wszystkich: 180
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FIBRYLE
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Effect of glycosoaminoglycans on reconstitution of collagen fibrils
PublikacjaCelem pracy było sprawdzenie efektywności rekonstytucji fibryli i włókien z roztworu kwasu solnego kolagenu skór bydlęcych pod wpływem glikozaminoglikanów (GAGs), wydzielonych z tchawic bydlęcych, w układach o sile jonowej w zakresie 0-0,7 oraz pH 3-8. Stwierdzono, że dodatek GAGs do roztworu kolagenu powoduje natychmiastowe powstawanie włókien, których ilość wzrasta wraz z ilością dodanych glikozaminoglikanów i stężeniem kolagenu....
Particle and Fibre Toxicology
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Fibre Optic Probes For Ophthalmology
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Optical Fibre Technology In Poland
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Fibre-Optic pH Sensor
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Optical Fibre Technology - A Digest
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Functionalized Peptide Fibrils as a Scaffold for Active Substances in Wound Healing
PublikacjaTechnological developments in the field of biologically active peptide applications in medicine have increased the need for new methods for peptide delivery. The disadvantage of peptides as drugs is their low biological stability. Recently, great attention has been paid to self-assembling peptides that can form fibrils. Such a formulation makes bioactive peptides more resistant to enzymatic degradation and druggable. Peptide fibrils...
Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre
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Beam Quality of Multicore Fibre Lasers
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Fluorescent polymeric optical fibre illuminator
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Fibre lasers - conditioning constructional and technological
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Amyloid fibril formation in the presence of water structure-affecting solutes
PublikacjaThe impact of the differently hydrated non-electrolytes (protein structure destabilizers) on the fibrillation of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) was investigated. Two isomeric urea derivatives i.e. butylurea (BU) and N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylurea (TMU) were chosen as a tested compounds. The obtained results show that butylurea exerts greater impact on HEWL and its fibrillation than tetramethylurea. Both substances decrease the time of...
Luminescent optical fibre sensor for UV-A detection
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Conductivity of Fibre Composites with Fractures on the Boundary of Inclusions
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Optical Fibre, Local Measurement Systems For Ships
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Low-Coherence Fibre-Optic Interferometric Sensors
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Environmemtal Degradation of Ramie Fibre Reinforced Biocomposites
PublikacjaThe estimation of environmental degradibility of different fibre reinforced biocomposites in Baltic sea and in compost with activated sludge under natural conditions is the subject of this paper. Two types of biocomposites, ramie fibre/ecoflex and ramie fibre/cellulose nanofibre reinforced corn starch resin, were studied.It was demonstrated that the biocomposites with natural fibre of ramie were degraded in compost faster than...
Environmental Degradation of Ramie Fibre Reinforced Biocomposites
PublikacjaThe degradation process of two kinds of biocomposites, Ramie fibre/Ecoflex R/E and ramie fibre/cellulose nanofibre reinforced corn starch resin R/CS, were studied. It was demonstrated that R/CS degraded faster in natural environments.
Luminescent Polymer Optical Fibre Sensor for Temperature Measurement
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Photochromic optical fibre for VIS spectrum range applications
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Capillary optical fibre with Sm3+doped ribbon core
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Carbon laminates with RE doped optical fibre sensors
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<title>Multicore optical fibre doped with neodymium</title>
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Aluminium Profile Reinforced with Carbon Fibre: Numerical Analysis
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Modification of cement-ash composites with steel fibre addition
PublikacjaPraca zawiera wyniki badań kompozytów cementowo-popiołowych, w których popiół zastosowano jako częściowy zamiennik cementu. Do kompozytów dodano niewielkie ilości dwóch rodzajów włókien stalowych. Zbadano właściwości techniczne kompozytów. Wytrzymałości kompozytów cementowo-popiołowych z włóknami stalowymi w stosunku do wytrzymałości kompozytów bez włókien po wszystkich okresach wiązania i twardnienia były wyższe od kilku do kilkudziesięciu...
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Nanomechanical Stability of Aβ Tetramers and Fibril-like Structures: Molecular Dynamics Simulations
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Butyrylcholinesterase signal sequence self-aggregates and enhances amyloid fibril formation in vitro
PublikacjaAlzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis has been attributed to extracellular aggregates of amyloid β (Aβ) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the human brain. It has been reported that butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) also accumulates in the brain Aβ plaques in AD. We have previously found that the BChE substitution in 5′UTR caused an in-frame N-terminal extension of 41 amino acids of the BChE signal peptide. The resultant variant...
Phase-locking of 19-core Yb3+ - doped optical fibre
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A Family Of Multicore 0ptical Fibre Based Sensors And Instrumentation Systems
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Fibre Bragg Grating pressure transducer using a profiled membrane.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono nowatorską konstrukcję podwodnego światłowodowego przetwornika ciśnienia, w którym elementem czujnikowym jest światłowodowa siatka Bragga. W omawianym przetworniku siatka Bragga jest zapisana w światłowodzie domieszkowanym pierwiastkami ziem rzadkich i pracuje jako pompowany optycznie laser z rozłożonym sprzężeniem zwrotnym. Dzięki zastosowaniu profilowanej membrany uzyskuje się jednorodny rozkład naprężeń...
Current trends in solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fibre catings
PublikacjaThis critical review presents information on known and innovative approaches to the manufacture of fibre coatings used in solid-phase microextraction (SPME). The properties, advantages and drawbacks of the different types of commercially available SPME fibre coatings are discussed in detail, as are those of novel types of coatings and the methodologies of their preparation. The applications of fibre coatings in the solid-phase...
Model analysis of supermode generation in active 5-core optical fibre
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Energy conversion in 7-(Diethylamino)coumarin doped PMMA fluorescent fibre
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Nd3+/Yb3+Doped Phosphate and Antimony Glasses for Optical Fibre Source
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Green upconversion emission in tellurite optical fibre codoped with Yb3+/Er3+
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Upconversion Luminescence in Yb3+/Tm3+Doped Double Clad Optical Fibre
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Impact damage in SiO2 nanoparticle enhanced epoxy – Carbon fibre composites
PublikacjaLow velocity impact behaviour of nano-SiO2 enhanced carbon fibre/epoxy composites for naval applications is reported. Epoxy resin matrix was enhanced by 1- 8 wt% SiO2 nanoparticles, based on industrial surface-modified nanosilica. Impact parameters: force, deformation, energy, damage size were recorded. The most pronounced effect was damage size decrease; e.g. ∼28% recorded by infrared thermography and X-ray computed radiography...
The use of fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) in bridges as a favourable solution for the environment
PublikacjaThe purpose of this article is to show the modern engineering, in which sustainability and taking care of ecology play a significant role. The authors are focused on FRP composite materials and their applications in civil engineering. Case studies showing renovation and design of new bridges with the use of FRP are presented and discussed to clarify benefits, which this solution provides. Main advantages of FRP materials in comparison...
The effect of macro polymer fibres length and content on the fibre reinforced concrete
PublikacjaThe paper presents studies of a ready-mix concrete containing polymer fibres of three different lengths: 24, 38 and 54 mm. The performed tests allowed to determine the effect of fibre volume fraction and length on the concrete strength. The basic parameters of concrete mixture (consistency, air content and bulk density) were identified. Fibre reinforced concrete belongs to a group of composite materials. The polymer fibres are...
Mechanical and thermodynamic properties of Aβ42, Aβ40, and α-synuclein fibrils: a coarse-grained method to complement experimental studies
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Optical fibre temperature sensor based on fluorescein and rhodamine codoped polymer layer
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Tm3+/Ho3+-Doped ASE Fibre Source for Mid-Infrared Sensor Applications
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Optical Fibre Control-Measurement Systems Of Compound HV/HP Electrical Equipment
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High Quality Medical Image-Guides By Mosaic-Assembling Optical Fibre Technology
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Raman modular system with fibre-optic probes for remote monitoring of CVD process
PublikacjaW pracy opisano konstrukcję modułowego spektroskopu ramanowskiego umożliwiającego monitorowanie wzrostu warstw w procesach CVD. Przedstawiono rezultaty testów skostruowanego układu oraz wstępne wyniki pomiarów warstw diamentowych.
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a fibre-optic sensor for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and thickness of liquid layers. We designed an experimental low-coherence setup with two broadband light sources and an extrinsic fibre-optic Fabry–Pérot interferometer acting as the sensing head. We examined how the refractive index of a liquid film and its thickness affect spectrum at the output of a fibre-optic interferometer. We...
An adaptive wing for a samll-aircraft application with a configuration of fibre Bragg greting sensors
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono koncepcję skrzydła o zmiennej geometrii wymuszanej układem siłowników zbudowanych z matriału z pamięcią kształtu oraz układem czujników optycznych z siatką Bragga do monitorowania jego stanu odkształceń.
Effect of kenaf fibre modification on morphology and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polyurethane materials
PublikacjaThe presented study examined the morphology and mechanical properties of biocomposites obtained from kenaf natural fibre and thermoplastic polyurethane. Kenaf was modified using various methods, namely: acetylation, blocked isocyanate, maleic anhydride and permanganate treatment. Those methods and ways of carrying out of surface modifications were not studied before on kenaf/thermoplastic polyurethane composites. Different fibre...