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  • Profesor Stanisław Trzetrzewiński – polski prekursor niepewności pomiaru

    Artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie sylwetki Profesora Stanisława Trzetrzewińskiego, jako pierwszego kierownika Katedry Miernictwa Elektrycznego na Wydziale Elektrycznym Politechniki Gdańskiej, odpowiedzialnego za organizację Katedry po wojnie, dydaktyka, ale przede wszystkim wybitnego metrologa. Profesora Stanisława Trzetrzewińskiego można nazwać polskim prekursorem teorii niepewności pomiaru, co potwierdza wygłoszony w 1952 roku...

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  • Zaufanie do siebie jako jeden z aspektów zaufania w aktywności przedsiębiorczej


    - Rok 2015

    Artykuł prezentuje znaczenie zaufania do samego siebie na tle zaufania w relacjach budowanych przez przedsiębiorcę w jego otoczeniu społecznym i biznesowym. Wyjaśniono koncepcję zaufania do samego siebie, odnosząc się do zróżnicowanych typów zaufania, na przykład: kalkulacyjnego, opartego na wiedzy i identyfikacyjnego. Wskazano jego potencjalne źródła i konsekwencje w kontekście budowania własnego wizerunku, podejmowania decyzji...

  • Intencje przedsiębiorcze studentów – analiza międzynarodowa oparta na rozszerzonym modelu Ajzena


    - Rok 2020

    Poszukiwanie czynników wpływających na rozpoczęcie działalności gospodarczej doczekało się opisu w wielu publikacjach. Nie ma wątpliwości, że czynnikiem kluczowym w procesie przedsiębiorczym są intencje, a dzięki pracom I. Ajzena wiadomo także, jakie grupy czynników wpływają na intencje. Jednak jego teoria planowanego zachowania wydaje się być niewystarczająca. Celem rozdziału było opracowanie propozycji rozszerzenia teorii Ajzena....

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  • Catch an innovation


    Enforcement of innovation is often seen as something imperceptible, something that one can't learn. This article is trying to approve that organizations can learn how to deploy innovations.The knowledge can be saved in such matter that it will be possible to reuse it later.

  • An Analysis of Sustainability Reporting Practices of the Global Airline Industry


    - Rok 2022

    Sustainability reporting (SR) has become a standard practice for many organisations worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to explore and develop our understanding of the global airline industry’s SR practices. Content analysis was employed to map which reporting frameworks the global commercial airline industry has recently used to report their non-financial impacts. Additionally, comparisons were made in the application of SR...

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  • Open Innovation Competence for a Future-Proof Workforce: A Comparative Study from Four European Universities

    Digital transformation is a key driving force of open innovation to capture and transfer knowledge inside and outside of a company’s bounds. New challenges in organizing multiple knowledge flows imply the need for increased competences related to this paradigm of future employees. In this article, we organize and aggregate the competencies required for open innovation collaboration and develop a competence profile that organizes...

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  • Verification of agent system for it project management support


    This article is a continuation of article series telling about research about possibility of using agent system to information technology evaluation. Following article presents full conception of exploiting agent system and shows how it can support some managers works, especially in taking correct management method and information tool for project management. In this article the agent system that based on knowledge and can process...

  • The Third Sector in the Universities’ Third Mission


    - Rok 2017

    The interactions between the today’s university and its environment, as part of the university’s social responsibility, have been subject to many scientific papers. Their authors typically focus on interdependencies between universities, the state and the market. What is lacking are publications related to the interactions between universities and third sector organisations, and more broadly – a civil society, that may play an...



    The approach of system thinking is completely different from traditional forms of analysis. Even the ancient meaning of word analysis is “a breaking up”. Set of Experience Knowledge Structure is an atomic record of decision event that can be grouped together and form some form of decision DNA of an organization. The question that this paper is trying to answer in how those concepts can be merged.

  • Models of Information Systems Integration in CompaniesW : Information Systems Architecture and Technology : IT Models in Management Process


    This work indicates the need for supporting IT organizations with incident and change management IT tools. The work presents tche characteristics of a computer system for the comprehensive management of projects, wich can be used to resolve the issues of version management, releases and incidents.

  • Inter-governmental Collaborative Networks for Digital Government Innovation Transfer -Structure, Membership, Operation


    Digital government refers to the transformation of government organizations and their relationships with citizens, business and each other through digital technology. It entails digital innovation in processes, services, organizations, policies, etc. which are increasingly developed and tested in one country and transferred, after adaptation, to other countries. The process of innovation transfer and the underlying information...

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  • Zastosowanie Modelu Pomorskiej Nagrody Jakości w organizacji pozarządowej na przykładzie Gdańskiej Spółdzielni Socjalnej


    - Rok 2017

    Celem przyjętym w tym opracowaniu jest przedstawienie uwarunkowań związanych z wykorzystaniem przez organizację pozarządową - Gdańską Spółdzielnię Socjalną modelu doskonałości będącego podstawą ubiegania się o Pomorską Nagrodę Jakości. W szczególności przeprowadzono diagnozę tej organizacji opartą na kryteriach tworzących „Potencjał” według wspomnianego modelu.

  • Knowledge Risks in the COVID-19 Pandemic


    - Rok 2021

    This conceptual paper aims to identify, present, and analyse potential knowledge risks organizations face in external and dynamic crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Until only recently, many researchers and practitioners have perceived knowledge primarily as something positive. This view has changed recently with a growing number of studies highlighting risks related to knowledge. The on-going COVID-19 pandemic can be seen as an...

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  • Sleeping with competitors


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  • Ontology as a Tool for the IT Management Standards Support

    In this paper the authors discuss the initial idea of using ontologies to model requirements of the standards that support IT management processes. The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is set as an example. A need for transition from the generic model do the organization-specific one is indicated. The described example serves as a ground for considering the usefulness of such modeling approach in the wider spectrum of...

  • Implementation of high-speed data transmission technological demonstrator using software defined radio technology

    In the article implementation of high-speed data transmission technological demonstrator using software defined radio technology is presented. A system architecture design including asymmetric framing transmission organization, which differs from the ones used in cellular systems is described. The construction of technological demonstrator consisting of management unit, radio unit and programmable multithreaded software performing...

  • Induction of the common-sense hierarchies in lexical data


    Unsupervised organization of a set of lexical concepts that captures common-sense knowledge inducting meaningful partitioning of data is described. Projection of data on principal components allow for dentification of clusters with wide margins, and the procedure is recursively repeated within each cluster. Application of this idea to a simple dataset describing animals created hierarchical partitioning with each clusters related...

  • Production of new non-matrix reference material of ethene

    • M. Słomińska

    - Rok 2012

    The main objective of the research is to produce new non-matrix reference materials of ethene. The study are based on thermal decomposition of surface compound chemically bonded with the surface of glass fibers coated with thin layer of aluminum. Positivehomogeneity test, stability test and organization of inter-laboratory comparison are leading to find new non-matrix reference materials which are indispensable tools in the analysis...

  • Sustainability reporting in justice systems: a comparative research in two European countries

    • F. Fusco
    • R. Civitillo
    • P. Ricci
    • S. Morawska
    • K. Pustułka
    • P. Banasik

    - Meditari Accountancy Research - Rok 2022

    Purpose – That on accountability in public organizations is quite an old debate. Its introduction in judicial systems is, however, still viewed with some suspicion, due to its potential trade-off with independence and impartiality. Nevertheless, the need to respond to the demands for greater transparency and accountability has also pushed judicial organizations to establish a dialogue with a wide range of subjects. This study aims...

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  • Etyka - o konieczności dyskursu etycznego w organizacjach

    Do budowania zasad dobrego funkcjonowania organizacji, do odkrywania mechanizmów jej funkcjonowania, analizowania ludzkich potrzeb i możliwości ich realizowania, do wpływu warunków ekonomicznych i kulturowych na sposób funkcjonowania organizacji – do tych problemów przywiązuje się wielką wagę w naukach o zarządzaniu. Czy równie dużą wagę przykłada się – i docenia – rangę zachowań ludzkich w sferze moralnej, wpływ zasad etycznych...

  • Bariery natury systemowej, organizacyjnej i społecznej w tworzeniu i rozwoju akademickich spółek

    In the literature on the subject, many studies can be found on the barriers they face in creating and developing their entrepreneurial activity in Poland. Among them, mainly those that concern all entrepreneurs, and thus also spin-off companies, are described. However, these companies are burdened with specific barriers that are significant only to them. The study drew particular attention to them, but also referred to the others,...

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  • Tożsamość przedsiębiorcza a stereotypy płci w firmach rodzinnych


    - Rok 2019

    This article analyses various aspects of women’s experiences in overcoming gender stereotypes that they encounter in family businesses. Historically, entrepreneurship was regarded as a male domain in the literature and entrepreneurs have traditionally been described with typical and stereotypical masculine features. When woman engages in economic activities, she must face the potential incoherence...

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  • Implementation of high-speed data transmission technological demonstrator using software defined radio technology

    In the article implementation of a high-speed data transmission technological demonstrator using software defined radio technology is presented. A system architecture design including asymmetric framing transmission organization, which differs from the ones used in cellular systems is described. The construction of technological demonstrator consisting of a management unit, radio unit and programmable multi-threaded software performing...

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  • An insight into craft activities in rural areas of Dalmatia province - first data on iron working at the Roman settlement in Lopar (Island of Rab)


    - Rok 2022

    Within multidisciplinary research carried out at Podšilo bay in Lopar on the island of Rab (north-eastern Adriatic), on the bases of movable finds and, possibly, geophysical measurements, evidence of ironworking has been detected within a Roman rural site where ceramic building materials production was ascertained before. Preliminary analyses of several samples of slug, iron objects and nearby collected minerals support the...

  • Blended Learning in Teaching Safety of Electrical Installations


    - Rok 2014

    Blended learning becomes more commonly used in teaching information technology or other subjects, which involve practice in computer laboratories. In case of subjects with no access to computer rooms blended learning supports lecturing and teaching classes e.g. interactive lessons. The article presents the use of blended learning forms in Gdansk University of Technology in teaching the subject of Safety of Electrical Installations....

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  • Kultura jakości, doskonałości i bezpieczeństwa w organizacji


    - Rok 2019

    Kultura jakości, bezpieczeństwa oraz doskonałości to ważne, kategorie zasobów każdej organizacji, decydujące o jej niepowtarzalności. Kształtują one nie tylko tożsamość danej organizacji, ale także mają wpływ na jej zdolność do spełniania potrzeb różnych grup interesariuszy oraz na szeroko rozumianą reputację na rynku. Każda z tych kultur wyraża się poprzez swoiste założenia, normy, wartości oraz artefakty. Stanowią one fundament...

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  • Razem czy osobno - zespoły a działania przedsiębiorcze


    - Rok 2015

    Przedsiębiorczość rozumiana jako atrybut jednostki, charakteryzowana jest ponad 40 pojęciami. Wiadomo jest jednak, że zakres i różnorodność kompetencji pojedynczej osoby jest zazwyczaj mniejszy niż zespołu. Jednostka może posiadać wybitną wiedzę, niezwykły poziom umiejętności i ogromne doświadczenie, ale ich zakres może zostać rozszerzony o właściwie dobrane kompetencje innej jednostki. Z drugiej strony zarówno działania zespołowe...



    Zaprezentowano organizacji, w której charakterystykę wpisano następujące cechy: strategiczne uwarunkowanie, maksymalną innowacyjność, atrakcyjność dla interesariuszy, rozwijanie osobowości pracowników oraz twórczość w działaniu. Te atrybuty, tworzą koncepcję organizacji SMART (akronim od pierwszych liter powyższych cech), która wyróżnia się dodatkowo strukturą opartą o dynamicznie kreowane zespoły oraz skutecznym wspomaganiem...

  • Mapping knowledge risks: towards a better understanding of knowledge management


    This conceptual paper aims to identify, present, and analyze potential knowledge risks organizations might face. With the growing complexity of organizational environments and the plethora of new knowledge risks emerging, this critical but under-researched field of knowledge management (KM) deserves closer attention. The study is based on a critical analysis of the extant literature devoted to knowledge risks, discusses potential...

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  • A tool for integrating Web Site services over User Interface


    - Rok 2013

    Companies and organizations are building information systems by integrating previously independent applications, together with new developments. This integration process has to deal with existing applications, which can only be used through their specific interfaces, and often cannot be modified. Integration of web applications running remotely and controlled by separate organizations becomes even more complicated, as their user...

  • Integration, Processing and Dissemination of LiDAR Data in a 3D Web-GIS

    The rapid increase in applications of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanners, followed by the development of various methods that are dedicated for survey data processing, visualization, and dissemination constituted the need of new open standards for storage and online distribution of collected three-dimensional data. However, over a decade of research in the area has resulted in a number of incompatible solutions that offer...

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  • Multi-Decision Analysis for selection of the best procedure for PAHs determination in smoked food.


    Making a proper decision in multifacitated situation is very challenging task. Especially, if there are many alternatives and criteria, even contradictory ones. The support tools may be application of MultiCriteria Decision Analysis methods. In this study the application of PROMETHEE...

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  • Zarządzanie terminowością w projektach. Wskaźniki i narzędzia

    Czas jest istotnym elementem tzw. trójkąta projektu, dlatego też terminowość, rozu-miana, jako realizacja przedsięwzięcia w zadanym czasie, to parametr, który powinien podle-gać szczególnemu nadzorowi, a ryzyko nieterminowej realizacji powinno być wykrywane niezwłocznie. Istniejące już metody, takie jak np. wartość wypracowana (j.ang Earned Value - EV) pozwalają zaadresować te wyzwania, jednak ze względu na swoją złożoność mogą...

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  • "Srebrni przedsiębiorcy" w świetle badań europejskich

    Artykuł poświęcony jest przedsiębiorczości ludzi w wieku dojrzałym. Stanowi próbę przybliżenia tej tematyki głównie poprzez pryzmat teorii i dotychczas przeprowadzonych badań empirycznych, głównie europejskich. Szczególnie dużo miejsca poświęcono w nim motywacjom „srebrnych przedsiębiorców”, dokonano również podziału tej populacji na różne profile, wynikające z czynników jakie miały wpływ na ich decyzje przedsiębiorcze.

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  • Smart Email - Almost an Agent Platform


    Network organizations suffer today of information overload and strain that rise their operational costs. One of the reasons of that is the dominance of email messaging as the princi-pal means of document exchange between their workers. Proac-tive documents can rationalize these costs and augment email systems with a process view based on collaboration patterns.

  • Love your mistakes!—they help you adapt to change. How do knowledge, collaboration and learning cultures foster organizational intelligence?


    Purpose: The study aims to determine how the acceptance of mistakes is related to adaptability to change in a broad organizational context. Therefore it explores how knowledge, collaboration, and learning culture (including “acceptance of mistakes”) might help organizations overcome their resistance to change. Methodology: The study uses two sample groups: students aged 18–24 (330 cases) and employees aged >24 (326 cases) who work...

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  • Sustainable development model for measuring and managing sustainability in the automotive sector



    A growing number of organizations across a variety of industries are now pursuing sustainable management business goals to improve business efficiency, manage stakeholder expectations, or for legislative compliance. This is also the case for automotive manufacturing organizations who are under pressure from their stakeholders to manage and improve sustainability performance. This requires the development of credible measurement...

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  • How Small KIBS Companies Manage Their Intellectual Capital? Towards an Emergent KM Approach


    - Rok 2015

    The growing interest in Intellectual Capital management and Knowledge Management is now reaching small companies, especially those in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) sector. This paper aims to explore this issue, starting from the assumption that a planned and systematic approach to KM, as is used in large companies, is rarely applicable in small organizations. It is more likely that small companies adopt an approach...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • The Impact of urban Localizations on the Growth Possibilities for Small Firms


    - Rok 2014

    The purpose of this study was to identify the differences in the profiles of firms and their owners in urban and non-urban locations and also to asses the impact of those differences on the possibilities of growth for firms from both types of locations. Findings: urban entrepreneurs are better educated, more experienced and more positively motivated. Their firms are more innovative, with more qualified employeesadn better access...

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  • Next Generation Digital

    The paper outlines the major objectives of the MENAID research project, eimed at novel architectures of digital documents. Such documents will enable reduction of information overflow and strain, a major threat to the growth of a digital society. They will be forward compatible, technology neutral and lightweight, allowing workers of network organizations to use personal devices of any type.

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  • Un nuovo fiume carsico. La deindustrializzazione in Italia nel dibattito pubblico

    The article examines the evolution of the debate on deindustrialization in Italy since its first appearance in 1980's up to the present day. Dramatic alarms alternate with long silences in a framework, both national and international, in which the most important economic organizations are struggling, apparently without success, to find a common definition of deindustrialization.

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  • Poland: Quality Monitoring of Therapeutic Processes in a Small Treatment Center for Children

    This article presents the case of the first ISO 9001:2000-certified small healthcare organization (the Center for Therapy and Rehabilitation) providing therapeutic and rehabilitation services for disabled children in Northern Poland. Elements of the process-oriented healthcare quality system implementation, initial benefits, and the organization's quality system structure and process descriptions are described. Particular attention...

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  • Understanding Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Identification, Systematization, and Characterization of Knowledge Flows


    - Rok 2021

    This book contributes to an improved understanding of knowledge-intensive business services and knowledge management issues. It offers a complex overview of literature devoted to these topics and introduces the concept of ‘knowledge flows’, which constitutes a missing link in the previous knowledge management theories. The book provides a detailed analysis of knowledge flows, with their types, relations and factors influencing...

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  • Employing Blended E-Learning to Improve Rate of Assignments Handing-In


    - Rok 2011

    It has been observed that students hand in homework assignments at a notably low rate in introductory C programming course. A survey has revealed that the real issue was not student learning but instructor work organization. Based on survey results, the physical course has been complemented with an e-learning component to guide the homework process. Assignment handing-in rate significantly improved, as e-learning allowed the homework...

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  • Integration and Dependency in Software Lifecycle Based on Jazz Platform

    • B. Chrabski

    - Rok 2011

    Software delivery organizations are being asked to meet goals that seem mutually exclusive. Teams are asked to increase product quality, accelerate time to market, and meet increasing mandates from regulatory bodies. As software solutions and software development environments become rapidly more complex. Many business drivers compound these challlenges.

  • Application of Ontology In the ITIL Domain


    Business standards tend to be less formal in description then strict technical norms. Authors of this chapter suggest applying ontological description (powered by the capabilities of the OWL language) to express Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). One of the goals of this initial study is to determine the usefulness of such semantic model in organizations that adopted or plan to adopt ITIL.

  • Outsourcing w wybranych podmiotach leczniczych województwa pomorskiego.


    - Rok 2020

    Celem badawczym, przyjętym w niniejszej pracy jest identyfikacja procesów zlecanych na zewnątrz w badanej populacji wraz z czynnikami warunkującymi ich skuteczność. Celem utylitarnym jest opracowanie narzędzia umożliwiającego dobór dostawców oraz ocenę procesów poddanych outsourcingowi. W rozdziale pierwszym pracy omówiono pojęcie outsourcingu oraz jego wykorzystanie w zarządzaniu procesami organizacji. Zidentyfikowano również...

  • Ocena wpływu stanu wody na Świnie na bezpieczeństwo żeglugi w porcie Świnoujście z wykorzystaniem formalnej oceny bezpieczeństwa żeglugi


    - Rok 2011

    Formalna ocena bezpieczeństwa jest procesem stworzonym na podstawie zaleceń Międzynarodowej Organizacji Morskiej (ang. International Maritime Organization (IMO)) w celu rozwinięcia lub wprowadzenia nowych rozwiązań, które przyczynią się do podniesienia poziomu bezpieczeństwa. FSA jest adresowana dla konkretnej kategorii statków lub obszarów nawigacyjnych, jak również może być zastosowana do konkretnej morskiej kwestii bezpieczeństwa...

  • Barriers to and Facilitators of Scientific Productivity: A Case Study from Polish Technical University

    Scientific productivity plays an essential role in the creation of innovation and it stimulates social and economic growth. This study aimed to identify the barriers to and facilitators of scientific productivity in engineering and technology field, as perceived from the perspective of academic managers. Along with quality approach, the study relied on semi-structured interviews with managing bodies, i.e. seven deans and deputy...

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  • High-Level Model for the Design of KPIs for Smart Cities Systems


    The main goal of the paper is to build a high-level model for the design of KPIs. Currently, the development and processes of cities have been checked by KPI indicators. The authors realized that there is a limited usability of KPIs for both the users and IT specialists who are preparing them. Another observation was that the process of the implementation of Smart Cities systems is very complicated. Due to this the concept of a...

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