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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SUBCUBIC GRAPH

  • Concept of Multifactor Method and Non-Functional Requirements Solution to Increase Resilience through Functional Safety with Cybersecurity Analysis


    In the process of designing safety systems, an integrated approach in safety and cybersecurity analysis is necessary. The paper describes a new technique of increasing resilience through integrated analysis of functional safety and cybersecurity. It is a modeling methodology based on the combination of the multifactor method utilizing modified risk graphs, used previously for Safety Integrity Level (SIL) assessment, and the Non-Functional...

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  • Global defensive secure structures


    Let S ⊂ V (G) for a given simple non-empty graph G. We define for any nonempty subset X of S the predicate SECG,S(X) = true iff |NG[X]∩S| ≥ |NG[X]\S|. Let H be a non-empty family of graphs such that for each vertex v ∈ V (G) there is a subgraph H of G containing v and isomorphic to a member of H. We introduce the concept of H-alliance extending the concept of global defensive secure structures. By an H-alliance in a graph G we...

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  • Modele i algorytmy dla grafowych struktur defensywnych


    - Rok 2023

    W niniejszej pracy przeprowadzono analizę złożoności istnienia struktur defensywnych oraz równowag strategicznych w grafach. W przypadku struktur defensywnych badano modele koalicji defensywnych, zbiorów defensywnych i koalicji krawędziowych – każdy z nich w wersji globalnej, tj. z wymogiem dominacji całego grafu. W przypadku modeli równowagi strategicznej badano równowagę strategiczną koalicji defensywnych, równowagę strategiczną...

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  • No-Wait & No-Idle Open Shop Minimum Makespan Scheduling with Bioperational Jobs

    In the open shop scheduling with bioperational jobs each job consists of two unit operations with a delay between the end of the first operation and the beginning of the second one. No-wait requirement enforces that the delay between operations is equal to 0. No-idle means that there is no idle time on any machine. We model this problem by the interval incidentor (1, 1)-coloring (IIR(1, 1)-coloring) of a graph with the minimum...

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  • The Use of Ultra-Fast Gas Chromatography for Fingerprinting-Based Classification of Zweigelt and Rondo Wines with Regard to Grape Variety and Type of Malolactic Fermentation Combined with Greenness and Practicality Assessment


    - MOLECULES - Rok 2024

    In food authentication, it is important to compare different analytical procedures and select the best method. The aim of this study was to determine the fingerprints of Zweigelt and Rondo wines through headspace analysis using ultra-fast gas chromatography (ultra-fast GC) and to compare the effectiveness of this approach at classifying wines based on grape variety and type of malolactic fermentation (MLF) as well as its greenness...

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  • GreedyMAX-type Algorithms for the Maximum Independent Set Problem


    A maximum independent set problem for a simple graph G = (V,E) is to find the largest subset of pairwise nonadjacent vertices. The problem is known to be NP-hard and it is also hard to approximate. Within this article we introduce a non-negative integer valued functionp defined on the vertex set V(G) and called a potential function of agraph G, while P(G) = max{vinV(G)| p(v)} is called a potential of G. For any graph P(G) <= D(G),...

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  • On trees with double domination number equal to total domination number plus one


    A total dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D. A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The total (double, respectively) domination number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a total (double,...

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  • On a matching distance between rooted phylogenetic trees

    The Robinson–Foulds (RF) distance is the most popular method of evaluating the dissimilarity between phylogenetic trees. In this paper, we define and explore in detail properties of the Matching Cluster (MC) distance, which can be regarded as a refinement of the RF metric for rooted trees. Similarly to RF, MC operates on clusters of compared trees, but the distance evaluation is more complex. Using the graph theoretic approach...

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  • Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-Weighted Networks


    - Rok 2014

    We introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...

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  • Rendezvous of heterogeneous mobile agents in edge-weighted networks

    We introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...

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  • Brushing with additional cleaning restrictions


    In graph cleaning problems, brushes clean a graph by traversing it subject to certain rules. We consider the process where at each time step, a vertex that has at least as many brushes as incident, contaminated edges, sends brushes down these edges to clean them. Various problems arise, such as determining the minimum number of brushes (called the brush number) that are required to clean the entire graph. Here, we study a new variant...

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  • Leader election for anonymous asynchronous agents in arbitrary networks



    We consider the problem of leader election among mobile agents operating in an arbitrary network modeled as an undirected graph. Nodes of the network are unlabeled and all agents are identical. Hence the only way to elect a leader among agents is by exploiting asymmetries in their initial positions in the graph. Agents do not know the graph or their positions in it, hence they must gain this knowledge by navigating in the graph...

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  • On trees with double domination number equal to 2-outer-independent domination number plus one

    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The double domination number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a double dominating set of G. For a graph G=(V,E), a subset D subseteq V(G) is a 2-dominating set if every vertex of V(G)D has at least two neighbors...

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  • On the ratio between 2-domination and total outer-independent domination numbers of trees

    A 2-dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has a at least two neighbors in D. A total outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The 2-domination (total outer-independent domination, respectively) number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating (total...

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  • Computational algorithm for the analysis of mechatronic systems with distributed parameter elements


    The paper presents a systematic computational package for analysis of complex systems composed of multiple lumped and distributed parameter subsystems. The algorithm is based on the transfer function method (DTFM). With this algorithm, a bond graph technique for the modelling is developed to simplify computations. Analysis of different systems requires only changing the inputs data in the form of the bond graph diagram

  • Scanning networks with cactus topology

    • Ł. Wrona

    - Rok 2008

    The family of Pursuit and Evasion problems is widelystudied because of its numerous practical applications,ranging from communication protocols to cybernetic andphysical security. Calculating the search number of a graphis one of most commonly analyzed members of this problemfamily. The search number is the smallest number of mobileagents required to capture an invisible and arbitrarily fastfugitive, for instance piece of malicious...

  • An upper bound for the double outer-independent domination number of a tree

    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D, and the set V(G)\D is independent. The double outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by γ_d^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a double outer-independent dominating set of G. We prove...

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  • Modelling of Mechatronic Systems with Distributed Parameter Components


    - Rok 2010

    The paper presents an uniform, port-based approach to modelling of both lumped and distributed parameter systems. Port-based model of distributed system has been defined by application of the bond graph methodology and the distributed transfer function method (DTFM). The proposed method of modelling enables to formulate input data for computer analysis by application of the DTFM. The computational package for the analysis of complex...

  • Scheduling of compatible jobs on parallel machines


    - Rok 2021

    The dissertation discusses the problems of scheduling compatible jobs on parallel machines. Some jobs are incompatible, which is modeled as a binary relation on the set of jobs; the relation is often modeled by an incompatibility graph. We consider two models of machines. The first model, more emphasized in the thesis, is a classical model of scheduling, where each machine does one job at time. The second one is a model of p-batching...

  • Total chromatic sum for trees


    - Rok 2021

    The total chromatic sum of a graph is the minimum sum of colors (natural numbers) taken over all proper colorings of vertices and edges of a graph. We provide infinite families of trees for which the minimum number of colors to achieve the total chromatic sum is equal to the total chromatic number. We construct infinite families of trees for which these numbers are not equal, disproving the conjecture from 2012.

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  • A lower bound on the double outer-independent domination number of a tree


    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The double outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_d^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a double outer-independent dominating set of G. We...

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  • The Backbone Coloring Problem for Bipartite Backbones

    Let G be a simple graph, H be its spanning subgraph and λ≥2 be an integer. By a λ -backbone coloring of G with backbone H we mean any function c that assigns positive integers to vertices of G in such a way that |c(u)−c(v)|≥1 for each edge uv∈E(G) and |c(u)−c(v)|≥λ for each edge uv∈E(H) . The λ -backbone chromatic number BBCλ(G,H) is the smallest integer k such that there exists a λ -backbone coloring c of G with backbone H satisfying...

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  • Collaborative Delivery by Energy-Sharing Low-Power Mobile Robots


    - Rok 2017

    We study two variants of delivery problems for mobile robots sharing energy. Each mobile robot can store at any given moment at most two units of energy, and whenever two robots are at the same location, they can transfer energy between each other, respecting the maximum capacity. The robots operate in a simple graph and initially each robot has two units of energy. A single edge traversal by an robot reduces its energy by one...

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  • Preface of guest editors


    - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory - Rok 2009

    A special issue of Discussiones Mathematice Graph Theory (DMGT) is dedicated to selected papers presented at the 12th Workshop on Graph Theory: Colourings, Independence and Domination (CID) held on 16-21 September 2007 in Karpacz, Poland. It continues a series of international workshops: 1993-1997 in Lubiatów, 1998-2001 in Gronów, 2003 and 2005 in Karpacz. About 70 participants formed the audience of six invited lectures and 68...

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  • On the Hat Problem on the Cycle C7

    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of a win. In this version every player can...

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  • A lower bound on the total outer-independent domination number of a tree

    A total outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The total outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_t^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a total outer-independent dominating set of G. We prove that for every nontrivial tree T of order n with l leaves we have gamma_t^{oi}(T) >= (2n-2l+2)/3,...

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  • A survey on known values and bounds on the Shannon capacity


    - Rok 2014

    In this survey we present exact values and bounds on the Shannon capacity for different classes of graphs, for example for regular graphs and Kneser graphs. Additionally, we show a relation between Ramsey numbers and Shannon capacity.

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  • Weighted 2-sections and hypergraph reconstruction


    In the paper we introduce the notion of weighted 2-sections of hypergraphs with integer weights and study the following hypergraph reconstruction problems: (1) Given a weighted graph , is there a hypergraph H such that is its weighted 2-section? (2) Given a weighted 2-section , find a hypergraph H such that is its weighted 2-section. We show that (1) is NP-hard even if G is a complete graph or integer weights w does not exceed...

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  • Bounds on the vertex-edge domination number of a tree



    A vertex-edge dominating set of a graph $G$ is a set $D$ of vertices of $G$ such that every edge of $G$ is incident with a vertex of $D$ or a vertex adjacent to a vertex of $D$. The vertex-edge domination number of a graph $G$, denoted by $\gamma_{ve}(T)$, is the minimum cardinality of a vertex-edge dominating set of $G$. We prove that for every tree $T$ of order $n \ge 3$ with $l$ leaves and $s$ support vertices we have $(n-l-s+3)/4...

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  • Software tool for modelling of mechatronic systems with elastic continua


    - Rok 2011

    The paper presents a systematic computational package for modelling and analysis of complex systems composed of multiple lumped and distributed parameter subsystems. The constructed computer program enables the frequency domain analysis of a class of linear systems and to obtain reduced order model in the form of bond graph. Obtained modal bond graph can be directly exported into 20-Sim package to further processing including nonlinear...

  • Finding small-width connected path decompositions in polynomial time


    A connected path decomposition of a simple graph $G$ is a path decomposition $(X_1,\ldots,X_l)$ such that the subgraph of $G$ induced by $X_1\cup\cdots\cup X_i$ is connected for each $i\in\{1,\ldots,l\}$. The connected pathwidth of $G$ is then the minimum width over all connected path decompositions of $G$. We prove that for each fixed $k$, the connected pathwidth of any input graph can be computed in polynomial-time. This answers...

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  • An upper bound on the 2-outer-independent domination number of a tree

    A 2-outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has a at least two neighbors in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The 2-outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-outer-independent dominating set of G. We prove that for every nontrivial tree T of order n with l leaves we have gamma_2^{oi}(T) <= (n+l)/2,...

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  • On trees with double domination number equal to 2-domination number plus one

    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A subset D subseteq V(G) is a 2-dominating set of G if every vertex of V(G)D is dominated by at least two vertices of D, while it is a double dominating set of G if every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The 2-domination (double domination, respectively) number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating (double dominating,...

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  • A Note on Shannon Capacity for Invariant and Evolving Channels


    - Journal of Applied Computer Science - Rok 2011

    In the paper we discuss the notion of Shannon capacity for invariant and evolving channels. We show how this notion is involved in information theory, graph theory and Ramsey theory.

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  • An upper bound on the total outer-independent domination number of a tree


    A total outer-independent dominating set of a graph G=(V(G),E(G)) is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The total outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_t^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a total outer-independent dominating set of G. We prove that for every tree T of order n >= 4, with l leaves and s support vertices we have...

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  • The Potential of Greed for Independence



    The well-known lower bound on the independence number of a graph due to Caro and Wei can be established as a performance guarantee of two natural and simple greedy algorithms or of a simple randomized algorithm. We study possible generalizations and improvements of these approaches using vertex weights and discuss conditions on so-called potential functions p(G) : V(G) -> N_0 defined on the vertex set of a graph G for which suitably...

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  • Preface


    - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory - Rok 2011

    This special issue of Discussiones Mathematice Graph Theory (DMGT) is dedicated to selected papers presented at the 13th Workshop on Graph Theory: Colourings, Independence and Domination (CID) held on 18-23 September 2009 in Szklarska Poręba, Poland. It continues a series of international workshops: 1993-1997 in Lubiatów, 1998-2001 in Gronów, and 2003-2007 in Karpacz. The meeting was organized by the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer...

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  • Collision-Free Network Exploration

    • J. Czyzowicz
    • D. Dereniowski
    • L. Gąsieniec
    • R. Klasing
    • A. Kosowski
    • D. Pająk

    - Rok 2014

    A set of mobile agents is placed at different nodes of a n-node network. The agents synchronously move along the network edges in a collision-free way, i.e., in no round may two agents occupy the same node. In each round, an agent may choose to stay at its currently occupied node or to move to one of its neighbors. An agent has no knowledge of the number and initial positions of other agents. We are looking for the shortest possible...

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  • A 27/26-approximation algorithm for the chromatic sum coloring of bipartitegraphs

    We consider the CHROMATIC SUM PROBLEM on bipartite graphs which appears to be much harder than the classical CHROMATIC NUMBER PROBLEM. We prove that the CHROMATIC SUM PROBLEM is NP-complete on planar bipartite graphs with Delta less than or equal to 5, but polynomial on bipartite graphs with Delta less than or equal to 3, for which we construct an O(n(2))-time algorithm. Hence, we tighten the borderline of intractability for this...

  • The hat problem on cycles on at least nine vertices


    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. In this version every player...

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  • Taking advantage of symmetries: Gathering of many asynchronous oblivious robots on a ring



    One of the recently considered models of robot-based computing makes use of identical, memoryless mobile units placed in nodes of an anonymous graph. The robots operate in Look-Compute-Move cycles; in one cycle, a robot takes a snapshot of the current configuration (Look), takes a decision whether to stay idle or to move to one of the nodes adjacent to its current position (Compute), and in the latter case makes an instantaneous...

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    - Opuscula Mathematica - Rok 2014

    We consider on-line Ramsey numbers defined by a game played between two players, Builder and Painter. In each round Builder draws an the edge and Painter colors it either red or blue, as it appears. Builder’s goal is to force Painter to create a monochromatic copy of a fixed graph H in as few rounds as possible. The minimum number of rounds (assuming both players play perfectly) is the on-line Ramsey number \widetilde{r}(H) of...

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  • Necessary and Sufficient Condition for State-Independent Contextual Measurement Scenarios



    The problem of identifying measurement scenarios capable of revealing state-independent contextuality in a given Hilbert space dimension is considered. We begin by showing that for any given dimension d and any measurement scenario consisting of projective measurements, (i) the measure of contextuality of a quantum state is entirely determined by its spectrum, so that pure and maximally mixed states represent the two extremes...

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  • Counting Lattice Paths With Four Types of Steps


  • Wordventure - cooperative wordnet editor. Architecture for lexical semantic aquisition


    - Rok 2009

    This article presents architecture for acquiring lexical semanticsin a collaborative approach paradigm. The system enablesfunctionality for editing semantic networks in a wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on interactive graph navigation.It has been used for semantic network presentation,and brings simultaneously modification functionality.

  • WordVenture - COOPERATIVE WordNet EDITOR Architecture for Lexical Semantic Acquisition


    - Rok 2017

    This article presents architecture for acquiring lexical semantics in a collaborative approach paradigm. The system enables functionality for editing semantic networks in a wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on interactive graph navigation. It has been used for semantic network presentation, and brings simultaneously modification functionality.

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  • Turán numbers for odd wheels



    The Turán number ex(n,G) is the maximum number of edges in any n-vertex graph that does not contain a subgraph isomorphic to G. A wheel W_n is a graph on n vertices obtained from a C_{n−1} by adding one vertex w and making w adjacent to all vertices of the C_{n−1}. We obtain two exact values for small wheels: ex(n,W_5)=\lfloor n^2/4+n/2\rfloor, ex(n,W_7)=\lfloor n^2/4+n/2+1 \rfloor. Given that ex(n,W_6) is already known, this...

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  • Distributed NVRAM Cache – Optimization and Evaluation with Power of Adjacency Matrix


    In this paper we build on our previously proposed MPI I/O NVRAM distributed cache for high performance computing. In each cluster node it incorporates NVRAMs which are used as an intermediate cache layer between an application and a file for fast read/write operations supported through wrappers of MPI I/O functions. In this paper we propose optimizations of the solution including handling of write requests with a synchronous mode,...

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  • A Systematic Search for New Coupling Schemes of Cross-Coupled Resonator Bandpass Filters


    In this paper, a systematic approach to an extensive search for topologies of cross-coupled filters with generalized Chebyshev response is presented. The technique applies graph theory to find unique, nonisomorphic filter configurations, and tests whether a specific frequency response can be realized in a given set of topologies. The results of the search are then stored in a database of possible filter configurations.

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  • Dedicated scheduling of tasks to minimize mean flow time

    This paper investigates the complexity of scheduling biprocessor tasks on dedicated processors to minimize mean flow time. Since the general problem is strongly NP-hard, we assume some restrictions on task lengths and the structure of associated scheduling graphs. Of particular interest are acyclic graphs. In this way we identify a borderline between NP-hard and polynomially solvable special cases.