tool cost and life, and to reduce the equipment downtime. The conventional methods need enormous quantities of human resources and expert skills to achieve precise tool wear information. To automatically identify the tool wear types, deep...

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  • Rozpoznawanie oraz lokalizacja w obrazie przewodów linii wysokiego napięcia

    W pracy przedstawiono opracowany algorytm rozpoznawania oraz lokalizacji przewodów linii wysokiego napięcia na podstawie obrazu horyzontalnego. Procedura detekcji przewodu została podzielona na trzy etapy. Pierwszy etap zawiera algorytm wykrywania krawędzi wykazujący największą czułość na krawędzie poziome, a jednocześnie brak czułości na krawędzie pionowe. Efektem jest znaczna redukcja liczby wykrytych krawędzi w porównaniu do...

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  • Distributed graph searching with a sense of direction

    In this work we consider the edge searching problem for vertex-weighted graphs with arbitrarily fast and invisible fugitive. The weight function w provides for each vertex v the minimum number of searchers required to guard v, i.e., the fugitive may not pass through v without being detected only if at least w(v) searchers are present at v. This problem is a generalization of the classical edge searching problem, in which one has...

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  • Application of genetic algorithms in graph searching problem

    Graph searching is a common approach to solving a problem of capturing a hostile intruder by a group of mobile agents. We assume that this task is performed in environment which we are able to model as a graph G. The question asked is how many agents are needed to capture an arbitrary fast, invisible and smart intruder. This number is called the (edge) search number of G. The strategy which must be performed by agents is called...

  • Eine Eeue Technik zur Präzisen Rissfortschrittsmessung im DCB oder im Keilversuch = A novel technique for precise crack length measurement in the DCB or wedge test


    - Rok 2009

    Diverse methods have been tried to study crack length, most basic relying on direct, or microscopic, observation of the crack tip position. Optical correlation, both lasermoiré and speckle interferometry, a single strain gauge and displacement sensorshave also been employed. Crack length measurement is, however, delicate. We present a novel method making use of strain gauges attached to one of the adherends.

  • angielski


    - Australasian Journal of Combinatorics - Rok 2024

    A subset D of V (G) is a dominating set of a graph G if every vertex of V (G) − D has at least one neighbour in D; let the domination number γ(G) be the minimum cardinality among all dominating sets in G. We say that a graph G is γ-q-critical if subdividing any q edges results in a graph with domination number greater than γ(G) and there exists a set of q − 1 edges such that subdividing these edges results in a graph with domination...

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  • Badania stanu technicznego ścianek szczelnych strony południowej i północnej komory południowej śluzy Dzierżno


    - Rok 2016

    Prace dotyczyły badań nieniszczących łączników (zamków) Paine`a oraz ścianek szczelnych. Ściany boczne komory południowej śluzy Dzierżno zbudowane są ze stalowych pasów blachy o grubości około 16mm i długości 22m połączonych ze sobą wzdłuż dłuższej krawędzi za pomocą zamków Peine`a. System ten umożliwia uzyskanie szczelnego połączenia na całej długości ścianki. Zaawansowany proces korozji spowodował rozszczelnienie połączenia...

  • Mechanism of Li nucleation at graphite anodes and mitigation strategies

    • C. Peng
    • A. Bhandari
    • J. Dziedzic
    • J. R. Owen
    • C. Skylaris
    • D. Kramer

    - Journal of Materials Chemistry A - Rok 2021

    Lithium metal plating is a critical safety issue in Li-ion cells with graphite anodes, and contributes significantly to ageing, drastically limiting the lifetime and inducing capacity loss. Nonetheless, the nucleation mechanism of metallic Li on graphite anodes is still poorly understood. But in-depth understanding is needed to rationally design mitigation measures. In this work, we conducted FirstPrinciples studies to elucidate...

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  • Weakly convex domination subdivision number of a graph


    - FILOMAT - Rok 2016

    A set X is weakly convex in G if for any two vertices a; b \in X there exists an ab–geodesic such that all of its vertices belong to X. A set X \subset V is a weakly convex dominating set if X is weakly convex and dominating. The weakly convex domination number \gamma_wcon(G) of a graph G equals the minimum cardinality of a weakly convex dominating set in G. The weakly convex domination subdivision number sd_wcon (G) is the minimum...

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  • An assessment of teeth quality of the mini gang saw blade


    - Annals of WULS, Forestry and Wood Technology - Rok 2016

    In this work, the assessment of the effect of the operating time (90 min.) of the mini gang saw blades during sawing Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) samples upon changes of the saw blade teeth sharpness (bluntness), which was defined as an effective radius of the nose ρ , has been described. The research activities have been carried out on the Nikon Ti-S optical microscope equipped with the Nikon DS-30W camera allowing high-speed...

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  • Graph Decomposition for Memoryless Periodic Exploration


    - ALGORITHMICA - Rok 2012

    We consider a general framework in which a memoryless robot periodically explores all the nodes of a connected anonymous graph by following local information available at each vertex. For each vertex v, the endpoints of all edges adjacent to v are assigned unique labels within the range 1 to deg (v) (the degree of v). The generic exploration strategy is implemented using a right-hand-rule transition function: after entering vertex...

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  • Comparison of reproduction strategies in genetic algorithm approach to graph searching

    genetic algorithms (ga) are a well-known tool used to obtain approximate solutions to optimization problems. successful application of genetic algorithm in solving given problem is largely dependant on selecting appropriate genetic operators. selection, mutation and crossover techniques play a fundamental role in both time needed to obtain results and their accuracy. in this paper we focus on applying genetic algorithms in calculating...

  • Formation and Growth of the Crack in Bonded Joints Under Mode I Fracture: Substrate Deflection at Crack Vicinity


    - JOURNAL OF ADHESION - Rok 2011

    Adhesive bonding is now commonly used in aircraft, cars, boats, etc. In these applications, thin panels are often bonded. In such thin structures, heterogeneous mechanical loading along the bondline edge (or potential crack front), is likely to arise due to 3D structural effects. The crack front and its vicinity is a special region, in that it is where structural properties of the adherend material meet those of the adhesive (discontinuity)....

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  • Similarities and Differences Between the Vertex Cover Number and the Weakly Connected Domination Number of a Graph

    • M. Lemańska
    • R. Trujillo-Rasua


    A vertex cover of a graph G = (V, E) is a set X ⊂ V such that each edge of G is incident to at least one vertex of X. The ve cardinality of a vertex cover of G. A dominating set D ⊆ V is a weakly connected dominating set of G if the subgraph G[D]w = (N[D], Ew) weakly induced by D, is connected, where Ew is the set of all edges having at least one vertex in D. The weakly connected domination number γw(G) of G is the minimum cardinality...

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  • Algorytmy wykrywania krawędzi w obrazie

    Wykrywanie krawędzi jest pierwszym etapem w cyfrowym przetwarzaniu obrazów. Operacja ta polega na usunięciu informacji takich jak kolor czy też jasność, a pozostawieniu jedynie krawędzi. Efektem tej operacji jest znaczna redukcja ilości danych do dalszej analizy. Pozwala to na zastosowanie w następnych etapach bardziej złożonych algorytmów rozpoznawania obiektów na podstawie kształtu. W artykule zaprezentowano zastosowanie algorytmów...

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    A methodology for measuring bandsaw tooth wear is presented in this paper. This type of measurement is proposed as an alternative way of determining tooth wear in industrial conditions. The method is based on determining the KE value, i.e., the distance of the radius of the rounded cutting edge of the tooth and the intersection of the surface of the back and the surface of the face of the cutting wedge of the bandsaw tooth....

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  • A New Adaptive Method for the Extraction of Steel Design Structures from an Integrated Point Cloud


    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    The continuous and intensive development of measurement technologies for reality modelling with appropriate data processing algorithms is currently being observed. The most popular methods include remote sensing techniques based on reflected-light digital cameras, and on active methods in which the device emits a beam. This research paper presents the process of data integration from terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and image data...

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  • Analysis of the Surface Stereometry of Alloyed Austenitic Steel after Fibre Laser Cutting using Confocal Microscopy


    - Coatings - Rok 2023

    The paper extends the concept of cut edge quality and examines the fibre laser cutting process. A Prima Power Platino Fiber Evo device with a reference speed (RS) of 3500 mm/min was used for laser cutting. In order to analyse the influence of the laser cutting speed on the cut edge quality of X5CrNi18-10 stainless steel sheets, macroscopic studies were conducted on a stereoscopic microscope and surface stereometry on a confocal...

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  • The convex domination subdivision number of a graph


    Let G = (V;E) be a simple graph. A set D\subset V is a dominating set of G if every vertex in V - D has at least one neighbor in D. The distance d_G(u, v) between two vertices u and v is the length of a shortest (u, v)-path in G. An (u, v)-path of length d_G(u; v) is called an (u, v)-geodesic. A set X\subset V is convex in G if vertices from all (a, b)-geodesics belong to X for any two vertices a, b \in X. A set X is a convex dominating...

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  • Optimal backbone coloring of split graphs with matching backbones

    For a graph G with a given subgraph H, the backbone coloring is defined as the mapping c: V(G) -> N+ such that |c(u)-c(v)| >= 2 for each edge uv \in E(H) and |c(u)-c(v)| >= 1 for each edge uv \in E(G). The backbone chromatic number BBC(G;H) is the smallest integer k such that there exists a backbone coloring with max c(V(G)) = k. In this paper, we present the algorithm for the backbone coloring of split graphs with matching backbone.

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  • Pupil detection supported by Haar feature based cascade classifier for two-photon vision examinations


    - Rok 2019

    The aim of this paper is to present a novel method, called Adaptive Edge Detection (AED), of extraction of precise pupil edge coordinates from eye image characterized by reflections of external illuminators and laser beams. The method is used for monitoring of pupil size and position during psychophysical tests of two-photon vision performed by dedicated optical set-up. Two-photon vision is a new phenomenon of perception of short-pulsed...

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  • Proposal of New Tracer Concentration Model in Lung PCT Study Comparison with Commonly Used Gamma-variate Model


    - Rok 2017

    Perfusion computed tomography (pCT) is one of the methods that enable non-invasive imaging of the hemodynamics of organs and tissues. On the basis of pCT measurements, perfusion parameters such as blood flow (BF), blood volume (BV), mean transit time (MTT) and permeability surface (PS) are calculated and then used for quantitative evaluation of the tissue condition. To calculate perfusion parameters it is necessary to approximate...

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  • Independent Domination Subdivision in Graphs



    A set $S$ of vertices in a graph $G$ is a dominating set if every vertex not in $S$ is adjacent to a vertex in~$S$. If, in addition, $S$ is an independent set, then $S$ is an independent dominating set. The independent domination number $i(G)$ of $G$ is the minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set in $G$. The independent domination subdivision number $\sdi(G)$ is the minimum number of edges that must be subdivided (each...

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  • A CNN based coronavirus disease prediction system for chest X-rays

    • U. Hafeez
    • M. Umer
    • A. Hameed
    • H. Mustafa
    • A. Sohaib
    • M. Nappi
    • H. Madni

    - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing - Rok 2023

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) proliferated globally in early 2020, causing existential dread in the whole world. Radiography is crucial in the clinical staging and diagnosis of COVID-19 and offers high potential to improve healthcare plans for tackling the pandemic. However high variations in infection characteristics and low contrast between normal and infected regions pose great challenges in preparing radiological reports....

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  • Implementacja w FPGA algorytmu detekcji krawędzi obrazu w czasie rzeczywistym

    W artykule przedstawiono projekt architektury oraz implementację układową toru przetwarzania wstępnego obrazu z modułem detekcji krawędzi. Układ został zaimplementowany w FPGA Intel Cyclone. Zrealizowany moduł wykorzystuje pięć wybranych algorytmów wykrywania krawędzi, w tym Robertsa, Sobela i Prewitt.

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  • T-colorings, divisibility and circular chromatic number

    Let T be a T-set, i.e., a finite set of nonnegative integers satisfying 0 ∈ T, and G be a graph. In the paper we study relations between the T-edge spans espT (G) and espd⊙T (G), where d is a positive integer and d ⊙ T = {0 ≤ t ≤ d (max T + 1): d |t ⇒ t/d ∈ T} . We show that espd⊙T (G) = d espT (G) − r, where r, 0 ≤ r ≤ d − 1, is an integer that depends on T and G. Next we focus on the case T = {0} and show that espd⊙{0} (G) =...

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  • Fracture in composite/aluminium joints of variable adhesive properties


    - JOURNAL OF ADHESION - Rok 2009

    A strain gauge technique recently developed with the wedge test, for estimating crack length and, thus, the fracture energy of structural adhesive bonding, has been employed on a system in which one adherend had two types of surface treatment. Simple polishing and polishing with subsequent sandblasting were the treatments used, with a distinct straight line, perpendicular to the sample edges, separating the two. Despite the clear-cut...

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  • Polynomial triset metric for unrooted phylogenetic trees

    the following paper presents a polynomial triset metric for unrooted phylogenetic trees (based on weighted bipartite graphs and the method of determining a minimum edge cover) and its basic characteristics. also a list of further directions of research and examples of the wider use of this metric is presented.

  • Brief Announcement: Energy Constrained Depth First Search


    - Rok 2018

    Depth first search is a natural algorithmic technique for constructing a closed route that visits all vertices of a graph. The length of such route equals, in an edge-weighted tree, twice the total weight of all edges of the tree and this is asymptotically optimal over all exploration strategies. This paper considers a variant of such search strategies where the length of each route is bounded by a positive integer B (e.g. due...

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  • Kodowanie kanałowe w cyfrowych systemach komórkowych

    W referacie przedstawiono metody kodowania kanałowego stosowane w systemach komórkowych. Zaprezentowano kody splotowe stosowane w systemie komórkowym GSM i podsystemach GPRS i EDGE. Przedstawiono również kody splotowe i turbokody stosowane w systemie UMTS i standardzie LTE.

  • Multi-DBD plasma actuator for flow separation control around NACA 0012 and NACA 0015 airfoil models


    In this paper application of innovative multi-DBD plasma actuator for flow separation control is presented. The influence of the airflowgenerated by this actuator on the flow around NACA 0012 and NACA 0015 airfoil models was investigated. The results obtained from 2D PIVmeasurements showed that the multi-DBD actuator with floating interelectrode can be attractive for leading and trailing edge separation control.

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  • Scanning networks with cactus topology

    • Ł. Wrona

    - Rok 2008

    The family of Pursuit and Evasion problems is widelystudied because of its numerous practical applications,ranging from communication protocols to cybernetic andphysical security. Calculating the search number of a graphis one of most commonly analyzed members of this problemfamily. The search number is the smallest number of mobileagents required to capture an invisible and arbitrarily fastfugitive, for instance piece of malicious...

  • Experimental tests of lintel hybrid beams

    The results of experimental tests of lintel hybrid beams made of air concrete and prestressed concrete were presented in paper. Blocks of air concrete was a protective element for the construction one. The length of hybrid beams was 3.0 m, while total height 27 cm. It was assumed that hybrid beams will work in the simply-supported scheme (with a 10 cm support) loaded uniformly over the entire length. The object of the tests were...

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    - Rok 2015

    Cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. The developed cutting model, derived from fracture mechanics, includes work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction, and also dullness of the cutting edge described by the cutting edge radius. Moreover, forecasting of the shear plane angle for the cutting models, broaden possibilities of energetic effects...

  • On-line Ramsey Numbers of Paths and Cycles



    Consider a game played on the edge set of the infinite clique by two players, Builder and Painter. In each round, Builder chooses an edge and Painter colours it red or blue. Builder wins by creating either a red copy of $G$ or a blue copy of $H$ for some fixed graphs $G$ and $H$. The minimum number of rounds within which Builder can win, assuming both players play perfectly, is the \emph{on-line Ramsey number} $\tilde{r}(G,H)$. In...

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  • Direct determination of paraquat herbicide by square-wave voltammetry by two-step transfer mechanism at heterogeneous boron-doped carbon nanowall electrodes



    Boron-doped carbon nanowalls (B:CNW) versus boron-doped diamond (BDD) materials were investigated for the effective electrochemical detection of highly toxic herbicide paraquat (PQ). Depending on the surface morphology and functional groups of BDD and B:CNWs, the electrochemical absorption and detection of the target analyte PQ revealed different detection mechanisms. The surface absorption mechanism was mainly observed for BDD,...

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  • On some open questions for Ramsey and Folkman numbers

    • S. Radziszowski
    • X. Xiaodong

    - Rok 2016

    We discuss some of our favorite open questions about Ramsey numbers and a related problem on edge Folkman numbers. For the classical two-color Ramsey numbers, we first focus on constructive bounds for the difference between consecutive Ramsey numbers. We present the history of progress on the Ramsey number R(5,5) and discuss the conjecture that it is equal to 43.

  • Pressure Pulsations in Turbine Blade Seal

    The paper presents the results of experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type. The performed experimental research proved that in a shroud clearance the pressure pulsates and the effects of the nozzle trailing edge thickness as well as the influence of the rotor blades are observed. The exemplary results...

  • The Backbone Coloring Problem for Bipartite Backbones

    Let G be a simple graph, H be its spanning subgraph and λ≥2 be an integer. By a λ -backbone coloring of G with backbone H we mean any function c that assigns positive integers to vertices of G in such a way that |c(u)−c(v)|≥1 for each edge uv∈E(G) and |c(u)−c(v)|≥λ for each edge uv∈E(H) . The λ -backbone chromatic number BBCλ(G,H) is the smallest integer k such that there exists a λ -backbone coloring c of G with backbone H satisfying...

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    - Wiadomości Konserwatorskie - Rok 2015

    The cutting force is an energetic effect of splitting material, and might be therefore considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. The dedicated mathematical model developed for description of the wood cutting has been developed here on the base of fracture theory, and includes work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to the material plasticity and friction. The effect of the cutting edge dullness is...

  • Speaker Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network with Minimal Training Data for Smart Home Solutions


    - Rok 2018

    With the technology advancements in smart home sector, voice control and automation are key components that can make a real difference in people's lives. The voice recognition technology market continues to involve rapidly as almost all smart home devices are providing speaker recognition capability today. However, most of them provide cloud-based solutions or use very deep Neural Networks for speaker recognition task, which are...

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  • Permeability of Waterfronts—Contemporary Approach in Designing Urban Blue Spaces


    - Sustainability - Rok 2022

    The constant struggle with rising sea levels and flood hazards has resulted in the change of the paradigm in shaping urban waterfronts towards increasing their permeability and creation of urban blue spaces. The aim of the paper was to indicate a new approach in designing public spaces at the sea–land interface by presenting a comparative study of the design solutions used in case of the four selected case studies: the Sea Organs...

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  • No-Wait & No-Idle Open Shop Minimum Makespan Scheduling with Bioperational Jobs

    In the open shop scheduling with bioperational jobs each job consists of two unit operations with a delay between the end of the first operation and the beginning of the second one. No-wait requirement enforces that the delay between operations is equal to 0. No-idle means that there is no idle time on any machine. We model this problem by the interval incidentor (1, 1)-coloring (IIR(1, 1)-coloring) of a graph with the minimum...

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  • On the connected and weakly convex domination numbers

    In this paper we study relations between connected and weakly convex domination numbers. We show that in general the difference between these numbers can be arbitrarily large and we focus on the graphs for which a weakly convex domination number equals a connected domination number. We also study the influence of the edge removing on the weakly convex domination number, in particular we show that a weakly convex domination number...

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  • Exploiting multi-interface networks: Connectivity and Cheapest Paths


    - WIRELESS NETWORKS - Rok 2010

    Let G = (V,E) be a graph which models a set of wireless devices (nodes V) that can communicate by means of multiple radio interfaces, according to proximity and common interfaces (edges E). The problem of switching on (activating) the minimum cost set of interfaces at the nodes in order to guarantee the coverage of G was recently studied. A connection is covered (activated) when the endpoints of the corresponding edge share at...

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  • Wpływ drążenia pionowego w silikatowych elementach murowych na nośność kotew wklejanych


    The article is showing results of measurements of the effectiveness of the assembly anchor of inmates glued in in sunk vertically lime-sandy blocks. Examinations were performed for cases of the assembly anchor in different fragments of blocks: in part fullwall, in an axis of symmetry and on the edge of the aperture vertical. An influence of the location of places of settling was examined anchor to the way of the forming of uniting...

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  • Independence in uniform linear triangle-free hypergraphs



    The independence number a(H) of a hypergraph H is the maximum cardinality of a set of vertices of H that does not contain an edge of H. Generalizing Shearer’s classical lower bound on the independence number of triangle-free graphs Shearer (1991), and considerably improving recent results of Li and Zang (2006) and Chishti et al. (2014), we show a new lower bound for a(H) for an r-uniform linear triangle-free hypergraph H with r>=2.

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