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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: POJAZD MOBILNY

  • Mobile Laser Scanning Calibration on a Marine Platform

    The article describes the method of calibration of the Riegl VMZ-400 mobile scanning system on a floating platform and an experiment aimed at conducting measurements from a previously calibrated instrument. The issue of factors affecting the quality of measurements was discussed. Mobile laser scanning is an increasingly popular measurement solution, but it is still innovative on a European scale. The use of a floating platform...

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  • Modelling the malware propagation in mobile computer devices


    - COMPUTERS & SECURITY - Rok 2018

    Nowadays malware is a major threat to the security of cyber activities. The rapid develop- ment of the Internet and the progressive implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) increase the security needs of networks. This research presents a theoretical model of malware propagation for mobile computer devices. It is based on the susceptible-exposed- infected-recovered-susceptible (SEIRS) epidemic model. The scheme is based on...

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  • Mobile satellite measurements on the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway


    - Przegląd Komunikacyjny - Rok 2016

    This paper presents the process of organization and execution of the mobile satellite measurements conducted on the tracks of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway before officially entry the line into operation. These measurements allowed for the accurate identification of the actual geometric shape of the line. In the paper the issues of both design and construction phase of this railway line has been described. Moreover, the geodetic...

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  • A mobile hospital – its advantages and functional limitations

    The idea of a mobile hospital is not entirely new – the need for their use, ranging from military field hospitals to the charity or mass disaster tent cities, shows how much they are needed. While these cases can be reduced to a portable ambulatory unit with a limited scope of outpatient medical activities, a fully functional hospital is a system with a high degree of complexity far exceeding a regime of compact objects. Solutions...

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  • Usability Testing of Mobile Applications: A Methodological Framework


    Less than five percent of all mobile applications have become successful throughout 2023. The success of a new mobile application depends on a variety of factors ranging from business understanding, customer value, and perceived quality of use. In this sense, the topic of usability testing of mobile applications is relevant from the point of view of user satisfaction and acceptance. However, the current knowledge seems to be fragmented,...

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  • Długodystansowy pojazd wodny napędzany energią słoneczną ''Solar-Energa''


    Koło Studentów Techniki Okrętowej Politechniki Gdańskiej KORAB prowadzi prace nad jednostką pływającą napędzaną energią słoneczną. Pojazd ten ma spełnić wymogi regulaminowe i wystartować w regatach ''Frisian Nuon Solar Challenge 2006''. Regaty te składają się z sześciu etapów o łącznej długości 210km. Trasa wyścigu prowadzi w większości kanałami. Jedyną energią przeznaczoną do napędu jednostki podczas trwania wszystkich etapów...

  • Monocykl elektryczny – projekt i realizacja

    W ostatnich czasach zaobserwować można rozwój pojazdów elektrycznych. Czynnikami, które pozytywnie wpływają na to zjawisko jest redukcja emisji spalin oraz hałasu, które emitują standardowe pojazdy. Przy mniejszych, mobilnych konstrukcjach elektrycznych, dodatkową zaletą jest zmniejszenie problemu związanego z zatłoczeniem ulic. Artykuł przedstawia projekt oraz wykonanie monocyklu elektrycznego. Uwzględniając założenia projektowe,...

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  • Roboty mobilne z autonomiczną nawigacją - stan obecny i perspektywa na najbliższe lata.


    Opisano edukacyjny robot mobilny wykonany do badań laboratoryjnych. Omówiono najistotniejsze zagadnienia nawigacji robotów mobilnych. Opisano jak rozwiązać zagadnienie związane z określeniem pozycji robota w przestrzeni, zbieraniem najistotniejszych danych o najblizszym otoczeniu (np. o przeszkodach) oraz podejmowaniem decyzji związanych z poruszaniem się w terenie. Zasygnalizowano w jaki sposób zaspokoić potrzebę dużej mocy obliczeniowej...

  • Pojazdy autonomiczne na przykładzie samojeżdżącego samochodu Google`a


    - Logistyka - Rok 2015

    Pod pojęciem pojazdu autonomicznego rozumiemy pojazdy zdolne do poruszania się bez udziału człowieka. Nie jest to nowa koncepcja, powstanie samej idei datuje się na lata 20 XX wieku, a początki wprowadzania jej w życie na lata 80. Obecnie istnieją głównie w formie prototypów będących w trakcie testów. Do jednych z najbardziej obiecujących zaliczyć możemy pojazd firmy Google. Pojazdy te zdolne są do wykrywania przeszkód znajdujących...

  • Projektowanie tras tramwajowych przy wykorzystaniu mobilnych pomiarów satelitarnych

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  • Beta-blockers in the environment: Part I. Mobility and hydrolysis study

    • J. Maszkowska
    • S. Stolte
    • J. Kumirska
    • P. Łukaszewicz
    • K. Mioduszewska
    • A. Puckowski
    • M. Caban
    • M. Wagil
    • P. Stepnowski
    • A. Białk-Bielińska

    - Science of The Total Environment - Rok 2014

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  • Moralny aspekt niewidzialnej ręki w interpretacji Petera Koslowskiego

    Artykuł zawiera analizę mechanizmów niewidzialnej ręki we współczesnej gospodarczej. Przytoczone i przeanalizowane są argumenty niemieckiego teoretyka P. Koslowskiego na rzecz konieczności reinterpretacji tradycyjnej teorii równowagi rynkowej w duchu powiązania jej ze wspólnym dobrem.

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  • Realizacja zadań w grafie przez grupę mobilnych jednostek


    - Rok 2017

    Grupa mobilnych jednostek, nazywanych także agentami, jest umiejscowiona w jednym lub wielu wierzchołkach grafu nazywanych bazami. Stamtąd poruszając się po z góry znanym (offline) lub nieznanym (online) grafie muszą wykonać powierzone im zadanie, takie jak przeszukanie grafu, spotkanie, dekontaminacja grafu czy wybór lidera. Celem jest znalezienie optymalnej, rozproszonej, deterministycznej strategii (sekwencji ruchów jednostek),...

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  • Projektowanie tras tramwajowych przy wykorzystaniu Mobilnych Pomiarów Satelitarnych

    W pracy przedstawiono metodykę projektowania tras tramwajowych dostosowaną do rozwijanej w Zespole Naukowym metody Mobilnych Pomiarów Satelitarnych. Opisano badania inwentaryzacyjne wykonane na torach tramwajowych, których wyniki posłużyły jako dane wejściowe w procesie projektowania. Pokazano, w jaki sposób dostosowano analityczne algorytmy projektowania tras kolejowych do specyfiki układów geometrycz-nych występujących w torach...

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  • Pojazdy przeciążone na polskich drogach


    - Drogownictwo - Rok 2012

    W artykule opisano problem występowania pojazdów przeciążonych na polskich drogach. Zaprezentowano polskie i europejskie przepisy dotyczące dopuszczalnej masy i obciążenia pojazdów. Przedstawiono wyniki analiz udziału pojazdów przeciążonych w ruchu, wykonanych na podstawie danych z 5 stacji ważenia pojazdów w ruchu, zlokalizowanych na polskich drogach. Artykuł zakończono praktycznymi wnioskami

  • An Empirical Study on the Impact of Gender on Mobile Applications Usability


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2022

    In the area of broadband wireless Internet, mobile applications have already replaced their desktop equivalents and are recognized as valuable tools for any size of businesses and for private use. With the emergence of millions of apps, the quality of their interaction with the user remains an open question for software vendors. While female and male requirements and preferences are not always similar, to the best of our knowledge,...

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  • Mobile chromatographs and spectrometers for the analysis of chemical warfare agents


    - Rok 2020

    This article describes the technological state of readiness regarding mobile chromatographs and spectrometers and their appiicability for the analysis of chemical warfare agents (CWAs), degradation products, simulants, and precursors.

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  • Quality of Satellite Communication in Selected Mobile Android Smartphones

    Today, thanks to mobile devices, satellite communication is available to anyone and everywhere. Gaining information on one’s position using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), particularly in unknown urban environments, had become an everyday activity. With the widespread of mobile devices, particularly smartphones, each person can obtain information considering his or her location anytime and everywhere. This paper is...

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  • Quality assessment of mobile host services in IP networks


    W pracy opisano podstawowe protokoły wspierające komunikację stacji ruchomych w sieciach IP. Przedmiotem zainteresowania były w szczególności rozwiązania MIP oraz Calkular IP i HAWAII - wspierające mobilność w skali makro bądź mikro. Przeprowadzono badania symulacyjne wskazujące na przydatność powyższych protokołów w przypadku różnych konfiguracji sieci.

  • Rendezvous of heterogeneous mobile agents in edge-weighted networks

    We introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...

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  • Evaluating the mobile robot positions using accelerometer data


    - Rok 2015

    This paper analyzes the problem of determining the position of a robot using an accelerometer, which is an essential part of inertial measurement units (IMU). The information gained from such a gauge, however, requires double integration of sensor data. To assure an expected effect, a mathematical model of a low-cost accelerometer of the MEMS type is derived. Moreover, in order to improve the performance of positioning based on...

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  • Serwer Diameter w architekturze Proxy Mobile IPv6

    W pracy przedstawiono mechanizmy współpracy serwera Diameter z systemem Proxy Mobile IPv6. Opisany został sposób integracji obu rozwiązań na potrzeby obsługi mobilności terminali ruchomych w sieci IPv6. W ramach realizowanych badań wykonano implementację opisanego systemu. Dla przygotowanej implementacji przeprowadzono szereg testów wydajnościowych uwzględniających parametry jakości QoS oraz QoE.

  • Adaptive acoustic crosstalk cancellation in mobile computer device

    The cancellation of acoustic crosstalk is employed to enhance the stereo image in mobile listening conditions. A practical setup employing a mobile computer is employed. The adaptation of the crosstalk cancellation filter to the position of the listener's head is featured. The measurement evaluating the possibility of practical application of the method are described. The head and torso simulator was used for measurements. The...

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  • Fitting the mobile device characteristics to the user's hearing preferences

    A method for fitting the mobile computer audio characteristics to the user's hearing preferences is proposed. The process consists of two stages: calibration and dynamics processing. During the calibration phase the user performs a loudness scaling test giving their response regarding the perceived loudness. The dynamics processing made on above basis sets the loudness to the most comfortable level. The processing accounts both...

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  • Mobile indicators in GIS and GPS positioning accuracy in cities

    The publication describes the possible use of tele-geoprocessing as a synergy of modern IT solutions, telecommunications and GIS algorithms. The paper presents a possibility of urban traffic monitoring with the use of mobile GIS indicators of dedicated monitoring system designed for taxi corporation. The system is based on a stationary and mobile software package. The optimal and minimal assumptions for the monitoring of urban...

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  • Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-Weighted Networks


    - Rok 2014

    We introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...

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  • Mobile Cloud computing architecture for massively parallelizablegeometric computation

    • V. Sánchez Ribes
    • H. Mora-Mora
    • A. Sobecki
    • F. José Mora Gimeno


    Cloud Computing is one of the most disruptive technologies of this century. This technology has been widely adopted in many areas of the society. In the field of manufacturing industry, it can be used to provide advantages in the execution of the complex geometric computation algorithms involved on CAD/CAM processes. The idea proposed in this research consists in outsourcing part of the load to be com- puted in the client machines...

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  • Gossiping by energy-constrained mobile agents in tree networks



    Every node of an edge-weighted tree network contains a data packet. At some nodes are placed mobile agents, each one possessing an amount of energy (not necessarily the same for all agents). While walking along the network, the agents spend the energy proportionally to the distance traveled and collect copies of the data packets present at the visited network nodes. An agent visiting a node deposits there copies of all currently...

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  • Determination of safety indicators of the freight wagons by mobile systems


    - Procedia Structural Integrity - Rok 2024

    The organization of the movement of freight trains in Ukraine is an important factor in integrating the country’s railway transport into the European system. A situation that requires a significant renewal of the freight wagon park with modern wagons to meet the freight transportation requirements has arisen. Also, a significant drawback of railway transport in Ukraine is the limitation of the speed of trains, which include freight...

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  • Resilience of 5G Mobile Communication Systems to Massive Disruptions


    - Rok 2020

    This chapter discusses vital techniques to enhance the resilience of 5G systems. It starts with dependability assessment of 5G networks. Next, it describes (a) the frequency fallback technique to improve availability and survivability of 5G services, (b) segment interleaving scheme to enhance communications resilience between base stations and the remaining part of the network and (c) multi-operator protection to address the resilience...

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  • Disturbances of magnetic field in surrounding of mobile, metalic plate


    - Rok 2008

    The uniform magnetic field of the Earth in the surrounding of a mobile, metalic object undergoes deformation by eddy currents. The influence of the moving conducting object on total magnetic field of the Earth depends on the object's shape, position and speed of the changes relative to the magnetic field's vector of the Earth as well as the electric conductivity and the relative magnetic permeability of the material. The disturbances...

  • Accuracy analysis of a mobile station location in the cellular networks

    Jakość usług lokalizacyjnych oferowanych w sieciach komórkowych zależy od efektywności estymacji położenia terminala ruchomego. Dokładność obecnie stosowanych metod lokalizacyjnych jest niewystarczająca, szczególnie w odniesieniu do wywołań w niebezpieczeństwie. Modyfikacja istniejących algorytmów może istotnie wpłynąć na zwiększenie dokładności lokalizowania terminala ruchomego przy jednocześnie niewielkich nakładach finansowych....

  • Agent System for Managing Distributed Mobile Interactive Documents

    The MIND architecture of distributed mobile interactive document is a new processing model defined for facilitate informed decision-making in non-algorithmic decision-making processes carried out by knowledge-based organizations. The aim of this architecture is to change the static document to mobile agents, which are designed to implement the structure of the organization through autonomous migration between knowledge workers...

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  • Mobile wireless measurement system for potatoes storage management


    The paper discusses the idea and the design of a remote control system for a storage management of agricultural products which temperature may rise in a result of biological processes during the storage. Exemplary potatoes storehouse is discussed as an application of the automation system. Because of existing buildings and infrastructure in the farm, wireless data transfer system has been proposed for both sensors to data acquisition...

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  • Mobile monitoring system for control of atmospheric air quality

    W pracy przedstawiono ruchomy system monitoringu powietrza, który zapewnia możliwość ciągłego pomiaru stężenia takich zanieczyszczeń powietrza jak benzen, tlenek i ditlenek azotu oraz tlenek i ditlenek węgla. Opracowany zestaw pomiarowy może być zainstalowany na rożnych pojazdach (samochód, autobus, ciężarówka).System zbudowany jest z zestawu małych przenośnych jednostek pomiarowych (elektroniczne urządzenia pomiarowe, rejestrator...

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  • Searching for road deformations using mobile laser scanning

    Millions of people use roads every day all over the world. Roads, like many other structures, have an estimated durability. In Poland a lot of the roads were built at the turn of the 20th and 21st c., especially for light cars. Many of these roads carry traffic and heavy goods vehicles which were not predicted when the traffic was first estimated. It creates a lot of problems with technical conditions and the infrastructure must...

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  • Collaborative Exploration of Trees by Energy-Constrained Mobile Robots



    We study the problem of exploration of a tree by mobile agents (robots) that have limited energy. The energy constraint bounds the number of edges that can be traversed by a single agent. We use a team of agents to collectively explore the tree and the objective is to minimize the size of this team. The agents start at a single node, the designated root of the tree and the height of the tree is assumed to be less than the energy...

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  • Mobile virtual presence in civil engineering education and training


    - Rok 2018

    Education technologies are on the cusp, emerging technologies connected with each other might reveal new added value in this field. In this paper, the author showed a framework for conducting civil engineering classes with a virtual presence on the construction site. The presented idea might be realized by use of the unnamed aerial vehicle equipped with 360 video camera. On-site activities are transmitted at a distance by GSM and...

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  • Application development for Android, iOS and BlackBerry mobile platforms

    Mobile devices, along with dedicated operating systems, have become a substantial and rising trend in software development. Computer industry has significantly changed in order to fulfil the needs of this new segment of the market. Authors have participated in projects, which involved programming on Android, iOS and BlackBerry operating systems. In this paper the most popular mobile platforms (and multiplatform Unity3D environment)...

  • Methods of navigation in the mobile application supporting movement of the blind

    This paper presents conclusions from the last development phase of the “Voice Maps” project. Authors specify newly found available options for navigation in affordable system for the blind with all their related aspects. System uses dedicated geographical data, built-in smartphone GPS receivers and DGPS external device in order to assist blind users in their everyday travelling. Authors also discuss new methods to improve positioning...

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  • Rendezvous of Distance-Aware Mobile Agents in Unknown Graphs


    - Rok 2014

    We study the problem of rendezvous of two mobile agents starting at distinct locations in an unknown graph. The agents have distinct labels and walk in synchronous steps. However the graph is unlabelled and the agents have no means of marking the nodes of the graph and cannot communicate with or see each other until they meet at a node. When the graph is very large we want the time to rendezvous to be independent of the graph size...

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  • Evaluating the position of a mobile robot using accelerometer data


    - Rok 2016

    This paper analyses the problem of determining the position of a robot using an accelerometer, which is an essential part of inertial measurement units (IMU). The information gained from such a gauge, however, requires double integration of sensor data. To assure an expected effect, a mathematical model of a low-cost accelerometer of the MEMS type is derived. Moreover, in order to improve the performance of positioning based on...

  • Mobile Networks' Analysis in Terms of QoS Performance Assessment


    - Rok 2023

    Quality of service (QoS) assessment is one of the basic processes carried out by mobile network operators (MNOs) and regulators of the telecommunications market. Usually, professional companies carry out measurements for various country areas and use cases (scenarios). In this paper, we show exemplary measurement results carried out in drive tests in the vicinity of the Polish capital by a professional company. The measurement...

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  • Prediction of the motion stability of three-wheel mobile robot


    W pracy rozważa się projektowanie i realizację trajektorii ruchu 3-kołowego robota mobilnego, z uwzględnieniem jego kinematyki i dynamiki. Kołowe roboty mobilne zaliczane są do układów nieholonomicznych, w przypadku których przyjęte ograniczenia (więzy) dotyczą chwilowych prędkości punktów charakterystycznych układu. Model matematyczny obiektu przedstawiono w postaci skończonej liczby nieliniowych równań różniczkowych kinematyki...

  • Mobile satellite measurements in designing and exploitation of rail roads


    - Rok 2016

    The article presents a summary of several years (2009-2015) of studies on the application of mobile satellite Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) measurements in the field of designing and operation of railways. These studies have been conducted by an interdisciplinary research team from the Gdansk University of Technology and the Gdynia Maritime University. Mobile satellite GNSS measurements are taken during a ride (through...

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  • Chromium, nickel and vanadium mobility in soils derived from fluvioglacial sands

  • Performance analysis of mobility protocols and handover algorithms for IP-based networks


    A rapid growth of IP-based networks and services has created the vast collection of resources and functionality available to users by means of a universal method of access - an IP protocol. At the same time, advances in design of mobile electronic devices have allowed them to reach utility level comparable to stationary, desktop computers, while still retaining their mobility advantage. Following this trend multiple extensions...

  • Development and test of fex, a fingers extending exoskeleton for rehabilitation and regaining mobility


    - International Journal of Mechanics and Control - Rok 2018

    This paper presents the design process of an exoskeleton for executing human fingers' extension movement for the rehabilitation procedures and as an active orthosis purposes, together with its first clinical usability tests of a robotic exoskeleton. Furthermore, the Fingers Extending eXoskeleton (FEX) is a serial, under-actuated mechanism capable of executing fingers' extension. FEX is based on the state-of-art FingerSpine serial...

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  • Influence of User Mobility and Antenna Placement on System Loss in B2B Networks


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2022

    In this paper, the influence of user mobility and on-body antenna placement on system loss in body-to-body communications in indoor and outdoor environments and different mobility scenarios is studied, based on system loss measurements at 2.45 GHz. The novelty of this work lies on the proposal of a classification model to characterise the effect of user mobility and path visibility on system loss, allowing to identify the best...

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  • Zastosowanie mobilnych pomiarów satelitarnych do określania położenia wysokościowego torów


    W pracy podjęto próbę sprawdzenia, na jaką dokładność można było liczyć na kolejnych etapach rozwoju techniki mobilnych pomiarów satelitarnych w zakresie określania położenia wysokościowego torów. Do tego celu wykorzystano wyniki kampanii pomiarów satelitarnych przeprowadzonych na przestrzeni 2009-2015. W wyniku przeprowadzenia odpowiedniej procedury obliczeniowej wykazano, że w okresie tym dokładność pomiarów satelitarnych wyraźnie...

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