wszystkich: 117
wybranych: 109
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: VUCA
Critical reflection on VUCA in tourism and hospitality marketing activities
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Zasady efektuacji w realizacji projektów w rzeczywistości VUCA
PublikacjaRozdział dotyczy zasad efektuacyjnego modelu przedsiębiorczości jako odpowiedzi na wyzwania związane ze zmiennością, niepewnością, niejednoznacznością i złożonością otoczenia (tzw. rzeczywistość VUCA), w którym realizowane są projekty w gospodarce cyfrowej. Na tle rozważań teoretyczno-koncepcyjnych przedstawiono wyniki badań empirycznych, które przeprowadzono w zespołach projektowych IT o różnym poziomie wirtualności. Wskazano...
Educational leadership and values-based leadership as a response to the contemporary vuca environment
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Nowe wyzwania, nowe rozwiązania. Jak przedsiębiorstwo branży IT odnajduje się w erze VUCA?
PublikacjaZmienność, niepewność, złożoność i niejednoznaczność, określane akronimem VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) towarzyszą funkcjonowaniu każdego przedsiębiorstwa. Jak wykorzystać te nieodłączne cechy otoczenia przedsiębiorstw jako szanse dla ich rozwoju to wy-zwania stojące przed nimi, a zarazem pytanie badawcze artykułu. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa branży IT, że analiza zmienności,...
Technologie cyfrowe w rozwoju współpracy biznes-uczelnie na przykładzie sektora biofarmaceutycznego w świecie VUCA
PublikacjaW nieprzewidywalnym świecie VUCA coraz większego znaczenia nabierają jasne zasady współpracy. GOZ stwarza szerokie spektrum możliwości współpracy przedsiębiorstw z uczelniami badawczymi. Nowe technologie mogą służyć usprawnieniu i rozwojowi tej kooperacji. Platforma–broker o charakterze sieciowym, z perspektywą rozwoju na rynek globalny i relacje on-line ma szansę przyczynić się zarówno do poprawy wyników innowacyjnych, jak i...
Geochemical fractionation of organic matter in the Jurassic-Cretaceous Vaca Muerta shale, Argentina
PublikacjaSeveral studies have indicated the presence of more than one generation of bitumen that could be isolated from rocks through sequential extraction or after demineralization or both. Nabbefeld et al. (2010a) and Holman et al. (2012, 2014) termed bitumen obtained after solvent extraction from the undigested rock as “Bitumen I" and that obtained by extraction after demineralization of rock as “Bitumen II.” The occurrence of different...
The effect of paleo-environment on hydrocarbon generation potential: Example from Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
PublikacjaA 137-m continuous core from the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous marine derived oil shale with the maturity Ro about 0.7 %, representing the oil window in the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, was examined using geological, mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemistry techniques. Three distinct intervals were identified within the core: the upper carbonate-rich section with intense bioturbation, indicating dysoxic to...
Origin of bitumen fractions in the Jurassic-early Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Formation in Argentina: insights from organic petrography and geochemical techniques
PublikacjaThis paper investigates chemical functional groups of the two extracted bitumen fractions in shales of the Jurassic to early Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Formation of the Neuquén Basin in Argentina, South America. The results indicate that Bitumen I is strongly aliphatic and appears to be genetically related to fluorescent amorphous organic matter. In contrast, Bitumen II consists of highly condensed, aromatic hydrocarbons, and has some...
Organizational Resilience in Hospitality and Tourism
PublikacjaAlthough ‘VUCA’ is not a new term, the features of the world it describes, a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment, have never been more valid. The VUCA world has become the new reality for business, specifically for hospitality and tourism organizations that are more vulnerable than any other sector due to the historically-recognized turbulent environment in which they operate. In this book, the authors present...
Commercial systems for automatic detection of events. Features, limitations and potential solutions
PublikacjaVideo Content Analysis (VCA). Motion detection. Example of complex VCA system. Commercial VCA systems and their applications. Limitations and problems. Possible solutions.
Analiza stateczność fundamentów bezpośrednich obciążonych cyklicznie.**2002, 138 s. + [4 zał.na CD-ROM], 111 rys. 34 tab. bibliogr. 49 poz. ma-szyn. Rozprawa doktorska /19.04.2002/ Wydz. Bud. Wod. i Inż. Środ. PG. Promotor: prof. zw. dr hab. inż. B. Zadroga.
Mineral and Organic Matter Constituents in Weak Interfaces in Shales
PublikacjaThis paper identifies formation interfaces that would appear to be "weak interfaces", in the Jurassic, Early- Cretaceous Vaca Muerta formation, in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Significant distribution of the weak interfaces was observed including contacts between volcanic ash layers of varying thicknesses, calcite-filled veins, and contacts between lithology changes, such as between argillaceous mudstone and mottled carbonates....
The Palais–Smale condition for the Hamiltonian action on a mixed regularity space of loops in cotangent bundles and applications
PublikacjaWe show that the Hamiltonian action satisfies the Palais-Smale condition over a “mixed regular- ity” space of loops in cotangent bundles, namely the space of loops with regularity H^s, s ∈ (1/2, 1), in the baseand H^{1−s} in the fiber direction. As an application, we give a simplified proof of a theorem of Hofer-Viterbo on the existence of closed characteristic leaves for certain contact type hypersufaces in cotangent bundles.
A note on the Morse homology for a class of functionals in Banach spaces involving the 2p-area functional
PublikacjaIn this paper we show how to construct Morse homology for an explicit class of functionals involving the 2p-area functional. The natural domain of definition of such functionals is the Banach space W_0^{1,2p}(\Omega), where p > n/2 and \Omega \subet R^n is a bounded domain with sufficiently smooth boundary. As W_0^{1,2p}(\Omega) is not isomorphic to its dual space,critical points of such functionals cannot be non-degenerate...
The role of organic and mineral constituents on kerogen transformation ratio
PublikacjaThe main aim of this dissertation is to determine the role of mineral and organic matter constituents in kerogen transformation ratio. Practical aspects of the work include application of the results in the assessment of hydrocarbon production potential; to make process of hydrocarbon recovery more predictable consistent and efficient. The work used shale from the Vaca Muerta formation from the Nequen basin in Argentina. The formation...
Properties and Formation of Mineralized Veins in an Organic-Rich Shale Formation
PublikacjaAn earlier paper defined mineral and organic matter constituents in weak interfaces in shale formations (Ptaszynska, et. al., 2016). The formation studied in the earlier work and here is the Jurassic, early-Cretaceous Vaca Muerta formation in the Neuquen basin in Argentina. In this earlier work, mineralized "veins" were noted to be prevalent and complicated, sometimes being shear weak interfaces while in other cases they were not....
Warunki hydrogeologiczne, geologiczno-inżynierskie i geotechniczne na obszarze lokalizacji tunelu drogowego pod Martwą Wisłą
PublikacjaOpisano warunki geologiczno-inżynierskie, geotechniczne i hydrogeologiczne oraz omówiono badania przeprowadzone na etapie projektu tunelu, takie jak wiercenia badawcze i hydrogeologiczne, sondowania dynamiczne i statyczne, badania presjometryczne oraz badania laboratoryjne gruntów i wody. Najbardziej charakterystyczną cechą warunków hydrogeologicznych jest występowanie bardzo płytko wód podziemnych, w niższej warstwie wodonośnej...
The Arnold conjecture in $ \mathbb C\mathbb P^n $ and the Conley index
Publikacjan this paper we give an alternative, purely Conley index based proof of the Arnold conjecture in CP^n asserting that a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism of CP^n endowed with the Fubini-Study metric has at least (n+1) fixed points.
Intense and stable room-temperature photoluminescence from nanoporous vanadium oxide formed by in-ambient degradation of VI3 crystals
PublikacjaVanadium oxides have attracted research interest because their optoelectronic properties make them optically active with room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) emission, which, however, is not sufficiently intense for real applications. For this reason, many nanostructured vanadium oxides are currently fabricated through several precursors and different treatments to improve the PL efficiency and enhance the PL intensity. Herein,...
Numerical and Experimental Study of Tidal Turbine Performance
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Predicting Thrust Loss of Ship Propellers Due to Ventilation and Out-of-Water Effect
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Numerical and Experimental Study of Tidal Turbine Performance
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The role of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis
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Tracking Moving Objects in Video Surveillance Systems with Kalman and Particle Filters – A Practical Approach
PublikacjaThis Chapter focuses on the first type of object tracking algorithms, namely on Kalman and particle filters. A theory of these algorithms may be found in many publications, there are also reports on implementation of these approaches to object tracking in video. However, developers of VCA systems still face two important problems. The first one is related to obtaining accurate measurements of positions and sizes of the tracked...
Chiroptical methods in a wide wavelength range for obtaining Ln3+ complexes with circularly polarized luminescence of practical interest
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Preparation and Characterization of an Electrospun PLA-Cyclodextrins Composite for Simultaneous High-Efficiency PM and VOC Removal
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Graphene-Coated PVDF Membranes: Effects of Multi-Scale Rough Structure on Membrane Distillation Performance
PublikacjaGraphene-coated membranes for membrane distillation have been fabricated by using a wet-filtration approach. Graphene nanoplatelets have been deposited onto PVDF membrane surfaces. Morphology and physicochemical properties have been explored to evaluate the changes in the surface topography and related effects on the membrane performance in water desalination. The membranes have been tested in membrane distillation plants by using...
Time Domain Modeling of Propeller Forces due to Ventilation in Static and Dynamic Conditions
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Determination of the refractive index and wavelength‐dependent optical properties of few‐layer CrCl3 within the Fresnel formalism
PublikacjaBased on previous reports on the optical microscopy contrast of mechanically exfoliated few layer CrCl3 transferred on 285 nmand 270 nmSiO2 on Si(100), we focus on the experimental determination of an effective mean complex refractive index via a fitting analysis based on the Fresnel equations formalism. Accordingly, the layer and wavelength-dependent absorbance and reflectance are calculated. Layer and wavelength-dependent optical...
A Numerical Study on Baseline-Free Damage Detection Using Frequency Steerable Acoustic Transducers
PublikacjaIn structural health monitoring (SHM) a considerable amount of damage detection algorithms based on guided waves (GW) have been developed. Most of them rely on extensive transducer networks, besides preliminary reference measurements of the structures. This originated a growing demand for hardware simplification and cost reduction of the wave-based SHM methods, driving the conception of new solutions enabling both: the reduction...
Data Compression in Ultrasonic Network Communication via Sparse Signal Processing
PublikacjaThis document presents the approach of using compressed sensing in signal encoding and information transferring within a guided wave sensor network, comprised of specially designed frequency steerable acoustic transducers (FSATs). Wave propagation in a damaged plate was simulated using commercial FEM-based software COMSOL. Guided waves were excited by means of FSATs, characterized by the special shape of its electrodes, and modeled...
Hydrogen Production Mechanism in Low-Temperature Methanol Decomposition Catalyzed by Ni3Sn4 Intermetallic Compound: A Combined Operando and Density Functional Theory Investigation
PublikacjaHydrogen production from methanol decomposition to syngas (H2 + CO) is a promising alternative route for clean energy transition. One major challenge is related to the quest for stable, cost-effective, and selective catalysts operating below 400 °C. We illustrate an investigation of the surface reactivity of a Ni3Sn4 catalyst working at 250 °C, by combining density functional theory, operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and high-resolution...
Solvothermal synthesis and structural characterization of three polyoxotitanium-organic acid clusters
PublikacjaThree new titanium oxo-clusters Ti4O2(OiPr)10(OOCPhMe)2 (I), Ti6O4(OEt)8(OOCPhMe)8 (II) and Ti6O6(OEt)6(OOCCHPh2)6 (III) were obtained by easy one-step solvothermal reactions of titanium(IV) isopropoxide, alcohols and carboxylic acids. The three compounds were characterized by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, TGA/DSC, optical and electron microscopy, and FTIR and NMR spectroscopy. X-ray powder diffraction and spectroscopy...
Polaronic and Mott insulating phase of layered magnetic vanadium trihalide VCl3
PublikacjaTwo-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) magnetic 3d-transition metal trihalides are a new class of functional materials showing exotic physical properties useful for spintronic and memory storage applications. In this article, we report the synthesis and electromagnetic characterization of single-crystalline vanadium trichloride, VCl 3 , a novel 2D layered vdW Mott insulator, which has a rhombohedral structure (R3, No. 148) at...
Two-Dimensional CrCl3-Layered Trihalide Nanoflake Sensor for the Detection of Humidity, NO2, and H2
PublikacjaThis study demonstrates that few-layer two-dimensional (2D) CrCl3 transition-metal trihalides (TMTHs; MX3, where M = Ti, V, Cr, Mo, Fe, Ru, and X = Cl, Br, or I) exhibit promising capabilities as chemoresistive sensors for humidity and NO2, H2, and NH3 gases, representing suitable 2D interfaces for gas-sensing applications. Liquid-phase-exfoliated 2D-CrCl3 flakes spin-coated over interdigital substrates exhibit higher chemical...
Monocyte-related biomarkers of rheumatoid arthritis development in undifferentiated arthritis patients – a pilot study
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The influence of polypropylene-block/graft-polycaprolactone copolymers on melt rheology, morphology, and dielectric properties of polypropylene/polycarbonate blends
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the relationship between rheology and morphology of immiscible polypropylene (matrix))/polycarbonate (dispersed phase) blends compatibilized with novel polypropylene-polycaprolactone block and graft copolymers. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments revealed uniform droplet morphologies and a reduction of the average size of the dispersed phase upon addition of the compatibilizer. The results suggested...
Hepatoprotective effect of quercetin: From chemistry to medicine
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Effect of ultrasound on the physicochemical, mechanical and adhesive properties of micro-arc oxidized coatings on Ti13Nb13Zr bio-alloy
PublikacjaImplant surgeries are increasingly challenging due to their rising number. Achieving the desired biomaterial surface properties to ensure a strong bond with human tissue is a significant issue. This study investigates the influence of ultrasound (US) during the micro-arc oxidation (MAO) process on Ti13Zr13Nb bio-alloy, an area not previously explored, to enhance titanium alloy coatings’ properties for biomedical applications. Porous...
Synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy of the oxygen modified CrCl3 surface
PublikacjaWe investigate the experimentally challenging CrCl3 surface by photon energy dependent photoemission (PE). The core and valence electrons after cleavage of a single crystal, either in a ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) or in air, are studied by keeping the samples at 150 1C, aiming at confirming the atomic composition with respect to the expected bulk atomic structure. A common spectroscopic denominator revealed by data is the presence of...
Emerging oxidized and defective phases in low-dimensional CrCl3
PublikacjaTwo-dimensional (2D) magnets such as chromium trihalides CrX3 (X ¼ I, Br, Cl) represent a frontier for spintronics applications and, in particular, CrCl3 has attracted research interest due its relative stability under ambient conditions without rapid degradation, as opposed to CrI3. Herein, mechanically exfoliated CrCl3 flakes are characterized at the atomic scale and the electronic structures of pristine, oxidized, and defective...
Temperature and potential-dependent structural changes in Pt cathode electrocatalyst viewed by in situ XAFS
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań widm absorpcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego nano-platyny używanej jako katalizator w katodach polimerowych ogniw paliwowych (PEM FC). Badania XAFS realizowane były w warunkach pracy ogniwa paliwowego. Wysokiej jakości widma, uzyskane za pomocą specjalnie przygotowanej do pomiarów XAFS in situ komórki FC, umożliwiły przeprowadzenie zaawansowanej analizy obrazującej zmiany w lokalnej strukturze...
Different expression of chemokines in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis bone marrow
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Local Ordering Changes in Pt-Co Nanocatalyst Induced by Fuel Cell Working Conditions
PublikacjaPraca poświęcona jest szczegółowej analizie zmian w lokalnej strukturze atomowej i elektronowej nanocząstek Pt-Co pracujących jako katalizatory w polimerowych ogniwach paliwowych wywołanych cyklicznie zmieniającymi się warunkami pracy ogniwa. Do analizy wykorzystano badania XAS realizowane ex-situ i in-situ, XRD i TEM. Analizując widma XAFS wzięto pod uwagę możliwy wpływ nieporządku chemicznego oraz redukcję liczb koordynacyjnych...
Mechanical, durability, depolluting and electrical properties of multifunctional mortars prepared with commercial or waste carbon-based fillers
PublikacjaCarbon-based fillers from industrial wastes and commercial ones were compared to improve the properties of lime-based mixes. As commercial fillers, graphene nanoplatelets and activated carbon were used, whereas as industrial wastes a char obtained by the gasification of biomasses and a used foundry sand were chosen. Carbon-based wastes were found to be a good cost-effective alternative to commercial carbon based fillers to increase...
A Unique and Stable Polyproline I Helix Sorted out from Conformational Equilibrium by Solvent Polarity
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New heterometallic Co/Zn, Ag/Co, and Ag/Zn imidazolates: structural characterization and catalytic activity in the oxidation of organic compounds
PublikacjaNanocrystalline powders of monometallic and bimetallic imidazolates of Co, Zn, and Ag were produced by a reaction carried out in water. The powders were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction and the crystal structures of new compounds Ag2ZnIm4 and Ag2CoIm4 (Im = imidazolate) were solved. Heterometallic Co/Zn imidazolates showed the standard ZIF-8 crystal structure while Ag/Zn and Ag/Co systems were isostructural with the copper...
Methylene Blue Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging in Breast Cancer Sentinel Node Biopsy
PublikacjaIntroduction: Fluorescence-based navigation for breast cancer sentinel node biopsy is a novel method that uses indocyanine green as a fluorophore. However, methylene blue (MB) also has some fluorescent properties. This study is the first in a clinical series presenting the possible use of MB as a fluorescent dye for the identification of sentinel nodes in breast sentinel node biopsy. Material and methods: Forty-nine patients with...