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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: IMMIGRATION POLITICS

  • Wykorzystanie tomografii komputerowej przy analizie jakości zacementowania - migracja gazu

    Artykuł przedstawia opis zjawiska znanego w wiertnictwie otworowym jako migracja gazu. Opisano główne przyczyny powstawania tego negatywnego zjawiska polegającego na przepływie gazów a także płynów w zaczynie cementacyjnym lub kamieniu cementowym. Przygotowano próbki imitujące zacementowany odcinek rur okładzinowych. Skupiono się na wykorzystaniu tomografii komputerowej, oraz analizie zrekonstruowanego trójwymiarowego obrazu, w...

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  • Europa Wschodnia


    - Rok 2010

    Pojęcie regionu Europy Wschodniej jest różnie definiowane w zależności od klasyfikacji: geograficznej, politycznej, kulturowej. W rezultacie rozpadu ZSRR we wszytskich krajach tego regionu zapoczątkowany został proces transformacji systemowej, który zaowocował stworzeniem instytucjonalnych ram, strzegących pluralizmu, demokratycznego państwa prawa, ochrony praw człowieka oraz gospodarki rynkowej. Względnie zbliżone uwarunkowania...



    - Rok 2021

    This article is an attempt to present and evaluate tax policy Polish of the years 2015-2020, i.e. the period which resulted in formulating the new government. These time was a period of tax reforms, the introduction of new taxes and public tributes, as well as new mechanisms to control tax collection. Moreover, the policies introduced also concern changes in the level of fiscalism and tax redistribution. The research methods adopted...

  • Co-operation with local stakeholders: a crucial element of urban design

    In this article,the authors endeavour to illustratethe evolution of the role of local stakeholder in teaching urban planning by example of selected experiences in the Faculty of Architecture atGdańsk University of Technology(FA-GUT), Gdańsk, Poland. The timeframe covers the period from the political breakthrough in 1989 to the present. The background is composed of the social, economic and legal changes that have...

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  • A Review on Deactivation and Regeneration of Catalysts for Dimethyl Ether Synthesis

    he deactivation of catalysts and their regeneration are two very important challenges that need to be addressed for many industrial processes. The most quoted reasons for the deterioration of dimethyl ether synthesis (DME) concern the sintering and the hydrothermal leaching of copper particles, their migration to acid sites, the partial formation of copper and zinc hydroxycarbonates, the formation of carbon deposits, and surface...

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  • Syntheses and structures of the first terminal phosphanylphosphido complexes of molybdenum(IV)

    The reactions of R2P-P(SiMe3)Li (R = tBu, iPr2N) with [Cp2MoCl2] yield terminal phosphanylphosphido complexes formally via the insertion of the phosphinidene P-atom into the C - H bond of a cyclopentadienyl ring and the migration of the hydrogen atom or SiMe3 moiety to the molybdenum centre. Solid state structures of [Cp(C5H4P-PtBu2)MoH], [Cp(C5H4P-PtBu2)Mo(SiMe3)] and [Cp{C5H4P-P(NiPr2)2}Mo(SiMe3)] were established by single crystal...

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  • Implementation of the Concept of Flexicurity in the Selected Countries of Central Eastern Europe


    The CEE countries have to create their own flexicurity policies which would take into account the employment policy guidelines, cultural traditions and socio-economic development. The aim of this article is to examine and evaluate the implementation of the flexicurity concept on the basis of the adopted set of composite indicators. The study covers 9 countries of the CEE region, and the research period covers the years 2007 and 2013....

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  • Greencoin as an AI-Based Solution Shaping Climate Awareness.


    Our research aim was to define possible AI-based solutions to be embedded in the Green- coin project, designed as a supportive tool for smart cities to achieve climate neutrality. We used Kamrowska-Załuska’s approach for evaluating AI-based solutions’ potential in urban planning. We narrowed down the research to the educational and economic aspects of smart cities. Furthermore, we used a systematic literature review. We propose...

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  • Impact evaluation of a cycling promotion campaign using daily bicycle counters data: The case of Cycling May in Poland

    The promotion of active and sustainable transport modes as an alternative to motorised individual transport has become a key policy priority in Europe, to reduce air pollution, road congestion, noise, traffic injuries, and the adverse health outcomes of sedentary lifestyles. Policymakers are implementing a wide range of measures to encourage this shift in attitudes and behaviours. These interventions are most valuable when targeting...

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  • Architektoniczne tożsamości miasta portowego - na przykładach Gdańska i Gdyni oraz Hamburga i Altony

    Harbour cities of Northern Europe, especially those growing in the circle of influence of Hanseatic League, were formed in a way, which allows to identify them as the cities of a specific identity considering architecture and urban planning. Industrial revolution of 19-th and early 20-th century brought the radical change in the field of spatial development of the cities. Economical, political, cultural influences, also social...

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  • Transparency of publicly available information about fiscal and monetary policy in Poland


    - Rok 2021

    Research background: The quality of information provided by fiscal and monetary authorities are important in a democratic state. Ensuring fiscal policy transparency reduces fiscal risk and corruption and promotes public acceptance of fiscal reforms. Ensuring transparency in monetary policy allows market participants to anticipate central bank responses and take their effects into account when making investment and consumption decisions. Aim...

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  • How to stop salami science: promotion of healthy trends in publishing behavior

    The career of scientists often depends on the number of their published works. This fact leads to the overproduction of low quality papers burying the important articles and making the knowledge less accessible. One of the methods to counteract these negative aspects might lie in the promotion of healthy trends in publishing behavior. In the present work, the theoretical analysis of a new bibliometric measure is presented, and...

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  • Fuzzy regresion approach to road safety analysis at regional level

    Road safety modelling on regional level of NUTS 2 in the EU is the complex issue and authors of this article indicate this in previous publications. NUTS 2 are basic regions for the application of regional policies (0.8-3 m inhabitants). During multivariate models development they discovered that it is difficult to make regression model well described all regions, even if they are from one country. In the first step Poisson model...

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  • The spatial planning of industrial areas in an urbanized area for cargo, in the development of inland waterway transport


    - E3S Web of Conferences - Rok 2018

    Spatial planning, taking into account the configuration of the surface, i.e. its shape (relief) and the presence and mutual location of objects and points of characteristic water ports, is a derivative of several natural, economic, market, technical, social and political factors. It depends on the destination port, the planned structure of trade in cargo, the forecasted traffic of ships, passageways, the technology of reloading...

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  • Thermodynamic Cycle Concepts for High-Efficiency Power Plants. Part B: Prosumer and Distributed Power Industry


    - Sustainability - Rok 2019

    An analysis was carried out for different thermodynamic cycles of power plants with air turbines. A new modification of a gas turbine cycle with the combustion chamber at the turbine outlet has been described in the paper. A special air by-pass system of the combustor was applied, and in this way, the efficiency of the turbine cycle was increased by a few points. The proposed cycle equipped with an effective heat exchanger could...

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    - Rok 2016

    Access to remote sensing night-time imagery allows for modeling of light pollution Increasingly, data on the propagation of artificial light are a source of interesting information for different fields of science and affect the planning of economic development. The article presents the problem of light pollution in the context of threats to the wildlife corridors in Poland. Wildlife corridors are areas that allow safe migration...

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  • Ocena wpływu polityki zdrowotnej na jakość życia starzejącego się społeczeństwa w krajach UE

    Starzenie się społeczeństw w Europie powoduje wiele problemów społecznych i ekonomicznych. Polityka zdrowotna i jakość opieki zdrowotnej wpływają na stan zdrowia osób starszych, a tym samym na jakość ich życia. Artykuł jest próbą oceny polityki zdro-wotnej w krajach Unii Europejskiej w kontekście jakości życia. Wykorzystano metodę Data Envelopment Analysis i koncepcję helmsmana, powszechnie stosowane do oceny różnych rodzajów polityki....

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    Healthcare systems in Europe are constantly undergoing reforms which adapt them to social, economic and political requirements. The aim of this article is to examine the efficiency of healthcare systems in 30 European countries in 2014. The Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) model was used. The efficiency of the countries’ overall health systems and their two main components were examined: the public health system and the...

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  • Baza polityk wydawniczych i repozytorium Open Access – uzupełniające się elementy


    - Rok 2021

    Przedstawiono korzyści płynące z tworzenia i wykorzystywania bazy polityk wydawniczych polskich czasopism naukowych dla różnych interesariuszy, takich jak wydawcy, redaktorzy, naukowcy i bibliotekarze. Omówiono podstawowe zadania i funkcje bazy, tak aby ukazać ją jako kompleksowe źródło informacji o polityce wydawniczej polskich czasopism. Gromadzone w bazie informacje stanowią istotną pomoc w ustalaniu zasad samoarchiwizacji publikacji...

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  • Big Data in Regenerative Urban Design

    Why the use of Big Data in regenerative planning matters? The aim of this chapter is to study under what conditions Big Data can be integrated into regenerative design and sustainable planning? Authors seek to answer how – when related to the ecosystem and to human activities – Big Data can be used to: • both shape policies that support the development of regenerative human settlements, • support restorative design for practitioners...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • CSR in Polish SMEs: From Perception to Love: Examples of Socially Engaged Firms from Pomeranian Region


    - Rok 2017

    Notwithstanding the worldwide increasing awareness of the importance of social issues in nowadays business management, Polish small and medium enterprises seem to remain in the group of followers, certainly not leaders of corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement, and this despite an important dissemination efforts by numerous institutions. The aim of this paper is to present the bumpy road to the implementation, still incomplete,...

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  • Współczesne trendy w zarządzaniu oświatą w krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej


    - Rok 2005

    Treść artykułu obejmuje zagadnienia związane z współczesnymi trendami w dziedzinie zarządzania oświatą w krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. W latach 90. XX w. wykształciły się 3 główne nurty w polityce edukacyjnej Unii t.j.: decentralizacja zarządzania systemami oświatowymi, autonomia szkół oraz procesy uspołeczniania systemów oświatowych. Trendy te uwarunkowane różnymi czynnikami, dostarczają nowych inspiracji do poszukiwania...

  • Reactions of Lithiated Diphosphanes R2P-P(SiMe3)Li (R = tBu, iPr, iPr2N, Et2N) with [Cp2WCl2]. Syntheses and Structures of the First Terminal Phosphanylphosphido Complexes of Tungsten(IV)


    - ORGANOMETALLICS - Rok 2011

    Reactions of R2P−P(SiMe3)Li (R = tBu, iPr, iPr2N, Et2N) with [Cp2WCl2] yield terminal phosphanylphosphido complexes [Cp(C5H4P-PR2)WH] or [Cp{C5H4P-PR2}-W(SiMe3)] by way of a hydrogen or SiMe3 migration to tungsten. The solid-state structures of [Cp(C5H4P−PtBu2)-WH] and [Cp(C5H4P-PNEt2)WH] were established by singlecrystalX-ray diffraction. Two stereoisomers of [Cp(C5H4P−PtBu2)WH] were identified by solution NMR spectroscopy. Reaction...

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  • Configurational and Conformational Preferences in Stereoselective Acylations of N-Methyl-1,3-diaminopropane with Acyl Chlorides

    Evidence for a stereoinduction profile of the reaction of N-methyl-1,3-diaminopropane with acyl chlorides was provided.  A possibility to engage in intramol. CH2···HN and Cl···H-N interactions and the proton migration process to the methylamino group leads to the E secondary amides carrying the N···H+···N or N-H···N bridges, that show unusual spectroscopic images.  Empirical relations between the ΔδC chem. shift differences,...

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  • Risk Assessment Due To Customs Delays In Supply Chains By Fuzzy Logic


    - Rok 2024

    Due to violations of existing trade relations, cargo flows between the European Union and Ukraine have been redistributed. As a result, new supply chains have been created that have increased the tension on ground transport, including road and rail. Unfortunately, this has caused significant delays when crossing the border, which has led to a greater increase in the total delivery time of goods. Therefore, to plan for effective...

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  • Cooperation in Creating Innovation in Polish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Light of Empirical Studies


    - Journal of Competitiveness - Rok 2016

    Nowadays, sources of competitive advantage and economic development are sought in the sphere of innovation. They are at the centre of interest of representatives of the world of politics, science, and business. Moreover, they have been incorporated into governmental and international strategic development programmes. This article attempts to characterize and evaluate cooperation in creating innovation in small and medium-sized...

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  • Wspólnota mieszkańców - passé?


    Local community - a term associated with the notion of neighbourhood and the quality of living environment - do not seem attractive to architects in Poland nowadays. Following years of collectivism enforced by top-down political decisions, one can currently observe bottom-up movements - attempts of building local communities. This paper presents research of chosen case studies (both Polish and foreign) illustrating the above approach....

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  • CSR in Polish SMEs- from perception to infatuation. Examples of socially engaged firms from Pomeranian Region

    Despite the increasing worldwide awareness of the importance of social issues in con-temporary business management, Polish small and medium-sized enterprises seem to re-main in the group of followers, certainly not leaders, of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement, and this despite important dissemination efforts by numerous institu-tions. The aim of this paper is to present the bumpy road to the (still incomplete)...

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  • Mentor&Student Research Lab: new type of architectural and urban design workshops, new opportunities, valuable results


    The space around us has significantly changed during last years. Polish cities have undergone a major transformation following political, economical and social transition [8]. Similar change is noticeable at universities and their educational programmes for architecture and spatial planning students. Nowadays designers and activists tackle completely different problems and have different opportunities than their older colleagues...

  • Warunki hydrogeochemiczne i podatność na zanieczyszczenie wód podziemnych w zlewni górnej Raduni

    The paper presents results of long-term studies in the Kashubian Lake district that have been completed with data gathered over the last five years. The purpose of this research was to assess a temporal variability of groundwater chemical composition and to analyze risk of pollutant migration to subsurface water. Investigation indicates local, however, significant anthropogenic influence on a shallow aquifers.The assessment of...

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  • Assessing Acute Toxicity and Endocrine Disruption Potential of Selected Packages Internal Layers Extracts


    - Rok 2018

    The focus of the present study is migration of toxic substances from food contact materials and its actual influence on the health of the final consumer. Two food packagings (metal cans, TetraPack®) and five simulants medias (water, ethanol, acetic acid, DMSO, artificial saliva) were selected for simulation studies. For assessment of acute toxicity and endocrine disruption potential of extract samples, two biotests (Microtox® and...

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  • Development of a Peptide Derived from Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF-BB) into a Potential Drug Candidate for the Treatment of Wounds

    • M. Deptuła
    • P. Karpowicz
    • A. Wardowska
    • P. Sass
    • P. Sosnowski
    • A. Mieczkowska
    • N. Filipowicz
    • M. Dzierżyńska
    • J. Sawicka
    • E. Nowicka... i 14 innych

    - Advances in Wound Care - Rok 2020

    Objective: This study evaluated the use of novel peptides derived from platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB) as potential wound healing stimulants. One of the compounds (named PDGF2) was subjected for further research after cytotoxicity and proliferation assays on human skin cells. Further investigation included evaluation of: migration and chemotaxis of skin cells, immunological and allergic safety, the transcriptional analyses...

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  • A study of concentration depolarization and quenching of photoluminescence of solutions

    • C. Bojarski
    • A. Bujko
    • J. Dudkiewicz
    • J. Kuśba
    • G. Obermüller


    The concentration-dependence of emission anisotropy r/r0 and quantum yield eta/eta0 of the photoluminescence of glycerol-water solutions of rhodamine B in two systems of viscosities 7.4 P and 0.72 P is investigated. The experimental data are compared with the new theory of concentraticn depolarization (J. Lumin., 5, 413 (1972)) and concentration quenching of photoluminescence (Acta Phys. Hungar., 30, 145 (1972)), which takes...

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  • The Chernobyl effect


    - Rok 2022

    The 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe was not only a human and ecological disaster, but also a political-ideological one, severely discrediting Soviet governance and galvanizing dissidents in the Eastern Bloc. In the case of Poland, what began as isolated protests against the Soviet nuclear site grew to encompass domestic nuclear projects in general, and in the process spread across the country and attracted new segments of society. This...

  • Sustainable monument preservation in architectural education

    The aim of this article is both to present the need for changes in architectural and conservation education in a modern, rapidly changing world, as well as to outline solutions to this problem. In the modern world, the field of objects that one intends to protect is expanding. It is necessary to adapt the architectural education to these changes. Due to the current pace of social, political...

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  • Landscape protection - the challenge for sustainable planning


    - Rok 2010

    Growing spatial chaos reminds us of the need for systematic, complex approaches related to environmental and landscape issues within different planning, organizational, operational, legal and political activities. It has been proved, that LVIA within EIA plays an important role in the enhancement of the spatial planning system, and that there is a need to use the potential of EIA/LVIA in spatial development and management. But...

  • Multiple access in ad-hoc wireless LANs with noncooperative stations


    - Rok 2002

    A class of contention-type MAC protocols (e.g., CSMA/CA) relies on random deferment of packet transmission, and subsumes a deferment selection strategy and a scheduling policy that determines the winner of each contention cycle. This paper examines contention-type protocols in a noncooperative an ad-hoc wireless LAN setting, where a number of stations self-optimise their strategies to obtain a more-than-fair bandwidth share. Two...

  • Karta Dużej Rodziny jako jeden z instrumentów wsparcia rodziny w Polsce


    - Cywilizacja i Polityka - Rok 2016

    Polityka społeczna w Polsce w ramach modelu socjaldemokratycznego ukierunkowana jest na bezpieczeństwo socjalne. Istotnym wyzwaniem dla polskiej polityki społecznej jest podniesienie poziomu dzietności w oparciu o efektywne rozwiązania w polityce rodzinnej. W jej ramach prowadzone są działania ukierunkowane na zabezpieczenie społeczne. Istotnym elementem tej polityki jest Karta Dużej Rodzinny; wprowadzona w 2014 r.Jest ona ogólnopolskim...

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  • Uncovering the invisible barriers to women’s success


    - Rok 2022

    In the area of science and higher education, as in business and politics, the job situation of women is improving, and the percentage of women on executive positions is increasing. However, there is still a serious underrepresentation of women in the highest decision-making bodies. Ladies also take part in the strategic institutional events less frequently. There are still serious disproportions in academic and management positions,...

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  • Agent System for Managing Distributed Mobile Interactive Documents

    The MIND architecture of distributed mobile interactive document is a new processing model defined for facilitate informed decision-making in non-algorithmic decision-making processes carried out by knowledge-based organizations. The aim of this architecture is to change the static document to mobile agents, which are designed to implement the structure of the organization through autonomous migration between knowledge workers...

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    In the scientific literature related to the widely understood issue of packaging materials designed to have contact with food (Food Contact Materials – FCM) there is much information on raw materials used for their production, their physiochemical properties, types and parameters. There is also a great number of publications on the management and disposal of used packaging. Unfortunately, not much attention is given to the matters...

  • Tendencje przemian w obrazie życia polskiej diaspory w Kanadzie


    - Rok 2011

    Cechą współczesnych przemian cywilizacyjnych są nasilające się ruchy migracyjne. Jednym z państw cieszących się nieustającą popularnością wśród imigrantów jest Kanada. Podkreśla się głównie takie walory wyznaczające atrakcyjność Kanady jako kraju osiedlenia, jak: wysoka jakość życia, wielokulturowy charakter kraju sprzyjający imigrantom, dobrze prosperująca gospodarka, doświadczenia władz kanadyjskich w realizowanej polityce imigracyjnej,...

  • Fashion and Tourism: Parallel Stories of Two "Dream Marvels".


    - Rok 2023

    Fashion and tourism are two social, cultural, and economic phenomena that have both numerous connections and surprising similarities. These are not new: they have been built and developed since the beginnings of tourism as a modern social phenomenon, emerged in Europe in the context of the industrial revolution. They consolidated in the first decades of the 21st century, in a context where both phenomena have completed their “mass”...

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  • Comparative Study of Iranian Nomadic Housing


    The purpose of this paper is to present the typical domestic space and to describe and analyze a particular temporary architecture (nomadic house) in order to perceive the exceptional nomadic culture and the architecture associated with it. The research investigates some of the nomadic tribes of Iran and their living space: including the nomadic home (Black Tent) and, uses those findings to analyze their unique culture. The research...

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  • Preliminary estimation of groundwater recharge on Brda river outwash plain

    Estimation of groundwater recharge is one of the most challenging subjects in hydrogeology. It is a critical factor influencing the pollution migration, assessment of aquifer vulnerability to contamination, small-scale groundwater budget calculation, modeling of nutrient cycling and detailed flow path calculations. In Poland an infiltration rate method is widely used, which depends on a system of rate coefficients referring to...

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  • Economic migrations to Poland in 2008-2018

    The aim of the article is to present the stream and structure of economic migrants to Poland between 2008-2018. The first part presents economic migrations in its theoretical aspects, explaining the concept and presenting definitions. Then, the institutional and legal conditions of economic migration to Poland with particular emphasis on documents recquired by Polish labor market were presented i.e. work permits, seasonal work...

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  • New approach for the synthesis of Ag3PO4-graphene photocatalysts



    A facile and effective plasma sputtering method for the preparation of a visible light active photocatalyst - rhombic dodecahedral silver phosphate Ag3PO4 covered with nanographene (Ag3PO4-GR) with improved stability has been developed. Proposed method allows for the usage of readily available materials for nanographene sputtering and for easy scaling-up. The stability improvement, confirmed by visible light-induced phenol degradation...

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  • Monolithic vs. Microservice Architecture: A Performance and Scalability Evaluation


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2022

    Context. Since its proclamation in 2012, microservices-based architecture has gained widespread popularity due to its advantages, such as improved availability, fault tolerance, and horizontal scalability, as well as greater software development agility. Motivation. Yet, refactoring a monolith to microservices by smaller businesses and expecting that the migration will bring benefits similar to those reported by top global companies,...

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  • Dilemmas of Identity in Contemporary Cities. The City of Gdansk as an Example

    The article is aimed to answer the question how, depending on the historical heritage, the collective memory, the physical space of the city and their images were shaped, through the politics of memory. All known cultures and languages distinguish the ‘self’ and the ‘other’, ‘us’ and ‘them’. Neither do we know cities which wish to differ in some particular way, although they can have numerous identities. Their multitude and diversity...

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  • The Novel Findings About the Hussite’s Warfares in the Gdansk/Danzig Surrounding in the Late Summer of 1433


    - Rok 2023

    One of the most spectacular episodes during the Hussite Wars was the Czech raid through the lands of the Teutonic Order up to the Baltic Sea in 1433. Although historians and then-witnesses focused on the sacked Cistercian Abbey in Oliva and soldiers filling the bottles with seawater, the scale of damages in the main harbour of Prussia and its surroundings has not been the subject of research yet. Furthermore, most scholars treatthe...

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